HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-16, Page 5',1111MRINP11111.1111111111.1111011.1111.4”- 401y. .105th 1908, The Recital Given by Mb*. Ufttte Rumhali in rargo 1Was aa "Artistic Triumph." 'The following free'. the Tribene of the City of Verge, South Dakota, will be reed with interest by the people Ot this ditetriet, the MiSs Runthall referred to being the Tet0bgesit. daingh.' ter of I. F, ReMball of Olin:toll : Before a brillieet audienCe that filled every aVailable Peet in. the epacioUS Aulditori ne Miss RuMliall end: Xiss liaZeit gave the annual Nerroal re - fetal o Thursdke evening. They 'Were assisted by Miss Ma,rie Paige, violinist, and Miss Asleug Olson, ac, companiat, both of Fargo. The annual recital is generalle tine iderstood to he exprespive of the high- er artistic life of the educational in- atitution, and in this sense the work of Miss Runaball anti Aliso Haleelton caeweasily be said to have set a ` new mark, for upon every and the recital of Thursday evening is conceded to have bete. an. artistic triumph. Both Miss Rumball and Miss Hazel-. ton -were at the conclusion of their r eepeotive numbers, called before the footlights and presented •with, tokens -of arpreciation in the form of magni- ficent baguets of roses and game - tions. Gerhert Hauptman, one of the grealbest German dramatist, whose work in its social tendenciesis in Close touch with that ef Leo Tolstoi and Henrik Ibsen, departs somewhat from his usual style of subject matter in his symbolic drama of "The Sunk- en Bell.'" It has been called the "fairy drama." That bang the at- mosphere, At was fitting that kiss Harriett Rumball should select it fOr Presentation, since she herself sugg- ests daintiness and quainthese. It was rendered in an artistic, pictue- esque and interesting manner. The poetic trend was well sustained: Per- haps the finest piece of work was reached in the climax, when Hein- rich sees the prhantoms of his child- ren, hears the sound of the bell, and -exclaims "The Sure -bells are ringing." Miss Rumb•all'a' work was character- ized throughout by a fine perception of the subtleties of Hauptman's meter - piece, and her sustained power would :have been a se.v.ere tax even upon one -of greater phyeical strength. There 'has never been any question as to Miss Rumball's art, but "The Sunken Bell" gave opportunity for the display •of beir versatility, inasmuch as it called for a powerful portrayal of the Most varied and most intense emotions of which the human soul is capable. 'That she echoed the soul -throb of T-lauptman's characters is "mqueition- able, and therein lies the evidence of her art. . Following the _ reeltal came Presi- dent Welds = reception to the senior olass. It was largely attenlded and_ proved ,an enjoyable fimetiOn. IVIiii Lucy Weld presented, the guests and in the receiving lime were Peesident and Mrs. Weld, Dr. and Mrs. 1W. . J. Awry, Miss Rumball, Miss Haeelton, :and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stanford.' GRAND TRUNK RSVMAN11 • 418.25 TO QUEBEC AND RETURN.. —FROM CLINTON.— Account of Tercentenary Cele- bration. Tickets good geing July 18th to 25‘th ; Return limit August 3rd, 1908. THE POPULAR ROUTE .TO MUS- KOKA AND LAKE OF 'BAYS. . Train service and equipment the best. Full inforrnaeion from Greed Trunk Ticket Agents. F. R. HOD.GENS, Up Town Agent. A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent. M. JACKSON & SON Peeler in all kinds of Scrap Iron, Rags, etc., Albert otreet, three ,doore eauth a Fair's grist mill, Clintee, ring in year geode. We pay cash. Machinery eaSit iron 9-40 owt. Wrolleht iren 400 OWt Stoves 42.0. cwt. Irfert Mixed, according to quality. ,tags 46o. Cwt. Rubbers 5e. Hope hair 23e. M. CePene and brass. 