HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-09-24, Page 7IcPternber 24th, 19013
Clinton New4Record
Via 'Wand Tata Itailway System.
Bettirn 'tickets at single fare;
kt Nov, 'ard, to peints;tii Tn
ii pQtni 'IWattawa to Pert Arthur
lacorglan Day and XaekineVe Dive
4.0i00, Pert 'Arthur via N. N.
and to pert* points in 9nebee, NeW
Brunswick, ICOV41 SCOti4 atui New-
02nd tO, Nov. 31:41 to ,Musbeere,
Lelres, Lake et Bays, °Magnetawan
RiSerealcmetang. Midland- and: Lake -
Wel, Madawaska. o Depot Haebor,
Argyle to COboconk, Lindsay to Nati- •
41meton, Shetbet 'Lake via K.
and Points front Severn to North
• Bay inelustve, Return limit on •all
tickets •Saturday, Dec, 5th, 1,908„ tor '
until close of Navigation, if earlier,
Ito points „reached by steamers. Full
informatioa from any Grand Trenk
. ticket agent. t
• ester Rams of the best breeding for
, Sale at reasonable prices.—Chas, n,
Middleton, Clinton P. 0. •43-e4
Stock ;of Tile and Brick on hand.
The ftile range itt size from 24 inches
up to 12 in. Our works are mile
east of Egmondville.—Kruse Bros.,
EgInondville. •.„ 43—a
• tINRESERV-Eb--Atf6'fI-6N SALE01?_
Farm Stock.—The undersigned has
received instructions from Mr. Thos.
Archer to sell by public auction at
Lot 29, Con.. 5, Hullett .on Monday,
Oct. 54h. The following Horses -
1 road horse 9 years old, 1 aged
'driving mare supposed to be in rove,
1 geeeral purpose horse rising • 7
years, 2 heavy fillies rising 3 yeare
bred by Southport, 1 roadster geld-
ing 2 years, bred by Hackard, , 1
exoadster suckling colt bred by Elec-
tric B., 1 cow due to 'calve about
lst Nov. 3 cows supposed to be th
• caU,i heifers supposed to be Ire
calf, 8 steers eising 3 years, 3 steers•.
r ising .2 'years, 1 heifer rising 2
years, 4 spring calves. • Other Ar-
ticles -1 top buggy, 1 truck wagon,
1 cutter, a quantity of poultry. All
will be sold without reserve as • the
proprietor has rented his farm.
Sale at I o'clock. Terms All sums
of $10, and under, cash; over that
amount 12 months.:' credit on approve
• ed joint notes. 5 per wit. discount
for cash in lien of notes. Thos. Arch-
• -16r, Proprietor. Thomas ;• Brown,
• Millinery Department. —Hodgens
Bros. •
housework. Highest wages.: • No
• washinge—Apply to. Mrs. Geo. • Mc -
eitillette male or female hold-
! efeKeeMe*PeseNer-
.-"Dutieto coinmenoe at New
-Year's., Apply stating salary'
;McCool, See-
eetary, Londesboro P. 0... • .
IIDDLETON—IlArrElte-At the re's• -
idenee . of the bride's mother on
Sept.. Idth, by Rev. F. G. New-
• ton, Bertha, da,ughter of Mrs.
Martha Hayter of GreenWay, to
John Middleton Jr., Goderieh
LALL—DALIAS.--At the home or ',the
bride's father on Sttpfetnber 15th,
by` Rev. D. Perrie, John. Ball, late
• of %Ingham) to Jean Dallas, da,ughe
4tere of Mr. 0. Dallas! or Wingliam,
' ham, on September Oth, by Rev.
D. Perrie, Louis G. Wethothead to
Charlotte Took, both or EaSt
On Sept. 16th, Mahal 11. Flintoit
to John Weigh of Hensel'. .
UAY*1-•MN—SHERWOOD—On Septexn-
,ber- 151111, at St. Paul'cathedral,
.London, by the rector, Rove Call-
en Dann, Claudia Elizabeth, daUgh-
. ter of the late Christopher Sher.
