HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-06-04, Page 7•
lit 01th, 1908
Cliuto Now
. *Osmotic M. D. bleTegprt.
eraggart Bros.
14SCO1NTED. .011A14118 ISSUED
OD,PICE-,Sloane Block, -.01 INTON.
Conveyancer*, tionunissioners,
; Real Estate and Insurance .
Agency. Money to loan.
, .
(M. R. C. S., Cagland, L. R.
C. P., Ireland, 0, P.
'Rotunda, Butditi.)
Main St. opposite Albion Hotel
Office hours 8 to 10 4. In, aad 7
AO 9 p. tn. Night calls . at Of-
Dr. W. Gum, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.,
Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night
cape at front door of- office or nisei
deice, Rattenbury. street.
Dr. T. T. MeRs.e
Univereity of Toronto.
Office hours at hospital
1 to 3 p. in.; 7 .to:9. p. m.
J. ,W. SHAW--*
Special attention given to &Season;
et the Eye, -Ear, Nose and Throat......-
-Office and Reaidence
*Dere West af: the Conweercial
-DR. F. A; AXO-N.-
(Successor to Dr. HOlmes.)
Specialist in Croft and Bridge
Graduate of the Royal:College. -of
%. Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor
graduabe of University of Toronto
-Batili-Dwiffent. Graduate 'of the
Chicago College of Dental Surgery
• Will be at the Commercial hotel
Hayfield, every Monday from Id a4 in.
t8 p. m.
Lady has been committed to he:
asylum under the belief that she is .a
ben. Merely a case of extreme emote
iem, as it were.
Experts say that our grandchildres
will still have plenty ,of coal. That 1S..
of course, if they are good for the
At one of the tkatres they are show-
ing Human Hearts, but we :don't knew
who cut 'ern out. • • •
• ,60 -8E11.
oneyitieners &c.
Jame wale( a 04142 and description Mar
nein o i pi to if• sone -nor an
S ent. Ina dad &sena/to:rem _patents.
ta tnroush Junin^ co. receive'
, wino, names ours% in me
dome, 111...mum 'meld it Large4 "
on orator setentifia perm. Tarnis_gor
48.75 41sar• pilaus* Made. 0014 SY
azi iisealeak.
A rAMILY Lteihiefir
1110 But In Corot *titanium
12 tempLett Novo." Yeente
ktipts. A 'COPP
So04 at Lake, Superior, leave Sandal
3.80 p. m., June I, di 10. Sellirge
June 1, and 10. Alter June 1.5t
every Monday, Wednesday and Fridai
Rig oil& to Duluth. Vreight oiling" in
addition to above.
Sault Ste, Marie, and way porta leave
Collingwood 1030 p. re., Owen Sound
11.30 p, m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays.. (Thursday Str.. carries
numbe,r of passengers: onlyol
Freeeh River, and, way ports leave
Cullitigtvood 10,30 13,m. Monday atel
. Best attention. and despatchgiven to
freight; Tickets- and inforreation froin
• all 13.'y Agents,.
CollingwOod, C. H. NiC.ROLSON,
Traffic Mgr., Sarnia.
legOORR. aeTen .TREOMeNT.
"(Danadiari, Tetterine
visan abooluteg.„- certainrcure'foritenema, Acne
nosea, Team: PitoPleo, Blackheads. klinzeorm,
Barber:Pitch, Scala meld, itching riles, leers,
Sores, and all cutaneous and facial blemistim,
mas been thoroughly and successfully tested
In llundeedeot ie Palled locatable cases. •
It is mitirety unlike any other preparauon,
mixture or ointmeist that has been sold or Pre-
tewapPlications will convinie Mit is has
wonderful medical virtue and intrinsic Merit.
It is madein Canada. A good honest Can!.
diatr preparation.
Price one box pilty cents, or five bozeiTuo
Nailed to any address on receipt of_TrriCe.
Sold and recommended by sig ie$GIng Dellg4
gists in Canada.
Pamphlet free to any address.
Manufactured and sold by the sole Frofirlo
'Th. Tatter's!. Chionforit eelia
Windier. OntaZie.
For sale by W. S. R. Holmes, 4.1E -
Hovey and W. A. McConnell,. drug-
gists, Clinton.
,g. • "
Tfie'fileKillop Mutual Fire,
leogante DoMpani
LFarm and Isolated Town Property-
' -Only Insured-..
