HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-09-24, Page 4ttraber 44th, 1908 chronicles of the Khan. It Dies Hard, Theifether day a Toreeto paper in deschtbIng ea, UnfortUnate eboeting affair 111 the early warning, eortla the city, explain e that the party -of the Otat Part was attracted :to tile fetal •lept by the "musical cry of a coon," n dies hard, thia idea that the me- eeteet atetta hie horzz every time be go- fertit to steal corn, Altruist every popular belief is wrong, and if there fe, any truth in any al trilem .rt • like Unto a grain - of wheat in A WW1 - el of ehitif. Now the party of the nest part did not hear e :coon at all, for tbe wen Uttereth no cry or call whatever-, Musical or otherwise. I don't want every nature faker in the country barking at my heels, but that's a fact. He uttereth no einand, •and for the very good and sufficient reasons : The raccoon is a nocturnal aneral and obtains his food by stealth. Neff sefl Don't you see how unreasonle-lt would be jot this wise little Gloater() to go forth to steal stuff 'With a brass. bend ? , When darkness falls he leaves bis hiding place, where he has slept all day with his arms around his mate and . their pretty noses ' snuggled against each other's necks. Noiseless- ly he •slips through the deep enaee! growth, stopping every now and:thee to rise on his hind. feet bear faelhoe• and listen for a sound. Then on a.gain •warily till he comes. to the fence that bounds the clearing. Here he makes a 'king pause. Ile tests the night • air -with his delicate nositrils, and sits ap- parently lifeless on -the top rail, lie- tening, listening, listening. And when his soul ceies out to him (All's welb!" 'he drops into the field and races /or the corn patch. Even there • • he makes no sound -he makes less noise feeding than you do. He may be at work within a few yards of you and you don't know it it takes a trained dog to find him out. He stand e on his hind legs and deftly pulls down the green ears of corn and feeds tux- uriously. And do you suppose he does a song and dance every now and then? Do you suppose he yells "Hi yi ! Whoopee ! I won't. 'go home till Morning, till morning, till ,morning ; Rah, rah !." so that "The little dogs.- -and all - 'Tray, Blanche, and Sweetheart -see, I . they bark at me; Meatift, grehhoUnd, mongrel grim« ° Hound or, spaniel, brach or lyin, Or bob -tailed or trunwieetell?" Not on your life I He Alla his little stomach with ler - gess, and smell blame to hint, awl when chanticleer from a neighaaaeing barnyard doth hail the -smiling morn, our lihtle hero slips from Cover and rases to the boundary fence'. Here he • ehePs a moment to smooth his whicie, er$ and wipe of hie chin with his handy, hands, and then drops' into the tall eiret •graes and creeps into the forest There he proceeds to get in hie•wood-athat is, he erawle into a hollow log • or an •empty tree. •And that's no joke The musical eoon dies, an hard as tha hop snake. This marvelous member of the serpent family is 'quite reel to hineepeople in ten. 71'heh will tell you aeite gravely that when this malign- ant and venomous reptile wishes to ahaseeee hedy -he-takes, the thee, efellfe tail in hie mouth and rol1s! along efter him like en animated hoop with , iu-. creditable saviftnl,ss, He would hive extminineted the whole human family long ago, only be can but ge in a Straight fine, If yoti can jump Jett of his way you are safe, for he •ean't make iesharp turn, He differs ft orn, his illuetrious cousins, the ratticsuake and the eolbra, who,carry their *poison in their. gapes, in that he cearied his in hie fail like 'ye bumble bee. The end of his tail is armed 'with it spike, and he has 'been known to drive it with such violence, into a •ttoe when pursuing a man t -hat both he aid the tree ,perished miserably. ere 'they Cevld get loose fromeach ether.. But, hark.), back to the Code. What was it that the wretched young Man evlso Mane the dreadful mistake that morning heardye heard the 'common bare owl. It as a coineldeebe that hie does his mite•ica stunt