HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-23, Page 7O..$, KeTaggatt, M. D. Mccrolgiart.
Meraggazat pros.
11,, re.1 ,P.414 MI* IT".
I.. no,.
• Conveyancer*, Eommissioners,
• Real Estate and Insurance
Agency. Money to loan,
C. B. HALE JOHN 1111/1.)11T
CM. R. C. S., England, L. R.
C. P., Ireland, C. P. L, L. M.,
Rotunda, Dublin.)
Main St, opposite Albion hotel
Office hours 8 to 10 a. m. and 7
ilo 9 pt m. Night calls at of-
D. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S..
Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night
calls at front door of oMce or resi-
dence, Rattenbury street.
Di. T. T. McRae,
J-Tniversity of Toronto.
Office hours at hospital :-
1 to 8 p. m.; 7 to 0 p. m.
W. SHAW---
Lbecial attention given to . diseases
of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat...':..
-Office and Residence -7
S (loon west of the Commercial hotel.
-DR. F. A. AXON....
(Successor to Dr- Holmes.) '
Specialist in Crown and Bridge
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. }idiot
graduate of University of Toronto
Dental Department. Graduate of Um
Chicago College oi Dental Sargery
•Will be at the Commercial hotel
Bayfieldb every Monday from 10,.a.
to 5 p. m.
• -
,150 YEARS'.
'flume MAROS
Anyone sending a sketch one dewy:palm Ina/
anickiy ascertain our opinion treepriether an
invention is probahtypabenah eA_ mmtirlies,
tionistriotgagtadentiol.f mann uu on Patente
elk"Plelfints taken t ggictrzeitigrarre.tfenseive
opals& sotase without charge, t g
Scientific ififitritati.
A hatiasoinely Mustrates want., Largest el&
Walton of in, ildentiflo jonnud. Terms for
emada,A3.75 s year.postage PrePatd. Sold DT
aU newsdealer*. .
MUNI CO 3618"maii New Ytrk
11,raa .0. ;25 St. Wishbuittril.D. •
The Beet In Current IltatAtute
12 COM eLals Novit.s YEANLY
MANY ittNONT 1001111211 AND
$2,d0 egg *bin; Ad OTC A tiotbY
eNO CONTINUCD 10011121i0
LVEaY humata compLertitg
Northern 'Navigation 0o,
Sarnia Monday, Wednesday awl Fiday, 130 v. tn. (Friday 'Steamer
through to Dulaith.)
and MACKINAC-Leavei
wood 1,30 p, n., Owen Sound 1140
P. xu, Tuesday and Saturday.
Collingiooti Monday and FildaY
1I,8 p.. m.
PARRY SOUND -Leave Peroutel%
week days 3.20 p. m.
Tickets awl information from all
R'y Agents.
H. OILDE'RS1.44174, Manager,
CollingWorel. C. H. NICHOLSON,
TraMe Mge,, Sarnia-,
Robert Graham of Rodney tell 'oft a
dredgainto Lake Erie and was drown-
GRA TRUNK Rs°(IsTi'3/4
To let Class 2nd Class.
Winnipeg • • $27.00 $21,00
Portage La Prairie, .29.05 ' 21.85
Brandon, Man. ' 30.69 23,00
Regina, Sask. 35.715 2740
Moose JaW,', Sask. 35.75- ; 28.35
Saskatoon, Sask. 43.15 30,85
Prince Albert, Sask. 43:65 31.85
Edinontim, Alta. 52.20 37.55
Red Deer, ,Alta. 52.20 37.55
• Proportionate Rates to other points
in Canadian. •North-West. Trains now
operated through St. Clair Tunnel by
Electricity. Choice of sevron, lines
from Chicago to St. Paul and three
beyond St., Paul, ,,
.. •
The IlloKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Companu
-Farm.-and belated Town Property-
' -Only Insured.-- .
,• • • e -OFFICERS -L-
B.. McLean; President, Sealotth P
O. ; Thos. Fraser, Vlne-President
Brucefield P. 0, ; T. E. Mays, Sec:
Treasurer, Seiforth. P.. 0.
William ' Shammy, Seaforth ; Joh
Oriere, Winthrop, George Dale; Ser
forth ; .John Watt, °Harlock ; .Tohn
Bennewies, 13rodhagan ; James Evan
Beechwood ; James -genefet•
THolmeaville. • •
Robert ' Smith, • Harlock ; E. •
chley, Seaferth; James . Cummings,
Egmondville ; J W . , Yeo. triolmek
• • ' ;
Pexties desirous to effect . insurance
or transact , other business will be
promptly attended to on applicatio ,
to any of the above officer's addressed
to theirrespective postitces. Lease
inspected by the director who Rec.
