HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-30, Page 8•
Clinton News -Record
1." •
Still Rule.
"Move On" prices still on everything. No thought
f profit in making them. Just one thing always be-
fore us ---the turning of this big stock into money just
' as quickly as we can. "Move 1031', prices are helping
us do it. They are helping lots of people save money
and will help you, too, if you will try them. Here are
SOple, samples .for Saturday and next week.
Bargains in Black Silk Ends
12 or 15 short lengths of allack Silks, many different kinds
and qualities lengths tun from yards to 3fi. They
would be suitrible for trimmings or coat linings. Regular
prices were $1.00, $1.25 end, $1.50. Special 'Move On"
price ter Saturday choice per yard..., .0. 69 9•••,••••1 e•
OnIU a few, ot those toe Hose left.
• ,
Just a few pairs of those boys heavy ribbed cotton hose that
we areselling at Mc left in stock. 25c is what you would
pay for them anywhere and everywhere, guaranteed fast
black, seamless feet." Clearing at per pair..........:. .... .10
The last of the IVIIIlinerg.
Miss Reynolds goes for her holidays this week. Saturday
, must see the last of the millinery leavethe store- It is jusi
about gone now and these prices will suraly clear it all.
Ang trimmed Hat $1.00.
Any trimmed hat on the tables, probe* '10 or 12 left, no
matter what the former price you can take your choice for 1.00
Ang Shape 10c.
Less than 25 elopes to sell, black and colors, no matter what
they sold for Saturday you can buy any one at.. . . ........
Ang Flowers 25c.
About 20 bunches of flowers left to sell. Regular 50 to 1,00,
clearing,them out now at your choice ' , ZS
A good chance to bug Linoleums.
Thin would be a good chance to get Linoleurns tor the dining
room or kitchen floor. One end only extra • heavy Scotch
Linoleum,4 yards wide, floral pattern, white ground, green
leaves with red flowers, special "Move On" price per sq. yd. :30
8 or 10 short ends Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum suitable for.
under stoves and mate all clearing at ''Move On" prices. •
Rain Coats $1.50. .
These rain coats are worth- two or three times the dollar ,
anda half: They are capital garments for showery weath- • '
er or using as dust coats if you have any 'driving to do,
fawns and grays; guaranteed rain proof. Special "Move.
On" price each. ' . . .11.80
Hearth gs $3 60 • •
4°V.A..z5rxhitge. ItAxminster Hearth RrfEn h make; <good •
Patterns and colors, very handsome rugsfor any room.. • ' •
Regularo$4.50, "Move On" price each 5.60
. ,
Linen Spot Waisting .39c.
2 ends only linen waisting:•,witti embroidered spots, will
make handsome and serviceable waists. Regular 60c,
'Wove On" Price per yard......... . . .. . . .. .30
"Move On" Dress Goods Prices.
Dress Goods going at "Move On" prices.
ticipate your Fall wants and buy Diess Goods
when you can save money. ' Youcad here and
now. . .
Black Vicuna Cloth 73c.
1 end only black vicuna cloth of guaranteed pure wool, will
make very handsome full costumes. or equally as good for
seperate skirts. Special "Move Cu" price per yard .73
Black Dress Goods 426.
Fancy black dress goods, light weight, Plain ground with
woven dot, regular 65c, "Move On" price per yard .42
Very fine quality French Serge. A material that Makes a ,
very hendsonie dress for any purpose. Made from the best • • .
Australian wools. Special Move On" price per yard.50
Navy Panama 50c. • . •
An extra special in Panama cloth. A splendid shade of
navy, guaranteed pure wool, will make capital summer suiteor •
skirts. Regular 65c, "Move OW,' price per yard • • .50
A table of Braids. at lc. -
r • -
Fine-BlaSerg59 .
is the sweet saliCe of
labor and . e good
place to. rest is in a
hammock, healthful
and cool, comfortable
to sleep in, pleasant
to reain. All with-
out the heat and in,
doors of a 'bed. We
are ready to serve
you profitably and to
Your advan,tage at
prices from $100 to
1..14•FAIR, C0i.