71,c. 1h. Sheet zinc or lead 2e, Wool pickings according to quality. -7- WE SELL, Iron fence posts for .25c., iron pipe for fencing your lawn and else brass candlesticks at• $3 a, pair. IM; JACKSON itc, SON A,LBERT ST. CLIN'TiON, • Blyth Rev. Mr. Spence ot Toronto is to occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church next Sunday a. in. At 4.15 re m, he is to address a mese meeting in, •tbe same elmech in the intexeets �f Tempeanoe and Moral Reform. In the evening he will preach in the IVIethe- dist chuech ; :the service in the Pres- byterian church will he withdrawn for that evening. Mr, jos. carter, one of the manila ers of our village council, had the rnis-: fortune to get part of his foot badly bruised hy the fall ot a heavy casting at Mr. E. Livingstone's which was having repairs done to it, ' Oherry picking is the order of the day. Tbe coalmen red cherry, known the Canada Red, is a very plenti- crop in this section. Tha. erep prospects. are excellent in the elitrieteabout this village. • Auburn. • Aourcos civic holiday Will be • on the 5th of August and will be cele- brated ,the Point Farm. Every- body' is invited and will be made wel- come. For accommodation apply to a. Knoe, Grand Bend. Mr. William Fritz, hotel keeper, died very suddenly. on 'Saturday last., Ho had been in the barber shotf and a few- minutes atter leaving there he 'dropped •dead. Heart failure' is ,Supp-. osed to here been the causet Goderich • , • Monday was; a 'good dayi for the hotele Mul reetaerante fee .the crowd was. big One. . Mr. Fred. Muriel has had a,* water seevice put into his new .driving h�is Mesdames George andeel.ames• Mc- Kay and Master NfteVnt,revit,1*.tice- field were the guest e of Mr.: and Mrs. Malcohn McKay ,on. Thursday last, M. Frank Foote is -out after. :his confinement with typhoid fever: Mrs. (Capt.) 1VIcDiarmid and littk Son were passengerson the :King Ed- ward as • far. as Little Current Where the Captain is. at work izi h his dredging outfit:. Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur licibezts now occupy theleiuse on Wilson .3treeti for- , , merly oecepied by Mrs- Macdougall, Whoopi4:eough still liegers. • The'News-Record to .any address te the end of .1908 for 40 cent. ' t+++4++++++*++++++++4+++++4+++++4+.44-4444-444; The IVIOLSONS. BANK .1 lefOORPORATED 1855, - - Capital - - . • $3,374,00 Rest Fund - - '$3,474,000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the. World. , • . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SAVINGS EtANK DEPARTMENT: I................. at all Branches.. In110 terest allowed at bighest current' : Clinton Branch, - C. E. Dowding, rlanager . 4-++++++-44+4+++++++++4 4+++444-..4-f+++++4-444+++ AMMINIMMI 1 A HOT "SEAS:Q.N, The hottest weather yet to corne. Prepare by getting a' Gasoline or Coaroil Stove. A few left yet and at reduced prices: $4.50 Gasoline Stoves foi$3.75 0 -be) • " 15.50 " • " 14,00 17.50 " 15,00 1 only 13.50 " *6. hand .5,50 " 11.00 Coal Oil " " 3.50 25 gallon milk cans 4.25 30 • " " 5.00 40 ' it (4 0.75 Aluminum and Grahite preserving kettles at a DISCOUNT% oroasuagairollioisai.s.i HARLAND-. BROS Stoves and Hardware; clinton New* -Record •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••04••••••••••41 .The News From Coderich * 131,01Sli A. sallowest OerreePendent le••• •100.••9•••••••••••010•414.1440 141141**110114••41••• Nee* • Xeskrs. Doty of Goderieh end Chew oI Midieuds beve puxelia,sed the Steam- er Canade which 'wed ro pier from Owen Sound to Balmy Lleaeb. ehe Price paid war. $2,500. IVIiss Strang Jet the Grimsby High Scheel is at her hon10 for the bole - days. • Mrs. Charles William &ems, we learn, has - alcoMted a position la Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Halstead, fermerly Mrs. Ostrom, now reside in their new purchase'en Victoria tithed, the cern- fortablei residence of •the later Mrs. J. Cox. • 1Vlioe Tancott hae had the experience of Miss Foster in ,findlina zu bird's nest in a clothes pie bag haeging on . a post, only that Mis'e Foster fonnd the nest in a lieh bag hanging on the, clothes line. 