HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-09-24, Page 3MEM
atm mai
',. You are aa. Ale in sending I
. the childrento our 1.tore on I
••errantle, we treat. them Pet
Mt .we do their pie onto. Send I
• tha child, 41 *tote end the
loveitrefully and courteoted.F
. " 'Change. .
; '• We *DI :Pelletie th#1 geode 1
If your stenteeh troubles you
reureeher we egerantee
Oe• Pe Ce •
z. POI' 3t011laChTrOtibl.00
50 Cents a Bottle
1 . .
iOur Spites are Fresh
and Pure—Try Thera
- ManfrgOhemist.
Bayfield -Oct. 1 and 2.
Blyth -Sept. 29th and 30th
Dungannon -October 7th and 8the
Mitchele-September 13th and Ilth.
Goderich-Sept, 22 to 24.
• Wingham-September 24 and 26..
• Kincardine -.-September 14 and 17.
Zurich -September 23 and 24. .
Brussels -Oct. I and 2.
Teeswater-Oct. 6 and 2.
Correspondents Wanted.
In no better way 'can a person help
to develop his or her education than be,
corresponding for a newspaper. At the
same time the publishing of the news
from a locality advertises it and helpti
to build it up. So that, the .newspaper
correspondent is doing both 'emelt
and the community, in which he lives
a good service. We are pleased atall
tithes to receive the weekly budge*
• trom the rural districts. The New's,
Remit bas a very efficient staff •ot
correspondents, but there are a few
points where we are unrepresented.
If your part of the county is not gete
ling attention, write us. If jou can
help us personally we shallbe glad.
Or 'perhaps you can give us the name
of some suitable person. •We ask . the,
friends of The People's Paper to co-
operate [with use . tee upiin. at the
bead' 91 the pree,
When you need Flour place
- your order with us and -it will
remive prompt and careful
a supply nt feed, etc, and witl
be pleased to supply :your
3. A. FORD
14 IS.
neelected it will weaken the
throat and finally reach the lunge.
Ithething eimeler inhaline the,
healing vapor of CatarrhoZone. ac.
tion is itko xnnsio, so noioni, sp easy
to apply. Be dene eve* Bronchial
trouble for all tIme Catarrhozone
does Mire the worst Cann, will ;cure
•you, too. Seed everywhere, 25e.
and $1.00 under absolute guarantee of
•ed by the Undersigned for she posi-
tion of Seerqtary-Treasuree (3.1 the
Collegiate Institute Board up to
ItOth Sept. 'Salary nay dealers per
aunum.' successful applicant
will be requiredeo fernIsh sauritice
tothe extent 01 $2000,.-14. D. Mc'
Taggart. --42-4
the as half of Lot 21, Concession
4, L. R; S., Tuckerstnith, containing
50 acres. The land ts all cleared,
well fenced and underdrained. (plena
• are !on the premises a good bank
'barn and good stabling, a good
house and plenty of water -One -well
at tbe house and one at the stable,
Porefurthee particularapply on the
premiseejear addreseeGeorge Brown-
lee, Sitaforth P. ,45. • 42
Notice is hereby *given. that a Court
will he held, pursuant) to The On-
tario Voters' Act, by his amour'
the Jedge of the County Court, of
the County of Hilton, at Olieten, ors
the 6th day of October, 1908, at 9
• o'clock a. m. to hear and determine'
• complaints of errors and omissions
in the Voter's List 'of the
pality of the Town.' of Clinton for
1908.-D. L, Macpherson, Town
• Clerk. Dated this 14th day ol Sept,
1008. • 42
chased the butcheringbusiness caee
ried on for sortie time • be the
Colelough B t os.., we . eespeethille
' solicit a/ share of the patronage of
the ptiblic 'Whig* we hope to merit
• by keeping the best ot meats and
• at reasonable.prices. Give es e
dal: Our shopis nett to Tbe News-
• Ftecotel Office. -T. T. & 13ert Murphy
Agent for Clinton and ..district for
the National Portland Cement Co.,
makers of the best cement in the
Market. This is the only , cement
• used by the corporation ot Clinton
in the construction of sideivalks,•etes
-Mrs. T. R. Walker. 21
of Cement for este, in, large 9.114
small quantities. There is no bete
ter make of cement on the Teatime
Office oppesiee •G. T. IL passenger
station; Telephone Contieption, or
epft at Harland Bros:
eeeletettaeSte nonvettierit.
