The Clinton News-Record, 1908-09-24, Page 21*.17111111**,1,0.7,111.•-•,' inton 28th Year CLINTON, .ONTARIOt THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1908 Our new serial, 'The Ghost of Lochrain Castle," begins in this Issue. Whole Number Is43 at AA it be? Tbetes ;be question that is Miceli over and over agai*. where there is e present to he chomp for a bride. • Most people agree that ft should come from ajewellery eteee, because somehow jewellery and presents areaways e associated. • If those intereeterl only knew it. wecould relieve teem et their uncertainty Ina few minutes, Our Oink furnishes the hints, It reveals in a minute' more appropriate presents then anyone could sit at home • and recall ip a whole day. . So we invite buyers. and we premise to make their choicesatisfactoele • *water and Optician; Clinjon simeass • 1NCOAPORATED 1869• HE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA PaldeUp Capital $3,900,000. • Reserve $4:890,000' Total Aseets • - - e - $46.800,000 HEAD OFEeCE. MONTREAL. , . . • CLINTON BRANCH -E. 11,11 KWARi; MANAGER, COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers end others for the transaction of their banking bUsiness. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. ' Special Attention.- Paid' to Savings Bank Accounts 1111111110Me The • Farmers' Bank of Canada • Capital Simoo,000 * • • - Total Assets $1,8omoo 40 Branches Throughout Canada.- ; Bimetal atthntion given to farmers' business,. Salo Note is discounted •or Collected at lowest current.rates. . . *Savings ' De,partinient. . • Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Intereit paid or added to principal times a pear Your money is too valuable -to leave in. the house. where burirlars. thieves or tire ma alcUl from you or to investlt in risky•speculations• or with doubtful institutions .ae--etteiein the past have robbed men of their hard earned wealth. • . Dratts and Money:Orders issued • . When sendingniotiey to any, part of , Canada Dr the -world, remember our drafts and money orders are available hererand sold at the lowest possible.rates. Our money orders are papable at par at any 'point ill Canada and principal .pointS in the United States and Qreat Britain.- ' • ' - • ' • • OUR MOT1`0-601trtegals TFeetment. No Red, Tape. Brucefield and -Dashwood Branches R. T. DUNLOP, Manager BAPT.TeST OHUROH. • Rev. T. W. Charlesworth's 'subjects for next Sunday will be :: Morning, "Still further" ; gvening, the 1owed of the series on the Apostle Paul, viz e "The greet 'clump." . THE LOCAL :1WARKET. Wheat 85c to '87c. Oats 3ec to 37c. ,as 800.to 86e, • Barley 47c to 510: Better 18c. , Eggs 17e, Live Hogs $0.75, DEATH OF MRS. -MANNING. Mrs, R. E. Ma.uning passed b. into LtiLis enighte but a year or so since she moved to Dungannon with het Intsband who had been appointed manager of the branch of the Bank :of Hamilton established there. 'Some ^Months ago she became ill and several weeks since returned tO the honk of her mether where lie death took place. She is survived b her husband and one:Child. The hie oral took place Tueeday afternoon, di services being conducted by Rev, Mr Jelliffe.. The pallbearers were F., R and H. F. Hodgens, ' A. T. Cooper F, T. Jackson, R. Holmes and J McMath. • THE DRILLER'S SON DEAD. On Thursday evening lase gr. John MeClusky, one of the drillers oa the waterworks well, received a telegram from Petrone, 'stating that his little son was seriously ill and a. few utes .later a second message eame an- nouncing his deeth. Mr. Mcalusky Jet foe home by the first train. A GOOD MAN GONE. Bishop Carmichael ot Montreal, who from 180 to 1808 was motor of St. Paul's church, •Clinton, his first charge, died in Montreal Monday morning, He was a love:hle man and when lie was trensfereed from' tine parish to - a larger field the whole eommuuity. -sor- rowed. He paid his last eisit4 to, Clinton some four years, ageand Lt will be remembered how those who had known him in the bye gone days &dip came many miles to hear him once .more, A Am% sketeh of his career, appearson page our of this issue, • , • Y THE CHAMPIONSHIP. • • el Tbe most interesting series of gam- , es played on the bowling green this season took 'place last week for the local championship between rinks THE AUTO BROKE DOWN, A petty of •Goderich.citietens. ktUtOed to Berlin last Sunday, The run ceerbe. ward was pleasant enough but when they startedelneward. their troubles began. ,It wee first one thing an& then another until finally two miles 'east of Clinton at two ie'clockelerfhe morning the ear _broke' down entieele.' The aeteiste were So Weary and ,dis- gusted. that had e jot* Man happened' along a deal . might. easily have been 'efteeted.