HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-08-20, Page 2s,s $ LIAM COURAOY- rit•Ilsit*******.414 OIte41,41 1 The *oisteleitdly (our, ‘Pwris Orecti z 1. 1 is the striing.. es t And pUrP, est PARIS . GREEN made. , There's no- thing better or we would have it, --VV—S—R—HOL11ES .11,00.•• r • held in Vonneetion with The axth Annual Interaational Oat ShOW to be hi INTERNA.TIONAL CATS. the Citnadian NattOnal EXhibition, Toronto, bids fair to he the most eueeeesful, a tbe series. More than the ordinary list a prizes has been prepared NOVI a. view to the encoute agement of every class of cats, and esPreially of eVisibitors trout the Uni- ted States. The most gratifying fea- ture of the Prize List is. the exeep- tionally lap number .ot specials that are fortheenaing this year. The nev- er was a year that so many were off- ered. It is estfel that, in all, the Preniiiims and prizes given will errionnt, in value to upwards of $1200, This, it le hardly eecessexy to say, is rather above the . .eveage tor the Cat Show. Entries elope with J. 0. Orr, Manager, City Hall, Toronto, on Saturday, A.uguet 15th. Arrange- ments have been made for the bondieg ot cats from thie-side se that exhibi- tors will have no treuble whatever in corning and going. i124: e4.,101.t Mant'g Chemist. t•••••••••••••••••••••••• _RELIABILITY EXPER4ENCE. THE POPULAR WAY' TO MANITOBA, SA.SLATOHE- WAN AND .ALI3ERTA 1$ VIA CHICAGO ,AND ST, PAUL. —Reduced pd -class fares now in effect. ALL PRINCIPAL TOURIST RE- SORTS INCLUDING Muskoka, Tema,gami, Lake of Bays, MaganKawan River,Kawat!tha, Lakes, Georgian Bay, Etc., reached by Grand Trunk. Summer Touriei rates in ,efteete Full information from any Grand Trimk Agent. LXKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. , That's how pain conies. We, sit near an epee window, get stiff near soreeback. Perhaps cool oft too quielcly "atter'eTitiertion=ilieurnatiaTii dee' velops. Spend what you may, but meney cannot buy antthing better than Poison's Nerviline, It's" penetra- ting power enables it to reach deep tissues,—that's why it cures aches that all else cant touch, For out- ward applications We guarantee five times more steength than in • any' oh - et liniment. Inwaidly it's harmless and as sure ;as the hereafter .to ease. at once. Don't accept a substitute for Poison's Nerviline which is tire one great household panacea or today.. e OFR Nows.Itecord 44.115r7 SP. -,7"11!"7 4 171919PiNfFVFAr.77 7-74Crr 7y -A uton County News Gathered for Nows.:Riecoild .Readers 9 Yon Ago From The i4ewe-Ilecord of .August 21st, 1889. Clinton, August 21st, Me, The Dominion Government Mak- Dungsnnon. Miss Pearl Mackenzie Ilea rsturned trent a visit to friends. near WingliaM4 es Sweeping Concessions in returned from a. tWYoungo-weeks! visiein end Lorne hoe Toronto, ; , r Favor of City Business Bousme ! -• • • Roy and Stephen Medd have return, .ed after spending e Of *mice es. with friends at Ilderton. Miss Aliaa ' Rebinson has rel.:enrol • Councillor ..Centelon, Whie is.' putting. etc). -her borne at Sparta. Otter a s three - • rye „Flazrposicare eVelth akerrs Sereepartlie, on4 was son. !Weed It is a greet needieiree"-thie 11 the subetsnee ot 400$ lettere by Wool wont, received in two Slim. 'They WI ot tore* °tali blood dieeases, loss ot sePetite, ?haulm - tram, atter-lever weeltnete, that tired feeling, Dervoui wallow**, deseepele, otterrle . rthetitteS -"a believe ait'scialeatiranse. Peelle" e reedieine rr r now my no tindenyosel WPM* to$094, t.11 ang wsi ere both. pe eetly tree store Meow. eons. O. °owe. "I hod went* Wed etwe: tbiEr Fiore vet nothing Iga neer I too 0000 eareeperille. enks to this medicine, 1 ent,new @owe /4.1410'. OTTE; SAUVIS O'OtAlabenAs lit X. CIVOi litisusgth-"Wisbave used VOWS Soireaparille or tereetersicdt hoe *twerp tiered It a Item -id medicine." "'IMO SA6011* Mite seetterd,Ont. • Hood el Sarleiperilla Is soul ever/whers. 