HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-09-24, Page 6r 24th, 1908
end Trunk ,Railwey Syetem.
tickets etkeingle fare ; ,Oot.
Ov. Ord, to points in Teritag-
bite Mettattra tO Port' Arthur
glen BaY and Mackinavv Div-
ert Arthur via N, N. CO.,
Certain peitite' in (Oche°, New
1010,1 Nova Scotia, and INIONV.,..
22W4 to. NOv. ard, to Ilauslcoke„
.1,4ike of Bays, Magneba.wan
'14004118, Midland and ;ia
MedeVeaska to Depot Harbor,
he to 00b000nie. Lindsaito Hai-
n Sharbdt Lake AO. K. '4 P.
Mid Pants froin Severn to Nortit
ineleeiVe. Return limit fele all
-'SatUrday, Dee.. 5th, i
tettil close of Navigation, if earlier,
points reached by steamers. 'Full
4111Ormetion from auy Grand Trunk
ticket agent !
- es* Rams of the hest, breeding for
ash) at reasonable, prices,e-Chas. B.
Middleton, 'Clinton P. 0.
Stock ;of Tile and, Brick on. hand,
e The elle range in size from 2*inbcs
up to 12 in. Our work s are
east of Egmondville.-Kruse Bros.
Egmondville. 43-6
. Farm Stock. -,--The undersigned has
reCeived iastructions from Mr. Thos.
Archer to sell by public auction at
Lot 29, Con.. 5, Hullett on Monday,
Oct. 5th. The following t•HorSes-
1 road horse 9 years old, 1 aged
driving mare supposed to be in foal,
1 gmeral purpose horse rising 7
yeaes, 2 heavy fillies rising a -yours
bred by Southport, 1 roadster geld-
ing 2 years, bred by Hackard, , 1
coadster sucklingcolt bred by Elee-
tric B., 1 cow due to calve about
lst Nov. 3 cows supposed to: be in
Calf. $ heifers supposed to he fa
calf, 8 steers eising 3 years, 3 steers.
rising 2 years, 1 . heifer rising 2
years, 4 spring calves. Other %Ar-
ticles -1 top buggy, 1 truck' wagon,
1 'cutter, a •quantity of poultry. All
will be sold 'without reserve as the
proprietor has rented .his farm.
Sale:at 1, o'clock. Terms AU sums
of $13, and cash; over that
amount 12 'in.' s' credit on approv-
ed joint not: . 5 per cent. discount
for cash in lien of notes. Thos. Arch-
"7"-'""---- Ter, Proprietor. Thomas ; Brown,
-, Auctioneer.
Millinery Department. -Hodgens
housework. Highest wages. _No
washiag..e-Apply to Mrs. Geo. Mc -
a art..
Hullett, male or female hold-
ing 3rid class certificate from. .Nor -
nal. Duties to Commence at New
Tear's. Apply stating salary,' and
Mccool, Sec-
tary, Londesboto P,, o:
, ately the furniture be,onging to the
Tate Mrs. Matheson. Will be sold
cheap. May be seen at any time
at residence, Rattenbury street east.
MIDDLETON-41AYTEReeAt the res-
idence . a the bride's mother on
Sept. 15the by Rey. F. G. New-
ton, Bertha, daughter of Mrs.
IVIartine Hay* of Greenway,, to
John Middleton, Jr., Goderielt
LALL-DALIAS-At the home of Mei
bride's father on Sq'ptlembet 15th,
by Rev. D. Perrie, John Ball, late
Of Winghane, to Jean Dallas, daugh-
• iter or Kr. 0. Dallas or Wingheen.
WETHERHEA.D--1,00K-At Wing-
• ham, on Septeniber 9th, by Rev.
D 'Petrie Loole G. 'Wetherhead to
Charlotte Took, both of East
• Wawanosh,
On, Sept, 1,6th, gihell H. Flintoff
to John'Welsh of Hensall.
