HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-23, Page 8•
"Move On" prices on everything in this big :store
to -day. They. spell "SAVING" in great -big 'capital
letters for every buyer who takes advantage of them.
No matter how big or how little your. Dry Goods wants
may be, come here first. We will surely save you
money. Qualities beyond question in each and every
case. Here islthe list of qpecials for Saturday.
An Hat $1.00 . .
Any trimmed hat in the show roam Saturday for a dollar. '
bill. The final cleaning up of our big millinery department
before Mies Reynkilds leaves for tier holidays. No matter
what a hat is worth, Saturday morning you can buy any of
them for • 1.00.
An g Shape 19c,
Just about two dozen left, all, good seasonable styles, black
and colors. No matter what he former price, you can take
any one of them Saturday for t . • so, • .10
Ang Flower 25c •
Any bunch of Flowers in the show room. dark or light, no
matter what the first of season prices were, Saturday you
can buy it for .2
Striped Dress Goods 75c
Very fine quality Black Dress Goods narrow stripe, made
from the bestAustridian wools; will make a very handsome
dress. Regular $1.25, Saturday morning you CUL buy it at
per yard ... • • 75
Colored Suitings 25c . • " •
75 yards Colored Dress Suitingstwo stripes and one check.
light colorings, regular 60c, Saturday morning per yard .... .25
Black Dress Goods 63c • . .
One end only Black Dress Goods, pebble weave, will mak .
very stylish and serviceable skirts, special Move On price
per yard • • • • • • IF • • A .53
Black Crepe de Chene 83c '..• •
Silk and wool Black Crepe de Chene beautiful material for
summer costumes The best quality we handle. one end left •
to seil, special Move On price Saturday per yard.... '03
COlored •Dress'COods 5c.'5 • 1
colok4 wool Dress florid% rnonotonhecks. and 'fancy .
pebble weaves, suitable for fall costume,s.or separate skirts, ••• '
navy, myrtle and red. Regular $1 Move On price.per yard., . 5..t.
Organdies 25c. •
250 yards:Colored organdies. Dress „Muslin& etc,' A. clean • ••• .
up of our cotton dress goods dock. ' Regular 4,0e, and 50c, .
Saturday morning per yard '.:.• ..... .. . .. , .. . . .25
Bath Towels 29c • • •
Extra large and heavy Bath Towels, plain:grout:id with r,ed. • • IL • ..
stripe. Regular 37*c, Move On price at ,
. • . •. . •
Huck Toweling lOc • • ' • •
2 ends Linen Huckaback Tbweling, 17 to 18 inehes wide, a.
splendid drying towel for any purpose, Mote On price per yard Jr,
Crash Towelling 63ic ..•
Linen Crash Toweling, medium weight, red'border, special
Move On price per yard ........... , ... . . • .. • • •,•-• • • • .
Glass Toweling 6c •
Checked Glass Toweling. kood weight. not quite all linen,
. . Price per yard. -
. •
TIrrItish Toweling 12c .
Heavy Turkish Toweling, • fancy stripe, make0 A, splendid
drying toWel, 50 yds to sell, special Move On price per yd. ..12i
Ladies Vests 20c • . - •
Clinton Newn-Record
is the sweet sauce of
labor and a good
place to rest is in a
hammock, healthful
and cool, comfortable
to sleep in, pleasant
to read in. All with -
Mit the heat and in
doors of a bed. We
are ' ready to serve
you profitably and to
your advantage at
I:46es trom *Loo :to
Often Cheapest -Alway's the Best
Mr. R. 'J,. Moore was int Seaforth pia
Saturday. ' • • . • •
Mr. 1.1.. P. Tisdall of Buffalo was in.
town this :'week, f
Mr. Lou+RititinsOn, Bayilet4,- was in
Clinton on Monday. - ' •
Mr: Harry Irwin of Buffalo is Visiting
his mother, Mrs. R. Irwin,. .'
Miss Amelia Townsend is spending a
couple of ;weeks with friends at
LoyaL ; ,. • . ,
Mrs.. McNeil of ,Toronto is spending, a
month with relatives and ' friends in
Clinton, . " , '„ • •
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. • Able:scup 'Wing -
ham, visited Clinton Mewls on Sat-
• •urda,y dalt. •'
•Mrs. , Lester J.. • Davis and fainhy of
Toronto . are guests lit bei: . sista,
,. •MiS. -S.-•Kenip,„ „.... : ,., . : _, ., , :.:
Rev; --T.-.. W `arid Mrs. , Charlesworth
. • went to Toronto . on Tuesday .• to
visit friends there. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of the ,Nile visited
With their : daughter, . , - I). S.
Cook ?the past week. • •
Miss 1,Gertrude Thompson .d: tieuSall.
spent a 'couple • of days this .. wetek
:With Mrs. T. • Kearns. ' . .., i
Miss Marsr: ',D9wSiin et: Tater At Bre :46's
Stan is enjoying. the holidays on the
homesteadin Stanley.