hist incoon haevest. He has 'fooleae thee:seeds of. people. Many a .mai and, countlees boys and youths have heard his glib - boring cry in the branches of a tree-, and they heve. climbed that tree We boriously, itt the 'imminent risk el life and limb, to look for that aeon. Shang ! •• • • Every little thief that gCts his licen- se to steal from- God goes about hi•s work 's quietly as possible, You bet you! The itha.n. The -season of corn harvest is again ereelhetit some this seasbn is 'forced. upon them. oweedi to- .the early -frosts.. Others cut their corn bootee-, ing to the knowledge which they have regarding the mast profitablestp.ge itt which to cut. Too frequently much feeding value is lose that might just, as well be saved were the corn allow- ed to become more fully matured. Il the corn is frosted one has, no- ether alternatiye thae to cut at the earliest possible moment. In such a case one must cut it at once or euffer lose. This year, owing to the unfavorable wet season at the time of planting, which delayed the seeding operations, much of the corn will require' all the time available to properly mature. Analyses of corn at different stages 'of maturity show a wide variance in the food elements contained. Between the milk the, glazing stage and on to the final jod of ripening there ,amoolowiniameink • . • Cutting Corn for.the 'Silos. (N. C. Campbell, Brant County.) ' state. -area - Much of the dissatisfaction that has been exPerienCed with. silaaa 'his been •dee to cutting. the porn, toe eotan. When eoe.matured enough there is toe' neuch sugar • 'present, This °ferment:a and turns.te. aeid making a very uta sa,tisfaCtory Silage. When more fully Metered thisesugar and other car- bohydrates, whiellare in a, iraneitpra stage, begre, translocated and tains- formed inta starch ' and °tiler more stable ceinpourele. ' • Harvesting the corn etc))) should be delayed until the plants have • been allowed to accomplish they hill work of, gathering, : eleborating and loefiting nutritive' Matter. •To har vest 'a -corn crop •for* silage Or even for fodder while the grain is in. the milk stage. is to sacrifice a large part of ' tha feeding va lee which weied o Wet wise come to this crop, were harvesting de- layed untilthe dote las passed into the glazing stage. The value pi this c when corn that has just taistled is fed to cattle, &toil .,invariably game ansatisfaatory results. Stock ca,nnot coesume enough of such forage: • to supply. themselves -with --thrrobriehtnent•-reatated„...--_a_ Unless forced to do so by frosts, dc - lay your corn harvest until theear has passed well inio the -glazing:stege,. You.will then get • the hest of your corn crop and yoll WLl have the mose .sAtisfActory fodder er ileee. in the nutrients stored in corn:. In -corn that has not reached the glazing stage a large peatentage of the album - molds, or "flesh farmers:,' are in the form of Amides. These are of but comparatively little value to the an- imal. To get the best reeults we sbeuld have this netrogeneous pitiduet, in the form of alburrienoide. This we -secure by allowing the corn to reach', or even go slightly past, the glazerl Goderich. Corn •cutting is .the order a the • day. Tile trip to England and Seotiand, has elate rejuvenated Dr, Strang and •Mrs. Strang' has been much benefitted in health since she felt the sea breez- es. Dr; Shephard and his bride, former- ly Mrs,. A. J. Moore, .came up tc • Gederieh to spend a tew days in the old towu before settling down in • Toronto, on 29111. Aeguet. Barrister Lindsay Elwood, wife and family, left on Saturday, . for their home at Moosernin. They. enjoyed the visit to their old home, where they first. sa.w the light. Mrs. John McLean, who used to re- • side on William steed,' now livee on Lighthottee street and has ".taleen her children there to care bee thorn, IVir. Alex, IVIcLeau and, family. ha.vo bought MM. McLean's red home And bave gone there to reside. On Friday's late 'G. H. train, the remains of Chales ,Traunehi seaman, of Buffalo,: accompanied by lalise.Flor- once (Babe) • Traunele Arrived, • and wettomen to the residence of Mes, E, -C. Graham, aunt of Mise Traunble' The funeral took place on Saturday to -St.. Peter's,ewhere a,_reauiem high rnass was celebrated .by Rev,-4'ather McRae, is,sisted by. the clear, •Miss Griffin presiding at the prgan. The in - ferment took place at the R. C. cem- etery hi Colborne, the pellbeerere be- ing : Messrs, Joseph Kidd, Alfred • SW11143, COn, Murphy., aVilbur McLean, James 'Whelan, andWill, Mantosh, the latter having juitarrived, from P,oetiandi Oregon., •• . ' Death bee' again visited the home of :one of our pioneer eitizees, • and removed from • our • midge; Captain ,,Jareee, Parsons. The funceal •which was well 'attendee, took.place on Tuesday.. Rea. Thomas Hicks, rector of St. Paul's a Dungannon' officiating at' residenee and .Maitland cemetery,. Two beautiful •wroaths were laid upon the 'caCket, • one 'front the family of. rosesand lilies With "Father" in let- •tere of gold • and beside the casket %rere mettybeqeeits from relatives and friends of the. deceased Captain'. .The pallbearers were; •E. el. Lewis M.P. William Mariton,! Captain' Lawson, Thomas Natel, •D. •• .J. Naftel end Charles Seeger, all old friends of .the family,. He was the last represeute- tive of the :fainily ..ot the late **.Bere. Amin G. .Parsons. Sire. Mosely (nee M-iss Lillie Parsons) dying in Toronto *some menthe ago, e cireurnstance which did not teed to the: recovery of her brother whose death' We have aronicled in this; iseue 'of The News-. Mr.. :D. Macdonald of Goderich ug- ister-ed .at the King Edward, Toronto', OA Labor Day 7th September. "Mail and Empire,' • • • • . The News4tecOrd to Jan., 1909 for 25 aeries. : • St. Pertet"s. church waStbe scene -of. an interesting niatrimonia1 eyeret On, Sept..8th, When Mies Elizabeth MOT Donald,. deugliter of Mr. 'John Me- Dbileaci; becanle° "VW bride of H; MC-, Creeern of Ottawa • The -bride's' sets - "tee, ,haise Anxue, wae;beidesmada.aad. A. La 'Whitey of town ,assisted • the grohiree Rev, Father McRae perform- ed the..cerernolly and eiter •the church eervice the guests were -driven to the residence.. of tea :britlehl • parents, where the wedding breakfast ; was 'eerved. The ,guests from • Out of town:were :- Ilfisa•Dazi, thss kerPhy 'and Miss alarga,ret, McDonald of Detreit and Miss. Jeasie McDonald of London; sis; ter s': of rthe'. bride; itti. and'aIrs. James: Reynolde of etuilett and Mr. and Mrs, '!Tosepli ,EaKe. Thorndale: 'The happy couple left for a trip tosToron- to, Ottaera and Montreal ana, after their hoileYmoon will take up their resideiice itt Nicolet 'Oue.,, where • the groom- i- enaploYed With the DorraMort company, • . • •• . One of the eaely 'September Wea- Harr Cameron Burg ss of Toronto and MiS$ Florence Agitee (Etta) Barry', 'ho were united in wedlock's bonds it the residence of the bride's father, George Barry'. -The eeremony was performed by Rev: R. W, Malyerd. The out -•of -town guests were Mrs, .Beage.ss and Frank 'Burgess Of -Toronto, .reother. ;and brother of the groam ;.'Mr, 'and. Mrs, Snyder and three children of .Toronto; Mrs, Ja° la Lindsay and children of Wienipeg ; Mr. aria Mrs. Joseph Barry And family, ot Lonaen,, Mr-. Barry, be- ing it brother of the bride', and •Mr. and Mrs..Jamas TWitchell, of 0,antOn. Mr. and Mrs.-, Burgess left on ' the Greed Trunk 'train .1 or a honeymoon trip' to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, be- fore going to. Toronto to make their Whine, ' Mr. George 13ooth, who with his brotaer the late Robert. Booth, spent last week in town visiting his old companions'. I -le was aseeciated busbies's here ineW, Seats' steed .West St., :With his. brother, thei late Hobert Hoottle and several years ego they both .scit'ed down, The elder ,brother married Miss Emily Miller,' only! daughter of our pioneers, Mr: and Mite I Miller. •I The picnie held in '`Dougles (The , on Labor Day, under the, auepices of . the S. Sabi Knox Clench was rat so I large as on former oceasions, iecny Of the congregation having taken ad- vantage af the aolidity