HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-30, Page 22 4111111111111011101100101.1imeinew etfURITY,e. e-ACCURACY.e rithefe1140.414104.4140.11.110411 1 The Most Deadly 1 2 Nr . • OW' PariS Green is the strong. est _and par, - est PARIS aReEri 'There's no- thing better - or WO would have -1 I VOTERS' LIST, I0108,-11UNICIP. laity of the Totvrishlp of Stan'ey,- Notice is hereby given duet I have transmitted or 'delivered to the pers Sons 'mentioned in seetions 8 and 9 of .the Ontaxio Voters' Lists Mt, the mhos, required by said sections to be so transmitted or deliver;eit ot the list Made, pursuant tie said Act, of all perSons appearing by the last, retised ASsesement Roll of the said Mtuticipality At erections for vienibers ot the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal , Elections ; and That. • the said list was first posted: up tie rtiy4 office ih Varna on the Ilth (ley of July, 190,8, and remains there for inspection: Electots axe called upon I o examine the said, list, and if any emissions or any other errors axe fouad, -therein, • to t,alte immettiate proceediness to, have" the said errots corrected,' aeoording to law. -Dated this 11* dey of July, 1908.-J. • Hartwell, Cleric of Stanley: to—....-------- I - I Wo So R. HOLMES-I /Manrg Chenlitt. 1 ••••••••••••••••••“••••I -RELIABILITY se. EXPERIENCE. .President Castro has ordered the Dutch Minister to Venezuela, to' leave the country. . Gres° Beier, daughter of the Mayor of Freiberg, Saxony, was beheaded or the mutter of her fiance. SEED CORN. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY OF SEED CORN. IT IS A 1 IN QUALITY AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. WHEN YOU NEED FLOUR OR FEED PLACE YOVR ORDER WITH US. IT WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT- TENTION. J. A. FORD • Order. Your. Coal Now • '"Place your order fere your supply of coal with .the under.. signed and thus eecute"the low- est price and prompt delivery. Office opposite Grand, Trunk • passenger station. Telephone, connection. Haniliton COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP. • PLY • NOW, THE BEST . THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED. AND PAID S, COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. orders left at Davis & Rowlead.'s will be promptly attended to. A. CASE WEST ARICHAT. Mrs. A P. FergUeon„ aweithnown Calh, Prelanter, haS Cured aethme. bz “Ce:arrhoz‘." tkr atatement contincinge Althestagli wee trehhge4 for rt IA Woo .Onty recently I triell Ceterrh(4,:one: \Then an attaelt ,starteth I got out my inhater and invariebly gotquick relief., Feeling. satisfied that Catairrheeone would cure I continued" the treetteeet till one, bottle wes 011- is1ued. I didn'tuse more because Wee "chretTt and-ttiSta'Stramwthaerenesee-- returned:" catarrhosone is. sureka% to astlaine and, broolehitis, Try it And. convineed,: Two stem,. 25e aid At all dealers. NEW MEAT MART. -HAVING PUR- chesed the Watering business car- ried on for seine time by the Calelough B r s,., we respectfulla solicit, a. share of the, patronage of the public whit* we hope to merit by keeping the best of meats and at reasonable prices, Give us ' a Our shop is next to The News- Recohd Office. --T. T. & Bert Murphy CEMENT • FOR • • SALE.22•I AM . Agent, for Clinton and district for the Naetouel Portland Cement Co, Makers ed the best emeet • in . the market. This is the only cement • used by ' the -.corporation of Clinton in the construetion of sidewalks, etc, '-Mrs, T. R. Walker. 21 I HAVE. THE 'SAMPSON • BRAND of Cement for sale, in, large and small qttantitees, There ' is no bete ter an* of cement on the markeh (Mee opposite G T., R. passenger station. Telephone coneection, orders maybe left. at Harland Dres. hardware sthre. if More convenient. JA1VIES HAMILTON, CLINTON. PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING AND Repairing: -The • undereigned . is prepared to do all kinds ef 'piano and. organ tuning and repairing, and being a min ..bf practical .experience Is able to guarantee tatisfactiore Orders may, , be 'left at W.