1V1iss Taneott found 6 one:n -the nest, Mr: J. 3, Wrilellt of the Pak, House is out with green pees, Mr. Waite Pridharn is enjoying a trip to Winnipeg and. Prince Albert, * Lewis P. Rundle Who hale been at- te•nilingr a. Cleeelandt Soliools of Science is now at his home "Rundle Park," Huron Road, • Morrow awl Connelly contributed 10 lates to J, F. Andrews. lot shipnVento the ten weighing altogether 3170 lbs. A burglar alarm wao p1a0ed in. the Goderich Post office laet week. Two rinks of our local bowlers went les Stratford on Wednesday to take in a toUrnamelit in that Classic- city. Mrs. Thos. Smith a Clinton was the guest of Mre. John Yule, While in Goderich lest.vieek. , . • Mr. Harry Clump Was One of ; the 0. H. B. •from Toroeto lasteweek. • Mr, Hugh MeMath, Hyde' Park, and little nonliew, Brogden„ dune Up with the excursion. They' were the gueees of •Mr. axid Mos. William .MeMatle Hayfield Road. • Dr H , 1. and MM. Strang arrived safely in England on Tuesday of east • Conducter MelVferney of the C. P. R. and his sister, Miss IVIclVierney have taken, up their residence in the large •bridc house -• .on,.• Light house street owned and formerly dedipiele by. Mrs: NeWton hew of Toronto. • Mrs. E. M. Lewis!, and family. enter- tained Some *friends on S-aturfay even- ing at -Point Farm, • Mr. and • Mrs. , George Porter and family are at Point Farm this week. . . . Miss Dora Phalen, nurse in train- ing; Chicago, is home for her -heti- Miss Mastersen, 'trained nurse, ' of Brooklyn,' N Y, is spending her vaeatiori with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Griffin. ••• . Mr. ansi. Mrs, ; Bernhardt :(nce Miss • Carrie Smith) •have reesoVed from the Bernhardt hotel Galt and reside in ' • Je Belled". 'Whitely, and het 314e4, Mrs.. '(Rese' ): 'Le GFare'ef- Laxisixig,, I attended', the. 'funeral of the latter's Mrs, Col- lins late . Of Kincardine, Whiali took elate* at her late re-Sidence lasi wed:, . Mr.*: Charea• Wells Of the Batefielci Read brought to town :the first• new notatees. • - ' Harry eIolinstone .brother of Judge Fred: Johnston 'ha S ,heene Prothoted the Ciown Lands Dpi of Canada to he supervisor over aliout et) .(,eown Lands .A•gencies. Hi S• first 'work .begins act Sault Ste. Marie an. Monday.. ; .110 the 'pleasure of receiving a in the photo., ' So some one has held. Om photo-, graph and emelt it away with the. or- der for 'Smeyienir views of Hayfield. Rev. and Mrs. Graham and little child; registered at Laikev.iew 4141n Aveinue see -&'ateindity. Ieoth receisocl many wagongreetings during their etey. We regret very -much to chronicle the death of heargeret, Webster, beloyed wife of Robert Given on Monday, 6th July. Shn had been in delicate health for the lasts few years, hut this seas - On grew gradually womse. The, deceas- ed was both. in Aberdeen, Scotland, WC was Only two years of age, when her parents liemoved with her to Can- ada, making their home in Hamilton,' later remevinAr to $t, Helen's, where sil0 was rokirried to Robert CrirvIeltt, who, With his bride settled in .Goderich. Mrs, Given. is survived by a ond husband ainl 6 children, four sons and two daughters, John of Ira:minim, William oll Harvey, Toronto Cecil and Miss Core at home, and, Mrs. Griffiths of town. Mrs.,. Given is also survived by two brothers and a sis, ter, George Webster of Sault Ste. 1Vlich.Andrew Webster of Port Arthur and 'Mas. Mettoek, Green- land, Mich. She was a faithful mere - bee ef the North St. Methodist church until her illness ; a very faithful wife end mother, brought up herfamily in a truly 'ehridia,n manner, all indus- trious, and devotid to their home and and Ito eech iather, The funeral took plea) from her late residence on Wed-, nesday. 8th Juiy, Rev. Dr. Deegan of- ficiating at house and, Maitland cm- dory.