The Clinton News-Record, 1908-09-17, Page 2•
Clinton New* -Record
September 17th, 1908
"esetaIntrrX —ACCURACY
' 44440140110941014444•44•04014.44.1
11.#44,P TFIF
' 9H I i!,,P,P, Elkt ' 1
iYou are ;we redo le sending
the children to our More on i
• grow% we treat thew pet
as carefully and courteeeslY
I : as we do their emote. Send 1
the Child, K note and the
change, '
1 We will Deliver "the Coeds 1
It your stomach ' troubles you
eremmebee we guerantee '
I— 0 D •C
Rd' St * i
: omach Troubles .2
2 50 cents a Bottle t
Ir -ora -rt,
Several new fruit Inspectore have
been appointed by the Geverneuent,
and it is proposed to have shipinents
Tift the Niagara River more caretully
looked after.
Five men lost their lives in. a fire
in the Reinvent Hotel at Dterver, Oole
Prince Bolotott, a, Russian, Will at-
tempt to crees the Eaglish Channel aeroplane.
Oount Zeppelin will form a joint
stgek company to administer -the hunts,
donated for the construction of a new
According to a forecast of a red-
proeity treaty between Canada and
the West Indies, the islands, are to
give Canada e preference on food-
stuffs and machinery, and Canada is
to reciprocate with a preterence on
raw cocoa, fruit and suger.
IOttr Spices are Fres
• and Pure—Try Them
2 iviammomamvimmommiman t
--Reduced 2nd -class fares -
now. in effect.
• / Temagarni, Lake of Bays,
Magarter.a.wan River, Savirettla
Lakes, Georgian Bay, Etc.,. aro
• ee reached by Grand Trunk, ;
• Summer Touriat rates in effect. Full.
information from any Grand Trunk
Corraspoidents Wanted.
In no better way can a person help
to develop his or her education than 1*
corresponding for a newspaper. At the
same time the publisbing of the neWs
from a locality Advertises it and helps
td .btele it up. So that the newspaper.
correspondepte :is .doing bOth hiinacif
and the community in which he lives
a good service. We are pleased at All
times to receive the weekly budgets
from the rural districts. The News -
Record has A very efficient etaff oi
correspondents, but there are a few
points :where we are =cemented.
If your part of the county is not get-
ting attention, write us. If you can
help us personally we shallbe gia.d.
Or perhaps you can give us the name
of some suitable person. , We ask the
friends id The People's Paper
erete iwith us • in keeping at 'the
•Of course Ws hard to work. Stoopq
ing over hurts, lifting tedious, and
yon -wonder what to do. Ever try.
NervilineeP Nothing :like it for "weak
or lame back. It penetrates to the
core of the pain, ease e front the 'first
application, brings cure that defies a
relapse. No liniment is. so elven, oo
soothing, so certain: to kill muscular
rheumatism or sciatic pains. Ycur
dealer sells;Polson's Nerviline in large
25e bottles. Why not try jt?
Bayfield—Oet. 1 and 2.
'Blyth—Sept, 29th and 30th
Dungannon --October 7th and 8th,
Mitchell ---September 13th and 11th
Seafoeth—Sept, 17 and 18.
Exeter—Sept 21 and 22.
Goderich—Sept, 22 to 24. •
Wingharri-:September 24 and 25.
Kincardine--Ceptember 16 and 17
.Zurich --September 23 and 24. '
• London—September 11 to 19,
Toronto—August 29 to Sept. 14.
Bruseels—Oct. 1 and 2.
