HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-05, Page 128t1*. lrf,o • • Whole Number 1548 The, News-R,ecord !o the iSiriferior Watche4 From unknown makers when you can huSs Reliable Timekeepers, made by well-known and reliable *tors ie. We carry the best and sell at reasonable prices, $ive us a Vag. • CONTRACTORS. AT Nvop.x. • Thu contract of building the eerne Wails for the boveling alley was aWa ded to Air. Archie Coueine sae pu his big Mixer at work to -day, wot 'icr Permitting. • Mr. S, S. Cooper wi omplete the building -and with h 11 -known energy will put it u ickly. Its dienensione will be. 118 2?' feet, S LE OF HEREFORDS; At the sate of Hereford •cattle at Mr. C. Iroa,re's on•Saturday. la the purchasers were Charles. We xAouth, Hugh 1.1I11. and Geor,ge Dal all of Hallett.. At the same ole se _sal head from the well-knowe her, of Mr. W. 'Elliott, Goderieli twnhi were, also :disposed of, Mr, W. Wisest ley lei eOwn buying several .ene -anim als. ',Haying now a cheiee farm ltif Whealley is no doubt by this' purchas laying tile neucliue to •herd o theiee hero bred. cattle, BAPT/. T ,CHIJACK,, Y. Ye1Iqar, jeweler and Optiaian. INCORPORATED 469 THE ROYAL BANK Of CANADA Paid -Up Capital $8,000.000. Reserve $4.890,000 Total Assets - - 't46.500,000 HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL • CLINTON BRANCH -E.. R. 1)..iw.A.RT,.MANA0Eit, COUNTRY BU$1NESS Everyfacihtyaff4ded.to farmers and ottiers for theteenseetimi of their banking business. &des notes will .he cashed or taken for collection. Special Attention Paid' to Savings Bank Accounts 1p3' e The News -Record : tolting address until the end of The pastor will tereaeli on Sunda Morning, taking for his subject, "Fill ing the ditches." The evening 'ser .yiee Will be conducted by Mr. F. HU aesistied .by the pastor and overa young wee. M. Louis 0,Elethin will sing and au augmented Choir ,wil lead the song service. "Best nymn No. 4" will be used at this setvice. A prayer meeting will be held eo Friday evening et the home of IVIr. J Tucker. ' • Saturday' evening '..the choir wil net in the church tO practice eh IT ew hymhs at 8 o'clock • and any blends who can sing and are net oth erwiee engaged ete Meited to •Mee with them. The Miseion Circle will. hold a sPecs; ial meeting Yter prayer in the ve.stry o the chtirch. On ;.Tileisdee eSrehing tieserte te'elock. 411 ethe women of the con gregation are 'earnestly invited ea :this meeting. • 1 1 1 s A :BOWLING. ALLEY* LICENSED.. - Ai Monday niglites meeting ot, town cOuncil a motion was. 'adoptit without: diesent to license .11: boWlin alley, the fee to be Otte...dollars.. • foe three • ` 'nate' ' ors ' - lege,. Councillon 'Jackson in speaking tothe neeelpe, said that bowling elleys ereespoptiler I other-placee and - under °enable men agethOilt are; in:. excellentform,Of an ,usenient: • . e e I " Mt. 