,nearest the scene. • • •
i„eavs on Tuesday*
June 9, 23 And. 4, 18
July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29.
Return 2nd Class Tickets
Frain ell Ontario dationsto Winnipeg
Calgary, Edmonton and principal
points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
• anci Alberta at
Berths In Tourist Sleeping Cars at smali.
extra oast, if 'inured in advance.
Apply to any O.P.R. Ticket Agent for full
infOrmition and free copy of Homemakers'
Pamphlet, or write
, C. IL.F1). STER, Dist. Pos. Agent Toronto
Clinton Nesvs*Recura
.Plow 'Woman::
Author of 400Tho BlographY of s Prairie Girl."
WPY*18iiT, 1000. -BY Mo01.1,lpfi. P11114.111 fr. COMPANY.
'irth0 %Red straight:al hint. "lint
one di& -one did:" she whitipered, chok-
Be pulled WS hands free Of his Pelt*
eta. "One -one," be Bald tumidly,
4,12d now everything Was clear to
her, She kite* lust what to pay. She
bad no feelings of self. The duty was
not hateful or embarrassing. "WO?"
she repeated. "Don't, you, know, Mr.
Lonosburyi Why, Marylyn.!' •
"IgarylYri," he eehoed as It
ele; "11fery2yn! You're jokingr
She caught a shade of reproach In
that and misunderstoed It.' "I reckon
you waist like her 13.2 well pow" she
fetid. .
'Like her eo well? ' 1 --don't know
what you mean."
'"She-ehe likes yotts fffamrctered
at s stand, and teen" dril'er Weft
slouching against his plow.. BOOM*
'him were several, galloping: dots. .‘
"And You Paw the oavalryraali
Davtd. Bond, .
She asifented,
"One went will. tell you. what.
MMUS,. ,Dallas. It's Indio:m.1"
She showed no alga of disquiet.
I.'resently, when she .hat hOught over
the announcement, he .turned round
. to him, frankly meeting his- $4740, for
the first time. "That's funny," .00.
eithi. 'IN, last Year, ad the. WO/ aP
from Texas there waiter an Indian
bothered uer.
.1.aot eunimer before you MAO the
itOldiere et- Brannon did net dare go
gthiLetistP°.13watieren*traPilatiojale:umFidar1ivreelayetiunrg... bullIr9t. t hIati 1 N,17111 lis bee silliTssaidemetbethilatnelssa:
mime -from the wineries fronting the ' Mer. There iff that stockade full of
Paradewhile at barracks, blocking the PrisoOero, and four orthern are con
Windows and through the porch, the demned to he hanged. Before long the
gager troopers gossiped and crafted. Indiana Will be circling the post,"
But In the stockade Interest reached See looked away' at the ox team,
its highest pitch. Braves. squaws and, They- were 'being taken from the PieW
thildren Were strung along the upper ad put to a wagon.
end of the inclosure breathlessly watch- Then again she turned equarely.
Ing the vapor thread. Each swarthy "What about Sheet:7 Town?" she Said,
- at'llessce,..bnistedbi7gpoPedretwheasniaosoktetf11elsotrast lithe inunecalenrsintgoo' d. "Shanty ToWe geese,.
eyroreook a straight line to the When the•troops go, bur-hesitatiniv dawn card sharp of is 3issithews fer.ssis (Ilea. . lou got 0 grass summon,
belching mountain top. . . -"11.latthews does pot. • He will stay interpreter. lie knows thet carituharit
e •
Five huuderedr
For full three •roleuted the distant at Brannon to art as interpreter." wants this lan'. Thet's bts Fume! An' Bradetepursed his lipsbis that/Antal
iiie sent up a steady pillar. • Then fort "Re will!" she,sdid and colored, he kain't fool me!"
and stoeliade saw that pillar suddenly . He colored, too, feeling himself re- i.,ram
nybe, ay6e,.. sod patios. tenvi bis armholes again. "Three hundesell
n$ and fifty, say," be compron3lsed, 'Ma
wabbleas if caught In the vagaries Proved, but from under the wide bat- m'in.. tostandof a • fitful breeze -saw ft wobble, tered felt that had supplanted the nu- . eourse, etaand? by:stdemearYuMstu417ilBut,
forget that beAsYilmontpt:.tgv
eet;00. bong 1.11
thicken, break and disappear, when bia his eyes shone with no resentment. ,
he's warped the other folks on this been downcast. Nowbe guffaws°.
writcli,T Meet g0 with that cernfortiug
knowledge. My love to Marylyn.
