HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-16, Page 22 41110.1.11111111.1111111.1.0111111111114. ..runvry-. eoASCOURAOY 6......401111441/40.4/10•40,10411 I The Most Deadly Iour I Paris arpen 1 is the strong. , 1 est and pur. est.PAR1S 1 - dREEN made. 1 1I ' 1 There's no- thing better : : Ior we would I I have it, 1 • : 1 IN. S. R. HOLMES I IManfg Chemist. t I14/•••••••••••••••••••••••• -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE - Supplementary estimates amounting to about ten and a, half millions were broukht down in the House cd Com- mons by Mr. Fielding. Sir Wilfrid ,Laurier iutroduced the A11 -Red Line resolutions in the House of Commons and they were carried by a large majority. SEED CORN. CAUSE FOR ALA +eeeeeee.... M. EPideinio, InflUenZa, Oritteeieldatarrbah Trouble, Piieentonia Increasing, A marked hicreaSeft troublee a the breathing organs is noted many ooaiflies.. If you will only have Hy- ornei at heed to use, with the Pest attack of Cold iu the head, Peetonon- ia, Colds, Bronchitis, Ibarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, M fact aity siirettorS affection, the tubo will , be quickly overepme. If the atteeli i neglected and be- come severe, speedy relief will come n most, casco and a peretstent uSe et Hyomei will mire. The directions or usieg it vary, but the prineipal ie always the saute,. that tiesteoying. ell the gerrns in the Mr you breathe and living it reach the. ain passages, with drY medication frone the Pine and Eueelyptus forest. Remember that liquids or moisture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. It's the dry air of Hymn - et that reaches the spot. V. S. R. Holmes guarantees it, Complete oete Clinton Newa.Record July 16th 1908 WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY OF SEED CORN. IT IS A 1_IN QUALITY e AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. WHEN YOU NEEB. FLOUR OR FEED PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US. IT WILL RECEIVE PROMS'S( AND CAREFUL AT- TENTION. .J. A. FORD Order Your Coal .Now • Place yeur. orde,r .f.cesteur supply of coal with the under- signed and thus secure the low- est price and prompt delivery. Office opposite Grand Trunk passenger station. Telephone connection. j. Hamilton COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PERTOW, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID e John Mitchell, formerly President of the United. Mine Workers of America., is mentioned as the possible Democsa- tic nominee fer Vice -President. The American fishing Mg R, T, Rey of Alpena, Mien, seized by • the Cana - than otfieials, grounded on, Fax Island Reef and escaped. The sentence of Harry Orehard who had been conifiemno te hang on Friday lest has been, commuted to life im- prisoemeet. •NEW MEAT MART. -HAVING PUR- chased the btitchering •hesiness: car- ried on for some time by the Coldlough B r o s,., we reepectfullyi solicit a share of the patronage of the, publM, whioh we hope to reed: by keeping the best or meats and atreasonable prices. •Give us 'a dill, Our shop is next to. The Newe- Reeoed.Office. -T. T. & Bert Murphy 'CEMENT FOR SALE. -I • AM Agentfor Clinton and district Mr the National Portland Cement Co., • makers ,of the best cement in the market. , This is the only cement used by the corporation of ()Bitten , in the construction •of sidewelks, etc, •.--Mrs;. T. R. Walker:: 21 HAVE THE SAMPSON BRAND' of Cement for sale, in large and small quantities. There is no bet- ter inake' of :content, on he market.. Office apposite - G. T, R. Passenger station. Telephone- connection, . or orders may be left at Harland Bros. hardware storeeeif more -convenient. JAMES HAMILTON, CLINTON. PIANO AND' ORGAN TI_J-N.ING.-Ste • • seRepairing.