'W. S. Harland' fender& bl• igneeiopeae :there/ere ,.ef w te The etneepectif .4111k In boring the Coen the :n 'reasOlie evIdi tee. i &stood. by ithe' "nian on the street?' •Mr. .14ar1arid could 'stand it no loeger So • , stepped doWn. '• and. . .out. NO ' s'accessor has yet beee . appointed. - ' Councillor Ford . said he had ' been tequested by several ',citizens to have the ' poeition of the . electric -light at. Hetes corner chengedssoedS, to serve a greater number 91 peppie.e The 'pro- per committee will deal:, With the eriatd • -Councillor jaelcson tOoketimeIey the Ioeelock Arid talked 'mote. pIoesing..11e believes there should be a plow for ,each : watd, that the work •should be award:. ed by tender and -that the amount of time put in ehouid 'he certified:to cede day. He objects to billking or guess- ing. s ., .. . ,,..The etber members coincided very eargele in his ', views. They insisted that as much as ,poesible of the work ould be dope before the meil etarted to work in the •• tectlieg - in the. `morning e 'and finished • befoto school hoer' so ' that the "kidS" and. .otheis ' who • have to : go abroad'early may net lieve to s plow .thele way. The, "xeSelt. ef the dieeliss skin' will doubtless be an effieteivb ser- vice :durine, the coming winter. . • . cage of "assistarice," if tee •tetm fieri 'Well, was .reported, The reeip- ieete' are'a man,. wife., end.child, ome-' what repent arrivalg ;from the • Old Country. The wife, the bet er 1* 11f, cen secure erneloymeet at he tr tde • .in Toronto, but as they are untortetes ately withotit :fends the council ' tnade them the. loan Of. a suffielent amount to enable them to teeth that city. There. was -considerable diectiseiOn about, putting the implements used by the corporation 'tinder proper ehel- ter eind the committee was instrueted to See that the :matter was attended to promptly, and properly. wiLms cuunon, The Wettesn'e Aseoelatiton met in the lecture room yeeteedaY afterneeis. Instead of the prayer imeting Wed netsday evening the, IOW Society met in tile :$011001 roeot St; PAO'S church. Rev.' W. H. Sparks of St. Olave's church, Toronto AddreSSCd. the meeting. NINE DAYS' REVIVAL. .• Staff Captain flay, and CaptainRay ner, Stratford, divesional office; and secretaxy, respectively, will arrive on Saterday and 00044: a nine days' re- vival in .the Salvation Army barracks. The Salvationists are looeiag ward to to a soul refreshing tense. MANAGEMENT. O. -K. Dr. Bruce Smith, Provin,cial inspect. or et public lustitetions sueb as llouse es. of Refuge, scale, etc„ ; visited Vre Huron H. ot R. yesterday. After Ioteic- ing oyez everything carefully the Dr. expressed himself as greatly pleased with the ma.nagesneete havfpg in inimi particularly Mr. :and Mrs. Mutch and the assistant matren, Mrs. Simpson, EMPERT IN HOR,TICULTURE. At a eneetirig of the local Hortecul- turel Society held ,yeeteedan Captain McTaggart, Assessor Ccittle and M. J. Cunningham, secretary of the Pub- lic School Board, were appointed del- egates to attend the Meeting 'of the - Horticultural Assodation to be , held in Toronto next Tuesday and Wed- nesday. • 0 . STs PAUL'S A. Y. P. A. The A. Y. P. A. of Se, Paul's :church 'attended an "At Iloipe" on . Tuesday evening given by the sister branch of Ste Geciege's church, Gederieln Owing) te a-.