,Repairing. -The undersigned ts
prepared to do all kinds ef piano
' and erg= tuning and repairing, and
•• being • a man of practice' ettiterience
able to ,guatantee satisfactien.
. Orders may be left at W. S:'
Holmes' drug store. -Ed. J. •How
ard, Clinton.
$1, 000
le a very good salary for. al •
young. person under 20 to re-
ceive. Several' of ; Our - short-
how enjoying this salary,- Pere '
harm we can help you AO receive
this amount,. Our new Cateke
• gee expiates. Cut out this
card, sign it and send he W. IL
Sheve .Centel•BuSinese College.
• Name •
Order Your
Coal NOW
Place your order for your
supply of coal with the under-
sigped and thus secure the few-
est price and prompt delivery..
Office opposite Grand. Trunk
Paseenger station. Telephone
J. 114401toti,
• •
Orders left at Davie & leowlawl's
will be promptly attended to.
J Stevenson
DR. OVENS, stymonog, 0OULLSTs
will be at Holm& Drug Store,
Clinton, on Friday, • August 28,
Sept. 25, Oct t 23., Nov, 20 arid,
Dec. 18. Glasne properly. fitted;
Diseases ot the eye, ear, nose, and
throat tweeted. ,
„ IIEWs-erconn WILL
This School Bases" its
Claim for Support upon
Merit Alone.
• Has high !grade courses; Snperior
faeilities, and unsuthassed tea,ching
• talent. Hundreds of students go
due annually front this' 'college te
good pesitions. Let us edueate
you, for profitable employmentWo
• will de it • right. Catalogue free.
• Enter any time.
• W. .1. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Corner tonge and Alexander streets.
HAS high grade courses, superior
feeititite and unsurpassed teaching
talent. Hundreds of students go
out annually fretri this college tee
good Positions. tot us educate
you for profitable employment.
We will do it right. Catalogue
hoe. Elites, any tiree •e
• Elliott & Moliaohloe
Clinton Newsmaccord
moon County s Gathered
• for News -Record Readers
Mr. 'Meow Holtzman Sr., died
, at Crediton last week 'atter reaching
• the age of about 86 years. The de-
From The News•Reeerd` of
September 25th, 1889. •
•• ClintonSept. 25th, 1889
ceesed was an encle ot Mr. G. Holtz-
man oi this village.
• Mews. F. Hess Sr., J. F. •Illek-
hell and Albert Heideman, comprise
• hee the Zueich Flax • Co., took
• 'trip to $t. Marys on Friday last,
to Aspect a flax pulling reachtne
y which was in operation there and
e Which Is causing c.onskterable in -
e• tenet t to flax -men. They •report
et the machine a success.
• efr. Roy Geiger represented the, Y.
n P, A. of the Evangelical church at the
r•-• annual .. Y. P. A. convention, which
g convened at Chesley las tweek.
Groos of II 11 ft., atudent 01
N. W. (). Naperville, 111,, and Miss
Amanda Durst of Colbornecre the
guests of. Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Giseh-
_ _
ler on Moneay. •
etev, W. .C. McLennan of Halifax
formerly pastor at Kippen and Hills -
green, celled on frtends in those sec-
tione last
• Kiss. McDougall, who has been ,
charge ot ele Meener's millinery
department, ishack to town, at the
old stand. . • •• • • ,. I
A peculiar incident on Wednesda
afternoon at the Godeeich fair •wa
Mr. M. C. :Cameron and Mr. Platte
taking reftige from the rain in two
theeoflices on the ground& During
lull in the -rain storm Owner°
would pet his head out of the doo
way of his refuge, but not likin
the apPearance of things would r
treat inside again. In a few minutes
Mr. Porter would strew himnit ; just
as Mr. Cameron had done. W. Cainp-
bell was WitliePettet, D.: MeGilliendy
with Cameron, and on would think
from the way in which the M. P. and
the ex -M. P. were dodging in and out
frorn their respective shelters that
their friends were posting the one
when the otter was not out so as to
avoid & collision. And it so happeeed
that •during the hour or so they were
within a couple of feet of each ,other
the 'one was not aware of elle proxi-
mity of the other, .
Sudden Death. -John Ross, of th
London Road, Stanley, died very sud
denly Thursday; aged 69 years. Tues
day he took suddenly ill and went t
i We, T. B..aud Miss Ethel CiaSo Wge
!visiting friends In London last week.