• S. it Holmes' drug store. -Ed. J. How ard, Clinton. '.$0011,11ER' SCHOOL JUNE, JULY AND "AUGUST. LEADS INTO OUR FALL TERM ' WITHOUT ANY BREAK: EN- . TER ANY TIME. NEW CATA- LOGUE FREE. WRITE FOR IT. TO -DAY. . Central Business College W. J Stevenson Real Estate for Sale FARMS POR SALEe-ONE AND A quarter miles from church, pont- office, school and the village of Auburn. Stiita.ble for , grain-, • pr grass. Lot 27 on the and con. Wet Wawarsosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly ail grass. A brick house, a bault barn 52x60, driving house 24e36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on Said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd cone directly oppos- ite said lot 21, containing 100 acres od land, 15 heresy of width are 'bush. On this lot there is a bank barn 40x60. There are 4 Ceres of • good bearing orchard on the two. farms. Both lota are well fenced and un- derdrained. A. never failing spring runs aeroes both farms. Possession can be given at onee. Terme eatty. The proptietor is now past the age to fant.-Apply to Themes Nieh- olson, Atilittria P. 0. Prompt reply will he given to altOOMMunlea- tions, ; Sept, 13-08" DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Speelalist, *ill be at Holmes' Drug Store, Clinton, Itfey 28, July 2 and 30. Glasses properly fitted, Diseeee es of the typi ear, nose and throat treated, THE NEWS -RECORD WILL T31snNT TO ANY An, Dness XN CANADA TO THE END OF 1 9 9 8 AND THE WEEKLY MAIL AND MI- PIRO FOR ONE YEAR FOR 75 cm's. I30T11 Pon 75 titPrso, TE GES ABLE; 0•F ITS KIND: YONGE ta: "GERRh.RD 'STS,. TORONTO. W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL.. CliAton News -Record ounty. News Gathered , • for. News „Record :Readers Cifl. A&O ;Frain The News -Record of July 31st, 1889, Mr. Henry Eilber, reeve ef town- ship of Stephen, Knee chunty, aud Mr, Eilber and ehild, spent Stehe5/ in town, Ur. Either nes eleetea reeve whet 21 yeas o aqe. , Babies . Instead of Bibles.-- !:'he Re. view df ;Streetsville recorded ae a. most unusual •occurrefice the sight of three, young teal% on ai„etrain, with, open bibles on their laps, An ex6haage in reprinting it made the item read "three :epee babies on their lape.” StarnPetle-On the afternoon of Thursday the bue horse s of the Com- mercial were standing in front of the hotel. Wilson, the tin man, was driv- ing ;met with a heaped load of !sagged wnol. One' of the big packages rolled off "forniesit" the bus teens The bus team objected to hoeing the, weal Palled over their eyo and statute late& ward at a swing gait Long before. they reached Goderich they. were etopt, ped and retittreed to their Peaceful ,avo- cation. Upset -A, wagon load of young folk* were returning from the Methodiet picnic last Thursday. Neer the bridge South of the fawn they attempted to pass Perdue's portable engin e which was •on the road and the horses be- came frightened. so that they ' drew the rig off the Main park of the reed -way arid Onset it irr,Vo the.ditch. A 'young man named Watson was cut about the eye and sevettal others were More or ion Malted but none ger:7 iottely. ' Mrs. John Wtserna.n is sisitini Weeds in Perth county. - Laek Kennedy 15 putting up a hand - :�i e new sige. ' Messrs.btkYeinnp ap et i1t 11eieg11°h 2117k 4! nSet.e1113are °C). da:w aoY; jers Harland, ,wife and children of Clinton were visiting at H. pewit& this week.