Teeswatti,r—Oct, 6. and 7.
ews Gathered.
for News Record Readers
chased the butcheringbusiness cari
ried on for some time by the
Colclough B r o s.., we respectfully
solicit a share of the patronage of
.the public which we hope to merit
. by keeping the best of meats and
at reasonable prices. Give us a
. Our shop is next to The News -
Record Office.—T. T. & Bert Murphy
Years Ago
From The News -Record of
Septeinber E8th, :18$0,
-Clinton, Sept. 18, 1809
Court of Revision...41re :Court, for
the Revieion ef tile Ontario Voters'
List for the town ot Clinton was
held here on Monday, before Judge,
Tans. The chief !business was the
addition of mimes omitted. The Con'*
seryatives asked to have nineteen
..Agent for Clintate and district for
the 'National Portland Cement Co.,
• makers of the best cement in the
only cement to substantiate his claims as one, oil =
market. This is the •
John Spier, 4th line, was under the
• used by the corporation of Amin -ton the heirs and , the Fishers of Colborne '
Tuesday was the 34th anniversary P. Case Paid a visit to his old
01 the day when mr, J. J. viewer home near EXeter recently. fle went
startedclerking for Mr. D. Stein-lby autemobtle,
bade Mr. Weller is now living in t T. I3eg1ey, who is at present en -
the same house. where he put in his gaged in Luelolowt spent Labor Day
Oret night's sleep thirty years ago, , at his home here. He expects to
and has been, with the mee,epttem.i move his family to Lueknow as sooe
of a, few short intervals, a reSident as a htune eau be procured in that
since that ;date, Sept 8th, 1878. ' town, •
Jonathan Can safely be ceunted as one I . Miss' Frank Meletan : of LucknoW
of etho oideteneee though horn pres-ispent Sunday and Monday under the
ent aPpearanees round his corner lue,parental roof here. • •
intends to do things for a while Miss Mary Ryan is still somewhat
yet seriously iedisposed.
The home or Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Cecil Treleaven of the Sterling
Sararas, 131ind Line, was the scene flank, Watford, spent from Saturday
hnnrn7e t he +hAjr,jn,jni,gt. to Monday at his home here- .
namee put o;'eighteen of them were daughter' Adeline, was united in I Miss ,coia Pentland returned home
allowed. The Reformers asked to urarriage to ,Mr. Valentine Neeb oi Yesterday from- Toronto, where he
have twenty-twe put on, twelve oi Hampstead, The ceremony was per_ was attending the millinery openings
them were ;allowed. W. H. Cooper ap- for ed by Rev. Maas, pastor 'Of the i H. Johnston, of the Sterling Bank,
Peered for ,the Conservatives, A: H. Lutheran church, en the presence of i has resumed his laboxs after a two
Manning fer-ebe Reformers and the only -the- ;immediate eeleepeee- weeks' .vacation at his home -in Torone.
After congratulations, the wedding i Q.
party proceeded to the dining .-room -I B. 'Turner Of New York, visited at
where a suruptous dinner wan served. the home of Jas. Whyard on Sunday,.
visiting with friends at Holmeeville The bride looked pretty in a gown of I He returned to. New Yogic on Tues -
the Past couple of months or so, has cream silk, carrying a bouquet of i day- ' ' •
again taken up her 'residenee in towewhite carnatiens. The bridesmaid i William. Malloeglr's enexpected death
Quito a number from Clinton took Miss Emma leemi were a dress of I created .,a sense
of personal lots
in the garden party at .1'10. . J. G. white organdy, while' Mr, W. Walper amongst alt our Reek, when the news
the grown. ser., and became known on Saturday morning,
Step's, goilerick Tie, on Friday 'ev- ably supPorted
ening last, ' • • . , Mrs. Neeb Will male their home on
the groom'e fine farm, .near Barrie-
' Mr. Harry. Cantelon spent Sunday
and Monday in town, Notwithstand- sItead' '
Mr. Reddinger, of Deteoit and Miss
ing the . worries of business and the
fatigue of constant travelling tbe,LeeiSke WurM .were married Ma Safer -
gentleman appears to be the same old day morning, and arrived in Zurich
timehappy Harryin the evening. They ;spent the ,week
' -.
