HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-16, Page 8oimmosomsommo
Clinton Newa0Recerd
64 iviove
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.•S'ereSSfiee teee•eseese
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The 'Wove On" sale
continues all this week.
We are simply chasing
out the goods with the
big stick of low prices.
Qualities beyond question
in every case. Be fair to
yourself and come here
first for your Dr,v Goods
wants, it will pay you.
Here is this week's special "Move ,On" list.
Lustre.Skirts $2.00
4 only, Cream Lustre Skirts, rich lustrous finish. plaited aise
regular $5, Move Oo price. .. . .. 2,40
Embroideries and Insertions -73 gds 10c
A wholevrinciow full of them, nearly 1000 yards in all. We
are determined to NOve Out the embroiderystock to the last
yard before the season is over. Your choice Of this lot of .
embroicieries and insertions., various widths and dozens of
patterns, special Move On price 3 yards 'or..... „ , .10
Union Carpet 25c
100 yards Union Carpet, an extra good pattern and quality,
fast colors, reversible, regular 35e and worth every cent of
Move On price per yard" 425
Colored Laces lc
300 yards•odd Colored Cotton Laces; various widths and 014
ors, clearing them all out at special, Move On price per yard.. .01
Bogs' Eton Collars 100.
Berl white linen gton Callon, sizes 12, 14. 13. regular 20c and
25c. special Move On price each . 410
"Move On" theWaist's
mkrz'All the Waists ought to move ont this week at
prices like these. t Not one but is newthis season.
Alligoing at little prices.
Walstslat 75c
20 or 25 of tbern, all good designs, regular $110, L25 and
1.35. special Move On price choiceof the lob- . .. . ...75
All Good Waists -$1.38
This lot is made up of waists that sold'a.t $2.00, 2.25. to 3.00.
Some of the best ones we showed this season, special Move
On price at. . • •.k. • • • . • Al AA 1.38
Wash Goods `Moie Out' at 25c •
350 yards wash dress materials, comprising Organdies, Mus-
lins, Dress Linens, Zephyrs, etc., regular 35c, 40c, 50 and 60c,
special Move On price at per yam' ......... .. . . .......•0
Mussed Corset Covers 50c • •
15 only, Corset Covers, assorted styles and sizes. These cov.
e fLe !messed from ieandlin rice $1.00 • .
Vturaar eat'
50c Vests 35c
20 only, ladies
extra fine quality bite lisle w.threadUnder
Vests. These are the best goods we handle; and never sold '
foriess than 50e, Move On pre
25c Vests1115c . •
Ladies fine quality white cotton Under Vests;nieely trimmed • •
with lace. These are all sieeveless garments and are regular
25c line, Move On price each .. . -15
Lace Hose 17c
50 pairsimisses and thildrerre:cotton Lade Hose, black and
tan shades, seamless feet, regular 25c, Move On price per pair 7
Parasols $1.00 •
Ladies Parasols, extra strong frarne,_ patent runner, steel mid,
top guaranteed not to cut,. assorted fancy handles,. special
Mine Qn price Nell • • • • ; v• • • 1-00
• • . •••• . • •
50c Gloves 29e •. • • . • .
, 50 or 40 pairs of them, black -or white, two donde' 'fasteners.
standard 50c qualities, Move On price per pair • • 29
•50c Silk IVIitts 25c
Ladies Pure SilkOMitts, just the thing for hot weather wear,
all sizes, regular 50c, Move On price per pair . ..... ...„ - .2 -a.
Silk Lace 7c
260 yards black and cream Silk Laces, 2 to Vet
5 inches wide, a • •
clean up of the lace stock, clearing at per yard Saturdays... . .07 . ,
"Moving On" the -Millinery
Never such prices on good Millinery as here to-
day, Just look at this.
