HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-02, Page 3July ;Mt 1908 *Fr, ,f4""Aiwowrowoeffiviotryrow,""AmArowww.el RticuthatW Rings_ Are guaranteed to cure Rheumatism and Neeralgia. The Electro-Oheneical Rina is not an Ignorant charm or faith cure, buell, scientific mediunt for the elitoin- *ion of uric acid from the blood. Th e t•peret, the power, the naet.it in this ring Herr in the combination of the various metals of which the ring is made. Ni, matter what the treuble is. if it is caused by excess of uric acid, The Electro.chemical King will effect a cure. Looks just like any other ring., Oen ne worn day and night. We guarantee these Rings to do all we claim. Call and Examine These Rings. flT It, Counter Jeweler and Engraver. Lssuer of Olarriage Licenses earreerereebee wereeeeetreereeekereiemereeeeetevertieeA0 bereeereereareeereroweerioneereest John Berry of Elmer, New York, %vas found dead • on the ice wagon which be drove. Alive amt healthy, an 8 -clay -old 'salty was rowel abandened on a .,aceet in Chicago. At Byron, Maine, while fishing,. a young woman recently captured a 30-, pound turtle. Mrs. Emma F. Hahn died at hlastonj Pa., from burns received from a flying head of a ma,tch. YOUR PAINFUL CORN. What it wants is the soothing at- tention of Putnam's Corn Extractor, Which lifts out the very met and branch in short order.. No pain, no after affect, just clean wholesome cure -that's "Thetnam'e." At Atlantic CfLy, Lewis Hewitt, a carrier for fourteen pears, was arrest- ed for robbing the mails. John Crowthers, 80 years old, and. until lately a rich man, was buried in Potter's Field, Camden, N. J. . . Mrs. M. • Halley was instantly killed. by falling down the -stairway -the • - residence Of a friend in Chicego. • At a picnic to be held by the -M411--• men's Union, Youngstown, Ohio, '1,- 000. gallons of iced milk will be 'given away. d Like to Try Psychine "Please send me' a bottle of Psychine. 1 baye a ehild afflicted with tuberculosis, and have been advised 'to try your medicine by our famil doctor, as he says he cannot do any- thing more for my child." MRS. H. STEPHENS. Arthur, Ont., July 14, 1907. Psychine cures when doctors fail. Many are sorry they did not try Psychine first. Throat, lung and stomach troubles yield to its curative power. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. • p, 0. Minter, when going .at "ter- rific rate on a tele] trip in an auto near Fullerton, Cal., yesterday feinted) from heart trouble, bus machine ran wild and upset, and he was killed. Harvey B. Carter, returning to In- dianapolis after an eight yea,re anbren- ce, found that his 'wife had i erried again. The woman peomntly secured a divorce from the 'Second husieend and remarried Carter. • Edward Howe of Wallsevville was pulled off a bridge during a boys,' row and seriously "hurt Dont Blake of ' Montreal was atiei- dentally shot and killed by a. cone' paniort handling a revolver. , • Tlie n onument to the meniorv of Mgr. de Laval, first Bishop of Quebec, was unveiled inthe aneicht cit, and ijhe•day was observed as a fete, , Modern 'Woodmen at their session .at Peoria, 111.,, havepractically doubled thesalaries of all leading' OffiefUli end selected Bielalo; Ne -next - place of meting. Ten stifelf boys arraigned for orap shooting at Kearney, lef, J., were sen - termed each to a (spanking. • A recerder and two litiskY policemen administ et,e1 the dose to those whom the parents did not chastise. DOUBLE' UP \Om CRAMPS. Suomach feels like an Infernal mat -t- itle ent) you want relief mighty quick. Nothing does the Work half so scon as Ptolson's Nereiline. Why it 'isills the pain instantly. If your, bottle is empty get • another to -day., Nereiliee keeps the doctor bill sniall becau.oe it cures little illsbefore they grenv big. Nothing for • indigestion, heartburn and cramps like Poison's .Nerviline, Large bottles ler e5c. Five 'unidentified Italians employed iby Burke Bros., Contractors on the. Lackeivarina." Railroad, *tit - • Lehigh, PA., :by e premature blast ' I TrYing to win a wager of one etalla.re that he could not serim.frenf Ohio t West Virginia; • August Craft. Wae drowned in the currexit of the Ones UIIItOn 3 cord River. . . . CLINTON ONT Terms ef subscription -$1 per year in a vance may e c arg 1 not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the opinion of the publisher. The; date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. A.dvertising rates -Transient adver- tisements, 10 cents per nbnpariel line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insert. fon. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., in- serted once for 35 cents and each subsequent insertion 10 cents. Communications int2nded for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the Wee of the writer. +++++•••• W. J. MITCHELL, . Editor and Proprietor. • . The Mill Ceeek Coal COMPany, I Mrs, -Ressel Sege 1)step:fit lel all of the ice- cream 'in Sig :Harbor ,after the • , supply had given out.. ata pienie she gave ag ar eer• afternoon.. • • • MEN RULE, BY FORCE, WOMEN •. BY .CHARM. And yet beettege the Y .live less gteen- uously; worneneneglet the early. • evid- ences, of failing .vigor... The Wise wom- an Willent"p.erniit her charms to he robbed by illrhealtth. When. she • Leis . appetite failing, nerves. eetting oii i'dp she.. takes .ForrOzpne. Howit eharp- ens' the appetite:. -How quickly . rieh blood is' available to restore:colorr to the --checks, buoyancy to the sop, Bet- ter trY FegOzOneYou'll feel like a . new !being, with new vigor atel ability; to confront life's' 'diffieelties, You are sure to blass the day you commenced Pereozone, Sold .every.where itt5(ke boxes, THE POPULAR WAY TO THE WEST • IS VIA CIIICAGO AND ST. PAUL . AND THE RATES TO PRIlsiCIPAL MINTS IN MANITOBA, ALBERTA AND' SASKATCHEWAN AttE NOW TI1E SAME VIA THIS ROUTE AS FORMERLY APPLIED VIA NORTH BAY DOMINION DAY RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE BETWEleel ALL STATIONS IN CANADA, ALSO TO DETROIT ANa PORT HUP.ON, MICI1., BUFFALO, BLACK ROCK AND SUSPENSliON. GOOD 'GOING JUNE 80th AND. minor,: N. Y. JITLY 1st, R Pris UR N tintIT THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, FULL IN FORM A T tON FROM ANY GRAND TRUNK TICK- ET AGENT, F. R. HODGENS, Town Agent.. A. 0. PATT1SON, Depot Agent. erating three collieries near 11.1alioney,. City, Pa.; has suspended fifteen brea1/4- ` er boye to cet down eiepenset. • Two attendants of 111 State Howe for the insane in New York were eat- terieed to three months, fine and coeth, for laettality to patients, cretary of the Interior James A. Gar 'eId ha h sailed from Honolulu ett a Visit to the crater of Kilauea and a , tour of the ielaede of Hawaii and Matti. •r++41,A4/4•1..+44ait.i.+ Y.., %IN Ailed ilto*n, of MetritoN I /at. Imo Pors x years / Wye knoW,ti *tut it was to be (tee (foul VOA. No one tvet suffered move from itching bleeding Piles Ohm I did and 1 tried everything to get dated but Aired. One day it Mend of mite who hAd been curio/ With ZAht.ttair Nave 11,6*p:ion of b0.* ra try, etld the relief I gottitoo misrvellowt. I then beoght s sdripiy end hetore I hid hied it 41 "Le eemptetely tow." Or * t etoggioet Arel more*, se. AM -BU Clinton News -Record. 0011,111 00.0.0000400400000010400000110000100p00000000111011001 • a E sTuDy OL UB 90011111.000000•0100.000,4101000100isseeepeespeeeilieeeelpeee elosjpep Persons may join the Club at Ray one side only. No answer enust ix - Un during the year, lent must, of coed two hundred words 'in length ene course, answer the 50. questionsto may be less...1;,t will be a OGIIVCena qualify for the prizes. It le, however, a students will writetheir answers on desirahle that the questtous be an- letter paper, ,size about tief inebee by swo,ed leseone are studied. • .11 tactics. • This Club is for the purpose. of J: 4.