-eareatyeef -eausess thenambee who went. from Clinton eeas not as Serge as usual but those. Memberwho did go enjoyed theniseeves, thoroughly, The Program consisted of vocal and instrumental music arid speeches. Sot. 00 Wen: given by Misenkete, Dr. Mack - mi H. Blackstone and en ede• o ii to Piano selections the. Black - orchestra furnished two ntirribtrs: Jell were most fatiotable received, Speeches • were made by Rev. jet. Turnbull, Rev. ;Mr. el eerie and Rev... Mr. Wright. The ,school room of St. George' .church • Was beautifully dec- orated' a3fd ..pefrolinvats were served ' 10.. eiken. The Clinton: contingent are var,r tn theiritr# of (soder ell CLOTHING Yorrish 85 Crooks READYMADE ORDERED CLOTHING Owing "to . . „ MOnday this year tee, este anicsgiving service will be helcl in St. Paul's chureh on Sunday, Ther e Will be nO,seryice in St. - - Paul's onMonday. DEATH OF .GEORGE . . Mr Geptge Levy died in Goderieli hospital on TueSday as ,the result an Accident which befelehim that e.rn He was in the:, eninloy. of Mr C. Biesett, east .of :Goderich; , and • had azisen early in the morning to ao the Milking. It is supposed that he S vssee knocked over ,end tramped on by ona 'of the cows for four of his ribs Were broken and one of them .pierced his: lungs. He as alone' at the :ti but was able ..to walk to the house:. A doetee was 'at• once surriinoned. and he was taken to the hospital but the, in- juries were toe severe to he eovercome • and he passeer. ;sway, the remains woe brought last evening by 'Hoover 84 Bell, undertekers, to.the home of his soh, Me. Ed. Levy, Clinton, film whence the funeral will tales pipes:3 to- . . morrow morning to the cemetery ai Mitchell. The deceased wee hornfifty- six years: ago and fpr many Years ;liv- ed in Colborne township: His Wife predeceaeed hint but hie is •survived by their 'three shildren': Edward and Vielee of town and ,Clarence of t.3S- borne. Mr. Ley was. An Anglican. '.. WESLEy CHURCH, 1 These ere the davs when every nutti or hoy, requiring an Oeers coat, is looking fiu t he hest values and the hest stock to choose from, We have the most compiete stook that WO Wive ever shown, and valnes that cahoot, be surpassed a nywheee. If you Want a cheap Coat we ean give you nno, if you wstnt a more stylish coat in better *quality, WP can Mee Volt onc at, Before buying doeiot fall in gee oileheevy Jelaelt Overeeates new this season, which.we are clearing at ... . 7.80' Another hig seller which .we have just reeeived, Is n better quality of cloth, with extra good &Jolt -Oleg& This coat is good value at $13, but while they last you outy have yourchoke for.. 00..00 Do not fall to inspett these too bpeelals before 'making your purchase of a new coat. &petrel 6eal tor 'Every rtem,#, moRAi4i:ibiooKs 41 The following payments were made ! O. Carter, work e21.00 M. O'Donnell, work 21.00 W. Steep, teaming 24.5.0 . 11. Crete' teamnig 24.50 IL -11111; teaming 17.50 . S. J. Andrews, tile 17.41 Josb, Cook, &eying 1.75 L. Cree, Use of tank 8.00 Carrielc,..salary 50.00 0. Crich,,,salaiy 35.00 D. Eckinier, Work 2.25; Electric Light Co, 102,35 T. J. McNeil, work 4.0e Thill Telephone Co. .30 4. Wiseman, insurance 2342-• • L. IVIalphereon, insurance 13,13 LT, Miller, street watering 50.00 D. L. lifttepherson, salary 82.33 M. D. MeTaggart, salary. 4,17 J .4'e1teatley, salary 51.50 R. Welsh, eatery 100,08 8, Pratt.. salary, 15,00 41. Howe, salary 7.50, J. Ryder, salary 6.25 josh Cook,. team. ot lire 2.00 R. Holmes, printing 22.75 ) A. Seeley, 20.10 Selecting lurors 6.00 Retell ts Scalesilnfl 00.55 al000mmioliiloiormiiiiiiiidosimiiimint NineterY 44100. ' Mrs,. (Revn Mills sang a eolo • ie Wesley church on Sunday morning lase and -Mr. GOvenlock of Forest in the eve ening', both of them being, muck enjoy- . Rev. er Jolliffe will preach next, Sunday