-.Bruseels Post. • • ' Mr ; John Johnskin left yesterday on a trip Winnipeg And the' North- west. He will be away about. Month.' . • • ' • •Mrs. Baker ! of Mitchell has rented, the •two-story cottage from .Mr John .Iebestion, Ontario street, . for throe years; and will keep a Otst-class boarding hoeset t • • Deputy -reeve R Teleinmeen. of Het - oh township, brother of Mr. , , Jahn ,Thompson of the 13a.y1eld 'Line; - is able to be about and is fast pickling tat from his recent • severe accident. • Mr. P. W. IlayWard has returned home from a business trip to the Northwest whither 'he hadi"!faleen a lot o' buggies,. He was fairly suceessful but would have done inuCh better Were it not that busine,st ereppects are somewhat iliteettle4 owing to the un- httteinty as to hOW the crops '' turn oUt Mi.. Harry •Centelan was home sover Sunday on one of, hie • sarni-occes- tonal eisits. The geetleman is now in his fifth' year with .one firne- Arm- strong Brae.. of Guelph, and during that time he has been, 'almost con- stantly on, the road, Mr..,Catitelon, we feel assured, endeavors to do right with the firm and the . firm seems in 'turn to have della right; by him. hollege on the first of October. The Royal Templets tad A rash - berry tend cream festival in the tem- perance hall on Friday evening, Short speethes and enstrumental music front the locAl talent was the program for the evening. Farmers have got through hating a.round here. Hay has been an ebuns dant crop this season. We notice eev, eral large fields of fall wheat and barley halm been cut dueing the east week. Crops through Stanley- town- ship"loolt better than they have done tor several years ;east. Another 014 resident of Stanley pas- sed away in the person of Mr. Thos. McIntyre of the Babylon, Lines af ter having lbeen in peer health for ;several years, Mr. T. M. Johnston, formerly of Ude Place hut recently of Port Ar.. thur, in at htesent at Boissevaia, Man. Ninghtun Chief of police Celdbiek of 'Cobalt, has been visiting his pelmets in Morr- is'. .While coming homeon. the Greek Trunk train he bechme sustiicious of two shareces vshet were entertaining a prosperous but hihulous farmer the smoking , compaatmeht. Nearing Georgetown his snspiciens were con- firmed, The two men, hiving succeed- ed in getting the fanner intoxicated, procelled rapidly . to rifle his pockets. As :soon as the fleet bills had been transferred to the thieves, Mr, Cald- hick made his dramatic appearence in 'the Smoker,' ,called a, hall, end plat - cd ' the Pair wide: arrest, A sharp tussle ensued, butthe arrest, . with the co-operation of the train officials, was aecomplished. . The men were loug ie the jail at Mahe. The thieves heti ta1en seven dollars in small bilis, but bad not reached his bank .boOk with other currency; and showing a recent deposit of $2,200. . • Last week Me; Alexander . Orr of. the Brunswick. hotel passed. away in his 55.tly.year. He had not been in good health for emu& :time, but grew Irnueli worse (write; the, last two weeks. An operation .was performed on 'rues - day .when it wae fowl' that censer had: Iso talten'hold of the thoWels, .thettdeatth Iwas inevitable. 11e never rallied -front. the operation • and early • Wednesday 'morning he -Pahted Away. • Me: Orr was widely known in this *dem of epunt- ry having lived ie. Delmore,: Myth, Fordwieh 6ina thig place: He loaree..a, Wife,' two sees' and these depghters, • - • • • Morris Township. • ,.• The teoweship 'council met- on the 11 et Julywith all • ths ,memhers pres- ent. . .• • • The court of revteion of the Grasbe drale hylaw resumed, business. Mr.: sinclaii of Brtisseli iwas heard on behalf. of the G. T. R... company • in the tnat,ter of their appeal, • .. alter • which Eegineer:Rogers'•.gaive: his • res - ons tfor making tie aeSesereent an .fompan.y.'6 7Jands, •i • • Campbell -Shaw the aiesese-. .inene ,rtiadeby the .engineer, on G. T. , R. "lends , he Canfirmai, .and that the 'cohrtof revision on said (treillage', by- ° leWs be' new closed -Carried • Taylor-, McCutelmon -That bylaw No. 4; known as .the Mason drain by- eatv, be finally hassed:aeCareled. - • •A request Item the village of' Walton aS kestatted-,4tatthg...411 • iysteni ..ot'concrete Walks was being CENTRO'. STRATFORD. ONT: FALL :TERM' OPENS SEPT AST. The saceet, yeti complete a course ,thir school the sooner you may 04.11Volt to hold a; position of trust. OUr ceursts are thqrough and prac- tical. Out students always sue. coed. We assist graduates to pos. Woes': We have three &Platte' mentsetCommercial, Sharthaed and Telegraphic. We employ experien- ced instructors. Catalogue