HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-07-02, Page 24‘, elleheilloleinalialleamenswe esrlatIyker -sADQUICAOY-- reith4114,40411.114.1149tiellelteltliell. I The • Most .neadly our . ParIs Qreeit • is the strong.. est and pur. est PARIS GREEN made. There's no— thing better or we: would have it. onseresmosinesseerweelmwerminee I W. S. R. HOLMES Manrg Chemist. 1••••••••••••••••••4*****1 -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE - THE 'WHI'PE DYKE BAND OF Clinton are open for engagemene for Garden Parties, Lawn Socials, Fes- tivals, Concerts or anything where a band adds to the interest. For particulars call at Watts, shoe store or write T. Watts, Box 2W, Clinton P0. SEED CORN. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY OF SEED CORN. IT IS A 1 IN QUALITY AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. WHEN YOU NEED FLOUR OR FEED PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US. IT WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT TENTION. J. A. FORD Order Your Coal Now Plaee your order for your supply of coal with the undete- - signed and thus secure the low- est price and prompt delivery. Office opposite Grand Trunk Passenger station. Telephone connection. J. Hamilton COAL ORDER YOUR • YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 81st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL )3E ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rowland's will be promptly attended to. ' W. J Stevensdn Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from church, poste office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2n4 con. Wet Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush awl the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 52160, a, driving house e4e36 with a Cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., direetly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 aerea of and, 15 acres of which are beeli. On this lot there is a bank barn 40x60. There are 4 acres of .good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both iota are well fenced and un- derdrained. A Lever 'failing spring runs across both farms. Possession ean be given at once. Terms easy. The proprietor is now past the age to farm. --Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communicae tions. reb. 13 08* DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will bo at Holmes" Drug Store, Clinton, May 28, July 2 and 80. Glasses properly fitted. Diseas- es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. THE NEWS -RECORD WILL BE SENT TO ANY AD- DRESS IN CANADA TO THE' END OP 1 0 0 8 AND THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EM- PIRE POtt ONE YEAtt 14"Olt 7,6 CENTS. BOTH FOR 7ii " CENTS. . EAT WHAT .YOU WANT. ut, rind the Way to Digest Wha You Do Eat, A, ••••••0, The Aret thing tif do ia the caec of ledigesiion ,or stomach weakness is,to strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and intestines, so that they will care for the food that is eaten. In no other way can this be done as well asby taking a iWieo-na. tab1et1 be - ler each, Meet- This restores strength to the storeaeh museles and stiteulate es the pouring out of gestrie juices, then the food digests readily and you begin to get the lull benefit from whet yoe Sat, Use Mi-o-na whenever you have sick heestneheishearthere, bad taste in the mouth, coetqd tough°, spots before the eyes, eleeplessnoss ami the many other stniPtolne that are the deject reSult of indigestion. W. S. R. Holmes' gives with evert'. 50 cent box of Mi-o-na a guarantee to refund the tnciney unless the remedy ,cures. Jaraes Jenkins, arrested pear Bell - Ingham, has been identified ify little Mary. Morrison as the murderer of her mother. The road roller a Wella.nd broke a gas tnain on, Muir street awl Thomas Blanehard, the driver, was enveloped in a sheet of burning gas. • Hamilton's council and the street railway company. are disputing what class of cars shall be introduced, the latter refusing teepurdhase Buffalo ty- peg for $12,000 each, • • • . • .