Councillor Kennedy la'horne agahr with the latter's mottisr, Mrs ' }leery
after a several week's visit to Heidi- *urm*
, . . ;. ,
mend county. He looks much heprov-
MrNMCaitlin of StJoseph
ed by 4 visit among old friends. He entertained a number Of distinguished
was in liaedienand during the progress I visitors from Ottawa Boston and
of the *cent pretest trill wNew York last.iveekehich re-'
i Miss Eye Williains underwent an
s,ulted' in . the unseating of Mr. Col- • . . .
ter; and was mech amused at ".the ojeration Iast week for app p 1
at the.hands 'of Dr. Gunn of Clinton; still many years of life. On. Friday
various Personal Menments Ou ow
interesting proceedings men. evening he retired in his estial good
.. , ' .
• There's Millions :en ete_me plum_ 'The Patient is doing fairly well. : health, , but in the morning when he
assistedby the local medical
. . - was called at the usual hour ler break -
steel -Of this town is still after that ' ' .
fast he did , not respond and it Was
$50,000,600 Unclaimed ,estate left by .
relatives in Germany Mr P. pre was Morris ToWnshipfound that he had slept quietly away
. .. .
in Buffalo the other day intervi.ewing — ' ' • .:.erich is . .
, . •
parties' living there who aesert the MrsWalter Sharp, of Goa
i here on a, visit. to her mother, Mrs.
bona fides of the existence of this . '
vast unclaimed estate. It is known Sherrie, 4th line
' Dr.. John Roe and Dr ,' Wesley Roc
as the •Fischer estate. Mr, Phimsteel 1
Phil , Pa',h been- ' '
., have . visit -
is quite sanguine that be ,will be able ''1.)E ledelehia
• th • 't ' • '
deetteoree are 1 sattsfaetory to both
parties, -
Mrs. A. Dodsworth, who has ' been
Those. who chatted with Mr.' Mallough
on Friday evening little thought
that the bright and active OUR was
so near the end of its earthly exis-;
tence. Though he was in his eighte-
ninth year Squire Mallougheas he wii,s
known far and wide, seemed to be. en-
dowed with a perennial freshness f,„ and
buoyancy, and right up to the last he
moved ebout,in the village in which
he was a familiar and beloved figure.
Lase spring he had an illness which
taxed his strength considerably, but he
seemed to have. recovered .so much of
his former vigor' as to promise him
Miss.Stapls of Seaforth Wee a vis-
itor; at Mr. and Mrs. Hill'e.
Miss Wheeler et Alma is visiting
friends in the vicinity et Belgrave.
Mr. Shaw of Michigan is etre guest
Of John Bell, sen„ line et Morris.
Mies Perth, Clark is 'taking a, Millie
nay course with Miss. Boyd ot Wing -
Mrs. Bates visited her daughter,
Mrs. Irwin of East Wawanosh, last
'Miss Brandon. '(nurse) of Lendoe
spent Sunday with gee and Mrs, J.
A. ,Brandon.e -
Miss•Micisie or .eiserrle is at the par-
sonage with Rev. and. Mrs itiVel:S for
couple of week.
' in the construction of sidewalks, etca
—,Mrs. T. R. Walter. - 21
doctor's care during the past week.
are not sure 'but they will•come
of Cement for sale, in :largo .- and
amall quahtities. There .is /to bet-
ter .make of Cement on the mailtee
'Office oPeosite,:
'-estet-ticieretgelePhone .connectivineseettr.
.herdware 'store. if more convenierit.
Refpairing.The. undeesigned is
prepared to do . all hinds el. piano
and organ tuning, and repairing, and
tieing a man of Practical' expeelen.ce
Is :able ." to ..guarantee '•eatisfaction.
Orders may, , he left at W.%S. R
Holmes' drug store. -.-Ed. J. floW1
rad; Clinton.
prder Your
Coal Noiv
Place your order for your
• supply of coal with the:under-
• signed and thus secure the levee
• ' est price. and prompt ,delivery.