free. Elliott it, M• oliaohlan !PRINCIPALS FALL TERM:. . OPENS SEPT. • 1ST. Those who .knoW beet ,the merits , of des &heel are its 'staunchest supatortere, ELLIOTT /11 TORONTO, ONT. This College stands First in: Pop- ularity, Thoroughness and Gentili% hierifr •where eott will, you will find our graduates, .pkishing to 06 tont. Their superior training enables them to get and hold litSt class :positions. Collor open all. summer. Enter ami y three Write for catalogue. • , W. A. ELLIOTT, PrinelPal. Cother Yon& and Ale:tender streets Go,derich ToWashie,' July Stet, 1889h The Aitto sttivard 01 thms thwitt, 'conetrudted in that village, end."ashing for the peyment. of their acetued stat-, ship end Clinton are visittiag at Pe- tuft labor tax •Senounting, $102, -also trollat Bernie and Port Huron. Oe Saturday night last a barn be for a grant of 1100 towards the wark.' ' near reCarried. • . Reports on, the. johnSten and Mae - longing • to -Mr. Charles DiSneyt nee I MCCutcheee Campbell:Thet $100 Holmeseille, was destroyed by he granted Walton, also that the: am - as 'well as the centents,' some' twenty ount . of their a.ctrued :Statute labor tons of hay. The fire was caneed bY be paid towards the Work. -Care - ed lightning: t I wt.' • &maid &Ales were reed accorditie • BaYfiadt JulY ,31,st, 1889.. reetice and the Clerk anetructee to-prte°-r. .ee One day hard week the ceas poare byiaws for time ame rtion , 'Tenders were iteeived. for the • con - d. Swarte hotel took lire and some struction of the Mason and. GraebY hart* wee done. the' building. Fortune drai•ns, and on motion of Taylor and ately' the los is •not serious. With Canipteoll, the tender of William Cons. his asuel" Promptittthes bueines,s mat- ters mine, hew, teet,aeth s,644 men at Unity for the Graeby drain that of work at once to repain,the damages, I John Curtin •for; the Mason drain, ;be - $1,467 -end $664 respectively, were oecurieg • the services of builder aleeling aceepted, being the loweet. Kenzie ph Clintan, The most of .• the The council then aitourried to beet 30 guests at the 'hotel had their trunks ready to migrate from the fire fiend, ' tht' A1:18:"t• tut removal was hot necessety, h Ort IX/ednesday Mr. J. 'V. Moorehouse celebratted his 'silver wedding or the IN A EMEATI-1 'MERE'S - nnsT, twenty-fifth anniversary of his ,mart 13relthe Hyomei ' and be- cured riage. There was a right royal spread for the guests ;, it was in reale' itY a samPtuoue affair, the viendsin point of excellence and veriete would ton -there favorably with Delteeniee ca. tering. And all was garnished. with that unaffected nospitality so eirarac- teristie of the host and hostess, sup- plemented by that of °the; membete of the family present. Amotig thoge present were Messrs. P. W. Johnston, M, Hutchiton, Henry Horton and A. Malcolmson of Goderich. .July 31st, 1889. Mies Kate McNaughton ha e returned home front a visit of several months with her sister at Port Arthur. Miss Fanny Logan, organist in the Evistopal dwell, 'has been 11 In Catarrh, Bronehitis, Asthma. Nature has a remedy for catarrh epidetnict colds and bronchitis that is far better than dosing the stomach with niedichw aald drugs.' It is the healing oils and balsams of Hyomei which medicate the ale you breathe, reaching the MOS ti remote air cells in the nose, throat and lunge kills Mg all catarrhal germs and. restoring health to the mucous membrane-. Hyornel ate like a. eUraiive internal air hath, and has the same healing and antiseptic erica as the: air where the Pine and 'Eucalypti° tercets give of their fragrant Mai healing balsams. Breathe healing Ilyornei and see how quickly you Will get relief front cat» art* and head colds. If it does' not of }Lumbermen Cut Out-, t put 00 Per Cent. 1 Loss to Ontario Government revenue $7:e'deu°cet.lon in cut of lumber, 50 te 70 per cent. Lose, in wages!, $576,000 Ilex month, lc Reduction in .camp exefitses, $320,- 000 per month, • ITradt eta,gnation and American emu - petition are resthnsible for the situae tion Which is a culmination