HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-05, Page 4II ape IIIIIOW VW:tort riew*-1.1emrd Blyth Auburn Blvth, !CONSUMPTION'S Ori Sunday last the Sr. Andrew'e. Prayer meeting wilt be held at the Owing to the absence of Rev. Fatli. church held their anniversary =vie:3. home of fr. W, C. Robertson on Tues. er Hanlon in Montreal, the eervioee The preacher was Rev. W. M. Heig of day evening next at 8• e'clock, condo- St. Michael's. chuech, next Sunday will S.TARTING POINT Milbank. A special collection for the tete, by Rev. T. W. Charlesworth. . be taken by Rev. Father Laurendeati Lies in 'Weak, Watery Blood. De. defraying of the debt in conneIt etion Inspector otte paid his official vis- of St. Augustine. 'Williams' Pink Pills. Make the Bleed via the mimeo was ealted for and the O it to our• schools last IVednesday. response totalled to over WO which ars. F. Stalker f Belgrave visited was placed on the plates: On. • M.a ••• lier relatives here last week. day evening the members provided what was „ termed an "old fashioned Chas. Robertson left on Monday . . store teaereeeting" the proceeds of which to take"a •P°41't 1°4 in a general amounted tO nearly $100. A platform at Meadoweele. meeting was held after the supper was Miss Esther Dyer of Penetang srent served. When speeches! and .tory tell- her holidays under the eereneal tea . 1 ing was the order pt.the evening by Mr. Wm, Doerr his Inoeed into his .., a e S . Cooper. The char interspersed 1 Revs. Hartley, Mann, Leckie. and ueTwhehotuse. . . strurnental music, ing of tohlleosvvumpgasieofthe U. rsel. isti.s ese3t. aln..ei, ko4hat sattotronri noifghttrav4lelriongwthroowsto,m0 fort peas decline +that leads.to con umption address with anthems,. soloesr!aedea ' thine'. . for September based on beet Rpm et • 11, 1).11 d • ' of and the grave. What is aotually need-, Mr. 1. BrOwn reports hila epple eve,- PO:rater Season as almost .closed. His Bloodlessnese is the starting point ailleput4 has not been as large. as for- of conSumption. When your blood is tiler years, but he has manufactured thin end wetery your whole health Rich. ad Red. about 800 cases in BlYth, Part 'a declines, Your face grows, pale, yen which is for sai.e. The factory in • appetite fano and your heart jumps *high= in which he lies a share and and flutters at the least exertion or Was. managed by A. }L Wilford: closele excitement. You are always weak and this week, wretched and lose interest in evety.. r the' last two weeks or more one thine. This is the point from which would thilik that the town was taken you may easil ste into that h Curtain Poles leir a ow 1 °rum& t.11e tele- ed to br n back health and arm tit g t• Theeseel news has reached the village and general proficiency ' phone and telegraph .poste. Enort0+ and energy is the new, rich blood that day at his late home in Monkton. phi/I:kat. teat Rev: eie, Follett died on Mon 5th Class -Erma Pfeffer, Nllten has it tha sone, of tlie shorts reae Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually lized the sum of two dollars and •meee. In ell the world thee is no Th, deceased- was a former 'pastor of 4th Sr,--Eleth Jeckaon, A lliStt;rr not ,having a, large bank accinult the other tonic medicine like,thern, and leaving had made a large circle ot Frornilda Pfeffer, .Ernest Jackson, tit his. account. waS paid. Tuesday en take these Pills t o CAN BEST BE HAD AT COOPER' BOOK STORE CLINTON the _Methodist church here. and before Mann, May Detiltedt, Mary nalthtlay, OWItCX Of OM tinned the' hey un- who feel weak and easily tieedantaO ern friends. The