HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-08-20, Page 1Clinton
aStn Year
Whole.•Nn.lmber 153*,
The News -Record will be sent to any address in Canada to January, 1909, for 25 Cents.
'e rf ct in 'Construction
itiue in ?erfcrmnance
Wein call attention . to out grade of WATCHES
Good material, finish and accurate adjustment
s�, ,
es. Our
are. all combined in our high grade watches.
aim is .nota question of price, but quality, like any.
else i - is always cheapest >< -the end, .So if
thing' t a . P
you want a reliable watch, call on us •
etveler aged Qptiefan;
• Canton
Ata :s`peoial meeting of the teen.
eouncii on Monday evening Mr. D.
L. Macpherson, the effictenli clerk, waei
appointied ; treasurer, succeeding, Cap-
tain resigned. There was .
Iain McTaggart
no other application before the coun-
cil. • l
Two rinks from the Clinton club aro
taking part in the tournament at God-
erioh this week and up to last night
both' • were in the ', . Consolation. One
rink consists of J. B. Hoover, J.
Hunter, . W, J. Nedigar and. •W. J.
Stevenson, and the s''ond, of A, J.
Courtice,. J. Watts, ' J; arland and
J Taylor, or, m'4
Rev. Walter Daniel of .Toronto,. sup:
erintendent of Western Missions, , will
a ti •
occGFY the. pulpit of • •the B P st
church next
Sunday am, and
Line church in the afternoon. ,In the
evening • he • will preach in Godcrich,
Rev. Mr. Charlesworth will occupy'hisi
own pulpit Sunday evening,'
, Paid -Up Capital. $3,900.000: •
Reseive . $.300,000
Total Assets • $46,500,000 0,000
C'Every facility afforded to fanners`
I l� 'on of
USNtransaction 8a
Tthe UN Rfor COUNTRY and. others f
their banking business. Sales notes will he cashed or taken for
collection. •
aid to Savings Bank Accounts
Special Attention P
,17-"r-• - - —
• n
k .of a :
The F
11: Parliament-) (Incorporated b special, act of Perlia ) once.
Bankers eassociatien and the Toronto Clearing H
Member of The Canadian
Head Office Toronto
na er
. Fie g
W. R
. Travers General
ils a of Brucefeld.
ititheVtll R.
is Bank has been opened
A branch of this
and a general banking bn
uni ese will he transacted at'tbis branch.. ,
• _
Interest allowed 3tthe savings Bane;
to ,
and upwards at the11'ighest.ourrent r� ; peeln f::st.azid,paidtour timesa yea ,
,rf x..»�•"_,�'k�,E,f�t,.-,�:.,"_..::3,'�n.�.�f++�.��.��wGfCCC ;
ud others.
Tccvnships, farmers a
open Saturday E
Office Y ..vening 7 to 9..
•. 11 R. LAIRD, - Local' Manager
Councillor Hearn presented � The
News -Record on Tuesday - with a
large. and .luscious peach that wet
grown- in his. own orchard.. It . was
the (first ,that the tree has` producied
and the only one, but while the crop
was, small we 'can personally attest
to its excellence. It pleased. the • eye'.
and tickled the' palate.'•
The regular meeting :of the Women's.
Institute will be held at.•the'home of
the President, Mrs: Kearns son The
r ,
day, Aug. 214th
.at, 3.p.• m:: The topicis
are-: "Coot Dishes • • for. Summer," ,;
"What' Dishes to Prepare when the.
Appetite Requires •'.Coaxing," the dls-
cession to be led by Mrs, F`, Hall,
and "Dress • as, an . Expression of
Personality," and "Allowances ..• for
Children" to be led by Mrs. E,•�V..
Jacobs; •
-The five rinks from 'Clinton -which:
took- part in the bowling • tournament
in Berlin last week did not all win
trophys-not ;playing in their : usual
form that • not being . expected...The
Agnetw rink did best of .thele all,,being:
only 'three, points short of winning the
blue ribbon, event. The,final- game
'a"sCood: Clinton,.' 10, ''Guelph: 13: But
though they•did not win the trophy,
asv second: up :they : vexe'•.sivarded hand
some . pieces of hand -painted china
well 'worthy of a place''on 'the :side-
board of E ` A, Lappine; Will. Hare
land, 13.Agnew,
`J° Gibbings and- R. 1 go ew,
who composed the rink. • . . .