100 Done One Dollar. Peered enle by C.Z. Hood co., loifell, Mass., ? t' La bto count weeks With Dungannon. friends. Notice has been given -of the redue- I on the postage paid on Ameriean WM. fellows will meet in The Onterio Greed year., • iU J4 Vit'.'WlL 4U hugging close to the lee side of lore i A number of our young men went tion in the take on letters Posted. in and other jeurn's taken by them. este of apple trees and purchasing the West on the harvesters' exeursion, ... .. crawforti 01 Toronto and other cities for local dole These are still compelled ito pay the forbidden fruit from the natives, Was 1 MA and Mrs. we R ivery to one cent. This is a reduction inceeased rate put in force a year ago home here over Sunday, going oft Toronto spent Sunday with the lor- list May, an increase which in many again on Monday afternoon. Apples t mer's parents here. Mrs, Ceawford of one-half and represents an immense eases amounts to one-hatf the sub. range'lrom .75c to $1.25 pee barrel. I will remain for a few weeks. • saying to hundreds of business. houses. The Trigger.e-The : Huron Rale Ase I Dr: R. B. Durnin, has been i'enet7ing One fient at Ottawa will, it is said, IscriPt" PI:ic°.' old acquaintances fl and Omit Dunm - save soe $e,000,A year as a result It leaks as if there is to be every- eehaege..made, .. ,,,,, __7_____ Lt ill fe the big city interests and ....-ereee oiiilidthin tor the farmer.--Iteisenoti----h- so _ a_ n_ _sieir anhivat mouHg_ IVIonilik itening: The- Tollievimg officers were • eleeted for the Current year:. VOTERS' : LIST • 008.—ltiliafTe,i1P- elite of the TOWti of Clinton.—No- tice is hereby given thee 1 bave transmitted or delivered to the per- son's mentioned in sne ectio8 ern of the Ontario Voters' Liste, At, the copes required by sr t .sotrons to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made, Pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessinentlerri of the said. Municipality at elections fOr Membere of the Legislative Assembly and et Municipal Elections ; and that the said list was first posted ,up at my office in Clinton 'cm Monday, the 3rd day of 'August, 1908, and' remains there for inspection. •Electors r are called upon to examine the said fist and if any omissions or other errord are found therein, totake,irnniC4Ute tho said. errors corrected According ediaw.--*-Dated this 3rd day of Auguste 1908.—D. L. Macpherson, Town Clerk. • NEW MEAT MART —HAVING PUR- cbascd the butchering business car- ried on for some time by •• the Colclough B r o e;„ we respectfully • solicit a share of the paerenage of the • public which we hope to merit • by _keeping the best of meats ' and at reasonable prieeS. Give us, a MIL Our shop is net to The Newse Ifenoit Office —1' T. & Bert Murphy • SEED CORN. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY ,OF SEED CORN. IT IS A 1 IN. QTJALPDY- • AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT• . WHEN 'YOU NEED FLOUR OR FEED PLACE- YOUR ORDER WITH US. IT WILL .RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT- TENTION. ,J. A. FORD CEMENT FOR • SALE. -LI AM Agent for Clinton and district' for the National Portland Cement *Coe • makers of the best :cement in the market. This is the only comet used by the corporatiop of Clinton in tire constrection of sidewalks, etej —Mrs. T. R. Walker. 21 President, ,A. M. rfOdd. Vice, E. G. Courtice. Sec. -Treasurer, N. "Robson. Committee, H, B. .Combe, H. T. Rance, W. Grigg.. , The Huron has affiliated With the Ontario Association, The targets on the Athokot ranges near Clinton will be put in cetkre at, um, and fin- al arrangements made in a, short time for the anneal match. Practice will Those desir-, h Id I I HAVE THE SAMPSON BRAND of Cement ' tor stile, in large and small. quantities. There is no bet- ter make of cement on the .market. • Office opposite • G. V. R. passenger dation. Telephone connection, • or ; orders may be left at Harland Bros. hardwire storeif mere rxinvenient. JAMES HAMILTON; a'01-41/4"TON. be ,held on Weanesdaye, leg to become mein ers s ou ca on Mr: Robson ; the .membership fe it low and the pastime certainly • noble and commendable one. .pIANO AND ORGAN TtiN.ING• ANIY, Repairing.