- :HoWeveee they aroused a lam*, who Was sleeping peacefully aeter• a day well spent, kind hitching. his horses he drove three of teem home, the lOurth putting tip Olintoe hotel forthe remainder of the night. The auto was •pulled ..under shelter .where it remained until , the eext aftereeon when ewe el the party came 'down from Goderien, fixed it up and reterned• home. ' • •• • - Last week the •Women of.Derham ereM treated to another • Of 'those pleas- ant little surpriees, in the form of a travelling fakir,: . selling household' artielee • 0! / iinliitiled 'eaefulness. Amongst his .collection 9f 'necessaries were a line •jelly tins, ,which he Was "ad'yortighig"., and, ."Is.ils to introduce thein," he let thein •go .et the ridieu- iouslY low peke of 25c per pair. IAherwardS, one of obtr fairsex wan- dered into a: local leardware More and, fauna the „inerena:nt was reedy to load her down with, a car -load or so of the „same article at 1,6e Per pair. Natural - le,„ ehe felt something Beep- the fellow the be lit On, enCeithen we lest 'saw her she was moping Mournfully along the street intithering_ "stung" and try- ing.to figure out how she could yegain the Oe she lost. he tot dealing at honk... And she Was not the' only one that bit. on the 'jelly -tin deal either.--, Chreniele. • • • • , ST PAUL'S' bauRcri. There .were large congregations ' et S. Paul's churCh. both a. ni, and ,eiv- ening last- Sutiday, lespeeially in the evening le en a num et -. ronr,o I wegregetioes were „present The. preacher of the day wee Mr. John Ransfore who . created a very favor- able i'mpreesion. In the • evetingee he took- for his text l' Kings 18 Cha. and 21 verse, and called attention to. the following , points: That the ques- tion 'Asked of the people by the' pro- phet indicated, : that the, power .• of cboice was 'given to every man, and. thee singularity, each for beliedf or hereele. the mementoes queetioh of chowitig life or death, must be made. 14e next:Showed the advisability of 'taking the choice, in teat to delay was fatal, and to attempt to proceed .in life without •deciding such a. clues: - tion was far vvorse than boldly • dee d- ing even for what is Wrong: His re- Marki :were. brought toa Close, he sciriptual proof that it is pessiWee, fax a man . be - delay deciding so long as t9 place himself outside " .the Imundaties of the possibility of re- form. , WESe.EY ClitileCH. • Simday was- Rally Day in cOnnee- tion with the S, S. of Wesley church and it might very well be said that it was • a rally day for the whole church for there was 'a good Wee - dance at all eervicce. Superintendent Cooper •presided at the meeting of the school in the afternoon and was tie- eisted in the opening exerciete by Rev. 3. Greene and Mr. H. E. Rorke, The roll eall of Meets wasevere set- isleetory, in some the attendance' be- ing perfect. Master tjOilii, the Wee son !of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. liellyar, *as baptised as a member ' of the cradle roll. Miss Reid Sang a sato, Erma Aildemes and Retta, Cook gave a duett, Mr. Herbert Cook e euphon- ium Solo and the pastor an address. The church was nicely decorated with flowers', leave, ele. The hearty. spirit, manifested, the good attendance and the handsome deeorations made hot ;%tinday memorable among the Rally Days in Wesley chutele' Next Sunday 'the fattarlerly review of the 8, S. leseon will take plaec. It; will he Temperance Aunday and in addition to the empliaeizing of thie wotk an addrese will be given by Setretary reining Of the Y. M. 0, 'A...a teaditte be 'Mee Cattle Shipley . and a duet by the tlissea Potts* • aRvEREB .1:07NAG7 ifirtjOks CLOTHING 0 Brand economy as cheap- ness in the original° cost.; few of us stop to think that