Office opposite Grand Trunk
. passenger station. Telephone
J Hamilton
Orders left at Daiis & Rowland'
will be promptly attended to.
W. 'Stevenson
DR. ovENs, sunkr,E0N, OCULIST
will bo at Holmes' Drug Store,
Clinton, on Friday, August 28,
Sept. 25, Oct. ! 23, Nov. 20 and
Dec. 18. Glassee propetly • fitted,
Diseases of the eye, ear, nose , and
throat treated.
END 011 1,2 08 AND THE
PittE Pon ONE yEAtt FOE
15 CENTS. DoTit POE /5
e 4
he First Step.
. .
Often means. .so muple It
' has meant success to thous-
ands of yourig people who
wrete for our Catalogue as •
the first step toward a good .
salaried position. Take the
step to -day. Address dten-
tral 'Business' ,College, 395
Yonge Street, Toronto.
.W. H. SHAW,
o an. , o Waterloo, , is
for their share„ en the meantiine the -' '
'here for a well •earned holiday. He
,Clinton elaiMarit has:laWyersiat woil
tracing .up , the case. Should, he sue-, e,
I drothvec uipiw,aainitdy*ill :spend a.• few weeks
deed, which we lope he will; he. Will y -
J: and Mrs. Ramsey and daugli-
pb.Feesesenvtc.several in_illlions,-4bettteel Oft than it ter, Jean; ;of Detroit, .and Mr:. and
. Misses'. Sterling, of Goderich, motored
Me. and Mei, Arthur (.ouch and up te sunshine this week to yieit their
dadghter, are putting in tiiii
•tlie Torentee:exhibittere I wide,. Jae, Remelt. ;
terieFrell....JeeksiOn tite.4;4her 1"'' *Ps Carrie' seuele.Ateleline;enjoied
1"2:-'116.11dauflie Iii.::,,..:ttbahliYerirsilFd*Catr;I''t, of .t--Brliiist--
dreseing case by the Bugs Works of -
this. town. I ford. Archie Forrest, a nephew, ac-
companied Mies South to his parental
Change.—As will, he noted in the
home, Mr. Forrest ie at the present
adireetisement of the 1-lodgens' Estate; t.iine in the West. •
Mr. Wiseman has withdrawn from: the
Wednesdays' of last week Ihe:horne of
-management and the Messrs.., F. R. Mrs. John Manning, 5th line, was the
and H. E. Hodge -is will now conduct scene of a pretty: wedding when. Rev.
the business. The are 'obliging young
1.1..M. Lang -Ford, :rector' of St; John's
Mere well 'acquainted with the Wants
church, Brussels, performed the cern-
of the public, and the "Palace HouSle"
morin between ,Herbert Cunningham;
sbould- continue to be a right ; royal
of Palmerston,. and Mies Sae E.
Place to 'make purchases under their
iManning, thela.we beneath, a floral
management: • • . bell -and maple leaf 'arch., The bride
Mr. 'John Wiseman,for rnany yeari.
given away be her ' broth-
a- prominent merchant was
of Clinton, left
er George. = Mies Beene Arm -
yesterday for the States for 'the pur-
nese of engaging in besineas there ' strong :.playcd the Wedding. March. East wawaaosh...,,,[
Mower girl was Olive Mathewson,
should matters shape the' 'right way. who scattered .flowers: in the ; bride's
As a neighbor, bUsinesSman and good
path. Ring bearer was Vera Lever,
diezen generally Mr; Wiseman is ail berth little lassies Were neices of the
that tould, be desired, and while we bridft frore
would regret to • lase nirre as a citizen
me hope his brightest 'aspirations will I '
be realized' *- A spraiked Ankle.