-EAch answer must havO the name promoting, in an unfettered way, ad address 'of the writer on the bot - among the mamas, a wider cetudy of tom of the answer, so it can be Men- the Bible, the basal truths, a Chris- •Med, given number, registered and tianite, end the problem& which eqter then th.e name cut at $0 the examiner into every man's W. It is cone May 11:now it by .number only. Posed of •all those who join a. eLocel 5e -Students Ahmed be careful te Club, and take UP the simple CnerSe understand the question before answer - herein outlined, barring only ordained ing. To do this, the lesson text must clergymen. We have the sympathetic I be read and es pet tally the verse, or eo-operetion of the latter, but it is verses, upon whieli the question is not Considered fair to have them corn- I haSed. pete for the prize. Sunday sehool ...4. -The queetions fedm thie Local tetechere, 13ib1e elast senolars, and ; Club must.be delivered to this office; church goers generally, belong to this and they will he eollated alt, the elose Newspaper Cub, also non -church -go- ' of the conteet, and forwarded to the ors, of all shelties ot- opinion. AR 'such headquarters of the International who have not 10'40 ,are warmly Jayne i NeWsleaper Bible Study Club for hide - ted to, do so and to eompete for the ' pendent examination by epnapetcnt ex- prfzes, amblers. The prizes will their be , .This paper has secured the right to awarded " accordingly to. the highest publish the Internatietaai Sunday inumber of marks and thoso won ny School Lesson questions by Rev., Dr, ; Members of this Local Club will be Linseott, which have aroused so much given otrt feom this office. interest elsewhere, and they will ate! The Prizes. pear weekly. One oi these miestione each week is to he answered m write Feret 'Seetes-A GA Medal to each ing, and .upon these answers kh Pr- of the first Ave conteetante, ee are to be. awarded. • • 1 Second Series -.A silver Medal o . This paper is also authorlzed to each of the neat Ave contestants. ` form a Loca,l IsTeWnpaptIr Bible Study • Third 'Scrim -A Teacher's Bible, Club for its readers, end geaeanteps vete° ee.ete to .eeee et eke next fiv4, t� all who join and fulfil the condi- contestants. tions, that everything herein promised neolurth Series -The book "The Heart. . . shall be faithfully carried out. of Christianity," price $1.50, to each ' Conditions. of theCont est of the next thirtYeAve contestant, . '1 Fifth'Series-A develmfed mind, 1. -Each. contestant, or his . or he .expandedimagination'and a profound - family must be a subscriber: to this er kuowledge of the Bible and Of life paper, • (luring the • continuance of the to all who ta,lce thirs course whether 'contest', in order to .qualify for, Mein- 'yvinning any other prize or not haslet) in this Local Club, ,t Each medal, will be suitably engrav- 2.--Each coatestant le this Lottal ed, giving the name of the winner, and Club must answer each of the Written for what it is . awarded,' and in like questions for 52 consecutive week*, trimmer each Bible and book will be- commeneing for Shilday, June 28.th, iescribed. • , • 1008 and the ausweers must all be • in ' All who can Write, arid have ideas, the possession; of this paper within are urged to take:up these.studia re two weeks of the elm of this period, ;gardless of Alig degree of their educe - which ellowe two. Weeks' grace afte:r tion, as the , pipets are not valued the elos.e, of the aontest. . from an educational or literary Stand - .3, -Each question meet. he answered Point; but from the paint of vie* of Separately,. and the: paper written on 'the cogency of their reasoned ideas.. •111.1111=11/11•1110•01•14.00•610.11101,.. 41,11UMM.1 Sugyesclue Question§ on the. Sunday J'eh )ol 'Le9son by tinseett for the InterOtional Npwspper Bible Study Club: • July 5th, 1903. • • Granitd..• thatt.Godeisea rel -Almigb • Israel ;Aoks, for a. King -1, ty,:peeaoh, • so. to speak, right at -the • • • • , • • • elbow. "et:overy, elan to .pretect him, 'Ilt_Guaoe1471:14;;Ic' kpinrgoefv.te‘i,gi :aiti5d.r:and .to Supply his needs,, thenewhat„ is the grea.e. deieet'; moderci preach- • Vertse •47.1e-Wiai." Sanittel •to "b)ittie' ing, -and-in- average- Chris7ien, expert- becanee.hit sons Were had men ' • mice (This .question Meet -U., ans- . Are pareets... always to oe bleated •wered ,by members ...of .'tne for igeorea.ce, if not tor 5.::n; e hen Cleb.) . • , • • their -childree , turn out I,ari 7 ' • Verses -8,-9-4cre'what: reweerts had Why is it,th.at money is •stIcse.)e pow-, .1.stael.