HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-23, Page 1• 4. • C 1 nton News -Record. 2ti!tit Year V•Volownli,mwelpmmemmopm”..mmoommon1001•••141111 CLINTON, ONTA.RIO, THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1908 The News -Record will be sent to any address in Canada to January, 1909 for 40 Cents. Whole 14um1er 1534 l'PO'SONETOM. iTCATAEVER •WAS.DONE,PEFORE, XEEPS. 'F,ONTEMS HOT '24KOURS os KEEPS CONTPITS COLO, ..72HOURS Yor tpur little trip or vacation, 'kerma is Neal. For sale by Xeljtoir 'twofer* OPtIc4ara Clinton amisimanni 1 11•1111111111111111 INCORPORATED•ISOp . .THE ROYAL BAN OF. CANI1:11 Paid -Up Capital $3,900.000. . Reserve $4.8904000 Total Assete e • • • 1* i46,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. 44 CLINTON 13RANCII. - COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. Special Attention Paid to Savings Bank Accounts The Farmers' Bank ,of Canada (Incorporated b' special act of Parliarnent4 Nember'of The Canadian Bankers Assoeistien and the Toronto Mare* Honore -• • • Head Office . . ' . , . Toronto, , W. R.-TraVers • . General flanager- •• A branch of this Bank has been opened in the Village of Brucefield ' and a general banking bueiness will be transacted at this branch. Interest allowed in the Savings, Bank on ' ..," m,..,, , s , ..., -61,- and4p0 ,--Rp.itz ? ' 44024.4,144,, i,,..tititts• a year FarmersSale Notes discountedtipecial privileges extended to ice -ovule of,. ' > • Townships, farmers and °there. - ' '' . ,- • ' Office open Saturday Evening 7 to 9. , R. LAIRD, .. .. Local Manager •••••••••••••• ITYRANNY SAYS TELESCOPE. The Walkerton 'Telaecope remarks : .Mr. David Robertson was ia Hanover • the other do, defending a. merchant cif! that place,. named- 'Fred. ,Deutsche man, who had been charged with vio- lating the early closing byeleve Mr. Miskle of ,Cheeley was there in behalf ot ehe, Prosecution, . but lieutechMan Won the ease: To our way of think- ing, an early .elosing by-lew isea tyr- anny. 'If the Imerebeets ean ,gree close All welland. good, it to • sax 'teat a merchant Must close up. at a certain 'hour in the, day whether .he wants' to or not, is ai We have, said, a tyrenny. Our own oPinionhas been rig a ong Irtlie-sWatkertioireense ehaets lose a good deal af 'easiness be adopting the .early closing rule, more especially as all the surrounding vill- ages keep their store s open till all hours of the .night, . DEATH. OF THOS. mooRv, Mr. Thos. Moore diel in •Getietich Saturday aged seventy-four s' year. 'He farmed fox mane years on the Leedom 'Mead and after .eelling . hie firm' to Mr. William }lardy he lived for .a time in Clinton •and then moved) to Goderich. He left an eetate valu- ed.$2,000 or otters:of which the Priecipal beneficiaries are his throe nephews, •sons of Mr. John Pe9kitt, time and his neiee, Sirs. A. •Forthei eacr pf whent receives $150. Mr, I'or- te jteCives a like amount The fun- eral Itook place, an Sunday to Clutterl cemetery, the officiating clergyman heft% Rev. 0, R. Gunn. The I pall- bearers were.:' W. J. leigginS, James Twitchell, John I Leslie, Daniel Me- Corvie, Levi Wiltse and John. Herdy. LAWN BOWLING,. A. very interestieg game of howls wits played on tho local green en ruesc.' day between the Mitchell and Clinton rieks., the latter winning by twelve abets. Rev. J, Livingstone, lamely of „Clinton and more recenely of Lon- don, but who is now stationed sA Mitchell, was one of WO most enthug- isAtie. players on the Visiting WM. He Is well remeenbered here and wan warmly greeted by many old friends. , Clinton -J. L. ; Courtiee, J. Weii, W. Jackson, J. Uar1and.-35. Milkhell--W. Cameron, F. A. rdann, E, F. Nevis, F. A. Campbell, skiP.