morning. His Object will be, "Do thN in rem,embrenee of me." The sacrament of the Lord's,. supper will be adniinietered• at the close of the servie,e, • In the evening Rev. S. D. Chown p. D. of Toronto?, general secretary- of Temperance and Moral Reform,• will preach; A special offering will be tak- eti at this service: Ail are Welcome. The annual Crusade Day of the t, W. M. S. of Wesley .thutch will be. held itt.the..eleciSere room of the church On Thursday of next week: .The business' rneetieg -will be held 4eb 7.30, program at 8 'o'cloek. Refreshments will els& be eetved. A silver collection. A.11, are eordially invited, Rev. Mr, Cherlesworth gave ais ad- dress at the :meeting of the Sr, Lea- gue on Monday evening. His remarks, which dealt with one of - the Pealtrie, were lima appreciated by the tarp numbet 'present Miss Margaret Davis Is the preskleht of thie proiperott4 League. The Junior Logueslast Priday e' - ening was in the- hand 61 Rev, 'J. Greee. " The meeting was takeu by the boys! 'and was Jed by Pred, Cutler. The organists were Roy Rate and Enna Townsend. Readings Were gw- tn bY 0. Hoare, Wilinet Mollie and Ituesel Moore. A quartette was, or. en by ',Clifford Ahdtewe, Carl East, Fred. Ritinhall Mid John Watt. Thiverance, ceereise Was giVett by ilve boys, D. 't A • Cantelon, Csitmen Turner, Austin noare,, Harold Contd.,. on and Rustic' Moore. LPITLE LOCALS, The October report ,of the Public school appears on page 2 of this is- sue, Mrs C. lioam just recently dispesed of tied .upright grand pianos to parties in Goderich, one in Brussels, another nt Kingsbridge and one to Mrs. J. Manning .of Hullett, BANK TELLER. COES WRONG. D. Cameron McCallum, who about three years ago was sent to Clinton as a member, of the MOlsone Rank staff and 'subsequently went over to the Farmers' Bank and has been at the head office in Teronto, is short from $12,000 to 117,000' in his ae- counte. The CeiTie um*: fortunate speculation in -stock; CASTE OF CHA.RACT.ERS. • . The' Dramatic Club have rented the toms over Twitchell's store for re- hearsals a,nd will start at ,once tes re- hearse Richard the He. which will be produced before the holidays it 'poss-. lisle. The following well knoWn peopee. are in the caste ' • . Duke of GlOucester.„,.,E. J. Howard 'King Henry VI...„ R, A, Downs Prince of ... . ,.W. H. Ford Duke of York . F. 0. Ford Earl . of • Richmond... . . ..... •.Bert Kerr Duke, .of Buckingharie,s,,.p. A. Axon. Duke, of Norfolk W. J. Harland Treseel ' W. E, Grundy Lord Stanley J. McLeod Catteby .. eke Coeatite Ratelift H. L. licustoh Earl of Oxford .W. G. Moffat Bunk W. W. Nireens Lieht of the Toweej...j. A. Cohstantine TtrrelW. s L: Johnson Lord Mayor W Sheeley Queen Elizabeth...Miss Jennie Shannon Lady- Anne • ,Misree-Grace ' Cleft -- Dueness of Yorle.„IVIlse Pearl Shannon e" • DEATH OF MISS WHITELY,. • On., Friday last Miss Catharine Whit- Ciy panted foal life (into death eater: a very paieful, illnets with cancer. She Was a daughter of the late Wil- liam Whitely of Tuckerstnith and. fdty-five years, of age when death re- lieved .her frem :sefferings. When quits, young she Wes :coevereted :and ever &init.:was metriber of' the! Methodist Church aud. also took an ' aOttve League vtrorlc.