HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-02, Page 6fleenneesee ....teen • ‘,t 441)()DliS I El N EY/4, ••••a"it A k 04 - C 11°4 11401V,rai pat ti 'ft the pu he enn ,e p a ions. Spid eter I" CATAKRII VANN& tir-CIYHED- with.. LOCAL APPI.JOATIONS, as likey cAilnot reach the seat a the disease. •0a.tarrli is a blood or con- stitatiotial disease, .iind in order Jo euroit,Lyou xnust -bake interaal reread- I-TaiPs Catarrh Care is taken *enmity, and acts directly: on • the 'Moon and raucous surfaces- Hall's Qatarth Our in not a gaack Et was pteseribed by one en the best phyalcians in this country ler years and is a• regular prescription. It is canposed of the bast tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers aetteg directly on the mucous surfao- se. The perfect combination od the Invoingredionts is what produces such wonderful results in uring Catarrh.' Send, Or testimonials free. „ L. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sad by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for coin sabipation. Want Canada's Weather Reports. W. A. McKinnon, Canadian trade, commissioner at Bristol, has forward- ed to the Department of Trade and commerce at Ottawa a suggestion• from the Provision Trade Association • of England that the Canadian Gov- ernment be induced to supply busin riess men of Great Britain with regun tine weather reports during the springn summer and autumn seasons. It is pointed out that periodic re. ports from various Canadian pro- vinces would aid British business men to form their own opinionstie• to the effect of the weather on the crops, fruit and dairy and hog produce of the Dominion. Life Convicts In the Penitentiary. There are thirty-one convicts in the Kingston penitentiary' who are serv- ing life sentences. Twenty-three years in the longest time any of them lute served so far. One of the lifers is a man who is over ninety years of age. 'There are twelve women under the oare of the metron, several of whom ore under life sentences. • Nova Scotia is grieved to learn that .Inermecla holds the recerd oLetinneare line British colonial Legislature, eon tnbliehed in 1620. Didn't Agree. with .Nle -Arthur Tennison, 88 , London Street, Toronto, writes eothuslastically of. -the merits of Psychine for all stdriach troubles. "For seven years I have had indiges- tion and dyspepsia. 1 trien scores of remedies. My room resembled a drug store with nostrums which I had bought. Eventually I used Psychine, and, every dose brought permanent relief." All throat, lung and stomach troubles quickly cured by Ptychine. It is the prescription -of a great apecialist. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T.. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. REDUCED Round Trio Tourist Tickets to Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wasten. San-Franeineeteounei; B. C. Mextce City and many other Pacific Coast Paints • Now on sale. °nod going until SEPT: 15th. Return limit Oct. 31s1,' 1903. • HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS • At very low rates to the North-west, Via North Bay -June 23rd. *Via Sar- nia and Northern Navigation: Conn' pany. Steamer leaves Sarnia,. : 330- p. m. June 24th. Full information from any . • Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. . F. R. HODGE•NS, Town Agent. . A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agonte FUTURE OF THE CHEAT WEST ..44•'1,4414,•477.1471,411. Filling Op Rapidly With Immigrants and ROQM Fen Many More. A despatch from Winnipeg, deal - jug with the future of the West, con- tains this prophesy; Immigration into Western Canada, has advanced by leaps and bounds. In 1902, 67,370 persons carie into the Western provinces from all sources. Tho next year 123,364 came, and in 1907 252,038 immigrants betook them- selves from other countries ,of the earth to the Canadian Northwest, with •the avowed intention of taking up their residence here. Taking the average of increase in the population of the three provinces, from neanigro. tion end all other sources, for the per- iod of Ave years just preceding this year of 1908, as a wo4ting basis, the eresultant figitree.. ,sbow that in ten years in 1918, the same country that now las less than two ntillions of poputation will have more than 30,- 000,000 people by .that time; figuring _froui the average mcrease in land un - cultivation of the pasteseven years, there will be as much as 50,000,000 acres cultivated of that great hioek of land which extends for 1,000 Miles east and west between the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes, and north 400 miles from the United States boundary. , Tho present grain crop front the land already under