- 13. Clinton -J. Nedigar, NC, liralitm, A. Lappinc, C. t. Dowding, skip. -14. Mitchell -W. H. Gregory, W. Thom, - son, s. Pord, leerritt, . Clitetere-J. Watt., 1J Courtice,W. J. Stevenson, D. A, Forrester, skip. Mitehell-Rev. 3, 'Livingstone, W. J. Thompson; James Jones, D. L. MeXcalid, tsk1p.a45. • Clinton -J, Taylor, J. Wiseman; W. Brydolie, It, Agnew, skips. -21. Mitthelt-W. Huributt, W. Vorrealer, Dr. iGfll, Col. Dougherty,, THE LOCAL MARKET. Whet 7-ec Oats 45cto 48e Peas 750 l3ar1ey 65eseto 100 Butter. 160 to 17e Egge go to 164 • j Live Hogs $6.50, ONT. $T,' OHURCIII, t .„ A goodly number of Leaguers ass- embled on Menday night, -to. Lear ' the report of Miss Lucy Stevens, their reeresentative to the Normal ,training school for missimes held at St. Thom- as last week, The report presented was ercith 'interestine and instrudtive and the 'way Min Stevens was able to enter into the tertails of the work dune at the i)ollege demonstrated how fully she epereerated the responsibility as well as the honor conferred upoil her by the League, It is expected as the result Of the training sehoel that still greater . miseionary enthusiasm Will bcarouSc4. MASONIC OFFICERS. The oilieert of the :Masonic 'Ledge wee° installed oa Friday night laSO nod arc as follows' "for the ensuing terra.: : W. Master, G. McLennan. P.ater,Dr,. Ball: Sr. Walreen, H. IdeBrien. Jr. Warden, W. J. leezer. Sr. Deacon, J. Teylor. Jr: Deacon, A. P. Gundry. 7.. Gerard, R. C. Belcher. Chaplain, C. C. pance. Stewards,. Gould, A. Castles. Trecieurer, W, D. Fair. ,Tyler, Jo Howe, . •.$ ,Trustees, W. J. paisley, O. Johnsoa. .Auditoes;'t J; B. Hoover, • H. T. BAPTIST CEURCH. • • • There will,he no *Vice for '..he'next .two. Weeks While the builliene is e in the hands °teethe decoraters. The re- opening services will be held'. on the 911 sef Augus*s. and maey will be pleased to know . that Roe, Ernest Grigg has been secured to preach •on that oteasime Mr. Grigg made many friends, while, preaching here lase.,wine ter and it will he gratifying to Ahern -to ha,ve the opportunetee of peeing and• hearing him before he 'leaves for his work in Burmale : . ' . • " , :The Sunday schoolpienic to Bay, - 'field -oe. Saturday last, waS grcetly e,njoyed by all *he, were fortunate en- ough to go, though threatening at firstes the w tethertinned out delight- ful and 'a very ' pleasant time . :Was. -spent, young and old' taking peree.in the racee med. games. 1 CLOTHINC I liorrish crooks Men's Smmer ORUEIIED .CLOTHING Snap This Opportunity to Get Your Summer Suit. ' ' We have had a big business in Men's Summer Suits, consequently .we have several broken lines ' and sizes. We don't want to carry a single suit over, so they must go. 2 only, Men's Light Worsted Suits, regular $16 for $11 �n ly, Men's homespun Tweed Suits, xe&ular 41.2 for $8,50. 3, only, 1Vien's homespun 'Tweed, regular$10 and $11 for $7.50. • 2 only, Men's 'Light Tweed Suits, reg. $8.50 for $5.90 4 only, 11Ien's. Dark Green Homespun Suits, regular $8,50 for $5,00.° 3 only, Men's Dark Blue , Suits with small stripe, re- gular $6.50 to clear at $3.50 M . "A Square Deal for Every Alan." MO RI CR 0 Successors to Hod ea. s bros. Clothing Stcern • ONTARIO ST. CHUR01-1, • quarterly services will be heel next Sabbath. Love feast from tO to lie Salcratnea at th,e close of the merit- ing) services.. New members will i)(1 welcomed Into the eherele rho Alden: did male quartette ,of thia ehuroneeerli leae in the PerViee of Praise through- out the day. The pastor, Rev. W. E. Kerr, wil/ preach. ASKING FOR $260 MORE. j The Public school. board are olden the council for a larger grant by .