Ang Shape 25c
A list of shapes to Move On Saturday. No matter what
sold for or what they are worth, Saturday Move On price ,.2IS
Ang Trimmer:I Hat $1,50
Fully 25 Trimmed Hata on our tables to -day. These are all.
good shapes trimmed with first,class materials. We hardly
dare tell you what the regular prices would hes but two or
three times the Move On price would not he out of the way
for many of them, special Move Orr price Saturday each
Allovers,35c •
• :
Pine patterns 18•inch Allover Laces, white and ecru shades.'
regular 50e, 130c and 15c a yard, ?dove On prices Saturday per
Lace PlounCing,2c
11-yardwide Lace Plouncing, black or ecru shades, Will nrake
splendid waists, special Move On price per yard , ,....20 ,*
Fancg Silks 206
An assorted lot of fancy Dress Silko, some black; tome navy
and light shades,. regular 50e and 60e, special Move On price
per yard .. AO
0001Dress Goods 25c
50 to 75 yards tweed drees moterials, stripes and cheeks, these :
will make splendid summer skirts or teatimes, regular Me,
Move On price pet vied.. ' ...” ” .......25
Monotone Stripes 350
Pere Wool Taffeta, Monotone etriped dress geode, sunimer
weight and scanner shades, regular 75e. Move On price per
yard .35
is the sweet sauoe of
labor and, a good
place to rest is in a4
hammock, healthful
and cool, comfortable
to sleep in, pleasant
t9 read in. All with.-
out the heat and in
.doors of a bed. We
are ready to serve
you profitably' and to
your advantage at
prices. Jima $1 00 to
. W. D. FAIR 00,
Often Cheapest .:-Always the Best.
figs argaeet Carling. has eccereel'a.
Position Toronto "
Will. Kennedy and Herb. Wlelltt are
tenting at Beyfield.
Mr. Lorne Welsh left on Tuesday for
London. for a, couple of weelie holi-
days. • -
Miss Moser of Blyth has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Jothn Gardiner • of
Man J. McQueen. of .Petrellia is the
gust of ;ler sister, Mrs. Janes
Miss Zeta Chowen London. ig • . the
s guest of he cousin, iss .Gladys
Chowen, •• • •
Mr. Harvey BeavenS. gorre to Petmlia
te attend the, (Ad. -Boys' • re-unioe. at
that place. : •
Mite Minnie Ross of Wirighain spent a
couple of days last week with Mis.s
. Jean Ross•
Mies Lily Coates sleavee"today, ' foX
London where she intends restraining.
for some time. •
Misses Minnie • and Annie Cooper were
Visiting in Toronto but returned,
on Pridayslast, • • •
Mr.s. IV. -T. O'Neil'and fasnily; inoved
, :over' to Bayfield t eine Tutelay : for
their -annual outieg.
Mr. Geo'ige Davis; who had: bah. y
ill for several weeks with pleurisy, is
'again able to moVe abOut. • "
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kearns spent
from Saturday to Monday evening
With relatives :in 'Goderich;
Air. and. Mrs. Harry iterk of IVingharn
were' "guests Saturday and Sunday
• 04 Mr. and MO. T. Beacom, • ••
Mrs. D. S. Cook and Miss '.311ildred •
were guests of Mrs„George Biseett,
• of Goderich on Sunday and MondaY.
Mr., Robert Atkinson of Cincinnati,
pito, ,was the .guest for a Connie of
days thie• week Qf. his sister, Mrs, As
July 16th 1908
We are carrying the largest stock of Dry Goods tovvn„ We buy in large qaantities at
the very closest prices and mark our goods accordi ngly, giving our patrons city rices in all
cases. We know our goods are the cheapest in town, and many so-called sale prices can be pur-
chased here at our regular prices, Deal where you get the best value the year round,
We import all our goods from the largest wholesale itn' porting house in Canada, a firm
that has a life-long record for
Dry Goods at the: Best Prices.
By buying from us you get the be,st that braids. and machinery can produce. We don't in-
flate our prices for sales, but depend on our values to bold our business. When we cut prices it
means a legitimate profit lost, but there are times when we need room and we expect our Fall
Goods any day, and we want room, hence this slaughter sale.