' her Mk, at St. Paul's' cathedral,
London, by -the rector, Rev., Can
• on Dann, Claudia Elizabeth, daugh-
ter of the late Christophet. Slier-
, wood •of St...Catharines Wil-
• limn Yates' Hayden, D. D, $. of
Goderich. •
JOYNT-SHIELDS-At 'the' Manse,
Eginondville, on Septe idtiht , by
.. Rev. Neil Shaw, Andrew P. Joynt
to Feaneis Mary -Shields, both of
inirTS-COUBs--At the Matte, Eg-
' mondyille, on Sept. 16th, by Rev,
Neil Shaw Ralph 'R. White' of
Tueliersmil, to Janet D. Combs
' • . Berths
FALCON•ER-In I 'Atanley i A SLIti.
2.3rd‘ to Mr. and Mrs, William 1.•%,.1-,
a. •daughter, • •
HALLAHAN-In East Wa.i,vanosh,
• Sept, 12th,: to Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Hallahan, a son. -.
GALBRAITH-In Brussels, on .Attg.
• 16th .to Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Gal-
braith, 'a daughter. ••
Wingharn, SePtem-
her 16th, the Wife of .the late A.
claualrlet,- •
- •
, ••• • 1
to Mr, and .Mrs. John:Caldweli,
Jr., a ion. •
• Deaths
MANNING: -In Clinton. on Sept. '31st,•
Mrs,.R. E, Manning or Dangannon.-
NICHOLSON,--In Clinton.. on Sept
22nd, ,Thos. Nicholson or • Aebure,
a.ged 72- years, '
DUTTON-On Sept. 1.9that the twine
of her daughter, ,, Mrs J 1t I ere',
• Oshkosh, •!Wisconsin, Jane. ;. E:
• Cro0her, relict of the late J. •IA,
Dutton, eldvist daughter or the 'Teti
Major •Ceocher IP. L 5., of per -
by, Viramichi,, N:' B., and Mother
. or Mrs, James ...Shepherd, , Town-
send St, Clintan; •
WILSON -4n. • Pottage La Prairie,
Man., on Sept. eth, Rachel Wilson
relict of the late John :Wilson, forr.
merly of Morris tOWnship, age,* .43
years and' 6 months.; • • ••.• •
Goderich; oe Septem-
ber 15th, Daniel; a. Denisen, aged
79 year .and .4 months...
•SCOTT -ern Wingliael; on September
10th, Mary J.' Holden, relict •Or
• -the laie.W. . Scott,. of East Wa-
wanosit, in her -80pi year. Nceeeeee.
HOLTZMANN-In ,Crediton, en7sept:
13; lGoorge Holizmaek ,•age.d ••85
years and 0 moriths. , •
IVIeCAUGHEY'-In .Luckriew on Sept;
17th; Teresa Elizabeth, Infant.
I daughter of Mr. nd. Mrs, W. ' F.
I McCaughey,. aged .18 Month's arid
• 2 days. • • • " • •
on sept...17th;
; 'Marion 0aroljn, daughter of Mr.:
and.. TviTg. L. Lexie, aged 2 years,
• 3 months and 1 day.
• '•
+++++++++++++4++4+++7 i++.4 -44-4-4-t44+++++++4:++;
The inoLso-Ns 13AN
Capital - $3,374,000 4
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents
in all the Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch, - C. E.IDOwditig„tlanager
• •••
Clinton do not fail to see our four
window bargains, '
All genuine money savers.
$1.25 handled axes .only 75 as.
75 ct. large Burner Cold Blast Lanterns only 50 c s
NO 3
$1.50 one price Islickel plated `1"ca.liett1es $1.25.
\ NO 4
$1tftflI/teed:Ile baritti Uwe I I VI 1,14.0
15.00 " " 12 00
11.00• " 9 00
8.50 Single •" 7.00
a I
Clinton News -Record
•••40t ••••••••••••••••••••••••«44.00,0.44.044.••••••01
- The News from Goderich
mom A sionmiNos. correzpondent
Mrs. Glasgow (nee Mise Jean Mace
are) has returned !Vora a trip . 'to
Bohnie Scotland; .. and is with her
mother aud sister' Mrs., and Miss NW.
care, at ,the parkHouse. •The funeral of the late Daniel G.