J. 13. McLean, President, Seaforth P
0..; Thos. Fraser, Vice-Ptesident
Brucefield P, 0. ; T E. Hay's; Sec.
Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0,
•William Shesney, Seaforth ;
Grieve, Winthrop, Winthrep,; George Bale, Sea
forth ; John Watt, lia,rlock.; .Tohn'
Bennewies,' Broclhagan ; James Evan
.Beechwood ; lames Connolly,
• •Holmesville. • '
Robert Smith, Matlock ; E, Hrn
sealortli ; James CUtaminga
Egrnondville ; J W Teo. Holines-
vine. •
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or :transact other business will 'be
promptly attended to on applicat&O
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respeetive. postoffices. Lomae.
inspected by the dir4tor who live*
nearest the scene.
: •
or est
• Leave on Tuesdays •
June 9, 23 And. 4,48
July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15,.29
Return 2nd Class Tickets
'From all Ontario Stitionsto Winnipeg,
Calgary, Edmonton and .principal
• points la Manitoba; Saskatchewan
•. • and Alberta at
Berths In Tourist Sleeping.Cars at small
extra coat, if siactared tri adVante.
• AarityIe *My C.P,R, Ticket Agent for full
• information and free copy of Homemakers'
Pamphlet, or write
II: YOSTER, Rist."Pass. Agent, Toronto
Trains will arrive at awl etpArt
from Clinton station' as follows'
Going East '
. it • tit •
41 • II
Going West
•4. .4
• ,.
44 it
Going South ,
Gat,i,stg N(,),Ith
▪ s....goiWail• •
6.22 a. M.
7.36 A• .
;115 p. CL
5.20 p. ni.
1107• p.m
• 1.el, p. nt
6.40 p. nt
11.11 P. m.
• 7.h0
.23 p, itt
11.00 a. re
6.35p, tni.
•censed Auctiorieer for the County
• of klur0110 All orders entruated
• file will receive prompt attention.
Will sell either by peremitage or
per sale, hetidence on the hayfield
Road, one mile south of Clinton.
With States Subscriber,.
will Oohs° note that ;Ye hoe to
pay one cent pottage on each pap-
er•going to the Vatted Stet*.
MIS Illeand that your subscrip-
tion must be paid In advent*.
When you se your subscription
expiring please remit $1.50 for auto.
ether year 80that you will not
• Woe any copies tif The News-he0-
Ord. .
Ph* Woman
Author or "The Ologriphy or a Prairie Girl,"
Thr b•1441' ttVirtYinnehtirthd 411en
Shrinking figure not unkindly. "An
whet de you went me to do for MO.
Robertr be asked.
Lieutenant Fraser sprang forward
eagerly, pi!, face shining... "He's so
quietand will.100. .air-oo. 'reedy todo
anything he's told, I'd be gratetel. it •
You thought you Mid trust him out
tide the - stOekilde. Be could get th
ssa not endo from the bachelor'
'To be, baire•ed..Robertr cried his
superior, annoyed. • "Most men, pia
out Of Weet Point, have an Oe t
kIIIlng redekths, not coddling- 'Mix"
The other crimsoned. "PM sorry
you 'look at it that way, 'colonel," be
eakt. ready to punish or ALMn
the Cede of bad olio, But-yoreleipar.
_. •
nmsaying ying it -I don't . see that ire
tboAntyoran officer to harm e geed
Squaw. Charley raised his head and
shifted titeldly frelnittet to feet -
"Well, Robert," • Colonel Cum-
mings qaletly., "YOU !dill heve,;the Peat -
ere 'view of the:Indio nueetion. He*
ever, let me ask you this; Has this
man a story, and what is it? Per all
You 'knew, he may deserve• being '
'banged around.',"
..Lientenarit Fragile Making lila
head in anttWer when swift came one
-.trete:the pariah. He searched In his
bosom, under the tattered waist, drew.
out the rag bound' paper and 'handed'
it to the eentmanding. officer. .,
Very Carefully the latter read it, his
interest growing with every line:
giving .it over to the -Heinen-
:mit he .smiled itt Squaw Charley. • .
"That tells the. tale," he said, ' "1
knee?' the in that wrote that when I
was with Sibley in Minnesota, . the
suramer after .the massacre. •He's a
san that Writes: .,the truth. He talks
the titith„ too, and I Weill I had him
here now. so that he could interpret
for me."