Geo. Begley spent a week in Tr -
'.onto and Hamilton,
•Geo, Manners and wile, et. Whig -
ham, visited the letter's mother here
on Sunday last.
Jos, Walker, of °erne, at ono time
a resident or thts place, ealled on
• friends here on Tuesday. .
• Thee, Wiggins lett last week for
Belleville, where he is Plaeing his nen
Peale in the Deaf and Dumb Insti-
• Rev. W. A. Smith commenced- a
eeriest of revival -services at the Crowe
appointment on Monday evening • of
last week.
Miss Richardi, of St, Marys, . re-
turned yesterday to the village and
will again conduct J. Walkorres
.millieeryedepartment. • . '
_ _eliss_Roltertss_wita lettletelleteeineliss
posed lase week and as a consiequence
the junior rooin Of our school
ose or a cw days. •.
• We'are• sorry to state that Cliff.
Rivere, who wen t West on the bare
vesiicrs' Wcuorsion, is ile with typhoid
fever in Wolseley hoopital.
• John Bunyan, who until .a few
• months ago wee e a resident of the
West) Indies, has taken a position as
junior in the Sterling Bank here;
Remember the date cif S. L. Taube's '
c visit to Clinton and if 'there is any- .
thing -whatever wrong with your eye- telgrave
sight ; make it a point to •consult • •
bed from which he never arose. It i
thought that • the still more suckle
death of his late friend Wm. Melefille
had something to do with lter.' Ross'
death, tee Was eine:Of thepionec.
settlers here and in comfortable cir
cumstauces, •. • ,
The. Thos. Renee ;farm in Hullet
adjoining ,tho leoWn, has been leased t
Mr W Hill• .
Miss H. Leslie •ot town has been vis
iting with her Meter; Mrs', Wetson.
Seaforth. "0 .
Pr, ,BlaCkall .Was :away' the. ethe
day ateSteathroy attendingthe funeri
of hie cousin; Mrs. Seeds..
Sunday•evehing a couple •pf•:: ladle
returning from church along Ontari
street, when e opposite Mr, tSpooner'
beirdeng house tripped or were eaugh
In tho loon boards of !the sidewalk
It rems thee& is. no Use spiking them
down as the stringers • underneath ar
so depayed they will not hold th
spikes. tf .sornething,is not done .
accident may : happen and a sus
againthe corporation be the,eesult
tem at Normandie Hotel on Thursdayil
ii • . . •
s .
r • Hentall
. .
- It •is eurnored that: Rev. Mr. Going
of Exeter, President • London • Can-
t, feience is likely to receive an invite-.
o tion from Main St.,Methodist Church,
-Brampton. ' ,
.... Rey. Mr, Urquhart preached at the
f Preparatory Service in Carmel Church
on Friday. The communion will ' be
r .administered next ,Sunday, •.. . '
el ' Willis Powell of Eieter jumped ' • on
ithe express ;going , ;meth on Monday
s 'night:and before he .could jump off the.
0, train had , gained considerable speed.
s !He struck the ground with: such feree
t ,' as to be rendered unconacierus for .ea
,.; time. •Besides have* his face. serateit-*
!ect. he Was badly shaken up.. ....
e I Hanion 'Petty who left, for a 'trip to
e 1 the OldCountry about three Weekl,.
ni, ego 'ivas.eaken.so ill at Montreal that :
t he had: :to return to Toronto . where.
„ he has been ever since andwas just
. . ,
• able to come home on Thursdey. :He
his resigned. work in his father's shop
Mr John Welsh wan married tit Mies.: ;
Mabel IL Flinten. of Stretford •last .
' • -
• Mies Yeill, nurse, is hoMe, femn Kin-
t;'cardine,,en Which seetion she his peen •
;.prectising her prefeseien for Months. •
i The enancial district meeting of. the.,
'. (Mist churcb, .Ailsa Craig, last week... neater district was held in, the Meth-
'The:Bihle Society Agent - Rev. Mr:
eBohan veill give an address in • the
MethOdiet church here on the evening
of the 280. . s • , : .1.
.Me. end.Mrs....T..Welehe and Mrand
e Mrs. James McArthur attended the e
I . .
;marriage Of J . Welsh ..in Stratford 'on
• Wednesdee.