fare, will vete out of town but the tley eats' heniitt- ful and the 5 o'clock tea lestooughly enjoyable, Friend met friend, end well filled beskete were etena eneiticd, Some of the older oben roamed about the rivet at sunset, bet neerly alt went hotne at about 7, p. lu. ;hie boy trio,ne romantic than the 'others took horne with him 'the lit tie 1rd seat, left on, one ef the leriptirel swings, and said he «vas ••rolfig ta keep The Lowering of Our ru,b110:L.Ife; Thene are se many good reasons for the defeat of the Laurier Government at the coining elections that the sup- remo isSin before' the Canadian people is often obscured or overlooked. It is our national life-otie character as a people. • The charges against the Laurier Government do not end, -unfortunate- ly, with the faults of their adminis- tration, their reckless .extravagance, their "graft" and corrupt dieposal of our national wealth to politica par- asites. There is a greater peril in the debasement of our lite and the con- sequent, menace to our ,natioeal cher- atter in the politIcal methods of the Ottawa regime. The standards and ideals of ite public, life aitt of the very. first importance 'to any community. For not only is the nation's business, :and its etitus among eheenatioes 'of the world determined accordingly; but by a relentlees law, they are re- flected in the .social, commercial, artd- -private lives of its people, We have 'fallen troth the beet tta- ditions of Anglo-Saxon stateeniabettip and of high-minded m110111811 deVotiort to he public service our fathers, without distieetton of party or creed, have handed' down to us. Statesman- -ship has given place to politieal jugg- lery, and it ia the party'n, and not thIe eountry's, good, that determines thel,policy, of the Liberal majority ; merit and personal qualifications are no longer of any weight against pol- itical "pull" and politieal expedienee In publit epparitriretatei, Hut It' Woree still and henaillairig to us as it people that the air in feel With tharges of "graft" and "rake.ofi," Cliat011 NeliheReCOrd • litithen the 1,Inex. peeled Happened During the Exhibition in Toronto, a. certain Presbyterian minister and his wife, from a staid Scotclt settleMent in Western Ontario, came to visit friends on Bloor iftreet for the fort- night. The days were well filled with shopping and "exhibitioning," but one evening -a, 'Wednesday evening, too - there arose the euestion of where te• go. "We'vte been to an organ reeital, an • ithlarated lecture and a talk on China," said the hostess thought- fully.. "See here ;" she ejaeulated, lowering her voice sigeifleantly, "let's go to Shea's-there's no harm in it -- and when 'you're going back to that dead -and -alive place for the rept of the year, I think you need a. little diversion." But what woula r pay to John ?" said the Ministerwife, after a few half-hearted protests. "John -bless don,'t know," said Mrs A--ee-•,. "1 betlieveae's t k- en my husband to pryr-metui. We'll go, Anyway,'" The women bad been chums at hoerding-school, and the prospect' of Shea's eeemea. like an old-time escapade. Therefore, to Shea's they trent, end were °alining tbe•-fourtiLeureber ori • the programme' wiaen Mrs. 'A,---elientiallayaCTUteleed her guest's arm, "Will you look at, those two men - there i It's your John and my Henry -and I believe your husband is wear- iug one of Henrys 'aeate." . Just at this. moment the smiling husbands, caught afght of the two: women and bowed their heads in con- tesion. The 'rest of .that programme wee as it painful 'dream to John,' who• had been a firm discipliearian, and had more than onee =Pressed die - approval of certain frivolous tastes displayed by his wife, And it was all in vain afterwards for John to assert •queveringly, that ae thought a miniet- er should see those things in Order to be able to warn others, 85 per cent. of headaches are the. result of eye strain. Properly Atte(' glasees will give permanent relief. If you are troubled that, way Consult S, L. Taubeaveesight specialist, ,at Nor- mandic.Hotel on