- The. casket' had many floral tributes laid eipon it, a,mong them be- ing a, handsome descent of pink.' roses;' white carnations ...and Sweet'peas. A lovely wreathof carnations andlUie fern, was the tribute:, of her de-' voted family with "Mother", in geld letters uncle a. White ribbenbeteg the funeralserviee thee Hymn "Jesus Lover of- my Soul," was sung by all present . The, pallbearers were William Holland, James' Tait, M. Carl, Henry Robinson, Alex'. Johnston, and jacob• Stokes. The sympathy .of ow citizene- is. extended Mr. Robert Givens arid his family in their. gad bere4vement. On Sunday evening Rev. W. H. Gra- ham Of 'Chatham preached a sermon •On problems and their use, He took his text from :St John .14-7-30 "He bath nOthingin me" whiCh Christ said to affirm of e'en had 'nothing with Which' to • attract Christ and Christ .:witli..1._ .whicb Ao attract him, Mr. Carslake accoMpanying organist with his cornet. He also elayed a beaultiftil cornet solo, at the offertory. . • • • Mrs.:Burgess of Toronto • and her two grandsonswere. the guests last week of their relative's, the, Missee Barra.- ‘, Dr. .1VIa1ee1ni hakeils: reeld,eze-•e. 'orielVieteeteeet -painted', this Month, e rich cream color, with: choe- olato trimmings which realms quite an improved appearance te ihe whole builthng Mrs. Watson's house On Lighthouie • St.', has teamed up pretty high; and will be quite a stately home when finisbed. • Mrs. Ryan and little daughter Rta of Straitford :were the guests on 7th July of Miss Frances Jobastbn. Miss 13..,ssig Johndone (nesigel at Point* Farm for the seas/in, Mrs. Fulierd iS at her name for the' note' from ildis-s Rose, demenetretor • season, 'having spent the winter seas - 0,• 'A. C., Guelph -dated July 9th. 'In oii in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. Feank Humber who has been very ill lately. • -referring to the picnic of the Gut:mach 'branch held at Benmiller on 2nd July; MISS' Rose saYs. "It was to be Major • Joseph Beck of 'Toronto, regretted' that the weather proved Se' epent last week in tome the past of „enfaeorable fer ,the elenic that day, his 40"er-in-law, Mr Jobit Kerinifte- blit we had a nice: time . together. I ham. • Mrs. Beeleifilrie hope you were nenee the worse for the outing. we. 4fave ha,d a mast splendid series of meetings, sixty-six ladies out this afternoon. Mrs. Arthur StewaXt and little daughter,' Margaret of Detroit = am tbe• guests. of 'her extents, MM. George' *Milian; at the old, Viles residence, Mr. john Peine and daUghter, MisS Maud, Mrs. T. E. Paine, erre daughter Phyllie, and Klee Elspeth Matsfon, all of Toronto .and Mrs: Jane Phillips of Belfast Were allthe guests Of MM. E. Black last week. • Dr: Robert Le filiitizel of Jamaiea, W. I., • is Spending sono time at tee faindly iesidenee Nelson aleeet. Mr. . and . Mrs-. Jack . Clunis, and, daughter, *Mist Mille and little etiis Isabel Bernhardt,. niece of Mrs. Milts ail of Leaden are the guests of W. Smiles and M. Percivei E. Bell, Cambria Road. . . Captain . William Tettlemay eame in with his steam barge "Teeumseh" feom Cleveland on Saturday evening on ratite for Wiarton, with a cargo of 1150 • tons of goal, for the Colonial coznent weeks. 'This As the first trip of the "Tecumseh" to otir harbor, en- der the commend qf the• present own- The Mieees Susie and Charlotte Hamilion of • Sebringville and ...their little ziephew were the guests while hike eerevieee-'sfaqiiithrt;ensister; miss IVfunro. • 'Able Miss Olive. Moore of Strat- ford is the gueet of her aunts, Mrs. Story and Mei 'Munro. Mrs: Charlie Shannon atid her friend Miss Glankler left on Saturday for Detroit to visit eome relatives old later Meted to their home at Mem- phis. While here they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. chartte symobs,. father for a few 'weeks. • - • • Mi. and. Mts. AOtise and their clever soil Eddie were in town on Meeday and Tuesday of last week, •, We receive:I a souvenir card from Hayfield on Wednesday With a photo gravure of Dr. Metcalfe's, old colonial sbyle summer