• NEW MEAT MART. --HAVING PUR- cbascd the butchering business 'car- ried on for some time by the Colelough Br o s.., we respectintlx solicit a share of the patronage of the public which we hope to merit by keepine the best of meats and at reasonable peices. Give us • a cell. -Our Shop is next to The News - Recut Office. -T. T. & Bert Murphy CEMENT FOR SALE. -I ' AlVI Agent for Clinton and district for • the National Portland Cement Co.,' makers Of the best cement in the market. This is the only cenient used by the corporation of Clinton in the construction of, sidewalks, etes -Mrs. T. Re 1Va1ker. 21 HAVE THE SAMPSON BRAND of Cement for Sale, in large" and small' quantities. There is no ',bet- ter make of emeet on elle markei. Office oPposite • G. T. R. passenger station. Telephone connection, .or orders may be left at Harland Eir4* hardware store.. if more, oonventent • JAMES HAMILTON; CLINTON; PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING AN Repairing -The undersigned , is prepared to de ell hinds ef piano and organ tuning and , repairing, •and being a man of experience' Is able to guarantee satistactititi. Orders may be left at W. S. R Holmes', drug store. -Ed. J. How ard, Clinton. . SUMMERSCHOOL JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST LEADS INTO OUR FALL TERM • WITHOUT ANY BREAK. EN- TER ANY TIME. NEW CATA- LO.GTJE FREE. WRITE FOR IT TO -DAY. . Central Business College THE LARGEST, MOST RELI- ABLE OF ITS KIND. YONGE GERRARD STS.. TORONTO. • . W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. M)CENTRAL STRATFORD: ON. is the leading. 'business training school in Western Ontario. We .give a thorough; practiaal trebling on Commercial' , Subjects, ;Sean Pitman's Shorthand, Poach, Type- writine, and in .Coinmercial and Railroad Operating. Each depart- ment is in the hands oi experienc- ed instructors. We assist studente te positions. Our graduates al - wises succeed, for our Courses are ' the exist.Get oer free cataiegue and learn mote about es, You may enter now. Elliott 6, McLachlan ,PRINCIPA LS summErt SESSION POR TEACH- ERS. and °there ,during Jul. and August. • TONUTTO; ONT. REMAINS OPEN THROUGH- OUT .THE SUMMER AND MANY STUDENTS ENTER AT Tuts. TIME. WE HAVE A GREATER ATTENDANCE VHS YEAR TITAN EVER DEPOIt E. GRAtIATEs READILY sncortn nivr.- PLOYMENT. wrtrrn TO - .DAY Pon HANDSOME CAT- ALOGUE. IT PAYS TO AT- TEND THE BEST. , W. J. tworr, Principal. &pet Yonge and Ale34arider streets. UFO • Clinton News.itecont' ounty News .G4thOe ,or-i.New.::§.7R0e4d Readers 19 Years Ago From The New -Record of July 3rd,. 1889, Clinton; July 3rd, 1,880. Mrs. D. R. Menzies le on a Visit to frieeds in London. Mrs. I), A. Forrester is visiting her parents in orangeville. Mr, William Smithsion had new po- tatoes foe this .dinner en Domieiou Day, Coup-cilipr •Seerle bas etrawberries about the sine orartlinary hen Unit. The Doherty bind entranced the peo. ele, of Goderich on the erst with mus- ic At for the gods. . Nelsen 'Carson of Maeitobans ip kown and 'will endeavor to -Secure a lot of horses to take back with him on bis tMurenieggeet and Miss. McTag- gart took train on Saturday morning being the initial seep ift their journey to. the, land o',caltes and other poetione of Britain. • A Clever Giel.-?At tete cernbievA ex- aminations di the- Toronto wheels Mit. week, a fifteen year old daughter of Mr. J. W. Irwin, groeer, of this town, Was awarded a first prize Arts !tcholarship. , The volunteers• from Clinton re- turned home Saturday afternoon. hays in ' hed twelve days t th fr nt looked bronzed 'and robust after their outing, and Method up town to , the armory, with a precision of military mievement 'that would not have dis- credited searred veterans:. John }linen (it .Detroit is home • in Clinten to see the old folks. • • • Robbery. -One evening last week . • some pereon without any resliece for the laws of moum end tuurn ot any fear of the laws of the land stole ;100 frombureauds • he house