Qood by,"
She stendiedner voice to answer. "I
watch," she said, "I don't sleep well.
so It's eafifY. If they heard u gee at
He raised his hand to bleats her, then,
without epeatilug ;milt:. walked elow.
ly away. She untweed tbe tugs end
beaded the =lee for home,
"'Weal," called her father sarcaottettl, 1
ly as she approaehed, "while% Met or
sniffler wnif0 Is day aft' rtnorrOW
th' en' o' tie world?"
She ignored his questions, and tnid
bilrl of the warning,
Instantly /OS anger rose. Planting
hinaseif before her. be shook a finger
close to tier face. "So di' kennel's try.
In' t' **E'er us, Is he?" be den:Moiled.
"Trytn" t' tilt us V come in an' leave tit'
bete. Watil-aitet we right under his
nose? Kaln't be watch oat far US?
W'at's be here l'er? Wars he paid
fer ?"
• Then, riding in on the thle of his
wrath. came, dark suspicion, "Au'
neat's he so ertlzy r glt us away ferr
he queried. "Tabph! tied, like t'
•know -Ah do know! He's got ita4 lasit
away to the wagon seat in the'centiam-
"tlee' rem lb' Fall& Ab think 31°
saki," began their tither. ittintht., NOP
tebneeo ping along the monteb
"Vat Arry,eny new* fele*, dhow
tbet way 'bout tibia part (4$ ttif
Braden fell to sidinirtag ha* Wimp
"No, air. to Didn't bear notOnt Peso
The 141•11100 he fidgeted, "Pena:owe
know they eon* talk 'bout wroth:se*
mitten' tbto wny," be gekt careless:1%
spool go much on that Udk.ligne
years. twenty yeersmaylmi-- 71700,10,
yet." .
InnenSter's face 1011$/heDetk
blittked In dInusay.
4'147 ,,,kleis." went on Dradesa„ olfs
cows, goba' t" be a lot of woney tie
'em, mire as yon're nitve. Hess CAW,
made n good thing of hls'n."
'Cower saki Litre:aster lut ditigassat-
Cows chile help s country -ding mew
,th' price o' late."
"Cows er no cows, your place bolts, .
wortha nice little suus:' protested -0o
other eondetweitilingly-"bundered
I.ancitster snood, "llonderedi"' tee
las, • the butte again steed. a jagged tooth, only fatherly tenderness.
, mid er he asked; "would
' main" Ode too.
n pa ain'ty e sa . ..tu- to.
• still be was puzzled. 'et supposed against the sky. , Above it inaocently "You Wonder why 1 do not re ' • Her father glared. at ber: "You tak- There was a sege gleam .ta his eye-
, she didn't hate me. .". • white,. floated a hand's breadth of he began. "so. that Niatthews cottid be , his rt., • id 4411 would."
"But -now you know," • .Y.,..eis-.0oud.
y. y
She let the reins fall to the drag.
"That isn't it," she answered quicklY.
"We have no tight to ask you to do
anytbing after 'the way ead treated
eaa. But the colonel sent you over to
tell us to look out. didn't be? And he
keeps a man' aver there -pays Min to
stay -and that man is a sight %eerie
'than an Indian!" •
"I could have that Man dismissed,"
he said slowly. "Please let me tell
There was no mistaking her. Utter- And now the trumpet° ran . Obey. lord t' et r Br:amour tautly. "Y• couidn't hev it a cent shoat
HONY'S thet? Are you so all fired tiax- Lancaeter %Meted MS teeth. impar-
t, dumfounded. he could not trust an'' Ing it, two detachments moan ed. One
immediate answer., 441 see. i see." be I spurred . away down river, . limping "No, dad, r11 . never go to Bm,..son. o' seven hundered an' fifty," 'he slle-
said finally. . I close in the lee of the bluffs; the other Never, never! If I did, you. my fa- dared, •
ther, oughtn't r misunderstand it." "You'll never git it. air, nevert. Vire
"And yeall like her just the samer boarded the ferry and was Janded at He quailed before her vehemence hunclered 's a sPanicin" agger"
• .- • .
He drew a deep breath. Ills eyes the cut north of Shanty Town. from and bobbled shamefacedly toward the "Bahr ,.
were on her face: trying to read it in where It made toward the • Nome- .,,,door. "Ce course, if th' Iniuns come"- "Telling you what% 'what.. l'hessals
the dimness. Then. "1 AZI2 not a cub gian's. Behind an envious but fever- be began. thousands ot acres around here lust SO -
bay, MISS Dallas." , . Ishly happy garrison set about putting
. "Yon won't stay away" she persist. I an extra polish on its amts. The
4 "They won't" she drew Marylyn to . good as your'n any day in the weds,
her. "And It they do u shot II bring But you gOt this end of the for& Tbsitr -
E.d. "You'll eome" grass was. too short for a war pony.