--The • undersigned prepared to do ,all kinda of piano • and organ tuning and repining, and • being a nian of practical experience - is able to guarantee eatisfaction Orders may, be left at W. S. It • Holmes' dreg store. --Ed.:• J. 4How aril, •Clinton. • S, • 1 COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL 13E ALLOWED. . Orders left at Davis ck, Rowland's will be promptly attended to. • W. J Stevenson Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND - A quarter miles from church, post: office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain • or grass. Lot 27 on the 2n4 con. Wet Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 execs under bush and the balance nearly' all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 52x00, a driving house '44x36 with a element pig house underneath, are on i said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con, directly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acne of land, 15 acres of which are bash, On this lot there is a bank • barn 40x60. There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farina. Roth lots are well feliced and un- derdraited. A tever failing miring runs aerpss both farms. Posseesioa can be givea at once. Terme easy. The proprietor is now peat, the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nieh- olson, Auburn P. O. Prorept reply will be given, to all communiea- tions. • Feb. 13 08* DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will be at HolnieSr Dreg Store, Clinton, May 28, July 2 and 80. Glasses properly fitted. DPW - es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. THE NEWS -RECORD 1VILL BE SENT TO ANY AD- nnEss IN CANADA TO THE. END OP 1 0 0 8 AND THE WEEKLY MA/L AND mit. PIRE FOR ONE YEAR POR 75 CENTS. BOTH FOR 76 CENTS. 1 SUMIVIER E;011001.. • JUNE, -JULY AND AUGUST LEADS INTO OUR FALL TERM WITHOUT ANY BREAK. EN- TER ANY TIME. NEW CATA- LOGUE FREE. WRITE FOR, IT • TO -DAY. • . Central Business College FIE-stat-Re:EST7--M ABLE 00 ITS KIND. YONGE St GERRARD'. STS., TORONTO. . W. H. SHAW, PRIN&PAL. ultn. County News Gathered.... for.•.,N.ows$70.1tocord Reade 9 can Ago From The News -Record of July 17th, 1889, Clinton, July 17*, 1880, Gazetted Officerse-The following nitiUa appointments have bee u gaz- cited $-.-33r4 (Huron) Battalion, N. 4 Company, Clinton -To befltetitenant provisionally, Privete Hugh Barry Combe, Vice, Edwerd Costello Cole- man, resignation ecceptedi. To he 2nd lieutenant provisionally, Harry Tore Rance, vice James Young. The two new offieerS are popularyozing men and made many friendat last camp. A Pleasant Social Affair -One oe the nicest social gatherings of the season was that at Mr. JOhn Kitty's, Hull - etre a short distance from town on the evening of July 8th. It was real, royal,' rustic enieyeble affafo. There were 'strawberries, and other delicacies M. profusion. Violin music by Mr. 'Bayley and others, -to Which the votaries of Terpsichore respoaded with nitubleriese of foot and eracefel- ntes :of motion that was .quite plettie ant to the most -staid "Wallflower." Mr. Kitty is deserving of much ifraiee for a.ffoedireeS our ?Young peopleand oth- ers the opportueity • of indulging in such enjoyable and innocent teerea- Welieme All the Same. -A. gentle - mart residing in the :vicinity of Clin- ton in the coins", of daisiness ealled at She hourse of one of our popular minis- ters without knowing who resided there. The wife of: the, parson was the person whomehe saw and he liked the eppearance of the :lady so much that he. invited her and her husband to.....a dance that was to come off a few, ey- willigs. hence at his plade. Th6 tally indechnieg he ' invitation .eerna.rkeel, apOlogetically as the inviter thought, "I• must remind you that I am • a minisMes wife.." "iNeyer Oiled thet;". replied the liberal -minded. gentleraan, "You will be ewelconte all the same." Mrs. •Johns is recov•e•ring ,from. her 1-ecent. illness;•• Charles Wilson, painter, and Eades„ tonsorial tis, have returned to town frone Manitoba. • , • • Reeves MCMurchie and. Manning and Cantelon have, returned from the city of, London and ' Several • to s whither they went to acquire Of riedin , electric light. ' •;';',e;•• it 'njekt rneetieg ,Of the .council. , . , One day last . week when •Mr. Me- Quaig was