Ben. Switzer Of Goderich town- ship: Mr. Switzer had'reeeiv.ed the money in payment of some 6146.m:id intended. on the day followitie 'to use the money in Clinton. When be Went to get it, lt• was nen est. It is sur- mised, 'from a eel:anger. having . been seen on the road in. the Vicinity on the eVenhig of the. robbery, ' that the money was tailten while all the mem- bers :of the faintly, were away leoni the house. nelkine the Cows or other- wise engaged, -see • • • Miss Madge Doherty: has'. returned home from college, . • : Dello* has 'retuened from Weedsvillee • • • . • Mr. Tufts, Of the Grand Union is In town ' again; ttiughened by the .ozbee :of • •the 'maritime provinees- and sea ceast. • • Shop Alley 1 This, may not be a verse dppropriate exelemetion on hearing of they arrival in. Britaie. of two of our citizens. But any port in a: storm; and this expreseioe , of de- light, though it transcends •thte beends. of 'pheilegical ..• nicety is , Allowable when one. hears: of* the safety terra firma • of those who have gone down to, the sealn ships te reach 'the., old ()Oen separated •whethers that soil be ioroductive of thistle's or Sham - rafts or roses. cablegram - -dated Moville, July 2nd, •antieundes the .arti- eel on the old eget of ,Postmaster:Pair of Clinton and T.Jackson Jr.. of the Clipton clothing store. , ,Blyth, July 3rd, e&809. Thp carpenters have commeneed put- ting-lhe rafters on the:new Maims dist auricle Mr, E. Sherritt 'end :his men expect to he through with the brick work on Thursday. On Saturday evening a large- le- eentage of put sports went to the Irk to :witnesste •••t* race for a purse at 200. yards, be- tween George McElroy of this tOwn end W.MaSee heae Belgreee.. Atthd stated time • they weee at their posts in 'rumen costumeg. The starter soOn had them in poeitieti. BlYth4 it carte in at the winning post -a few.feet ahead of his ePponent. I tell you what, you should hove seen Gear - die Move. 'Oh Sunday test. Mr. ,Jamee Maness( Hallett and one of his daughters were riving out to Morris to visit -friends and when near IVIeson's on the gravel betweei here and Belgra,ve, the horse shied at a pile of wood Alongside the road, throwing the occupants out, eaueing Mr. Maine to receive wine severe breises andto be badly shaken up. Fortunately the lady escaped without any injury. • --- Varna, July ard, 180. • Mt. Louis W. Diehl or Huron ,Coll- ege, London, °coupled lite pulpiit of St. John's church last • Sunday even- ing, Rey. RsIlteCosh of Petrolia, a for- iner pastor here, paid eome of his eed Irk,* 5 flying Asit .Iralt week. Me. G. Stewart Sr. of Kinburn, a former resident of this village, has been Visiting hie son, • Mr. George Stewart, and his many oilier -old friends during 'the paet week. Messrs. MAI and Louis, W. Dithl have returned from Huron dollege, London. 13oth of these young men have succeeded in obtaining free ortie fleet% entitlitig them to a year's, tui- tion free. They are warmly congrat Waled around here by their many friends on their success in college, ; easidssimsaigoile. Fine crop prospect's are reported in Essex and Ent counties. • Morris Township. The township council met on Mon- day of this week. Mr. Robert Youill and Miss •Aggie Wok in the muesli* to Detroit. Mr, James Sherrie was in London last week visiting his sieter, Mise Re- beeea, vbio, underwent a euccessful op - enaction in St. Joseph's hospital in that city. • The people of the 5th lino ,ere sorry to lose Mrs. Keys and family '• owing to their reinoVal from the farm to Brussels, Winghtun Mr. aid Mrs. Ira Parkee, recently married, were the recipients of a handsome extension boplicase and ad- dress from the merebers of Dr; Price's young men's das4 of vrhich Mr. Park- er was the preeident. St. Andrew's thurch Ladies' Aid held n garden 'laity on the church layvn on Tuesday evening. The 'p- er's hand of Lucknow were the chief attraction. The Epworth League of the Mettle - dist church held a picnic on Dominion - Day, Changes are in order aft the public