wife. and deughteere have -Bella Stalker, Winnie Howson, Laura the sympathy. ef the whole -011p, Jacksen Zelia Doyle Grace . Pun- , Mrs. ,(Rev) Cooper was at home to ,kett. ' • the members of the Quarterly board l 4.th Jr. -Clara Tubereale, Planche of the Methodist church and also the Ferguson Win. Lemp, Yung - trustees of the two ' churches that blutt, Allred Lemp, Ivain reetrong, form. the Birth circuit. Russel King. 1 Mr, Pother -girl' orratt-VirawanontreArd,-SreeeEstheeelleOlinehey, Saida: , made' a Sitiprosiit'ot apples this vfeek, Asquith; Fern Symington, '.fennie He does not buy the apples but Ships Stalker, Earl Railhby, Lloyd Fergie. eon, Roberti Phillips Lavirkree R bin. them for the farmers. • •. Porter's Hill., ,ectuee and' a lantern entertaie- ment ;will be given in the Bethany church .• evening of Thanksgiving Day, Nov, 9th, by •Mr„. Walinsiee, Bible Society agent, under the' auspice es of the Sabbath -School, ;1'he pro- gram will be, as follows: Part trip , around • the world, '80 vP3WS. paete2.-eTen eights in the bar -room, 13 views. Part .3. -Specially for chil- dren, 40 views, . Lecture to:•eotnlnellee it 8 o'clock, Admission 10 cents.' • The. following is. the report 'of S, S. No. 5, G-oderich township, ; for the Month. of October': • 1 Constance • • jr 4th --Pearl Potter Willa Co", • Gordon MoDougall, HatOld Wallis; len Beetles Mary' Sowerby ' I Mrs. William Snell still continues. ' ' Jr. 3rd..-•Tornmy Sowerby, Harvey very poorly. Potter, Eva Cox, . Hazel McDonald, Mrs. W. B. Cook has returned. home Edith Vanderburgh, Elea Meetings, .?+-rd Jr.--Gerdort McOtinchey, Arthur' Lemp, Edna" Robinson; Willie Carter, Henry Taman.' • Enrolled attendance 33, average 26. A, F. Johnse Teacher. Junior Division. regal Uncle Tom's Citbin Co. held fort. • Miss new health. Ada Burke, The RangeI N. B says I feel that I cannot say. too Stanley Township much in favor of Dr, Williams' ptilk • - Pills. In March, 1907, 1 was attacked Mr..I.A.lbeet Keys ot near Shipka, in with whooping ough which elung 3 to Stephen tOweshiP, spent Sunday at me for several months, and ewhen , the e-home-otelYir-j-Telceys cough dfimppeered I waseeftweak Ian& • Mrs. Walker of Petrolia spent Sunrun down. All sunime 1 was ailing, day at tte home of M. L, Clark, but when the autumn came 1 seemed Miss Eva. Burnett of near • Clinton, t° he completely, worn out. For a spent a few days last.,.34ele at the whole month never moved outside • the husand 1 I home of Mr. George Johnston. ' . / , eou d scarce Y Wa Mr. ariey Be& iwho, has been onVeletr oVile(e41141.1leese, 'eoiy colorisrse(e)aslwlic eealc. I H ... tile sick list, is improving, wo gla.d to be a.blie to giatO, , - are IA :yellow. I had severe headaches . and wOuld.be almost, breathless at the Mr. H. Clusky of Zurich spent Sun-. least exertion, 1 took several bottles .Sr. 2nd' -Lena Plunkett, Effie Stol- day, at the home of Mr. 4. .Richa;rdson, of meiliitie, knit it did net help ' Me/ te (equal), Ada, Stewart, . Ellett ?hill- 1Vre• (4Dr.) .4%,,emstrone of • lMitchell and theh. my • mother got me three ips. • ' : visited at 'the homie of Mrs: J. T. boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a.nd 1 "Jr; 2nd -Reggie Mann, .Berdie Fee, Keys last :week, - • . : 1 when, 1 had ueed them 1 was much bete I gneon. : • Wise Maggie •Meolymonit of London ter, and by the time I had taken an. 1 Sr. Pt. 2nd --Ethel. Stalker, John is visiting. her parents for . a,. week or other three box, I was again enjoy - Stewart, Archie Robinson, Olive Tam- two, . . . . • ,. . in the best of health, with, a hea.rty an, Elwin Raithby. . . appetite, ;good color and renewed en - Miss Mabel •Alton Of Lanes is spend- . Jr. Pt. 2id-Graeine Syrnington, : . .. e Mg a few eeks• with her aunts.; Mrs. ergY. : . Lewis Ruddy, Leonard Xurighlute Vic, • RSt tar eYain-gblut.