Wood, of St. Cathariee% to * Wil -
ham Yates Hayden, D. I). S. of
Goclerich. ' \
JOYNT--SIIIELDS-eM 'the' iVfa.nso,
Egniondville, on Sept. 100, ,. by
Rey. Neil Shaw, AndreW..P. J„Oynt
to Francis Mary Shields., both \ of
WHTTE—0011113S—At the Mange, Eg-
roondville, on. Sept. 16th, by Rev.
Neil 'Shaw, Ralph °P White° of
114440•441•41 911.444014114404414111.4HP414.4011441Pliel"0414.404.40,44.
The News From Goderich-
• ELOISE A. SKIAMINOSt Correspoadont
• 1
4,41104e4s44•44•40 •••• **No...NO*1140**H •10414114tele*O“.44,040,04?
Mrs. Glasgew (nee Miss Jean Mac- Miss Stauffer of New York is the
ara) has •returned from a trip eo guest of her sister, Mrs. Field.
• Bonnie Scotland, And, is with her The New -Record to the end a 903
mother and siSter, Mrs. and Miss Ma- for 25 cents.
cara, ai.the Park House.
The funeral of the late Daniel G.
Thb W. C. T. U. held their aunual Denison, took place on Thursday last
meeting in Temperance hall on 14th emu ; the re,deehee ot me aseghese,
September, Mrs. George Acheson act- are 44 feMee, Abe. Moore, 1 -le wast born, is
ing as secretary Protere, The office cgda and married mina. 1,,ydia mow
erg • elected 'llOWS ; PreSideet, i
der' of Kentucky. • Before• comingMrs, J. P. BroWn ; Mrs.. James Ito- about a year ago, do reside in God.-
bertsone -Vce-President ; Recording erich with their •daughter, they lived
Secretary, les. James Boble ; °or- in Bothwell atter leaving Berlin, botli
responding Seeretary, Mrs. George
, having come to Canada years No
Acheson ; Treasurer, 116frs'.E• P' 1Pau4" Some doVi3ly floral wreaths d
in. The election or the .diflierent pup- cites of flowers were laid upon the
erintendents was laid over to a spec-' e, er
ial meeting of the executive on Sat- casket, bhie loving daughtand-
ye ;iplr,ening.•Before, the . rn,eoting thner iichi.ld and be- Many Wends' of the
y arr. Denison was a retired
Messrs' a;e9rge M" .-'llic'tt mSpence celled upon the Tplotographer and a.great.lover ot the
and ' W. 0, . beautiful in 'nature. RevJ. A. . Alf=
IL and Mr, Spence told them that he derson •()Dictated at home and comet -
came there to give them any infor- .
cry, The pallbearers were Col. Young
motion, they, might. require for their and Messrs, D, Stoddart, B. Switzer,
Temperance work, He told them how George Stewart, 'Frank F. Lawrence
hard the ladies or Owen Sound and and A, Sa.ults. The late; Mr. Deelson
Barrie worked for the Temperanee s`by his widow and two
case and he thought •-the members is Urvived
present looked thoroughly alive to the "'lighters', MrsRenton of California.,
Tuckersmith, to ,Janet DOnmh, interests :of Temperance. He . is , ,a dmenAa4.0linh_and Mr AbregEntiled. e.1Thore, townHis
.061-MeKilidit. --:.:.- ''pleasing conversation -all -et and says ior
relatives herb. ,
with a modest demeanor,. just what he
Births .. wants to say and that is always to Artist. Hargitt was ;the lucky win-
FA.LICONER—In 1 .-etanleY Stet;
2,3rd to..Mr. and Mrs. NV; llianerKl-t
roner, a daughter.
11A-LLABAN—In East Wawanesle
Sept. 12th, to 1Vkr. and Mrs. •. W.
P, Hailahan, 6, son.
GALI3RALTH—In Brussels, on Aug.
• 16th to Mr, .end Ws. 'John
braith, 'a daughter, ••
• 'SIMMONS—In Winghare, on 'Septem-
ber 10th, the wire of the late A.