baking just soethof town • a cloud apparently not mueli bigger than a man' hand hand caree in his threes tion from Clinton. ' It proved to be i Warm of bees. , They continued on their' way 'and appeared to settle in the • bush in the:. rear of : kr. J Weir's dairy farm. . Should they ceuse. • the milk from' •Ahe • farmto keep ' sweet •thte hat weather M Weirte'pations will have, no ee.sse to •tegret the hon- eyed inVaSiOn, ".. • 1.ENTRAL STRATFORD;. ONT. Clinton, Turnout. -On FridaY morn- ing between forty and fifty brethern of the.. town, headedby the orange band, proceeded from their 1ode rootri to the- station. Drum IVIajor Carling was in his best trim, and the mareh to the station presented a very. imposing • ee ea e • Ser—• er Lodge and friends. .went to •Exeter. At that plaie the fine marching, and military bearing of the band. was the talk of the inimense getherin ' Clin- ton ha an Orange ' Lodge that many of its citizen. are 'proud of. The re- ' . mark • WaS general that She lere- then returned woa•thy (leangenten • George Glasgow, John Gibbing al and . John Jackson were nominated last Thursday for the Position of School Trustees' fOr St. Andrew's Ward to, fill the tertn. for which • Trustee ThomOsoes wie elected. • • P.AEJL TERM OPENS SEPT *1ST. The soonet you chinplett, a.course in this siliool :the -boner you may eseeecit to.'hold ap eition'.of truet, Oar course's 'are through and prac- tical. Our studenM always.. suc- • ceed. We assist graduates M pos- itions, We 'Mee three depert- ments-Commercial, Shoethand and • Telegraphic. We employ experien- text instructore. Catalogue free. • Elliott & NeLoohlon , I Councillor Johnstoo has taken • wee vantage of the cheapeesi of real es - tale skyward and puCtan additional sory to i. 1, ,. ign Ontario street; and Air, teel's lid& veneering and ex +en ;ion of bis residence adjoining will not only en-' fiance ,the value and comfort of those 'reside:lees Set pleasingly ittprove the appearance of that portion of tieeast end of Ihe Hub. • Whitechurch The Young PeopWs Guild of the Prelbyterian church; bold their gatd,eal Party on the manse grounds% tile other evenh. There was a good supper and interesting addresses by Ur. Musgrove M. L. A. and Revs. Findlay and Me- Kerroll, intersilersal with music by the Lucknow quartette and beam band. • An address with illustrations will be given by Rev, George H. Purchase Inn the interests of Missiouary anii Ed- • ecaltional work dn. the evening' of Vilexl- 'testae/ of next week, , It is with sorrow *rot we record the death Of Miss Carrie Moore who • Passed away in the very prime -of She was identified with the Mettle - dist church and took an active part in all the schemes coneectect therewith ankf personally she was much beloved. • East Wawanosh miss crissy Armour of Wingharn spent a few dayslast week with friends around the 6th hers • Mi so Phbehe DenSmore, who hai been in Wingharn for the pt month, re: turned home last Friday. • Mies Ada, -Campbell of Nilo le spend- ing a few days with, her aunt, •elm. Jas. Nothery, who is very lowat pees. ent. • hire. Peter Porte'rfield and daughter, Miss Mary, Miss May Code of Blyth and Miss McKnight of St Mary's lelt last Monday for a trip to Brandon aftd, Calgary. • . Mrs. and Miss Kennedy and Master John of the. United States, who have been spending a .couple of weeks 'at .Nethery's returned • inane last . Mr. and Mre: Jas; • Nelilie met evith a heavy loss recently in the .destruction • of their home by fire. The fire -took 'place, in the tea, ..,seppOsed from spark,from the ,ehineney., Mo.'. Noble was Si the. Wit and 'lotted eibe blase. He hurriet home, 'and founti' Mrs. Noble unaware of the fire.; As many of the contents as possible were • hut- riediy taken out, but the house was destroyed, 'The loss was partly cov-• OM by insurance. ..ts, vacant hose a short distance 'away is beingused for the. • present. • Mr. and MM. • Noble Wish to thank their tieighbors who so kindly 'assisted at she time, aiid also since. 