—The undersigned ' 'prepared to do all kinds .ti piano and Orgattatuning and repairing, and being a man of practical experience Is able to guarantee eatisfection. Orders ,„ may, be left at W. S. 4 .Holmete drug store—Ed., ..T. How ard, Clinton. • Central Business College Toronto Order Your Coal Now Place your order for your supply of coal with the under,. signed and thus secure the low- est price cuurproriapt delivery. Office opposite Grand Trunk Passanger station. Te:ephone connection. J. Hamilton COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND • plan FOR BEFORE MAY 81st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL 13E ALLOWED..• • Orders lett at Davis & Rowland's will be PromPtly attended:to. - LARGEST AND ;BEST EQUIPPED SCHOOL, OF ITS KIND INVITES YOU . ai70 • WRITE FOR ITS NEW CAT- ALOGUE. ; FALL TERM FROM SEPT, est. AD NeSie W. IL .Shew, • president, ' or E. R. Shaw, Secretary. Yonge and Geerard Sts., Toronto. • _ gam= - - Miss O. E. Cluff 'has been erg by the trustees of SS. No, 2, borne tor the ensuing year. She •reeneed her duties on Mond,ey. Aringham vvottia rag the Average -Citizen The chair •faetery: lecited liere• be- II longing to the Canada Furniture Co. I tO Cut his Consuniptioit 11/10a.t is not leltely to • resume eperations aged • CV. While this sweeping eoneession has eem- been made in favor of city business •' houses, no relief whatever is given i - untr oints subscribers n Canadian 00 Y P popular cry that the Governthent is !preparing , fax itself in • the election •which seems to be at hand,—Weekly Sun. has been shut down, and, it is said ega.in as a large part of the machin - cry has been removed already. Over- in Two'? • production and want ,ot material are el assigned as the pause. a About 35 men are Out of employ- ment. ' It is said the machinery , hes Mr. Smith low has been up here been to days pMaesrte'lltsreepku.tting in his hole. He ekes the appoint commissioners to run the el - The bylaw to raise $7,009 and • to BO:Me town but thinks that Clinton etOtwrnic, whielhig'hwtas defpielaatnetd ir.yolpoputallairs will compare very 'favorably with le, vote of the ratepayers, has now I been • takenWoodstock,• , An agricultural paper has been telling its readers ,that one reesen for meat bene so clear is that the popular ;taste is running to steaks, ind less arid less • to cheaper Cute. Another reason, according. to the Another suggestion arieing 014 of the high Price of Mee% is that We Ceiratlians as a tele eat too much Meet, especially in hot weaeher. The minieirho tells you thet you can live on shredded :wheat; er some of the -Mr. C. C, Rance, whose busmese is put in a somewhat different form arid yarlotis cereal preduettons with which ine Rat portage, is detained here ow- i seem authority, is that Many women the market now abounds, bseauee they ing ' to the Mimes of his Child: mr, is to be submitted to the Municipal a ai way ,Board . cannot cook any Meat but steak, and contain every nee:epoxy elem.rat of George Southcombe. has retire -led to . ed R '1 . . butchers are compelled to put up the food, may be i faddist, but the fc 4•1•• price of steaks to make it pay for diet often has at the back ., 1 his fad' the 'indifference! .with which other a great deal of truthe. The„ trouble is • parts of the .anixnal are treated, Thisthat he peshea: his doctrine to the ex-. is prohaltly.; largely speculation, but trerne.