- .---; ... eee ;,.... ' . . . • .Stephenson of the ParrLinandIf you want new : .' e Mese-Johnston--ofetheArd-eone--- _Strength try Dr. WillirleasIt'h*Fahinkd i Plars Sr. -Pt. lst-Lauretta MeKeight-, ' Ry River to visitso, a a fair use of 144 inidieine ieill- not . ' Tonek 1VIeClinchey, Georgina 'Beadle, Mrs. trip toWnal. inMurdock et awayher an lidisappoint youSold by medicine Harry Beadle,' Maggie Taman, Gertie Ladd: . , De. A. Murdeck. '. dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box Miss Ida Dilisdale• he,s returnee eop'.- • or six bokee for$2.50 from the .,.• Dr Naegele 2-•Selioltze Harvey Atm- Lesilie-Sholtz, Rubena • ste. . • , . ,.. Landohere he has a gooine ' position s d tion Williams' Meeic co., Brockyille, E . n w , • e . / zra. I stas nographtx.reng, Victor.Lemp, Harold Niegle. MM. J. J. 0•Brien of Biersmith and" . .. .. - . • re.; ,,I.)1,1,,iNoon.., leL -HLUOly1.4 R. Lo4bwinsso.o4nb , ,A,ailyil-: .. ese .! el Mies Edng Fiechanip of Leedon were • , ... - 7. visitingin the home of Mr W. . H. . ..., 'Enrolled attendance 31, aVerage 28. i o _ e .o i s _ e, . , .„., .., ktetter .Frorn, Saikatchewan -0. A. Selater,eTeaelier. 'ijk:vtetry l't i w 9k - .. . 1 - ' ' ton Ladd. . . ; ' 1 ' In renewing his sulneription, Kr..E. I ;St,- Andrew's Pteebyterian church successful: G • Eaglesonof Milestone, S k • • - ' - e . vices last Sunday.; 'rho Ftev.: Mr. Me - anniversary sere . Sask, eyrie . ' • ' • : • ' ' • I • ' ' tes as 'follows.: "1 ' .like. The NeWS- 1 o . . ...„ . . • ,.. , • . • Ketrall ot preached .morning ' Record .. ictry much and . nsider it Summerhill . ,, and evening and the Rev'. E. II. '$aW.. ,evica better than .1' a letter '., _ 'from ere of Bruce0eld in the afternoon'. Allhome," inasmuch 7 as the . letters are The Ladies' Guild met , at Mrs: 4as. were "excellent sermons. On Monday . irreguier while The News -Record Miller!e.du' Wednesday.' ::, '• .' •, . .evening -ea most successifil tea.mecting teaches us every •week iwithout • fail Miss F.1.., Rothwell is visiting her was held. . . . . Thexe Is' no better Country in the frlend 'Mies 0: I•lilL ; • 1.. ,r1 , • • , . , •• . • . . le Methodist church, .KiPpen,. ' in e world. than : the • Milestoneidistriet Mr. Mien, .tax collector of Hullett, tend • holding their; anniversary serVic- Weecaroe out here two . yeaea' ago and n bis eounde again.,-..., • .. . `esnext Sunday, • followed. by .a hot located seventeen miles from a town t-Belgravo , sausage supper on the fOliovong TI.I s_ and ao3V...• .1,.e. are 'two railroad • cur, ylier'sethie week. day .eigleteeTheeRev., john.„,e K6 •4`“ , '*.r. eerZee'''red we ..ex - e,.,..4 .4.....,.,. . eee,e- . Mr. t. LoriiiTy - d,olliqrcd: .,a1.. find Atka Ci,!aig wielepreach at, tr' e. :ro. Tie 1• ' iie4.,---t0Wil -this tirrieentict II after 'spending some time with her, daughter, Mrs. Thomas Lowes of Brandon, Man, Mr. and Mrs. D. tador spent last Sunday at the latter's home at,Helm- esville. ' • Miss Emmairtiley is at present very ill with rheumatisM. MV. W. Lindsay hasabbut finished - threshing grain for theLrason!., btlt has a. eon* of .iveeks4Mer liresbirig yet. • Ernie Vanderburgh, Hiram Cox, Ger- tie Youngi • Fay Tichborne; • Gladys McDougall. ' . • • Sr. .2nd-Thelnea Bennett. • . Jr: 2nd-Alina • Soriete Cecil Ilarri- son, Edna Hastings.