1 • - • • Zurich • • The residente: of town: were startled on Tuesday, of last 'Week to leash. that Mr. Major Johnson: ha,d &Patted this, life °Ater. but a lIprt ilineas Fkhad been M active etisinese here 'for many years and Was very muck respetted, He was 58 years of age: aref inmate ied. The remains were :interred, in The marriage of Miss 1Wyetie, the .only, daughter of Mr, W. A. McKay of Palmerston. to Dr. L.. Wilson of Zurich was 'quietly • eolemnized at' the residence of the bride'spareetS on Tuesday of last, Week, Rev. R. W. Virrighlt being the oiliciatieg clergy- man. ' The bride, who Wasattired in ivory d.Otted Brussels net ,Over taffeta, made en ' Princeisse, With Meeks of pink and Persian trimmings, :carried •a sheaf of 'death ekes and lily of the valley. She was given' away by her father. •• , • Mr. and Mrs. Frank , Cresswelier Of u uth _ Minn. arrived' at Blake- the •other day on, a vieit. r. Creswel er has rettlink to •Duluth but his wife will make a more kteeded visit, with her pesetas, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doug - lee. ••. Mr.. George Holtzinati and son fell off a scaffold in McGillivray township last week while .putting a 'cornice on a house. Mr. Holtzman was very Ser. iously injered, but the 'boy did. not get much hurt, They fell fronli a height of about thirty feet. •. Mr. Daniel Koehler has botight the corner, dot oPposite Hess,' earriage works front Dr. I3uchartan. for, $500. Mr. Jacob Giegerich of the Goshee Line isouth died On • Friday evening' after a lingering illness frone totriach trouble. -Re was in his 23rd • year and leases his mother, three brothers and as Many sisters to mare their lOSS• The interment took piece in the temetery on •the Brownson Line near Blake: • • • Father Loiselle • Of •Brysdate will khortly start • on a trip to the Ohl •.Country, Ile will travel through Eur- •• . . PRINCIPALS FALL •TERSI OPENS SEPT. 151', Those who know hest: the merits of .u.ihis School, are its staunchest suopottere..: ELLIOTT . TORONTO. 02/T. This college •stands First in Pop- ularity, Thoroughnese and Genuine 1Vierit. Go where you will, you. will find our graduates Pushing th the front, `rheir. superior training enables them to get and hold fleet class positions. College open all Summer, Enter any -time. Write for catalogue, W. J. ELLIO1'14, Principal. Corner Yellge end Alexander ,streets, Dungannon. , Sands, of Exeter, spent Sun- day Tait at hishome here. • T. G. Alien left last 'Thursday 00 a business trip to Peterborough. James 111cMath of Clinton. tidied his mother here on Sunday Ida., Miss Ca,rrie Milligan is Spentlin,g her holidays with her parents. Howard Case left last Monday for Exeter, where• he will assist his uncle harvesting. Miss Mary Ryan, our geriiel poet - mistress, ie enjoyilig a couple of week' holidays. Mr;• and Mrs. W. II. McClure and 11144 Emma, Sproule have Luen..1,iNit- in Ht. Thotems. Dr. Medd shipkied a carload of bor- ne to Toronto front Auburn, STRUCK BY LIGHTNING, :Neatly describes, the celerity of Putitam's Corn Extractor. Roots corns oat in shott order. misc.!, no pain, leaVeS nO Sear,' anti gives per- fect satislantion. Iletnembe.r there is only one "hest". -that 's Putnam's-- fifty year it tile. ope and will visit Palestioe and other historical couutties. ' • • I A SUSTAIN/NG DIET. ,Theeet are 'the enervating days, when •as soineboely has said; men drop by, • the 'stmetroke as if the Day of Firc hnd dawned. They are fraught • with danger to people whose .systenes are ,poorIS siistained ; and 'this leads tie • to say, in. the Interest' of the less. toe bust of our readers, that the full effect of Hootk's Sarsaparilla is ;etch as to suggest the propriety of calling • this medicine • something besid.,e bloodtonie,-say, a h tainino diet,. It makes it, much easier' to• bear the heat, asaites refreshing sleep, and will without any doubt Avert much sickeese at this time of the year. --One hundred wealthy lumbermen in States in She south and middle wet are planning to form a merger with a capital of $300,000,000. Nathan Levine, a youth of 'twenty, confessed to the Vew York pollee that he bad robbed nearly every first-class hotel in the city, Goilerich. Advs. McGee a Hamilton is the Stielt of her aunt,. Mos. J, P. )3!own. Captain Sant McCaig, no of the boys of the „oldee time, who hved in the hOuse on Victoria steed nlow own, .c11. by Miss Reynolds, 'cameup from Toronto on Saturday last. He regis- tered With his relative, Captain Craig of the Huron House. Mies Eupiternia Cox held her Bale on Satin•day at her old home en Victoria street. Alio; Cox and Miss Den- nis, will remain for a ;short lime the guests of the f4riner's brother, Mr. • William Ceg and his family, end later *ill take up their residence with Mee. Newton in Toronto.• ` Sergeant FIuelistep, our well-known veteran, visited the • military camp here during the visit of Colouel Otter and :vvore all his medals. Miss Lucy Brawn returned to De - trait last week after e few weeks as • the guest of .her " sister, Mrs, John Dunlop, and • mother, Mrs; James 13rown. The • new teachers engaged for the Q. Ct.' Le for. the eleSuing term are folloWe :•A, M. Robertson, Harriston, mathematical Master, salary •$1,,100 ; J. W, Firth, St. Mary's, science, sal- ary, $1,100 ; Miss Mary. O'Dono- hue, Stratford, junior English, salary, $600, •• . • . Mr, Andrew Beecklenridge of Chicagei is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Jas; Breckenridge, Bayfield Road. bire, Mates Knight and Mrs, Sletv- or attended the meeting of the Wom- an's Institute •held at &mutter.. . Registrar Coats picked ;300 resat a day for some •Urne eel said they were so :abundant • that he seexcely miseed. those he gave away• . ' The steawberry festival held recent:. ly On the la.xvn of &mire Nixon Stur- dy of Goderich township, :inid,er the auspices of the .Methodist church, will long 'be, remeitibered.bY those who at - ,tended. The 'grounds Were beautifully illuminated, the refreshments eleatiful and enjoyment • reigned on all sulk. • Mr. A. W. Mugtord, Newcoincrstown, Ohio, has returned to his home atter a pleasant visit with his %tether, Mr. Martin IVIugford.' • •• . • Mr. and .Mrs,. Chide's Nairn . ad family are spending' this 'month . at Grand •IlenC • • Mr J P :Neweem. of Detroit is office manager at . Hotel :Goderieh dur- ing this season. . . ' • Mrs, George k. .Elliott, Master Chester and Mies Joy left. • by boat en Monday- for .1Slanitobnewh,ere :,they will vieit relatives in 13eissevaiii and Deloraine. . ' : Rev. Benjamin .Clement tarxed short walks daily. • . . We have to con,grattlatellts Adams, se.xton of Maitland centetty on the following pod • tortene garotted in the Alexandra Maria: hespital .news. Qn Sunday, 21st June, at the Marine md Alexandra General Iloseital, Goderich to . Mr. and Mrs. .41deue. of Stiattland cemetery, twins, a ion and daughter, IlOwaed Taylor, called after. the nurse, Miss Griffith and Dr, ' TaylOr, • and Alexandra celled • , after' the hee:i and Queen' Aiex,andra, 1 We felt quite pleas'ell to learn that one evening in • Jute past, Mr: :•Roy. Adams, organist ' of North street cheech for the Past' iout years, was Presented with an address on behalf of the efibir and eongre•gation by MeS May; Miss Brown, • soloist of North s,treet church, following with a: gold watch arid , chain Which she iiresented . a Mr. Ademe The name of North St otr-and-cong although having no tinowledgej..of the presentation thanked all present . for their 'kind wed- Meet appreciated re- inembranee: • • • . Mr. Hugh MelVlath of Toronto waS itecompanied on his visit to town • his nephew,. Brogden Me:Nieto sore of the late James MOMath. On Sunday they Were the. gueeler of Mrs. Crabb aiel MM. Harrison end on Saturday oil MrS, and 'Mrs: William MaeMeeth,' Bay- field Road.. • • Miss Adele 'Nordheimer Of ToroolOi Mist Kathleen Howitt of Guelph, an•. Miss Helen Brough of England . are the guests at "Duodonald residence Of ele. and Mrs, D. MeDoliald. Mee. S. E. Hick gave herSunday sdliool class a picnic, at the . Point Farm .the.other day, • Miss Grace Smith returned on the Old Boys excursion on Saturday from •Miss Mackenzie of Alton accompan- ied MiSS Greed Smith to her home, and '11 bo tlie ucst af Miss. Smith during her slay. • Mr. and Mrs. Knuckle had the pleas41 nee of having their son, Me. Adolph Knuckle, wife and • ehildren, for their guests, during Mr. A. Knuckles vacation in the etitlery works, Detroit, ' Police Sgt. • Media* is' on the , rounds, again, Policeman Murphy being f away on his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Wistgate of Windsor , are trying to make a fortune, erecting their Mnt wherever creWilS gatitcr. They Sell 'only i02 cream cow's. r. Charles ltealc rturned On Sat- ur1y to his heme in New York, ae•-• eotripanied by Mr. Harry Le Tome!. Harry Le Touiti spent Friday at Bonner taking rgiotos of his old •home, that his father painted in oils • Belgrave miss staples of Seaforth ited at Mr, and Mrs. Hill's recently. 'Mrs. Simons of Tilsonburg was a visitor at Mrs. Wiley's a iew days ago. Miss Bella McCrea left last week foe Winnipeg and other opines in, the province of Manitoba, A littic baby, girl has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Corbett. •Mr. Edmonds, deuggist, Londoe„ Was the geese of Mr. and Mrs. Bates last week. William Hopper spent his holidays at Hornby in Halton county, among old acquaintaneere, Misses Ma a,nd Clara Loveless of London aro guests of Mrs. John Scair drett. • • Mr. and Mrs, Corley and Master Fred. have returned from a trip through Michigan, • • Mr. and Miss Owens of Bruce Mines are visiting friends and relatives hese. This is their first visit here but theit parents were born at Belgrave. Mr. Charles. McClelland Sr. shipped a. load of cattle ,to Toronto last weele • aoderich Township • The following is the report of S. Sx No. 9, Goderich , township for the month of June Sr. 1V -Irene Miji ar, Helena Middleton,, Emma, Centel-. -On. Jr. IV.--Aelela. Finlay, Annie Cootie; Etta Cole, Mabel Willianmen, Sr: III. -Edna Wise, Jean Middlotifin• Fred. Medic, (3 equal) ; Arnold Mil- lar, Georgina 'Indio, Tellestle Huai°, Bert Finlay, Alun. Roy Connell, Sadie Cook, Ralph Can- telOne 011ie Cole, Lloyd IViillar. Sr. Pt. 1T, -Lola Hudie, Emily • Connell,' Earl Ceeseer, Charlie Cooper. Sr: Pt. 1. -Edith StiiIing, Bice Grigg, Torn - my. "Hudie, Harold' Emmerson, Jean Cook, elr. pt. I. -George Middleton, :Gladstone Grigg, Willie Marshall, Lela. Emmereon. Enrolled; attendance 33, average 27. • • • ,Stanley, Township The renewing is: the. June monthly repett Of, S. •S. No. 14, Stanley. Names are in ordel: et inelit 5thi--G. E.. Stephenson, M. M. *lat. er, • Rena McBea.eli. Sr. 4th, -A. • Petrie, J. W. Kehl, 4. H. Jones and Oda' MeBeath equal, well Jr.. 4the-A., oak , Lola -Rath; Sr.' 3rd.-J7H. C, Kchl, H. A. Fisher, W. -,M,LVIcIaeath: ' • Jr. 3rd.-Id4 Ratawell,. Anna Hoed; W. 0.• Melleath. Sr .2nd. -L. E. Wa.sinin, A c- IVIurtrieeJ. N. Hood, - • • ' Jr..2nd.-Anna Fisher. 2nd Part -Grace Ross. j • 1st Part -W. 'C. D. Johnston, W. E.. Cooper, Maggie Cobper. The bkt spellers in :the moethly, • spelling xnetelles were • . 5th -Murray Fisher:: ' Si ,4th -Hannah. Dinsdalet 'Jr. 4th --Lola Rathwell. ' Sr. 3rd-Heiteet Kehl. •; Jr. 8rd-Ida Rathwell, 2nde-LaWrence Wasmann. Present Apple .'Outlook. What we said in the issue of • the gun of June 17 as to the: advisability bf 'taking proper. • care of the apple 'p-S.s.--eastained-hy the July report We HOP of lore Cares Of troubles originating in imPuzo blood, wont* low of appetite, catarrh, rheutna, beelitiod's fiaraaparills than be another so-called remedies combined. ilotat•bn* Ulnae eared by HOW' Kern to idaY curod,. Ind they gledlY tell the good new' to others. • Blood Purifier --"t have used Boar* flarasPerilla and have found it the choicest blood parities. It sends* strong Ibuldr stream ot lite throughout the Nvosri, both!, There's lite and strentlx in every drop of it." limos. Slots, 46 Wellesley St, Tom* Afflicted le Ifearo--"frood's Sarsans. rills hes cured meet scrofula. with