HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-05, Page 5Novembeilfittio '1908 • cliMpa News -Record 1 . , i +++++++,+4+++4+++++.4 +++++++++++++++++++++ ; , 44.4 44 00.4 1,4,. 41,1441 .444 •• ***eft .40...***44.4000+1140.44640 e•4040 I INCORPORATED The MOLSON1855. S BANK 1 1 e \ The News From Goderich 1 * • bleOISB Al,..51(111MINOS$ •CorreSP"dent - V,* •41,' le* **See •••••• 044. 144N •••••••••••• Mrs. James Strongh is in receipt of Mr. and is John Vilifier and Miss teeny, letters of sympathy from friends Pearl, left last week for Vancouver, in Buffalo; Kingsville, London, Owen Mr. and 'MTh; Walter Sharp of Gott.' Sound and other places, friends who ' erich were the guests of the letter's knew arid esteemed her son, the ; late ;mother, Mrs. Sherrie, 4th aine, Morriel Herbert Franklin Headers= of Gwen 'last 'week.--Winghena Advance. Cat/fief • $3474000 ' Rest 141114 • 1e,374,000, Ras 65 Branches la Canada, and Agents. and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A OENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAOTO SAVINGS PANIC DEPARTMENT at all Branehes, Interest allowed 0 highest current rate. Clinton Branch, 15.113Owding, flanager 444-}+-44-444-+44444++4+4(44-++++4444++++44. TEACHER WANTED FOR TJ, S. S. "1110 MILL".TAF T WILL BE .THE NEXT PRESWENT. The peoele of the United ' States decided on 'Tuesday that Williare, Howe ard Taft 'will suceeed President Bops& volt. The contest was a keen one &rig the Demeerate appeared to be confie done bUte the Roosevelt infleertee the power of the great corporations, which are moetly Republican, was too entich for them mid their candidate. firYen, ha's for he third dime•-sufferecl-defea It wasi-A-Repub- Dean victory all along the line and , Mr; Taft ie assured. of the 'support of a friendly Congress. To Canadians the result of Tuesday's voting has no NOTICE, „. significance, silruggle wakoOrely a cousinly one. The evaporator is now opened business. Being in your applee get your cash. TOWN & CASE. No. 13, Goderich 44,c Hullett, second class. Applicatains will be received up to Decembee let;•datiee to cone- mence • Jan. ( 4th, 1909. Apply stating =parlance and ealary wanted. ' -T. H. Hardy, ; Secretary, Clinton • P.O. 474 • AUCTION SALE OF HOIISEHOLD Furniture, etc. at the :Commercial 11_9W,, Clinton, at 1 n'clock_p„M. on Saturday, Nov. 7th. -J. . A. Smith, ,Auctioneer. for a.nd J. B. Hoover Nelson Bell Cosy Comfor Can be experienced inft'Avtla=2,,which • we are privileged to furnish. CC:13138CD Attractive little artieleth of Furni- ture. artistically twanged, lend a charming appearance, to an other- wise dull and 'monotonous apart- ment. All our Furniture is of the highest grade Though low in price. etolveke. See our solid -oak Cobttler Seat Rockers at $2.:00 We are sole agents - for the famous Her- cules Springs and Os- termoor Mattresses. .1:1=8813eeD • , Hoover llgil Furniture and Funeral Directors. Wow •••;,,se-eeiee ..e.4.1141: - '.ettlre dIAT lk •-.0. i-. . Glasses that , ,nr Fit. W. succeed bemuse �4rg1 dive per. WI sight. VI frame eels tom. EITtebir. *eels ers loaning thlrottgh the centre og nut testae 1. the whole becoming. ,os to the wearer. • A. 3. G scsisomme prw.t.w. awl Optician CLINtON, ONT., snio ; A:SOLID VOTE., ... A vete of ethe eillole Doininion • f Canada ib ascertain the best valtil) to ,be had in the newepeper line 'would without question resule in a solid vo4 for ethe Family Herald and Weeelt. Ste; of Montreal. At tiiee, yes fiy0 times • ite present .prite it would stil be considered good. value, iii.fat it, iS, just such a paper that most-homee*,' woule have at any Klee. It costs ,btil orte .dollar a year and one