. E. Simmons,• a daughter, .
V..",:efeet.ne fe'erre'1,71e7';"
to Mr,- and Mrs, John Caldwell,
• Jr., a son. •
•' Deaths ,
MANNING—Li Olin/ten oe'.Sept.. 21st,
Mrs, 11, E. Manning �f *Dtingannon. •
`NICHOLSON—In Clinton •on Ceept.
•,• 22nd, ,Thos. Nicholson x.f Auburn,
• aged 72 years. • . •
DUTTON,--On Sept,'.10th at the lenne.
of her daughtee,, Meg. as. llure
Oshkosh,• Wisconsin, • Jane. e•E,
Crocher, reliet of the late J.
Dutton, ,eld*t daughtet lets
• Major Creches: IP. le :of • Per: -
by, Miramiehl, .N. ,B. and mother
• of .Mrs. James Shepherd, , Towne
send St., clinisin, , •
WILSON—In 'POrtage La Prairie;
Xart., on Sept.; Oth, Rachel Wilson:
• relict or the late John Wilson, fore
•merly of MerriS,townshin, a.geii 75
yeers land .3 months.
DENISON—In Gciderich; :on .Septena-
her 3,5the Daniel ..G. •Denison, aged'
79 years .and :Months. •
SCOTT* --In • Winghem, On Septeniher
ldth, Mary Belden, :relict of
the late W: W. Scott, • cif*.E.a.et Woe!'
wanoslie in •hee 80th ,year. ' •
Hour ZM ANN—In' Creeliton,,oneSept.
...alrilrefeeTereeeorge 'Boltzmenn,, aged • .85,
• years and indntlis.•. •••
MeCATIGHEY7-In Lecknow on Sept:
• 17th, • 'I'eresa-'' • Elizabeth, infant
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. P.
• McCaughey, aged e8 months • and
2 days. ., • : .•
on Sept .17th,
•• Marion Caeolinerietighter: :
ately the furniture be,onging to the
late Mrs. Matheson. Will be Sold
'cheap. May be seen at any time
at residence Rabtenbtiry street east.
and Mrs. L. Levis, aged 2 years,
3 months and 1..day. .
the point. • . • , : ner of the prize of $20. given for the
On • Monday : evening 14th inst ie best collectien of paintings at the
c • -
Mr, SPeeci.3.e. w.a.4 introdeeed. to the l'oildort •
_ _ ,
. • .
large number of persons ,preeent by •The. Bedford block shaving parlor
Mayor Macklin, the meeting being held bass get a •new 'Meager; .1.1, B.. Bdeli-
in the court rooM. .Mayor Macklin' ma.
•explained. the• object'. of the meeting, We were shown last week asouvenir
"L.oca.1 Option,"; and having a coin- Of the revolution of 1770,in the form,
mittee 'meeting of the town council of a powder hore, owned by the an -
to attend dePtited the office of . chair- cestors of Arra Daniel G. Denison,;
Man to Dr. Strafig. Rev. Be/Ilan-lin and new 'Presented to Master: Hugh
H. Spence their addeeNged the eudiencei .MOOr0,, het grandson, here, • It also
for two hours, more: or Ices, • OnsWere • did duty in ,the American war of 3.812..
Olithireelitetlie-h-andoetf • Tit-dela:VT -41.4K-
without being asked .- Be is one . of Denison'e' grandfather.' .
the Most .pleasing. Speakers ever sent %Miss Mae Lyons or. 13urfalo, is the
out to Address. the public upon the guest .of her aunt, Miss,- Cora Hysto.P.
Temperance platform. Be is, a news- Mr, Fraeilc; if, Beattie who filled the
paper .man, and Wo presume. he knows place of Mr.. -Dore at the• G, ,T.