• Probably, however; the .,,vet - whether it 14 or not, the,selection Of age citizen of Ontario could rue 'his meat: is to a great extent guided by consumption Of meat in two te, ;he adi • taste rather than merit. Those ' Who vantageof his health. This •eee iiiii have .studied the :subject tellus: that result,: too, in thle,cheAperrieg cs tbel there is more nutriment in a round pried. To accomplish such a revolu- I Steak than in a 'sirloin or -a. 'porter-. tier' will .eertainly .regeire consider.; how, thOtighethe former. is tougher • able edueation, but tbeie `Will pr ph - end . rejected; if the Purm affords it., 'ably be le.ss meat used in a few veers for the 'higher-prfeed and more ,euiel", /wilco 'thin there is'now. 4 of 041 - taxa next • It is feared that Charles. Warner ot Welland has eorairnitted &Weide A six hundred-n(41nd time was ; cap- tured off the Cape lereton mist. n oti, Fa -A eLvAur-compL-Eirom-7----- A clear complexien' is the outward' evidence of inward cleanliness,. In bad health the face becomes a sign- board; telling ot diocese .within. yellow, bile is not preperly secreted; if pallzd. the kidneys are faulty, skin, is murky and dark circles , be- neath the eyes, look for constipation. Whatever the cause, no remedy eone pares with Dr. lianlatOn'S Pills' which are mild, Safe • purifying vitalizing in theix eaten. They we a marvellous rosy tint to the cleeke, brighten the. eyes ,And establish health .• that defies age and disease. Sold ev- erywhere in 25c boxes. ' CENTRAL - W. j...$teVen.'son. DR. OVENS, SURGEON, •OCULIST„ Will he •at Holm& Drug Store, ' • Clinton _ on Friday, Angust 28, Sept. 25, Oct, : 23, Nov. 20 and Dee. 18. Glasses properly fittdd, Dietases of the eye, ear, nose . and throat treated.• " • THE NEWS4t.E.COIID WILL BE SENT TO .ANY AD- „1011.ESS IN CANADA. TO THE END OP 1 0 0 8 AND ISE WEEICLY MA/11 AND En. PHIE POR on YEAH POP, •/5 'CENTS. BOTH 1O.18 • t'ENT.5. • • STRitTF0f1De ONT. FALL .TER9,,e. OPENS SEPT I.ST. The eooner you ..cornplete a *course in• thia school the sooner you may expect to hold a position of trust. Our commies are thoroug,h and ptac- tical. Oar students always see- med. We assist. graduates to pos- ...itions. We have thtee dertait- reents--Comineacial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. We employ experien- ce'd inst,ructors. Csatalogue free. Elliott McLachlan PRINCIPALS • look after affaite there in the mean- time. • •• Mits' McCallum of Parkhill is the gue* of Miss Alice Pickett this Week. Forrester ys. .Knox. -e -There was an action tried some time ago in Goder- line left .on !Friday last for the West A which D.. . - Forneeter, an as- .where he will spend e few week ich gnee of ' the estate ot R. M.,Miss.Gertie Storr has returned to siitam'y, her home in Toronto after visiting for. seme• tithe with Miss Gertie Dun- . cae. Mr. and Mrs.. James Duncan are ex- pected home soon from the Vest, Mrs: Duawhilencan'slialtie was .none tee good for . Herb Manning has gone to the Weet to help in the harvest field. His •bro- ther Will... ie located • out there. James Coako, has sold his 50e dere farm . to MrtriiiianfiVightruke and in company with J. G. . 0 has'taken 8t°C1C In Wing rg.41-hem....,:.F:`g'shttr.t..hvbre ce3utertsy..,,-rhc*. Fair, "wh 'very prominent Part in the Women's Foreign: Missionary Societe in • cen- nection with , Willis Presbyterian church has been presented by friends with a certificate of life reemberehip. have returned to• their respeetiye • Morris Township. . • Mr. William Henderson of the thud sought to recover from Arthur Knox the value of horse and buggy alleg- ed to have been secured by Mr. Knox as a. preferential creditor of Mr. Rae.' ey, „while the litter was insolvent. Saturday 'lea Judge ,TOMS . gave judgement 'dismissing the action with Costs Mrs. Agnew is visiting friends in Lucknow. ' Postmaster Fair is to lea.ve Britain on Friday next for the Laird of the Steware 'Maple Leaf and the ' Hubeo FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. IST. 