Th W. 0. T. U. held their annual Denison, took place on Thursday, lest
meeting in Temperanpe ball on 14th frOM l the residence. et hie daughter,
September, Nis. George Acheson act- Mrs. Abe MOOre. ' He was born in
tug as secretary pro tele.' The office Ohio and married Miss !Lydia Men-
erse.elected are as follows:. President, dell of Kentucky. Before • coming
Mrs, J. P. Brown; 111rs... James Roe 'about a year ago, do reside in (lode
bertesen, • Vce:President ; Recording ' Crich with their daughter, they lived
Secretary, Mes. Jame Floble ; Core in Bothwell after leaving Berlin, both
responding SeOretary, grs. icleorge having come to Canada years ego.
Acheson; Treasurer, Mrs, • E. Tx. paw.- Soule dovely floral wreathe and bun--
in. ,The eleetion of the different sup- thee ot flowers were -laid upon • the
erintendOnts Was. laid over to a spec- casket, by his loving daughter and
04 meeting of the executive on Sat- her child and by many frien,dir of the
urtley evening. Before the meeting family.. Mr. Denizen . Was a retired,
broke. up, 1VIessis, George ltl: Elliott
and Spence .eelled upon the T
photographer and e. great lover of the
! W. 0, .
beautiful in nature. Rey. J. A. .:An.
U. and Mr, .Spence told them that he demon. officiated at house and cetuet-
came there to give 'them any infore. ery. The pallbearers were Col. Young
motion they might require or their end messrs,,, ,D Stoddart, B, Switier,
TemPerance work. He told. them how George' Fxauk. F. .Laweence
bard the Stewart,. •ladies of Owen Sound and •and A, Saultse The latoelidr. Denison
Barrie woked for ' the Temperance is survived by. his widow .and two
baps° and he thought the members
present looked thoroughly alito the. daughtere, Mrs, Railton. ot California,
interests. 'of Temperanee.• lie • is a and l!elr°' Abe. •Meet,t., town, His
wants to say .and that is .always - to
evening -1.4th hist, Rev. best
, . uer of the prize of ,.$20. given for the
4reeaattvlesS er, . • . .. .., ,
' Artist Hargitt wax 'elm lucky win-
of 'painting e at the
. e .
.pleeteing eonversa.tionalist, and_says. inhut regretted by his toying
With a modest demeanor,jutwhat bet
Mr. Spence, • was . introduCed to the. London EXhibition.
large 'number of persons present . by, The - Bedierd block' shaving '• parlor •
Mayor Macklin, the meetintbeing held has got a• new manager, 11 I3. Beeh-
in .the court - :room. Mayor iVracklin: War- :. •. .
exelainecl, theobject or the meeting, We Were shown last Week a Souvenir
"Local Option," .and having a Com,' or the revolution .of 1776 in the form
Mittee. meeting, :of •the town councilof a powder horn, .owned by the an -
to attend deputed .the dace of okair- miters of ..Mes. Daniel .G.' Denison',
man to Dr. Strang._ Rev, -Benjamin and now • presented to Master Hugh
He .Speede then a,ddreeeed the audience ' Moore. .her - grandson, .here. - lt else -
for two- hourse More Or tel3S,':ausgrer- did duty•-in--the-Ariterican-war-of--;1815-
:Ice -all objectiOns te Local Option.; in the bends of Isaac' Thomas, 'Mrs.
without ' being asked. He is. one • . of . Denison's grandfather. .
the Most pleasing speakers,. ever pent Mins Mae: Lyons Of . Burrito; is the
out to addreep ' the public upon the guest Of her 'Aunt, Miss Cora Hyslop.,
Temperance .gatfoem. He is: a. news:: Mr. Frank ti, Bea.ttiO who , filled -the'
paper man,. and we Presume he kitows 'place of Mr. Dore at the G.. T.. R,
well the • subject .he is now taking up station was the ..guest While . here Of
He said Local Option would give gOod his paemits, Mr.. and Mee. Beattie at.