Well the subject he is new taking up.; station" Was :the guest While here of
He said Local Option wohl& give wood his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beattie at
results, as • was free front' party their "Wonderiend".daiey farm,: Bay -
jealousy, .and that all•'cleeses of . hese 'field Road. - ••• -
inesS men would be benefited by . its Mesgrs'. Birrninghain."and Forest , of
pesginge—Atetlieeend bt his --addras. he 'the: Breakwater Work :here are now
asked ter cortunittees'. to ;.1.)e i formed, 'owe trip to • Cobelt and New Ontario.
to ' committee • the preparatory Werier, Mr. and 'IVIra•F....le:Pridhare.
for • presenting . the wishes:0f. the takifig . a .trip ;, on the ,leaWrence
people to Governtheet on the Local route. •. •:' • '
Coptioit qu.estion: .• ' . We E. Kelly visited•'•Kingetog en hie
• Mrg'.• Collier; and .ester,:Mse Sadie , way to his old home at Peterboro,..•
Nett,' of Hamilton; *who spent their... Me.' Reensay and tamely now .occupy
vacation at '''.1Velnut" cottage, resid- the cottage On Vietorie St., formerly
enee 'Of their •-'SiStee,.....Mrs. James occtipied . by . Mr. :Stoddart, 1,e.reess
Brown, hive returned to their honie..- maker, ' •
The WC CCPectOr.: is % on hie. rounds,. . The ROW handsonfe;hrick ,house, •later -
hut only 2 cents 'On the dollar is. ' alelsre built lay. Mr;eChishoint, is IOW. 0e -
lowed up to • the 15th • day • of 0e,tober,.. cupied by Mr, DevideStoddett and
to.thogeewho pay -their. taxes . „beforeefainily• - , • ".
that date.. . • . "' ' •' ''Rev;. Joseph Elliott went Iv; 'mon-,
Mrs.. Taylor; ;•who ' spent ' neVeral • treale lasteveek, to meet Mrs F1
weeks- at .`,4,11bgedene". with Mrs. Jas. Iiott on return' teem" Great.. Bri-
Strengh, retuetied".• to ;her home.. at. tate. •:• •
Kingseille *Met week; of 'Detroit IS' the geeet
Mr ned Mrs.::.Alext-Satitirlere. were this month of her :brother; Mr. Cher-
i& 1V1ontreal 'last ,week,,,,the former- et- les Nairn and family ande,ante to•stere-
tendin.g the eneelene.: ef. the Camidian up Mrs Morris fueniture.entil her
MauufactuLers Association, e • turn here next Seaser..
Mrs .• Taman- now occupies -the ho se • Mr. Joy. and 'daughter 'Who', •epeet.
oxi Napice 'street lately bought by: • part of the seasen •gtiests of ',the
Mr-. Praeg. , • . • • • * former's neicese, the Misses -.Dimogh,
• /Oberst ef P,Picehlore, have :returned to their hoMe'•at Nash --
the gtieriti of Mrs: Retinson, eof "Nell ; T " •
. et. cnn. • .
the C P..R. Statien Maeter.; '• ." Deputy Registeer and Mrs .- nit:keen.
•Mr. ;and ,Mrs, Dore hoes, •pecupY• the: are. on a • visit, to . Chicagcrwhere . they
.peetty.'new. Elgin Street cottage; late- ere' the guests 0! the ;latter'S sieter.,
ly built:1w Mr., Jewel. • .; •Mr. ;John • Salkeld One .ef the .VAliteer,
Mr Williem Johnston wiee.hee bran: farmers of the 134feicl freed,. - the
'+44.+4.+++++++.4..4.+++++++ in a rather :delicate -state el health Salkeld fame, all being el virgin Sil•
Y " " t the peet sea:sen, been for some when his: father; 'Settled on the old
lcs the pest Of her nelee Mrs . homestead, hs -.tired from .titrin life
• Capital - $3,374,000
•, Rest Fund • - • - • $3,374,000
in all the Principal Cities in the World.