of con- ditions .which had their birth ; 'two yeers ago. . , In the winter of 1906-7 the cut in -the hush Was very 4reavy-25 per cent. Mager _than.. thee, °fleet year. A filgar- ter of thatcut was left over, either ie togs in the booms or as lumber in the yards, When the lumbermen faced the season of 1907-8, last' year. They reAuced their ceteethe figutestate given above --by twenty-five per cent., cal- culating that the stoeh On hand Would meet ,all trade requirements. It did fon the finaeciel coltaim came, and thel demand for lumber declined, as did that of Other :products. . The Stumpage Dues. The Ontario lunateirmen hare diecided, I to reduce the cut of lumber in the bush during the next winter by fifty to seven* per. cent. and the Above figures illustrete to some extent the result to the ;Province from their (p- cisioe, Why They Do It. " -There is a feature in' -lumbering Op- erations , Which, must be understood in order to grasp ,the eduatton: The op- erator pays the crown $19 per 1000 feet boatel mcdsure and $h per 1,009 feet board• meaSuee in, ashlition-fhh in. all. It is technically calleL"etump- age," Besides, he, of course, pays the 'price he bid for his limit at the Auc- tion sale. Whee, he has paid that price ha owns 'the.,timber and can cut or not, just as , he ..• tilteeSes. With stumpage at e12 per 1,000 it costs elle operator $23 to . produce a' thousand fee,t of lumber alt the mill-ethat. is the operationsel petting, haulieg,, towing, sawing, . cost $13 per 1,000 feat board measure, in addition to the $12. stumpage. It is cagy to seehow vast Sums of money Can be tied up ef the lumbermancannot gee rid of -his season's cut On the other. . heriii, if the. operator forsees that.hecannot clean out his mill yard, and does .not cut, but, leaves his limber etandihg :in the 'sushi,, he is really making Money. He salves. the stunapa;ge . of $12, and the opera:ping tott. of ;$13 per.. thousand feet ... hq.erel measure. More , than that his Uncut timber is making money fot himbe- cause it is increasing in value. This is the view taken .by the lea& ing lumbermen in Torbetoe such as the Victerie,. Herber Luinbce Co, the Turner Luirther, ,,Setetd Lumber Co,. Lai4laW Ltiniber . Co., Graves.; 13y.Weadbunter Co, who are the eatgett operators in the -G:eergiate By dietriet, Whieli. produces 400,000,- 00.0, feet B; M o Oatatiots tptai put, • The Goverriment's Revenee. Last year:, .1907-8,according teethe •GoVerement .reterne, the Ontario cut. was 007,610,000 NA B. M. of pine:, and 54,080,090 of ; other timber. The .reyeette 'was $1,500,000,' or will • be •when t all ie•• gathered hie Owing tre the ' pinch of haat temesy Rene cherries ors have been granted an exteesion of timo. • In the coming heasen, 190„8-9, the eat will bereeticed by half; and the rev- ue •elso, resulting in a loss tto the Province of $700,000, unless the ue- foteeen happens s •• It Means mere: in ether Ways'. Itough- ly speaking, it takes •50 men to eut enough timber in th2 bush seesen to produce 1,0,66,000, feet Be M. ,At th.2 mill. .Thee, •thie Onterio Cut' of 00.0,000. feet ,employed 48,000 Men Mat winter. The eolnieg season will see but 24,000 al, waete 'Theta men will be paid from $15 to $25 per Mantle Last .year the 11- 000 men earned frem $181 to $28 per month, a total of $i,056, 00 ;:ler month, averaging the *ages at $e2 :aee month. The coming wileht the. 24,000, whose. wages will h-om ,$1.5 to $2.5, will care; $180,e00 per morith, • a loss of $5e6,000 in wages. ; The Feed Bill. ' The tom bill of the Welber coiny' is a big thing. It costs about eV, per month to feed a healthy. mealier jack, and the sum of $000,t00 tier month was last year spent amongst, merehantst and, farms fat food timelier: li r the carren. The corning seasert will 1,es it reduced by same .