cheap clothes means sone - thing. cleverly hid- den behind a present- able appearance, Lion rand CLOTIIIN FOR ' BOYS • The clothing' of :that• - acter, style and, de- pendability, is cheep and good. Made from- all wool fabrics, with double seat, double knees, double stitched seams and pocket, concave shoulders, unbreakable fronts, double elbows. • "Every tashionable idea is represented, and , oe know of no better clothing.anywhere. "A Square Deat, for Every Mn." .C.ROOKS- Clothint Store Mittel/Sart to Hodgeos BrOs. 0 • skipped by W. J. Steveneon. and 'J. B: Hoover. The series coesisted • el five •21 -end games, the first two and fifth being wen by Mr, Stevenson. The prize, a handsome teophyr will be presented at At, Home- to he held at the residence of Mr, W, Jaelthon some time next =men. The -members of the teams were as followe j „ • ' W. Graham. R, Graham J., Hunter • J. Harland W. J. Nedigee .1. Taylor . ' W. J. Steveneen 3.13. Hoever • (skip) '• (Skin) ' A FIRE LAST NIGHT-, • The stable, • on Iluron street which was rented, be Mr. AngusMcLeod was destroyed by hre.e.arly last evening. How it originated is. not known but' when fleet seen the. flemes werp pour- ing through the roof. There were three horses in the stable ; two were reached but the third -perished, ' The 'animal , was a valuable iine and we. understand .that Mr, McLeod intencled exhibiting it at one of the Pairs today. Hay 'and haeness also Went up' in smoke. The delay Of the AM engine get- ting to work waA'that the suction hese when first let down into the tank stud(' into the deposit of Mud at the bot- tom. The Fait rendered value,ble service, as usua . The build- ing .ereee and .Web 0.NT.• 1;‘. C1-1. , . There wai a large attendance .at, "the tp*eeth League anniversary held in this ;church Sunday.. gee,. 'Dr. Cook of' iRidgetown was the speaker of the .day and all ehree 'of his. dis. ceereee were cattiest and Yig00113, $0pit Of thOS:C who attended said thee -they never beard him do better iernt,14iee9hcl.Mcleannsmontdhaayt ieivieodinidg li:Cerya.d'f7011., eed the .Leegtie eed: there was a large tern out of the members. There will be a big Rally ' in % the •Ont. St. S. S. next Sunday, and , the 'people, young people, big peoplc and -little people 'and all who are now ot have ben. identified with ; the echbol", are • , invited to attend ind s • end. a pleasant and Profitable hour. There will be eoo musio an sinAgisnogeial w. ill be 'giVe.n. in Ont. „gt: church to -nigh undee the auSpices of the choir. Tea ; will be served from 54.0 to 7. Program at e.30. Admissiom 10 cts. Go and en- joy a splendid repast. Emryone wet - The ender league ba,. elected its officers for ho year •ias follovve :- President, Miss Margaret Manning let Vice, Miss. Lulu Howe . 2nd. Vie, Miss Edna Lavie 3rd 'Vice, Miss Ethel 'Bradshaw 4th Vibe, Mies' Bessie Walker Secretary', Harold Kerr Assistant, Miss Louise Beaten Treasurer, 'Miss Mary Jackson, Pianists, Misses Graee, Walkeeand • Ethel Bradshaw, 11111111 THE PREMIER GOES THE PROFESSIONAL DECONITOO .The inference thee will be drawn frozn yesterday's demonstration Ls that lthe Dominion Governmeneha resorted to a campaign of bunting and brass Musk in order to hide the reil issues from the peeple, . * .11 The people leaned with surpelse that the Premier of Canada and a Proles. eienal epee .oretoreetra.v,eLeogether, or th be more exact, that the thecoreior goes a day ahead, beim the '• lavish and gaudy display ot bunting, ban- ners and devices. The Premier an the Decoratorere a new corobinatioe in Canadian *Mee. The affair was 'extensively boomed, five lease betide were engaged, special trains were ren, party fealty and public curiosity were aPpeated te. and yet the attendance, at. a, genereus es- timaM, did not exceed 5,000. People. Hall as many more had been 'expected as this will be the Premier's only ap- pearance iti this. past of the province and the celebration was intended for Huron, Perth ;nid Bruce. Fully a third of those presdpt were Consetytt- tives. The Tory ley, .Hulett, Tucker li-Goder- ich township turned oet strong. t A/ \ talwarte Of. Stat. It 'wars a eteangely utele:monatratiee demonsteetion, There was • scarcely cheeieeee the proceseion passed tkrough the .stieets frorn thb station to ' the peek. The people were Mspectful but I cool and their lack 'Of enthusiasm is said •tce. have been e -keen disappoint - meet to Sir -.Wilfred who had .been led to expeet greater things • Ai Soon 'as.: the procession 'passed the Brotlessional . Decorator pulled down his bannefe aedbunting and hurried: off to Berlin where the Pre- mie.r ' Makes • his next apPeaeeree.. ' • * „ 7 Ile ri • :Who Pays the De.,oratOr ? Candidates • McLean, -Holmes,. and Hislop. spoke. MeLean„talked like a "hide-botted" partisan, Hislop with, animation and HOltnrgbriefly, . Mr. M. 