•While 1ivingin Tuckorsmith' she •eetended Turner's chlirereend. far two .yea,i-S taught the Bible:,eiaes. :years. ego she -obtained a first•claps esetifeestap.:te er tirces4 taught .school but -owing to health was obliged' •tb giVe up her poeitton; On Sunday 'afternoon theefunereb-teok -place .to Turner's .cemeterye the -Ser'sriee eg beingecenducted: by Rev.' Kr'. jot - bele. The -pall-b'eaters %Vote :. J.. 544, J' , R.- libegens, P. Centelon, ' F. 'T.: Jackson, R. Holmes andJ. eleMathe The relatives from a distauce , „Who attended the a uneral were : Mrs; . Noble. Whitaly of Marie t te, Mich , and 'Mrs. Its: 5: Lawrence of Ottawa ONT. ST. CII9R0I-11 Tlie League Of Ont. St. Ouch 'will have, a dehosta on Tuesday evening next. The subject Is "Resolved that it is an rnueh the duty of the Chas- tian 'church .to -day to tithe as it was for the 'Jews under 'the•Old Testa- ment." •• It was.:eonsecration meeting at the leagite. on Monday evening. Mr. Hanle ley Watts took the topic. - Meinbera oe theBible elapses ef StevensMises and Courtiee to. -tie ember . of, About seventy enjoyed a d'elightfulegoelal •evenizig,iii. the church lecture ' room. on Thitisdey evening last. The entirtainment„,elosed With. hutch at a reeteuratit. Tbe two class- es are deservedly growing iii. numbers and hiterest. s A largh audience ;heard Rev. Ws Kerr's. Sermon on Character building east Sunday evening. Next Sabbath Rae. Dr. Cbown! of Toronto; :secre- tary of tenipetanee and moral referin work, will preach at 11 a. tn. In the eeening Rev. W. L. Hike of Bayeeed Will•contribute a. number to .the series of .sermorig to :young people. He will I speak ;of the temperance question in .its relation to young men and worneh. The young people, are all cordeelly, le- veled t� hear him. HOSPITABLEePAIRe Mr. and Mrs. W.. Jackson entertain- ed 'tire members of the bowlingclub Iait evening at their residence. There WaS ah attendance of over Mt!: trul. Mr. and Mrs, jaekson beteg ati ideal host and licetess a few hours were most; enjoyably spent, During the ev- ening': a preeticel joke was played on one of the best kricewli and • most genial of the bowlers whowith all the necessary red tape was pieced un- der area by the chief of .police, The eliatge was that in singing "Ilarrig- an" he had riot done justice to either Harrigan or the tune. The"prisonee," who enjoyed the jolcd as well as .arly- body else, is now on leemeteied idil tenee. Thole will be no more of "Piar. rigari." During the Course of the evening prize ;s were. dietrebuted to the winning rinke in the final tournarnent of the smell, as follows TrOphy-Isti-R, Graliatn, fl Wiltse, John Harland, J. IL Hoover, (skim. 2nd -C. J. Wallis, A. Strome, J. Hunter, W. 3. Stleven- ton (skin). Associatioliee.1st--D, Cattle,Joe Rattenbursr, John Nedig- er, flr.) Agnew,(skip). 2nd -Geo. Dorge, J. Weiss, r, Sittiw, W. P. Spalding ,sgkip). Consolation -1t - W. }graham, )J, Hamilton, D. 3. gib- bings, 13 A. Poreester .(40). 