In addition to •those, reported in the
last issue of The News -Record,., the
s. Form•of the
• u it of II
'Moll winI
C. C. I have received partial metric,-
etricillation standing." The complete - ex-
amination consists of six subjects; in
each of which; there are 2 papers.. •
Passed in 5 subjects Charles'.'. K.
Macpherson, Charles 0, Ranee.
Passed in 4 subjects.': John: H. Can
-Wien, . en-
le, se n Joh E. Weir. The las m ti p
tioned, obtained 99 marks out of • a
possible plla0' ni physbee. "' Peaddy',"
: r +Oked-th`r.`nthMr e ne...
. ti
1�01'Y'1Sh O
. o
At this season of the year we are,bound
to have several broken lines in
all kinds of
merchandise, but this store has noroom for
odds and ends.' The benefit of the clearance:
1s yours.
3 dozen Children's Sailor Hats, regular 20c* and 25c
.-to -clear at 10e.
4 dozen Men's and Boys' Caps, in odd sizes and
makes, regular 25c and 35c to clear at 10c.
3 dozen Men's and Boys' Sailor Straw Hats,. regular
25c and 50c to clear at •10c,
Men's Summer moats in.lustres, linens, etc,, to clear
at from 50e to $1,50. -
20 only, Doys' Summer Coats, to clear at 25c to 500_
. Men''s'Suonmer. SAitg, Aregular $6.50,_•..to clear at $3 50
Men's Summer Suits, regular $8.50,, to clear at $5.50
Men's Summer Suits, regular $'10,00, to clear at 7,50
"A Square Deal for Every Mae'
ucceasoii to Hodgen8 Bros. Clothing Store'
Wheat 750.
Oats 35e.
Peas 70e to 750. ;
Barley 50e,
Butter 18e,
Eggs 17e,
LiVe Hogs `$6,25.
Last week the local G, P. R. agent.
sold 63 tickets for the West and • this
week booked'! nineteen. Tho other
towels in the county report about the
same eo• that ,Huron is doing at least
its share in furnishing helpers • in the
A very 'quiet wedding took piece in
Detroit on the 8th melt. when Mrs., -
Annie Abbott of Clinton war united
in marriage to .Mr, Fred. Parker of
h couple
a inks . an.. The aro-
N i
p ,
Tuesday, Mr.
turned to Clinton and.on Tu y,
Parker left for the West' to • look after
his interests \there, bet Mrs.,Parker
will remain here for a ,few months.
The News -Record last week 'gave t,1*.
names of silt ;prominent South Huron
Conservatives any one of whom would
make a good candidate in the coming
Commons election, We must;, how-
ever, add Stu the, list, Mr. John Sher-
ritt having intimated to Thea News-
Record that his :pante 'will go before
the convention: 'Ag the chairman will
say, Mr. Sherritt 'i`s too .well-known
in the south riding to need any intro-
Mrs. W. T. Stevenson ' and family,
Mfrs Dorothy and Master Charlie, ex-
pect ,to leave on .Wednesday next•week
to reW,lurn to their home in Oberlin,
- weeks' Kansas, atter several we,.lcs visit with
her 'father, Mr. T. J, Marks. .
Rev, Robert Gardener of Chicago
who is. over on a visit to his mother
at the postoftice, ' occupied 'the pulpit
of Trinity church last Sunday.
Rev,. Mr: Priest and family of Stra-
throy have Kilted one of Mr. Marks'
cottages for the "remainder of the sea-
For Bayfield news read The Nr.ws-
Record, 25 cents will • pay a subscripp-
io then of1908' o> ad-
°tintoed t_ any
dross in Canada. ' -
Mr. Whiddon is getting his evapora-
tor ready and next • week will begin.
another season's'.operations. To snake
his plant more complete and without
doubt thebest of any,'- in
ru Ontario he has t z
Vi este pu n a big
Weigh scales upon which all the stock
delivered will be Weighed. This ' in-
dustry gives - employment to quite,, a
number of hands and. is the means .of
putting a big 'sum of Money into
Mrs. Ramsay and daughter, 'Miss
Ethel. Ramsay, of Rochester are vis=
iting friends in the village.
