HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-02, Page 54.ttiy. 200" 1908
The AmeriCelt OleetPle teazle eelitet
?tor England lase week
Lad Mither is alaellnel At tee
Peet $a Melee of coMmereige treateee
ltetWeen Britieb. &Millions! aad fereige
B. Hoover
lell44•11,44 4 •••••••4011.11.114010404044.••••••••••+0•10.**14411
I The News From Goderich
?Lowe A. SKIIIMINGS, COrreePendent
• NalstIe Bell The lete James Heale, Wile dee
Partee thie life Iast weee *A born in
anaple, Devonshire, England, Bev-
elteteeix years ago. He served: an apt
prenticeehip in the thy goods trade in
London, Eland, liayine as fellow
Week George Stepitene, now Lord
Mounesteplien. On. coming to °wee
elr. Male became a Inerceant, later a
cominereial traveller and in thelerice
a clerk in the store of Mesere. Fair,
tteelteerlouie and Wallace
and other
Merchants an about forty year ago
be received a stroke a paralysis trom
which he never esetirely recovered. This
eeason he received another stroke and
although he rallied he died on eiceidae
the 22nd day of Julie. •
Tee Melees Parsons. and Vesta Wat-
son, teachers of $t, Andrew's and St.
David's ward schools lefe un Thurs-
day morning for Guelph Agrieettural
College to take, up the holiday, come
of "Nature Study?' ad ehe Arts..
Mesdames H. B Combe blurt M. D.
eleTaggart .aed 'Miss- Rance of (lento
Were visitors in Goderich lest meek.
• M. and :Mrs: Alex, McGregor, lete
of Todrnorden, have rented the hinise
on South street formerly owned and
oecopied by the late Mr. t.nd Mrs.
Jelin Breckenridge. ,
Oif 'Stindae last, it being ',lower
Sunday in Knox chuck, the cent was
filled up with children elle a few
members of the eimir. Ae the effen•
eery the choir eang, ellepev Per in
June," after which Mester eta Cute
eang in fine voice the solo "Pret-
ty De* Drops," the chorus being, well
sung by tee choir. For the sermon of
the day Rev. Mr. Anderson chose tire
If you paid texts: phmipth,ns 2-21 and 1st Cele
le the afterneon at Knee church ' a
patriotic :service was held, the child-
ren's choir °peeing it with singing
Geld Save the
Tom spoke on tee cigar-, •
Toni conducted the services and Past-
or Anderson gave an eppropeialee ad-
eress. Mr: • King.. Superinietildent
ette habit and showed bow injurioue it
is..• The childrenin the choir. all wore
rases and the • etertgrega.tion thoeght-
teo, observed • the do. The
pulpit Was banked: with dowers , •ane
many foliage plants, -
• Mrs. S. Clerk left last -weal< for her
home in the Orkeey •Islands, bite, Will
are as low as the lowest,. By rent* some time in Glasgow .
Mr. eneeteMrs, ,Williame Carsick left
lase we*,for their .1home at Boston.;
Mrs: George 'Williams eetuthed to
her reeidence on Thunsday of lest weekt,
after- a fortnight's visit at Sault Ste.
Marie, Mich., and Pickford -in , tee
same state.- At- pickford they -e• :estate
the guests cif Vs: Tom Williams. and
'daughter, Cassie, who aecompenied bee
on her return to Oddiellows' hall.
%Mts.. Geo*. t Williams, ' while at
Sault Ste. Marie:called on the Misses
Nellie and Vanettee, Ptiee; • •
Mrs: Webstet of Loneesboro and Mies
Jenkinsf Clintoi wereh
last week of their aunt,' lelre. Charles
Rev: IVIr. Cluff eStratford preaelied
the sermon to tee:Masonic body at
Se. George's 6111.0 on Sundae a. In,
taking for his • text, 1t King22,
"And upon :the tap of the pillars Was
lily Work so was the 'Week of the
Alegre: fireseedf" His filltistratien
ehowee that Free .Masons :are pillars
ane the lilies on the fop are the work
of the Masons, and, the pillars emit
be Complete to niateli the lilies. Mi.