••been Ged• ? • erttil teMP t alien •'•to. "lead inn eoerceY ?.. theie, people eeceptional amen:4 • Veree. 5%.•(tpule -you blenie ettirse Is- the iiatiOns fin :rebelling. against God ?. raelites • 'for :beteg . :diesethsfied 'with Frow do you account • foe it; 'that their corrupt einle;ce ? will persist in doing hat they yilitt..:esb you say for "et •oteainst•lentew 'so injueious to them ? • . •their etelting '1er ? was; .1• VerSed •1.(e48H-Whet is the -0Vitience siptly prepeeeci, as. battles .their trope %that Santeel'e. predletione . to the files ?. • .. • -• , • .• :. • .eimeeeitcneeS of cleeitantithe a ' What. was the rot Leeson. why; they king .t.urned. oet to be. trite.? : • Wanted. a ,Iting? • • • • . " . • Wbal. for the Moat part 'was the • .What wa..; God'e.plan for Israel con- eche,raeter of. the Xing's of. Terme} 7 • I •cerning • their goVernment ? • • Verses :a Mae. 'or •Veese Aid their reqtie•A nation is excited, and stireee by. paS-. Please Sainttel .• • ' 'there any poesibility or .cor- : What leethe 'beat thine to do when reel reasoning " • e • IS 'na,ye trouble and' petplexite. " • What are the mills of follewink the • Ts God • 'a sure surcease for• every . fiishiOns of!!"otliers ? trouble ;and wilt he supply: us at•all Unite with the wisdom ? Veree ' 7 -Does God :Sometinies. give .ers may •do or say - eople• -what they, ask for,: e'ven if . kings on the whole' heett, knows-. 2 IS 4.1 . rteseing-er • I 'Can you .cemeeive of any greater . Ve.rees 21 -22e -.What is the aelverfitiagel :/unisliment than. God .gleirig a man of stating oer problems iti detail tieto or a nation• tip to their. own ' wicked the Loi (1 plans ? Why was it better undee . the sir TIOw they: s< -et God aeleing eemstances for -God-1, to, grant . their ter a king ? o ,. • • ... •'. • ' • ' request ?. . • .. Are • thee Iseeeliteg • exceptionel m Lesson for gelidly, July 12tb, 1908 rt.ot. wanting to trust in the- Unseee.? -Saul Chosea:Kinge Sam. .n,10.: The Auditor's Suspicions. In, the early part of tete inefeiry, Col. Anderson, Obief Engineer of the Mar- ine Department, testified to his opite i011 that Contra,ctot; Willson $800,000 1. influenced the elepourtment of the Com- miSsioner of Lights, and that there Was an bumper understanding be- tween eertaiiit oirteisls of the DepartMent au:d this favorite oontraetter. On Winesday Au4i:tar4040Tel Fraser was On the stand and was closely questioned as to his observetioes. Mr. Fraser swore that he considered the certificates, of "price fair and just" to be valueless, when they came from certain leading spendieg officials in the Marine Depertment. Ho weg led to that .conclusion by the Depu- ty lefinistert'e acceptance e -f deglin's bill for silverware foe the iceehreaker Illontcalra (on which a refund, a over $1,000 was afterwards made) by certificates of Commander SPeitre trevelling expenses (of which seine $1300 had to be refunded in one year) and rby the remarkable transactions, with the two Foe Signal Companies'. How Certificates Are •lldecie. Mr, Noble, who has been Assistant Commissioner of Lighls at Prescott, gave evidence shovving that the Audi- tor might well be susniciovs of centi- ficates. He SWone that he hed. hint - self been required to oertifY prices to he "fair arid jost," when he knew nothing about them. His Chief at Ottawa arranged with Merwin and ether conttactiets the prices for sup- plies delivered at Preeeott, and • 're- quested Noble to certify them, The wieness had steer% reasons for not', doing so,' and on the advice of the Auditor -General certified that the goods were received, "prices. arranged by the Department at Ottawa," This brought down on him the wrath of the Deputy Minister and Chief -Com rnissioner, who told him thet if he continued to "antagonize" the Depart- ment he, 1/eal .better s.end in his resig- nation: Noble says he, defied • them and centinued his course, but euffered heavily in consequenee, and finally found a young man promoted over .his bead. He had •niade many elrotests against extravagance at Prescott, tut found no sympathy, and 'coneluidect th•atI he was "butting against a stone Wall" to go further. • Deputy. Minister