$800,000 per montb. decreased demand for teamsb for bush' Another loss will mutt font the rahia . on Army Praise • work, and their food, hay and oats. Whitechurch Mies Edna Cuyler has returned frOhl her vita, in St. Thomae, Mr. Robert Carrick is taking in the nights. at Quebec. He went with the Heron xegiment contingent On Monday a thlind.reen with it hand ,organ ,visited the village antly treated. the natives to A01110 Musicnd. sink Mg. A HARD CASE OVERCOME. No Itmger feshessary to suffer front muscular rheumatism. Every, case ean be cured. Ferrozone is unfeeling Se peeved by David Johnston of Ormande Ont. "My wife was a dreadful suffer- er," he, Writes. "Foe two years she could. scarcely 40 any. work, Her knuckles And joints swelled', causing torture. To get up or flown stairs was impossible. She took box after hox of Ferrosono and rebbed the sore places with Nerviline. finproventent startled and she mended fast. Today she is quite cured and we thank Fel:rezone for her recovery." No rernelly mons popular with doctors thee Ferrozone ; it does cure, 50c per hoe, at all deal- ers. July 30th ON* Iinportant .1)epartute In ' Policy. • The old age pension. law',. Which will go' into force in Great Britain this year, is not . dtlarticula.rly sweeping measure as it stands. Nu one is to res ceive a pension• until he Or she - has reached •seveety years of agie,. and ndt even thee if 'inreceipt of overten shil- lings per Week Irene investments ox ot'her eources.. The maximum amount eatable to one persee Ss five shillings Weekly and :the relief is graded down to tone Aillieg where -the pensioner lahh an: annual income from other Sources of..thirty-one pounds, ten shillings. Where the ineome is above this amount no peesion at allts allowed .; Moreohs, er men and women who have, already becenie a eh.aehe on . the poor • rates ere. not ..to be'mtft1edjanybenofiV whatever, under the new 'system. - .Even. with all its Jimitatiens• it is hstatiihted that 572;000" people wile 'come under- the scheme and that; .the dram on the Imperial,treasury. in ,the first tett year of operation will reach, seven and a half mmllmo pounds sterl- ng-os'r tour times : the entirereven- eeof, the Province of' (Marie: The importance of the meestire is net, however, : to be mcasuicd by.ts pres- ent previsiens. It is in hae declara- tion of , principle that ite full signifi- cance is apparent. Now: that the -.first 'Step has bees taken it is ,o.nly a.qUes- tion time heti. the 'age lenit . is etiftsto sixty-five and Possibly to sixth, and the amount ' of relief increased. The stee taken marks an important departure itt the policy and ode Of vshiclerie. Man can 'see the ende-Tor- onto ;Star. WHEN TilAT COLD 'COXES, HoW is it to be cured ? This meth- . od. is simplicity mtself Ren'the' chest and throat well With Nerviltine, Its° it est at gargle land take earne inhot wets er • hefete retiring along with one •of Dr. Hamilton's Pali:. Next, morning finds you refreshed, free from cold ant.' brigitt as a dollar. These household remedies are wandetfully- sticces.sful, and certainly won't fail .in your casee For sale at all dealerg. VOTERS', LISP, 1998.--MUNICIpL • aility of the Village of Baylicht.- 'Nate° is hereby given that I have transmitted or deliverei to the per- sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the .Ontario Voter's Lists Act, the copies required by Said sections to. be so transmitted or delivered of the list made; phratiant to said Act, of all persons ;appeaeing by the last revieed Assessment Roil' of the said Municipality at electiges for menbers. of the Legislative Assembly and, at Municipal Elections ; and that the said list was firethtosted tip. at my Oleo int Bayfield on the,184.0: day of July, 1908; and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon te examine the said list, and ,if Any Omissions or any other errors are foupd therein, to tale immediate proceedings' to have the said errors oorrecte,d according t� la,vs..s.Daited this 18th day of,' Jely, 1.908.1.1. W. , Erwin, Clerh ,of Bayfield. , . On Wednesday 675 miles of the G. T, P. tram Winnipeg. fa:, Battle, River Will be completed. G. Gtimshaw of 1inest00 (froye his horse on a live wire and he and ilia animal were .stunned. "I f eel it Tay duty