"Why, air.,". •exclaimed the 'younger
men, "it Baia` tb18-chap :_knows •Eng;-.";
'ils4r. • • • .
'By an the gods! Ofcourse 11 dote.
Roberti ril make ltim my Interpreter.'
The ereenel Strodnuo'...and. down • in his
excitenieet,': pealing only , to 'contend
other ,,for.. the :paper. "Red
Moen," he •sitid. at ink: motioning the
Pariah fraivArd. do Yon"knoiy'wliat
am saying to..yoUr
Squaw Charley nodded.
, "Good. . good! Thle. • Is fortunate.
Now ' we can haive a talk with • these
Sioux." Pie addressed . the. Indian
asked. "And you. apeak:Rng..lishr he
There was a second grave nett
"You hall be My .ttitioster,', xt:RA
:McKim, You shall - have a:` leg bOttse
near the seonts. and itiOi,g4.0t.,1400r
nt -Nyinifitnitort. wit; Pay .,,•Yott...: IFOto
Shaillieve doable _rations for yourself
. and your squaw, and more if yon have
papooses. What do you say tothatr •
Oetiatv' Charley had not •taken his
'03ree;''tree3;"the .ether's face for
an in-
stant bo*ae• talking • low, for
answer, be shook , his head slowlyand
taidlY from aide' to side: • • .
"Don't want tor ,coed the Colonel.
tell yeti,. sir,"" interposed Lieu-
tenant Fraser..stedybig the 'piper; ei
deal believe he, ever speaks.
notice that it Sows here; "het :he has
never.' . I can't be sure, but I think
the next word is 'spoken.'"
"Vow .0 . silencer' •
"Something of thehind. captain
Oliver hat; been telling Me about these
bucks that
are degraded. end. -1 don't
t, Login tolead again, • And Onim- outelde
the Shriek there same only n faint Ms -
Was it the tanovered Meadow
envie 'of the envois ca the Wind' hritoshed
gently through It ,or the whisper .of
'moceasins onnow? •
Later, when Squaw ()barley enteeed
- the eliding panel of the stockade, be
e erept noiselessly toward the shingle
S roof. But he was Pot to• gala it linseen,
Afraid -of -a -Pawn, What had been leek-
ing about for hitn, belled him eavage,
t • Ly as he neared,
0 "Wood for the'niortlitig tze,fl shade,
mended •
By the light streaming Mit or a near-
by lodge'she saw that Squaw Charley
was Woking At her dedaritlY. She pet
upon him, •cursing and' kicking, end
drove himbefore her to the shelter,
• "The plgr .she cried, "Running free
Since the sun watt at the center of the
believe that even It' this fellow.actieke,
the rest of the tribe would treat with
,ns through hint:"
"That's ,prebsibly• true." •
"They're made a squaw of him, me'
Deep bun:dilation instantly showed
in the pariah's eyes and posture. He
looked at Lieutenant Fraser Imploring-
ly end dreW his blanket still more
closelYabout him. Then,. air with a
• eign he was bidden to put it off. ha
• euddenly let ¶tdrop to the floor. ' •
"Greet Scott' " - cried the colonel.
"He's dressed bike One!" " •'
• "His' punishment, sir. •And he won't
be taken back as a Warrior, till he'does
sotne big deed."
"What 00es that paper say again?
'Out of the weakness Of the flesh he.
wept ender the tortures "Ot the 'sun
dance.' So that's the mese of hiti trou-
ble! Whit did they do to you; lied
, Moon?" • ' • . :
To reply Squaw Charley quickly di.
vested himself of the calico walstatal
turned about -And Colonel Clitanittiga,
uttering his horror, traced with tender
• finger the ragged, gbastly semis- that
lined the pariah's baek, .
"Mtlecles: torn ION," he said. "Not
old wenn& either." As Squaw Char-
ley resumed waist and blanket he lOok-
•-cid On -pityingly.
"Pll give him his freedom," he eaki
when the outcast stood .ready to' de-
part "Ile can eon* and go in the peat
as he likes. Robert, see that the • ficl-
Attila understands MY order. Now
Jet him get something' to eat in the
When Soar* Choirley's hunger had
disappeared before the enforced and
rather nerionis gentreelty of Colonel
Cummings' black cook and Lieutenant
Praser had left him he hurried away
from headquarters. 'Making' his way
to the Bantry line north et titanuon, he
gathered firewood elorog the Mooing
until dark!'