Library. The books are being; arrang- ed 'M order of their classification, and hereafter patrons of the library will be allowed to select their own: books.. The last six funerals cendnete•d by the Wingham widertakers lave teen of aged people. They are ; Mrs. Hunts. er,, &I ; Mrs; Anderson,82; Mrs. ,Baird, 88; James M. Currie, 77; Williani Wiley, 01; Mrs. Dalgarno, 45. A very sad a;coident took, place lest week at St. Augustine in the town- ship of Wewt Wawanosh, when. the' ten year old son. ;of Mr. Fred. Mose eceid- •ently shot and killed his little " sister aged four years. . The two had been playing out neer the barn and it is supposed got held of an old ,gun that had hem kept loaded for crews. The first intimetion the - parents received was. when she boy ap- peared at the hpuee with the lifeless body of his little .sister in his 'arias. Be told them that she lied fallen on. on furlough froze her Miseionary lab- a manure fork and, of cour4e, accepted ors among the Indians in British Col- his word. A doctor was summoned uheenrbei.a. . et is foe years since she was, Who 'found 'grain's of shot in .the• body . . which proves. that ' the leay's story, Wits . On Wednesday evening thereswas a unerue. . . . happy. gathering at the home tot * Mr. • and Mrs.. Jos. Macdonald on the 2ed -- eon, the occasion heng the 5th ante- evereary of their Wedding ' dey. After , all bad enjoyed the helepitality of host 'and hostess in the dining tooth, they 'repaired to the lawn where Piper Mac- donald and two daughter s •of Winghlim tion.. ' • entertained them, The rest ,ot the ev- I Thomas Johnst•on . attended the ening was . spent in social, chat, variote,,deaf and Ones cienvotion • at Toroeto . kinds 'el music and idaticinge' Somo. last week.' • . . . I very costly presents in Wood were are,' I Mrs:. Williain Nethery eeent a. few sented to Mie and Mrs. Macdonald „ days with Mrs. Wiley during the last.. I Ti'- township council , mote itext ' illness of her husband. . . . • Monday. • ,. . , 1 . Mrs. Ferguson and Mis4 'Pergneon.. Farmers: are getting. ready for the , of Bayfield. visited ehe fortner'S sister, early hayine. • 'Mrs. J, L: Geddes,. last :week: ' i ...Luke Speriiiii -.Of the letli. Pan.: j,.' ' Mosey Clark ef Chicago, -fetmerlY of erecting a new driving shed. ., . Meeris, was a visitor at William' 'William Bray is hemp feorn D a ext ens i Clerkly, •ttelgrave; and other friends ded visit in Michigan e .. • I in lleoeris redently. Public schookt closed for: the stireM- I Mrs. Belt and . her •clanghtets, Rhoda er on Friday of lest week.' : e -,. and :Lillian left; lait week for Henley; Arthur Smith ..eht the 6th •..oti. 'tat Sask.! t./he'r.c thee will ' joie • 'Mr: Bell his:dried from an attack of , parity- en e tame ; ... ' . : . • . • • • i Robert Artnetton f• Blr v Rev. S. Anderson preached his fares well sermon in Jackson's eherch on SuAday .last, Mr, Cooper .is his sue- tcesser: . ... lOwing to increasing yVaxs and ina- bility to properly vsork the farm, Mr. Peter Cantelon will not rebuild the barn destroyed by lightning, but will eell the fem. He had MO insurance on the barn and $200 en the contents, Mrs,. Cantelon and the young ladthrho reeeived so severe ,a shock are getting along all right after their close call. Grey TownshiP. Miss Scott of Morrisbank visited eet Mr, John MeEwen's. Miss Maggie Grant has' been taking a coups e of medical Itrentrneet hi Bet - lin. I James Pearson of Victoria Callege assisted etev. Henderson on the Ethel circuit on a recent SlietlaY• Mise McNeill of Cranbrook is home I Mrs. Eugene Dean is to be eengeee.: • Goderieh ulated uPon her building operations. Mrs. H. W. Smith oi Battle Creek, Miele, has be;en the pest ot Mrs. Farr and daughter, Mies -Mabel, hfrs. J. B. Dayglin• was the, guest 4 Mrs. Fare last week. Mr. Jon Bleck of Paisley is the guest of his wife's parents, Mr, and mlursis,%derillinneg.01 Clintonewae visittng Goderich frieees last week, Iliesdemes Dowding and Brydone of Clinton and Mrs. Mehlurchie of Blyth were