1 at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest .current .rate, .2
Clinton Branch, - C. 16.1Dowding,lianager ,
44++++444:4++++44+++++ 44++++++44++++444+14+1 that befel Mr. Harry Videen, •, • who „Lean attended the Toroato Ptir and
. .
w ter • g , •
OADetroit; hie not we learn, and now occupies with his family in
received much benefit from her stay hisnew brick residence on Market St.
'there. . • Mr.•WilleMeIntosh er Portland, Ore -
Captain Montgomery -walked itt ,frontegon, is the guest of his sisters, 'the
his son's on Wednesday 1etle inSe., 'Misses Me•Intoghscarcely. any ef his
looking as xrcuch-iii a cavalier; as ever. ,...friends recognized •lihte ,he was so
I -re hacl gdne, down to Toronto - on changed. ' •-•
Mr. Will. Marsh et Toledo • is
regiStered at the Nyilliams' House,
with his mother, Mrs. Marsh.
• We return our thanks W Mrs. Marsh,
fqr ; giving ue a copy of the Toledo
"Blade" dated Wednesday, •Sept: 2nd
In wbieb, appears' a beautiful photo-
gravure of :Kate Brownlee Sherwood,
chairman ot the Women's citizens'
oommittee and wife of Oeneral rsaae
B. Sherwood member of congress from
the ninth congreSsional distriet • or
Miss Lulu Leslie of Winnipeg, Man..,
is the guest or her uncle and. 'aunt,
Mr. and Urs. J. B. Saults • ot
Saults House,
Mrs, M. A. Kerr and family, who
%pant the summer at "Veranda,h" cot-
tage, have returned to Toronto,
Justice Anglin presided at the, rall
assizes here this week.
Mr. Ernest,Harvey ho returned to
England, •
• Mrs. aren't and her daughter, Mrs,
Shannon, have returned to MerePbts,
Tenn. " •
At Knox cluxrch on Sunday evening
there was a good congregation, Rev.
• Anderson chose for his text from St.
Matthew 21-19, ."-Nothieg but have
tes?' • M the offertory the choir sang
"Glory be to the Father."
The lot three fever patients at the
• hospital, Me.sdaines Stratton and (Dr.)i
Clark and Miss Lieeie Barry are, all
convalescent and soon will be _Ale_
tretetnrn—to them home.
law, Mr. Steele C. E., and remained 1VIre. John Halliday• on their neurn,
e few weeks with Ails daughter, who to Detroit after attending .1.ne letterer
now reside.s' in the Queen City. at Godeeich of her son,,the late Itob-
4return. Our thanks to Mrs. H. ert Rutledge of Detroit. .
C. 13urgess of Toronto " for. wedding Mr. John Halliday, who ).l4) go to
faVors.. the Computing e Scale Co. ef Detroit
Mr. and Mm. George Brophy have hns got Our. a patent, for a new Com -
returned to their home at Detroit; al- puting seale. • He has also taken out
ter a pleataet viSit • with their rale- a patent for a cheese cutter like Me-
tives here, and at Kincardine. • / Ewan's.,
. City•Lifivia it Is. .
On hundreds of Ontario farms there
are young • men and 'young 'women
who look with envy on the lot of
these who reside in cities and towns.
They *cold have little reason for
envy if their knowledge was wider,
Thiele conception of the pleasures and
opportunities of city life ie based on
partial • and Misleading Observation
and incomplote •• information, They
seldom sea ;people from the -city sate
When -these. -7Were--o-ifetchterfaiy:T—DreT
know nothing of the rush and grime
of factory life . or Of •the long • hours
.spent in nerrow.quarters -in which the
air is always foul. • In the ,eity press,
they read daily of the frivolous
pieasuees of •the idle; rich and of the
few Who have attained euccess, as sue -
cess is defined in the mind of the un-
thinking crowd. They do ttett„liave.'
presented•to them, as a rule, the other
side of the pieture—the pinching
economy 'necessary, -even in the coo
or those 'With fairly large • ,incomes,
where practiCallye the whole of one
week's wage js:tequired to pa e.' the
monthly rent.bill and everY artiele of
food placed on the table means. an-
other drain' upon tho some source.