residence, and on: Mad - the card fount that it was from Mrs. Charlie Symons, •Whe with her peak from Memphis, were spending the day at the residence of Dr, Met- calfe and faintly *of Detroit, When we saw the evriter'e signature, we thought that the card was from Keewatin, where another Mrs. Charlie Symons resides. The De. hire really' built him- mlf a lovely Canadian hone in Bay - On Friday evening the grotanle .01 Mr. R. 11, Ciitt were beautifully it-. luminated, the beantifill• moon shining in all it e selendor and the ate Uncial lied adding its brightness, to the teem: The children around • the flower Italie looked like fairies, with their bunches of flowers,' asking every one who approached to buy a bequest. We were preSonted with or& Of nastur- tiums anpl • • mignonette; by :Veal Alice Saunders, but we missed Mr. Wax- noeys present of a RUsSian Sun- flower, as that: grand ,golden petalled (fewer has not yet !seminal. 'Ilse floW- er giriS were 'the Miss Alien Saunders, Retteetleeteeetee-Alletie -Mabel -Dot-ye' and Josie Saunders. The, candy table waS pladel in the summer house where) choice coofectioris were it) the eau of Mesdaines Mile . McLean and Beattie. The fancy ,table wee well Superintend - by Mrs,,N Archie' Ma,edenald, Miss Ralph and Andereen, The lawn was in beautiful condition, the ladiee wore teautifully, deeSSettl, arid the heed In uniform, added much to, the metur- Mrs., Brigel is 11 e emee ey ter recto apprereeee et ehe seene; Al - sister, MISS Symone at her resiktio fogother H. was a grand 'Welling, ' Old exceedingly well patronized. Many visitors from several cities, were, juts- geitroet;ktoedtsi. enjoyed the lovely tea aud Mr. Meow, ibeurance eeent, has vernor Endorses Othe7-Promiat Americans 5 00111.11.10.0001101111111100110110.11101111111. o yarning Pearuaina. atVe Peartierna Great Credit) •4000:00r, ,y eieetreoseeMeeeeeeee "I have such confi. dence in prominent per- gonal friends who have usea sand endorsed PeNru-na that I feel justified in assuming that it is a valuable remedy for ca. tarrh and an excellent general tonic." John W. Hoyt. Rx.00vemor or wyoming. • •;;;', f..1/ ee• ese he • lgagnifieent State Capitol Building of Wyc7nning.MMi*.•10% AMONIINdiiegiMEMINEMMEMEMEMNPMEMMOMMFEAS..ss, Or. PROMINENT AMERICANS. pany is authorized to use, ifit so choosge, believing, as I do, that by so doing awn' be for the gen era]. boi. C. L. Patten. . 0, L. 'Patten, 509 T N. W., Washington, D. C., a Lieutenant in the Old guard, an exclusive organization composed of soldiere of distinction who fought in the civil war, and a Thirty, second degree Mason, writes as follows:. "I have nsed Rerena, see desire to _e recommend your remedy as an invigor. . sting spring tonic; also,oUe of the beet remedies that I ever tried for coughs,' -colds and catarrhal complainteet • • - Ron. R. S. Ryan. Hon.B.S.Ryan,now residing kn.NOnie, Alaska, was formerly a inember.of the • tngliee House of 'Parliament, and Sec- retary to the late Irish Patriot, Charles Stewart Parnell. His Waihington ad- dress is New Willard Hotel,' Washing- ton, D. C. Be writeis: g‘I have used Pe - Titus anduan reconamend yoUr remedy as a'ery effee.tivenn.. re for colds. and eatarrhal complaints.” Gen. W. H. Parsons, Confederate Army, snk:State Senator, Texas. Col. Bailey, of Washington, D. C., Labor Organizations and 11. V. L. Col. Patten, of Washington, D. C., Idilitary and Idasonie 'Orders. Hon, R. S. Ryan, of Alaska, Ex4Tember English Rouse of Parliament. Congressman Cale, of Alaska, well )Known on Pacific Slope, Gen. W. tl. Parsons. . -1 years' war, may accept this voluntary Gen. W. H. Parkins is ex State Sena- testimonial to the merits of Perms SS a .tor and ex Special judge 01 the Supreme sense of obligation on my part for its wonderful effloacy.7) • Col. Wm. Ba110. • • Court of Texas, also. Brigadier General ' in Confederate Array. In a reeent letter wants= Bailey, 581 St., N. E., Wash. . from 