Mrs. E. Finch is visiting friends iI
• . As usually treated a sprained ankle
, I will disable the injured person for e
- • month or t more, but by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment and observing
Varna, Sept.. 18th, 188e.
the directions with each bottle .faith -
Mr., Wm. Rathwell, of Goderieh Tp. fully, a cure maY; itt Most cages, • be
was So unfortunate as toget one of. :effected in less than one week'e time.
his lees broker). the ,other day: :This lininient fie a most remarkable
Rev, J. Hart has been holding. re- 'preparation.; try it foe a sprain or
vival meetings' for the pes't two weeks bruise, or when laid tip with, 'ehrenio
This School Bases i
Claim for Support upon
Merit Alone,,
Has high !grade .courses, superior
facilities arid unsurpassed teaching .
talent. Hundreds of students go
out annually from this college to
good • positions.- Let us educate
yoe for profitable employment. We
will do it right. Catalogue free.
Enter' any time, -
%V, J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Corner Yong° and Alexander streets.
FOR surronT Droll MERIT
ALONE, . .
Ras high grade eourses, superior
facilities and unsurpassed teaehing
talent. Hundreds of students go
out anuttally from this college to
good positions. Let us educate
you • for profitable employmen.
We will do it right. Catalogue
freel., Enter any time.
Mrs, Burney of Exeter sieent Sun-
day with het brother and fathereMes-
sirs. Stonehouse el Belgrave,
George Daley:visited friends at To-
ronto, Becton; Lloydtowne-Alio his -
brother of Palgrave last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chap, Bell have re-
turned to their home et Belgrave, at.
r two or three months' absence.
Mrs. Archilipeci ' ared daughter oi
Seakirth vietted Mr. arid Mrs, Sproat
last week, it being their first visit to
'Beigrave.. •
Gee. Hanna, 3rd line of Morris, left
on Tuesday for Hombita, Manitoba,
where he intends purchasing land, et
he can find a suitable.locaeion.
• Rev. W. J., :Brandon of Port Col-
borne conducted the services in the
Methodist .church Sunday evening, de-
livering an 'excellent and 'appropriate
sermon. .
Mrs. Porterfield and her daughter,
Miss Mary, returned on Tuesday from
an enjoyable trip west, having visited'
Banff, Calgary and other points. On
their *ay home they spent. a .week 'De
the Toronto Exhibition;
Rumor says that R. J. Clegg, till
recently of Belgrave,' but ,who went
weft lately; has decided to tette . a
four months' course at Calgary Nor-
Mal School.
About sixty-four children Of . the
Little Builder Mission Band gathered
at Knox church, Belgrave, Saturday
afternoon, and presented Mrs. (Rev.)
BLOOD, PURE, RICH, RED. • Hastin. with licaUltiUl. gold brooch.
Rosy glow in the face, sparkling •ey; The address was read by Chester Me-
te, vivacious spirits are all the out- Lean, and the presentation `made by
come of .good blood. No serer way Bella' Wightman. A photo of the
eels s 0 purifying and enriching the group was : taken by W. K. Whaley.
blood than to use Dr. °Hamilton's The abittreente for the Iron bridge
PHIS. 'By their gentle action on the at'Belgrave are up ready for. the iron
bowels, kidnees .end "liver they elter
every impurity from the system' lay-
ing it wholesome and able to do ; the
work, necessary .for •the maintenance
of health, •
To be well, look well, and _feel al-
ways at your best; use Dr. Hamiltori's
Pills of 1Vlandrake-and Butternut a
truly wonderful entilicine , for young
Vita Old: ::Ptie.,E '256!.ee
We Hear of More Cares
Of troubles originating in Levin,' b1,004
KIVU* WA of *pelage, catarre1
tiem, tryylood's SersePnYWA *on br otbsr
*Goaded muslin combined. Soissboer
tbose cured by saws loom to 14147 iskros,
*.o4 they tell the good news in others.
Blend Purlficor-"I boo used Hood's
01.1**Perin* lasd hays found, It ths sholoesS
blood . purifier. it *ends strong steedr
stream of life throughout the wool beds.