1, Miss lioegartti Of Norwich who is
.1 the . guest of - Miss -Vera Meedeek, sang..
a solo in Cannel Church • ' ore•Sunday .
• -
Auburn, Seet.. 27th, 1889
• Mrs.Caldwell is attending' heresiP
eeesseuritear at .Seaforth,
Rev., A. 'McMillan 'delivered a Ines
intereatingenemon to ties children who
attend . the • 'Presbytettan, Sabbath
Mrs. Isaac is visiting at the pares
eal,ebode in Arthur, Her father, who
has been ill for seimetime, is reported
• convalescent: • '
We regret to •ieern that Hugh Doyle
of Chicago, 'Whose parents reside in
Hullett, is dying.. His brothiCitart
thedisfor morning
city of the Lakes
T. M. Elliott and lassoMac will
'show the Canueks how to beidle and
saddle the wild horse of the .plains at
thetCarlow show. • ,
We regret to hear that the • infant
daughter of our townsman Mr.: Series,,
is quite ill, We hope lo be able to re-
port next of ite complete restoration.
Mr: Whyte, one.of the Whyte Bees.;
and deli hter will „give an entertain-
ment in Manchester Oct,..erd.under he
auspices of the Baptist • church . Of
MeMillaneewho-me • was atteed-
ing the Great Industrial fair at Tor-
onto is expeeted hoto-day. • He
leeves for Scotland on Oot. 21st. to
prosecute his studies. • His Sister will
accompany him.
• R. Gott,. Thos. Lawler; and G. T.
Younglilut are sounding the praises of
tee many attractions of ,the Indus-
trial: iNct douet they passed judgment
on theemagifificeet display' of calvee,
as exhibited on • the dancing . stand,
•We will 'ask Tomme. ' • • _
• Mr. and Mrs. David of Clinton spentl
Sunday with. Mr. and les. MeOrae.
• Mies lifcClella,nd.was Tcironto last -
week ettending. Millinery openings. -
A' little baby boy came to tile home.
of J. L. Stewart, last Week,
Mrs. Moore of Guelpe is eisiting
friends and. relatives at Belgratee this,
M. and Mrs:'•Bielby of Kerrie were
yisiters,at WM. Clerk's, •Beigrave,
iaet week.
• Joshua Pearen of Owasso., Michigan,
is visiting frieede Belgrave and
; • • •
Mrs.; Pringle " of Belgra.ve attended
the, funeral of .a frieze." ee..lemileehero
lase • week. ' , . - •
' Mt. and. Mrs. Sp.eoet ,of Da-
kota (Were the guests' of their uncle,
David Sproat, last Week:
• Miss Bessie Fraser of •'Sault Ste.
Marie, formerly of Belgrave, is. Visit-
eng friends in thisevieinitym..
Plus have been so plentiful. and so
cheap in BelgraVe this year that they
email hardly he given away, ere! • a
great ;Many just vetted OR he t,I eeS.:
Di Hamilton halo moved into Wm.
Watson's. house, which ri!c0.1.14
phased, and WM. Watson 1 •bas
moved to thesnoreleend of the Village'
until he Wed. cm his own bote .
TheetrOitsiele- Methediet church,
is •to undergo considerableeepaire ttit$
fall, in the way of paliering; painting
and eecorefing, which,' 'Whelk done,
willadd very. much to its appeerencei.
Itlaster !teasel 'Weay"'arriyed. stsfely
h t parents t tSouth
Dakota, last 0 week. • By the aid
friends at London add Chicago, the
trees/ere were made without any trits-
talea,.' • '•• • • ,:;;
Phos White of Bruce Mines spent
Sunday with Mt. :`and Mese Clark of
this village. ,Mr. White .kept tin-
ware stint %in Blyth .26' years ago, and
in well remembered by the older pees,
plc of this section oe'eOuntry.
1• Ore), Township
The next meeting of Grey Colwell
will be held on the 08* inst.
Last week Duncan McKey contmenc-
ed the brick • work . of hie new Tea-
dence •. s
Miss , Fulton, Mrs. McNabb and
Peter McNeil hale had aa attack ot
eongestion of the lungs, but is able to
, be areUnd again,
Muster Alex. were visitor's with the
•former's brother at Ailse Craig, for
a few days.