Mrs,, D. • French left on •Monday - ter
Wetaskiwiim, Alberta; *here Mr:
Fnench has been for sometfine
Miss Olive Holland has resumed her
. ditties as %.a member of the 'fleecing
A01' in Tozer ,& BroWn's Store.' •
iir..A.„ .4.. Alexander of 'i'oronto, spent
Sunday With his son, Mr, • ... lex.
„Alexander or•the Ja,elcson 5fg. co:
Mr. W. ..1.•• Mier was in Toronto ;irony: ..
• Saturday Until ,Tuesday. : Yrs:* Tozer
and „la:hilly are holidaying with :her
people there, • .. • .
Mr, Will*. Itrattenbiiry spent soine days '
at 'Ike -Mineral Springs, preston, Lut
returned ,Friday, to eel/brat* his
• 22nd birthday at home.: -
Older Wheatley was in • tl.exidon on
and: Scieday be
Spent in Woodstock with.liti. Ku Wal-,
lace and M. daughter,, Mrs, MeCart-
Mr. James Reynolds, • Whit' ,Went ta
Detroiteleven months as and joined
the police forbe of that et4,374 , . is
visithig friends . in Clinton nnd the
township tot Huilett, .
Messrs. W.S.'. R. flplaies avd Harry
Fitzsimmons were at Benmillet the
forepart Of 1 the week wind took a
number of views : of the romantic
scenery in and about that ',village.
Ditre..,;Haricock, • who has been • the
giest .of her da,ughler'. Mrs., • D.
French for: some mons, lett ' this
week to Agit another deittiter; lilris4
Elliott of. Centralia. • ' .
Mr: E. R. Dewart, •manafger of ,the
Royal Bank, spent Sunday with. his
mother ' in Toronto. On his return
• on Monday be was accotripan:ed by
• his yoting son Who had been. visiting
• his grandmother, Mrs„ Devtart Sr,
Mrs. Hansel of Ethel, accompanied itt
her daughter, Mist( Elliel fiansall,
were ;guests 1 • of her brother; Mr•.
Eekmier, last week, The latter
went with ;thein to' Stratford where
• they spent Sunday with' iii's sfotber
residing inthat city.
Mr. John Parker Jr. visited his bro.
ther, Mr. • Harry • Parker, Listowel,
last -week. The latter underwent a• n
operation a few days ago and is no!
• rapidly ininroVins, 130 it will be a
month bgtore he • is able to resume
. his duties on the G. T. R. 2,
Mr. • Arthur Dowell 'of Niagara ' Pails,
....N. Y., 19 Ithe guest this week - of bib
broftber, AU, Frank H. PoWell.. He
is foreman its one of the large ihanit-
tareturing itencerns which are grouped
about tho Pails. Accompanying hirn
aro his two daughters, Florence and 4
Minot, who are enjoying 'immensely
-their, first visit to the. Hub of the
finest county in the province).
Mr. Thomas- Quigley, formerly •a
• .Clinton, is visiting friends in town
and • Hullett. Por the past i few
• moths he has been carrying on a
shoo linsiness in Tilson'aurg., but on
aeeannt of his health failing he sold
out, recently stud S1100 then he bat
Detroit nth itis - -i
brother, John, and -WO -hi Toledo. . .1
Ile intendstaking things easy until
the fafl i • , •
.,• 4
These Vests are extra fine quality,: but we have too .many •• •
of them. Some have . half sleeves, , some no sleeves at all, • • ,
nicely finished around -neck ,and arm hole,- special Move On
price each.. .. . . .. . ; .20 '
Corset Covers 35c • ., •
Corset Covers, made from very fine !platy English cotton.
nicely trimmed with lace and embroidery, all sizes. regular •.
50c, special Move On price each • . .au
Laces lc•.
200 yards Fancv Colored Laces, narrow and wide widths, .
suitable for trimming children's dresses, clearing at per yard .01 •
Bogs' Heavy' Hose 19c •
This is the kind of Stockings for boys every day wear, made •
from good strong yarns, seamless feet and fast dye, sizes •
Regular 25e, special Move On price per pair . . .10
Embroideries 3 gards for toe
Still bunarens of yards STABS Embroidery to sell. some in-
sertions in the lot, good patterns, strong cloths. firm edges,
.special More On prices yards for ..... . .10
Waist Ends 20c •
Waist Ends of fancy Swiss embroidery, each length enough
forifront of a shirt waist, very fine pattern& special Move
Onspriee per end . 4 ... 41.404•44.44•446••••.41.60 •••••••••
Long Lisle Gloves 45c •
Ladies Lisle Thread Gloves,black or white, elbow length,
fine quality and finish. spacial Move On price per pair...