cultivation, gives a reasonable accurate line of expec- tations from the crop of that time when the land under eultivation shall increased to 50,000,000 acres, or less than one-third of the available farming laud of this country, and the needs of ,the farmers in the way of tools and labor can also be arrived at with accuracy Fifteen bushels of wheat to the acre is considerably less. than the average cm) produced- by the rich, prairie soil of this Western Canadian country, and oath and bar- ley produce enormous • weeps, with flax, reliable, reasonably. productive. Figured upon the basis of wheat alone the product of 50,000,000 acres of land would be the vast amount of 750,000,000 .bushels of wheat. To hex - vest this &op, absolutely certain to be raised on • the wheat fields of Westhrn Canada within the next twenty years at the outside, will take na less than 650,000 harvest hands, whose pay for the gathering of one crop will count up the tidy sum of $31,000,000; 312,000 self -binding ma- chines and 36,000 threshing separators, with tbe. saine number of engines, will be required to deliver the 'crop to elevators, nearly all of which roust be built for the recnption of this fu- ture wheat crop of Western Canada. • 'Zunis Are Loyal. .Whatever grievances or troubles, real or imaginary, individual .natives or groups' of natives may have, 'the Zuht race cherishes no ill -will 'against white rule as such, . Cattle disease, locusts; drought, and ehe consequent' distress - these prin- cipally made up the tale ef lament at the indabas„ ' Against the white teen's govern- ment as a system, however, not a syllable or . a hint Was littered or sug- -gested.n nee, ' • , On the contrary.. many 'chiefs, :Ode:— re6iting their troubles, candidly con- fessed the diseases, drought and lo- custs were not of human making, and that ban:for-The whit e authorities they no doubt would be Much worse. Of- ' ten 'speakers at 'the indabai acknowl- edged the benefits of white rule, and on this ground alone they condemned rehellienn- •.•,* ten. • • - A CONFIDENCE GAME It Was Boldly Planned and Soo, oessfully Worked. ••••••••••••• THE VICTINI BADLY CAUGHT. A Daring and Brazen arnellpox %Vine ..die by Which Two Clever Schemers ' eFleeced Helpleee Hotel KeennteOut - of somocz "I dare say you never heard of the great smallpox swindle," said the.:botel 'inanager. wrlie facts of that remark., able -affair -were withheld "atthentir for the most urgent reasons of policy, and even now I prefer to 011 the OM Without onuses or leelllitiee, "It bap. pened In the fall of 1886, evhen. tail2 hotel in 4 large western 'city WWI crowded with .tourists. One day at .the height on the season two gentle, • Manly /Coking otrengers put Up at.the. house and were assigned to what we call a 'double renal,' -About a week later one of the appeared at the of. ace and tequested a 'private. Interview With- the manager, 1 regret to 'Inform you," he .said after the door was cloned, 'that .tny friend Is down with a se- vere attack of smallpox.' "The proprietor nearly fell out 'of his chair,' . 'There was known be be nm, anima In the city, and the bare sug. • .gestion that the disease had appeared in the hotel fraS enough to empty It in a twinkling. To let the new get out meant the loss of thouslinns. upon thousands of dollars. It meant the ruin of the season's business. 'He must be quietly removed at once,' said the • proprietor, • trying to control bis agitation. • "'Removed!' exclaimed the other. 'Taken through tbe cold alr.to a laza- retto: nWhy, man, that would be mute der! • I'll not penult It!' 'k"the • hotel kenper was. thunder- struck. 'Do you 'mean to Say he -must stay here?' he gasped. ," 'Certainly,' said tbe stranger. "It was a, ticklish situation. The ho- tel keeper dare not enforce his sugges- tion, while to Jet the cane remain was like. storing gunpowder. in a furnace room. He pleaded, protested., begged, threatened and blustered, but all in .vain„ The man was Arlie asa. rock. 'If you attempt t� eject me- sick friend,' he declarecn.T11.publish your inhuman- ity to the entire community.' • "Finally it oecurrel to the distracted' • proprietor. to see first whether it was really a case of smallpox, So be sent for a physician, swore hlin to secrecy • and hustled him up to the room. The doctor took one look at the disfigured face.on the pillow and reported that 'the maledy. Was there in' a inallgoant type Ile advised the man's immediate -removal-at any-ost 1± you keen.hinin eoncealed,' be said. the disease may spread; and it would .ruin you for. life. • Yeti awe something to. your guests. Antin the prophefor Intel vieeved the• friend, and again the hitter refused to budgefrom' his Position. • ' ".'Where