•Miss Ethel liecleaughton has returned
tarnInt:iennedusi°,1tabJleainvie:ittewwni,th relatives
• Pennsylvania and Toronto,
• irenrte dnd Mrs.' McNaught content -
Plate a ,visit to the West in the near
future. Mr,' McNaught will take a
• coneignment Of honey with hire.
• The 100 acre . farm of GRUA
iSter:stensuore:.,:d9ct_04.9, has been sold to
$2,800. •Igetitteennt • et
• •Are your glassite right ? Vision
changes as all things do. Cohsult • S.
L. Tattbe at Normandie Hotel • on
Thursday., Oct. 1st.
Lteet.-Col. 'Stogie tnay succeed Col.
Gibson asegerneuteder ol the Fifteenth
Breathe. Hyomei and be eured• oE
Catarrh, Bronchitis,
• • Asthma.
lqature has, a remedy for • tatarrh
• epidemic colds and bronchitis that IS
far better than dosing the stomaelt
With medicine and drugs. •
It is the healing oils and balsains of ;
Hyornei which medicate the air you
breathe, reaching the most remote air ,
cells in the nose, throat and logs kills '
ihg all catatrhal germs and restorieg
health to the raucous 'membrane.
HYUrnel aete like a enrative interne'
air bath, and has the genie heeling and
antreeetie efiect as the air where the
Pine and Eucalyptie forents give off ,
their fragrant and healing balsams. I
Breathe healing Hyornel aud see how •
quickly yeti Will get relief ' front Cat-
arrh and head colds. 11 11 does not .
evening',teach Wee v • h ed '
If he offers something "better" than
Putnam's Core Extieactor, it the ade
dit'onal rofit or -inferior oods ' that
i tempts him. Putnam's is the one
sure and painless euro e Use no. other.
• SeallOrth '
At Egmondville.. on Wednesday ot
last week •by.Rev..etleil Shaw, the
double wedding occurred of Mrs. Fran.
cee M. Shieds and Miss; Jennie Com-
beis daughters of Mr .• and Mrs. :Thos.
Combe s of Winthrop. .. Mr; ' A. I'.
:loynt :was united • •to" Mre, 'Shields,
an! Miss Covens to Mr. Ralph 'White
of Tuakersmith, After a short honey-
moon Mr. and Mrs. Joynt will re,side
on Mill St. towne•while . Mr. ' and
Mes. White will take up their resid-
ence in Tuckersmith, where the
groom ie a prosperous fernier. .
Mrs.. John Laird received•a niessage
on Sunday, from- Renton, Onte an-
nouncing the death of her eeehow,
Willie, aged 6 years, second son of
Mr. and Mrs. MeMaan. Mrs. W..01al!,
chard, who is, ete.ying with her daughe
Iter. Mrs. Laird, attended the funeral.
• A rather novel flower wasshown
us this 'week by Mr. .John Rankin in
Morris .1rownship.
Apple packing is on the program.
lhwairntig: gtoes tough on account of
"xYc''L-w•raP--gFt-M-.-g-----.-----Ie • i°111.1(1 being
The residence of, John Broa.dfoot,
west be Brussels, has heea ••greetly.
- improved- eyee-neweverandele and : a
'dress of paint. • . • •
I• ,
• •
Thn appeal of the C TR against
t1110 asSestinent of the .township's En-
• gineer on the Johnston drain was
heard at, Blyth on Tuesday before
Judge Doyle, Barrister • Sinclair, ; ol
Brussels, appeared far the railway.
It was 'continued at Godeeich on
Thursday: • ;• .
the shape of a beautiful large snow-
' all. As this specieo of plant eilootns
• early in the„spring it noes rather a
rernarkable feature to hive them
bloom la September. There were
several as latge as the one 'shown us,
Mr. Robe. Fortune, who has, been
visiting in Seaforth and vicinity foe
past two months left this week for
his home in -Seattle, Wash, Mt. For-
tune, while here, disposed of his farm
in Tudrersmith to Mr. L. Fortune for
the sum of $6,000.
• Mr, and Mrs. J. ilne,, and daughter
Miss Ada of Stratford spent Satur-
day and Sunday hi town with friends,,
1Veiss Ada Cline favored the Presby-
terian congregetion With a. solo, in
her usual brilliant Style, at tee even-
ing seevice on Sunday.