"If l'in judging tight I mustn't. ns, Active ditty had not been eXpeeted. you 'wile I don't. In the filet Place.
-rm sorry: , within the motth, yet the time of the Indians are .beginaing to act haft
.." • - •
. "Sorry -just sorry"" 1.dreaty waiting was up at last, for here ......... ...,,,
• He strode back and forth a few times. .within striking distance were the hos.
,"Why -why; Miss Dallas. you - must 'tile. reds: • • . . • 4, '
'understand that a man can'twhen a The worriers in the Stovkade knew
,girl-- , Well. ltd he low for me to talk_ better Like so many willpeed dogs.
-very ba413: Theysire invading, Crow
territory and -steeling from peaceful
• bands. They are molesting whites
wherever they min find theta and mor.' .
dering. So" we can judge that there
Ahotittt, thatan-out and low" they were scattertsi to covet:, there to well • be • hard. fighting; for 'tee -trooPs.
's .
'Something •• stirred her powerfully ' hide their bitter chagrin No war par- . Will seek to pa. s them up.
ithea--setSeththir she combated and con- ty Was come to harry Brannon, to lure . "Oh. Dellas.. how '1 pray to see trou- •
:called from tam bY a touch of deem.; .the troopers Into battle, to .frect the • bie stop: • I am going to the' Indians. •
I know their leaders- hnee known
them • foe.t,en 'years or. more. 1 Abaft
. "
'OSIt theta hi, consider 'the good of their cloud' *floated upon the stet Tshoulder of tbe section bossYon Wit
he air .'
. Ask tbetn to ,arecipt reservation life .:It . growth: Singplee t".battered by. , The.
was *nriT.I. and, fragrant with the new: wise•" he confided- ."Fastillir out toile;
' squaws and, children and property and.
V ith conet around means fencea TAW
they won't. I' shall beg a fewef. them bobolinks sent up their hearty stnighang on If you wantto it'a. your
'to home la with me. 'and. at least talk • larid." - Be ended this with a loves% .
.• inkling of what -might .he expected tat- treaty '
• • •• •• • When she left off. ort. she saw the slap and Made for the don!. ''.S" roma itt
' • , Settler from the "little bend" drive by •
• he could see the Oda. He go/ye-then:tat
er 'on -in- - the slimmer. When :there . '''...glatli. is the firST "'memn for mi. go-. witli iiis ,wife' And , Children. 'Gollig
. home. 'she found her father cleaning' mi•guifiteat. Ix'w* 41611411% Ire°4"2147'
he. said.and walked out . • '
• • makes a little difference".
, help." - ,
He • was in 'the 'doorway now. . "Makes 'bout fifteen hundered ti
. . . . • ..
"W'y," he criett. -here's thet foal Nor: Mrs' diference." .
;cut auger. eTbeees nothing low about captive village. A • lone Indian -the
!Iv» abe mod. ..4A man ought • to be looked for messenger -had. fanned that
proud. Ob." as he was about to reply, signal fire on the mountain, and by a
• 'you don't know bow' „she's felt! She's. wave ef• his blatiket be had told theca -
!been sick over it, .whlte and sad,. and "it •news• • •
lat niget she'd cry." ' • To Cols:mei Cumtnings the !teeming
He winced. . 'early boldness of. the enemy gave an
And you're pet sorry!' .
'When did you find this out?
"That day you , drove . Matthews • would be good grazing and a sinaller • ing, The seeoen is the Jamiesons. It
away. Sate told ine."• • • . • force at the post. Already be feaced I find those poor .wenteu, Mel tell their
' Be walked about again. .."1 can't see for the safety .of the eettlers living • caters that the four chiefs here, arein
wegian ,cin' r th' )(Indite! -Waal, he It was Braden's tern to laugh: lily
is pritty shy on sand!" friend, you'll hist to two thousand
"We'll be killed if the Indians come, pretty soon, be.. warned, tiod arum-
Dailas.,. 11 was •Nial.s.ixa. whisimriag • "Better take fire handered and tiTtY
up read:111y to Itet sister. -
"Well be en ret ni, honey.' Keep away
from the coniee after this. Walk to:
ward Braunou always." .
Dallais spent the afternoon out ot
doors. where everything spoke of
peace. Not even a hand's breadth of.
when It's offered," He flung oat ids: •
-hands aS if be were feeding hene.