Quarter off Lawn Waists
Lawn and Mull Waists in great variety of style, waists that
are made right in style and finish, ail new this season. Your
choice Saturday of our entire stock at •
Quarter off Regular Price
• Quarter off Linoleums•
. During July you earl get a new Linoleurn for your kitchen or
dining room at this store at qaarter oir regular prices, We
don't confine You to one but many patterns to choose from
Quarter4off Musilas
Do you want a muslin dress ? If so, come to us on Saturday
and see the many pretty and new design. and colorings on
our „bargain counters ' '
• " Quarter off Regular Price
• ,
. . ... . . .
Quarter oStraw Hats
Men's, woolen's and children'sStraw Hats in great variety* at •
qnarter or on Saturday, styles galore to choose from, all new
this season and good values at regular prices.
Quarter off Whitewear
The seam for Whitewear is at its height, but not so with
us.. we want moon' and empty shelves for new fall goods. . •
which means Underskirts. Corset Covers, Drawers, Night
Robes, ete„ to go Saturday at • - • • ' • • .
Quarter off Regular Price
Prints af lic
English Prints in light and dark colorings, wide width, good '
firm close weave, fast colors, usually sold for 15c, Saturday
••• .. .. • •••••••••••••••• .. •• . • , . • • . . • ,
• sv- -• : s'••
130 Adc?
(Dr.) Jackson -arrived from • Chi-
cago la.stSweek. and ieSseetting , he
permits:, Mr: • and Mrs'. Ed.- Aodaway •
Stapleton. .
Rev.; Dr e Stewart, Mrs: Stewart • and
family left last week for Oakville
where they intend rdmaining for,
• couple of months. • •
Mr. `and Mrs. John Gardinen were in
Colborne ?on Tuesday attending the
funeral Of ..the. letter's grandmother,
Mrs. Jr 'G. Moser of Beemilier.
Mr. and. Mrs. John Guest left on
Monday for the Old heinesteed
Elginfield, London township, • Where
they will attend al couple of weeics.
Miss Susi t Cook has returned froM
Brenda* Mali., where she has been
for a, couple: of yeaire: We under-
stand. she does not ietend returning
West • . -
Miss Cook; who has been
teaching at Byng 1nlet tire 1st year,
• is home for the holidays and Visit-
ing relativen in town End. (-Weigh
township. '
Miss Mabel Doherty. left on Wednesday
for Toronto where for the next tont-
' night she will be one of thopresiding
examiners at, the Departmental ex-
Mises Maud Wiltso and Jennie Grant
two of the most successful teachere
in this diStrict, are enloying, their
holidays at Bald, a pleasure, resort
in Muskoka.
Mrs. W. G. •$myth has been she gutet
of her daughter, Mrs. 1.,C,W Doherty
ot G ddexicth pt *eight. VW
Smyth joined them on gaturdaY and
remained until Stonday evening.
Afre, and Miss La Vrance, who had
been the guests' of Mre, W. 0.
Brown, left on Oddly last in visit
their kfaughter and stela, respective
ely, in Sault Ste. Marie, Midi.: •
Mr. and Mts, W. H. Wallace 6f Den-
phinv 1110., are guests this week of
Mrs. Wallace's sister, Mr, McGee-
Va. Before returning to their West-
ern home they purpose visiting Que-
bec, Montreat and other points Of
interest on the St. LaWreetee.
Mr. Iletbert Cassels and family of
London tie ViSiting, hee mother, Mrs.
Livermore Sr, and, other frieede and
.reletives ain Clinton. Mr oassels
came up with Won on Saturday, as-
sisted the local corps of lhn S. A.,
Ott Sunday and 'on Monklay took in
the Orange demonstradon at Goder-
ich, returning to London that even-
ing. ,
"INA W 111, AMA W ..•••••••-•www••• -wit! .111nlirer ..44rwcw...1.44,99
.Pry. Obcios
•. .
The whole town is talking about the bargains we are offering at our big July Sale. Never
have sAt had such wonderful values to offer and we are going to keep it up through the entire
month of July, If you haven't been able to atteud the first days of the sale, come this week
and you will be surpriced to see the great savings ,to be obtained here. Here is an entire new
list which goes on sale Friday morning along with the other items of last week.