can't ' gof: .wre'rig in grieg it a trial. It ahead reaches the majorityOf lionieS-fifIliiI- country; and those , who eeceive i would not be withoue it. ; '' ' ' 4 Sound who died on Sunday .20th Oct. Trusting in the Lord, And trusting in His grace.; ' Rejoicing to meet His Saviour, "Face to Face,' 111r. James Homey has removed to en Mrs 3. L. Aitkin on the' 25th the house on East street he recently. . • anniversary eif her marriage; was a purchased from Mr. Bredgee. *eisPi.s` °elm° Bat,and /4"fie Xe`"o "Ptereed" silver, about an inch Donald and their !aunties, now oc-, from the top at it, ,o.oct pretty chasing cupy the residence formerly •occuplee sent from Vancouver • by her by the late Mrs, Christopherson. .1•cousie, Miss Sabetky, daughter Mr. and Mrs. ,Adolphus Naftel are of •• ex -Commander Schetky of the expert anglers. . ' Ile S. Navy, • A silver, cream jug; and Mr e Alfred IsTicholson was called, sugar bowl, dainty In design and , 3m - away the third week in,,Oetoliee by a :ed with. gold, was sent by her son, telegram •advieing her of eke ,seetbee Mr, Scott Aitken of Coleman, ilium of her daughter, ars., Jack Ito.. Her nephew •.17- L. Aitkin of Tor Given (nee Stella Nicholson) and ;crag:, and,a friend in Godeeich, :gave found her ill in the Hamilton hospital, leach n ,siiver bread plate, exactlyethe from ;taking a dose ofcarbolic acid, 'same,- le design. Some of tee fruit fer-eamee-ather eliteeidee Inderesepreeented-heiehadeeearlehandlete son sent word to her friends on Oct. I, and.of lovely silver spoons ad etc. 25th,, that Mrs, :Given was out ., she received a num,ber: A exelyt bend - danger, They both returned to God- ' some sling' Pickle .dish was sent by erieh fast week end are at the home '• heir sister, Mrs. 0; J. Beeeley, •• of Of the former. ' • 'Melee Creek, forinerly Of Clinton. Well the election is Over. It was We ecmgratuilee. her 'IP" her an extremely quiet one and aegulPd;:i5ltherl'aedinnlivl'e5SaereYntinaUend to l e• tal`relt1 the supposition • that each one would e satisfied With the ultimatisra. NO hi" and surprise matter Which 'side *otild win -but af.', The C, supper .and Concert on Fri - ter the episede of our Industrial Fate, day evening : to extend the building we never expected' to see the represen- fund of .tee Baptist church, under the tative interned -but as a writer in auspices of the ,Ladies' Aid evae a the • "TOwn Tonics" Winnipeg re- pronounced seems,. Supper was held merits "that swift long ago, defined in the •lectuee •room of the public lib - party politica, as the "madness" of rary,.• Thitle long tables were set, and At 18,st aceounte Captain John Mao', donald and his schooner were, at Parry Sound Toading lumber; for Chat- ham. • ' Among the beautiful silyer gifts giv- ibelautiful card receiver with decoration Goderich. Mrs. McPhail has returned froze spending the summer at the Manitoul- in Island, where ber husband is en- gagNi fishing and Iia 'it'd rooms in Miss MeIvor'S resideree on St. Patrick street, M. andellfts, Leonard Westbrook now reside on Wolfe street. All Saints' Day, Sunday last, was a "Red Letter' day in North street, church, ft being the anniversary of the Epworth fitague of that denetnination., The church was decorated with the colors of , the League, red and white which draped very fantastically in greet of the gallerye each side of the eteireasee was decorated with white, high up in ' front of the organ two Canadian Flags were joined with the Eliworth League Pross and over eaeh door at the west ends of the auditor - tem white shields with a baed of red aCross each,, with "Epwortit Lea- gue" upon it and over eel three little Canadian flags were