Ciuil :,is gate an elequent Preacher a
the gosPel. : •
We carry Fur
that is
se superior tit the ordinary
Wan as a reek diamond is to •an imi-
tation. We handle none but the hen-
destly and substantially built kind.
than ordinary prices you would
:still be getting good •value for
your money. Our prices, however,
eloiag your furniture buying here
you not alone get the best queiity,
tut also the best values.
lloom &
Furniture and Funeral
We are the iota. agents fie: the
Famous Hercules' Springs and
Ostermoor Mattresses.
Rev. Mare Turnbull exchanged pet -
•pies last Sunday with elev. M. Cluft
ot the classic cite.
Miss Cameron, we aee bailey to
state, is now able to take a wale
every evening but st411 remains at tee
We leegret very much to note' the
death of Mary Ann MeNevin, wife of
William Nivins, Her 'death was caus-
ed by typepid fever. The funeral took
pee to Maitland cemetery, the see.
• vices being conducted be Rev. •Mr.
,Anderson. On the casket Was a lov-
ely wreath of white roses, lilies, car-
nations and fern, the tribute of her
(angle, with the word "Mother" in
glad letters. Teere were also) wreaths
from the MaeNevin family, Alexander,
Angus and William Maeleevin being
Itrothers pf the deem/sect lady. She is
survived by her husband, one son,John
and seven daughters : Mrs. Arthur Gra-
ham of Fargo, .South Dakota.; and
the Misses Isa, Lizzie' Madge, ',Myrtle,
Willa and Gertie, -MIwere present at
the funeral seee Mr. Arthur Geacham,
The pallbearers were Messrs'. E. Dow..
nine, W. Sheeniest, Robert Johnseon,
Donald eleNevin John Elliott and
Thomas Johnston. Mary Ann MeNev-
in as born in Aelifield and, was mar-
ried :there to William Nivene, She
was a loving, cheerful wife and moth-
er, always studying the welfare of her
husband and children,. andby her,
death they sutler a' 'ery great loss.
She was a devot5t member of ICItox-
'church, ' •
The Women's Institute will • meet
this afternoon at Benmiller where.
n brim* will' be ieaugureted by Miss
Rose Of Guelph, • '
Mr. Lome o/ Clinton) spent a
couple of days with his Velative'
s Mrs.
Weir and Mrs. ,Carrie while attending
the military camp last week:
- Two services for Plower Sunday
were held in North street church last
Sunday With tee children in the. choir..
The mass of roses and orange bloss-
oms with exotic plante eves trule im-
posing. It being Rev. Mr. Hazen's
lest Sunday he peeached hits "Farewell
sermon" ineehe everting, yet he did not
term it so for he says his sermons
.all fa God. Foe hie text he
chose St. John 26-1e. ."Peace
unto you," he said, 'wee the ordinary
saltitationee the Hebrews, but Christ's
salutation had a broader meaning.
He meant than -to -understand -Mae -he
would coefer. Upon than the -wonerous
power of Gote- The angels at Christ's
birth sang "Peace on Earth, good
Clinton News,Record
• Dealers in all Wade of -e-
• ---OLD
heee opened business em A.thert St.
in the, store next to .1-10ever, So Ball's
fereituee store and Will positively Pay
the higbest cash market price's.
Bring in your old Iron, Rage, Rub -
bees, Horse Hair, Copper, Brass,
Lead, ehse, Bones, Wool Pickings.
-Rubbers: 4e per pound.
-Horse Hair etc per pound.
--00pper and Brass Rec per petted.
There tra3 a large family re -union
nn Sendey last at the residence of
Me. and Mrs. Janes Dean. The relate
ives from a distance! were Mr, Mar-
tin•Haelon, eue son Harold, from Willi
iamstown, Mich., the former being
the brother of Mrs, Dean; Mr. Rich-
ard Hanlon, brother of Mrs. Dean -
M. Hankie is from Stretford, and was
accompanied by his little daughter,
Marguerite • Mr. Patrick Hanlon, gen-
eral merchLit, Centralia, also a bre,
tiler of the hasten; And he wee age
companied by els wife and children.