925 H St, N. W, Washington; D. ington, D. C., Past Col. Eno. No: 69, 0, this prominent gentleman says: ljnion Veteran Legion and prominently identiftedwith many Of the great Taber protective associations in Chicago and New York, and Secretary of one of the largest -associations in the former city, • • "Upon the recommendation of per- sonal friends and many strong testi- monials as to • the effleacy Peruna in the treatment of the numerous syrap- been, afflicted for four months past, torso of the Is grippe with which have had for nearly thirty years been afflicted have been induced to undergo a treat- ment with this justly celebrated -for- mule. I feel a decided change for. the • better after using it onl3r one week. It is especially good in toningup the stom. nelt and has had a decided effect upon my appetite. I therefore feel mueh en- couraged that am on the road to cora- rdete restoration. ' .463fy nximeronsfriends en Tetas, where have had the honor to command a brigade of her •Yeteran Cavalry in a four . . with kidney troubles. • . • • Within kehort period he has been per-- suaded to try' Peruna, and his present healthy condition is attributed to his 3ndicious use of that great remedy.• Hon. Thomas Oaie. Washington climate is notoriously bad Hon. Thomas Cale, elected to Congress for .kidney and liver troubles, yet by a from Alaska, is well known on the Pa - judicious use of the remedy. he id now .elfia siope, where he has resided. •JH quite cured and excellent physical Washington address is 1312 9th St., N. condition. eV, Washington, D. C. 'writes: "I This brief statement Of facts, without can cheerfully :recommend Peruna as a exaggeration or hyperbole, appears to tell very efficient remedy for coughs and . the whole Story, which the Beeline Com- . . . . _ . . • Marriages . WANT,ED.-A NURSE 'MIT-, WORKMAN-4.1cIVIILIAN-7-. ." ,bhe les to cominence 1st of Augest. rectorY, .:Cjinton, on july Apply to Mrs. M. D. MCTaggart. 3-3 by Rev: V. R. Gunne, Elizalbeth . Georgina Melgillan Godetich, IbKolerl*s.9.t. • . ,flialPh, 1.41WWWO4gliaif,Al A. Tg er 4. eereeene'riki!.ie.t ,tiVenfePetti 'ENDERLCARli;Lit*"4:iii- ' • . . e residence • (Mel' - Ti3- commence •••716n, ' SePtember .1st. Apple tip .to- the 25th Of JU1Y • . of the' bride'e parenes czn July .14th stating certifieate, experience • •ari.d .hy Rev. W. H. ' Cooper, ' Alberta; ' salary to J. W. Tippet; SecretarY, . edangliter -of -Mr. Alfred ..'ari, to ' .40E,crnlle....etA-B4noldHerE, satillx6..„t !ii,lytvithi..14h...; P' C''' .136-1 5.° '14Y5eict .P.'•°'• ' an) .,'. . on July .1st, liy Rev. D. Perrie;: Edwin J. ' illuteh to. •Eninia lee'e ereeeR' e, ' Livr. ege '.' ',it • ' • Aitelieson, dmighter . of Mr: ante of the Township' of -set-wee:a. No tioe is hereby. giVerse that have transmitted or 'delivered to tba Rev.] sons mentioned in seCtions• 8 and 9 of the -Ontario Voters' List s A.et, the copies required •by said sections to be so tranismitted •or -delivered' of • the list made, pursuant to seid Aat, of all peesees appearing by the last • revised Assessment Roll of the Said Municipality at eleetione. for viembers of the 'Legislative Assembly, and ent un'ci al Ele,ctions • and :that the Rretv! s Shaw,el, own illy Hsay, to self& list ,was first poeted. Ile my Lizzie Ann, daugliter a• John office? in Varna on the Ilth day" of. Jely, 1908, and remainst there for Love, all of Tuckersmith. inspeCtion,. Electors' fare called upon to examine the said list, and if any einissiees Or any 'other errors are found ithereini to take immediate proceedings to 'have the Said 'errors corrected aceording to law.. -Dated this .11th day •of July, 1908.