• * * • * 4. e
The lantern had been out for an
• hour in the.cottotiwood shack. Father
• And dalighteret were 'asleep. •_.,,,hut. at
the. end Of thrit tithe Willett Wait sud-
denly awakened by the sound of loud
stamping end rending in the letni-to.
Ben nod Betty, tinned bY the fear of
iseMething, were plunging and pulling
back on their belter ropes. Startled,
her heart beating Wildly, the eider girl
erept 'softly to the warped door.
Her father end deter Still rilept, nn
disturbed by the noise in the stable,
which now quieted 41 abruptly it
bad begun. Hallo heard the* team
"Wood 'for -the sic/Ming Ara." ahe cra"
sky and yet not it stick! AteY a thou-
sand devils take the coward! .11e
snakes like an aspen!":
Iltjuhei Charles 7 -Wee indeed Mein:
bling. but only With the cold, .and
soon, under tho.,ellingle,,,toOt snug-
gling dogs .. would
and abuse traihiecU'ilethinethis night.
He Was , fed, freedom was his. and
'he had polida debt Of tgratitnde.
' ,(It.C.APTER Vt. -
• Ap.,1whatrn'the,".dreafter to-.
•InerrOW?" • •
teem', Lnneeetee: •pureed
.contemplated his eldee...doinglitet...
•."Ah ",c'd flgger It Out'? he declared
after -a pnailed'osiiesice, Ab bad
-almanac.", Be hunted abont... 'found"
the , pamphlet end began to study the,
Donee:thee page. ,'Trouble id," :he said
it last,' "Ah. don' kitoiv-no day r.tigger
fein.7--Ali-`100 track "way itadh Yonder'
at th' forepart o'. th' Month:. ''Side..
Alt kain't say;Whether this is „Tneaday.
er Wednesday er Thuraday... atar lyn.
d' you' remetithee Wet •daY .40 Pp week
It id?" •
itaryiyn 'left the 'farther Window.
batted beside her sisterthe latter put
'an arm about' her. tenderly 'and drew
her clone. A. 'change had.recently Come
over the yoenger. girl -a change thott
Dallas had net failed to see, yet had
utterly flailed' to underStand. Marytyn
still performed her fewtasks; about
the house. but With absentminded egre-
lessnesi.: Her.work done, she took up
. the long neglected vigil et the windows.
Spending men, quiet and seemingly.
purposeless honra there -all unmindful
that the headed belt lay deity: and .un-
flillehed: on 5 eihelf. Only by ate and
starts was the shack enlivened.. by her
happy chatter. At 'Mi. -Other timeo 'She
•was wistful and ditstralt Now, as she
inisWered her father, a faltering light
crept -into her .efes.. • • • . •
• "The; last time Mr. Lounahury was
here," .she said hesitatingly.; "it was
The .6th., arid today is"- • .
• "Ai) c'n .git it." the section bode in,
•. . • • •••••
terrupted. After a moments tallying
on hisfingers he sat back and elepped
his knees in excitement "Vy. Del.
las." he cried,. "th' day after Omer -
he errid ••thet !nail's sit
sr, •
Dallas released MarYiyu, . "Yes," she
said, .watelling the younger girlwan-
der back Mechanically to the part she
had forstiken. '"And tomorrow you
Might to .atart for illonnarek. • Maybe
'it wouldn't Matter . if you .walted
awhile before going. .but as bang ae
the Weather's good 1 think you ought
to g0 right oft", .••
• "Ah reekor4" he replied. but not
• And so once More Prepitrationd for-
a trip Were made. That night, when
all Wad ready and lu1la and her fn.
tber, hnvieg given the 'Ream a MO •
feed, were leavingthe stable together,
thespoke to him of her sister. •
"There'cr „Rist one thing that worriwd.
nie about your leaving," she said, "1
• don't know it you've noticed It or not,
. but Moitylyn dent seem to be feeling• .
' "r think Mebbe tie tacit after her .
Mar' the tattoo. boss:. •
Dorileit nodded.
"No, Me he said, "she flied* Me,
theeri no need tf fret. They's neth.
th" matter With her-lue off her.
oats a lotto, theee all,"
The -development* of the neXt Man- .