ee.eulte, as ' it was free' from party . their "Wonderland" dairy faun,. "Ifay-:
jealousy; . and that all classes Of 'btis-;. 'field Road. ' , .. -: , - •' •
Meas. men. Nstmila be benefited. by ., its Meairs. Birmingham., and Forest of
pasSing. I -At the end _of his addresS he the 'Breakwater work •here.• are .. now
asked' fer-. committees to be C..formed, on a trip to Cobalt and Now Ontario.
to ' .commence the preparatory ' work, • Mi and • Mrs: F. .1.! Pridheret art)
for.: ',presenting the. wishes Of .the 'taking' a trifi on the St: Lawrence:
people to Goyernnient on the Local . route. . - -.` . • • • . . ' , '
Option • qUestien.: • . . -. ' ..... . , :.,,... .. y.',E. Kelly Visieed.•Eingsten on his
' Mrs. Collier, and, sister..Miss..$adie Wayto..his old home at Peterbiera,' :-
Nott, or Hamilton,' • who epent, their :Mr, Ratneay and famAly. now .oecuPY:
vicatiort .it .'PWaintiV" cottage, reside :the cottage on Vietorie, St , _fort-net:ter
once ' of . - • thole . sister., :• ; WS.- jetties.' :oCeupied by Mr. Staddart,:jcarnesS.
Brown.. liatre 'retailed' to, their home: -." Maker: ' • • ,: , ..... :. :
The ' tax. collector IS on his rounds, . The new handsome briek,heiise, liet.t7.
hut Only 2'..eentS on the &eller IS . al- 1y built • by ,Mr, -Chisholm, is r:ow. ile..;:
16Wed• up to .thel5th ',day, Or. October.; cupied by Mr. 'David •Stoddart and
to these Who paytheirtaxes herore family. :. • •.' : • ' . . •' . 1:...,
that date. ... ' : .• • ', .• . : :...* ' .ReV. Joseph : Elliott:went. to Meee
. eMes. Taylor, ' who sPent - several treel last eek, to :meet. Mee; Ele
Weelis.-at "Roeedetie" 'with. Mrs.. Jas.. liott 'onher, retuenfrom Great ., 'Brie,
Strongh, re necl to -It ' ..at tain -• • . - : - . ' • . • ; --'
,e1,-"te.",., d•••• ,,..,1: Mrs. Hayti' of' Detroit is‘the'gneSt
•... ,. 4ie...-7,h. .. c.tun erg, were 'thiimonth of her:brother•Mr': Char -
in Montreal last Week, the forneer .0.t,' •lei. Nairn and family and ea* i .•itere:
tending the ;meeting ,of . the Oafiadicht Up. Mrs .- Morrisfurniture,tietil cr. 're-
1%danuraeturers Asociation. .. :. . . ' ...turn here -next seaSon...:.'.• • ' . -
.2. Mrs, Taman new ,.oecetiles •:the ho. se Mr, • joy and. daughter • 'WhO.,, speet.
on :Napier Street lately bought 'by part: of. the '. season as guests tat .the
,Mr. prangs. • • ' , ., .• ... '.. . former's neides; the Aliases'''. Donogh,
• Mese:Robert Keit of , ..peterheio; iS ..itaire: returned to there -home at -Nage.
. . . . ,. ..
the, 'guerct of Mrs..: Robinson wife , -or. 'vine, Tenn. ' .. ,_ ' .. . •.