• . • Jr. Pt. 2nd--Ninal.Tichliorne, Bruce MeDeugalfeElla Sowerby, Wallace MC,' . peeeell. e. • I 1 Sr. Pt. ist-eLahan, Potter, Chester 1McDonald, Murray McDougall, Maggie Hastings. • , •• , ,.. . • • . 1 Jr, • Pt 1t --Lizzie Sowerby, Gertie Blair, Millie Pe. r on. • - - I .„„ • , Avreragea.. t• rr • .4, 0 - • , • • . . • vraiworms. soiwasteimi horse to a Seaforth buyer. this Week. an 7 p on-sunday. . • . ye r. -The drops hereabouts *we ' .• • Mr. and Mrs, R. MeIlidee of Wet: Mr.,A. MPReath, after Oceupyins. a good' and the prices are. good.' •The • Co we STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS MILLANERY FURS MANTLES impsatomitiaral- More New Coats • e have thie week passed -into stork - • r•-• t of .Coats that We anotber•ulPlue"-.aloes and , • know are the, betitmost you can procure for to -date gar merits . • • No. I Specia1-131ack Beaver Coat, 48 'oche, haw, full skirt:, velvet cofiar, if hought itt the regular, way would • sell foe $9, _our pr ice 13.844„, No 2.SpecialTight.fitting, dark tweed Conts, very natty anitup to -date • in every particular, good valite at $12, our.price,....... . .8.150 • Be Sure and See These CORSETS. Inorder to procure it good. fitting garment one must start at the foundation and get a per- fect Corset. We have these and we are only too_pleased to show theta to you. Thia, cut showe you the newest corset made and is one of New York's. lat'este • models, Ask to see the 014 A la Grace Corset, ranging, at price from $1,25 to $3. , ••• Fur -Lined Coata:and the Smaller Puts We Invite a careful inspection „ of all our Petra. We have values that cannot easily. be equalled.- and any customer who choose*. promptly' will realize thetatisfattion of getting the be.. for the least outlay.' Special tot -the Children Coats for Children are often bard to ohtein, "We have them in etoek now and they are bound to plesee, prices from 41.00 to coo t, • • Every Courtesy and At- tention Awaits You Here NEWEST OF THE NEW sistaisiaisiasissirataiieimakomerie ford are visiting at Mr., Rutt1sthis, leading position amongst us for near,11 :threshing ie. nearly over. Property week. •• • : . • s. fifty •'ears as farmer and contractor ' . fear/ping,' in short, this country ie •ai Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Dale visited at Mr. ;has decided to retire from active lif d one, in •short, there is no better ONJ'ohnston's on Sunday: ' • !and has rented his farms. - . „country for a. man who will wine out Mr . and Mrs.. R. :W. Bell visited I .The following is the report of S. S. here willing to grow with (t and willr Goderich. friends Saturday and SAM-. No 3. Stanley, . for the month of Oct- ing to workda. •, ' y. , ober, based eport con u t, attendance Mr. I-Iarvey Johnson has only one Hallowr E'en passed oil very quietly- and general proficiency:, : ..'hall ...section of land, and is preSpering , •• .. • in our .1illage. • Class 5 -Fred, Reid, Leonard Heard. ' as is also Mr.• J, E. Howard and lives Thb followingils the report og U,. 5.. Class 4 --Mabel Clarke,' Willie Boyce. only a rnile from my, farm. He has a S. No 12 for th9Dinonth of Octolien.::- Class 3 Sr -?earl Taylor; . Ruth beautiful piece at land which is all 5th -Fern Beacome . • ' , Reid, Maggie Persona, Minnie Tippett.• under cultivation. We. understand Sr. 4th-Albcrt McLaughlin. Olass 3 Ji. -Sam Lawrason, Wilbur„i . intends going East •this . winter, for Jr 4th -Leis Challenger, Etta. Mc- Johnson, • • e'e• ! a house -keeper. Mr. -John. Greer of Class 2 Sr. -Albert titch, Eunice : Bayfield, who arrived here this.; fall, Reid. • ' • ' is very much pleased with the eoun- Class 2 etre-Russel Taylor, Ninian. try and intends te locate it the West, Heard, Frank Boyee. Please give my ,best regards to all Part 2 --Ruby Taylor.