Tbere's Me road atrenth in every drop of it .11,
limps Sams, as Wellesley Ot., Toronto.
AffIketed 16 Ifears-"Ifood's Soup*
rill& his cured orroof ierotulso, with villa I
have been troubled la years, and clawed, by
Taceinatlou. Mr little daughter had *
serail* swelling 04 her nee* en& Hood's
Sarsaparilla also cured ber,” Itria Nona
Roomer, Hughey, Tonnes**,
Hood'a Sarsaparilla Is eold everywhere.,
00 Does* One Roller. Prepared only or
9.1. Bond Co, Lowell,Mess,Us.
N. B. penes t4Ce **11bittt*t.5: bilifiltUlt014
keying Hood's.
Miss 111cIntosh of LoChalsh is visit-
ing her as 1, Mrs. Isaac fletheringDr -
Jamiceon's beotlier from Barrie
ton % • . • Cis visiting him for a few days. .
Miss Lillie McCartney of Holmesville
has been the guest of Meelwo.ine
Me. and Mrs. -11. Snyder, of Godeeich
,SPeet Sunday with the former's eister,
Mrs.:William' Finnigan,
The Epworth League service . feet
week as in charge of the literary
work, which will beem in a few- days.
Taylor .13ree. had the ,contract .from
the Last Wa.wanosh Council for the
whale structure complete.. Geo. Bart-
ley of Brussels contracted from Teyloe
Bros. for the cement Work and not
from the ceuncil. Mr, Bartleye de-
serves: credit for doing such a good
lob .• Jas. 1V1cCallum ji overseer. .
Mr. Ainley of Brussels spent Sue -
day with Mr. and Mrs. Sperling.
Zaeossi, Montreal's' fugitive Italian
banker, has been given kis liberty in
Mexico, the .extra.dition proceedings
C: Dynes of Sapperton, 1 wag.
abnlidniedin the evoenning• WwedanseShdiallyedul°bryniliga'
street Car at New Westminster. ;
The Grand Tritnk's Muskoka tourist
besineSs thid year Wan the greatest on
_record.-- " •,
The council met in Belgrave''on
Sept 5th. '
The Court of Revision on the Joke-
ACV,..0.1)rn 111/SIC open.
jeurned ill!. Saturday, Sept. 26th, 'at
2 o'clock, to give an opportun-
ity to any who magi wish to be in
eluded in the Drainage scheme. •
Tenders for the conseruetion of the
Johnson and Hallahan drains were
then opened, The tenders of Leger'
Bros: of Blyth at $1230.00 for •the
Johnsen drain; of Cohnelly,& Co. con-
tract, viz., of Kennieett, at 20e per
cut*. yard for the excavating on the
Hallahan drain, . also. that of D. A.
Dunbar. at $212.00 for the north
in the Methodist church With pod or muscular rheumatism, ahd you are branch, and that of Wit. P. Hallahan
success. , 'certain to be :delighted with the for the tile portion on the • south
Miss S..P. Hobson, head clerk for prompt relief which it affords. For branch at the Engineer's estimate;
several years in Mr. Jos, Morrow's sale by all 'druggists.
Store, left for her home, in Toronto
laet Monday morning. Mr. George
Stewart has taken her position for a Ore* Township,
iL A. flea;ttie, telegraph operator
M ,' N'elson Cardiff and Jet). Work were
has been visiting friends in London holidaying in Toronto.
and taking •in the exhibition during Richard Mitchell,. llth, eon., is away
the Pest Week., • ” to the Went on a,businessc trip.