can I take him?, .he de- enanded. Ton finow.wery welt e40„"t- • „ eget comfortable (martens -for •suCh a • Work- at Prince Rupeet, Prince Rupert,- the Peel& coast terminus ef the Grand Trunk Pacific, in now being laid out by:landscape artists, and wharves and other tacili- ties ate being .erected for handling the reilway material which wilnbe reqnir. en to construct the. part of the Grand 'Trunk Pacific built eastward from the nnast. ,At present the number of Men mishit); to Prince -Rupert to be on the • ground exceedethe.demand, and there is .consideenble trouble and one suf. tering.' Not Her Fault. "r11 never •marry,' Miss A.ynahent eaid. • • ' naid Miss Knox, 'iou are doubtless •richt, • • ' Yat all will theugh you never YOU have out up a gallant Aght." • ;.11.1 "**.eq • 'fileNett$4100.0rd bi4g. Likt .for 1908.:. Much good reading for little znon.ey..• . The News Record and Weekly Mall ahcl Empire, one year 51 25 di Weekly Globe• • ••• 4 • • • • • • • • • • 14 • • • • • • 1.05 Family Herald and Weekly Sta 1.13,1 di 44 Weekly Witness.... 1'60 /4 Sint •441111•14 160 Free Press."... .... .. . 1.75 ' Advertiser...,, 1.75 Paroling World • -1.00- Parnie0s Advocate and Home Magazin.e 2,2'5 44 SO 4 111 44 44 44 . . 44_ .43 44 it Dally News, • V.W0t40" to" k ..... • 130 Star "‘ "4"4444owybo4....."4"01 220 GROW- " oikoiliOaokm""M•to 4 25 els Mail • •••••"11.*.'4•25 • 44 44 liV0e111 " OoltiritioottO411.1;oli 2•50 41 Saturday " a 1.11•1•110•MiliMmo * 4•• 33 t 44 Fres Press, London... . 8 25 Free Press, Evening zdition .1 • • 27e it If what you want is not in this list, we can supply it at less than it would cost you by sending direct, retpitting, please do so by Express Order, Postal Note or registered letter and addrels. W. J. MITCHELL, NEWS -RECORD, • - Clinton : - ' ' purpose, and J no t • him butch- ered it a peethonse to reenee any land; lord on earth" The hotel roan ,felt Ids 'hair stand on end but Conehided to let things stand as they' Were until niore- nee "Next day- he sent for the sick man's friend and asked Mini Whether be had any suggestions to renke- . '"Yese• he replied. 1thought up a plan •everxiight, wnieh seen may Mlopt ' on.not,,as Yoe like.; As 1 said, before,' he co.ntinued, 'it is useless to try to rept querters for Such a ease. • We might, hewever,buy e sniell cottage and take him there. 1 ha Ve figured the thing up; and the total expense . would be about $5.060.7. It': not are . willing to hand-. over that anioutt I will ' take him a mi.)* anti assume eall . further tesponsi la I ty. 1 nth ke- the °IS' fer entirely out of aempethy fon-yotir. •"The lannlorn 'tanned Itlin• Inethe eye. too. ',have Cluitighte the, situation -oven' he said 'and tern conVieced it's :confidence genie pure. and simple I'm convinced there'snotliing, tiiit• mat- ..ternnoith your dear ti -(end mine -airs, but I um'WO . coevinetel that , the siightest breeth of the annir would .gl•ezltly damage, the reign:Won of the .hoUSe. As e business • Reposition ..I ...comilder It won nnenn•to.get rid. of yOue • e • * otber .;man sul I led iron I milli. `lean a ceb rind get ;out' your money,' be said. apd ineide air • hour the loco. this hid been spiritod through a...sine deer swathed hi blankets and 'driven away. . • • , "As the landlord ehrewilly-surinisen, the wbole thing was 8 eontInenee, game, andhe leer:len the mirth -obits .Inter ou through 11 Sport he hail orate befrleuded. There.. was nothing 'the mutter with the rascal iipstaire except that his face had boon pricked a -little With. a -quilt dipped le cnoton on, seine' thingthat mekes a, horrible looking. pustule, Which disappears in .a few days and leaves .nininerk I always thought the hotel men showed good sense in taking the emirs.% he did. Ild was caught .In a trap and took the cheapest. way out. The:bare rumor of even ti suspected cese would Probably have InVolved a loss Or $3`0,000 or $60,- 000. It was •far better to pay the Pe 000 end charge It to education."' No LoVe For the Colonies, * Mr, Thotnas Price, the South Aus- tralian Premier, visited his native city of Liverpool recently, and, speaking at the 'Produce Market, remarked; "There isn't Much love for your col- onies about you after all. If you can get butter a shilling a keg cheaper frturx the prisons of Siberia, you will do so and leave Australia to take eire of itself." Ile dwelt On the prospects of his country, whieh was seven and a half tittles ea large as the British Wet, yet populated by only 400,000 people -non. siderably less than the population of Liverpool, . Some people, he remarked with a smile, would, regard it as a little "infra dig. for a Premier to tome here with a pound Of butter in one pocket, a bushel of