Mr, alale Mrs. • Flannigan and two
ehildren from Stratford and Mr. Jas.
Hanlon, else of the classic city , were
also among the. geese's, The thee
Hanlon brothers went down te Clin-
ton befoie returning to their homes
to visit friends there and relativeout
in Hullett and also the cemetery of
St. Joseph in that township where hill
parents are at rest.
Mrs, J. W. Kirkpatrick ,:itee Miss
• le,. J. Fawns) of Woodstock, formerly
• of Carlow, wee' the gueet laet week (4
Mrs, R. R. Sallows.
The late, Mr. Duff was tt•tt sie r of
the Carew school which, Vete e
patrick attended end she paid Mrs
Puff a call of eyrepathy ori :Feeley.
Mr. aid Mrs. Duncan Omen:el no*
occupy the "Weise House" on West
stmet. .
Mks, Dr.. Watters And some. • lady
frientit registered at "Gleeholtitee, re-
rideMi. and Mrs. Collieson:: .
Mi' and' Mrs, Andrew Cormack drove
down from Paisley: on Saturday and
Were 'while -re the guests a Mr. and
Mrs. Sterling, Cambria Read.. •
Live Stock Market.
Hallett Township
Miss Winnee Kelley of Morris is lab'
iting friends in Ilullett.
The Mimes Haley of Clinton visited
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quigley on Sun-
elaetexs J, J. Flynn, E. L. Blake
and A. V, Quigley attended the picnic
at Irish *Town yesterday.
Mr. Janie s Gallagher of Galt called
on old Weeds in this vicinity last
weekHe and his wife will speed. pere
of this week in Goderieh, township be,
fore leaving fa A siX =nibs' visit
in the .State of Montana.
Mr. William Stanley of Holmesville,
white returning aftervisiting his bro-
ther in Constance peperiencect a. some-
what: unexpected bate, while he
was crossing the * river on Thiletday
evening. The 'Water was high imeallso
of the recent rains and on aecount of
the new bridge 'being miller construc-
tion he had to drive through the
Water which as ere have said was
deep, so much so that it almost, cover -
cid the horse and buggy, thus givin
Mr. Stanley a ducking and ale() sweep.)
ing almost everytleng in the buggy in-
to the river., e
The Berlin Sugar Company
Has Been Re -organized.
Berlin, •Ont., June 29th. --There is
a decidedly batter outlook for the
beet sugar induetry. in: thisvicinity as
the result of the meeting held here-
todeee when the Berlin Sugar Refining
Company Was organized to .lease the
plea of the Ontario Sugar Company,
of which it is a subsidiary company;
sthe objeet, being .to pay' off the liabili-
sties of the old esempany out of the
new company's profits. •
Under the peeference muted by the
Government beat sugar companies are
permitted to impert free of alley raw
sugar to the amount�i twice the; quan-
tity a raw sugar manufactured, and
on the 'basis of the quantity of raw
• sugar rnade hi the Berlin plant in the
last two yeas, thenow concern will
irnport aed refine twenty-eiceat million
pounds, Besides which contracts, . with
farniere for the growing of beets. will
be resumed next year. Of the • coin-
eany's liabilities there is an item of
$8,000 owing to betimes for beets. This
WWI other debts wilt be wiped out, as
there is every proseect a the new eon-
eern being a• success. The directorate
of the new company is as follows
James Fowleie ," Managing Director;
W. B. Rouse, •• Bay City, ; E. W.. 13.
Snider, St .Jacobs ; W 11 13reit-
haupt, C: K. Hateedern, R. Smytes'aitie
Casper Braun, Berlin, .