fast- ened in ea.cli band, Tjpon the platfeein wate (reside Rei, Dr, Dougal, •May,or. Macklin, Dr. Emmerion and Lawyer Blair. Mr. Halsey Park It :pre4ident of the Eliworth Leaglie, Dr. Bremer - son was the flat speaker whose sub- ject was "It ie gooe to be young" and for 15 minutes he illustrated in divers ways the great 0646 lk Mere is now for the young. He spoke of the narrew• ephere that the_yeung, 7 had when Rome was in all her splendor. and how the world Bince, had so deve- loped. size and knowledge thet it was bounded :on the north by the nerth pole, en the south by the south,. pole; on the east by the riseng sun and on the west by the setting sun. Na time like the present for the study of science, inechanieel skill, medicine and if hie :neme-sake• Emerson writ Jivinghe would feel prod f the speaker' whose prose was, poetry. Mr. Blair gave a very pleasing •a,ddress, • his subject being "-God iieed:t1 help" and showed that Christ seldorh chose the masses to talk too, he sie- gled out r . are the any o the gain. ofew."a gues e ,atten ed, Every- given in seriptere eThe woman -el re f r f th bout 200 t ' d Mee. Alex, leirkbilde Will spend thing in season was on the table, ev-. Samaria, etc., and to the disc 1e to the coining seaSon at Dayton, Ohio, en the Vases were Ailed with crimson whom Christ. .explained that , the the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jacob dahlias, and searlet salvia, with ether . Ica:ewe, leavenete the loaf, and he 'cx-. Wysong. •. flowers., Dough .nuts and purnpkin Pie,: liorted all present, ,te -eel in' their eeivnis.r.4.--,orgetiss st:titetripmee,ameehadetheir' eleel'..d.eeseteese The . eon- pewer, it ;i lifer ineel book-keeper for the Doty Engine Co. thrt oecned in the auditorium of the for Christ. DrlVfaelrlin gave a very The late Herbert Franklin Hender- church at about 8 P. in, and almost well- illustrated address. He showed .• 5 • PE -RU -NA PROMPTLY RELIEVEri A Case of Dreadful Suffering Which; Had continued For Months. 40400W ot a .Roztarkable Recovery Givet$ 20 Or. 44040,Wood, TgalOret a Prit?ato School at Launcasion4 Taraaniqe • A • Ma. ANP Iota. ALItatiD WOOD. Mr. Alfred.Wood, who has a private school sts22 Precloriek street, loan* ceston,q'asMania (Australia), has been a teacher for 87 'rare under -the Ittineationallpepartmentef,Tasminia..Rerwrites,cenianning his-vrifete (laser .as follows: • "My wife Was Battering for months front gastro-enterfils„ and wag given - 'up' by her nledieal attendant, . "BY good fortune," Was indueed to"try Perna in her ease, and•I can truth - flair state that from the first dose ber dreadful eaffeeteg oessed; ao4.,aftes tak ng live bottles she IS permanently eared. ' • HOW does reruns =lie. snob. eFtre; ordinary cures as above recited'? q.13y, simply arousing the forces of Nature to throw off the diseased action. peruna contains no magic and does riot operate in any'reyeterions way; but -it does help Nature to conibat ifIseivfe, and thus many times comes to the res- ells of the patient in some important oriels. There is always aelme in the course Of tiny disease' when alittle help gees e, ,great W. •• • Just as the scales are beginning to dee ,Seend, whettene ounce more would dee t,ermine the fate pt the patient, a little turn_theecaleb:Jnt-fav_or-of_.the patient. eve the evening promise • o e very . ones, acted .as .thairman .FARM FOR SALE OR ;I:::;;;X,ENTthe eldest 'Gen' or the late David Hen- : • ' " Alm, 'Janus in his pure pleasant Inannier, Xiov• :inherit .them their character, 29, Bayfield , Goderich derson • of Nile, . and • Charlesworth of Clinton kindly: bee • effect toWtithiradjoininnEFfirni of Thos. Strefigh• of ."Rosedene" GOderieh. W' came up to lend his aseistance' to the me:mei! Be,accen. Consists of 81 acres. Good, 'rho young man, ,for some yeaes, was eeening's program, which he did in quoted e freme. house and, small barn. All one of the shift of the Goderich • or- a *belly ."Ae Heine manlier. As: it mine us: grape, wetered, I mile from gan factory and on leaving town sev- . • rv sea,t • was taken u•althou h • • • son, who died at the residence of Mr. • • • • . Wei member that if they had bad traits in• Itbelps many diseases by imparting a Mr. Chas. Brown, Rogersville, Tenn., Peruna is a handy medicine to have , g that •parents had a great deal to re- lathe hensehOld • • • • • . . Jai:nes Strofigh,1 on October 25t1i, was • • As e remedy for sifoosieb and bowel disease, the fame of Parana is vindoubt.. edly destined to becoma, greater than, "that of any othermedidnein the world. A great many casea like that above re* ferred to have found Panama; of untold value vrhen no other help seeziedof h*va"v:n.ehailteenonseinap.vtrliritstiaBt7it°41tel:liareet . • pe.ro-no For Indigestiollt ^ Mr...Donald Robb, Jr., 113 Weightle Ave., 'Bantam, Nova Scotia, member, Independent Order of Porresters,writee: • with ney'stomach, as a terrible ease of • • • indigestiOn followed. •. n‘d4Pnefiliter uswisags re(4threme mboenttldes_ed-i_t°Wn: • • .• "I therefore recommend Perlin:ate any' • . • one sufferinrWith Stomach trouble," • .a . con er e c ose for Ins, sue- Holm Varna and 5 miles Iron' Clinton. If en years ago, he settled in Owen w jeet "Cheeefulness," and as he remark- ie. not -tide will -b$ eenteit-A-pplY-t-te-:Bounde-and-wan-employedeine...the 0,_ ' y mansions" and. physical care of -ed that "iVlinisters---alwaye---seleeted--theeleteeee, H. Turner, 'llay,fleld Q; 49-3 P. freight sheds. About two years -yoUtIreeale-tif- e third • ren would and invironine bee a . As atordo or catarrh remedy, its Apo- "4 friend adellied me to take Palma • pnn yrititle, Children: : beifig o keep bad ',company. He ives of great rneiCall and ace 'and Oliver Wendell oera "Build the. more :state - ;Miami vigor to the whole system. .• writes:- • • . . • tation is well established' all Over the for indigestion : aid, it cured me world. • , • • short time.” : . t . e wee no feeireimeereaueNnel.e• ........o.eseeee'eseeteeet*eetesi ' • . • ' . • - • •' Live Stock Wiarket. hiciiiiloo Township , route, Novembeie--Iete-:---ehe---Quarter4y-meeting-eeteiteg-werc-held he received an injury to his spine• Some, controlling-+,-detiteev. ,•1. Jeri ,Stock•Yards-t-Market ju.st a, in Walton cireuit lagt Sabbath, The • . . . • , . ,. .. ,, which culminated a few' months ..: ago; : . departfecen the usitae,method •and' tOld pretty trio was sung by thre, of -she shade firmer ill tone than last week, Lmectihg ' of the buiiness beard was them that his text was found iii_Ee- elesiastes. 'He gave'Several " reasons, 'young.: ladies . of the elloif.. "Lift, ..;.thoit . th......n,s.., '''' PriAeS not ' , OS .).t.4 quettebly held the following.'40.%:. .. ' "•• ' ' • •:•••• .'- ,,-- .' ' ..FARM:'FOR',-RENT,e-OFFERS WILL in some •norveiip,:-disordeeeellie mea• to: eaustng people to laughi, Victory,. ether -in -lessee _ or my. , Ot'eSs." The choir sang te. a•new.•:'higiifrr.... ' A light inn and a tetter feel- I es. -1,' : tehoina"p.l'and- 4rher..t' •••-'*_'.',..,,-•,' be !received by the undersigned .for , ical• a,ttendant thought it wiser , ... for - re • • . :Harem ' Where by careful nursing, he. .Was ended by all .singing "Stand • ser.victl'..iek''*.thee ,prices were due to go a little, . the rental of the ' south seeenty . him to '.be Wit to the 1VIaikdale San- eegagement and ludicrous occurrenees, ee e ri , , who were . tie n Wts.tern Can- . •, ging Seand up, high r Tber were no man ., acres of Lot NO, S5 and. the south -1 t . . • e . -, but he thought - • that real ' hapPinese • ' • - - - • ' - '''' '1 ' ' *y -e,xl'ur • ada •have retiiiiiiir.litime. • .. • .. . z ‘. ' was the hest incentive for a' . good , _ . :.