visitors on Wednesday e; • last week at "Overlook Cottage", the summer residence of mi. ands Mrs. Richard Raneferrl of Clinton. Seaforiii . • Major Shannon of London was here last week inspecting the cadet: corps of the Collegiate :Institute, The gems, Pent' is abdut 45 strong, and went through the vertexes manoeueree with Promptness and ceiceity. At the Entrance examinations held last week in the Collegiate Institute 67 candidates wrote. Last year the number was 80 and th,e yearbefore it was the genie. The only papers with which the candidates seemed to find any difficulty in was geograpey, some of the questions being of a. seyy yawed nature. At a; meeting of Britannia masonic Lodge held last week, Mr. Is. J. Mc- Callum was OpOillt.2d a delegate to attend a meeting of the grand lodge at Niagara' Falls South on July 15, 16 and 1.7. •• • • The work 'of re -modelling plat et the Public school• is in prolgress this Week, ' r Dungannon. NotWich. and other. places, , abpve vre' rps.rinBt.iiiJg.00ffirciiford arriveui:. home out village and With her husband and ton are ricer occupying zoOme last Week after a . visit to ••Toeonte, 1Vits. Palmer arrived last Week hi 1VIes. T. WI Little and her genWillie have returned to Lucknow.. Me, a S. Moods- of Saltford and Miss .Anderson of St Helens preeided at) the school examinations held here last week: Principal Lefig aeted in .• • the. same caiacitx at Kintail. Rev.. •A. Smith left last week on a sir. Weeks.' trip •• th the West. His work .last Sunday wag • taken; by Rev. I. W..;Kilpatrick in the morning. aid Ree. F. y. La;ngford in the. • evening. Mr. Langford also addressed the Leas gd'..AcnosnolMonGdiaryvi,rievconfitg.sa.ski. _thou wit hoine for a few days e reeewees qUalrlfAnCe4 • *re and at Luckepw. -Miss Laurette Roach yisilting friends in London. . • , Belgrave. Mrs. Mackenzie • Sr. is visiting her ion at Owep Sound; • • . J. McLean, telegra.Ph. operator, has secured a poeitiern at Burlington June - Read Work bas been on the program in most of the ,beats throughout the •tOwnship. The •C. Pelt. ie rushing out gravel for the Linwood breech feem, Mc- Neught's pit at Monarieff. ' . :George MacKay, we :are there to Sa,ji, is very at present s William Ma.chan, who lately' had the . is erecting a :wind- mill on his new property ;and will have things hatidy. Lightning killed, •,•a eow for Mrs. Jape McNair ; a heiferseeech for john Bryans and Joe . Jacklie and two s elp or James Douglae, . , Miss Reeds, teacher fpr S. S. No. 9, was unable to teach last week ;city- ing th illness. •• • • , Mr. and Mee: J. • Lawson el the coenty . town weie seelang at Mr. Hector MeQuarrie's• as was also Miss .Enaelyee MeQuarrie of „Detroit, ' ehie ing-theeparentalehoine dr • theernu , A. le and J. L. Lamont have idioms ed from 'attending the Normal sated 'at LondPe. ' . ' • 1 • The bare on the old •fateri of John K. eteker pf the Oth con, had a dose ' call from •destruCtioti .by lightning dur- ieg the recent etorre, Twio raitere vete; .bpreed and a section of the roof dam- aged • ' • ' • 'The. vetets'' lists • for the. township are printed. There are.1057 -statues in all. In • part 1 there are 699 names ; 112 in part g and 46 in part It 6117. ate copipotent to act ap jurors. . ladies; : g o neareget:. is having his batns raised and . Will +lace cement•walis under them to tie ueedefor stabling purposes. The old p epic are test passung 4Way, Otte of the most aged resideate of Belgrave, if not the oldest .in :the township of Morrie in the person of William Wiley passed away on • the .18th of • Juno • at the geottold. age.. of !'over 90 Mr. Wiley' was bore' • in St. !