-3. E- .14!1:rbwell, Clerk of Stanley,. Mtn Aitcheson, all of Wiegliam, KERR-MACDOUGALL- Jo the Per- sonage, Wingliam,:eri July 1st, by Rev. W. G. Howeate Robert Geo. -Nerr to Isabella Agms Macdougall • all of the township of 'Blot Wave: anosh, • . • • . , • GUNNCOLWILL--• In Exeter on ' *June '30th, B. Mackenzie Peinn to • Harriett V., daughter of Mt:. John •' 'ColWill of Eeeter. , EA1Y-L0VE -- At the realdence of the B. flooyer Nekton Balt (late het a Road. What wee lbe eerere.e., sone time ar,o, Winn, Mrs, 0, Syrnorit reeeived a e)tivenir card feont Bayfleld with a rt Jew upon one of its eleepte photo, raehed 15 Yeare 0:kap AM til)on th I rented the furnished cottagz of Mrs , street at Jme ilt tir. and Mts. ((apt.) MeDiarteld. ! 1 Symms was driving a d eetish 011- Captain TrethewaY wilt Hiqui t116 thani was taNinx the Wnoipal street littoson at hig home her& and as' ed their, n it to prteeee farth- eft, gauntlets on Wileoh Street has eneuseeisemeeininietiorennenneleseveloseeee eenmennismeeme, er ne he wan:ed to bet 'Siete 'Mire lire a trimmest garcliet of vegeliehleS. .., . . , Births • LINDERIn Clinbee on ...luly i5th, 16 Mr. and Mrs.. W. Linder, a son, GRAY--ein Hullett on July: 9t,h, Mr. and Mrs.', William Gray, it daughter. ' . • : • ' WEYMOUTH- In Hallett on July lith, to Mr; and Mrs,. Albert.WeTa • mouth, a son. • , HELLYAR- In- Clinton, on July 11th to Mr, and Mrs. NV; FL Hellyae, a son. : . HOWALDee ln Exe,er on July 5th4 to Mr.- and krs. E. Howald, a sore Peatha - CAMERON -Ip Hayfield oh July 11th, Harry, SON of Mr. Alex. Cameron, aged 18 years. ' * CORNISH -In Golerich towliship on • July 15th, , John Cornish, aged 90 years and 4 months. • HAGAN---In ,on July elth, Arther Hagan; aged '30' years. FRITZ-In Gretur Bend on July' itth, • Willi*. Fritz. •• ,. COLLIE - At Bisbee, Arizona, tin July 5th, Joseph Collie, eldest son, • of the late Joselet collie of Eg- mondville; . . IVIcGREGOR- In BrOcefield on July 801, Peter_ A1KiligoK.__Avcl_...133 years. , . • WATT-, In Tuekersmith on: July Cith, Alexander Watt Sr., aged 79 years and 9 months. Gierget-in Gedetich on July 6th, -Margaret Webeter, vviee ,of itobert • Given, aged 63 yeas and 3 eterethe. 600 BOOKAREPERS mtmg,kgssitAND trained by our. Manager last years txperienee counte. Graduates moot ettecessfoi. Specinl Couree forTelichere. Mil Courses. Send poetal for partite, at& rill TERM OPEN SEPT. 1 Clinton Business FAROE SPOTTON, NAMPA/ WANTED. -MARRIED MAN, •EX=. • perienced itt pedal farm work, - Apply at Pleresteel Bros. store. 20 N./ TEACHER WANTED,e-IVIALE OR femele, Normal teethed preferred, f� r S. S. N. 10, Goderieh thwn- ship. Duties to commence after summer holidays. Appncations re-, caved up to july Ifith.-Peter Cole, secretary, Clinton P. 0.'; • 32 EXECUTORS' SALE 'OF FRAME Hoak. -Lot 404 Princess ',Wed; Miami, containing 348 acre of land • oh- which is erected a, 'house with. 7 rooms, stone cellar and 'summer kitehen and a good table afide on Which are good water, hard and soft, and also gaed garden with .-6"zit•triees•revill-beeofieredeateauctiote oft the premises on Saturday, July g5th, 1908, at 3 o'clock. For terns .of sale iIPPly to 5. G. Plummer and Churchill, Executors', or W. lery- done, Solicitor; earr iFARM FOR SALE. -LOT 31, on the . 13th cote, Galeria' toweeship, eon - sigh% of' 80 acres. Frame hohse, frame barn end frame stable, 14 mike Item Holmesville, 2e triils from Clinton. Met be sal& to wiftd up the tetate.-R. Acheson, execotor, • llolmesville P. 0. mture. that is as seperior to the ordinary kindeas a Mai diamond is to an imi- . ration:: We.. handle none but tlit estly and sitatantially built kind. FRAME /100Sie WITH 1 AOTtle Or Ind,extra goo& garden and good , Well an Victoritt'street for ealt. fuediete eossession eat, be given. -e George. Doherty. . 291• P 1 more hone than ordinary prices you would still be getting good value for your money. Our prices, &Weyer., are as tow as the lowest, By doing your furniture buying here you.tot .alenalot_the. bestAii:atio but alSo the best -Valaes. tnesitz • Hoover 81. 11 Pitrniture. arid Puneral Directors. We are the solo agents f.& the ,ramous tterekika Springs and. Ostermoor Mattresses. 17"