* . my old friends in Clinton, Bayfield -E. 1. Goldthorpe, . Teacher and the district adjacent • • Brien, Eddie Miller, Jini"...LoVett; Winn gair: - • 'ISt. 3rd -Edith Harvvy, Harold Big - gin, Bert BeaCom.• . Jr. 3,x4--Jpanic SePord go, Brien, Calvin LOvett. 1 Sr.- 2nd -Fanny Lovett, Teente Mar- eede„, Vey.•Elereece Lawson, Mabel Han. 1 Jr ,h -May Saville, • Elda • Mair, red. Johnston, Jim Johnston. I Pa‘re, 2nd -Olive Wright, Jean. Lind, . :Part, let -Flora Miller, Cora Miller, DOrottly Marqws1 , Enrolled •attendanee " E. hi. Phillips Teacher% ••• . St, Helens Mrs. T. Ford spent a. few day a: of last week in Wingharn. , Me)3Scs. Gorge and 131alte Green and James Ramage have -returned home 'from the West. ' Mr. Robert McGuire had his armt broken last week. ' • On. Friday Met a shooting. match .was held at William leleCrostit's. Stewart Miller and John Macdonald we,re the captains" of the opposing teams, the former winning. Mins A,nderson, teacher of S. S. N�a 4, West Wawanosh, has gone to teach in the High School at Wingham. Mr, Naylor is taking her pla.ce., ' Miss Mary Ana IVIttepherson visited in Dungannon last week, Rev. Chas. Rutherford of Dungannon, visited friends in St. Helens last 4 week. • • !Mr. C. Decker was le $t. fielens last week. ' .i 7 . BABY'S. WELFARE moriturs CHIEF CARE Evety mother is naturally 'enXioili that her little ones should be healthy, good natured and bright, Every mother eati keep her little ones in this , conditiw on if she ill give them an bee , Icasional dose of by's ONen Tablets. These Tablets cur' all stomach and bowel ' troubleu: break up colds, des- troy worms and 'make teething, easy. Equally goad for the „new born baby or thO well grown. child. Mrs. W. E. Stewart, St. George, N. IL, says :- "1 have used Ilaby's Own Tablets for e Returning Officer. Declares E. N. Lewis Elected bg 62 of-, a IVIajoritg. • . , . I The following are the election te- Ilullett Township. • turns for West Huron as declared by 1 51 51 1 • ' (Not stated) the returning officer on Monday Mr. 2 .64 55 175 56 Lewis and Mr. W. Campbell . were 3 ' 44 2'7: . 100 29 present at the declaration but the 4 73 46 . ' ' 175. 56 Liberal candidate Was not toeprz.,scuit, 5 30 ' 28t 4 ' 1 . 100 41 ed : 0 , 6 53 85 125 37 • Dominipn EleCtion, Monday 0c 26 7 39 41. 125 45 Q r a 0, rt a • E a 2. • Godexich Town. 1 62 83 1 225 2 57 100 1 225 3 72 80 1 1 225 4 •, 64 63 1 • 175 5 41 52 150 6 78 75 1 225 7 • 41. 88 5 • 115 415 491 3 0 Majority for Lewis' 76. Clinton Town. 1 • 80 48 1 1 . 175 2 77 72 I 1 225 3 64 59 • ' 4 175 4, 71 • 46 1 175 1 2 3 4 6 re. ef. • 79 35f 283 ,1 1 Majority for Holmes 71. Ashfield Township. 1 40 78 2 41 84 . . 175 50 67 8 44 53 • 175 78 • 71 4 25 67 16, 58 47 • .5 .53 41 • 56 56 1. 6 74 16 150' 60 71 7 77 20 , 150 53 91 45 ,473 48 51 wow... tat. 292 225 , 3 7 Majority for Mimes 67. Goderieh Township. 84 68 1/5 87 60 160 .43 '70 175 10 '60 1 125 52 53 1 150 .44 . 31 27 1 100 41 210 388 1 2 Majority for Lewis: 122. Colborne Township. 73 53 62 46 my little ones for several yeaes nod ..1. , 74 60 200 have found them reliable in all ent, 4 13 . 42 125 ergeneles, 1 ,cannot praise' the 'Tab- ,871 7,1, 70 ,,. 4 200 lets too highly." Sold by medicine ' a 44 84 „ 1.25 1 dealers er by Mall at 25 Oats a hoe 'from the 1)t, ' Williams' 1VIedieine Co., 212 200 4 Iirce:XilIe, Ont, - . Majority for lloirnet 0. 66 60 65 47 • ....•6•6 4* .g.4,./.4 0,4.* 354. 