Mr. A. Challoner of Stratford is this
guest elf- Mr. F. A,.Edwaeds.• -
Messrs. William Howard and•George
Sanderson o[ Godcrich 'spent Sunday
. in •Bayfield.'. .'
Mr. William Johnston, who; .has
been engaged with ',Mr. James Flynn
of Clinton,. blacksmith, • moved his
wife -and family over. on Tuesday.
Mr,: and Mrs. T. B,:Lardley of Lon
do� e pa returned home she pee ft t week r a e
enjoying the balmy breezes of Bayfield
fora fortnight.
itt is with '- deep regret that we have •The Misse f Hensel' the
s Petty.y n are
k u
to Make the '.above announcement to, guests of .Mr's. George ]rrwfn.
our readers Mr Farian, as . many, Miss Clara Spackman and•Mcissrs,
are aware, has been suffering for some William 'Sanderson . Louis` Robinson;
weeks past with heart tto'uble, - but'
George King and ,James'• Johnston
his vigorous :constitution sowellre- left for the West on Tuesday,
sisted •inrads of is.• d seas .
i to the •i oa th di
that:great hopes were entertained of the v• . a M: Foxe -of' Tuesday
at London was in
villa s tt` '
village on e., ing • up a
his being able to overcome it. On set of weigh . scales for ',.Mr. John
Monday meriting, however, he rose Whiddon sa:t the eve ora h p tor,
a • after:.Partakingof a.
as usual,d
n .. .Miss'. Flossf
e Pollock ,btureed home
light'listenbreakfasingwhile his t, sat son -fn -law . on an easyseisceshair
this week att� r spending' a .few months.
` 'a . at ensel'. .
few: paragraphs from the daily paper,H
Mrs; Carter of Detroit is the' guest
While so occupied he suddenly` gasped
of her mother
,..Mrs. •Mrs. Gre,.n,
for breat' 'and in a few moments. h, Mrs: James: S 'arks and dao Mere,
passed o the...be ond, e Hisend was p g
t . , Y . � .,, , Misses:
`Bella:and Mabel, Sparks rks • `tibf
painless1Tcgsall , liss�"•`'Grace,� 'Edith and
> }:• W. 'Ferran first saw the • light el
Margaret Tortanse of Clinton and"Mr.,
ran's !point on the• St.
da at Far P
y � D, "Cranston of ' Port Arthur ' :•�havc'
Lawrence, County of Storm alt. .. He been cats: at the • Commercial.
c lu Public: a gu
received :his edu $tion at the i b _
1G,ir James .S ackinan •who � has
School, in his native village, :after -..been caretaker for Dr.
hc Past
wards .attending the Cornwall Giant.-tiedyears moven laet week Into
mar School: He .adopted 'tie ,• pi rites- William Whfddon's "cotta e. `on.. Ann
sionof Civil Engineering, and az an g
earlyage assisfed on the urveys .: of street.
Y Miss, Daisy Seetchmem and Messrs,
the G. ;T, R,., ,afte>nwards hung `:ap
Dixey;' Bailey,,. John .Spencer; Malcoln.
pointed resident engineer 'on the Grand.,;:
Leon and Clarence 'Pollock left . for
Trunk •di:: Prescott R. R., having ing full
e'West• on Friday 'last.
the uc.K • `11
eerie ' on it t i c
r"of a s
chs ge 4 .Mrs: H. Smith and daughter, Miss
division: In February 18.18 he: receive Lucille Smith, and Miss •.Chambers of
ed. the . appointinent as engineer, to Detroit are ueuts; aft, Mrs, Parsons,'
'construct ;about /20 :miles. of,.•'gravel l
Miss Hazel Ker of :Clinton is ;visit=.
roads in the . County of Husain, friem ging her aunt, Mrs, H. Darrah:
the 'contracting:flint 'of.•Wil'.on'& Flow.:. Miss Reid of Toronto is the, guest of
He next appeared as an , oil spt:cula•t-
or .When in company with fs`corge' S, the Misses. Weston.
�� i Rev. er,: Hanna, wife 'and • family.
v''went into the .daft of
Jar is hey
aro summeringin ��Vestminst s'Grove
Lambton, and there: manufact�ired re-
fined oil from the Canadian product, Rev„ Mr. A sale and wife of Krkton
is, t• n oine 'a.are guests •of • their daughter; 'lies.