Ing swept every thought from Dallas'
taltzd 8440 those eeneerning the joie
nes. Per when it tame tittle to 'bar.
nese the muleo she fund that.)303 had •
Onaceoun411y gone lame. Whether
tie mate had kicked klin or whether
Ihe ho4 /sprained a Ieg while extorcisin
"the previous, afternoon ahe did u
know. • But It WIWI plain that. SO ter :
.he went, the tunes between .quarte
-Section And lend dike were JP:IMO
be. At Wee Dallas suggested, the
Betty be driven Single to a smali min
that bad bed) built for writer baulin
wbeu the well froze OP. Aecordingl
the innle was put before the oleigh,
Failure resulted. Though both .Dallas
end her tether alternately ceeited and
scolded. Betty. „with eharOteristio
atuhboinness, refuod to birdie a rod
ftvin the lean-to without Bea,
Ditties wae in geopair. "She won't
go; She won't go' ohe tont "iVollve
got to think of some other way."
"Velididd " 'obeersed li n.
WO ati laventeotenied the ttigo,"y" *mid
It wouldn' matterer Ah didtV go tieve
Ile as tootneWhet coMplacent aver
the outeome or tbebiteb-up. '
I""TTeitlineF4.1' Man '13 at tht l.e.0:10 hen!'
' "I. don't feel that' Way itoW,."! Matte*
bas hotipee.": he rolutiteeied. When they
Were twain within the Shack, ; • '
HO reek 'einto iiiilit's two.!rnenthe
age end walked haqh.t.
"Waal. how 'bout th' Nortvegieneyer
bY;•tb' me:Plt-Olialer
'llekIf e blissardH Co0410
up theY'tt never- lead you out of it.",
• Then she wait moved to -make a oug^
geOstkie whleh she telt certale, how-
ever,would only be denounced. "here
.are . htledrede or,norsee and mules a
Braneen, I could ask there to
tealnino;nt.ii Larieeeter's ire was roused
"Thera all Ab. want t' hear fem. Yo
,bout them . blamed Yankeee,":13e pal
hotly. "An Ah want y r . termini*
Er 73e turned n, .her iniluared480st
be win danger bete"7
..11.'*Iii:•:Blit:esuy:;:o*s7e.:eg'm".lessh..e'reBoillentiefe4d4;g7Wn :'31'1*
'We Oughtn't M. treat the eoldieril AS
h.elt.• •
He began tit:. bobble up .4.d down,
.pro. . th.73 ,17,11. have. to .\otabo their.
Working himself • hit° a ,White heft
413 long as Ah lire on this claim," b
said,:. ".Ah'il nevergo. r Bratition' fer
. anythici". -an: the'r !! be no trottill", bolt .
an' forth.. Tbet ornery trash Oyer thar
IS tie same; most of it thet fought th' .
sonth jus' a- few ,yeats 'ago... Ali kale'
forget •thet An' net one ' of fein 11
ever set a. foot in this house."
After 'more. hobbling he buret forth
again.' ."Ah tell y',,. Dallas, An Wort'
hey' you :gals meetin' theta no 'cone
ii..•°Skihieeritom""fled at 'hint.: '"We don't •Witn
to _meet any seldlers." she ,ariewered.
,"Bet there .are: women • at the fort -
Women like mother. It seems A shata
We can't snow:theta."'
:. :4Y: mother raised :e t, he ;trfine a
as anrieera: . over tharr- ---.`.,•-.: -- -,-
•'• "Maybe that'n true If It .fii,, then
they'd like us, wouldn't they,j end 'ie
Could have friends? "rni net 4100'4
about myself -jest abont.lfarylYit" .
i Ittio :gain get each :other. *edit'
"th' *preen at Brannon Meting 'mee'tin'
th' men.. An 41i won't:hey .itr, 'Hui
:Ovolte' ioisecalmest to-d-ahout.'
"Ill 'neVer SPeek to yen 'ainalt it
again," she said. And liet-...k -t ae; .
Ceptatice mollified him. - ,i"....tla.i4: e0.=-7)71
. "W get.,30.1ifiln't think hOW Ab feel
about them Yanka" he werit'oe trein.
'ulonitlY. "Are' Ah 'wen't Yt‘P praise
me thet whether Ab 'in 'Ile er deed
ell elhad. keep on You' own 'side -of tb!:
ri.v.eir." . • : ' - •,..-• . ' ,
She glari•eedup at hirn. quick) y. "OS
you mean , mean -that, .daddy?" she asked,
%lionsthe name he had bornein her
babyhood: ., • '
"Ah do! Ah der'
'..."Thea. 1 .prOnise?! Bee one was
sorrowful. . •• .,.",, .