'Thote who knoW 4itet the merits of dee School are its staunchest sumorters. . TORONTO, Wit This. college stands Pirst in Pop- ularity; Thoroughness and Genuine Merit. Go where you will, you will find out graduates plashing to the front. Their superior training enables them to get and hold first' class positions. College, open ail summer. Enter an v time. Write for catalegue. W. ELLIOTT, Prihelpal. Hensall Grey Township. Domini es Nee, and Leslie ;Lamont . schoots at New Hamburg and -Bright. • The,ceneract fax the Kuhryeille . draft), ere the ' township ot Ellice in• Will. Cook and • little • daegliter of . the riding of Korth Perth, 'heti been , aro the guests Cf. ;hie moth let to mi. 'AndieUr .. Hyslop of this Chicago mother, township for _the sum' el $10.00. wete Misses ,Finleyson and McCallum' ', ef 1 Teen ae lrC. corrugeted steel. , r Mrs: Henry 0:Mk. . Glencoe are the guests of the Misses baye arrived and will be placed- in -- conductors manufactured in Stratford,. Hart it. the parecinage. ' .WilrYinigblet, who has ..: „,_ e positien in culverts 4t116 9th Con. at his home, has returned to Jereola,.. • been Zisnan-S-aThey are 14 feet?, long 8* and 4. ket in diameter and cost $148,67. Sask. • Mise Jean Murray arrived. acre F • thing relatives „ in where. Sandy. Ban wde Tuesday morning many friends were Charles Peppet, It is reported that J. E. Anderson, ' 'on late P. S, inspector for Brockville, eto and else- n I rs ' tentexe oro wrote 'recently 'to Mts. Anderson .the . . classes. Then again, there are ,low- .: . priced cuts and joints which contain . ago porridge was not more nutriment than the. higher -priced, 111 few years Canedian homes a regular break - on • • fast dish,. now is in some form. or • es. • o het; Fruits,, too, which if properly teeee query arites here as to " what preserved so as-to—retain their natur- enestie science is; doing in regard. in j1 :flee& add 'qUalitie;; are FO desir- Atte' directien of .esluca,ting, gir s'• as AO etee • at ' all eta:sons; are inereitingly . theselection of -meal „for etse _ , eeresta: ee4e-iiee.00e'reeleeee untriment. It is.not oeite'elecessare -quantitige canned evay., , but that the best methods of cooking there is room .• forexPansiOn le' the should be taught, but hoe: to pric- production e and use of theSi: fit fact tice the greatest economy in the. sal- the demand is .practically Z•ction of meats. • especially in the smaller frults. "s i 11 Pays to Use Improve Machmergo-Selected with Care. With 'help scarce, high -.priced and ' unreliable, .:the • farmer ie : very Often nowadays at a lots to know . just what to do. Occasionally when he finds help it is often only' under such ons as mac hard for him. to avail himself of .it in a profitable manaer. Eaeh case of ap- plying for the 'kind of hired help meet plentiful, the fomign immigrant, is an experience just as.uneertain or just as likely, to be unsatisfactory as wag the last one .• 'Many of these men are good' w•orker but evoii. these are ; at a premium and there are many ; that are net, Marry eirnes :there, is little. chance of profit in the Case, but erops must: be.heevest2d, so the farmer digs up the price, and takoehis chanee,seee the. results.. The natural cons.equee- ces of' all this is that the :rapier • is turning hia.eyes more and mere in the direction of machinery to settle the difficulty, At least . some measime for him. Labor saving machinery is coming more and more into the cal- eulation of the average farmer. It has already eeduced the heed work of the farm so much that no .one would wiIlingly attenipt to state just to *hat extent it will do so still furthee in ' ;the future.. At the present aimel the greetest imProvement which' can beJorseen