The seventh annual picnic under thel
,auspices' of 'the ladies of 1St. Joseph's
church will take place .on. Tuesday
next in Farquhar's groveon the have con. of Hullett. Preparations • hi,.ve
been under: way for sonwm time and a
pleasant time is assured the •'large
number who are expected to attend..
Dinner will he served, from .11, a,' nn:
to 2, and supper front 5 to 7 o'clock:
The. Citizens' band has been .engaged
for the occasion . and there. will 'be -
other. music ' as •,wiell, Conyceyances
will run fiom the town hall to the
grounds at .intervals during the day,.
Bear in mind the dateand don't for-
get the place.
Mr. T. D. Johnson, returning -officer
for Centre Huron, received a checque
from the Treasury Department at 1
o'clock last Saturday afternoon • to
defray the expenses• of the lata elec-
tion and before nightfall; he had paid
out „the bulk of it and on Monday he
eomplettedhis payinen1t. 'This con-
mendable promptness is appreciated
bythe deputies and' all having ae-
counts for services rendered, • ,
The South Huron Dominion bye=
election took place last fall but :the
deputies, it is so alleged, have not
"Yet been paid, •<.
The contrast is rather marked.
Why should it be so '? .
the.firm sold out in 1864 and Mr.
Mr. P. Quigley of Hullett was in
Ferran ,returned to Clinton: It was •Bayfield the forepart of the week,
at the •end of this year, the month of Rev. Dr. Medd of Forest was the
December, he was ;appointed,Division guest of his nephew at the parsonage
Curt Clerk by the late Judge 0e op- of
Mrs, Sperling has returned • from, Miss Goodwin is visiting iter auntie*
- Detroi .
Wingham. t,
Mrs . D A. Cantelon, Masan, was in Mr. Henry, Baker has, returned tresis
Clinton on Monday. the West. `� -
Mr, Reggie "Marks of Bayfield was in Miss Lou Stevens is spending her holey. -
Clinton on Monday. dais in London,
Mr, D, Cantclon was in the Chatham ''S1iss Marjory L• appine is spending bei •
district the past- w`••ek: . holidays in Detroit,
Mr, Jos, •J, Cudnore,.London, visited Mrs. H. Little of Bayfield le Hees'
the parental home this week, geese
of Mrs', IT. Hill,
Miss Ev . Ste henson of London is Mrs: Harvey Leavens and family wsl►11`
Eva P L n
the guest of Mrs, 5, C. .Rathwell, • to Stratford y, estterday,
Mises Jennie and Pearl Shannon and Mr, and ,Mrs. Fred,. Swfnbank led3
Edna Bopp .pent Tuesday in Bay.' again forChicago yesterday,
field, Mr, and Mrs. •W. Lindsay, :Goderie ..
Miss.: Emma Carson of Caledonia is were in Clinton on. Sunday.
•visiting.' Mr, and Mrs. D. B`, -keen= Accountant Constantine of Molsen; •
reedy, Bank .is_ away for his holidays. ,
Miss. !Gertrude Thom.P son of. Ilensall• Mrs: .Iacob Ryan of. Dungannon int:
spent a day
last week with Mrs. T.
Kcur . ns.•.
Mr, L Taylor of London was a caller
at the''home of Mr, W. J. Stevens
• this week:
Dr. Thompson, Mrs. Thompson • and
their little daughter, were in Godot,
ich 'yesterday. - • - • • •
Mr. - George Hodgens is spending part
of 'his holidays with his mother,
Mrs. Hodgcns- Sr.
Miss Pearl• -Wheatley and Miss Erma.
Kaiser are visiting ,Mrs,.' George
McCartney of Woodstock.
Mrs. James McOlaoherty and family.
visited Mr. and Mrs.. Thos: Klearns'
Friday and: Saturday •lest.
Mrs, • W, Cudmare, town, and ' Mrs. 0,
Cison, Woodstock, are visiting •Mr,e,
iE,. Ward, Varna, this.. week. "
Mrs: Roberts, • after spending -seeetal•
weeks at •the lakeside near Grand
Bend ;.returned home nit. i'uc, uey.