Mrs. F. L. Willis leaves to -day for
Calgary, where she will join her 1103'
band. Mr, Willis intends entering
business in Calgary.
help you there will not be rt •pennY's
expenseLas W. S. R. Holmes egtelee to i
• '
refund the money. The complete flys Mt J. M. revers, I. C., of path,
is dead.
omei outfit costs only $1.00.
. - Wednesday of test week Rachel Wil-
son, a former well known resident of
• the 8th lino, passed' away to her, re -
ware. She was 75 years', 6 months
and 18 days old. Mrs. W. Green, '7th
line; it a, daughter and a son, Isaac,
• lives in the U. S. • Mrs, Wilson made
her home with Win, ...lacidson, now of
Blyth, for several years,
.The new Stele ;bridgeoVer, the Mait-
lind.eon the 5th line, has been Put in
position. It is 136 feet long and will
• have a cement floor, which has not
yet been put on. West blanch of the
river is being closed off, the job of
filling being in the hands of Messes.
Mcleab and Aleock. The distance is
71 feet, ith a 50 Ioob base, 16 feeb
'high and e0 foot top, All the water
will have to flow East of the small
island now,
• Destroy NOxiOu4 Weeds
A petition le in Circulation around
• Amberley and it wriliAre presented tO
the Heron Caution at.its next nieetirtg.
It, prays That an ofileer be appointed
eempel farmers to cut and destroy
noxious weeds on theft premises. Mr.
Ake, Henry is the mover in the mate
fere He argues that no farmer can
keep his farm eleart if his treighboto do •
not look atter their farms and no man
likm to interfere with his neighbor fit
this respect, but that a duly appointed
&tor Can se' that the wee is per-
formed and there need he ho 111 tieing
abOtit it. Certain it IS that celeotte
weeds are making too great headway
in this !district and wiles e checked
• "Itirhitechisreh
The Misses Holmes et. Seale.** and
Miss Smith of Bostoevisited friende
in Whitechurch and* vicinity • laet
Mrs,. D. Smith and daughter, Mies
Greta, lot Brantford, are spending a,
few. da.ys with . the former's. niother,
Mrs. Winfield. ;
• d
Rev. W. A. Findlay received ; wor
last week from Kincereine teat, his
mother was very low. Ho at once
hastened 'to her beeside•where he im-
mainect till she passed away en Satur-
day. evening, and until after the funer-
al, which ,took place on elondey. In
consequence, service in the Methodist
chureh was cancelled on,Suadaye err.
and Mrs. , Findley have the sincere
sympathy of their many irtendee in
their sorrow.
What's in a Name
Editot:The News' -Record : •
Sir, -About six years ago e, .tieW
Cast Iron *Range was put on. - the
market be the Mcdlary Manufacturing
Company, and a contest commeheed
for procuring aessuitable name. Some
20,000 were suggested, but the one
that appe.aled most to the judges was
"Peridoraee . • • s
The same year". an exteneive. adver-
tising Campaign was pet on, and has
been kept up ever Since, by which
thisename and the Range have ilieceme
na'tionally' known. Pandora is now a
synonym tor.,1Werit.
there could, bd. any doubt in any
pereonti mind as te the'veluei of news-
paper advertising, in Canada; -.jive
success of the Pandora Range,arAii, the'
*widespreadeaeauaintanceship with the
name ;Panderer est theetestehreoi that
'advereisieg does 'bring the people uf
closer. touch With exploited goods. '
•"reandori," sales record is unequall-
inYwheee. '
•• ;,
Yours jeep.,
Tee efcClary Manufacturing Co;
, (Editor's Note e A eeries of Pandora
advertisements commenee in The
lecwieRecoid this eseee.,'. They .. .were
prepared by A. A. Briggs, Advertivieg
Manager of the Company,: and 'placed
by etleCoririel & Ferguson, Advertis-
ing Agency, London.) ,
A sprained
' As usuelly, treeted a sprained ankle
will disable the injured person • . for a
month or .1. more, but by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment and 'observing
theedireetions with each bottle eaith-
ereemeeureereay, in-enest, cases, ba
•effected in tees than one Week's time.
This Jelin:relit is a /110st remarkable
eeepeteeion ; Iry it for a sprain. • Or
bruise, or when -lei& tip -With &tonic,
or =pouter rheumatism, and you are
certain to be. „delegetee Withthe
prompt relief Which it afferds. For
sale by all druggists.
