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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-06-25, Page 8k•••••---
%nine 25th 19O$
Sat.my01,00,.1Vionday and irtiesdag, Junc 27, 29* 30.
600 Dreas,Ooods 32c
3 Patterns OnlY, fawn and Cepenbagen' blue
'etriped sultinge and neat/fluor cheek. Either
one of the three will make a stylish and serviee-
able skirt or eoittanie. Regular 60c, bargain days
cleating at per yard . . .. . . , .33
rine Black Dress Goods 55c
',Ana 2.uds in this lot. flne Novelty Press
Goode, shadow deaigne, dull finish. very enitable
for mutilating or elderly ladies wear. made from.
pine wool, extra good black. Regular 81, bar-
gain days•at per yard ,••
75c to $1 Summer Dress •
Goods 50c • •
8 to 12 ends Novelty Sommer Dress Goods,
light weight, a clean-up of various lines of 841-
ish summer materials that sold at 75c to $1 per
yard: Of some there is only enough for one
dress, of othersenough for two•or three. all go-
ing at one price bargain days, and that pride per
VOA .tso
Check Silk 350 •
Waistand dress lengths of check and polka
dot Summer Silks, guaranteed not to cut, wtIl
.-Enake up into stylish dresses and give excellent
wear. clearing out bargain daysat per yard.... •.35
Nal/0 and Brown Lustres 35c
, Half dozen pieces Fancy Lustres, neat,'
small patterns in navies and brown, would roaltn
capital suits or light weight summer underskirts.
Regular 60c per yard. bargain -day s ..... .35
Fancy Black Lustres 55c • .
Fancy Black Lustres and other dress mit:.
ter fills, exceptionally good qualities, many dif-
ferent weaves in this lot., Regular '85c and 90e,
clearing bargain days at per yard . .
Striped Lustre Waisting 55c
One end only Fancy Striped Lustre, cream
only,^very suitable for waists or full costunaes. .
rich lustrous Regular 85e, bargain days
per yard - • . , 55
Vellings 15c •• •.
200 yet*, black and colored Veilings, a clean
u .1 of 25c and 35c qualities, . blacke, creams, na-
vies, browns, bargain days per yard...... ..... . „IS
Embroiderg Ends 25c
These are ends or very wide Embroidery In-
sertion, each end is bride and long enough to.
make the complete front of a shirt waist, three
patterns in the lot, • worth double and three
times the price. Saturday per end .25
Tuckings loc per Yard •
25 yards TLawn, and Muslin Tucking. snit- •
aide for trimming underwear, children'sgar-
mep re, etc., clerning_at_per yard, I0
Embroideries & Insertions 12i
400 yards cambric and muslin Embroidery
and Insertionb, dozens of different patterns.
We want to make a clean sweep ofthe embroid
ery before the season is over and have gathered,
together a lot of 18c, 20c and 25c: embroideties
and insertions and put them all on the table
bargain days at your -choice pereyard
.. •
Corset Cover&Embroielerg 20c
Just about 50 yards to sell, full width, Swiss
Muslin Corset Cover Embroidery, clearing bar-
gain days at per yard . .20
Tweed Skirts' $2.50
25 only,Ladies Tweed and Cloth Skirts,
not verymar y of any one kind, a elean-up of
the entire stock. We are c determined not
one will be left. Regular $3, $5, choice'0 rn
of the lot bargain days each.... 4•UU
Soiled Curtains Half Price
8 or 8 pairs Lace Curtainsl'hese have been
used as samples or in decorating the store. Re
gular price was $2.25 to $3.50, choice of the lot
bargain days each .. HALF PRICE
$2.50 Curtains -$1.65 •
8 pairs only, Nottingham Lace•Curtaine
patterns, suitable for any room. • Regular $2:50,
clearing bargain days at per pair., , ,• , 1.65
-Tape 3c a unc
Mu bunches Cotton Tape. 12 different widths.