$250 than was applied fox laet year. The reason is .not far to seek. When the Wheel was need for lVfodel purposes a grant of ',$150 each was obtained from tee Government and the County and added to this was an average of $150 in fees froin tbe students. Out of this $150 was paid Or an assietant during the Model term, The discoe- tinuance, therefore, of the Model leav- es the hoard short $300 in revenue arid It is to meet this thatehe larger gnus% is e front the couecil. , • DEA.TH OF RICHARD. REYNOLDS. Mr. ; Richard Reynolds., a forme resident of Clinton, died in Minneapol-; is, Minn., on the 8th inst. at a good old age. FOr years he fanned id. the township of Hay* He then moved sto Hensall ; whereee kept . hetet, subse- feueetlY coming to Clinton where he embarked in the livery business. Afe terwards he was for seine time care- taker of the eemetere..• Ficone here he moved, to London and the to Mimes ,apolis'evhere be depaeed this, lite, Ho is survived by five daughters, four learricel ared the fittli at herne, • and thee° sons, 'Charles in London and Haratie and Lester ;at home. He is ale° survived by one sister, Mrs. W. Lee of Indian. Head, Mrs.. W. C. de- ceased of'. Clinton is a:neje° fef. the. . • . . • • THE TEST GOING ON : , As . was stated in The-News-Repord lait week the tree well for thewater- works system Was drilled to the re- quired depth Of 350, feet WI on Thursday Met the 'test began , wbich continued for .2 couple of days, The pump, Used-4tieree' . iiicheedid ' 'eat throw What ' eves. Considered an ' ade- quate • amount ef water and .ene an inch larger was sent for. It arrived lestnight froni • Petrolia and the. soloed test will begin this foreneme • Contractor • Peet and his fereanen, Mr. Frank Wicks, maintain ' that the greater, part el the Water Obtained frone the Wellis from a •seeing at lese.,,than I50 Iieptie anct below that it ieueneassary 'th' go. The inten- tied,however, is to Make, as thorough test at 350 feet a,rid 'then plug Up the well to the 150. foet. leyel. If a suf- ficient supply can be obtained at the higher. level it will eines:Jen, very much the cast ef • the • wells, as in all pro- bability two -:win be rewired. . The test is in charge of Mosses. H. B. Chant, eV. S.. Harland' and Sees Pratt: ' e ' .. '1 DEATH OF MRS. T. DieNFORD* , On Thursday .evening lase Mee, T.. 'Dunford, Brussels; passed' into eternal rest at the gime, 'old age of sever14- seVen. •years. She . was a native oe Wiltshire, England, and canie to 'ehis .country with her husband dfty-frite .. ears ago. Seven years later ..they to up n 8.0 a , now. Etreseele„ .where they tontineeee eo., live -for . thereidaindee of .their lives. Twenty-five years ago ,Me. Dunford pasied from life untie Ilea% and. after this' Icing interval his partner new joins. hint. The surviving members of 'their family are their five eons : Herery, and Thomas of Langdon, North Da- kota. ; Edward ', a Brussels e Walter, Great Falls, lefontalne, and James. of Clinton. All attended the funeral Which took 'place On Sunday except Welter who wag ill and unable to get ba,ck ,to 'thee old hente. Mrs: Heney Trollope 'of Peterboeo, a sister of the deceased, wee ,also oolong the,relativ- es from a distance wile were present* Mr, J. Dueford was aceontranied by hie daughters, Misses Mabel, Pearl .' and Clota and his son, Ernie, The Meer - al • services were eoneucted by Rey. 'Mr.- Langford; ; Mrs. Buried(' having been a lifelong member of •the Ari- :glican church. , '. Mrs. Denford Wes kneeler and es - teemed by many in Clintonwho be- came acquainted •vn vith her o'her fre- quent visite, to her son. The 1 past eight months she spenthere, but , she was in frail health and ,feeling the ered apereaehing she had a, longing to see the,old,hotne and friends the egatit and just a feW. Weeles since returned to Brussels. I 1)0110444 • Mr. Newt. Davii Is in Quebec with the local military contingent, Mrs. ,Neil Yellowlees of Toronto is the guest of Mrs, J. A. Ford. Mr, Roy 0..st of London is. spending hisliolidays at. 