Gordeau • gave some testimony . concerning . the patronage system. He corniented that in • the last two or three years the • Departnient heel paid $2,ey,009 too, much for sup.. pliee bouglit at retail prices from dealers on the petienage, list ',instead of 'buying .at 'ivhalesalee conipetitiee prices.. • ' %It Would Be Wrong.' • ComniisSioner -denies having . received Any' financial Consideration from con- tractors or obtaining komotion tittottgli their . influefica, I -le •excuSes the payments' et fifty to two-heraleed 11 r vent: profits to 'Merwin by..etating that --the' bills Were paid. under :ordere- of the former Minister of :Marine: AS to his Court respecting Nohiei.s CCLti netiteS, he, s-tvPre :mist would 'take fhe same stead :if it ebouldbe , .11012 again. ''Thea. you weeld • take. ae wrong stand,' ' obsereee 'Judge Caesels. — . The godgins", Charlet. elajor Hedgias' has not withdrawal liis ehergeS, 01 over-claeslfication and over -1 tyment• 'oce.the .Traneeen tmee tat. He has, simply .declined go further with the icivestigation.before the com- • inVotee. The Government majority on the oonttniteee has tired him oute He found himsclf likely to he. all summer without having a, Chance to bring'a witness from the works, while .sti far •as be linew, he was paying Ms own ;lawyer and losing his own thne. Then lie was assured that he . eould make his eatee 1)efore. a board of ene gineers,, and asked ;thy Mr. Macdonald. veitethei . he would •not 'prefer sueh the question was one fer engineers he would prefer the tribunal of. experts as . more... cortmeteffie more fair 'and much less expensive for him, It es in this sense only .that he has withdrawn. the °barges, • -N-or is. it surprising that, he shoutd •seek a fairer tribunal, whin the majority: of the aonamittee before, off a Risk iussumi 010/1 1/011110.1101.01.111 GAP is liable, to puff out of the front door of any furnace unprovielegt for gas escape, "Sunsbine" Furnace has Automatic 0a4 Damper directly connected ;with smoke-pme. gaspressure sways damper sufficiently for it to escaee up chimney (see illustration), but heat, doesn't escape. What does "Sunshine" Gas Damper mean to r‘surishirie" PurnaCe? Means protection to the furnace parts against' evit effects of gas, What does "Sunshine," Gas Damper moan to "Sunshine" householder? Means furnace can be operated without fear as to "puffing"' gas; furnaco can be left without doubt as to whereaboutkofgas. What dos hSurtshine" Gas Damper mean to "Sunshine coal account? It means, instead of owner with "ordinary furnace fear having to keep chech-draft indefinitely closed to "let off" gas'-wben there's two-thirds parts of heatenergyto one part of gas passing up ehinmey-draft can with ail safety be opened, and coal laved for another day's duty, 4 London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg TWA aria sid B t Vancouver St.John,N.B. Hamilton WM? CIito• PIA: George Swaedling of St. Thomas who gave a boy ten cents to steal a valise from a, hotel, wee. sentenced to one year, in the Central. • • Frank Jefferson, arrested at Gulp On a charge of pocket-picking,ha boon identified is a notorious the from the Ltnited States. Harry Pettit, aged 14, of Union was knocked unconscious by the light-, fling while driving home the cows. M, C. R. - shoji employes of St. k Thomas are working shorter hours and some are off for the rest of the • :A month. . . lion.' Sydney . Fisher mored the see . reeding of the :civil. servicebul in the House 'of C.omnions, and 'goo Jetnes Collins, B. A, principal • of ,,, • Cobotteg •Ppliegiate Institote, ,was ape I Pointed- principal Of Belleville High. .