Lancaeter., got np witb hip rIgte- ••
eousty. "Sayi.yon ain't no southe
'tier!" he cried. "Jes' a slick yank. •
c'n see through you like winds patter •
• Braden laughed • again, tapping Thep .
,wby she does;* be „Mused pathetically.
- q.ean't.rementher doing anytishig.."1._......
. •!Btit yon'ver; been so good to is -even
Trains, will. arrive at se& ceStArt
from Clinton Station as follows
Going East -- 7.35 a. m.
. 3.05 p. M.
. 5,20' p.
1.15 p, m.
141 -p,m.
' '6.40 n)
11.25 p. tn.
Gettig SouthA 4 7.50 a. in.
4.23 p, m
Going North 11.00 a. ni
5,35 p.
• 44 It
de le •
Going West.
4 44
el 44
Ceased Auettoneer for the County
et Huron. All 'orders entrustedto
me will receive prompt' attentiott.
Will sell either by percentage or
per sale liesideace on the Bayfield
Road, one mile south of Clinton.
United State s Subscribern
win *one note that we have tti
par one neat postagu On each pap
or going to the United Stake,
Thin Means that your sabscrip-
Mort musb ha paid in AdVanee.
expiring please reinit $1.50 Mr an-
other year sothat you will not
miSs any 'eopies of 'rho Nette-Reee
after theway dad .Acteilguarded out
heee• and • sent' that • laid office Men.
down from Bismarck" -
s. • . . •
: • Be: made a protesting- gesture.
•Pshawr • • • : •
you did: And Why? Why?
It you don't caret- • , •
A long •slience .follocked. During It
she Watched him„ her very ettltede.ime
Ploaritag; , while be eolith:lied. to 'papa .
•All et once he stopped deteentiaecUY..
••There's 'S reaSon.". he said, " "why .1
can't do what yon askL-come to tee
Marylyn and -end- :ail ;that" .
"Dad? Ale' '.he'S got to
,'•No. not your tether."'
"Maybe" -the. bitterness t Mis.
. .
Cummings'. slight impelled it -''maybe
•yen denl.think gibe's 'goad- enough"
"Dallas, net, eel" He put out a hand
to her:
She retreated.
"There's a 'reason" :' .11e letbis arm.,
.faII.•'•'"And it is fair and Maiiare,
proud Of ti, too, you' must: bear
It." Bis tette was 'significant, tender
No hint of hie meaning suggested It
..ifelf to her. "Theft rwant to know it,"
'elle saki' ' . •
**at:least for.awhile. When I was at
the .shack last I made up .11:1Y' Mind. it
Wouldn't do any gOod. I. said :6 •my7.,.
.seif. 'YOU keep quiet' But '-he pluck-
ed off his hat and- sentit whirling to
the gun -"I guess yeu'll.have to knoW-
Dallas, the reason -is yoli."
"Me?" The question wan it cry.
Leuntibury -waited, • standing . very
still ' before her.', Then,, reaching out
again, be 'touched her hand,
:he said qtiletly:
4 Again she retreated.. .
• "Please don't go" he begged. "I want
to tell tell you more and ,I want You to
say you believe the. . You tnust believe
There was another. long Mimic*. .
'Presently be went back and picked lip
his hat and gun. "I know just where
it. puts you," be said. "nut, just the
sante, love you." :
• He was eertain now that he had
earned her dIspleafture.• When he
spoke agate it was as one wilts accepts
a sad finality. "I love you, and I
Want you. 1 hoped you might think a
little of e dny, for I believe I
could ID e you huppy, se it was dia.
'Ppfind out that you hadn't
thi ngbt 4?: me that Way; that yen.
we itg ring on seeing me take Marl -
"1 never had mach idea of marrying,
but when I mw you that first tin* -
when you came le through the &tot
you remember -why. then,. I began to
think. Coialdtet help it," He pia On
his hat and lifted the gun to his sheet -
dee "1 even wrote mother about yen,"
he mild,
Ile was flePrePared for the answer
she gave him, for itwas an answer.
• Without speaking, she buried her *tee
In the cuette ef her arm and, as if
seized with an ague, began to:trot:able.
"Dulhuir be whispered tendetli.
"Oh, fuy dear Ore I'm set glad! So
glad', You will -you do?"
But be found himself pleading int6
EDICINE mountain was a
Cabo, Out of ita rocky sum-
mit and hate the quiet air of
the May tnorning Was rising
a Straight blue celtimn, of stneke.