. . , . • •
the"C...,'P.'7,B: .Station Master, . ' .'„,.....Depety,Registrar and Mrs Diekson
eMr :: and Mi Dore now ,occupy . the' are on a. visit to: Chicago.' where they
pretty new Elgin street Oottage, late,. are .the •guestP of, the :latter'S si,•;ter, .
ly huilt by,1%/fr. Jewel:. -..• . ei • .: • . Mr: John' Salkeld one or the 'pa -niter -
Mks. Willi* ' johnsten who.lies beep farreeri of the :. Bayfield Itect:cl, , the
in a:, rather •;delicate state.,.or health Salkeld farms, all being Or virgin seil„
th' pazt season.' ' has. 'beeit for'' sothe when his 'father settled on the . old
'weeks the guest . of -her neice,. Mrs.,. homestead, hs retired from Lam Mc
O'Neil ' of Detrett,. has. not we learn, and ' now occupies with his family' itt
received 'much :benefit from her stayhis new, brick *residence On. Market qt.
there. ' . . - . ' ' ' ••'... • . i ' Mr. Will. MeIntosh.of Portland, Ore,
Captala Montgomery walked in :from% goti, ..ts the guest ef his sisters, ... the.
his son's on , Wednesday : lttli -inst::, , aliases Mantesie , Scarcely any c f his
: ' Itittg4s:Ineelk,er-a-:sa-varlivu-i ' 1 he Was • so .
He 'bad.. gone •down to Toronto, on. *changed..
learning. et . the -death of his sun -in -'1 Mrs, „Carleton .aceompa.aied Mtand
liwoMr: Steele. CT,' E., and:remained. MEP.: John Halliday. .. on their iturn
a few weeks with bis 'daughter, • who. fe Detroitalter attending the -enceral
new resiclei tit 'the.•_9,1teeci City. . ' at Goderich of. her son, the late gele-
We return one thank s 'to Mrs. H. _ ert Bittledge of 'Detroit. .-.. ' ''• •—
•.0,,,Burgess .., o; Toronto for wedding Mt John Halliday, ,whie• belaego to
favors. •' - ,• - ''' - . , . ' • the •Computing 'Seale Co: '•ii Detroit
, Mr. • and, Mee, George Brophy havehes got our .a patent, for, a new cam -
:retailed to ...their borne .at Detroit, al-,... fluting sealee ,, He has elso • taken ''. otit
ter 'a pleasant viSit, •with their ,telite a patent for '.6: cheese' cUtter.. 1J,ke Me -
:tie 'here and' at .Kincerdine...• . ; Ewan's. . .... . ' ; 1 • '•
Miss Stouffer of :New York is • the
guest ot her sister, Mrs. Field.
The Wow -Record to the end et 1908
for 25 cents.
We, regret' very Much the accident Mesdames A: p. and Willeitte
that befel Mr, Harry Videan, e who Lean attefided the Toroito Ftir and
for some months has been employed Were the guests of reletivee. in that
at the elevator and was badly injured city.
on Wednesday, having one arm broken Mrs. Jock Campbell aed Mies'
and internal injury sustained by his •Campbell attended the. ;Toeouto .Fair
comies in contact With the erope that and visited friends. in Hamilton: ' •
coils and uncoils by machinery. 1. Mr. and Mrs. George .Stewart, Sag -
We notice that Mr: Griffith, late of ina.w, Mich., were in town I,,r a few
the furniture factory is launching days this month, Mr. r:Ite erect was
out in the upholstering business. ' I Married here yearsagO, to a sister of
Misi Raker, •late of London,' Eng- iCaptain Craig, :who died some years
land, has taken the position of Miss ago and has hot !Jolted the eld town.
Knight at the residence ef Mrs. MN- , for a • great number of years until
ley, Colborne street. Her fathe'r, W now
• .
H. Baker, is employed at the W. C. Mrs, Thomas Tipling of Belearres,
Co'S Flour Mills. ISaskatchewan, who has been visiting
Mei, McLellan, sister of Mr. Scott, her relatives in 'Ontario for several
has returned from a visit to Toronto ;weeks spent • a few days. in Goderich
after it pleasant visit with her neph- : this month at the residehee Of her
ew, Mr. George Scott Jr. of that 'friends 1V1e. and Mrs. Asher Farrove.