Mrssrs. John Millet= bAlti James, Me- Miss ° Maggie MeNeil, of Grimsby,
Volarre have returned from a business was home for a few dayS during the
trip , to Britain, Mr. McFarlane past -week.
brought out two thorough -bred fillies A now roof has been placed upon
and over a score of Shropshire Down the residence of Wm. Armstrongflth
cheep, 'Mr, Duncan also brought con., And the wood \leak brightened
sheep. ; up by a dress of paint
I We are pleased io heat that Peter
, . MeNeil, 14th con., is somewhat Me
NO LIN31,1‘1ENT CAN CURE Ir. ..tpioved in health and we hope he, will
That Pain between the eyes isn't continue to recuperate.
neuralgia: Many think so, :Jut it is' Last week James ShielS, 14th con.,
catarrh, plein ordinary catarrh that went to Guelph to undergo, an. 'Opera-. teed and depreseed.,—it lecke power to
. ' -
needs ° attention right now. Your pro- tion. for appendicitis, which has been reaet from sudden AMU'
. 1. .
per lead „is ! to use "Catarrhozorsi." bothering him for . some time. dition demands rebuilding, dentands
Doctors recognize it as a cure that Last- Sunday evening Lewis, son of nourishment, which is best supplied
. e
curpasses all others. Sure, because it Teasdale Whitfield, fell on the cement by
ParozoteIn very i0V11 01 de-
dem reach the 'trouble ; safe, beeause walk and broke the right krill ill til/ bilitY Ferrozone hi 0., specificIt for -
no drugs to take, you breathe its same place as in an accident of 8 ' Witt the digestive and assimulative
healing vapor direet to the course .ot weeks ago. I power of the hoe, promotes the el -
the trouble , and mire is guaranteed, ' Last week Miss A. J. Hanna and iler frilinatift of Waste materials't builds
Two Sleet, '256 and 31..00. Sold everY.. niece, Miss Ariette. Colelough, arrieed To have„rich, red blood, endurieg tier -
where. ' - . borne from a holiday visit with mitt,: vee, a -strong conetittittoti and lasting
thee and friends at Shelburne and good health, use Verrozone, Sold
Grand Valleyeverywhere in 500 boxes or six for
`. ,' ..
Thredhing shows, better restate than Sista M. Evangelleta and Siete): M. 112 lime; gives energy and mdstance.
anticipated in the west, and again. the L. Bertrand of Ste Joseph's convent, , $2,50.
farmers' are looking for help. Toronto, are epending a few day' With
Forest fire e in Thunder Bay district the lattes mother, MM. D. Marsh; :
have caused an enormous loss of tint who was seriously injured in in 0.e.; Chambly and A/ercheresk Liberals nom -
her' and thres-telled several eettle- cident a , short time ago and who is hutted Mr. Victor aceoftrion for the 2, Yonge and Escott rear 2, 'Zara,
‘ !\
;tents, . making most tameable prOgreSS5 Commons. gad 2.
1, ,
• .1, - 5 .
were a.cce,pted condition that good
and sufficient security be furnished in
each case for completion oi the differ -
ant toritteets. •
" Thelollowing accounts were pass-
ed :—Hugh 1VIcButney, 57 ydsof gra-
vel and damages, $5,99 ; Semi. Scott,
50 yds. gravel and damegen, $5.00 ;
the "Municipal Worlee. order. books 0»
Treasurer, $1.e4 ; John T. Coultis,
hauling timbre and making tempoe-
ary road at Belgrave bridge, $14.•00 ;
Alex. Porterfield; clerk'fees on the
Grasby. drain, $16:00 ; E. D. Puce,
part payment Engineer's services on
the trallahan dram, $50.00.
MessrS..Fiet f arid Lamont drove
down to Ashfield on Friday for a.
day's shooting at some pigeoes. They,
hagged e0 birds. .
Mx. and Mrs. Cbas, Martin of Co-,
belt hex° been visiting friends. at
Whitechurch eaxil vicinity . for a •week.
They. left for their home on Wednesday
mornieg. • .
, On Thursday night, Mr: J. .1: John-
ston narrowly escaped _serious injur-
ies. As he was .. driving home, his
horse took- fright and .ran away,
throwing him out on the road.:., Mr.
held on to the reins and wae dreg-
gle roug I. us ,
escaped Ole ranehome.