,A flea wigivegged.feent the southern
lookout statleo to herald the phenotrie
non, and in a 1001110ft the post was
agog, Nem) aighted SeOlitS hurried to
Aoints of trintege. where theudied
.Within sight of the garrison 'flag. The
.41etaChtagntzlnnded at the cut was or-
dered to Warn *6 ot them"The third
was Evan Lancaster. •TO hint the coin-
- mending offitez-sent David"Bond: '
But It was Dallas Whom • the evangel-
ist sought': He found her at work
on the plowed strlp, cross draggilig. it
in preParatlim for the 'planting of the
eon.. AS she drove up and down she
Walked hatless in the 'sun. ',Her bate •
was down and hung torward In two
braids. Site wore the snug jerseythat
had been het mother's. Her ,skirt was,
tucked 'up, • back apee'front,. to be out
of the way:' it-diseiosed: nored flan:
nelpeftlettat, however: • .
•• -Not far away was Shwa; a steeling
riding .him to wilanie the greepheads ae
they bit. The bull' Was revolting sulk-.
By on his picket.ropi and shedding .his
long Winter coat Upon 'the new grasst
Ip•deference to bus inborn dislike Dal- .
lee Was wearing an Underskirt of blue.,
• Thotigh the evangelist had 'never
seen her tradeng behind' the m:ales,. he
had often spoken of it pityingly. Yet .
is he catne .toward her now he' felt,
only an unbounded pride In her unself-.
ishness and in her brave efforts to
wrest a living from the son.'
sPlendid -Ruth," • he murmured,
advancing; "a splendid Stith toiling
in the fielder • '
Seeing m, s e gave ti-syrifk-troti
glanee at the alma. , Then, avoid-
The litektnt fire sent up a steady pillar.
Ing his eyes and without speaking;
she pulled up Ben and Betty end. held -
out a hand.
When be took it the Pride of a mo-
ment before changed to comp:Mitten
Ile remembered that he must tell her
what would alarra,,for in, her face he
SSW traces of 'many a sleepless night
and of a sapping worry. .
"Daughter, you are 1111" he declared
and kept it tight held 012 ber engem
"No; there ain't anything the matter
with me, obly"-8t111 avoiding his eyes,
she turned to survey the harrowed
land -"only I'M seine put out. 'ebb
"Never mind the sod," he said grave -
"1 want to ask -did you see the
Mountain ?" Re 'loosedtier flagon; and
pointed an arm to the south.
She laUghed, following, Ilia pointing,
"'Veit I. did. Looks as if claiMS are
getting scarce, don't It? When. it neat-
- to-file-up-thereP —
Midway between sheet arid butte
was an ox. team that had been trite.
eling to and fro aeroas a quarter set.
dawn Th team was now
tion nee „
danger. I kuow: tikotnet, and etingbter
Will be banded over to ,
"Yotere-right:- TOW eati infeetheitil". •
"God bless you for Saying that It
won't bepleaSant with • Matthews
here- • '
• "Rut yon. mind go. Never. Mind.abour
Matthewi.7 • • . • • '
"I cannot go, without being satisfied
that you and Siarylyn will, be safe,
•The 'Colonel sold*- •
"The colonel' shehiterritpted.: Then,
heir resentfully; "Did the wolnetf folk:
send.. any word?" -rY • ' "
He was mildly SurpriSed. "N-n-tio."
•he answered, "they didn't but"- -
She laughed and picked up the reins:
"Well. dad '11 n'ever leave this quar-
tet" she .sahl.• decisivelY.• "if there
what the coigne! wants." .
.. The ' evangelist 'shoe* hia head.
"Thee dwellest in the: midst of a 're-•
• hellions : house,'' he 'fleeted sadly
. -
"Now, if You come to the fort "to
si:arlie.tts could Move -Into .'the
"Hardly • that .with the. backing you
bive. -The 'boys at the 'post 'would '
never see•. Matthews talte year home.
lielleve...nie.,es„ long as you ,aed• Your.
father care fadive here you can. Pub-
lic opinion over there" -he pointed to
Brannone-"is strong in yOur rarer. 'And
• there --is tounsbnry-too. .Vi_hy, that
min hi helpless" .
' She averted her face.
"So You will lose nothing by corning
to the tow., he persisted. "while you
may save a greet deal -your lives!"
"Dad will never go to the part. Be
hates 'ern like poison.",
"Yes --yes- he's feellsb.and stiff
pecked. For such' is putilehnient Meted
out, ' Seel" The or, teeth was travel-
ing toward them, prodded by the Meier.
They stood in -silence for awhile.'
"then go to Biemarek" Urged David
Bond finally, "."Stay there unth th'e.au4,
. . .