'city, t Mrs. 0; A, Young and Miss Nivien
Mr. and Mrs, liergitt returned,last Wilson, Who haVp been the gtiests of
week from London. : Mrs. B. j. Saults of the Saults
Mr, Robert McLean IS putting it new I -louse, were accompanied/ on their
• front is the: store known as the retern to their home it Ottawa hi
"Wonderland" and We have been told Mrs.. B. J. Saults as far as, buffalo,
that be is inaliinee preparations to and Iliagara Palls.
build another store on Kington St, Charles F. Adams, barrister of
and Mrs. George Vivaes or De- Calgteryi spent a couple of days in
toil, and little son, Ge )ree Elmer, town the guest of hie brother, Mr,
were the gue :te last Thursday of Roy Adams.
Mes '.44ane' earente, and Mil, br. and Mrs. Ralph Hooper have re -
S. Kackle. Thei eiss visited the tutted. from their four months %/lett to
Reynolds family in Hull& t. • England and the cotitinent.-Mail and
Mr. Jacob Stokes bought the ofte- Empire. -
storey hove° on Albert street which . Miss Melnery has returned . from.
was sold ltY auction lest week. Price ' her visit to Detroit. Iler .brother is
8720. Mr. Monk has hem the tenant one of the 0. P. R. staff. They now
for smut time. loccupy the house on Lighthouse. St.
Louis Campbell of the Olynitti- formerly oceupied by Themes Heaney
Ic cafe has returned to Stratford, n.
Mr. Prang has bought' the lualse ' About five o'clock Saturday 'morn-
.Nripler street lately beught by Ing the barn ofeMr. Aethur Cautelon,
Yr. McPhee who has moved to Tien- Liglielmuse street, Was destroyed by
: fire. " •
Mr. Will. W. ,.,Merslt of Toledo is
registered at the Williaine' House,
with his mailer, Mrs. Marsh.
" We return, our thanks lei Me. Marsh,
for giving us a copy of the Toledo
Blade dated Wednesday, Sept. 2nd
In which appears a beautiful photo-
gravure of Kate Brownlee Sherwood,.
Chairman or the Women's citizens'
committee and wife of General Attu
B. Sherwood member of congress trent
the ninth' Congressional distriet of
Miss Lulu Leslie of Winnipeg, man,
is the guest of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mee.' J. 13. Saults • of the
Sault% House.
•'Mrs. M. A. Kerr and family, who
spent the summer at "Verandah," cot-
tage, ,have returned to Toronto,
Justice Anglin presided at the fall
assizes here this week.
Mr. Erneet Harvey lute returned to.
England. ' •
IVIes, Braun 'and her daughter, Mrs..
Shannon, have returned to Meinphis,
At Knox eiterch on .Sunday evening
there was a OW congregation. Rev.
Anderson chose ror his text front St,
lida.tthew 21-19, ."Nothing but hav-
e." At the offertory the choir sang
"Glory be t� the feather."
The last threo fever patients at the
hospital, IYIesdatnes Stratton and (Dr.)‘
Clark and...Miss Lizzie Barry are, • all
convalescent and men will be able"
to return to their homes.
City Life .as it Is...
.0n hundreds of Ontario farms there
are young men arid young . women
who. look with envy on the , lot of
those who reside in cities and towns.
They Would have littte nes& . for
envy if their knowledge was wider.
Their conception of the pleasures and
opportunities •of city life is based on
partial and misleadieg. observation
and incomplete information. They
Live Stock Market.
• Toronto, Set. 21st. -The heave run
of last weekaffected the Aemaini for
butcher cattle to -day. Trade was
very slow at the Union Stock Yards.'
While there was lite mai .11ether
large proportion of • poor quality
cattle, there were also some good to
fairly good butcher cattle offering.
The best could hardly be said to he
quite as strong as last Week. Cattle
for which drovers were asking $4 to
$4.25 for .ultireately sold at $3.65- to
$3.75. Eittter the cattle 'wore not so
good as tire same priced cattle • last
week, or the market is o! ;that
One or two firms arei now in the
market to buy feeders for„ the distil -
levies. Thera are at many yet offer-
ing, but there will he a steady demand
for the next few weeks, Good steers,
1,000 pounds and up, aro quoted' at
$8.25 to $3.75'bulls 1,000 ,to 1,300
pounds, at $2,40 t�
The total run ,to -day WM 66 cars,
with 1,388 head of cattle, 462 sheep
and lambs, 50 hogs and 25 calves.