•Catharinee Ont., and damer'.th, East Wawanosh in its early days and set- tled:at Whiteohuroh. He moved to ,Beigrave about 20 years ego Where he has lived a rettred 'life. He wee a iniember of The Mirth of i•eiglaaid and •a staunch Conservative, and was a man Very highly reseieated, He leeves to Mourn his departure his wife and tiny° eons:, Jeans of Wingiam aid Jolut !whose wherealtoute are unknown: The funeral took piece tie the Breeden I 1cemetery, ;the services being conducted nire--hy-tber,-"hte-IL II le • 1 ;I "SHOW ME" PROOF. Theta, is what Ilyomei will do in • all , forms of Catarrh and Troubled ; of The -Breathing Organs. It's not a question of Heonaei hav- ing cured , some one else but will it reach your own particular case. If its Cold in the head, Caterth, Brenchitie, Pneumonia, Croup or any affection of the brenthitig organ. W. S. R. Holun. es says zee, and will refund thb money, if it fails, No other preparation for the same purpose can successfully do this, because the Flyomei system of teeatment is different from anything else. You siMply breathe and inhale its medication in dry air form Which des- troys the germ life. that causes' op- pressed breathing, Nasal Catarth, Throat Irritation and Lung Trouble. It brings to these sufferlhe organs the balearn laden air they would get in the Pine and Eucalyptus/forests. The air that starnps out 13e:feeble' troghtee. - The prince of entertainers „Marshel P. Wildet says; Heeled ie easy to use, end swift to cure. It insures against. coeghs and colds. It gives you pure air and kills the germ of diteage, It helps the yoke. ' Hyottei complete outfit, $1.00. Mr: lored, felines of Paris, Ont., has taken his ten -year-old son to New York to have him tteated at the ?MeerInstitute. He was bitten by a dog •laftely, .1 , Nile : Mr. and Mrs. McKnight are visitieg their daughter in Michigan. Mies Mattie MellWain haeebeen yis- Meg Weeds in Detroit. 4 'Mt; and Mrs. James Seel of Hull- - visited friends' at the Nile and tlOplir now recently, ' . • John Tiffin Sr. wae itt Gult recent- ly visiting his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Taylor. • : • • Miss Alice jackMan, who eas been in Wingliam for • some time, is home for eer, holidays. . • Mrs. Stephens of NOrthyllIe„ MiCh., paid a Visit to her brother, Mr. Prank Dunbar, thePast week. The annual meeting of theWest Hur- on a.s Farmers' Institute wheld here laet week, The new president is tar. el, Morris. • Miss Grey had five pupils, writing, at Duegatnem last week, four for Ea- trano and -one for Poblie setool Lea- ving. Mr. arid Mrs. Robert. Gir•vin of -Ham- ilton are visiting relatives in this neighborhood. On Sunday last Rev. J. C. Reid preaehed his farewell sermon and has noW 'gone to his new field of labor. The sympathy of the community is. extend -ed to Mr. Johe Mitten and les little son, just three yeare old, %vies have been bereft of a Laving wife and tender mother. Mrs. Ashton's death oCeUrred Thursday evening just before tea. She was in the act of finishing her hoitsehold defies for the day When she siuldenlY dropped to the, floor, death ensued almost instantly. Pre- vious to her marriage she Was Miss Bennett of Sheppardton. She wee about twente-three years of age. I A sad accident heppented att the Home liffr. Pred. Moss, neat Ebehezer. seenis that 'their son Elwin, ten years Old, and daughter, Beatrice, four yeais, old, were in the barn on Sunday, af- eternoon where a gun was *Alia% in the corner. The boy commeneeti hand- ling the weapon when suddenly it went off, the charge striking the little girl iti the region of the heart and pen. etrating her body. Death was install. taneous, Brussels. . , William J. Cooper, 'an eul e14 well kneiwn hetseinan. who had the misfortune to • have his Clydesdale stallion die from acute indigestion, has eetrght another' Clyde to take its plaec ..Miee Flo Buchanan and Lenient brothers are home item 'the Normal school .at .fsendon, haying completed ;their' professional course. • • Our bowlers. were tn Blyth on Fri- day Jast, - Robbie eleCosh„ • grandson of - • .Me. ',John Straolihn, ret • With a vereeer- citleert-a-siiortetime-ago-thatell will have 'canec to reinember all the • days of his life In in t� school one . day he was runningbehind a bug- gy, as many, a boy dace. Somehple his left leg' got caught in one of the wheels, and before the rig could be 'stepped it was se badly injured that aMputa,tion below 'the knee svee -neces- sary. The lad:•is making favorable puogreSs. , • The strawberry soCial in S. 