"Live on whore she asked:
• From a hind 'Pocket he. very. slowly
brought • teeth a • narrow- buckskin
pouch tied with it thong. Be opened it
Mid erantied a' handful of coins upon a
;petit, "This 18 only a little." besaid
apologetically.. "but it bele. and -
you Muet think first of 'your safety." ••
"I enlist take it," She said, her voice
all gentleness: "Even if .1 •dict -what
about ne*t winter?. I Must stay and
raise things. Don't you see?" •
"At Bismarck you .would have a dote
ble market. Dallas. There is Fort Life
men and the town." •
"I'd -I'd have to plow new 'ground,"
she Went on; "find -we'd have tce build •
again and dig another Well"- •
"There are Men in Bismarck Who"- •
Suddenly she lowered her relee and.
stepped neerer. "That% lust the teaser.:
dad wouldn't eo there," Oho • said.
"We'd be close to totes. We'd hate to
Meet' folks. Efere he keeps, away from
thefort and you and Mr. Lotinebury-
every ofte but Charley." • „
"Oh -oh -oh," breathed tlieevangellst
NW.u knew. It's no Useidofet
complain, but he's fastened to the bend
With a diamond hitch!" •
"Now I know!" David Bond Oz.
A. halloo sounded from the shook. rat,
Ing that way they ssw the seetion boas
Ile was s'tanding just outside the deer
balanced on one crutch. The other he
Wits dictating angrily et the ground.
"You seer sald Dallas, "You mei
And he &art help it Poor &di"
. The evangelist groaned and held out
hand. "Dear girl," he Said, "Witt
kkgoodlby. God keep yob 'all, and God
help mat_ t.see .truly .that,yoti. are Wi..
that t tan do Mk good. Tho Monet
will surely take este that you are prow
toted, LoutisbutY and Charles Will
and caressing the Sharps. Out in het
Lancaster went back to the heartte,
atellty to sense danger, as in her love
of ihe gloaming. minas was like a fairlY weak with delight. Dallas an
. ...thinkl".....sorgied..• their . father. "guire
est.dlsqutet. --in
Marylyn joined. 'him. "W'at . d' r
-wlld•thing,and she felt not the slight -
be a't got th'' sense be ought lg.
1DWA7 of the even, .broad et-
patieg. between shack and gap
• stood an A tent, yery new,
very white and very generous
In: dimensions. Like. a giant mush-
room, it had cropped forth during the
, night. About it stretched the an-
' to:mit-id Prairie: ail purpling. over. •with
morning glories. • .•
The tent opened toward .the river
and was flanked on one side by a pile
of short pickets. Their, tops dipped the
Color of the canvas, their bases nicely
sharpened for the iplotting .out of
ground. Near by, thrown flat, alai a
Wide hoard sign, which read in attiring
blue ietters, "Al Braden, Real. Estate'
. It was well On toward noon before
the tent showed /ire; then there eraerg-,,
ed front it a bulky man of "middle age
who dusted at his high limits as he
came, 'stretched, drawing his long, coat
snug and settled an elaborate vest. He
completed• his costume by donning a
black bat that was of Wrool and drippy.
Then," thumbs tucked la armholes. he
• strolled away toward the Laricasters:'
The section 1 boss and' his daughters
• been.boria with!" '., • • " '
"Don't like him," Dailm,declareit,
. "Pig eyes" suggested Marylyn.; '
At that the section 'boss ca1me.-
a :pa
p." Ybeesaid, "he's as good r 81256:111i.
AfeanWhile • Braden Wag bis' Waye
to the Tneomea Wight, Ma face. Oast,'
his, step quick, •hts arms, Catting .thse
air like propellers.... When he luipb'
ed luto It be .creaked un to the
-har.aiffi:helped :himself. :to a Ihkger Or.
.Whisky. • Then he propped himself ato
an elbow and steed Scowling :.ifito the:;••
rear 0? tbe.rOom... • • ,
• ••Oroci . the gaming table sounded Mar •
raillery . of. -a• dozen Men. Matthew.
was lieels.nP, 'hat tipped
efgar set between hinlIttle teeth: • '
"What.i, .givin! us?" Cried, one of b'
Companions. - ."YOu'itt denote:. ,Niet447.,
plumb drunk." , . ' • -.
Braden ..listened,, tithing away:...Aies
advertisement of brand,* hung • trent
shelf on'the 'ter:side of the: box -no-
'toyed with his .goblet, hie •eyea ,fizettk. •
onthe gaudy,' fly specked picture:. •
"I ain't drunk," Matthews declared.
"1 never been drunk. My stet:Piet attett
abmigou'nnto„ugh to: • hold the. • reequipaur
were lined. up on the wartn.side•of, the .
lean-to, shadIng their faces from the '• mere was more, laughter.