'his botee in Clinton, Mrs. and Miss Green, who were gueste of eIrs. Jacobs, returned tq. their bottle in Detroit yesterday. Mies 1VieKinnon of Milve!teet is. the guest aMiss Dell, ee their summer cottage in ileyeleld, Mr., and Mrs, Wm. Simpson attended the funeral. et the late George Mun- roe in Brucefield on Monday, Mr, and Mrs, Fred. Swinhenk of Chicago are paying their amnia' vie- -it toethe former'mother of town. Mr. R. S. Holmes crf Londmi ,vesiled his brother, Mr. Jehn Holinee of the Huron Road from Slatureay until Tuesday, Mrs, H. Pennebaker has as her guests this week her nephew, Mr. 'Warren of ,Detroit, and also Mrs. F'rouse of 'Stratford, Miss Carrie Simms has, returned to her home at Blyth after spendine some weeks with bee. grandparente, Mr. and Mrs.: Wilhiani Graha.M. Postmaster Scott and Miss Jean and Master Stewatt leftem Tuesday for 'a three weeks vacation. 1 hey. Will attend the Quebec, 'femme:emery. Miss Jessie and Master Dalton Mc- Laughlin Of Platteville' were the gest e on Tuesday of Mrs. Willem). Graham while on their way . to Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Harnnere. Toronto, will spend the 'end •of this eve& and • the- whole of .eixt visiting, (Heade 'in Clinton and at Mr* S. Rathwell's Bayfield Line,• Mr. .1,ew Doherty, Goderieh:' eves in town yesteiday on • eusinese. edrs. Doherty coulee down to -Turley:. to visit herenOther, Mrs* W. G. Smyth, for a coterie ef weeks, Mrs. .Busha and. Miss MeAlliscer of St, Clair, ;Miele, who were guests et Mrs. ,T.,H. Cook, are,new visit- ing friend's in Winghem. lips will return to Clinton irefere eetunnite. home. , Miss Winnie O'Neil is enjoying a feee weeks- WellsearnedelictlesleYe ,ett, ' Bay- lield ..her absence her • si- te, Miss •jessie O'Neil, iS lookinge atter the 'hooks . in bet tether's Mrs': George A. Rorke, who ha; been • visiting at lir. Hugh E. eserke's for , some day•s, leaves the latter .pare of the eveek for bwen Squad -4144W that place returns isiteeteleieseea Perk Rivets,. North Dakota. Mr'. and 'Mei. John CupitiegStanre 'leave to -day for their- old camping:et:amid at Puric'S on the lake hore a kw . miles, north ot Bayfield. elr. end Mrs. J. •W. Moore and family and Mr: and Mrs. JamesMebath will enjoy lake breezes • at the '. Fern°. place. . • , I ; , • : • . • Varna Mr, and Airs. G. W..Haenwell el Minneapolis, Minn., ver guests the former's brother, Mr. J,. E. 'aeries well, the pasteweek. From herd they went to Goderieh .to take beet for theSoo to visit friends 'there •thr a few der. • • Mrs, John. J Ward, of Woodstock Is visitin frienda• around Varna.' Ste is a very eve come vise The Methodist ',choir sang s at Ilia enitiversary* services is •Iirucelield', on Sunday last and, We understand, made a good impression. • . Rev: A. FL- Brown exchanged pul- pits with Bev. Miele:Ill f fensall on Suindey lasts. Mr. Telt IS a' good, pulpit man and •wheer he comes this way again will be :sure of a large aud- ience, ' . • !student froni Toronto occiipied the pulpit of the Presbyterian kliuroll 00 Sunday last, Mr. 'Davidson .and Family are .stileenjoying ehe lake breeze s at bahny Bayfield. The cement workeathe two bridges on the 4th eon. north is now complete Old the bridges ready lor the steel tops. •• • Cutting fall wheat is the order ot the dee 'and the yield prothises to be .satisfactory. The hay, also turned out? well. Personals Miss Jessie Reeves Defeat, IS the guest 4e "Mrs. T.. liawkine* Mr. Dave Gardiner arrived yesterday front,1WinniPeg on a visit . to. tives and friends in town, • Lcadeelloro Mr, William Vodden, Jr., he isr en- gaged with Mr. T. McMillan, Suriday- ed under else parental roof. Mise Maggie MeCool lett het Thurs- day for Toronto. 