assorted,. If we had to buy it to -day we could
hot buy it for this price, choice of the lot bargain
'days per bunch ,. .03
4-gardowide Linoleum,
• Slightlg Damaged, 30c
1 end of 4-va,rd.wide Linoleum an .extra •
heavy quality that we sell at 50e a- yard. :This
endis slightly damaged. 'There is enough ef it
to do a good sized room. ' Bargain days it will
be sold at per square yard •
Corsets 25c ••
• 15 pairs Corsets, odd makes, mostly small
sizes. Regular 50e and $1. Saturday per pair,. .25
as r ns c
Enihroidered Linen and Muslin Want Fronts
Regular $1.50, clearieg bargain days at each. . .50
Lisle Gloves•15c
Grey and tan shades in lisle thread Gloves,
dome fasteners. Regular 25e, bargain days pair .15
Trimmed Hats Half Price
The Millinery Bargain,a the season, Your
choice of our entire stock of Trimmed Hate, 40
or 50 of thenal to choose femur- Positively not
one reserved. Anyone Saturday, Monday or
Tuesday for... . . .... . •••• HALF PRICE
Shapes 500
Any untrimmed shape in the store, no mat
ter what the former price, Saturday you can
take your choice for.,......14“* • VI.OA• 'boil, .00
Flowers Half Price
Out go our stock of 'Viewers, all new this
seneon, no matter what they sold for. you an
buy then) Saturday at ,. • ,Halt the Regular Peke
Turkey Red Damask 350.
1 end Wily Turkeyred damask regular 80e,
Bargain Days per yard ............. .35
Art 1Vluslins 7c. • •
150 yards colored art runelins, nalf.adpzen
different patteene. Regular 120, Saturday per
yard vb.* 0.•••••616.4 10 •,•110.11,a11.1•1i0F.11.V4.11• 60.7
,Linen Towelling 7%c,
We haven't more than 200 yards of thld to
offer you, 17 in. Wide,fithey border, gond weight'
liic is regular' price, Satorday your ehice per
yard ...... ...... 0111“ 110,1
otol...,iiinlvilimiliatoddl" •
• Two Coat. Bargains
. $8.50 Coats $5 •
.8 or4 Ladles! Light Spring- and Summer
'Coati. They are all this season's styles and '
from one 05 the best makers irythe business.
Regular price $8.50, bargain day e choice.... 0.00
$12 Coats $7,50
5 or 6 of them, nice Light Fawn Coate. en'i
in this skation's beet style, Regular $10 and IPA
bargain ays choice ,,
. ,...•••••. , 7.00 •
Lade Coat $11.50
I only Ladies Lace Net Coat. A Very stylish '
coat for elderly- persons, new this season. • Rt.
gUlar $18, bargain days you can have it for. U:50
Bogs Cotton Hose 19c
50 pairs of them, Boys Bleck Oottotillose,
seandess feet, an extra strong stocking, guaran- •
teed fast bla5k, all Sizes: ..Regular 25c. bargain:
daYe nee ...... . • ,....,.19
50c Lisle Hose 35c
• 35 pairs of these left, extra fine quality,
black and tan Lisle Thread Rose, lace ankle. •
Regular 50c, clearing theM bargain days per pr .35
Lace Mitts10c. •
[Adieu Silk Lace Mitts, black and colors,
extra good quality. Regular 25c to 59e, clearing
them ri,t per pair bargain dayl• •• .. .10
Children's Mitts 5c
Children's Lace Mitts, same style as above,
choice per pair ••. .05
50c,Slik Gloves 35c. t• •
60 pairs of this lot left,. black., and cream.
dome fasteners. Regular50c, clearing at per pr .35
11/len's Handkerchiefs 7c
Men's linen finished fine Irish Lawn Hand-
kerchiefsfull trize, extra fine quality.- Also 30
or 40 Men's Turkey Red Handkerchiefs, clearing,
theni all out at your choice .07
35c Bath Towels 20e
- Extra large Bath Towels, fancy stripe, good
weight. Regular '
35c clearing at each.. ,.20
• .
$1 Napkins 78c
Genuine Irish Linen' Table Napkins ' 18x18,
real good qualities at $1, clearing bargain days
at. per dozen 678
Better Napkins. regular $L25, half a dozen
palterns, choice now ... ... .• . .95
Linen Suitings 390 •
2 ends only, white Linen Suitings with em-
broidered polka dot, will make -very handsome
waists. Regular 60e, choice bargain clays per yd .39
Good Wasii Goods Bargains
Good bargains on the Wash Goods counter
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, A clean-up of
the whole.stock at big savings.