Two Big biove Specials
$1.25 'Long Black Silk
„ Gloves 680
34 pairs Long Sleek Silk Gloves. made in
extra heavy quality, the, best $1.00 •and 1 25
qualities, ready Friday at . .... „ 88
tong Lace Gloves 49c
'•28 pairs, Long Lace Gloves in 'black and
' white, eegular price 85e, July price."... .40
I •
40o 1.4a,e0 Hose 25c
lust three holies in three SIM% tidies Blaek
tace Hose, an extra fine quality, our hest 40o
hose, July sale I • • # V 4** • t•••• .... • • *V• .25
$2•60•White Goals $1.50
' 28 Ladies Cambric Gown#, trimMed with
, • fine insertion and embroidery, the finest Gowns
: in stock. reguler $2,50, Inly sale, .... 1.50
*3.50 Lawn Viraists $1.69
slV•cittyottir thence -to get a fine Lawn
Waist fit
itbnit half price 112,50, 8.00 and 8.60
fine lawn and allover enstiiroidery waists. Made
in a variety of peetty styles iti three-qaerter
and long sletwee, sizes 82, at, 86 and 88 only, a
laplentlid bargainnow at... • . • • •• • • 1.60
New Wash Skirts $1.00
Itist one dozen *bite pique end duck Wash
Sitirfe. the hest $2.50 quality. 'YOU CO hetet
1100419 for these at each . 1.00
. a
$2 Parasols at $1
• Just the even dozen, Ladies' Fancy Sun
• Ovules invharnpagne, green, brown, pink, pale
blue:and rel flower effects, regular price to •
$2•50 each, July sale each 1.00
Dollar Embroideries 50.0
How is This for a. Wash
• Goods Bargain?
500 yards fine Dress lkluslins. Scotch and
Canadian Ginghanis, Chambrays, Spot and
Stripe Duck for dresses and wash suits, Navy
blue Prints a yard' wide White Spot Muslin,
White Stripe Mualin, wide,
and fancy dress
duck and line English Prints that sell every
day at 15c to 25e per yard. On sale in the base,.
'went, commencing Friday at per yard .10
0 Coats Left at $1.50
If you have not Secured one of these Coats
this will be your last Chance. ' Six Light Tweed
Coats, sizes30 to 40, regular price $7,50 each,
clearing at; ••••8••11••11111.4'lls •••••40,4••• 2dA50
$8.15 Black Cheviot Coats
Eight only, *motl's black cheviot tight
fitting Coats, made from imported English
eloth, lined with Italian cloth, best $8,75 qual-
ity, Juis, :8.00
Remember -All goods ad-
vertised in last week's pa*
Pers On sale, and will be
until the end of the month.
Another Embroidery chaneei, commencing
Friday. Nine patterns 10 -inch Embroidery •
. Insertions for waists, the most beautifig designs
shown this year, MAO Corset Cover Embroidery
regular average' price One Dollar per yard, July
.... ••1••••••••••• "4044 .50
More Lace Curtains at 1.29
We will have another dozen pairs ready
Fridays fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, 84 yds
long, 50 and (10 inches wide. regular $2.00 and
2.25, July eale..... . 1.29
$5.50 Wash Dresses $2.00
• Just a few left wornen's white linen and
duck Wash Dresses, -rimmed with embroidery
and insertion, SW'S, . 38 and 38, regular price
S5 and ,50 each, 3 sale
Wide Taffeta Ribbon ltYc
This chance for Friday and Satutday only.
250 yards wide Taffeta, Ribbon in almost every
wanted color, spacial for two (laser per yd JO
, . 4
• • 4
Millinery at Your Own 41
Price 1
cleared of all summer stocks i d in a short
I Our Millinery department ra niiihr being '1
time it will close for the thithhi . • It von want
a hat Made to order, we tan attend te yore '1
wants now, and almost everything at bed price:
end lore, .
. ••• • , .