'Mr. William Taylor is lisping at , additio put to his kitehere Mrs. It. . Webb and her daughter &Ina at swath ano itt mosont,Mslt. big her .daughter, Mrs, J. Shobbrook. , Mr. G. Beaton, who is attending the Goderich Business College, oamod on friends her on &Way, ; 00.14,10411. TOWAPhip , „ A. magnificent surprise party took place at the =steer= of Mr. Burnett on Wednesday evening of last week. About eight o'clock thetnemblers of St. James' church begn,to assemble in large atunbere until quite a con- course of friends thronged the place. The evening's eetertainment commen- ced with games of vaxioui *bele aftee which M. Robert 1Duetber, silver ',reeds al elovutionist, recited with much efficiency the "Last Shot" (a, tale of the Indian Mutiny.) The Rev, W. ,H. Dunbar in addressing tile company stated that they had assembled there for a double purpose. In tee erst plaee they wished to do honot. to 'Meth erganiet, Miss Emma Burnet, and secondly they had comb to enjoy theme selves as ,Canadians were capable of doing. With regard to letiss Burnett bo.felt that anything he could say Would fall very far short of the high esteem in which Miss Burnett is held' by all eresene. Lookineeback upon tile past we: feel thankful foe ethe succ,e60 which has attended her noble efforte in siuleaying the mus ie for St. James? church, We.are bound to. confese that her „aotions have spoken louder thee eJei weeds can. now. do. Sinee he (the speeleer) came amongst them be had never, heard anything. save words, of the •highest admiration for Miss Bur- nett and her work. He would now aPir her ;63, accept the sincerest thanks of the congregation with the weenie wowing sum of money .as a small tok- en of their esteern and in recognition of her gratuitous ' sl%rvices. Trusting thit she ,may be long Seated to carry en. her labor of love and that else rie,h- eret blessing of the LOrd may -be her daily portion. Miss Emma Burned replied in very suitable te rine. Tea), eandwiches and ::cake were then en- jeYea which needless to say were of the richest quality and were served in good style, after ;MIA tete comp- any: were I entertained in a talented waX by the visiters )(resent. bleeter Wise' added' mtich 'to the evening's, en- joymeet hy numerous eelectioes, :an hts gramophone. The large company sep- arated at a late hoer, thoroughly sittefith ed With e evening's entetteine Another of the kw eemainine pious ceee • of this township passed away on Tuesday in. the person Of Mrs. John Sheppeed Sre ot • the Beyfield Line. She •was born in. Toronto in 1830 arid Ween eight years. of 'age the family moved to Goderioh • and them . fifty's .yea•M ago sfie was. Married to John Sheppeed and they moved on to a farm M this township and here ;they'. eceitemed to reside . until the final sumneone came. , The sei•jecis ' of this sleelich was e kind andhospitable woman, much reepeseted in the eerie. triunity in which she lived for so long She is eureistedefifeher feet daughters, :31reen. Tiehbtree amt Mrs.. John Halstead' Goclerich, Mrs'. 'W.. se. And- erson., Aberf.leen, south Dakota i . ,and Mrs: John Johnston; Blaece. and three sons.'„ ''..Geoege R.' on the ho4niestead, John R. on the Bayfield Line: • Mid Mathew et Inga,'„ !Man. The funeral 'will take place on Thursday afternoet to Bayfield eeinetery, the services, to beconducted. he Rae. Mr. Hiles, Methodist clergyman at that place. e 'The following is the reecire. of S. Se No. 4 foe' the month al June, '• 'the names being: areanged in order of niceit : • , . New Advertioemeats. Torapto ExhtiAtion.