Butcher -Very Choice butoher cattle,
about steady from E4,40 to $4,50, top
figure ; good, $4 to $4.40; medium,
•buteher •cattle, easier, ,at $3.T5 to
•$3.651, good eows, easier around $3,40
to $4, and anything very choice a few
centsbouutm hnd,rehibghuelL aCreAnenaViser' analiddslcoowin,ir at
froa 'cent. te a cent and a half a.
. -
Calmes-Market easier at Se to 60.
E;por t --Market easier. , Choice. heavy
e'export for the London market at $5
to $5,16 ; medium light export for the
Liverpool market front $4.40 to $4.50:
• Hogs. -Market steady. Harris quotes
select hogs at $7• fed 'and watered and
$6.75 Lc:Lb. •t
Good ranch cows in demand, but
poer ones unsaleable,
• Stokers, mall 'demand and market
easier. •'
Good distillery feeders in demand• e
steers, 1000 'pound§ and upwards, $3,-
25 to $3,75 ; bull, 1.,000 to 1,300
pounds, at $2.40 to $2,75, • • '
seldom see ,people from the city -save •
The News7Recoid t� Jan 09
for 25 Cents, ..
when these are. on a holiday, they
know' nothing of the rush and grine
of factory life or of the long hours
spent in. narrow ,quarters in, which the
air is always foul. In the city press,
regain, they read daily or tha frivolous
pleasures of the idle rieh and of the
few Who have attained itteoess, as sue,
cess is defined in the mind of the un-
thinking •crowd. • They. do .not have
presented to them, as a rule, the other
side of the picture -the pinehieg
economy 'necessary,. even. in the case
of those With fairly large income',
where practically the whole Of one
week's wage is required • to clay 'the
mont14 rent bill arid every artiele, of
food placed • ow the table means an-.
other drain,upori-the Same source.
Oceasionally, however, the other
Side of the 'picture is presented. Le.
the reties of the United States Collier's
Weekly recently •informed that
i.ha- •average woricingniae's • !amity
there is- neVer two weeks freM. Want,
and another reliable .autherity has
sitatod that 10,000,600 people in great
American centres • are in a constant
state, of semi-starvatien. -• • '•
In the eittes there are a few whoitc-
quire linen -•aiy1 fo u e_ehut in many
calies•'thela are
•the result o creaked methods or. the
return for 'broken' health in' a toe
'Strenuous race:for. wealth -City
. ' • • ,
, . T61 TONS' ...OF
..sea pound, cash..
t3crap Iron pealers..-
Opposite Graham -'s Bte1•
Squeezing the. Stionia,i
As a .very important Sourceof aa,-
tOnal strength, and security,- it is Cs-
sehtial. that; eye should • cherish .our
public ceedit, Our Method: of pyeservine
it is to use it ••e„,e.s.paittigly. as poesihto..
to avoid occasion of useless expeese
and .theaccumulation of debt. '•
It is 'essential 'that we should make
vigorous efforts in time Of _prosperity
to discharge the debts whibli' have ie -
cumulated during •a limn period, so as.
not uegenerously to throw oe poster-
ity the burden which we should beae.
, To Rev debts there rintstebe revenue,
and to have revenue there must be.
. Sir Wilfrid Laurier says that during
'the past twelve years his .government
has had enormous Surpluses„amount-
frig in all to s113,000,000. Hei omitstto),
say theet. •this. $113,000,000 has been
pent he his goVerninent, and further,
more that the public deb•thas increas-
• ed by 20,000,000. , •
In 1896 the eixpt:nditare amounted
to $42,000,000, :and in 1908.it areountst
to Over $100,000,000. :
In 189,6, sir Wilfrid Laurier said -
"1 premise yeu that ifyou put • our
party intopower, We will, reduce the
annual expenditure. by $2,000,000 or
$3,000,000 • per .annum" ; while! Sir
Richard _Cartwright said that "It is
a. disgrace and a shame to the govern -
merit that they shotild •aske for an ex-
penditure a $38,300,000 for federal
purpose8 ; the thing is Unjustifiable."