is that of the use of larger maehincry for field cultivation. ;The uke of a ging plow with two or three plows, calling for three or • four horses, a larger harrow requiting four horses to work it, two horse hay rakes and cultivators, wilt do the work with only one manerequired to drive them. ' rode into town on of last week. His glad, to • see him. wife and child, who had been visiting the parents ofthe former, left lest week for Toronto. % As far is the dbsetver editor can learn there has not been as many campers `at. Grand Bend this season as last, ' While in Detroit, James Moore • had the misfortune to bteak earth and has since had a painful reminder ' of his trip. •' , The fine crop of onions has ' been somewhat injured by the intense heat, the sun's, rays cooking s.onte of them. Mies Ethel Wash has gone to Wing - ham to enter on a course of training in the hospital there, of which ' her sister, Miss Jennie, is superinienderee • A very heavy hail storm struck near Grand Bend recently. John Sherritt had ten acres of corn liteioally switehe ed out. of the ground, and a heighber had- nearly all his crop destroyed, his loss running up into the hundreds of dollars.. ' Mr, John Torrance was in the vill- age last week on business in commo- tion with the enforcement of Local option. 'GREAT DISTRESS IN HER THROAT. Not an uneommon experience was that cif Mrs, 11. S. Wilmot of Shill*, N. $. Doctors 'failed, still a sure cure was 'found in "CatarrhOzone.”. No- tice this statement : "1 havcf been ' a most dreadful sufferer from bronchial ttouble and eaterth. On damp (lees I would hawk and ' tuffer gnat •dis. tress in my throat. I! used all kinds of ineditines but didet get permanent relief. till I used Catarrhozone. tt hag strengthened my throat, cured my cough and Mak me entirely well." Itefuse substitutes for the ono reliable bronchial and throat cure: All deal- ers self "Caterrhozone" in 25e and $1.00 SiZeg. A Cayuga farmer was killed by the lightning "duridg the storm of Wednes- "Wier Yong and Alexander streets. day, of last week. • second, asking her to circulate a pe- tition to have his sentence shortened. The eater was sent to the lady's fa- ther,. Isio action is likely to be taken. Anderson was sentenced •reeently at, Renfrew on a chirge of bigerny to which he pleaded. guitey to serve, seVe4 years in .Kingston peretentiary.. • The 100 -acre farm of Joseph Ray - nerd on the third concession has been leased for 'a term 'Co Angue Breiwri who :also .gets this season's Orel): . .; 4idt Heavier Railsfor :the God- . erieh — Buffalo Line. For some days past one hundred men ham been Working ent of Bright on the Buffalo--Godeeieli line putting in new treat rails and taking aWay the old. The rails that. are being re- placed are of Bartow steel and' to a great extent are the 56 -pound rail, The new steel is an 80 pound rail and is more suitable for heavy traffic.. • The laying cif the .ra.i15 is being done under the supervision af Road, - master McGarr of Stratford. • In all sonic forty- seven miles of new reils ite being pat in and when the work is completed the road will he smooth and safer for. travelling purpose. ..owegINIewIdm.,1•10 'ME CAUSE OF SORE PEET. Examine them carefully and you'll probably find Corns. Whether hard, soft or bleeding, apply Putnam's Corn Extraetor. It's pathless, it's sure, and above all quick to ,act, sist on only "Putnarn'e." . eon The Yung Turks have wareled the powers thet there must ho rio. intere terenee with Turkey's interred athaire, it Harry Thaw's lawyers can get him to Pittsburg to meet his Credit* ors ha May be a free matt within a month. ' • . The Babymansion at SandWitile Where Getieral Brock once resided, has been deAtroyed by Are. Part 'of the steamer SouthwarleS cargo had to be abandoned to lighten her. • Take ehe case of two farmers,. each • operating