-3 Rotico—n, W, Our Jely Salee-Newcornhe'e-sff "Move On Prices-Hodgens--e' McCall Patterna-Coneh. Coe.e4 a. Bayfield • • , Mr. and ;Mrs* Brownlee and famMer. of Toronto nave taken Nies Meat Simpson's cottage for -the sweeter - Dr. Smith, N. Miestard,•.4. ErWizt. R. Bailey and H. Darrow attended taw fueeral of the. late George ,Munroa alit Brrnr. KelliernoPOttawa, n, MOw °fiadaY.a, Mies ,Inander: thf,Fredcalrint,ordal,eMege,uesHtsewate wiend rs. deodeepav, si:onws:sters Willie Witers Frank Smith, Frank Cluff, Clifr • e, Willie , Mor- ford Bell, ,Ffed. Larkin and Memos ' Helm Larkin and Aela Goveleeek, Sea - forth, R. McKentie,41. MitchellHat* Witt, Clinton and:Miss Keer, Toronto arMee7,141Wpienirg in the dlaVuhgitheteCrsit,y. messes. Frances and Mary Weir of London axe . the guests. of her sister,: mrg. Jebv TipIpist bRay Govenlock of .SeafOrth is the guest of Mrs. George Erwin. Mrs. James Buchan t of Geeberiele spent a few days the past wk whin Bayileld friends. • - • Mr. ape Mrs; W. E. Ross and °hill!. of• Edrrionthe are,the guests of Mr.. and Mrs,.'John Widdon. Mr. and .Mrs. W. Harding 'and -dbilele. 'of London are gueste at the COneuses ereial. hotel. Mrs. W. T. O'Neil mid family, or Clinton:ere summering in one of Nee. Marks' cottages, Mee Cole and Mrs. Evans and fans- ilies have taken a cottage in the Vied . Cite • • 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Rtimbitel, Gederielie Mrs'. Groshaw, Leedon,and Sense. Nor= ingvsil, StThomas; epent Tuesden ays elase, • Mes. George Elliott and daughters,. Mises Grace .and Corean Elliott ,fat' Windsor are theguests• of her •rnothere, - Mrs.. E. Ellicet of the Albien hote.L. Ms Edith Falconer of Godericbe spent a few da,ys the past -week uncle= , the pareetal roof. : . Dr. Metcalfe; wi'fa and faMily arriv- ed in their •auto from Detroit on .Fn - day last and are now at the summer , eisidenee by the lake ebore. Mit and Mrs. Ropes- of Seafoxtecatee :guests at Mes. Spaelsroares.1, . • • Mir. and Mrs. 'Feed. EdWaril an child of Toronto -are. guests at Mrs. J.: Ferguson' , The voters' list for the village or leaefie1esehanebe4i• isseed. In parte:me there are 145 names part two 54,„ .and in the third part 'thirteen eemeee. The ember Of 'jurors° is 48e. , Brueefie Id , • " .• Mr. John R.attenlmey of. the 'Bar of . lembilten, , *Hattie tore e is 'spending; his Vacation at his home here.: . Miss Kate Taylor ef 1:owlet:sievt- ing her, 'sister, •Mrs. john Snider. 7 Mr. Lou Eberhardt bap' disposed of' his blaelcsmith shop and leisinese to. Mr. Joe Wheekr. Lou has nioveq,entee • he-41kt *. • Mr. Lon Banner has retie:pelt' Trona • a pleasant .vdeit• to Muskoka Lakes.. ; The letelhodise aretiversery• service.held on Sunday ;were well. attended., Rey. Mr: Toll cif. Hinsall -eras 'thee rimed= of -1 the day. The Vans Methodist :choir rendered very' ' ent music: v. . A ' number Ifrom Btucefield attended' the garden party held undere;the. pipes- of the Peesbyiffrian ontireh,•Var- •On Tues4y evening arid report: a. very pleasant ' time. . • The Rovers •havo about madb. arrant - orients for 'a game with, the Himonsv on Tuesday evening. Watchr: lbw bills. Miss '..ltssio Reid of Bay Cloy, Wtb. is spending a month with het coktsbap Miss Annie Foote,. Bannockhurat. ; The Kippen ;boys are quite regttlirr in their trips to ,the 2nd ot Stanley. Ring off, boys; the cherry re-,s.on ever, unless you, want hey". ' A &OM was .east over .:air `;villagta. on Saturday last wilenait was at.notua- ced that George ',teethe bad suretealee ed to the injuries 1.1istained see Rio - morning of the ,13th inst. The funeral took place on :Monday afternoon, to, Baird's cemetery and the cortege was. One of ...he largest ever seen int this loeality. The high esteem in which Iter was held :was marked