'G. ;Cameron , was, in •goad: term and sPoke well but this time the .....eteedeitad .beeinneimpatient tohear the Premier andthere'were cries of "Laurier 1." 41 r te, (tatil Mr_ Cameron was ,Obliged to take eis Seat. • •• ' ' • ' Sit Wilfrid spoke for about an hour, covering ,•the,sathe •grOutte as at hi$ meetings at Strathroy and elsewhere He soared eotnewhat, After his usual; manner:, and charged that his oppoie WMhad no police- but thatof slan- derHis claire that he' has a pute Government,. • caumd an aniesed. smile to pass over 'efie crowd *hien had in mind the aggregation by Which he is and eies been surrounded. Sir Wil - !rid stated that cherges• made againat his officials were always heves. tigaMd; but his bearers knew that it was not necesiary, to go loitt of Huron eke evidence to the ,eonttety. They have not forgotten that Robert MCRic given credit tor good tine it ,It mese take the xesponsebility • tor steguation end depression. e J• "It le tithe for a change." A party of school children sang nee tonal songs and elesers, W. Harland, Spaulding, Weir, J. McCrae, B. J, Je Holloway—and - Re A, Downs wig "Canada," The voeal sectione received greater applause than the epeeches. • Five brass beds were engaged for the day so that if ilk people misLied convineing oratory they .heardplenty qf music; Much og it good 'music, top. The ,Wingheen band gave a much ap- preciated, program on posteffice, seeare in the evening, They • put up geed music en Wingham and -they vote righe on. election. dayi • •*• . Bayfield sent wee a "big carryall full of staunch Liberals including Dr. Stanbury, Murdoeh Roee, and John Ferguson,• • * * • The local 'Liberals *ere. -thdefatig- . able in making the preliminary ax eangernente. gueleveork devolved upon them, •pa,rtieularly on the chairman and. Setretere Dr Shaw and Mr. Ie.- , R.- Hodges, respectively, and they :did in well. ' • * Onn. of the t: banners read : "Five • Mort Years Of Good Timee." This, of course, kepealed eery forcibly to .the mealienics of Seafortie Wingham, God -rich awl' Clinton worts fwhonj hex° been out ol - work or ep Steel; time foe a eOnsidete,ble portion 'of the 'past year, No wokk mane no pay ; hell, time means half ,pay. yet there Is tent and tae.es to pay, coal and eroee cries. to hey.. Do. Re. mechenes of Huron want five. Meee'yeare '•the present state:. of ? The e"leive elore Years. of . Good Times' has hollow ring to the revelie anics and .working men of this County who Will.,shortly have to facie a 'hard. - winter with a peer preapece of any- thing secede employment. • 0 (reeds end that Sir •Wilfrid Laurier stifled the invettigation rn Lhe House of Commons. . . • In .a, witty five-minute' speech Mr, W. H. Kerr of Brussels introduced Hon. George t Grahamf Minister of Railways. There are *old friends and brother' newspaper in -en. • . .Mr. Geaham% , address.' wee the 1110s:t eengetiy and vigoeous of the at- tiernoon. • He made an able :defence of the Government.' Tn speaking of the financial 'situation he dealt with see - pluses' of bygone years insteadvof the present imMense deficit and to the re- ceipts which"havo been on the descend- ing scale faX months he made no re- ference He as claimed that the times were good and 00.Government should lie • giventhe credit. Mr. Graham Person Should have known that in thiS county Dr. • Dick Worthington is supplying for Dr. IVIichell of Dublin. Mr. Wilbur Manning, London, was in town Tuesday 'attending the funer- al (it the late Mrs: R. E. Manning. Mr. trite Twitchell came up from Woodstock on Tuesday to take views of yesterday's political demonstra- .tion. * Miss Beatrice Cleetne returned home last week after a two -months' visit with relatives in the, state 'of Ver- mont. • Mr, and IVIrs. joint litn.'doch ^and Mrs: Walter Murdoch !of Lucknow were the guests. on Wednesday of Mrs. (th.)