• Stand up for J ,ses." - .. . cattle,‘oirering; bOt......sti. load ;of. :good . ,' . . . * • • ' . ' : eatparti of Lot at; • in 'the Fleet.; might rec.over ,his, strength, • but 'the . eon. ,of the township • et startle -...ro, .., past Month he. grew worse, and the . ' leaBow E'ee' wai exceedingly quiet 7 • heavy stock sold. "'at ' $.,'and several 1. Election elite passed quietly. '.. Mr.: . roubles on the •Lord, ug is ing oie h .. SOSSOWS . and e,,,.e superintendent:. of the e sen&rium .t „ th coil .: ee: o . ' Heil fell. all afternoon, ;tut the even, loaes. around. K.7" AO ,..80, , Choicest i Sherritt heda,eleall majoriteen the • wee: tea only : mg wee. ii00-bUt Nierk cold: . .. betcher cattle elle*ejieg sold at.K.40 • ' tli . , • . - "...ive:$ iti; .40-t: . PosSessair, g en' at- any - thrie.-McOarthy Boys & M • •-go day alteration Tic we.- deeply relig quotea from- Peter, one of the disciplr ' 1 th Aide 28tli day of ••Oet. 1908. • 494 11 e• n e s e.ea , a ea quoted 'hAll bie' to Goderith on :tee 0.-,Iay,epeamettpeckulit„. •• • . „ eeeeeeeette-,..eeWeree-: • to $4,50 ; ine'Alurn • at $3 Ate P. R. 7. pem. ttrain: -He diedeori Sen- fulneSs", Solicitors etc. -Barrie Qnt. Dat4 r i°118 -and in al u 1ua eg of our Lord, and in humorous vein • 0 eh ca kt ts laid b et' Latubc are. a little firmer. Marriages , majer-t yey large Common ''Cittle."'alidr-caiinetAll way from $1:50 to $2.50. ; Large: euiritities of -hay being . , Chrysanthemums, .. large. :pink da.rna- tions, and white Chinese •primroses, .riche's oichestra gave fine seleetions Alta., on Oct. 28th, by Rev. 'J. • • a. . e• . • •e pressed fot sedeinent :in this : section'. fill•large Wreath of crimsein and white ' °s'a ilea definition of a SHARMAN-eMeNAUG.IITON--10. St... Sheep steady arid encbanged. • ema year. • , . -• • • . • laege. "Ween you can't- help it." Hein- Augustin's ehnech, Lethbridge Hogs steady at $5.75 E. 0. b.v• • • , • ' • ' , . . during .the evening, Mrs. James An- • °levers, E. A. Sherma of Teeth- 1 007 head 'of cattle, 383 sheep aed • • • • . • • HOUSE .TO RENT, CORNER RAG- with the letters "Brothee" formed in a c M' 'tk • The total run was 40 'can,* With Eddie PavidsPn, Wha. Went- West or* . Ian and Piiecess str ets David • Canteloii. • *,• 49 •. . .elever siple,., iss Rose Ai eft gave . Naughton formerly of Clinton, . Butcher cate c---1 e • ea y o , , , ing ehrough. The evreaeh eva4 • the a: reading of -the 'evening. That Bot, ", • erre ' , , ' ' • e tribute of his brother; Mr • .Edward in'. perfect voice,' and exPrassion.• The •,1°.T•ii,iiissi.,:r.o.„17,::;.A2c7E...thiv,rAix,N,-;KItn. stosetk'ecalc.s iy. dcmand for.,rod foed,o.s eiL,ct Birth. . • .`Th . •• e purPle velvet, -a,nd the primroses peep- drews, c orripanying there in eary Midge to .Cherlott,e Mary Me- , est-rn country:" • .= ' Me- th h rvest elicersions, has re-: • .' d h me He does riot care very ' one of e a lamb 10 hOgs and 31. calves, Dur9r1 °the'IV 1 II t ‘1. • 'd • tfor 'I-lenderson of Leamington, two lovely TliE ANNUAL GENERAL MEET- easeee.berieete One et pine and white "I I s were as follows • °ea so o . • Shepherd" 'aed "Th Methodist church Stella a.