• Threat°, ihnte ,29teTeetrititgliie • -
the aise of aee runs of eattlewlt Whitechurch
are • note coining ' "in, the ideathat ' •
in the Arthur Crag is home front Toronto
will fn men" and "Bleseed . are the there is a. scaecity of ,eittle
eeeee• makers,' wee 'another titoof teal eountre yielt soon lieetit to. give • wee or eefeW- !lays. • --
Chrise:wanted•••Pea,co to reign, for e-vere---edete an-essieree•certeinte• efeaeleee.-.• --Mr-s--K-- Pattefisenevisetedetrtendse-iee
"Peace" means • life, he said, ,action tine supply. As a matter of :fact; C'te3'.04 • ''ejeate * ' •
not death, not hisensibilite, notStag- . there ma.e be noactual* scarcity of Mrs Gibeen of Galt hare been .; visit-
na'tion.. "My peace 1 give unto you' s .cattle in the . country1 but it was be pee her brother, mr..J. Campbel1.
was entailer illustrate -, feehis mis-Ilieved that otving to the scarcity ' de : Mr: atilt, Mrs Pecer.oft teak in the
eine; "O ': leallefitialietee • ileaVeti/ 'he .in such poor condieten .that it J: Cam bell 'of Brantfp°r<Vis.: Spend;
-seeete At ,11,e, . eeiree 2: tteetel`ete4eielete*eetee"- Jeee; in lief Past winter. cattle would eecent: excersion te,betr it..
where .tesus es'. Mite Browe reinter; Would: be later teen usual befete the 'inn' 'a few P dais :.. under . 'the parental
cattle finished on grass would! be • in roof '
kiinid •enough condition for mai et ' • • '
Mrs. as. eleCieneghen • ail(' " sore
This' -expeeeatioe has( in part turned Haery ha ets returnee feene an extol:idea'
tett to be true, and the hieli - IM;et. t C,"
a E:Peidet: for good stall -oa;ttle hvisiin SVC and
: e .
beenefully tmainteined up to thp ptee- "
has 1 - '
Je A. eay, a of Edineetoe, Ateereea.
,,?t tiine. Tee ,aliunderice el • the.'graSS Wil'° car" oast to i*:1)•regelit-at. '' file
• Capital paid up $3,337,500.00 Reserve kind $3,337;500.00
S. H. EWING .. _ . . VieF0-President
W. M. Ramsay, J. P. Cleghorn. • H. Markland Moleon. +
Lt. -U01 F. C. itenshaw. Win. C. McIntyre -t•
'James Elliot, General Manager. A. D. Thirnford.• Chief inspector and Superin
dent of Branehes. W. IL Draper, Inspector. W. W. L. Chipman.
J. H. Campbell, Assistant Inspectors, • +
SAVINcs BANK DEPARTMENT DeposIt4 of $1.00 and upwards received
and interest allowed at 3 per nent.from date, of deposit, compounded I times a year
SPECIAL ATTENTION given to all, branches of Fanners' busl,net4. Sale
notes cathed or collected on favorable terms, - •
• , .
Special Prices
on Lawn Mowers,
Gasoline Stoves,
rtilk Cans, and
. . . ,
• to figure with us on !lid Air
Furnaces, or Hot Water
cd the•hetnn in beautiful voice. •"Crod
be with you till we meet aeeen" as
sung by the. choir while the congrega-
tion 'Was Ming out • - • •
Mrs John •Hilliete of 13ellevieee .is
the guest of: her brother t. e••Harry
'eatenTorpnto liere Here!!! went
, .
to Toronto for speaker teeetmeitie • .
Wo hail the pleasure of. ;neer'. ng Mr.
aed Mn e Arthur Williams ,e
desien" at the Attrill eempleteground
lase:week. They were teepee led by
their daughter Clementine..
crop this seasoe, eoweete, has" enableddeath of his brother; the late E. W.
the graesers, to make good time, as it:
were, and a .faiely large proportion of friends aroene Whiteceureh before.
well finished • grass cattle are now he egain started for the West. ,
' ,Anothorlif the old pioneere, 'of Tura -
;coining into market. .• •• '
• berry eased avve,y' on Monday of hist
Tee run at the 'inlets Stock Yards Week in the person of Mrs. William
Bairdeln her 89th year. The remains
Were interred in Whiteeheroh,cemetery.