2nd - J. L. Courtieek W. J. Harland') aokt Wismnan, C. Ek-Dawding '4140). • THE LOCAL MARKET, Wheat 85e to 87e. Oats 34e to OS. Peas 800 to 820. * Barley 48c to 50e. Butter 200 to 22e. ' ,Eggs}20c to 21e. Live Hogs $5.75. A MASS MEETING. New Advertisements Big 'Sa1e-4, W. Jacebs--2. ' . Aletairrneti°7florSSiziaere--013: slir;unranRedr.":5 A,nnuel Meettog-Jas. Fair -5 7v1en's Underwear- P. ec G. -4, Overcoat Bargeinseeee, 4 et -es . House to Reit1,-.1). Cantelon-5. , Coy Comfort-sHoover 84 Ball -5 ,. Auction Sale-eC, V. Militant5-5, Rev, Dr, Chown of Porcine°, who Farm to Rent-MeCarthy e4 Ce.; -;-5. • will peeach in With .Methodist Chutch- Samples for SatilesleY:-Hedgens---8. esl7.tSuidaywillii4.tbear;in gddtessa4ss:meetnginbe9ta baicontOnOigetlotro'elo::4s.: i' 1$411e1a • subject will be Teinperance and. Moral Rieforrn. The -ie 'will be suitable music. Mr, Wheatley of Clinton, . Who. had TT.TWATSTAPPR-E-014Tg'.77--." ' ' . bure 'e . Mayor. %%tee wiei preeitle, , ' tti_ii,co_irtt4exte4_0t4f4.1171Lov.ieinitiethloe v.efo;_th_._coldyie,:r i .,_ The 'inanagee of the House Of Beteg, ::' Itteilverciliaraelliinisj called; yeeterday.. to say that he wish- Misses Lizzie now stands, . 1 IV Ili: 1 leC lo(il'e-te7eIreortie tehdatuilirsoutgoh. the In The Neeniwbseelersecooledibo t: .retunetu: firotetn.dlas. s,,t. wee.k for ', Detroit. .„ to visit, -** St League. who 'visited the Hauge one ' Hallow Wne, passed off very nuietly evening lett week • to '.serve retresh- in.the village, only .a. Few ininar ticks meata and -give' a ,program. The mane being playieedsroshow givenThe.att,:racinth tion. wee'ae . ager says he el3Preelatjed it hi:reseit alut 'tnoseii o:!ing':hilalltuby Messre. Laiug Rt s' that the inmates were se pleased with t tine visit that they have not yet oeas- ' which was interaetenge'. A good c1.ord ed talking about , the i. al nice Itime i .e.14,r uL'ded they hads41..ps, , .•.A.,..id • ot• tIce •is'uti..19.6.$:ti ..., . • . clime!' held, their monthly nicotine at ' ' the 'home oetters, Wallets° Johnetorol • GOdOilieh: TOWDSleip the Sauble Line on 'Wednesday ' alter - is :. . t 1VIe'leerrinton Of Amberley ,was tbe. ' , . . . Mt. R, A, ••VVanisley„ Agent of the Canada Bible and Tea.et Slieiety, *ill' guest .of Mrs..,..Tas. Mose lest • week. give a. series of:magic lantern • views :. . ' Mrs. Brothers, who.. was for . serro en St. Andrew's eburch•nii Friday eve time .eleettee Mrand Mrs, 'eT.as. ening in aid Of the Mission hand, Ad- M moseis,shasrieiireBrowneturiieatieiaSs trreett.uf ornrde.d to Mission 5c, and lee:. Mrand her heine at Fullerton , after visiting Clinton' were visiting. this week :in , the - ' . • : Tars . Harry. Arreetrongor. e. : Miss Lillie. Elliott Of Clinton, . and. village and the,. guests ' ot the lady's friends, in this townehiP. .' .• parents,' Mr and Mrs. A, ,Rebtesone . S.- S. No. 'el has ie -engaged Miss ' e; Sizrvieee will be: dispensed with ift Maggie. McEwen .for _1909 it, a salary::Trinity: church ,on_Sun_day AS tee, 1 Ow(it4$37m5ips• TivihettE,:s*ect...tni.01, . '-s IV l'.11 're.06.4 . vvIli_ilnIrd.,t wetzheiblitToofstiitetetLololitnttidc:ii;rit:etitsi:eiheke.,, .Ar." John. Pickett' of the 14th cOn. D hes neught'a, three-yeer-Old colt freak village on 1PetclaY evening in hie Saito Mr. Frank ii. Powell of the: 16theoni;,. btootospend theirend.ar fe:st4rdnayhec;mweit.e.e.h.is. fatally , .. paying' :therefor a. good figure, '. • m Picket, now. has as,spen of three -years s . . Miss C. Parsons 'spent the past week , °42'''' '' ' :' ..• '. ' ''' '' ' '' '' . ' ' wi:tli. friendshe. : yirO nlefta th iSd di Mary'•i .. ' wet;ek ' Are ,yen. a .News -Record 'entisceiber.?' : Me.l if .119te WhY '*()..t ? " ' ' ',1:', ''u gly..uu.....:.s13., IteCnedninny.'