• . . .
.At 10c a Yard. • .
Fully 300 yords Chanahreys, Checked Ging--
harns.-Mas1;.ns, eta. A Clean up of various
.lines that sold at 15c to 20c, out they go bar. • • •
gaiu days at per yard
At Ise a Yard "
Thele must be fully 400 yards in this lot,
Gieghame and fancy wash materials of al.
most every kind. Regular 25c to 80e, choice
Saturday per yard. „IS
Black \Wash .Goods 25c
3 ends Bleck Muslin, one plain black with
embroidered dot the others black ground ,
with white stripe or patterns. Reghlar,35c
and 40c, choice Saturday per yard25
Moirette Skirts $2.25
6 only Qpiored Silk Moirette Skirts, light
• summer, shades, such as sky, champagne, reseda.
Regular $3,75, choice Saturday • ' _ , 2.20
• •
Silk Skirts $3.75 .. . .
2 only. Colored Silk Petticoats, light shades.
, Regular $5 ct.$6, Saturday either of them for 3.75
• .
$3 Gowns 2.15 . .
Ladies White Cotton Gowns: made from
extra quality English cambric finished cotton,
bestitifullytrmained with lace arid embroidery.
Regular $3, Saturday each .. . 2.15
• '.
Lanies powns 87c.• . .
Made' from very .good quality English cot-- •
ton, every garment cut full, nicely trimmed
with embroidery and tucking? Regular $1.15,
Saturday each . .. .... 87
. ' • .
Duck Wash $kirts $1.25
.i only,, Duck and Linen Wash Skirts. Re
gLItte$2 and $2.50, Saturday each, .... ....... 1.25
•item a
. „
r* .5aturday will be a GALA DAY In ottr big store for bargains, Space will not permit a full
IPA of the many savings to be had, but the following list will give you some idea of how we are
going to cut tha prices down. Our staff 'of clerks - will be increased to avoid waiting and all
goods :A ill be laid out in lots and marked itt plain figures. Come early and get the best bar.
- gains. . , . , . ..
$3.50 Silk Waists $2,89
Jap Wash Silk Ntraists, daintily trim
riled with One Valenciennes lace; very
pretty style, 'all sizes, in black and 2 69
white, Regular $3.50 for,.....
$2.50 Moll Waists $1.119
• Fine White Mull Waists, fine inser„
tion fronts, very dainty styles, three-
quarter eleeves. Regular $2.50 for,. „lei)
15o cinghams 100
•Check and stripe Gingharne, in red,
blue:grey and black and white, 27 inch.
es wide. good Elvin, heavy cloth. Regu-
$2 50 Silk Waists $190
lar lbc, clearing ae....... ........e •..1.•••
$2 Lawn Waists $1.49
Mlle Lawn and Mull Waists, ern-
broidery fronts. three -quarter -sleeves, 1A
dainty styles. Regplar. $2 for.......... • I eir
121Ac FaCtorg COtton 10c.
Ten piece', one yard wide, Factory
Cotton, tine even weave, good weight.
Our special at 120, tor this week only
price will be•.....• ... • „.„ tt,•••,-•••
• + •
05c Pure Linen Tabling
About 50 yards "pure Linen Tabling
in bleached and unbleached, good pat,
terns, wide width. Regular 05e for....
White Tap Wash Silk Waists, three -
float ter and long sleeves, daintily trim -
45 med pith lace, all sizes. Regular $2.50, I 90
• .elea,rfbg aII
t--• . .1. • • • . .
12,4c Pfioweling100.
Threelteees Pure Linen Toweling,
In all white and with red border. good in
Weight, wide width. Regular 120 for.. I u.
50c Bogs' Shirts 39c
• Boys' Outing Shirts, fancy ,eoloringe,
with or without collars, all Eizes, Re- 9n
gular 50e each for. . , • . $00
$1.25 Bleached Table
. Linen 92c
About 50 yards pure linen, Bleached
Table Linen. 2 good patterns, 72 inches
wide. good value at $1 25. This Week nn
only price will be .,.. . . ... . • 1,UL
$1.00 Black Skiirts.119c.. •
Good quality black silk Underskirts an
with flounce. Reg. $1,00 at.... ' UU
• Mise Rena Pickett, ...