Thursday, Octelst. Eczema Again Overcome . Zani-Bult cures a Casa which for Two Years had Defied Every Remedy. Tied. A Farmer's Grateful Testimony,. • No case of eczema, skin disease,' or ulceration, should bp despaired 01 un- til ana-13tik has beert 'applied. The ease of Mr. Francis Benoit, of St. Anne's (Man,a. is a powerful illustree Cion of Zam43iik's•effieacy. He says: ALI ,suffered front, • eczema far two- yeere; ,.and tried a great number Of eeniedicSa None Of theM, however, seemedete do anY good The -ailment weSeniostipitir me lege, ' and both these •Vereeneeually raw froM, the knees d'OWn. A email sample Vol'. of Sam -Bek was."given to .. me and even so sntaU a quantity, that Sid me elittle gond. I then. Oita/nee .0.• Proper supply, and by the Urn° r had•ueall a few boxes L was complete- ly cured," , , Zeni-Bult differs from: ordinary .ealv- eS. and embrocations ifi:eoritaining eo animal oil or fat. /-t'ie compounded ikon-I'd:de healing, herbal essences, and is an ideal natural combination ot Rower' and puuty It is highly •• -an- tiseptic, and instantly kills b.aeilll and disease .glerms, • which settling , into woundeand skin diseases se t up' feet; ering, blodd poison,. ete. , • For cuts,burps,braises., ulcers, ah- seesso, pimples; boils, skin' eruptietes, sealp shres, •spreading ..sores, etc., for 1 ice .• 3 and of the corrupt markhing okLibe- ti atthe roentry's • cot, mail, good citieens• are esharned oie the disgtacead disclosure evhieh. each • sessioe of Parliament apreaas broadth - cast through the lend.; and that ruffle ors of' coarse, velger immorality which -woad-exclude those concernel from the company of eleen and deet, people are of common circulation and have 'necessarily been made the .sub- ject of discussion on the- floors Of Pa r I lament. • allege things ere of incalculable evil to the ',Country ; and n� Obel titizen can aftord to he ledifferent to them., To the nation, as to the individual, character is all fe ell, We- that& Mot the thee of our iublie lite has beet sensibly laWered during the twelve yeate of the Liberal Govern- ment, and that they ate not entitled to support from the better elereents of the Canadian people. WHY REMAIN :THIN. AND PALE ? Pale people hoe pale blood, The Sternlieh is wrong, atelmilation is poor and food le not Changed itato Wood. The syStari lacks vitality and reconstruetive power which ean be atoned i Peutemiat. It braces the aPPettte,. Igestiou 's Stimulated, whit you eat f'S transformed lete the kiel of 'nutriment ,c).ur system requie:s. Vital life-givitig blood that make's, rosy t efreks, strength that defies Wedrin.'n3., spirit and ambitiott all come front Ver.! ' rezone. Nothing in the annals of med. feint so sur:, to build up and sivnetb-. I en as Peri:mite. Try it 50e, box. Sold everywhere. leeete for -$1 e. ••••• Hunting NuniheraRod and Gun. The eae of. tbe•big game' hunting Season.•brings the aver welcome Fall Huathig•Numbee of Rod and Gun and Meter Sports in Canada, published . ,be W. J.• Taylor, Wood- stock Ont, This year .the budget of stoties, is more varied than ever and include, not .only moose and deer hunting, but also fox, bear, • Wolves; eta., A Paper by Jahn Arthui. Hope Ori "'Me Red Deer or Wapiti and the Virginian or Common Red Deer el North Atheriea," he read with interest by every sportsmen, whether he is a big game hunter or a nature student 'simply. Fishermen, canoe- ists,. campers, mountaineers and oth- ers. will Rea that they are not for- gottene for although hunting has the . p 1.0 .o , whichas quito in keepingith •the •period :of the year, the many Sportsmen who are not big game hunters, may depend upon- a variety which takes nate of the fact that sportsmen have many tastes and are not all ,absorbed in one pursuit. Those howevee, who are not big game hunters may enjoy. the many excellent stories 'dealing with this fine eport which appear in thieeeap- itel nitinber,. Why '? • Prom a small beginning the -sale and use of' ChanTherlaift's Pough Remedy has extended to all parts of the 'Unit- ed States and to many foreign coun- tries. Why.? Beton it has ptoved espetially valuable for coughs and colds.