.:M.feiewo.th. • • or Winnipeg baci:bu'ytiasseini70etih1 LondonI ege tit .ewe_okii't.hiVenie6riafi..d7ciatilys:ell'elleLf9guPrIrt wl!'ll'.99.91'99' dell' ix's") of. eis.parents. ...Jaatin:go! ;.c.int.)utrice114,IVItpid..diTetoici.,_i,i; • i•umiiets: cif 1J Eo:f 13:-P;it.orto;eallievas;r:tals1 • .- .ete may be heti from the .niemb:er's oile 'elbeilg.r9g)atidtP.fr,•°:tiee, Tt..:14i'llipaeida:7111Ces'IsIrSz,... fe:-,:i4 Willie MeDoel .. ;,.a. attee,, , emst, iLlY.41 Dasted St . eel. etelitet nesesese*.e, Mr: George -:'Sterling''anliv:erc"d ''''''''e'vi:e. '(:). .r.i.: Ple.Triu4r'n;r1.111licidii:enr Wthilel.iewinintelie.r;lc.• '.:41:4:1:i4.f.'err'lit.o A. Mr: John Scrutbri.:' cii returned hotese.frosieethe West. ' Ciinten . on Fridey, .7.. ,... • . • e,„, c.. L,. No. 21 wilt celebra:te' 'the' • Mr .' -Geolge, Burnett ,hadethe miefoi-..51.11 of •Novby an oyster ..Supper and tune' to leo a colt latte.n;;:seltc....:e-e..ot .: Tanhu'i'AdtAii:I-1_0;:ncn.,ginitAliett.eti:oWnt;inlpineirle, ;ctin..6 ' . Mr . Freeilc Whitmire l.a.Fsti:vd,.eoinett;tsi.1..w. 01.1. a.:.rid: ,.14:sa.rrry 1,,,‘r,roo.ci.• :eVenings will .be spent in games .'itieste songs, .etc., :tele 12' a clack ,tifter which. • attend the Bayfield • Line school... They .' a' esaalles will '''he giveli* . • ' i' . area lively andsturdpeer of len ' -e !' 's ' I.Y.'tr:L• j'bh4 WiliCid°i1 ci()e''•d. down ht peel theegle. only about nine' yearsof '. : e'v.aP°r-ate'i ' on 'Te'esdaY' The seaieri ••. I • • age : aee eta.uneh Terisie... They .were in'. begall''oe. , the .3rd ....of. September .- eq. , .. laste great glee. over, the eieotion of. ..i.h6ir d. two •juSt .: ' months and .although. - • to ethere:•was niven coninial, nt 'of .scerbitY • .41444, Mr. Lewis, ..' and On going Union nl .. jecaeot ,. inBortinti nags tiltieytiphrOdisrit4ed, tfihese doif.;,.iloPtiZs. ''• ill thie, as Well as' other the evapotatot'. tinned out e; . • . . e 2,00. ,cases of :the. : :. finished Product. teachee is on theethees 44 01 POIlleiers' andtheris and eretieced ' the - lade so. severely 'es -what is known as waste for , • 'which ,its well ' 5 mpo pounds 'ot' and in aliger she pulled down the flag sbliaterg. "Tbet .. is ' what •,,I tesre 'is. always a market. ' We undere eo raise stand got ion standing .111. tor .ieowis,,,.. said most , of it ' goes 'to. GermenY. . little Fred, 'ae he showed his marked In 'this eomparatively 'short, season hands. • The' . severity .of- the .toaohor . Mee Whidtion put a earge.Sune of .nrene. . . ._. esidintoedieetilation - for wages, . Itiel, seems to beso -u: tterly . uncalled for teaming,' etc, The industry. is a. val- thatit. is ' not .much wonder it - has caused Much, ' feeling in •the section e, liable' one ter, et we had another , one • „awn.; _. John . mio.100u, Si is at . oe8;:. rncnqaulvtoiiinwaal aniount of labor CM, visiting her daughter, Mise Lieeee ----.S.-"--• - t.0!$:9-4-41....,,yatild woutd1 prout theitelsy. Wehave the labor,'Middletn lesTotentO. ''. . ' ..'• the question is, hew. to utiliese it. . . I' The ,next meeting: : of the .Wornen's.' LondeAbpici, : lIestitute. Will be held on Thursday ' .. afterhoon,, nekt • at the home' of Mrs'. . D. - MenTeuglitcire The..stibjecte . for Rbv. 1Vir. Stanley: . of Maxwell' • Will diseues.eee. . are : peeps/mei eg 6.,nd: ,. ii.reaeh anniversary ' gervic'es .. ire 'tbe. home-made candy. The. president, ' Of Methodist • cliurch:' here on sSunday " next, R.ot:,% Air. : curry taking. the work, the ' Society :Oilers a prize. at .. this Meeting . for.. the beet. 