§„i I 1 e 100 . progeess 'was made wi the, it.easerre President Plummer reports th works in eteallent Aiape at the an nual meeting of the Dominion Stee Paul Cleaver's. boese a.t Killarney, Mate,. was destroyed by fire by his e son attempting to light a' ffre witk coal oil. 1 Company in Montreal; He seta the would be paying dividends now, oniy for tite suil with' the Coal Company. ., • . Heat on Wednesday caused sixeleaelig in New York city,. - • y Sir Sandford Fleming will give Hal- ifax a park of eighty acres if a mem- orial tower 100 feet. high, Costing $20,000 is erected. McGregor qrid Frank .13eker . . of WatercloWn were stunned by •light nine drivieg to I-Iantiltone • pive pergoite` Were, --killed in. an . boarding house, : • , GovernMent ewnetship of railways Will not' be a plank in the Democrat nationa.1 conivention. ' • • . Three men Were killed by in explos- ion in No. 2 mine at Coal. Creek. . . . At Ewart's, west of R'ed Deer, a hothesteader, Egglebert Packha, • lokt his life, his. shotgun discharging tied- - dently: . For ehootihg With a revolver at A. . street cu, 'Conduetor Michael a Pole, was eentenced at_Hernilto,n to_e five years, • Sit Mackenzie • Bowel( dittribated 1:01,whielehe brought from the Yekon three', 6asersze aignot,he Senate r erom • a , rosebitsh .1 Three horses of L.• V. Bellew of Kentucky were senzett at Hainilten . rape 'track last Thursday to :satisfy ' •e New York 'judgment. • .The aerodigree "JIM.? Bite" made a Successful flielit of 2,175 feet in forty bee :.seconds Haminondeport N. Y. .; on ' Thursday laSt. It is ramorect Unit Lauf LOtOburn, Lord High Chancellor 13ritain, and Lord Tweedmotitli,. oF, the Council, ere; aboet to resigier. John TIugaetle formerly of Strate eord, was arrested in Detroit on a Merge stealieg engine belts,' and at- tempted to commit 'entente in his cell, . The ling' s birt•hday honors include IchightbOods. for Chief Justice Falco - bridge if the Ohtario Kieg's Be.ecle and Chief Jugtice Tacheyeatt, ' tae tiehec Xin 'S Bench. ' , • . • • Kingston Penitentiary has . new 513 Prieoners, the laegest • numbet le five yeKaisn.gsten 'wants the Dominion Gov- ernment to give a site for an isolation hospital. .• All hope of finding :Olive Depraw, Who Was lost nee; pine, has been abandoned. . • Trees are being cut NMI Cedar Ig - land, : off Kingston, despith the orders to the' contrary. . Can any lerson be• truly happy ivtto is guided' itt his 'conduct what-oth- • ""”*"-r,"'"'''"e'"!"-"•.-teeteneeet..'eeeeprOnottneed„ • his eharges:'..t0. be • slanders, and declared . . that .the Goteittunene. vvould be vitiate The • Laurier Coverriment Contio.v Remain. ups: to gnrich its The. Charges Friends. Ottawa, June 20th, 1008. ' -Judge; CasselsY enquiry MO. Marine Department scandal is adjourn'ed to September.. :The Special .committee to investi- gate charges. of false clanaification and oeer-payment ort the Transcontinental has given up the job. ' Inveteigation into Quebec: Bridge fin ante makes no headway: • • The PUblie Acepents Committee Ands that money Noted for Dominion tele- graphs, in the Lower St. Lawrence country is largely used in making theft and bridges throughout that country. • Might Have Been Finished - ...Judge and Cononissioner Cassels; hi giving his imptiry two inottjhe' reet, annoeuced that he would have neighed by this time if the Government had tarried mit' itn prOrniA, of Appointing -subetittett to do his Teethe awl Court WOlk:-* As It is, ine•stleailon of the Merwin accounts, of the as'on- Isiting to tet, Foe Signal Compotes, and 'he other "leek of conscience" charges is saseended an 1 ttlit puhlio will be lett gueseing all $11/11tret. • rt POO Per (lent. 'Profit. Judge Citesers, Who had &mit last With Mi. Willeon, And bis eueeenulitee contracts, tulle up thies wer(t. the Can- adian Voir, Signal Comnanye lo whieh the, Government h is paid ovve, a half million til- s. "This 'U..IL has a Cabatlian patent for a Diaphone Signal; The • secretory of the Company teetified that inettuments sold to the GoVernment for $4,500 and 0,000 .enst the produeer $400 to $450. Mr. Nor - they, the head of the Company, ad, nutted that he was seIlina diaphenes at ten thnes their cOst. The Govern. relent is his only customer, and 'helms a monopoly by reast;n of a Govern- ment patent. The contractor organiz- ed a, company withoot p*.ting up any eapital, has his goods manufaetured by eonteitele arid has been gathering in over $100,000 a year net profits for the cement. Mr. Northey eOuld not say within $25,000 what his personal gains were last year. The Judge- Draws. the Lino. Commissioner Cassels usually te- Watts from expressing opinions as the inquiry goes on, but this was too much, He pronounced the ptice inde- feneible, and could not utideretand wily the Department paid it. 