! Thompson. Mr. and. Mrs, John Beelyat eeturned to their home in llowmanville last week after a visit with their son, Mr. W. IL Sumaterhill Mr. and Mrs. James Miller visited the Goderich Pair on Wednesday. Mr, Charles Tyner 'and Miss Maud Tyner visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott, London township, and ; also ihe Western Veit last week. Mr. Thos. Lindsay, and his mother were in London last week, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlott visited at Mr. Geo, Tynethi on Monday, Additional Summerhill news on page fout, ' alone a number of industries 'are closed down or running part tin' and that during the coming winter. hue - deeds 'of the met ,Of Huron who are anIcious to do an honest day's work will be out of employment. If, then, to the Government must he It Is lime ler a, change."' Itt ' addition to. ',Chief 'Wheatley and Sergeant Welsh the following 'were ape pointed as special constables for the day : W. J. ,Palsley, C. J.• Wallis, J. Copp, 0. 'Johnson., M. ,O'Donnell, 13. Routledge and A. htcheod It wee a stalwart force. • *. Among the newspaper men in town °duringthe day wQre ; NaYlor, 'pow ; Neelands, Hensall ; Kerr, Brus- sols White, Eketec. Hon. • Mr. Graham is also a member of the press. Goderieh, Township Middleton -Hayter. • The residence of Mrs. Martha Hay - a On ' Se tember • 16th was the scene. of a very, Pretty wed, ding when her daughter, Miss Martha, was married to Mr. John Middleton Jr. of Goderich ' township, by --the Rev. F. G. Newton of P,arkhill. : The bride was dressed in a whiM silk princess dress with the accustom- ed bridal veil • and carried, a Showee bouquet of white roses: She was giv- away by, her/brother, Mr. Will. Ftartcr, and aseieted by her sister, Miss Jennie Halter, and Mr. Fred. Middleton, brother Of the geoorn. . Promptly at eleven thirty a. m. the •bridal party entered the parlor t�: the strains cif neendelssohles :Wedding lelexch Awed by Mise Carrie Wilsen, Only the immediate .rela,tives and Mr, E. Cooke. of Stratford were pres- ent. ,After the eereinony lunch was, serve •ed and the happy couplei left for a shcirt trip to TorOnte and Muskoka. Mr., and Mrs. Middletori willInako theii!. home on the groom's fine farm on the ,Ott con. Both' are well and very favorably .knowit throughout the township and numerous are the con- gratulations t and good wishee that will be showered upon. them, SHALL THIS CONTINUE ? Terminals were required, for the Government- section - of the ---Grand Trunk ?twill° at Winnipeg. Henry 'en, a.holielkeeper and poll - tido, bought .the property for $08,- 200. . •. The Goverment then purchased feat& Kern; pkying *tem $Z22,800. The Agurea stand thus ;- Pelee paid by Government $222,000 Price paid by Kern ,,,,, .... „.„„ 90,200 Profits for Kern f122,800 The Laurier GovernAlent, had '20,301 ales .of Indian land for saleein Al- goma. ily private dent no land was dis- posed of Ito A. E. Phillip, formerly E•liftotes law partner D. A. Ilocsor and W. r, politicians in Mani don, Philip, leeser ant Wilson sold to a trill at lumbermen lot $101;839:- - The figures stand thus z- Priee for which the sold. ...... ............ .... .$1.01;830' Price paid by thein to the Gov - eminent OM/ Profit for Philip, lieesor at Wilthn .$91,818 In these two transaotions the pro- fits were For Kern, through Selling -pro- perty to the Oovernment......;$122,800 loor Philip, Reesor and Wilson, through buying property from the.Ocvernmentpt1,81$ r‘ 4vo* Tete in two (kale e214,413 Shell we "Let Laurier keep up this work)1 Shall We Let Laurier keep up this kind of Work ?" Nov Advertisements Meet of Lise-g. fee C,.. -e„ Clothing -E, W. Jacolise-2 New Fall Ootete-Tozer'se-8, Eyesighte-W. R. elounteele-4 Bargains--Plutneteel Bros. -el Opening Display-efledgeriee-e, Fall Openinge-WevecombeiSe-fe Opreninge-P. ee Ge -e-4 Auetion Salee-Thos, Archer -05 Tile and Briek-Kruse Broe.,75 ' 3 -piece Suitee-J, Ohellew-e2 Hunters' lexcursions-e0,,T. $600 Wallpaper -4. D. Fair Co.' -.78" Bftylield -Giteertetriday -last .edee.