wheat nearby, and a bottle of wine atieking out of the back, but he didn't mind, for he was advertising South Australia. ClintO4 News -Recur A STORY OF STEEL Toronto Has the Talleitt and Largest Structure in British Empire. Toronto has the honor of having the tallest structure - the Traders' Bank building -in the British Monks. In the new building of the Robert Simpson Co. fresh honors come to Toronto, for this structure is the larg- est block of steel building conatrue- tion in the British Empire. Six of the seven floors ere steel, re- presenting in all 3,000 tons of manu- factured steel -at least twice as much as fa in the Traders' Bank building. It is interesting to know that every- one ot the steel beams and posts will ha "wrapped" (cased) in concrete and to learn the reason why„ Concrete is a poor conductor of heat. If at any time a Are 'should occur, -the- concrete will keep the beat' from th.• steel and thus prevent its ex- Panding, and twisting or wrecking the building. Bat this is only one of the several means the Robert Simpson Co. are taking to make their new store abso- lutely fire -proof. .Vin -e -..n completed it will be in this respect as perfeot as human ingenuity,and naeeha,nical skill • ean make it; there will be no struc- time in New York or elsewhere better ie tire -proof qualities. In addition, for this purpose, the Robert Simpson Co, • will have no "light well" in thea new store. The company has sacrificed 2,50 square feet of space in order to start the movement towards widening Queen street. Their giving up the light well is -another sacrifice in the interest of the public, There is noth- ing so precious in a store as floods of sunlight. But the, Robert Simpson Co, are Magnanimous enough to sac- • rifle° beauty to public safety. For the light well would be a Boum of 'dan- ger in two respects. • If a Are broke out in the store it would cause a draft which would aid the conflagration -- and thus a small fire might beteme a large one. Fur- ther, suppose an insignificant fire co- curred in one part of the building,the light Well would cause the smoke to be distributed to all parts of the store, • and the result would be te panic, per- haps ending in a loss of life. The do- ing away with the light well will aid in making the new. Simpson store fie - proof. • ' How many of the. hundreds of peo- ple who are daily to be seen watching this magnificent steel structure grow know that when completed it will:he the largest block of steel in any build- ing Of the British Empire and also that it will be the most perfect in fire- proof qualities. ••• . A Wonder: 'Bill -Is he clever with bis pen? nill-Very. Why, he ean hold his fountain pen behind his ear without getting ink nil oyer tis cheek! -Yon' kers Statesman.. - ANOTHER' GOLD DISCOVERY. Wonderful Richness of the Mackenzie River Region. • An old Seattle prospector named T. O. Oliver, who recently returned beitinfonn neare'•of niennentilignein the Mackenzie,. Peace and Le Lard rivers; dining whin)), thne he crossed the Bar- ren Lands' to the firat ceche- of the 7Franklip expedition hring-ews. of gold discoveries which 'he says •sur- . peas the early finds ,in the Klondike. He Will head a party that will, leave Seattle•tO .inteen to •these disCoireries. ' When seen' by. reporters -Mr. Oliver said: "The "ginatesn. gold: diggingsin the world are in the Meckenzie river country. The strike at Herschel is- land is one of the biggest discoveries of recent year's., 'lentthe richest fields Will be found in the Benno Lands neat Great Slave Lake. r bane Pro's- pectedfor gold since I is Afteen years old end el. have been in 'ell of the .best knOwn xi -Ann* 'cainpe during that time,' inelnding two years spent in the Klonnike,nut the. • Meckentia, river emintry. eiirpasees all of the • places that have ever been discovered. ) "The wonders Of this Wild region ' will astound the 'worin When it he- cemes known; This year there will be e • big rash into this -country; hen it will be target next year and the year following . "The country i&. extremely difficult to prospect, and this is: all that has Preventedthe great gold discoveries before. I went into this country in 1907, by way of Nene river, striking 'anesteeerneat .