'The thilge'S view wes that if the Govern- ment gave the contractor a patent for diaphonre of whielt it was the only eurchaste, it should have limited his etotite nt !eat to $25,000, instead tif $150,000, on certain ordero given. Tlie Government Would have at 'least nate d $125,0eu oft. thie alone. The Liberal majority of the cone Mee has new ruled that it will hear More evidence, The two Conseetet- '0 members do clot agre.t with that. ey say that the withdrawal of alor Hodgins from the inquiry does not clOse the questipe.Anundant Proof of over-classificatien hale 'been furnished, It did riot come .from from Major Hodgins alone, but from engiheees in a still higher posilion, Mr. Woods, the Engineer of the Grand Trunk Pallid Company, has made stronger charges than the aecuser,. He says that "specifications hoe been ignored". and "exceseive anees',made, not through mistake of local engineers itht4t from arbitrary orders of their superiors." As his eomparty is expected to repay to the GoVernment the cost. at the road, he has made strong protest againit a elassification "increasing the dost ti such an extent." no tie Th • ARE YOU' LOSING LOOKS OR • STRENGTH ? Oit'e you were robust, bright antl happy. To -day, you at dull, worried failing in vitality and appearance. Just when you should be at yottr best you're Played out and needa cleanShee bracing tonie, Your blood will soon redden, your •ViVacious spirit will soon return,. he yourself again if you regulate the system, with Dre Hama. ton's Pills. A truly Wonderful tnedl. dins. It searches out disease, positiv- ely driven away headache, weatinees, end lad of vital force, rse Ilamilton'e Pills And watch the re- sult. Sold everywhere 111 25e, boxes, !Dennis Densy, Conservatiee, has been, declared .eleethd to St Anne's divis- tort, Montreal. Peter Robot,' liquor dealer of Chat- ham, was fined $3.0 and costs toe sell- ing liquor to a boy. ' . The :sate of 5,000;000' acres. •in the Weeteie to provide' funds to build the Hudson Bay EallWay, The Shah of Persia has ordered -that. one hoes., belonging to his ,enemies shall be bombarded each day. • e The West Cape 1Viay, .Mase., High School Alumni will place a memorial. in -the school building in honor of the late David C. Vanaantuawho was principal foe twenty-two consecutive ' years. Rey. Herbert:. .Beiting of - Neei Brenswick, N. J., announced that he will donate allhis marriage fees dur- ing the next two years towards a,. Sum. for 'r,euio " "Two children.Derisned. ih.a burning house near .Ardoch. • The town of, Brampton Will vote ea local option. Clyde steamer Chineerwa, aground near Monte,* Pointe will probably be . a total loss. LET TI -IE STOMACH ALONE, ' You can't cure catarrh by doeing the Stomach. The disease is in the throate nose and branchial tubes. Inhale Ca.- , tarrhoZOne tO the epot where the dis- ease really is, -it clears away foul seeretioes, stops dischargesat once, purifies and healsthe passages, liter- ally annAilates• every trace of catarrh. Nothing dee is so direct and certain as "Catarritozone." Results guarane teed. Twio sizes, 25e and $1.00 at all dealers. , More people 'cycloid put their . savings in the Debentures of this COmpany if they realized the simplicity and safenees of this foot of inveittnent, tt merely Menne that One depositia nbitain 0 -Mount -any stun over $3.Cel vrith ethis 0061p:bay for a period i of time, not loss than one year: prefeiably five yeatai or leee if desired, The debentue! trn *lath the depositer reeeivel is a prOniise of the Co patty to pol the stun mentioned, plus the interest, at 4 per cent. per anneet at the time of expiration. Thli promise is mewed by ' over $11,00,006 of assets. jhe in- terest teupons attached are the Sanaa encash and can be deposited as such. Ituron 6 Erie Deben- tures are an investment di the ,blerot.t dlass, and the man with smell savings can share itt 11 alasny as Well' as the capitalititb Write. for full particulate. Loan St Savings Cc;., London, Oa