'RAM'S chureh basement was a rnatked sue: cess: The proceeds amounted to $30.• An 'unusual ,aceident befel Elsie Co- ber last' vveek by which her leit. arm was badly burned. She *kelt' pp paired on the street which turned out to be a bottle of catholic acid, part of which was Spilled me her arm, doing the damage. ' • ' • . , Toronto schoels lirivebright pupils from Brussel% in. attendance,- At the yee,ent, examinations Alex. MoKelvey, son. of De. hicKelvey,.. finished his fourth yeast in medieine and will goon he ready to , hang out hie shingle. His riser, Miss Barbara, and George Bit- . chanan were awarded third year hone ore itt general proficieney in their arts course, and Miss Ethel, Scott took first honors in moderns in her third year at the University and also won n scholarship, ‘Illy„2nd 1908 . • The 44st. Great Fire Did not cause so touch suffertne to hem** its mane a ca of ...coma °WO* its -milerahle vfrLfm. „awl the relief Awl did not bring ee mucleete as Magee Som. piniU bos given L1)000144 of times, irs relieving tbe esonisinnitehing and burning 01 ecrenneterteired, people.. frozonno-14 sts*ar eafferedfrom hood from.eeseine or met rhounionher inania and .arnia, She -woe •treeted be .eminerth aPeeisaistO In 4IAAASVA of the thin without Pommels:it relief. She was then entire* • cured. •Sersaperillei" Z. 1.oems. -hestoinee. lifevnerit Ste Ileefee, N. te. Tied the Rends -"We heel le tie the bands of our tiff0-170Atfold 494 40094At at .0•SOmaonIdfseemndflmbs. Noe helped nntil we. este Hoodtt Sameeerilln whielegioonoomeletelecurete" Mas. 4. VAS • 3413101401.40147 St,raterson,tee.. Rood!' fetruporillate inod e•verewherie. OO Dosmo5ne Naar. Prepared offir Heed Oselseteell, South, Huron Fanners'. Institute. The annual meeting of the Soul& Huron Farmers' Institute was beld Hensall recently; Mr.. J. Ketthon occupied the dhair.Alt the old direc- tors were re-cleeted. At the dose or the annual meeting a directors.' met- ing was held. Mr. W. D. Saunders was again re-elected as president and Mr, B. S. Phillips was ehosen its secretary', and teeesurer. Mr. R. B, McLean. will attend the Farmers' converitien to be held in' Toronto this fatl. STA-ZON EYEGLASS STAYS -ON Combines el te. gance and com- • . fort. and is decid- the most de. *Arable style ,of eyeglass ever de- vised. e • 0 We know -they . will give sat isfac- tion . We can adapt them to almest any shap- ed nose. „ • • 4 A.A. GRIGG JEWELER . AND OPTICIAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE °LICENSES. • • CkThing and Furnishings nmmer uits • Salvation Army Praise ,Er feel it tor duty to testifsete the benefit / have reeeived trom the use of Psechitie. While ttavelling in New On. tario condueting special meetings I on. traded a very had co)d, which gradual. ly developed into Brolithitni a the worst form. I was advioed to try -Psyching, which 1 did, and atter using but a few bottles 1 was cempletely re gored to health. I recommend thie wonderful remedy' to sufferers from Bronchitis and other troublee." Later: "/ svigh to add that my voice, since using Psychine, is ettonger and bee tatteli more cattying power than It had before1 had brotithitie and the vocal eliordit do not tire with speaking." P. TILLER, Capt. Relven. AVOIY• AIM St., TOrAtitO, Aug. 13, 190e. Throat, lung tea stonittelt troubled toted by Peethinin else ineipient doh. ifteeption. All druggist, 80e and $1.00, or Dr. T., A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. '11 Just the thing for suni:- mer outings. " tesemmen, Unlined Odd Coats In black andstripe, tweeds, white and black, and white duck, - • Summer Underwear Wool and Balbriggan, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00, See our 50-c Special,, 51-11 RTS 50c' 75e01,P$1 25, $1,50 and$2. A special value at 75c. , HATS Straw, Canvas, Chip and Felts. 111111M11111110111 E. W. Jacobs Tailoring Clothing tanairostatfiva.