• e ing • of the Clinton Horticultural d h.,13 I Gentle • e ing • o • roses., a.n e er o pin an w t • 1, • • • • cl th f ' k dam h•ter of Mi. e ea e. the pretty solo Paradise " rendered ' Spackniae, DistIll ry ttl w • flogs -Market steady ; select hogs a son. • • . • .earna. ions, . were ri e es rom . • t. -• • • •• the Mighty Sea, splendidly rendered g • . Society . will be . held in the Chiet's • t' t 'b t 1 el formerl of Exeter fo .(3 Shee E t ''1 HARTLEM I • E t 0 .p- ,wes s ca y a. .t.te, Gee ine. - n xe er. on, c . charneet ..evenine of Friday an . es.. . orrow. %; pa - . by Nr. flansuld,. 'late of StritfOrd ; . . Y • • - ' AI L -11 k t fi • • to AI d Mr Daniel' H tl 'b am s ar e . rmer. • d '11f1 W 'IA. • r. an S., 0/ CI •— • Nov. Othe at ?• o'clock -Jas • Fair, bearere were Messrs. Charles Hum- y , 111 ,„„. Secretare. . Alfred Cook, who also respond- FERGUSPN-WESTCOTT-In . Doug- ber, James *Thomag Bates' 'eud:tontie solo. Two 'beautifully exe- .. las, Man., on Oct 44, Wm. Ferg- .W fl Roberesee, Thomas Burrows euted violin' solos, .Were rendered by uson to Blanche, daughter of ,Tes. and Willie Tait. Mrs. Stroligh wishr Eileen Hoover of Clinton. Miss Westeot•t, formerly of Exeter: • . AUCTION SALE : OP STOCK e's to extend „Jeer gratitude te all who Steers and Milk cows et Helmes- shaived their sympathy to her 'in her te'e"n• sang in sweeteSt . voice "Be- ee • cause" and . 'for encore "Mary" a Tw AIVILEY WESCOTT-In Wienipeg, Ville on Friday, Nov. 13te, :at " 1 ipresene sorrow and vete scalene Ithanksi favorete ,Sebtee sdng of hers. Meter o'clock: See bills for partieularse-' to. the Superintendent -of the Markdale ,Sanitarium, and to all theee, who were so kind to her eon. Just think of one of our G. C. I. 'students, peckieg apples for Me. iiam4 • link in. Leckport, N. Y. with two other 'Goderich boy's. They are %ae- ters, Reggie, Elliott, Edward Hyslop. land • Leo :Cbisholni. . j pr., W. Millyard, partner of Di. ' J. Benson Whitely,' Will leave after ThanksgiVing for London, , England to Study ..suegery and medieiee in the London hospitals. treat that he „will make a • speCial study of canoe; land tubercolosus, . • •. Mrs, ,N. J. May: held' her post-nePtlat reception On WadnesdaY, 29 tib potolki; Quite number Of callers Woo in ,at- tendance:. The bride, wore a : very grand •costitme of Battenburg-lacer: the pansl'on flow'r and with various leav- es tend etc. being formed with the braid arid mrtilewerk of the -wearer, it being . the ,work of four months, it being her wedding dreSs. and is WOrtt over white silk taffeta. The brideal- eo wore the sun -burst .of pearls pre,. &lilted her by the groom. Mrs. I. J; Moore, assisted the bride, and wore a styl'sh coSturne of rice black silk. Miss Seethe gave the introduction,•,and Nenl'o a lovely Costume of lavender (Atienne, .the Corsage and) sleeves trim - mid with lavende,! tilzt net, and lavender trimmings touched with yre it, her:. end there, Mrs. John Mac - (Infield, rev/gate sti1 . tom( charge of do tea table and 'wore a stylish costorrie of hitalk wool taffeta, over to Iota allk, black also the eares.ge being trininted With black point d'es- prit,, and passementerie. Vex daugli. tor, Miss Belle iVfaedoria.ld, wore a very pretty (took at white Swiss nelee lin,f templed With va'tecielees ins-;:r- tioii and leee, lelise Adelaitie Nern wore a dainty frock of Ot!sl bin rr de. there, with pink :rive in 14 r coif-. elm The emitte piece -e'en the polished tea table was eerilere4 with *del) Bettehburgh lace end a %eel of large pink carnatioesIIJ 109010M tho oceasion. Mr: N, J. IViay tJaelt) did hoeor to the ewes by els pete,enet.ilt tee hall tior:t to re•et, e the bride's eees'S. Ho ht well known •,o Pi Livens, hello; erieete1e,1 Mall %Oak r t1e eindlech postoite±, about a yor ago, Gee. proprietor ; T. Gila - dry, auctioneer, .'