Often Cheapest -Always the Bes.
Mr, ano Mts. 'J. P Tisdall returned
to 'Buffalo •en Tuesday.
Miss Lebta Smyth is visiting in St.
Mary's and • other Places. •
1VESs Annabelle McEwen visited Hen;
sail friends the past week.
Miss Sadie Carter of Auburn is the
gueSt of Mrs, Fred. Mutch.
Master Russell Harland has been' vis-
' iting his :aunt in • Simcoe vtlie past
Master Mervyn Green; Pott Huron, .is
visiting •with his ealailfallier-, . • Mr.
William Alexander.'
Mrs. Cleorge ,Ross arrived last weak.
and wifl remain a couple of months
With .her daughter; Mrs. Murray
McEwan. ' • • ••.
Mrs. J. RobOrts ' and child ;ate 'visiting
at her uncle's, lkft -"D;:WilsOii's.;,:trear-
tIrand Bend. Mr. Roberts wasWith
them on• Sunday. • • '
Mrs.' BenT.' Cole and. Mrs:. H. W. 'Cook
left. on SattirdaY last on a visit'of
several weeks duration with friends.
in Belleville, Mich.
Mrs. Cottle Sr. left on 'Saturday :last
'tor Chatham 'and thenceto Cresslint,
Ohio, where will mace, her hom16
with her daughter; t 'Mrs: (ror.) MO4
CaIlumMiss Maggie' McCool, .daughter of 1114
William.111eCOol, of:'ffullett, has sec-
ured a position with • the Singer
' Sewing Mbchine -CO.; Toronto. Miss
McCool is, a graduate of the glint/0g
Business College. •. ' • •
Mr..- Davis: of the cutters'
room in the Jeoksbn -Mfg' Co's 6s"..
tablishrnent exPectshis wife „out
; • froin Bath, England, in 'a few days.
Mr, Bevis has been making his home
with Mr, and Mrs T Kearni. • •
Rev. Pellet Powell, C. S. B., presi-
dent of Huston • College, Huston,
Texas ;• Rev Father 'Murray, C.
B., and Rev: Father Murphy, St.
guests last week of Rev. J. A. MM.!
500 yards of plain and fancy, braids; blacks and colors, doz. • •
ens and dozens of different lines. Clearing them all out at
your choice per yard ... ...,.. .01
A Fresh Lot of RibboivEnds, • .
• A fresh lot of Ribbon endtkat 2 for Sc,* Silk and satin, verious
widths and colors, clearing at 2 ends for
4.75 Underskirts for 2.95. •
Silk Moirette "Underskirts, very handsome inurnente; extra •,
qiiality in a variety of light Shades such as blues, fawn, etc. '
Regular 4.15, "Move On" price each . .. ........ .. . .. 2.95
Embroiderg Silk 3 Skeinsi0c.
Clearing all our embroidery silke. • The well known Cor.
ticelli qualities. All colors, Iornane, Twisted and Filo.' 3 skeins .10
Dress MUslins 25c. •,
Fancy dregs Muslins, white ground with small embroidered
dot in Meek and blue stripes. Will make very handsome
• dresses. Regular 40c, "Move On" price per yard . . .25
Black Linen Suitings 10c.
50 yards black linen suitings, good weight and qUality, salt -
able for skirts or full costumes, clearing at per yard...-. .10
Soiled Corset Covers 35c. •
25 only Corset Covers, a cellectiurr cif 'various lines that have •
become mussed and soiled IroM handling. Regular 50 and
75e, clearing at ' • .35
Embroideries slid insertirs 3 gds. Mc
Hundreds Of yards embroldetiee and inner ons regular 5 to
Se, clearing atflyarda .. 16 944 LAII•ii..4.91/1 .10
Silk Cloves 25c.,
60 pairs ladies silk gloves, Mostly malLslzes, white#Creatn,
black, standard 40e quality everywhere. "MoOn"
pen pair ...141.0.••• OA' "•••.•••••••••../.9. .. •
25 Skirts Lett
r lust 25 Dress Skirts left on our recite, lIghtand dark tweeds
or plain black cloth, Regular 0,50 to $5.00 choice of the
lot at eaeh....6,4••••444.4. . ..• . ••••••••••• ... /La..... aim)
Another end of thit wide block tionneing lace suitable tor
,making waists, clearing now at per .213
. Fortune; formerly of Clinton), was.