Mrs.Miss Jioahyn EM4csiDt laehert y• •
Miss Mabel Lerman-. . • ,
Mks Fanny Hibbs,
• Miss 111, Lappine. . . . ..
Miss Edith Torrance.,
• Mies N. Beanom.....,,. ... .
_Mee Hattie Holloway
Mies Ida Lindsay',
Mrs. A. Beaconf. „
- Miss May Holland.. . . ....
Miss. G. Sage. . .... . . ........
May Ranee .
Stand of the Candidates. •
...,. 13835 Mrs. 0, 0. Ranee. 1415
12260 Mrs. George Hudie 1305
11130 'Mrs. John Eludie .„ 1.305
7640 Miss Lou Little, 1150
• 7285 Mlis Hattie Judd • 820
.4935 Miis Blanche Tebbutt 740
4915 Mrs. George Tebbutt •
..., 4180 Wei 0, Steep... "• 675
3815 Miss Nellie" Hicks
...... 2370
.. . 2080
• ' 1420
Miss, W. McIntyre'270 •
Miss M, Steep • . 270
Miss C. Ford. „... • „. . .. 260
Miss S. Haddock ... , . .. .. 260.
Miss M, Carrick . , .......... . ... 255
• Miss M. Walker • ' 250
•Mrs. R. Carrick.
Miss L. Potts • 250
450 Miss b. Nott 235
Miss Letta Smith 355 Miss D. Walker.' , 2i0
Mrs. George Switzer 350 Miss C. Shipley .. 225 • , •
Miss..Gladys Switzer ' 325 Mr.s. S. G. °rich.. .... .. ......... 210
Miss J. Rutledge ...... • 290 Mrs. D, Carrick . . ....... , 205
Miss M, Steep 285 Mrs. H.•Carrick .. 205
.r1ILLINERY—A Big Bargain in Baby Bonneas.-2 dozen white lawn embroidered baby boonnets fine qualify
with wide tie, Regular 50c for 25e 2 dozen childreds Silk hats in .creatn, pale blue, pink and black, very
daintvkinade with wide silk tie. Regular $1".75. for 59e. .
table -full of Infants Underwear includ.
ing gowns, white dresses and some girls col-
ored dresses. All travellerNeamples, our
elibibe on the table at., ... • One -Half Regular Price
',Extra Heavg Toweling 10c
, This, is an extra heavy weight, guaranteed
pixie lirrem will make, splendid roller towels, akin
plain Huckaback Toweltng, 11 to 18 inches wida
both lines were regulae.15c, Saturday yon can
buy them at per yard, . . .. -
Linen Suitings 190 •
Plaid cream Linen Suiting, very fashionable
this season. Regular 85e, Saturday per yard -• .19
Cretonnes and Art Denims!
• Cleaning out ths Pitney Cretonnes and Art
Denims. 'Regular 20e and 25c lineis on the tar -
gain counter, Saturday at per yard....• „ .15
Reversible Cretonnes 15e..
1 patterns reversible etetonnes. 82 to 88 in.
wide, rede,greens, fawns etc+ IRegtilar 20e, Bar- I
gain.baye per yard.. •. . .•..•.$441...r.r....!..dd
Linen Towels 12%c. a pair.
Linen Ruelotbaek toweils, 17x84in,, red bor.
der. Bargain Days per arta-0.,:•11.7.
15e English Flannelette 10c.
Blertehed Sheeting 27c.
25c Curtain Muslin 15e.
Sarnple Drawers $1,10.
Corset Covers 50c
Half Bleached Damask 20c •
Blue and white Stripe Shirting 10e
Ditek Suitingefle
Moirette Skirting peiyatd 450
RZCT wpmareas
o are/75K Fire
aus Matchles
Dry Ooo0s..
Mill Inery
r ains
Comnincing Friday, June 26th, ending Tuesday, June 30th. NOW for the best five
days of Bargain -giving for 1908. No need to give a long explanation why we do these things—
one thing is certain, the bargains will be here on the bigges scale ever attempted by this store.