Miss :Mollie Cleft, who has been teaeh
ing near Hamilton, has resigned . her
school in order`. to attend the Nor -
Mus. W. J. Holntes has `quite: recover-
ed. trotn. slight .injuries received. in
an 'accident at ; Bayfield about ten•
days ago, •
Mrs, Jed C...Milier; who. had :been.
visiting' -d n
her a hter Mrs: Ef
g M.
McLean, left ' for her home at the:
• Soo this week: .
Mrs. J:• Russell' and Miss Louise Rus-
sell, who were guests of Mrs, • W. J.
Holmes, returned to'their home in
•: London on Monday.
Misses Minnie and Gertrude'Thomp
son; • London, 'wore guests of .Mr,
•':enc';, :Mrs. D: B. Keniit4y for"a; feev.,
days of the past week, •
`, 1,.
Re . Dr.Brown of .S`t ffa ' .I rr .herd
a , .o
Rev A H. Brown af' F tui "'will
:occupy the pulpit of the (interie
street church on Sunday next,'
Mr. •George •McCartney, formerly.of
buts k .
Clinton now` of Wood roc ,: lost'
-a' portion at one finger While operat
• ing a• machine' in Karns' factory: it
that town
Rev, W.. Jr •Jollif c who leftabout.
three, ago weeks a o' to visit • his,` father
with Mrs.D.
Cook, Sr_
•Mess.Olic Cooper left on Saturdaytae
resume charge' el her school at: -
Mr. Eph, Runslaadier • was in 'Beseli
'• from Saturday a,. m: until Monday-
night. .
Mr. and Mrs, Fred.. Potts and, familtsr .
have returned to their home hal .
Cleveland, Ohio. .
Mr. Knox Mair left on Tuesday, to►•
and other relatives. in- England; did'
not reach Plymouth in time to see
his father 'alive. '
Captain McTaggart . has resigned. the.
position of secretary, of 'the Celle-
, giate..Institute • l revel. Mr. John
Rans£ord: is; dlikely";to be "asked ' to
fill the vacancy.. •
Mr: C. E. Dowding, loyal nitem er of
re .
olsons•�Banl. trued cu N':rnday
from a three-uweeks' holiday trip..
'Mrs 'Dowding is,, t.il:eeet, the parch=
Mr. Edi` J. Jenkins is spending a,
`wee%at the old homestead, "Wood-
lands Farm", .on •thee Huron Road
after attendinft 'thee Y. M. C. A.
'Conference at Silver "Bay, N. Y.
take charge of a sehool at'Dorchee
lei near London.
Master Russel - Harland returned • ova
Saturday from a three -weeks' visit,
• , with .his aunt in Simcooe.
Miss: Elsie. Clark, teacher at. Belgrave, '
was the guest of Mrs.. "T, Kearns, '
for,. a couple of days last week.
Mr, ;and Mrs. Bert Potts have takmei '
rooms; on Princess • street, Went,-
edWhere they wEll take up their abode- '
Mr FrankWatson of Listowcl fn rn-
erly clerk in Ii'win's. grocery,. is. re --
turning to resume, the old • position),
Miss Clara Steep has as returned . teens
her visit to :Petrolia and other iliac-•-
es and is again %' on` dutyis Pair'
Mr, and .Mrs; J: Tailor and Mime
Dello Taylor will take with thein::
abode Mrs H. StevensSt urns :f n' •' ar. "
e o
few ,months..
Mr. John surraY, NewYork,
, ' former
.1Y • of 'Clinton, has .Jieen' visiting o14.
friends in • town and adjacent tower
ships the past', week.
Mrs, Eli McLaughlin and her. mother;,_
Mrs..' William. Flukey, and Miss Marie.•
Fluker are visiting friends in Faris.
•and Brantford, this '1Neek.
Miss "Letts:'Smithher, .holidays being:
over, has returned ::'to •teen and •re--.
sunned':. her ..duties As steno ra her zee. •
g P
Barrister ,Brydone'soffice. "
'Rev. John 'Wale and wife of, Kirktorn •
visited 'a6 thehome of Mr:`"and Mia_
A ooper on Wednesday. They at'
•old and .much respected friends, •
Miss Bertha, McRae hag resumed her
duties' .in', Coopers' bookstore after
Spending' her' holidays with friends; ,
.Brussels and other .places., •
'Dere erlin `` • of. rri�h
Mr. John D m i Ma &•
Crooks ff: returned to town Flet
o s eta a
Monday after 'spending his tio1rda.
at the old' homestead near Agtonee
in South Grey,
is; D. Cluff and family have ..rrivette
from Listowel . and .are taking . tax.
their abode in the residence oda..