by a beautiful wreath Wpm tbe business Ines of .village, as Weir as a number of tithe& wreaths froin friends and neighborse. The ,pallbeaeers were J. ;Kaiser, V. Tomlinson, A. Scott, L. McConnell*. J. Meintodh and IL Laird. de. Mun- roe had been in business, here for over ton years and lied just disposed c f Ate" his brother Dane intending to go West, himself this autumn. f Mr. Herb. . Snider . has been sinking a well for Mt Alex. Welsh cat the Bayfield Line. At sixty feet he had not struck water but wa.s eeeteting it any minute. Next k week Beth gets ready for ,threshing and as he has it tieW, upsto-date outfit he netureely ex- pects a busy seaSon. The, English Church. congraesetion are arranging for a garden patty to be held about the 7th of August. Vane up this date. The garden party held on Theeday evening under the auspiees 4.4 the Presbyterian congregation was a gat - flying sUcees8 in every way. The weather was perfect and ihe:, attelW nee almoet oveellerseeek Pketmester rvicAsh't Commodious Orontes. The mutic furnished iby the hitrpets WISI delight and they were generous with their program. The ,receipts arhounh- ed to the handsome sum of $150. The managers aria to be heartily con- gratulated upon the success "uhieli attendedAhir efforts. • I 1 I i • i•••.• • • A...* .Staaley Township Inthe townehip voters' lisb for the year 10,08 there aro 514 names in part one, 85 in the second part am 41 bit tho third. In part one by 'divisions 80 ; 2 101; 3, 128 ; 4, OS; 5, 128. the nuinber of votea le as followsI, number of jUrfirS IS, 480. / c ass -'era • # # , • -., "Sr/ 3rde-IsTe1lie Townshend, May Sinclair, Harold Lowery, Frank feebe). Jr. ard-thiu Lobb,, Isabel Sinclair, Helen Nesbitt, Heebert. Stoddart, Willie Townshend. • Sr. 2nd -Alvin Townshend, Everett Loeyerye Mantic Bigin' • ' Part tnde-Entina'. Neebitt, 'Beryl FIuck, Olive Stoddart. , Part lste-Gracie Tebbutt, Moteee 1 . Stanley :Township • Mrs. Ortwein of Exeter 4?ent last week !visiting at her brothers, Mr. George Coleman's; Mrs. Peter Douglas of Blake arid, daughter, MrS. Frank Cressweller ; Of 'Iltaluth), Minn., elegise), .at 'IVIlespne; Will. Hart's 'and Ralpb Steobeason's on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. James Turner aiiiend- ed the funeral of the latter's: sister, Mrs. Alton of Belfast on Friday. Mr, Ralph Workman and bride. , are spending their honeymoon with the groom's father, Mr. James Workman of Parr Line. . Mrs. Robt. :Stephenson of Par Line attended the funeral Sb her mother at Belfast last week. . Quite a number. from We vicinity at- tended the iraysbyterian garden party on Tuesday evening of this week at Varna.. Mr, Lausence Stenlitenson 'and siker Grace of London are visiting at Mr. Ralph Steptieneents, Miss M. 0. Jennison of Dashwood has 'been Visiting at the home of Mr. and UN. I), II. MeNaughten. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Arm4trang of Tuckerstnitit visited 13roWnson Line friends on 'Friday last, Mises Pear and Ruby, Taylor have One to Seaterth to visit their eousM, Mrs. 11. L, Willis for a few weeks. Mr. Walmsley of the tippee Canada 13ible Society. preached bit the Gost- ett hltilhodfst church on Sunday morn- ing het. Mrs. W. Dickson of Ilayileld spent Friday et 'the home of Mr. William Rathwell. •- Mr. Georg* Allied and Miss /Jottie Filliott spent Sunday with lirudefeld friends. • Summerhill Mr. and Mrs': Gordon 'Johnston a* Wawanos1 visited the, latter's, ps.rentalii home on Sunday. Miss Ida Colborne is spending lam holidays at Miss Amite Miller visited friends Iv Goderieh last week, Mr. and 'Mrs, D. It Oaiblek Item vigitots, itt W. 3. Nobittse het Week. Masten Ilerbqrt johnsltono of %Ilse Lake Shore road is spenhing days at Mr, 1L rtettgees.