In 1908. the ' Laurier governinent
spent $69,000,000 more than the 0911-
scrvative goveenment did in 1896.
In 1890 the retenue, 'which consists
almost entirely of customsahd ex-
cise duties, and 'which are the 'taxes
paid by the people, amounted to $27,-
750,285., while in 1908 they amouritel
' to. $73,000,000. •
'To meet the enormous indreaSe • in
expenditure tinder the Laurier- goverit-
molt, the taxes diving the past twelve
years, have doubled per head. in 1806
the tai per head was $5.46, in 1908
it is $11.70.
In 181.46 .Sii Wt1frld. Leurier 'said',
"We are the patty of low taxation -
Lot us not folget thet every 'dollar
taken by the GoVernment in the foein
of taxation each year, is taken from
you as every pound e of nails, every
axe, every evil of eloth you puy from
your !merchant- is the medium. which
you pay taxes to the Dominion Gov-
ernment." •
In the above recotel of expenditures
tbe cost of the country's share of the
conseruction of •the Grand Trunk Pae-
tfic has not heen included. What has
ri expenditures ? What will the out -
the coutitry to show tor the enormous
cone° be .it the present atimlfilstretioe
le retained in power, to preserve IAA
present ;polity of eninotts expenditure
• Grows Vorse:
This ts the danger; '
and the progress of
• nearsightedness is
the forerunner of
We correct all eye de -
A.. j. GRIGG
Scieditifiq Jeweler
and Optician
• The Clinton Knitting Co'y
has steady: employment fOr
Several girls at once. •
Apply at the Factory
with leading business houses
*Walt OUP graduates.
and all modern ogice we
thods which eneure rapid
• AdvanceMent. -
tetught, by the,only teaehee In
Ontario who attended the
author's school.
THREE couases—Telegriiihy
• Stenography* Commercial.
PALI. titieNt ,PROM .SitPr.,
Clinton Business College
A Resident of Ottawa
Finds Relief in Pe-ru-na:
• 1MR. REE ST, JEAN, 210 St. Pat•
rick street, Ottawa, Ont., CU*,
writes: ••
441 believed a year ago that I could
stand -anything.-I-worked-hard;kept,
• irregular hours, and did not mind the
4oes of a few meals, but in six weeks 1
had changed to a physical wreck. ' "•fr.
"Eight bottle i of Peruna brought
Ascii my strength." •
Mr. A. O. Harding, 503 W.1413 St., Neer
York City, formerly one of the leading
druggists of Prescott, Ont., has been
• presented Witk a twenty-five year
Medal of Honer in Odd Fellowship. He
• writes as follows: .
• "Ever since 1 , have been handling
Peruna, X. have had a fine tradedime
a family buys a bottle, 1 am tire of sell-
• ing them more, and it never 'fails to
bring additional customers
ha' re nothing. better to catarrh in -
all of its various forme., As a house -
held remedy it is without compares
splendid for mothers and excellent for
ahildren.9 • -•
B. Hoover
Nelson Ball .
Nvith ihe beau.ty and
'pompleteness of our
furniture cl.iSplair if
'you "will Come and.
look at it.
it is in every respect -
There isgrace,
laeauty, style(in every
piece. And We wish
it distiActly under-
stood that this is fur-
niture made to with- ,
stand .good haid., Ser-
vice. We don':t sell
gimcrack stuff;though -
you might. 'think so.
from our prices-
Hoover & 11111
Furniture and Funeral
We' are thesole agents for the
Famous Hercules Springs and
Osterenooe Mattresses,
The Shredded Wheat Co. Toronto,
will giVe a banquet through the '
Ladle& Aid of Wesley church, in
the town, hall, on the 15th of
• tober. In 'addition to an excelletit
menu, It splendid prOgrato will bet