Every department will -be represented, and the best of all, •u can save On the goods you need
right,now. If you cannot come the first day, come the sect) d or.third.
75c, $1 and $1.25.Dress Goods.29e !Did gou Ever see Wash Pure Linen Crash Toiveling 4c
Dia yott ever buy dollar Dress Goods for . Goods Bargains toEqttyards wzth
colored n74at
These? • '• per yard, sale days here per yard
• (not ever 10 yards to it customerV
20c? This is your chanee, 158 yards, 50
ineb,-Venetian, Broadcloths, Poplins, De„
Iaines, Cashmeres, in navv,• cardinal,
' black,brown, green, ef,e, Remnants from
1 to 5 yards, the best Dress Goods offer
ever •nade by this store. Value up to $1,25
sale days ••ir*••• • •• 20
60c Japanese Silk 34c
•160 yards heavy quality Japan Silk, full
27 inches wide, French dyed, in a number
of colors, suitable- for waiste, dresses and•
fancy work, best 606 quality, sale days... .34
$2 Fancy.Paiasols, $1.19 •
25'only Ladies Parley Parasols ifl colors
of pale bitle, laary, white myrtle, chan.
pagne, pink, red, etc., no two alike,' sell.
mg at $2 each, sale price , „ „ Iota
150 Fancy Silk Collars 25 ? -e?.
88 only Fancy Silk and Chiffon Collars.
made hinew and handsome designs, only
one or two of a kind, hut every one new+
Regular price up to 75e, sale price.. .25
The Greatest Ribbon Offer
Just think of buying .inch Drepden
Ribbon at 1.9e.
270 Yards, Wide Taffeta Silk and Satin
Ribbons. in twenty or more color,e. 4 to 10
Inehes wide, ribbons that sell at 40e, 50e,
750 -and 85e per yard, A grind Olean up
Of the 660„A011., 6.•15•4-1,11,11 ..... o•Wly.t.
12ie and 15c English Prints 9c
800 yards best Oa'nadian and English
Prints ibi almost every light and dark •
color, ends from 2 to 12 yards. the best
print you can buy, full S2 inches wide. at -00
18 Ginghanis and.Ohambrays 10e
200 yards tine Dress Ginghams and Chain -
brays, almost every eolor. only some shades
are limited, brown and white check is in -
eluded in this lot. The best qualities you
carr buy any e here up to 18e, sale days- .10
196 Dress Muslin 10e
• 887 yards line Dress Muslins, comprising °
it dozen pretty pritteeris and color
nal ions. Regular price 19e, on sale at.... .10
40o Dress Linen 290
5 pleees 1;ress Linen, in four shades of
bine, also pink, Regular price 40e yard,
one yard Wide, sale price . ... .29
•$1.25 White Cambric Gowns 690
Just one dozen Women'ir White Cern.
brie GOWIte, 'made tram fine cotton, and
eiribi•oldeey Arid Inaertion trimming, it
splendid gown at $1,25. sale drys ”„ 452
• Embroidery Remnants 5c a Yard
• Embroideries and Insertion in Widths, „
from 1 to 6 inches, pretty Swiss and Cam- ,
brie Embroideries that, sell up to 25c per _ •
vied, remnants only, your choice per Yd ..015
Beautiful Corset, Cover •and.
Allover Embroideries 50e-
90 yards of some of the finest Allover
and Corset Cover Embroidery we have in
stock. beautiful patterns in fine Swiss and
cambric- cloth. genii* regularly at 25e per
yard. Yeti will be delighted with the as -
sot tment and price. •••••••• 1$4,3,,11•••.1, • +50
75c B. and C. Corsets 59e • •
5 dozen pairs B. and C. Corsets, steel
filled, made from fine quality white batiete
With hese supportere, sizes 18 to 80, the
best 75c corset sold in Canada, sale price.. ...59
Black Cotton Hose 11,e
110 pairs fast black Cotton Stockings in
eluidren'e and ladies sites, guaranteed
feetdYe, otpecial E3ala price.......
400 Enibioldered Hose 25e
"no pairs only ladies, Ilermsdorf dYd,
Hale hese with :11t embroidered spote.
Regular price 40e, sale price.... ......, „ .20