Taylorecalled upon a number .of •old
Miss Isabel Spence,. reeetter . the to -day, was 80 leads, containine'• over
Leeburn school le the guest of her 1,600 head of cattle. With such a
sister, Mite A. Williams. • free ewe it wa,s to be 'expected that
The IVIenesetung Canoe Clue ',et:led trade wattle be -a Iittic stove,' and that
Godertch fa !tee third .:iree ane prices would ease . off a. :trine. The
with the eafee unfavorable weeilsree decline , so :,far, hOwevet, ia not .rety,
eain, 1 n er an • gg- . neat serious. prices s 1 re ee •roe
ly all the invited guests went ..through few choicestalWed and finished cattle
whatever difficulties presented theme offering, and for the bese grass cattle
elves. The London htrpers delightel in fair *intim; pricee Were modetet-
11. A number of the wives of: the ely .firm, though the market as a
fficeee from a distianee arrived and whole oan fairly be described as quite
vith the Goderiele guests there . etvae A. bite easier ilittota week ago.- Trade
'erg assemblage The dresses wee; generally • was fairly geed, and though
ery beaUtiftil. • The Club had the slower everything was peaty well
ssereble hall very nicely decorated. cleared off. LoCal, buying. was good.
with the (legs of all nations and bun- The useale buyers- lit the Montreal
in g and over e door wee draped .e seeettet reported tee dull .arid easiet
lue ,flaewith white stars. Luncheon 'down, Ept; so that requiretnetits trent
was servea at reteteeet and. (lancing thatequarterwere Ifiette . •
ept,up till. foer in the Morning. . Expert market active and firm. • •
IVIes, John McNaughton and her The total run was 80 loads, With 1,e:
.aughtere Miss Kathleen, of Varna 638 head of cattle, 180 sheep and
pent a few days in ton last week as lames,' '18 higs, and 34 eelvee
he guests of their eelletivest Mrs. . Expoet-Market steady at $6 to $6. -
Captain) ...Shephatel and daughter Em- 40 ; medium, $5.60 to $5.85 ;
ly. They ireere also the guests ' ee tp $5, •
Mrs: Adamson eat . • Butcher--IVIarket easier except for
mise Fannie Huteelson, accompanied extra choice; choicest picked butcher,
by Mis;::. Jor41344 Mists' ()AVM), Miss S4.35 to $5,85 ; good, to $5,2,5 ;
Jessie Hutchison and Mestere • Keith commee mixed cattle steady at $S to
and Roes IIutehisen arrieee le 'eleder- $4,25. • ' •
ich on Monday in .Mr. ritzhugh's pris Steckers; 500th 700 lbs.,net malty
vete car "Ontario" from Montreal, wanted, market easier at $3 to $3.50.
and will speed the summer with Virs. Feeders-Ctood heavy at $4.75 to.
and Miss Iltetchieen at etleegeware $4.85. ,
Mr. and Mrs, John Whiddou of Bae- Ewese-Matket. easy and prospects
field spent a day iri Goderich last weak:, loWer ; twee, $4 to $4.50 ; bueks, 8ec
Mr, and Mrs, Angus McLeod of to 4c ; yearling lambs, 6e to 7e ;
Tiverton occupy tele season the old spring Melba, $6 to $6.50 ; pelves, .$3,
hotel itt Saltford well known as to _veep eade,
"Lashein Union Hotel." tie
ategs--Market firmer and lee higher;
Miss Jennie 13e11 sailed on June 11 seieette wee feeee at eleep•ft eotee,
on the Meaner Adriatic for Europe in arid $6.40 fed tied wattled.