one 'hundred' acres of land, side •by side. Ho* often 'wile one see them 'driving a' one horse teatn hiteh- ee to 'i single-0°We each working, en his own side qf the fence? How often, too, might both tearna be hitched to a two -horse plow, doing just •as Much work, ,white one of the farthets is free for the day to work at any 'ode jobs which may be Ocilla% for attention• . At the eiresent ' time there are a great Many devices being sold for the saving *of labor. Many of them are valuable, but it is well td be thoro- ughly assured of this before purehes- ing. There is . nothing Which can prove more of, a failure than an •un- eatisfacthry' machine for farm labor. Itis well to select 'with care. But every machine which will save the ne- cessiey of • labor should be carefully cofisidered. The machete. which will save labor at the time when •labor is most ha demand should be considered most cargully, of all, The times ef the year When labor je most in de- mand is just the time when it har- dest. to get. Most of the hiued help available atethe present thee are men who feel this situatioe most keenly and they try 'to hire' with onployers who will need them the year rotted it possible., The farmer who need& to hire help should work with this ()h- ied in view, to only require nth help as he requires the year round at any timt 'of th)g. year. Machinery Which will make this system:possible is the best of all labor-saving levee- tiobs.—Sun, ' • • , A MILLION. DOLLARS WORTH QF • . HORSES AND CATTLE. • ' It is estimated that the 1,500 ler- sea that will be on view at the Cala:- Ulan :National Exhibition' Terolto will be worthnot leaS than $75a;00, While the cattle will runeute to 025,- 000, Oafs between horses and: oetle we have $1,090,000 worth of Lye Stock that will . be on view at ea. Exhibition. To this. has to be, acted • 400,560 fcir Sheep and swirie. In order to be, inee. posit' n ,to 04- . wilus,__ ticipa.te in tharneveneent of • yea* wheat Crop,. the.Grand l Trunk :PaItx. Railway management • is celleeting' cart in the West; . As often as a , new . G. T. P. car can be loaded for . the ' I West it is wheeled ;westward, unload - cd and held there, for. the ,threshing time when it 'the. expected everything '. q on wheel e will be ,butye. Already 590 icf "these splendid boxcats have been gathered and :,distributed along ' the line West of Winnipeg.: a FALL FAIRS. Blyth—Sept. 29th and 80th Dungannon—October 7th and 8th. Mitchell—September 1.3th and 116. Seater:0— Goderieh— Wingham--Septenaher 24 and 25. Xincardfnal-September 10 and 17. Zurich—September 23 and 24. London—September 11 to 19, Toronto -.-August 29 to Sept.. 14. Thrve women were placed on trial In RuffaIo ilast week on charges of murder. NO% Seotia dealers are trying to corner the tbrnato market. i14.4,4A4.441,als 'TF1/S TONTO BUILDS ' Many medieinee stirreflata break !thrive, leave you worse than ever, iFerrozone ia different --it's a blood - !forma', e nerve.strengthener,v a body- ihUilder. Pale anaemic girls' are given leelor and vigor. The tired and sleep» Iless are strengthened Ewa restored. I "Better than all tonics 1 lotind Peri - ozone" writes Mrs. E. F. Castleton !of Woodstoek. "I ' was completely irun tiown, lieeks were blanched, lips white and had every sign of anaemia: FerroZone added to my Weight, gaVe !me strength, ambition -and good heal th. Nothing betler, try Ferro- ,2ono yourself, 50c per box at all deal- ers. At Greati Reduoed Prices, Holidays being nearly over, a .great, many boys will find they peed new suits before starting to sebool again. To Meet.This Oemanci ' and keep in touch with the boys wp will offer a big reduction on all boys' suits till Sept. 1st Do not fail to see these values' We are .offering all the newe,st patterns. and styles and eannot he surpassed for wearing qualities. T iloring Furnishings ,„