Long Lisle Gloves $1.20 •
Elbow length, pure Silk Glove& double finger tips, extra
quality, 'pia& or cream, Move On prieti per • •
Wash Belts gild Collars 3$c •
'We have gathered together WI the Fancy Wash Collars and
Belts that sold at 50c to OW. You will find theta en the
show case Saturday Morning ticketed at your choice .35
• issiefwasa
July 2arii,
bu Buying Here Saturday
• We are carrying the' largest stock ot Dry Goods in: town. We buy in large quantities at
the'Very closest prices and*nrrk our goods accordingly, giving our patrons city prices 111 all
cases. We know our goods are the cheapest in town, and many so-called sale prices can be pur.
chased bore it our reg4ar prices. Deal where you get the best value the year round. • •
We import till our goods from the largest wholesale •importing ,bonse Inv • Canada, a firm
that has a life-long record for
• • Dry Goods at the Best. Prices.
By buying from us you get the best that brains and machinery can produce. We don't in-
flate our prices for sales, but depend on our values to bold our business. When we cut prices it
tneans a legitimate profit lost, but there are times when we need room and we Opect our
Goods any day, and we want room, hence this slaughter sale. • •
Quarter off Lawn Waists
• - LaWn and Mall Waists. in, great variety of styles, waists that
aie blade right in style and finish, all new this season. Your ,
choice Saturday of our entire stock at - • '
Quarter off Regular Price
• •
Quarter .0ffLinoleums .• .
• During JUly you can get a new Linoleum for your kitchen or
dining room at this store at quarter off regular prices. We .
don't confine you to one but ntany patterns to choose from
Quarter off Mimilins
Do you want.a muslin dress ?•If so, come to., us on Saturday
and see the many.prettyand new .desigiub and colorings on
• our bargain counters at • ...
••. .
Quarter.offStraw HaIs
• •
Men's, women's and children'aStraw Hate in great variety at
• quarter off on Saturday, styles galore to choose from, all new
Ibis season andgood values at regular prices.',
:••• '
• • 'Quarter off WhItewear
The seawater Whitewear is, at its 'height,' ,but not so.•with .,.. ,
• •us, we want room and empty shelves for.. new fall • goods, . ••
which means TJnderskirtseorret'Covers, Drawers, Night . •
. - • Robes; etc., to go Saturday at • . . . .
. . .. •. . • Quarter .off .Regular Price
Quarter off Regular Price
Prints at 11c...
English Prints in light.and dark colorings, wide width, good •
firm close weave, fast' colors,' usually sold for 15c, Saturday
our price will be
0 .
• C.412VTOAr
114• E' eJ o t
- le.
We're entering on the third week of our July sale and bargains are just as numerous -as when
. the sale, started. We'eve saved many of our . specials tor the last of the month, and it is --
to your advantage to be here early for the following list which goes Ott sale Friday morning.
:•--4.50 Cambria Gowns 97c. Six More Coats at $2.50. 50c Wash Voiles 24c. .
• Eave you seen the coats we're selling' at • .
• 18 only wornens tine cambric gowns trim- 62.50 ? They ate made from tIne all wool clOth
med with fine embroidery. A. splendid Owl* 50 inches long, trimmed with etrappings of
at $1.80, July sale,7 eoth ' and velvet. Regular price 7-50 each,
clearing .. „ . „, .. . 2.50
1.75 White Cambric Skirts
$1.00 •
Just a dozen fine cambric skirts trimmed
with fine insertion and wide val lace. The best
$2,75 skirts 10 stock. July price 1.00
1.25 White WaiSts sec•
You'll have toitptirry for these 6ixteeu
only white lawn wair
s sizes 32 to 88. Regular
price $1.00 and $1 25, leering at........ *150
8.00 and 3.50 White waists
• $1.00.
This lot of waicte include s our utire
stock of fine mull swiss and. all over embroid-
ery, waists that sell at $3.00 and $3.50 every
day. A splendid chance to get a fine waist at
less than the price of material. July pries
114.411Alk*vill OA% A• 640.1 ••••••••••••411•Akiii 'Leg
Two .Big Baroins In , Wash
• Just 0 dress lengths, fine quality, printed
rase pattern in pink, grey. Betio, pale blue
and brown, Regular price 50e, July sale ..214
Pine Valenciennes Lace
Four hundred yards tine German and
French 'Valenciennes lace and insertiom, wide
and nairow widths, regular price up to 20c,
Italy •prlce 0*
and 35c1Vluslins
This big, wash goods chance
we have eaved natil the last of
the sale Read what an offer . .
-we make :-
• About SOO yards, tine Organdie and Swiss
niuslins in light and, dark corers including
navy bine, pink, pale tdue, -grey, helio, etc,
An elegant - ot this years newest wash
goode. All on sate commencing to.morrow at
per yard. •• • • • k• • ••• Olt *1 ••• 4410'04i • • 4. .l2
25 and 30c EMbroiderg 15d
The best embroidery bargains we have
ever given -all kinds insertions and edgings -
wide and narrow up to 85c per yard, all one
Dozens of other
Bargains through'
thisstore. • It will
pat, gou to bug here.
_w_ vIV NW MI v•- v • .•••• , • v - - -