company. with Mrs. Andrews, daugh- • • . •
ter a the founder of the Wells -Fargo '
Express Coretany.. A Worthy Link,
MisseEmily Bright Bell is spending •
the season in Washirieton. The fall term of Canada's gteateet
Mr. Kerslake end family now oteti- chain ot Modern, high-grade, Aetna
py rootlet' in Mr. • Doa:ke s resideneet Business Schools, lotated in the towne
Mr. Kerslaee eame from Toronto. of Clieton, Goderich, Winghtun, Walk-
. Mrs. Watters Is eooltitie for the Ilo- erton and Orteigteille and the cite of
hilt Elliott lumber ewe neat Day- Peterboro will open • on the let of
field. • Sept. The Onion Bassinets College is
.Mr. and Mrs: • Predate% V, title, inter -
a Worthy link and the SUCceSS of its
1 of Buffalo were registered at the Mit-, graduates has not been excelled.' Th(3
ish lexehange Iftet week and called up- new advertisement of this sehoa le
on, friends in town while ,in their way to be found on page 5 and will he
to visit Mrs. Weinheimees sister, changed weekly.
Mrs. Charles Young of &Ileum. .
Miss- letinath and Mrs. Smith, whn.
were while her the guests- of ' Mrs.
Mesna and .-daught-r, Iltiene,
have returned to their lenrie at De
teat. ,
Colonel Smith eatne up from. 'eltrat-
fad on Thur3day... to view the sham in the neldbliorliooll of nalleyhiary arid
fight. Cobalt.
The C. 1). It. opened threo braneh
lines in Ontario this week.
Hon. Thema; Daltantyne died/ in
f4.rafiford on Monday last.
have done great dainage
. . . Worth Knowing.
• if anything boils over on, your itove
and begins tmoke ,and eause an
unpleasant odor, throwa haneful of
sale on it. This quite remake the
objectionable .
' To clean, the ruefier rollers of your
wringer :use -ammonia in ehe propor-
tion of one .teaspoonful to a eueful of.
water. Wipe the renew,with this
whep they ale., stained. -Do not think
of using paraffin, as some housekeep-
ers. do; as .in time it will eat the rot -
The bethroorn spray, a soft camel,
hair brush, flower food and tobacco
soap most be provided when the fleet-.
ers are eteuget into teahouse, Tim
soft plant brush is excellent 10T wash-
ing the leaves with soapsuds and the
spray is'for lensing them in, the kitchen
• sink or bathroom.
Among, the; hetes t novel ties,. for liege:I
betvls at a ehildten's party are Japan-
ese water flowers. These should be
thrown in the water is the bowie are
placed in frost. of the guests. The
bits of painted woocl of any apparent
!term Or shape.gractually unfold 'andetc-
paid into flotvers •'or other . quaint
•The bridge between two eotton muli
at Hospeler collapsied.
leoter. --.Lot 404 Prineees street,
Clinton, containing 8-8 acre :of land
on which le ereeted a houses with 7
rooms, stone cellat and summer.
kitehen and a good stable and on
which are good water, hard , and
soft; and also ts. good gardett with
fruit tbees, win be Mitered at aUCtion
on the, premises en Saturday, July
25th, 1908, at. 3 ceelocle For terms
of sale apply to 5. G, Pluininci and
P. Churchill, Executers, or W.' Bret
done, Solleitote
WANTED.-Axittrabt, MAN, '
Petleneed in general farm work. --
Apply at Plumsfeel tiros. stor. 29
'MAME HOMY: writ ACItle OF
land, extra good garden, and good
Well on Vietoria street for sale. 11114
Mediate *Osats5ion ,can be given. -
Gore Doherty. '29
eolle4late Promotion
Tbe following is the result of the
promotion examination at the Clinton
Cellegiate Institute, the names 'being
in order of merit :
From. Form 1. to Forru
Helen. Fair
Agnes Irwin.
Harold Kerr
Jean McTaggart
Arthur Trick
Edna Turner
Leslie Wasemen,
Cora McGuire
. Clifford Millar
,.. Tracey Eleoat
Murray Jeekson
Louise 13eaton.
Leonard Rd
Harry McArthur
' leeward Farquhar
Edna, Rodowtty
• Dorothe Bali
Jean Stevenson,
Myrtle Tiplady
Harold Witte,
From Form IL to Form III.