-elehee„Whid- don reeeived the sad news, of the death or her brother's wife .Mrs, W. ; E. Ross of Strathcona, •Mr. and Mrs: Rosa spent several weeks diking the summer as eueete, of. Mr. and Nfrse ,Whiddon and it,ie only abbut a month since they; returned home. Mrs. Ross, is survived by het husband 'mid five small children, three gerle and ,twe Wye, one a beby..eiget months old, to mourn their peat lose. Mr. E. Erwin . aetended • the: ‘High 'Court Goderieh this week as e, ;mot. Atkinson of Detroit ie spending a feW daYS with his family in the village. e Mrs. • Oliver Rhynes of Brantford and Mrs, Rhynas of Goderich are the guests of the forrnor's perentee Mr. • and Mre. John leeegusen. , • • , Ffee, Hiles and wife - aro visiting friends at Kirktori ,thiseekelte , The • former will spend- e few days at Tor- . onto. '•. ' On Sunday morning next gr. Wanis- , ley will Oceupylthe pulpit of the Meth- - eediet church ,Ipthe absenee. of Rev. . : . . . _ Dr. ,IV,Ietcelf, wife and family of D&. teal arrivee in the :village on Fri- day. lege •in, their Moto; to speed, a. • short' while. • . • eMesers. Thos. Cameron, Joe. bald - Well, T. J. Marks, R. MeMutray; IL. Darta,h, John' Tippet and Mrs, 11.• MoKay; Mrs. Spaeltnian and 'daughkr, Mies Edith Spackman, Misses Mau Reid, •Rubie Whiddee and Ina; Powlio attended tee Fair at London. lase. week. e • • .• , Mr . 10. A. Edwards: it . visiting. • Erten& at London, • . Mr. William Ross who wa,s here at- tending the funeral. of his brother, 'Forrest Ross, • left for his home at Buffalo On Saturday:. A. grand' conceit Will be gevexi in. the town hall on the evening. of 1ri4 •day., -of -ncit-week,1_47ner!sebbliii?..kln:y: ate ehe Fair, , Will be under the -ails- • •piceS of thi Society and ..good talent has been eeured for the occasion. • At the Fair on .Friday el. next ., week. a "prize , will be given for single roadster tholigh it was omitted from the peiM • Miss Holmes returned: nem' . lase week lioin his Old Couetry. visit and reports eavieg spent a pleasant time with her friends. Her, , malty friends • here are deased to have.her back . again safe and ..well. -Her ,Biele,cless • eetidereed het aneeeption. on her return and all spent a pleareint timci togeth- Mrs. Hulholland IjIItI fOir a visit to -her-'-emi-etneeethee-fniendeein-Entka laat week. Mrs... Fred. Deeper of .Ay1- ineneetaking care of thekbouse dudes her mOthee's absence. ' • , are, glad t�hearthat the -. little boy of Mrs. S, T, Walters is better after his scveM even Of Mness, , • Several from .around here took i the Fair at London last -ate,ek. •Mrk.AVIdekenzie arid Mrg. Leach of . • Gciderich were the gueste of Mr: and. ,Miss Holroes a few days last week • ' • • . :1r Taylor, wife and SOO, Mr: and Mrs, Bearnsyirs of Kansas* and Mrs. Broadfoot and 'Mrs. Elcoat of Bayileld were guests 011 Mr, 'W, Stanley and. • wife parrof Monday .and ,Tuesday. ot last week. Rev. ,Mr. .Snowdert was preaching; anniversary. sermons in the Goshen church, 'Stanley, on Sunday. Rev. Mrt Brown of that Circuit ; took Mr. Snowden's Work ;here.. . The anniversary and tee meeting have been postponed Until 18 and 19th of October. : • The members* of 0. tit. are te- quested to meet On Irriday evoing.at 7 p. ni, for a game of carpet balls froni 7 to .8. Yorammommaimmi• rair Twenty -Five Millions Lost. tTnder the above heading 'United Canada,. Ottawa, in its issue of Sat- urdaylakt had tea. following -reference to the member for West Huron "it is estimated that $25,000,001) worth Of pine and Pub timber • wag destroyed, by bush fires in 1 British Columbia. last month, • TM retails that, last 'session, Mr. E. N. Lewis, M.P. for West Huron who is by the way regained as one of Ontario's best representatives at Ottawa, calledthe attention of the Goverunient, and .the country, itt an admirable spec& to- this very quest tion of our timber reeoureee, Mr. IeWIS &honed that, We. 1fieVi3 practically the last of tho World' great virgin forests, and he -mired that Ist, Committee of the Tious,.1 be appointed to akertain how hest I, MIS national 'asset could be Mogi effeC- tively protected and preserved. theleeleY Prevented the p;osterfie Ment front following Mr, Lewis' lad'• •