'mending, ' the at Mexwell., 'fly Will be held oil Monday evening 'foil - usual 1°w'. " t'l)i)er 'OcrelarY also offers.' A.'prize ' for -nest S darning, the. .work to he dem by., owing The; . fowl ey.aidsaround will , Members ' • of the ....institute. Judges.. • ft ' . . ' y ' - a ' ,g. t(1 .. 1. .- have been appointed end ell are ex- • being "Pie,P.e're4i f9r.. ' . .. elected to take part in the contest. The seml evening in. the : League • .The anniversary services in connees. laskWediteeday evenieg wag ITO' ens tion with the Methodist chetah.' will. joyabIe. ' A large flambee wei...t pies- 1)0 hold tip: Sundaye'Nov...20.th.. Who . entand all ,report having bad a good elle preacher or the dav will be is as ' 'tithe; ar ..: . , . • [ Yet unknown but en plied Is being -• Applee ard' Very scarce in this }dein- made to secure Ren. -Mr,' Livingstone ity. Mr. D. Cantelon • has finished of Mitchell who Was pattor of this packing here for this teeson. - ' ..church several years ages.' This .. Mise gene, . Whitely spent Sunday, to fact,' one of hi • first' charges but with ft -feeds ie Olintoh. e - • • I recollection ,of -him is sent gteen.. On The funbral,ef die late ThematselVeoen the IVIohday evening follOwitigthe m- ote Monday last was largely a.ttendedniversary a tea -meeting will be ' told. it Will be a. feast' of „good things tor the inner Men: to :he ;followed by : ,a.... prOgteiii of spiechesniesie and songs. The MisseX Wiseman and Chidley of Olinten Sundayed, in the villaze,, Halloween was celebrated by it .te.w of the boys. , Some gates were ; taken and put out of reach ot peisthis who gaud loss than seven feet. • Mr. A. P. -Joinig of . Animal spent Sunday with Weeds here. Rev. Mr, curry and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holmes attendct the Laymen's tnissionety reovehtent eonvention in Mrs. ItObt. SOoti and Two SOns Killed. 13lyth,:}1Nov. 3.-A serrible accident oecurred at a 0. P. U. crossing itt Hullett township, about three; miles! London last week, from, here, thie morning. While Mrs. Mr, Morrell 'spent the beginning ot Robt. Scott and her two boys, one 12 the week in London, and the other 14 years of age, were Mr, Bert Nott left on Monday mortie driving to toWn, an engine a,nd teridell! in for Goderieh where he hag secured truntting light to Goderith, eaught -them the position of fireman en the C. P. R. and killed Mrs. Scott and ohe boy in - Mr. Fred. Webber went to Winghain stonily, The other liVed a IOW Milt- on Tuesday having engaged for the des after being picked up: The liersea winter with a baker of that place. eimaped, • , Mr. D. Cantelon made a shipment of Mrs, Scott and -liee sons were mem- hogs .this week. The Price Was seine- hers of a widely -known and bighty-re- What lower than last week, specie(' family, and the awful tragedy Miss Metenaghati of Stratford and has ' plunged the entire district in Mr. Olive of Perth attended the fun- gloom. It wou14 appear that Mrs. eral of die late Thoiriag Mtion, Swit was endeavoring to get itetegg Mr, MeVitti4c of the Nile spent o" ahead of the locomotive', but only the few days Ols,. ray. *tit! • Itette,oleikti41.;tbit, trjoy,m411 016 6.44sh ' ' eattle4 ' " "