Frank Elliott
Henke' Reid
Mabel, Brown. •
• Bridget Cummins
Jessie O'Neil
Charles Kerr
Hartley Watts
Mineie Turner
Barbara McIver
Leslie Woodman
Gertrude Chant '
.0Iarence Kitty
Bell Draper
Ritchie McNaughton
William Doherty
Clarice Bedard •
Jame s MeAtther
Stella Copp
•. Percy Whitley
Herbert Wise
. Margaret Torrartee
• From Form III. to Form IV,
• Dean Courtice
Donald Ross
Broder McTaggart
Edwaid Blake
John Wiseman
Roy pall
Charlet Macpherson •
. Edwin Weir
John Oantelon •
WillianeSmillie • '
Myrtle Meelath •
Clifford Andrews
•• Annie Challenger • ,
Melville Rumford .
Eve. Stineon •••
• Chirenee.etarice
• Agnes elidelon
et • ,
' Leila Ford • •
N. EL -Pupils wee': were Abseet, dering
• Parteor all of the -dual exam-.
leetlee will he gilen an op-
portunity of :writing :oe the
subjects missed when school
re -opens in September.
• Prize Winners. •
rain IV. -The prize' for•Eeglise and
History presented by Me. W. Bredone
B. A., has been. won by EP. StCwart.
The' jeliete for -elefeefiematiee
geleelee lieeeeen*,...*eteje., Peincipat.4undry.
kale's been aWeidee by reversion to R.
Vodden who tves :only two- marks be-
' Forel elle-The prize for English- and'
Itietory :presented by Mr: E. E. Ball
B. A. has beee woe by C, K. Maceli-
cesen. TIM prize fde Matheinetice and
Science presentee. by ',Mr.' W. D. Fete
bas :been WW1. be Dean Countice. • • .
. -
Form II..e•Tee prize for geeetal pro-
ficeney pieeented be; Oaptate . D..
McTaggart has been. won by Frank
Elliott: •• .
'The above prizes were Awarded bri
the combined results of the -February,
Apeil and June examinations-,
Commercial Diploina.e-Melville Renee
ford having 'successfully completed the
Collegiate ComMereial course and hav-
ing passed the examinations: is aWard-
a III 1
Mc10ENZiE- MURDOCK.- In Bruce -
field on Julie 17th, by Rev.' E. H.
,SaWers, Margaret, eldest d'augh-
ter a elr. Robert Murdock, to.
. William Mapkenzie of etanlee.
MeeDONALD e- SNELL - le Exact
on June 20th, Herbert G. Macdon-
ald of Chicago to, Vera, depghter
of Me, Joint Snell of Exeter.
HtItES VALE -- At the
ence of the bride's parents, Ititkr
ton, on June' little, Mary Isabelle,
daughter of Rev. J. Vealo, to
Rev. William 14. Flees of Bayfield.
MITCHELL- ADAMS- At the res-
idence of rthe bride's parents .••
. Colborne township, on June 24th,
be Rev. J. Anderson, James
Mitchell of Goderich to Alexandra
Catharine (Lelia), youngese daugh-
ter of Mr. David Adams.
SIIIELLS-eCARR-At the home of
the bride's mother, 1VIrs. Jas.
Carr, on June 30th, by Rev.
Perrie, W. R. Shiells, Pointer-
ston to Mary E. (Minnie) Oatt of
SANDERS -In Exeter ' North on
June 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Hae.
HySanders a daugidter.
CARIts-In Blyth on June Otte Mrs,
A. 13. Carr, aged 56 years, ' 9
months and 9 days. ,
CULL -In Toronto Oh June lith,
Caleb H. Cull, formerly of Sca-
fowl, in, his 80tb year. .
DUNLOP- In Goderich on. junil '19th
liye.n John, youngest son of Mr.
.• D. Dunlop,. aged 10 !Months.
NIV,INS Goderieh on June 21st,
Mary Ann eleNevin wife of Will-
iam aged 5d years.