Occasionally, however, -the other
side of the picture' Is presented.• 'In
the cities of the Uhited States Collier's
Weekly recently, • infoemed us : that
the average: workingman's fainily
there is never two Weeks' from want,
and another reliahle,aethority • hae
eteted that 10,000,000 people in great
Americati centres , are in a constant
state of semi -starvation. • • '
In:the cities there are a few Who ate
quire: name and fortene, i .ntany
calees,, the fine:Om-lie*
the result or crooked 'methods or t
rceern. for broken healtri un
strenuous race for weelfh.—City
We regret' *very Much the accident Mesdames A'. D. and -WAIF-ma— 1V1c--
• • .. • • . Itor some months has bgen employed were the guests of relatives in ., -that
When in Clinton do not fail to see our four
window bargains.
All genuine money savers.
$1.25 handled axes .only 75 cts..
NO. .2
75 et. large Burner cold Blast Lanterns only 50 'cts
NO3 "
$1.50 oneyrice Nickel plated l'ea-kettles.$1.25.
Nom 4
$1%..tne lete.sble (lute
15.00 a •
11.00 ."
8.50 Single
• it.
12 00
9 00
jjj S MVE House
• e• stswiteentinsimmensieressettenessistemsenets
at the elevator and was: badly injured, eity • •
on Wednesday, 'having one arm broken , Mrs. Jock Campbell m:d Miss
arid ietereal iejery sustained by his Campbell attended the 'Toronto Feir
cerning in contact with the rope that and visited friends in Hamillem.
coils and uncoils ny machinery. 1 Mr, and Mrs. George .SteWart; Sag -
We notice that Mr.. Griffith, late of 'Maw,- Mich., were in town for a feW
the futhiture factory is launching days this month. Mr. 'llteePtt.l. was
out•in the upholstering business. I married her tears age, 40' a sista of
Mi, Baker, late of London, Eng -Captain Craig, :who died some years
land, has taken the position of Miss ago and has not visited the old town.
Knight at the residence of Mrs. Haw- t for a great ,ntimber of years until.
ley, Colborne street, Her father, W. now.
H. Baker, is employed • at the W. 0.1 Tha
omg Tipling of Belcarres,
Co'S Flour Mills. • "- Saskatchewan, who has been visiting
Mrs. McLellan, sisier"of Air. Scott,
has =Awned from a visite to Toronto ;
after a pleasant visit with her neph-
ew, gr. .George -Scott Ji. of that '
Mr. and 'Mrs. Hartijit retureedelest
week from London.
Mr, Robert McLean is ptiteing a new
• front • is the • storb known as the
• "Wond2r1and" and we have :bent' told
that be is making preparations • to
bUtld another store on Kingetott St.
Mr, and Mrs. George levees of De-
• troit and little. sop, Geiree Elmer,
- wore the 'gee ;to' lase Thureday of
•tres .16tens'• earente rer, endeMre,
S. Kneekle. They else Visited the
Ileynoltle faintly in iitolop, •
up, Jacob Stokes boteilit the One -
storey horse on Albert street which ,
was sold by auetion lest week, Price
S720. Mr. Monk has, been the tenant
for some time, •
Mr. Louis, Campbell of the- Olymp-
le cafe has returned to Stratford, !
• Mr. an
. Prang has bought the house ;
• Ati Napier street lately bought e by
Y. 'McPhee who has moved to The,-'
her relatives In • Cnitail0 for several
weeks spent . a few days :in Goderielt
this month at the residence of •her
friends Mr.' and Mrs. Asher Farrow.