Joseph street recently decieeed 1i$
Jacob 'l.a'
Mr. a ob
MiGs' Clark of the office staff el . '1 or
onto Saturday Night ol•. which' her'
eeptance until last month, when he preservation of the Lord's Day' will 'Mr. Caryl W. Draper, who has been
reeigned on account of kiling health. be' held in the Methodist church on ill withetyphoid fever in Victoria
In. 1866 he :served as a Cemiteinor in Thuraday evening, commencing at 8 hosPital, !Stratferd, /or some time,
the then villa,ge, of Clinton! and after -
o'clock. Addresses will bet given by ,is expected home this week: Mrs.
wards- field. the position of Reeve for
Rev. Mr. Hanna, Secretary of .the Draper , speaks , very highly of the'
6 years, ending his municipal career -
Lord's Day Allianee and others.. . kiedly attention he reeeiVed from
as Mayor • upon the Village being
The pttpit of St. Andrew's church the nurses and the medical smen
ehanged into a town. In 1868 he
was !oceupied last Sunday morning
built an oatMeal •mill slope tq • the who were in' attendance,
by Rev. me. Going, president of the mi. and ivies. Will. Tiot of Winnipeg,
G. T. R: depot, which he conducted for
London Conference, and in the even- mane are guests this week of the
5 years, ', at the end of which period
ing bi'llev„ Mr. Abray or Kirkton. lady's aunt, Mrs. J. B. Hapver:s
mr. Gibson', Vincennes; Indiana i ..Mr. Tice wee !a, few years ago a:
1882 he joined the firm of Macpherson
MiskeS Kato and Grace Gibson or De- '• member of the Clinton •Collegiale
& Hovey in the manufacture of agri-
troit ; Miss ',Edna Mayworni, , Mies ' teaching staff but'be now 'fills 'the
cultural implements, prineipally three -
Garnsey, F. M. Penton, Detroit ; Miss much more Inceative position of
' i' e. flex • McAdam, 5t: Thomas ; Misses I. Arm- prefeesor 'of methematies in , "%teet-
year, 1883, he became the head part -
strong, C. Beeler, B, Clark, J. Fres- toba thtiVersity; Winnipeg. e e.
ner in the banking firm of Ferran e&
er; Mr. Harper and Miss Grace "far- me Ed. 11Iole, Manager of the electrie
Tisdall. This latter venture was sue -
light works, Seaforth, was in town
, . . per, London ; Mrs, Charles Edwilrds,
On Monday , evening a dozen mem-
bets of Court Maple Leaf drove to
Iiensall to have a game of carpet
bells With the brethern of that place.
Both the visiting rinks were amass.,
ftd, one by seven points and the other
by ,thirteett, the two odd numbers
making an even twenty. Afterwards
theY were treated 'to refreshments.
The Clinton Foresters speak highly
of the hospitable manner in which
they were entertained and, at the
very first opportunity they will en-
deavor to fully reeiprocate. The
Clinton 0. 0. P'S who took part in
1Dodd, II. Glazier„ It ll
cessfully came on y Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. leleFarlane
about 10 years, when Mr. Favran m-
u and daughters, Misses Effie 'and Min -
tired. ' A man of great energy,
nie MeFailane, Hamilton are all
carried ',on during this. thee, a batik -
guests et Mrs. John Ferguson's. '
ing business in Elora under the
firm, name . of Ferran St, Archibald, l‘k"re• Hummel' 44 'label 01 Geder-
about ilit years ago disposing of the ich have the contract of building . an
addition to the south abutment of
said husihess. to the Merchants Bank.
the neW bridge and Weston Woe, haVe
The firm of lnaepherson & Royey hes-
the tontraet tor the •centre abutment.
ing been dissolved by the death of
Mr. !Macpherson, • about tete years MiSs Pule !Cameron is this ,week
ago a 'hated liability eompany was Visiting in Kincardine.
efe,..parraa waa elected president, H. Little on Sunday. 4, ,
summitry it will be Mrs. Caldtvell of Pinconiiinge Mich.,
By this brief it the guest 'of her parents; Mr: and
seen that 'the subject of our sketth
was a man of great busine.ss. abilitiy,
, Miss Iva Dodds of Seaforth is vieite
iedomitabee energy, and has been Mrs. Thomas Cameron.