IIJAAIM- itt G.oderich ott June 22nd,
James Wale in his 7801 year.
licloe:se lighting•has been 'tittered Ham
Mon at 10 per ce-
nt. below Niagara
Forty people were killed in an en-
tounter last wc'ek betwetn eleelean
ttooPs end tevolutheests. "
"4th Advieeof Frtende 1 Tryor
Pe-ru-ne. an the ,Reiutie 'lave Reost
High& Saeisfeectory.' - $o Wel**
RATc.-ILiota.morr,116 nue ;Toro
4VA Dame,Lachine,P. Q., Can., writette
"I write you a few words to express,
to you my satisfaction at being °uncle
wasaroat :ffindkniedwihc
ealnd 47leititaherrreo maVI
was greatle discouraged. I had a badJ
tbrieeantdhs Xantdriaedbmadthee Peruna and the re -
out obtaining relniteastff.t:Aiantmtmh:etnitanielliwethettiohae-,
the Morning.
la took treat
suite have been highly satisfactory.
crueirered,Ondeof &urn/oaths I was completely
. ZTegleeted catarrh becomes chronic.
Having developed into the cerme�.
stage, a longer and more persistenfe
treatment will be, required to cure BE
than it the (Blume were treated at the
On-He:Waver, Pertma generally brings rep
ILA whether the catarrh is acute or
chronic If you are wise you will keep,.
• letruna on hand and take a few doses ati
:the first appearance of a cold or cough,
aila thus perhaps save yourself both Mt.
tering and expense.
Peruna is recognized the world oy
standard remedy for catarrh. .
litultitude of people have been benentsel
by It. •
. The bellowing is taken from a.tecent
issue of the Berle). News-Reecird. :
ee was. buying • a cigar lasteweelt •
ernen a man ' dropped into the seeP,.*
and after !fleeing 'a fulyeeieteds the '
•propriatee that he had sterteda clo- .
thes .hop around the corner, quoted
him prices, with the assurance ef best
garments and terms, :
After he left •the cigar mei turned
to me and said :••
'Enterprising fellow,' ,that, he'll get
along." • :
But he won't,'' I replieri; 'tend
furthernioee, I'll. wager' yoe that ' he •
hasn't the sort of chithes • shop.. that •
willteimble him :to." •
• "le,thet reed°, you think' that ?" Mier»
ied the Mae behind. the counter.
"His ideas are wrong,"", I eiplained,
''he's relying upon word of mouth to •
'mild up his business' and he can't in., .
teeview enough' ineividuals to 'Compete • :
wi a mere an w o as eese en-
ough to say the seine thingshe• told .
you to a hundred -thousaed men white..
he is telling it to one. Besides his
method af advertising is • too eireen-
sive, Suppose he sees a hundred -.per-
sons every clay. Floe of all he is :
rail:dug , his business a itn eecessary.
direction, and besides he is speeding
to much to reatieovery men .• he so- ,
Hefts." e. • t. • '
"What, mak-es .y(111 SaY .that. ?"
Well, .as' the proprietor of a clothes
shop his own time is so valuable that
I am veiy• conservative in iny 'e,stitnato
when I ;put the cost of his soliciting ,
at five tents a head." • .
Now if he were really able and 'clev-
er he would. discover ,teat he can
talk to many thousands of people at
less than a tenth of a cent .per indi-
vidual." • ' • ' •
never looked at it in thee way," •
said the eigarman. •
''It's only "the man who hasn't
looked at tt in that woe," who hesi-
tates for a moment over the advisa-
bility and profitableness of newspaper
Newspaper advertising is the cheap-
est channel of conemeinieation. A
thousand '<steers with ene eerie stamps
Will easily cost fifteen dollen aed
not one envelope in ten will be opened
because the very postage. Is an imita-
tion to the WA•Si* basket.
It there is anything cheaper, rest
assured that the greatest merchants
in Canada would not pend individual
sums ratiging up to a (patter of a mil-
lion dollars a year and over.itt this
form of attracting trade.
0 0 hearoleiDIRS
melees(' by our netnaget, last, year.
Experiences0 ()lints r Geaduatea
tnott ettccefieful. Special Conroe
for Teachera. Mail Vottreete Send
postal for pertleulars.
rittlERNilliffirsEPT. I
Clinton 13usinees College,
ogotion, ,SPOTT014, littler:1feet.
--- •