* Por sale by all druggists., It asit souvenir of Labor Day. I We have to thank M.'s. 0 a large boquet of lovely eareNons etel Judge Snider at Hamilton censured asparagus. on Fridiby a. *n. Ntra. Deff Constable Lette, who Wesel Thomas and daughter, 11/11P0Atini0 leJa. town- Murphy of assaulting hilin. ed from their visit,',to Tutner's tbrn'o The elevator at flakhurre Man., of er, Tuelememith, oteTuesday. the Western Canada Flour Willie, Coln - De. Stanbury son of Dr. Stanbury• pany was destroyed by fire. of Payflefd, had fi mini) eppOintreentalo The Freed' fishing sehoonet Le fill at the Industrial geltibitiert and Mille, Capt. Dueller, Was hurried to the Mrs. Stahhury (nee Miss va:ry Mot- water's edge on Queen's 13ank, gain played many selections va mush 1. The Windsor Leurith and PoWer Pt the piano. Pr. awl Mrs, S'anlairy Company is to build ti s-ib,poo plant had tko pretty chihlren with them. in Windsor. News of the Dag. I Sir Alphonse Pelletier, L4eutenant-1 • Oevernor of Quebeo, was sworn in yesterday. The schooner Le Mille was burned on Quero Dank. ' The ' crew escaped with difficulty. The Canadian Manufacturers' As• opened their annual meet- ing in, 1Viontecal. .1 A new Conservative paper it; to be started at St: • John, N. )3., called The Standatd, Mealeal evidence Was given at War-; ton to show that the baby found •on ' the rocks w -as murdered, • Louis Caron was killed at 'longue Point, near Montreal, by a heavy bar of iron falling upon him. . Ovorge Crowe was seateueed to ,the. Central Prison at London tor assault- ing bit Wife. The woman has since died. Edward Dunn and Bert Smith, i4short ehange" thieves, were sen- tenced at London to -three months eech. ' The newly -horn babe washed ashore at Wia,rton is 'believed to have been Murdered and an inquiry will be held. George piaxton, for 60 years a resideet of Barrie, where he was once bad of the ere brigade, Is dead, aged 76 years. • • Three, persons- weep killed at Wotces-, ter,* Mo., by :the explosion of a ear of dynamite. WHAT• ABOUT YOUR. KIDNEYS -? Your back aches and fairly groans with the distress or kidney trouble. Your'e !distouraged, but you mustn't give up, The battle -can be quickly won when Dr. Hamilton'' Pills get to work, These kidney specialists bring new health and vitality to yOung and old 'alike. Even one box proves their marvelous power.Contintid this great healer, and your .kidneye will become as strong, as vigorous, as. Able ,to work es new ones. Reemher this Dr, Hath milton's Pills are purely.. vigetAl?le they de* cure, liver,, bladder and kidney lethable. They will cure you, or your money back. Price 25c. per' box, at -ell deal- ers • The New York State Repttbltcan convention .at Saratoga renominated Charles E.• Hugb.es fc) Governor. Andrew Carnegie. says .the Keisee could eesily insure peeee to the woeld if he Would undertake.the task: .• A "Young Egypt party," organized at •Geneva,- has dernaneed the 'with- drawal of British troops from Egypt. Frank. W. Fowler . of Toronto was remanded in.. 'court: at Boston, Mass, an a' charge of forgery, and given- hi liberty on a:$5,000 bend. Prof. John Chinion Collins of Bir- mnighaut UniVersity Was found deal .In the' woOds near -LoWestoft, It is believes" he comeiitted-suicide- • Mr , Howard 5. Polgcr of Kington has been aPpeinted a :United State Vice•Xonsul," ,•• • , , OUR 1:14TioNAL DANGER • . Thire to Call a Halt Before CotAplete. e•eat.•. • Wreck Reedits: • - • • There arethousands, both inert and *Wonien, who 'do not take time 'to eat prOpeely. They rush through life, and. as a•reselt awe .heee an age 'of tnth- gestion, nareoesnees, ereiti eleeplees.niglite;, 'mid morose Aisposi- tiOn. Our national danger is stomach weakness, due to the2etrenuoue life. Mi -o -no -tablets strengthen tbe walls of the stotnacli And . sib/au:tale secre- tion .M. the digestive juices. They make the stomach . comfortable and care indigestion. -- ick headaches, _palpitation, yellow skin and coated -tongue are a •few -of the many distressing result s of indi- gestion. that Miee-na ever fails to cure: 'W. $. R.. Holmes sells Mi -o -nu hi 50 cant boxes, and guararite'ep to nefteul the money if it does not glee; complete satiefaction. Leap Year Tho iiiggeet Boger of *17 • mew line in 1908. and qualifiedly the sueeive thoyear. D4Jy,delickuss digestible. 