whle,b have been troubled 16 years, and caused by. yftechAtion. my little daughter had a scrotal* +motility on her neck and Hood',. SareiPerilla also cured her," Nam Nona avatar, Hughey, Tennessee. Hood's SereeParl1141 le Sold everywhere. py) Dow; One Dollar, Prepared only by C. 1, WOOd coy ZOWOU, AhulL, N. /3, Do uot.takes substitute. Inelatinurn havtng Hood*. The little on of M. Oliver Burton of Vaughan itownship wasaceidently stabbed with a mitehfork and killed. Pollee Magistrate • lomfort of St. Catharines has been, summarily dis- missed by the Provincial Government. The Russian Minster of Finaneo willprohably float • anothee loan of •$230,000,000 in the autumn. •' The Veneeuelan • Charge d',Affaires has been withdrawn. from Washington and the Legation there closed.. The Argentine •Repeblie has sent two mare war vessels to Asuils1011, and is threatening to land 'marines. It is said that British capitalists are negotiating • for the Tilbury oil ; Combines e e gance and com- fort. and is docid- ' e-dly the most de- sirable style of eyeglass ever de- vised. We know they will give sat isface • don: We can • adapt them to almost any shap7 • ed 'nose. A. J. GRIGG JEWELER - AND - OPTICIAN . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES - Clothing and Furnishings of 'the Feuit Division at Ottawa. • In Ottawa, as indicated ,en the re- port he question, the early peomise of a bumper crop Fs not going to be ful- filled; on the. contrary, present pros- -Prets point to little, more than an aV- erase yield, and even this may be re- duced between now aiel harvest. The Most , inipertatit pant in the statement issued by the Fruit Division is in re- gard to the outlook by verities. Only one kind of winter fruit, afild,, that the poorest, aromisasi a liberal return ; the standards -Spies, Baldwine and Kings -are •light to very light while evert. Greeninge are only about medium. Ali this indicates that there will be no surPlus of choice 'Ontario winter app- les.. It is true the English and Con- tinental crops .promise to be very Mtge, bat the sort of supplies coming from these sources de netcompete with our choice goofds, It is true also that 'the United States is. promised a fairly large output, but even American apples arc in a different ela-s • from the best of (ter Ontabio stock, On the whole, therefore, while the sensational prices that ruled prior to • the beginning di the American panic of last October are searcely nicely to be repeated, realty good Ontario app- les. are reasonably sure to bring prof- itable returns. Again, .we say, take • care of thern.-Weekly Sun.' i Cure for Weak Wigs • some years age. „ "t have ueed your Psychine for about tax months, and have I mind it an ex- • cellent remed7 for pnOtzirioniO, and weak • lungs.” Itonald Sohason, • Ont." April 15, 1907. tiPsychine is one of bte best mai- einee on the market, and for all throat Ana lung troubles is ttnextelled."--,A. Word frent A man who Las teetea it. Pneummia, Bronchitis, Coughs Colds and all throat, lurig and idontath troubles yield to Polchine. At all drat, gists, 50e. and` $1.00, or Dr. R.. • Over fifty autoteobiles lett Buffalo Wolnesday of last week on the oua- On tour, which will take them (Wee 1,700 miles of country. ' Prof. N. R. Carmichael •of Queen's University died at King, Ont. t • Stanlei. Patton, agcd ton, was drowned at .Amiterstberg. IL Chambers was drowned et Pod Samifield by his canoe upsetting. A syndicate is negotiating for the purchase of Mt, Burtsmutr's coal plop- erues ift British •jolumbia. The third reading of the old -age pen 51011 bill has pass ol!J the British House. of Commons locum, Limited, Termite. wee Summer • 111. S • Just the thing for sum- mer outings. Unlined Odd Coats In black and stripe, • tweeds, white and black, and white duck: • • Summer Underwear Wool and Balbriggan, 25e,,50e, 75e and $1.00. • See. our SHIRTS 50c.. 75, $1,f $1 25, $1,50 aid $2. A speeial value •at 75e. HATS • Straw, Canvas, Chip and Pelts. E. W. Jacobs Tailoring Clothing