Ori Wednesday.; Mr. Arthur •„Moore,
of this neighborhood; and Miss Mabel
Welwood of Caledon, were united hi
'marriage, The interesting cereinoity,
was .performed at the home d the
bride' s parents,. in the presence of' a
number Of friends. Mr. • and 'Mrs.
Moore will reside in this neghbor-,
Health Saving Explained by a Clinton
Citizen Who Meows -From
• Experience.
Many, Clinton people take 'their' livea
in their hands by neglecting the hid-
neys when they knew these organs need
help, - •
Sick kidneyseare responsible for a
great amount of eufferieg and ill '
health. -
The reasen so, meet,' use Booth's
,Kidney Pills is their, quick relief for
all Kidney weakness...Here is what a -
Clinton citizen says :—
John West, of May Street, Clinton,
Ont. says : .•
"Each little. told I would etetteact
from being 'ever heated or exposure to
cold Weather would settle ficross the)
small part Of. my, back and kidneys.
The urine would heeome highly colored
and filled, with particles, of a
sediment. There was also a scalding
in passing that was very anpoyhte.
My back would he So tender that when
I would stoop for arty length of thee
.could scarcely straighten Myself up
again. There was also a weakness
there that was very netieable when
lifting anything of cOnsequenee. Booths
Kidnee. . were recommended .by .
Mr. Mimeo,' the Druggist and they
quicklycuredme of very sign, of kid-
ney trouble when all else 1 had tried
failed, end I am stronger -arid .better,
in.every way. • , •
Sold by Dealers. Price 50 eente.
The R. T: 'Booth Cce; roftEriem
Ont., Sole Canadian Agent .
..• Why?
From a small beginning the sale and
use,of Chamberlains .Cough Remedy
has' extended to all parts of the Unit-
ed States and to many foreign 'conn -
tries. Why, ? Because it has proved
especially valuable for coughs and
colds, For Sale by all druggists.
Local Option Campaign
• • MApped Out.
Toronto, Sept. % 3.—The camitaign
committee of the Dominion Alliance
lies completed aera.ngements Or a big
1°0,1 option campaign •during .the sea-
son of 1908;09. It will be waged prin-
cipally in the counties of Huron, Oa-
- ford, Durham, Northumberland and
WHY DO YOU PAINT ? Hastings. The following is the list
Sometimes from shock or fright, bat of municipalities with the number of
usually, because the system is.'weak- licensee in each, where action has so
fir been taken: Anson 2, Ashfield 4,
Atliens 2, Aylmer 4.
"Barton 6, Bayfield 2, IlayhaM 6,
Myth 2, Bobeaygeon 3, Bownianeille 3,
Brampton 4. •
Charloetville 2., ChaleWorth 1, Chose
ley 8, Clinton 6, Colchester South 2.
llunwieh 2, Diann 2, Ekfrid 3, E1se4
vir and Grimsthorpe 2, Eno 2, Exeten
5, Forest 2, Hagerman I, Hillsworth
North 2, Hungerford 2, Goderich 9,
Ingersoll 9, troAuois 2, Matto 3, Mar -
mote, and Lake 2, Minden I, Olden 0,
Percy 2, Sidney 4, Strathroy 5, Thur -
low 4, Tillsobburg 6, Trenton 0,"frud-
or and Cashel 2, Tweed 4, Welling-
ton 2, Wingligin 5, Wollaeton 1, Wood.,
otoek Cite 11, Yonge and Escott front
e uce
o ays being nearly
over, a great many boys
will find they, need new
suits before starting to
school again.
To Meet This Demand
arid keep in touch' with.
'the boys we will offer a
big reduction on all boys'
'suits till Sept, lst.
Do not fail to See
these values
• ' •
We are offering 'all the:
newest patter.ns and styles
and cannot be surpassed
for wearing qualities,
Tailoring Clothing
• Furnishings
....tem..: •