• - •• 49-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK at lot 44, Maitland con., Goderich township, on Thursday, Niiveniber 190, 2 mule ;4' from Holmeglelle. 11. horise.s and colte, 7 cow's, 38 head of . 'cattle, 20ewes it'd 11 pigs All the 'eattle are in 'good. condition. 6 per nt discount' for : cash C W: Williams, proprietor, ; T: Gundry, auctioneer, . • 4.. 49-4. • :1*EACHER WANTED FORS, 5, NO. 4 -Stanley' township, mato or female, thites to eommence Jan. 4th, .1:903. Applfcatious tw.!1 ed tip to Nov. 7th, 1908, -Apply to S. Cle,aye, Sec-. retary, Bayfield P. O. ,• 46-1 • . • • AUCTION: SALE OF FARM • erty,-There will be eleeel for , sale at Public Atietion, 4)Yi -10th, et 1,80 p. at the Town Halle (.:linton, ate col lee'/11.1 und, mentioned property, sal) tee ti a res ree bid, by ebonies Biewni 7Alletioneer :-West half ef Lot 11,' Lot:: 12, 13, 14;15, IC, east half of Lot 17 ----the 5th cont.:melon ot Hullett, containieg six IU itt rt ver,r more or less, ALSO part of 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 in, the Fourth .c..e- eion offlnIlott, containing t huntlred and eighteeri twir, more or !ess. This is a well known .zeel of pastre land. The drainage tax 01 this property is bale templet -fel, 0004 emteetly the taxes heree't r Will be &dinar/. It will be e 'led in ant perell, bet if tot so sold, then in lots. ALSO et V e same tele) end plate Lot 35, First eonee.nion, Huron Bead, eon:alning one how dred acres, n tsr. 41- lens. Perms t,t Sale t -''en rer vent. ,if .11%e pi 'eh se money at the time Of sale. le AO devs. For further parlioltier' iholv to the •owner,-Jobn Ransforde .Clinton P. 0, 47-4 , 48 'IVO GIRLS IVANTED AT Tfl nattenbury Mouse. Merchant, :delighted all With his: fine rendering of the .so10. "L.-st.,• ee.gre the Angels. Are," Vice-president Otani of the Beraeaa Class Made a bried ad- dress as dicie:also the President,: Mr. James feebeiesen. A,11 Were encored, but all . did net eespoed. Fifty dollar were netted by the C. supper and con- cert. The :Bareeceand Philatea class- es will have to. keep on the C.. line, aridget another fifty dollars. . The. 38rd hind held a concerk-at• the rink onlThursday eitee'ng Met. night, was eetrernely cold but . the band gaye beautiful selections; the opening 'One ' being elThe Washington Geeys. Mrs, Bugg*, the Regiment bind eciloist, rendered two- favorite solos .of bees "Love Me, and the world is mine" and 1.''S'Ornewhere," thy orthestra accompanying. her, Mits. Buggin's . voice Could tie distinctly heard above the beatititin .straies ' of the orehrStxal The- concert yeas advertised as•ii 4-4PrOmenadt, Concert" bet it Was more like a• Quaker meet-, ing, the ladleitting in a row on the south side andthe ermeenen,e in n row on the north side, Perhalis,l.the fa.et of it being "Leap Year" tee gentreenen. 'eXpeeted the ladies!' t� es- cort theni. A few ladies had an es7 eort, and instead of promenading* they danced, tWo eteps and walties. A trio , of • ladies 'who,.complained the ehillinens of ;the rink, pionnenaded around: a town of times --but , that Wan stiefiqierit. We did notice a couple of girle daetihg together, and prebty. soon after five young men waltzed across, and each party Changet part- ners. Prondenade Concerts are con- fined to the G. O. - Cflieleens are eetriing in feet, but people do ,not like to bey dilates that are scalded before the feathers nit pleekeil.i , Mr, and Mrs. Matteeer Beteg have renolted to Breed street, and occupy the theme lately vacated by Mra, O. Beek, »Ow tif the 4 Lawrence. 