to testify te the Leaving this last mite lucattblY benefit Z have received from the use of loss in food bills and Wages will he Psychine, While travellieg in, New On - $1,596,000. Earle conducting. special meetings X eon, traeted a Very bad cold, which gradual. Competition Prom the States. ly developed bite Bronehttie of the , • worst orm, X d advieed to American competition. lia,s a good Issychine, which Iwadid, ale efttryer tiding to do with the stagnatioa in tare but a few bottles X was Completely re. demand for Ontario tumbril:, The Am- ,Bstroor:edtithiso ahneadlteht,herrtr:oetiobinkti:e,:d this erican material come% lit huffy free net ilandteer;111„irrtetvniseiel yth ead t:ter:ray vierloeme, oeerators front the,other side ha,ve been and efill are putting ,in their product friends at Ilinley and Kltleerdine for help you there will not be a t Penrhes at slaughter prices, uaderselling the rat emetteell0t7eItinr:tn h111 the past She rettrrned home eIeense, tte W. S. R. Holtnee Agrees to Cattediana by *2 to $3 per 1,,000 feet. had beim / eat tittf„g012git4tu est tseek looking well After ber !sit. refund the money. The complete t13'..4.015iityktoter inay raker. the situation, VoCai thorde do not tise with spaameger Harry and I,ouis Diehl of orncl outfit enStS MO $1.00, viz., extensive .bush fires. A fire 'ping P. THJI,Elt, Capt. Salvte, Army., few weeks' vacation wrier the rarental htlettrotht.tgiht kalibliushIt. tS tbr iluten, s ate nitie tyieett.r AnvrnhySota.t, Tie:no:tea, nAdugo.t01,0,40.1.h.4007t,toum the London College, after et:ending a roof, left leet Wf2 et to take viler ge of Bert (ireful, injured in a (Marra ex- it ean saVed, but it, ttaist be dohe eared be Pitechine; ids° oonerheetione at't>ontlitmithon anti plesitift, near Dundas, two, weeke agot before °the 'worms which always ato tumPtiofil4 All drugglete, 600 end ai.00, Port Elgin, until the re -p -m yiegi th;j j5 deade teek thad thither get into it. „„ er Ihe It A. swum, thaw, 1,02.011to, 4 rocif Duty Is to be Welt. But you cannot be well II you netesch tearing goods* emeanarilla whoa eon knovr amt *Weld Utitit it. Impure blood, peer apPerite, headacbe, terveuerreete nest Ore& • feeling -by these end, 0ther Ohms your sea - tem demands Hood's. het bottle todey. tt • fearhihtlee rortak-etarlse%IT alte°1br etarawminenmorfe.aw6wntenTe: of Howl's Serreereeta rho was soon ;et woo lioessidevecrus."amenx Snowy. 034 Queene 4e,, trit4Otty,terrarrhnan-"PrlYndeale"sitbioanvermtliri netr6veutblert44 evethltlie bet to ea Aortae 1 letely beard or HOOWit sarraearille, feted- It, and t is doing. cowl, I win not he without feS reme.v. ;040 Pat. tr:sTrriAdore0fw711.43rik °jerleili:P.71:711iamtmetterel)::;:e4478280=, 174. poor. tense tabour mooe's Barseemille nevem), Tatuttetemara 1.03011°"Doses'il ‘ItaernieaPh1oarille"ar. rla 7itipdatedavallwoulrhere-by c. 11004 LowellAfesi.k POPULAR .E5XouRsi0N., The popular i.p.o.r 1.catirstor4 to Sarnia itn4 Detroit will be. held on Saturday, August 80, Train lea- ves Clinton !at 7.50 a. tn. Returo fare to Sarnia is $1.60. Retain faro on the magnificent steamer "Tatham" from Sarnia to Detroit is 15 cents, Boat tickets are good to rattan ere . any boat in thee to cateh , special train leaving Sarnia at 10' re m. oni - Monday, Aust 1.0th, 'r.tinning 0,0.0114 to Kincareine, Arrange 10 spent a few days in the heals;tful city _a Detroit ", 4ifs STA-2'ON EYEGLASS S TAYS ON Combine, el et gance ad cow- . fortand is decid- edly the meat de. • sirable style of eyeglass ever de- vise& We know they w ill. gi ye sat isfac- tion. -'We can adapt them to almost any iS hap. ed hose. GRIGG JEWELER AND , OPTICIAN ISSUER OF,MARRIACE .LICENSES. Clothing and Furnishings _Just the thing for sum- mer outings. Unlined Odd Coats In black' and stripe, tweeds, white and black, and white duck, Summer Underwear ' Wool and Balbriggan, 25c, 50e, 75c and $1.00, See our. 50c Special, SHIRTS 75c;,$1,! $1, 25, $1.50 and $2. A special value at 75c. , HATS Straw4Canvas,. Chip Mid • .b'elts. E W. Jacobs Tailoring Clothing