'. The fa
tbttfiey could sere.yaistrngetosieydhisaudience, pOintg-
• thein 'Let:caster -Wive pereniptory cigar nosi, ., up., na;w dawn, an, that
,Wag. of •the head; and the two giris • glowing end tbreatened • to burn kilo •
ifnagthenrervstaotedefionvit•woatch,hehlesi,jearwpszsoernkt; .sehybuettrbtsrolirwged4r7°1;. tiltingtere„sakeY wo of r jusiFall,‘
disappeared around a corner:. ,Thelr , •
c4;14:. -Z"
atirtneed. OP°E4: the' story," he went °IaCe. "ASei1s. SaYfirw:'
_ , Apd that ain t thebest Pe;et of tb
lean-to. "Montle', tnornite" was his - • • •
weetitig. He" made several.. swinging - not a darned pained oficewas fere Itst
. . . sas
bows at Lancaster and took him in
Boston Wen,what d' thbuit
shrewdly from eyes that were round • . cooklasin?astne-'40m9 er b ce;:iiresatsud.tbe-..Thlesstug,' •
and.cloie set. " ." •
Thesection hese grunted. •• gees way up north in the Atlantie at
lays •th with his . weedier 'eye- epees:
"Lovely , day," obeerved:. the other
with, a bland stnilo - Heehanged his absayri obro•ilts'ivec:.a1nodisg; beosrai_a.es,,ahe' ic-"e!litergike, bWits
tacka Wee, di: if .he were:,g6ing by.
Lateester hobbled along withhimitiAariedtt niteerow7mtleetankeporn•siterouw Dobeas
"Y•a.a.s." he. drawled. • "Bight • good.
Some. cool" descending npOn Its prey..Brndev setae
Soft footed scrota the Mom. "StireAter
The .stranger °Aereed. by another se..
he said.. Iffis lairs.Came together wilt(
ries of sweiging. bows: "Yen got a nice
the click cif a steel trap."
place here-niee .plate," he cOntinned
affably. fle loesened Mau thumbjerk. with
",ice 'noirgh"Al • Braden! ••Where. ,d , you Colas •
"." • .
' sir
The num halted in front of the shack • from?
He took the other'a bawl;
gentlent1111,7! said he. "by your talk." • ward; the door- Away teem the cre
and leaked it over, "You're a southern tthheeysabrometig•tnabt e'iz‘pulling 'hint Slowly gg.
"All aim" Lancanter spoke with un '
.ftieudly.rising loflection.
wen." A hand was extended
--- fat baud. Where sit:trifled it diamond.
"Say, now, this is lovely. levels/len
a southerner Myself. Air.* Pet ft there!"
The'. s.eetioti boss hesitated. So fat
Dakota had offeredlinn Ao eempatria.
He could scarce believe that one stood
before him noW. • id. second,- then he
gave it pleased grin. ,HEtowdy," he
said, "Rope r gotir t', settle here-
ab"heutY" S . .
hook heartily,
"Settle due east Of you, air," wits the
answer. "My name's Braden -AI
'Deaden. 'I'M from Sloe! Palle.'
"Won't y' Mete iti?"
. "'Tickled t' death!"
They entered the iihack, Lancizeter
leading. Mlles And Marylyn glanced
up in surprise from the firephiee and.
hrlst!'ir e..ald. the eectiOn boss, mo.
tioning their visitor to a beach.
Braden toolt it, .with more swinging
bows and a 'sweep of his floppy 'head.
gear, "Glad r meet you," he Mulled,
-"Laminator they anale,;""ii;iiiPteiC
the seetion beats, all in goed nature. '
"Lantaster, 01fid t" meet you bah."
Dallas nodded and drew her sister
Continued on Page 6
The Famous Pedestrian
Gentlemen:- •
"1 was a Martyr to catarrh 4 thiri
head, throat (ma otomootk. x was so haat
the doctors feared consumption. r.
tried Many physicians and medicinal..
A friend suggested Pliyeldne. 1 triode
it and it was the only thing ever ittac
mo pay good. I ant AMY perfectly
It is the ,greateet remedy the tirollel
has ever IthoWm 1 a; not need it far
my health now but I use 'it as a.
Strengthener f Or ray walking matehea.
awe much of my physical endurance tap
JAMBS ttBriNotnik
Port Ilope, Gat.
Wraiths la the greatest tort Sew
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in the world. It is a wonderful tools
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acting directly on ell the. Vital orgointro °
giving' youthful vigor and Striagifir tri"-
the system. At all druggists soo. and
or Dr, T. A. Sloamn, Lintit4 TOronda-