guest. of. Mrs." Will. Collyer for,
a few days of the, past Week and
.is now visiting her aunt, in Simco
before returning ;to her home at Ed-
monton, Alta. '• •
The following. from St, touts, Mo.,
are guests of Mrs. T. Trick : thirs• .
. J. L. MeLean,.• Mm. O. E. Roemer
and sons, Master Justin aod babe
• Maleolni, Mrs. E. M'. Zimmerman
and !daughter, Lucille, out Mts. J.
1V1'.• 'Marshall: . ' •
The :followinb composed a party who
Made a Pleasant •visit among frielarlS
in Stanley on Monday : Mr. and Mrs,
• W. Graham, ,Mrs. F. lVfetwen, Mrs..
Herb Alexander, Miss Annabellp MO-
• twen, Mr.: and •Mrs. Hugh Ross aJ
Miss Jean Ross. • .
Mrti. .George Potts and MISS Elva
• Potts, who • had been visiting in
Cleveland; Ohio, for several' weeks, 4
arrived home on 'Thursday last. They
•were accom•panied by Miss Eva ' aod
Master Stanley, children of Mrs.
Potts' seri, Mr. • Vred. Potts of
Mr. Charles W. 5 Wrath arrived from
London on Saturday and was the
guest of friends in town and Stan-
ley until Monday. Mrs. Stewart at*
• their son, Master Frank, have been
Visiting friends in tie distriet for
the past month, but return home UP
litter part of this Week.
Messrs. T., Jackson Jr. and O. 0.
Amite returned •on Friday last from
a ten days' visit to New York City.
While on their trip they did 1 some
stight-seeing, but they were 'chiefly op
business intent and .in tilde tour of
manufacturing • eencerni and whole, -
sale houses they obtained new iideas
which will enable thein to make the
Lion Brand clothing still more pop-
ular and an even ;better seller than
Mr. Thos. Peckitt, son of Mr. John
Peekitt, town, was called home last
'week owing to tate death of his
uncle, the late Thoma 1Vi6ore, of
whose estate l� isithe sole &ceder*
Mr. Nokia hs n for the pot year
been a student at Albert' C011ege,
Bellerills, preparing for the Method-
iSt ministry. The vacation. of '07 he
ministry. The vaeation of 1007 ite
spot ;at Port Kewfayden, one a the
many jbeanty spots in Muskoka and
there he bas been enieSrilig this Par'a
kolidayS en well. 1Th expecte to re
turf? to that plane in a few days,
Travellers Samples
• • •
.. •
Another lot of cloth samples came to band this week. Just the dandy thing for quilts.
Put up in 100 lots all the same size for 25 'cents a bundle.
Samples of Creatonnes and -art, sateens 3.4 yd wide at 5 cents each.
• ,•
Remnants of Ciiton Sheetings, Dress Goods, Sateens, Prints, Tweeds. etc., etc.
All to go at half price. See this lot.
Twenty.five Per Cent. off all classes of Whitewear, Waists Gowns,- Skirts, Draw.
ers Corsets Covers, etc:- -Must be. cleaned out._
• . .
AL AL. IA AL aaAAL IL:AM. ALI\ AIL: a. Ali: A. AL A At- ALL AL I& ag!
Commences WednesdaU, August 5th and con-
tinues until Saturda.g night, August 15th, This is
without dobufthe greatest money saving oppor-
tunity eiter put before the people of Clinton and
country. These great Bargains willbe offered
In Dress, Goods, Silks, Linens, linuslins, Ging-
hams, Prints,' Underwear, Hosiery, Cloves,
Readg40-11VCar Garments, etc.
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