64 to the peui4, 'You maim no Tadao when -you buy Leap Year iiiscuite. Statistics .of Huron countgNruni- �ipaiities.es. Exempt Taxes Levied Assessed *Assessed from taxes 1907 • Dobai:- Sink- • ,popula. Area Total • 'for • or Helga ture ing • Um assessed asseiernent schools for local lounidebt fund - 1907 1907 1907 only bun, onlY Mind schools 1901 1997 TOWNSiurs-. Asb field . (3 orl eri ch . Grey. .... Howick* BulletD eKillop Morris Stanley Stephen Tuckersmith Turnberry • Wawanosh« E Wawanosh, W Hayfield 535 1,794 105,204 750 4. . - 895 895 '1,125 ....eh Blythe.... . 817 . 450 265.173 0,849. 10:000 4,351 2.3138 28,468 2,781 'Brussels 1,126 . 422 386,875 - S,000,...,.,.6,241 2,669 53,300 21,503 Exeter 1 645 1,117 554,454 ........ 26,259 8,179 2,7'72 18,697 Hensall . 869 490 297:535 . • • • • 3,293 1,395 11.643 Weoeeter .... 413 • 481 142.287 . . .. 841 912 8,841 $ • 8 $ 2,708 64.017 2,485,090 8,209 7,080 ..,... , 1.544 34,078 1,381,260.; 0,207 '4,401 , • • • a.• 2,054 52,291 1,738,920 .. 3,084 04,763 2.817.530 15.799 7.315 93,538 3.175. 52,486' 2,330.715 • . . . .. 10,084 8,689 .. • a. • • - 3,543 07,530 2,882,682 . ... . . 10,865 10,701 12:888 .6,41I0 2,396 53,463 1,995,350 . 13,646 7.557 5,863 2,343 62,159 2,238,870 10.824 0,555 19,835 ' • 2,251 54,887 2,108,205....................10,207 8,118 16,555 • . . 1.838 43,323 1,085,957 10,208 4,958 1,650' 3,578 56,798 2,742,024 . 12,521 9,976 13,087 ...... 2,08040,420 2,110,401 •••••.••• 13.537 4.325 13.185 • • • 1,844 35,827 1,327,882 . . . 6,958-4435 -620 2,008 42,672 2.422,525 12,643 6,410 . 1,664 41,735 1.630,012 • 5,760 5.622 , . 1,858 41,718 1,602,728 '5,785 5,075 -.1,290 • •• • • • TOWNW- Clinton 2,423 003 753,023 ' • • 12,388 6,043 100,004 27,650 • Goderich ..... 4,508 1,000 1860,298 350,219 „ .... 30,310 '1148'1299,010 4,3,505 Seaforrea..... 2;278 , 550 848,238 41,200 15,402 5,651' 145,317 31 421 ' Wingham..'.. 2 277 000 7524180 • 22701) 2,85e 16,644.'• 7,522 149,66; 15,410 *Including $50,000 Elevator Bonds guarenteed by the toter). S. L. Tattbe (senior member) of Taube & Son • WILL BE AT THE Normilnclie s: Clinton ON THURSDAY,. 0:CTOB'ER.- fist • and will be, glad to have all who are troubled with defective vision call and consult him. 1 ',. TAUBB & SON•liave been established since 1871; during which • tithe oaer100,00fecases have been sfilecessfully fitted by thein. , • If your eyes bother you.in any -Way, or the glasses you are now wearing are not satisfactory; do not neglect this opportunity Of con- aahlash-eae-sPeeia ' . .• Williant Lowe of Oshawa was- sen- tenced to eighteen months in jail for fraud, He sold e, lot of bricks on which a bank •bad it licn 1 5• , • . The Canedian•Manufacturers" Assoc- iation discuseete tariff matters at the, annual reettinaln Montreal:: • Parliaraent has been dissolved. The ' general' elections will take place on -Emma Walker, the Fergus girl: tried The losses from the fire whieh de - Monday, Oct. 26th, nominations on et Guelph for deserting ber child, strayed the Monareh Brass Works at the 19th. • was let go on suspended eentence. port Pelborne,- total -152,500. • • Makeappointatents now with. •• Jeweler mini Lngraver. • .Cppolfee.,1 !saner of Marriage Licenses elaierWeenireeeteaeaverkeia‘eoisioaeaveekreeeeteeweeareorreeeeeefeeereeeeeeeeee.. • e "We4-Want-Them!" , • "The biscuits which please us must be brown and' crisp and firm and dainty, with a we114aised, evenly -baked crust. • Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien- tifically constructed, uniformly healed, perfectly ventilated 'PANDORA' OVEN EXACTLV«'' 1=P' When you see a "Pandora Ramie the sate is 'made: 1,i:11ders, Toronto, Moatresi: WtraIipeit, %fnnCouver Voiotia, N.0.6 ifianiitono 411111ty. ilariand Ont.