very elosely allied with the hiStory in/ her allot,
A prosperous 'young farmer from
and progress of the town of Clinton,
see ma safely say that no roau was Goderich township and a lady front
ite London were out. walking together on
beam' known in this connection,
Sunday evening. They were muter.
invariably warmly, supported every-
ing along hand-in-hand and so -wholly
thing that furthered the advancement
absorbed in each ' other that before
of Clinton. But it Was bot 'only in'
they noticed it the young lady's rings
had :slipped from her ' finger. A Ian -
displayed . themselves. Like all men
tern waa borrowed from one of the
neighbors and 'a tlilligenk watch wade
better for the missing jowelery but with
a 'good horse I Nobody knew *
. what sueeess we have not I yet
the points of a good horse than W,
w, Farm, ne was an exeeueriti fear,..• heard. At. reward will. Iiikely be offered.
leo .driver, and it, was a rough diy. 25,cents will pay a subscription to
, The News-tecord until the -end of tbd
(Continued On e four.) preaent year.
IJ ,
Clark,', is editor, is the guest othe>r*
rsistet, Mrs. J. E. clantelon..
;Mr. J. Edwin kilty, teller in the'
Standard Bank, Ailsa • Craig, who,
has been visiting his mother ande
sisters foe the past two weeks;
turnbd to 'Ailsa Craig on Monday. ties
resume his duties, ' •
ven, etele., who lad been visit-
ing her cousin, Miss Kate ShePgarde,
Steep, tGodericli township, left ow
Monday to spend a fevv weeks Witter
her brothers at Sault Ste. Marie.
Miss P. Cook, . who spent het holi-
days with relatives in Clinton and
day a.m. last for Wattetiwyl where-
shechas resumed het duties as teach"-
er. Miss Cook is regarded as one,
of the mest capable and successful
teachere in the inspectorate' im
1.. which she is engaged. •
Mr. ,and Mrs, J. Taylor and Mime
Delle, Mr. „and Mrs. Charles A an.
and Master Jack, Collingwood, Mr-,
and Mrs. G. F. Briekenden, London,.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rodeway, and Mies --
es Edna and ' Helen, ' and gr. and'
Mrs, George Shipley and family
at Rayfield on Friday last.
Miss Annie Worthington, daughter, of
the late Dr, Worthington and sister
of Dr. 11. : Worthington, thwe, Iefit
I on' Monday for Passadena, CA;
where her mother and sister' lia**
been living for the past couple Of .
years .or *so. ,She was aceomparded,
by her sister, Miss Worthington, .
trained nurse in a IVIexican tor -
hospital, who `made *le long journey... -
north for that'purpose.
Monday on his way back frmi at-
tending- -a, family re -union at the
parental home in Auburn. Among
those 'present were : Mr. and Mrs.
David. Mole and child, Rochester,
N. Y., Miss Martha, lVfole, South-
ampton, and Mr,, and Mrs. William
1V1ole and family of Dungannon.
ville, Tenn., were in town yesterday
visiting Mr. and Meg. S. 0. Rath -
well. They are natives of" !Stanley,
see for many years, but always
come back to the old home town-
,' ship for, the long vacation, lir.
Piteyes is $ne of those CatinAli Ins who
have made good :on the other. side
of the international boundary.
wino Mr. J. ;Taylor was at BaY- School Days -0. Iloare-4,
field one ' day. last week and was hav- school Bouks....cuopor&-4.
ing his 'horse got ready'for leaving, Fall Term -Clinton Collegiate -8.
fhe stable eat, made for his little
blaek dog. The dog skiddoed, yelping,
and the feline fastened so savagely on
Mr. Taylor's Ieg that it was with
some diffieulty knoelted oft The ani -
trial's claws penetrated his clothing
and drew blood ana it was deemed ad- A Ai,„
viSable to lave the cots treated by —'
a doctor which Mr. TayIer had done. Pays
Little Savings Count-Ilodgens-4.
Men's Tweed Pants -P; * G.-4.
8000 it,airs-Neweombe's-8.
Hug The 1•Tews-IteeoiC
ssive Business Men Sat..