• 1
Leetilleereit .
Mre. F., W. Searlete received the
sad news' ot the death of lice little
neice, Min Luella Smith, daughter ql
Mr. and Mrs, A. lyL Smith, formerly
.of Seaforth but now liyireg in Sask-
atoon, Seek, The Saskatoon Phochix.
says : "Honored by her schoohnatee,
and the flag was raised at half mast
The King Edward school beel tolled
yesterday afternoon, at the hour of
Luella; Shah's,. burial service. Up till
holidays, Luella ha.d been a student
at the King EdWard, first 60 . Miss
1Wacdonald's room and this 'year • in
Miss L.- B. lebieterts, She had been
a bright pupil and an agreeable class-
mate. and emelt sorkow was estpreseed
over her sudden death. Miss Isbister
and,ithelle of. grades V.• and VI. sent
a wreath of 'fragrant flower, enothee
was the gift of Miss McDonald and.
Flossy Kennedy, pretty wreath cable
from Mrs. C. le e'alkner. Alva Stephs
emelt and Lizzie Chrubb, Wreaths were
sent from "The Itookety," from iv,
land Mrs,. J. V. Smith, Mr. and Mrs-.
G. W. Hamilton, Charlotte l3urbnek
,and Maud Youell, Besides these
I ening the mound of flowers were bou.
Igoe from Mr, P. W. Holland, the
Misses Preston, Mrs, Wentz, Miss
Johnson, Miss Gelpin, Muriel and Elle
tee Bells elle and Mie. Jeffrey, Hula
jeofey,, Miss East, Mr. and Mrs. N.
C. Hamilton and others who sent no
cried. The service Was ponducted he
Itev, E. D. Smith at the home at 2.80:
enterment toek place at the Saska-
toon cemetery,"
September *4th, 1908
Row Iv Tour $tood
It you laelr'strangth, ors worreest boor*
no appetite, deal sleep W414 $44 *id
wile', :our blood la in teml 00001tten.
toe mu* be ;erode withoot par., Soh
Woe. lloodts fleresperine raeketi Seed.
rice blood 404 keep* It good.
IMPUIRM# 11110041'.)WrIlit101 bar *4 ti*011g.
,st of eerie. .1 pyre hero
LI'Qed mr'llimr4" findie 1.Nalot
riseptisoir mod. SS* IMILIr
ratt. WO. 0
Had No Ao
with 4yoszro "ad no
11. Ai* f after oe, r
riatellurreireignhblelli ood'i
eavemelt* wetoortida.
Vinalloneese-tte bless tit* dar 7la.ar4 01
Bow* 131411001111114 Wilt owed moot istreen
wearies" otter grit,. built my liturbandi
rtuArdmoriatoe......hto 44:41;
A. PErAto=tri4Box
'HOW, eareeperitis fo *Ad eyariithors.,
100 Posos one Dollar. Prepord wile by
C. LX(004 Co., ZOW014 NW, U.
Lightning struele the public SC11901
at Spring °melee, Alberta-, and killed
Anna lltailton.
Canada's trade for the first live
months of ettie fisca,1•Yeer Was ln11,-
803,052, a decrease of $64,209,548.
A !fruit war at Regina is causing
grapes to to sold at 29 Cents per bas-
ket ane peaches at 90 cents per Can.
1.4 •
Is what...Yell want when sickliest% •
happens at night. Can you possibly
-find the equal of Nerviline VNo, for
it stands unequalled in curingpain,
internal or local'. Earache, toothache
and neuralgia disappear in a --jiffy,
limb it on and away flies the pain.
Foe cramps, vomiting Or indigestion,
all you need is ten drops in sweetened
water, Sick or well you'll lind Pols:
sOn's Nerviline invaluable in Yetie
house. Get a large 25c bottle toilay4
• .
Men's Suits,
Youth's Suits,
Boys' Suits,
See gur Men's $10
. SAteaters; •
The fotieteentli annual convention of
they Will choke the grain.-Kineardine the Iting's Daughters and Sons is in
ReView session at Stratford.
3 -Piece \Par -
lor Suites
• Exceptionally Good
These suits are coveiba'
short ends of the most beautt,
fill figured silks, no two chairs
alike,, nand polished mahog-
any. We have seeured these
suites itt a little mord than
half the usual prices. First
callers get best choice.
3. It Chellew •
Furniture and Undertaking