Mrs. C. A, Young and Miss lVivien
Wilsoft; who have been the guests of
Mrs. B. J, Saults of the Saults
nous?, were abeompanied • on their
intern to their bottle, at Ottawa • by
Mrs. 13. J. &tilts as 'far as, Buffalo,
and Niagara Falls.. ••
Charles F. • Adams, ' • barrister of
Calgttry, spent a eOtiple ot days itt
town the guest pf his •brother, Mr;
Roy Adams,
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Hooper heVe re-
tureed from Their four months visit to
Englattd and the contineet.-.Mall and
Empire:. •
Miss IVreInery • has returned Atom
her visit .,to Detroit, Her brother is
one of the 0, P. P., Abed. They' WV/
00010 the house on Lighthouse ; St.
formerly 'occupied ,by Thereto Ileeney
0. E.
About five &elm* Satarday 'morn-
ing the barn. of 111r. Arthur (leaden,
,Liglehouse street, was destroyed by
Squeezing the Sponge.
. •
As a veey Important source Of ee-
tionairitrength and security, it J4: 047
sential that we should • cherish Our
public Credit.- Our method of preServing
it is to use it as 'sparingly •as possible
to avoid occasion of useless expense
and the accutnulation. or debt,
•It is ,essentlal that we should make
iigoreus efforts in time elf prosperity
to discharge the- debts -which have ac-
cumulated' during a lea.n period,- so. as
not ungenerously to throw on poster-
ity.the hiffddit Which we should hear.
TO pay debts there Must be reVenue,
and to -have" revenue eliere must
. .
• Sir Wilfrid Laurier says that during
the past twelve years' his gee:eminent
has had enormous surpluses, armlet-
ing in all to $113,000,(100. He'omite;to)
say that. this • $113,0%1000 has been
spent by his gevernthent, and furtheu.
more that the public debt hes 'increas-
ed by 20,000,000.
• In' 1896 the ekpenditiire aihounted
to $42,000,900, :and, in 1908 it emountsi
to over $100;000,000/
In 1896 Sir Wilfrid Lander said—
‘.`1 • premise you that if you pet . odr
party into' pcwer, we will reduce 4*
annual expenditure by $2,000000 oe
$3,000,000 per annum" ; while, 4Sir
Richard CartWright said that "It is
a disgrace and a shame td the govern -
meet, that they should ask for aft eS-
peed' Lure, of $33,4390,000 for federal
purpases ; the :thing is unjustifiable."
• in 1908 the ' Laurier' goVernment
spent $69,000,000 more than .the Con-
servative government did in 1806.
• In' 1896 the revenue, 'wliich consists
almost entirely of customs' and ex-
cise duties, and which :are the taxes
paid by the people,amounted to $27,-
769,286 while ifi; 1908 they Amounted
t� $73:000,000.
' To meet the enormous increase . in
expenditiare tinder the Laurier,' govern-
ment, the taxes during the past twelve
yearS have doubled ,per head. le 1896
the tax per head was $5,46, in %1908
it is $11.70.
In 18N6 .Sir Wilfrid Laurier -said,
"We are the Party of low ta.xatiott-
Let us iiot forget that ;every dollar
taken by the Government the totem
pi taxation each year It taken from
you as &Very pound of naile, every
axe, every yard of cloth you ;buy front
your ',merchant is the mediuni hlch
you. pay taxes to the Dominion Gov-
In the above recoed of expenditures
the cost of. the country's share of the
eoeskeatetion of the, Grand Trunk Pat-
lflo has not,iteee lecluded. What has
the country to show lot the enormous+
expenditures ? , What will the out-
• Icome be 11 the present adminIstration
hi retained in power, -to preserve its
present ",poly. of ruinous expenditur.
• Live Stock *whet.
Toronto, Sgpt. 3Ist,—The heavy run
of last week affected. the :demand for
butcher cattle .to -day. Trade was
very slow at the 'Onion Stock Yards.
While there was the usual -lietb,er
large proportion of poor quality
cattle, there were also some good to
fairly good . butcher cattle; Orfering.
The best could hardly be said to be
quite as strong as last week. Cattle
for vvhieh drovers were asking $4 to
$4.25 for .ultirnately sold. at $3.65 •to
$3.75. Either The cattle were not so
good as the same- priCed cattle last
week, or the market is offethat much.