359 , Majority for Lewis 5. • 11 „ West Wawanoth. 1 49 68 . 175 58 2 42 54 150 54 29 51 1 125 41 4 61 84 150 54 5 51 28 • 125 46 4•Nodas. ri.41.mor 232 285 2 • MajOrity for Lewis 3. Recaidtulation. Holmes Lews Doderieh 76 Goderich township' 122 Athileld township 5 • W. Wiwanosh township 8 Clinton 67 . trulictt township 'ft COlborne township 6 1. 144 Majority. for Lewis 62. • • November 5th, 1908 0`,""Alovvvv;m0" vktitvmovvvvvvovieviimovvvv.., 0 SLIM PRICES SMALle PRoFiTs STOUT VALUES • QUICK RETURNS . tatx-xoza ,av 3i4v.rincs .13334x.N.0oRx-c7xix. .. • There Are Others • But for style, M .and , durability try a pair of Eart Shoes for men. Price9 $4.50 and $5.00 Ladies Overgaiters iti black, red, brown, blue, .green, to match Tour fall costurnesi 75o a pair- . New flusic Goods Just Arrived. . , . . . New Tiarnaonieae, New Violins, New Muelo Books, New Violin Supplres. We have just placed in stock nice line it Mimic Ras. * and Music Folders. Beaytiful. Goods to sell at" from 50c to $2 each THE PLACE WHERE yeti Doi.un ALWAYS DOES' ITS DUTY "A".wkiAAA4wwwke4,0wwv,AA.0-~A.ivieimr•vm 01,........ -0,......4...................16...;40,.... -...........;*-0,...............1.0 . . Men's Underwear Cents. , 0 . itua'nodWfuciloi ler is ,t,atts en;bDrioracv.ver in a soft fteeicy knit, heavyqual,-. 75 Cents . . . , • Penman's Wool Shirts and Drawers, size 34 to 44 inchin elastic • knit, very heaye weight, :taifored fashion, each 75e. $1.00 , - ' •._ ____,_ __ _ fe e. . • Penman's Unshrinkable ShirtsandDravvers, heavy elastic; made • .''' - - • " $ from Shetland wool, at each $1.4Q $ I00. e, Maoitoba vveight, eath $1.00 $ Stanfield's Truro heavy ribbed Wool Underwear, sizes 32 to 40 inch, double breast; unshrinkabl. • $1.25 - .- ,. • • .. • . ' - . Sta,nfield's Red Llibei Shirts and Drawers, • heavy fine wool, in Sizes from'32 to 44, pure elastic knit, finely finished, *125 • . : ' $ • Ladies Vests and Dravvor's Ze to 50c efirh. • • ' Ptiritan Vests and Drawers 75e and $1.00 Stanfield's Vests and Dravvers,• $1.00, 1.1p and 1.25 • • • ,. Highest Priced for Batter and Eggs. • ' Pop!,EsToNE & PARDINER. Successor. to MCKinnon & Co BLYTH . "416,A111r.tewift,Vah.....:6,tAllfga".1.111.41100110:411111" Tar Stocli. Comillete ---RANGES-- . • • Happy Thought. , . , ' 10. sizes Pandora Huron Corona, and . 4 sizes COAL HEATERS with andwithou oven •°• t • gcCiary's . ..... 2 sizes Belle Oaks ....... 8 sizes Alberta., .. ...„ • .. . '... 2 sizes Jewell . . . . ..... . . 4 sizes' Dantly1s and ROval Oaks. ' Stove Boards and Oil Cloths. 3 kinds of Coal Sifters. • ' • 1 cr- of Char Coal. HAFILANI) BROS. Stoves, Futenaces and Hardware arillrleiNimeamommimmomptiola4asdot,.. . • Our great Leaving Town Sale is Still itt inn ft' swing and hundreds of real genuine bargains await .0 each and every customer who visits this store daring the next few , weeks. The following few items will ; give -you some idEa of what we are ()Tering; tlietieciVireahriatt 59Vecistd, traveller's sampliiS, regulate pries SI: to • lien's and Boys Caps, regular price 25e and 35e, to clear at 1004 ' S . Men'e Felt Hats, all new goads, regiriarprice $2,50, to chow 44 Woitle&S Print VVreppers, regular price $1.2k. to clear at 000. ••- g . 1 ' A.Pull stock of Men's and BOys' Clothing and -Furnishings, BONS Mid. Shoes, Dress Goods, Silks„ Hosiery, Flannelette, etc, to be 200 cleared at cost. The ,fee of $15 tor poddlors in St. Thomas has been redueed to $25. Canada has -deported 1,011 tant. grants during the last nine month. eitseheeeet ebee-ereaketet eieff,•444,4•44ibill•10.411a, Ili**, 0011411* (1) 411461tkei