1Vtr. and Mrt. Gray, have removed from Orme , street to Om treW house on lifaedonald'street, lately built bY Mr, 1Vliteliell, who removed to tovlin from Colborne, a couple of year; ago. The WOMall'S triStittaq., Will meet on Thurglay not, at the reAdenee "of Mrs. Tom $warts. 4. on October 17th, atthe home, el the bride's unele, byRev: Andrew • Goeclon, William Twarnley ot Mae- ' Gregor, Man to Annie -teen& (Elia) second daughter Of Mrs; Wm. Westhtt -of Seaforth. FRY•e-GeLCIIRIST-At the 'residence • of the bride's mother, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. . Petrie, Not-' man Lorne Fry t Annie Beatriee, Seeond 'deuglitee Of Mrs e Catharine Gilchrist, both of Wingham. WHITZ:V.--McDONALD--In Goderiele On • Oct:. 28th, Leo White of Mit-- then to Florence Virginia, young- est daeghter Mr. John tyleDon- .. ald of Getletich.,, • ' • • ' tioderich °a eetle, by Rev. Dr. Dougall, Alexander Gillies of Stratford' to •• Mabel, oldest daughter of Itrtr: Thos, Lawson, : ',paths • LV -Ye -Ii Goderich on Nomeniber 3rd, George Levy, aged 59 years and 10 months,. • • BONNER-In Brussels, oh October 25, Rebecca Torranee, relict of the late -William Bonner, aged 62 years and ' 10 monthe, On Oetober 2051i, James Flood, aged 39 years and 7 months. • • • MeIVIARTIN-In ilensaU, oti Oct. 21sel Emily Aline, daegliter of Duncan aed Mrs. MeMatein, aged 9 Menthe RAYaliNdAR24D-In on October 23, Joseph Raynard, aged 57 years, 11 nioffthe, , • CUMING-4n Blythe on Oct.. 22nd, Mary Cuming, aged 83 years and 8 Menthe, IIENDERSON-4n Goderich; on Oc• tobet 25th, Herbert Franklin Hen. denote eldest eon of Mrs, Jaintff Strongh, aged 35 years atid • 23, days. WHITELY -In Clinton oft Oetober 80th, Catharine Whitely, ilseghter of the late William Whitely of Tueltersmith, aged 66 yearet. THOMAS -hi Clinton on November 1st, Martha CHOI, relict of the late Thomas Thomas, aged 87 years and 1 month; at 55.151. o. b.,"" and $6 fed arid wat- ered. Export Market eteedy around $4:75 to $5 for choice quality: • Choice butcher cattle steady around $4.40 to $4.50 ; fair . to •good butcher, $3.75 to $4,25. Every farmer .should know that the price. offered by the dealers tor cattle; bogs, 'etc., is , a fair one, How can he know this. if he does not take a !aim businese. paper' -What doctor or, law- yer or biteinsss nian Would be with- out Ids business paper? There is but one farmers' business and: . market paper, that, is The Weekly Sun. You can get the Sun in combination with The News -Record for only $1.:75, • and you eboeld' not be without them. HILL --In Clinton • on Nov. 4th, to Mr? and-Mre. Fred. Ilill, a daugh- , • tere ,e• GRAELISLIn Clinton on Nov. 1.st, tO Mr. and Mire. Ed. Graelis,. . daughter. •; ° • • Benntiller The Colborne Society of the van- geiical Aseociation are making pre- parations to hold a Christmas enter- tainment in their church on Christ- * mas Eee for which ae excellent pro- • gram is now being prepared. • Rer3erve that date for Us, say we to tee peo- ple of the Benmiller •neighborhood. Imo • • • • • . , Situations • with leading besieess houses await our graduates. LOOSE4•EAF LEDGER and all modern office me- thods which, ensure rapid advancement. GREGO' SHORTHAND ' taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended .the• Author's school.' THREE COURSES -Telegraphy Stenography. Commercial. • ENTER ANY DAY. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS PALL re Rat FROM $1EPI"- 1 Clinton Business .11ollege GEO. SPOTTON, PRIIWIPAL4 ;125.4.ce'rme.' ~YAM, igrater s, :SAO $4.00t $4.50 and $5,00 'you begin to feel comfort the instant your tott enters a "Queen Quality" Shoe. When you find Net the right length and width, it is like a of gentle caress of the. whole foot. Try one pair and see for yourself. 'FREI)• JACliSON , •