One or two firms are now in the'
Market ;to buy feeders for the. distil-
leries. • Thera are not many yet offer-
ing, hilt there will be a steady demand
for the.next few weeks. Good steers,
1,000 pounds and up, aro quoted at
$3.35 to $'9,75 1,000 1,300
pounds, at $2.4 to $2.75.
• The total run .to -day was 66 cars,
With 4388 head of cattle, 462 sheep
and lambs, 59 hogs and 25 Calves.
BUteher—Very el10100 bitteher cattle,
about steady from V4,40 to $4,50, top
figures ; good, $4 to $4.40; medium
butcher cattle, easier, at $3.215 :to
$3.05 le good cows, easier around $3.40
• to $4, and anything Very Chaice 'a few
eents higher.. Canners and code:ion
butcher bulls are easier and slow,; at
from a cent to a cent and a half a
pound, 1
• Calves—Market easter at 3c to 6e.
export for the London market° at $5
to $5.1.5 ;' medium light export !or the
LiVerpool market from $4.40 to $4.50.
flega—Market steady., Harris quotes
select hogs at Vi fed and watered, and
$6.75 f.o.b, .
ea• Gsioeor,d milch cows in demend, but
poor ones unsaleable.
Stockers, mall 'demand and market
• Good distillery: 'feeders in' demand q
steers, 1000 'pounds and upwards, $3,-
25 to $3,75 ; 1;000 to i;soo
pounds, at $2.40 to $2;75.,
The News -Record Jan.,709
.for 25 Cents
sc a pound cash.
• .•
Scrap Iron Dealers.
Opposite Graham's Hotel
Grows Worse.
This is the danger. .
and the progress of •
nearsightedness 1.
the forerunner of
We correct alley° de.
' Scientific
A. J. GR
and. Optician
A Resident of Ottawa
Finds Relief in Pe,rti-na.
RAIL RENs31 ST; JEAN, 210 Bt. ?at -
JAM lick street, Ottawa, Out., •Can.,• •
Attu' •
"I. believed a year ago that I could
etand anything, ' I worked hard;kept
irregular hours, and did not'inind the
loss of a few• meals, but ftn. six weeks I,
had changed to a physical wreck.
• "Efght bottles of Peruna brought
hack my strength." '
' A. O. Harding, 503 W.140 St., Now
York eity, formerly' one of the 'reading
druggists of "Prescott, Ont., has beesa
• presented with • a twentpfive year
Medal of Honor in Odd Pellowship.
writes as follows: .
e'ver since 1. have been handling ••
-Peruna, bave had a fine' trade. "
a family buys &bottle, I am sure of sell-
ing them more, and it never fells to
-bring-additional customers,—
el have nothing better for catarrh in
all of its various forms., As a*housee
hold remedy it is without compare, •
splendid for mothers and excellent for
J. B. tioover
Nelson Ball '
with ihe beauty and
completeness of our
furniture display if
. .
you will come and
look at it.
amously Fine
urn' ure
The 11
Clinton Clinton Knitting Co'y
has steady employment for
several girls at once.
Apply at the Factory
• with leading business houses
.• await, Our graduates: •
•and all modem office we
.thodir which eneure rapid
• edvaneenierit. ' - •
1 • teught by the only teacher in
Ontario who attended the
• nuthor's school;
11112Eg CotiltSeg—Tdegraphy
Stenography, Commercial.
PrALL. 710tAil "Rom ISIEPT. 1
Clinton Business College
GEO. SPOTION, toftimetrAt,
it is m every respect -
There is grace,
beauty , 'style, in every
piece. And We wish.
it distinctly' under-
stood that this is fur-
niture made to with-
stand good hard ser-
vice.. We don't sell
giznorao- k stuff;though
you might think so
from our prices.
Hoover .& Ball
Furniture. and Funeral
We ate the sole ageitts ror. the,
Famous Berenice Springs and
Ostermoor Mattregges.
The Shredded Wheat Co. Toronto*
Will give a banquet through the
Ladle& Aid of Wesley church, in
the tOWn hall, on the 15th of •Oc.
tober. Itt 'addition to an excellent
menu, a splendid program will he
• provided. *