--P-eace-riverencronsing„n We. Went 'down . the Peace river in boats about 700, •Mules to Vermilion 'falls, ,and from there on to •Fort Smith, an old Hudson Bay trading • post. The only difficult pert of the river to -navigate was Sixteen niibes before reaching Fed Smith, which we were forced to portage on account of the rapids. From this Point it is 200 miles to. Great .Slave lake, On Great Slayelake, thirty Miles from Peace river, is. Salt river. :nne• prospected up ,this- stream thirtn miles.and found Salt •beds. where we were able to dig out suffiMent• salt to 'care a winter's sunnier of fieh. • • ".'We went un the Great Slave lake in a 24 -foot birch bark canoe, a three weeks' journey to a stream the. In- dians call Copper river And then struclnacross.the Barren Lands, which the Indians call Little Stieks, because there is no timber.. We went across this counery until we reached what we believed to be the nest cache of the -Fankliri expedition, about 1,000 miles frorn the nearest Hudson Bay trading poet. This trip we made with dog teams. In crossing to the okl caehe we were forced to carry what fuel •we needed for (molting purposes, only using enough to boil a . pot .of •ten and to cook a little meat. Some, times we would am a little wood and replenish the stock, but there is 'very *little that Can be used for fuel after leaving the- Copper river until the Franklin cache is reached." • The Future of Canada. In his Address at the amulet dinner of the Canada Club at New York, Chief ',Thence Langley of Nova Scotia expressed the view that Canada was not destined to retnaln a portion of the British Empire. He also flung defi- ance at the trotted States. Ms clos-. ing sentences, which did not get in the press reports, were as follows: "Aggression from our big neighbor, I dismiss as unworthy of considera- tion, but if, by any such mischance, power became vested in the United States in any body of men so as to attempt to infringe Canada's rights and liberties, 1 can, only say that there ie SOMe good Stuff On the other side of the line, and when Canada has' 15,- 000,000 people she will not be averse te eindlorigitig the issue with all the spirit of a proud and independent race." Eight Hon. James Wye°, British ambasatidor at Washington, who fa. lowed, without alluding to Judge Longley by name, administered a re. buke to the opinion expressed by fudge totem INSURANCE ill*CANADA. Interesting Figures of Last Voile* Business In That Line. The Minister of Finance at Ottawa has presented to refitment an ab- stract ot statements of insurance corn - ponies in Canada for 1907. It shows that the total amount ot life insurance effected in Canada dur- ing the year was $90,854,482, a de- crease of $4,158,723 as compared with 1896, but it falling off of nearly ten millions Oa compared with 1905. To the decrease for 1907 10 compar- ed with the .preceding year Canadian companies contributed $179,937; Brit- ish companies $970,683, and American companies $4,158,723. Tho preraium income of the life in- surance companies shows, however, an increasaaf $782,586, the total being $23.147.042, as Against $22,304,466 in 1006. The increase of premium ineoreq: of the Canadian companies was $8•73,804, while the income of British compan- ies from, their Cauadiari -business. de- creased $13,910, and that of Amen= companies decreased. $75,298. The net amount of life insurance in force at the end of the year war 1689,32,4,506, an increase of $33,063,60( as compared with 1906. To this inn increase Canadian companies centri- buted 889,708,877 and British compan- ies $688,242, while the insurance in force in American companies shows a falling off during the year of $1,- 252,659.: Canadian companies paid during 1907 inndeath claims n4,690,000, and in !natured endorsements $1,158,035. British companies paid $76,330 in death claims and $527,42.5 in endorse- ments. American conneanies paid $2,520,589 in death claims and $1,116,- 952 in endorsements. The fire insurance companies re- ceived $8,595,041 for premiums, and • paid for losses $5,894,959. A Valuable Service. "The traveler in Ireland will do nein!' recently remarked an attaelle to tho Affreeio.an embasey at London, 'when he ennagen a taunting, ear to make 'sure of the step to wlech in mounting he must trine his weigh The carman does not help him t• mount. "I am afraid that step is loose," an American once said. to the driver be had engagni. • • • "The man 'took hold of the step and shook it. 'Ah, shuren said he 'it's too sthrong it is. Whatare ye afraid of?' #' "As he was talking the thing came .off in his hand. • "This mishap did not, however, em• barrasa the 'nehmen, for, with the sunniest of smiles, he, turned to his fare, saying,: . • "'Shure, now, I've saved yer honor from a broken leg!'" Home Role' In Canada. • Cardinal Logue, Primate of all Ire- lande when, in Montreal, discussing home rule, remarked that all Ireland is bound to have it, but he felt they would be satisfied with something less than the fulness of the home rine that Canada enjeys. July 2nct, 1908 The'Both of -the Fldure, "The bath of the /lent eentiirn," IWO 1 T. Baron Ituaaell lo hia hook, "A Hun- dred Years Ileum," "will lave the 1)04 speedily witb oxygenated water delivered witla a force that will render rubbiug unnecesearn• and heidde It WIll otand the drying cupboard, lined svith some quickly movIng =Inge" ment of soft bruebes and fed with a highly deeleeated air, from which, al- most In a tooreent, the bather win ..emerge {Infect and with a akin gently stimuletea and perhaps electrified, to clothe himself quickly and peep down the lift to Ws breakfast, which be will eat to the accompaniment Ott a ante - Mara Or the morning's news read out for the leozietit of the family or whis- pered into his ears by a talking 13)a* eldue." •et. Peter's In Rome, Frew the beglnidngeof the teunda. tion to the time wben the great church 'of $te Peter's in WOO gaald be said to be complete three and it half centuries had elapsed, eighteen architects had been eniployed aetd forty-three popes bad relgeed. , The coot of the great church can never be known with ex- actness. At the end of the seventeenth century it had cost $50,000,000, with. out including the sacristy bell, towers, etc. The last important work on the edillee was done by rope Plus IX„ on the four hundredth anniversary of the bIrtn of Mlebeltingelo. Marital Punishment. "So yet; have had it out with your wife? How did you manage it?" "Took her up in McLemore's cove, There there is the most remarkable echo ie the World," ntlow did that cure her? What did the echo have to do with her malady?" "The echo had the last word." ' • Men Are 8o Unreasonable. . The young wife nannot„understand whee if she only lute .a vase of fresh flowe.rs on ,the table at breakfast,. hein husband should find fault just temps° the steak Is burned. KINGLY consespotammx • MiMm•Milmfmmtmrol Kew the Sovereign Adcheseee Other OroWned Heade. When the Ring writes to a crOnnt. ad head he begine the letter "Plydear :Brother," in accordance with the 110 - tion that all real crowned beads are :brothers. This includes the Emperor .of China, the Shah of Persia, the King of Siam, and the Emperor of 'Abyssinia; but would not include the Khedive, who is nominally subject to the Sultan. When writing to elected Presidents tbe King compromise:3. on "My dear Friend," and this expe- client cost a world at thought to MM- ./sten in the reign of Queen Victoria, when it beeanse necessary for her to reply personally to the .Preeident of the 'United States --that being the first occasion when a Snvereign of Britain had personally written to the bead of the republic, It tnay be added that when, the Xing writes to the Emperor of China the address is so altered in the trans- lation, in accordance with the nidi - anions custom of the Chinese Court, as to make it appear as if the King had addressed the Emperor in terms of the most abject and slavish sub- mission and flattery. In the reply, the Chinese Emperor alldresses his correspondent rather from the point of view a some powerful demigod on earth who is signifying his pleasure to some petty and abject chief of a email section of an unimportant nation known generally as "foreign devile," for that is the Chinese official view of the European Powers generally, This document is not, however, allow. ad to leave the palace. It is carefully bowdlerized by the Imperial Secretary into a more 'orthodox shape, so that it may be translated into* the foreign language without giving, offence, and the 'Chinese "original" accompanies the 'European version. Just Stew. There ' was an old lady 'Wbo ,Tiked a • ragout. (She lived in the city of Kahunesout.) She'd -the lcleverest cook to be foinid • anywhere, Who would make it quite deftly, but • Privately swhere, .—Tis a shatne such a haythenish 'flame as ragout Should be give to this iligant, fable Irish stout!" (LONDON) Undoubtedly the best brewed on the continent. PioVedeto be so by • analysis of four chemists,- and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitionst especially Cuteaso 1893, Where it received' ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much • higher than any other Porter in the • United States or Canada. •• _trseseeonapeeieweeeetteemeretweesteeemoriettnwo • se, n seription to end or 19 Keep posted in the happen- iiigs of Iluroi county by read- ing The News -Record Which ex- cels in—L--c-ctil and. County -news furnished lay a* large staff of wide-awake correspondents, .Corrected up-to-date mar- ket reports are also a feature of The News -Record. And a popular Continued Story is weeklya source of pleasure to all lovers of fiction. 40 cents will pay a sub- scription to the first day. of 1909 to any postoffice in Can- ada. In remitting please do so by postal note or express order addressed' to .MITURILL ews1.011eOrd,. m.tClinton, Ont.