I•:plibe:15.33.',01iiiiinp7iersiglsairl?.,fpaeed .o.ihotl!..i'-nie..wy..;
'Promise?" she repeated. - ""yee.-..-.I-
• I promise." •' • . ,' • ' .
Dallis knew that the.trip to -the land
oMce 'Was .1101)00;1We unless Leuns-
buri should 'Chance alongwhich' Was •
. itlikelscitne-,ateeks-baving-Pitssed
sloce.his,last visit:- iindOiibterily were
he to .corne he ivoidd 'help theta. '.. But
" Would. lier father •allow her to ask the
storekeeper's .uld?Probably not.
"VII tell. Charles' about It tonigow
tbe said.. finally, - "We pat gat lo find
i way." : ' - .
. .
"What' c'n he do?" ..retOrted her fa-
ther. "Far 's him 's :gifting a team 's
loncereed, we -might. 's . well leek ter
tome one r come right entee th''oilty,"
• .Her determination to ask adviee'of
ihe pariah was a natural' one , The
' inciening that 'suetteeded the night., Of
the mules' terror she • bad awakened7 to
thgl ti reassuring explanation for., their
fear. In ' the stowing light., as the
trantPet Solinded reveille from the fert,
she sprang up and looked. out expect-
antly. On tbe •top of a drift .in front
. of the door was a bundle of dicks! ..a;
herd Crust had ,forthed daring the
night, and moccasin tracks leading 'ap
to the wood and then .poInting away
again were cast in it *rite. Wizen Clear
ness. •
. ,
' "That peer Indian!" she had ex-
claimed in grateful relief, • ,
• NOt °nee after his summoning before
Colonel Cruninlogs had Soma* Charley.
forgotten &WY to leave firewood.at
the shriek. The evening of hissecond
trip across the MissMiri, 'Patine had
lain in Wait fOr hini, eedreted Under
the dismantled ' sehooner, Which she
had drawn iiito place beside the deer.
And is bringing his offering he cross-
ed the Mow softly and apprOttChed,
the terrified ' Mules • again tolneeneed
'his 'doming, and she hailed hint
"Ctime en„come near," othe had call.
ed. "I Want t� see ytal."'
Egger to prove his good Intent • he
had hastened forwatd, and he,. ,just
as eager to show her thrinkfulnese, had
led him into the ,house, Theft,' With
the distrustful eje. of the oection boo
upon him and with lqiirylyn watching
In trepidation from a diattinee, he, bad
eaten and drink at Dallas' bidding. ,
At the very moment wheal:hiller( de.
tided ta terifirle in him Sqnaw Chit -
ley woutnot unmindful a her, Viliere
the ter bluffs back of Brannon obey-
ed their dark shoulder* through the
snow, the wind haring toWept their
tops clean of the last dOWnfall, he WM
working awily like a inuekrtit. Te 004
fro he went, otarehittg diligently for
buffitlOchips. A. sack followed him on
n TOO tied tot,5 lenther belt, SO that
he cetild bent hi* hands figainet his
brehot as he towered every eeuare rod
tvf dead, curly grim; on the uplailds.
The be tr./unwed to the ton be took
„f or hts 'tifathr.ot and, dein:Ate' the 4014,
,.."! began to fin it Moo. For be knew,
617,• end fully as well so they who iwetched
Z. the thermometer bowing Pet oetaide
* the entrance at headquarters, that the
• night would rem* re much fuel.
!, As he bunted *ham the bare ridge
• ;something more than the fried Snail
that whipped the OW about ids leen
'Intake urgedhim to 'finish Ms loth.
oing and go riverward. in the
snug cabin out ou the prairie a cheery
'welcome awaited bim, Before the
.glowing cootie in the stone droplet* he
:geoid warm his ohotking legs, TitOrd
was g000 1004 for hie empty stomach.
But, better than all oleo, there a kind -
Moe nlwayo 8Miled 4 greeting.
The boinbet ptled se blab with chips
that its weight balanced tbe grain
leek, be prepared to WO riverwerd.
But ftret, prompted by an Old habit,
Aie 'Climbed to higit 'point of NUM
:pear by and standing where lookouts
Jiad Inaintained a peat before peyote
weather compelled their withdrawal
carefully scanned the Volilte herlson,
To tbe west, from where -the band la
the, Stockade boasted -warriors of their
'tribe would come in the spring, to
'Mike 4 retiene; to the north, ow either
Side of the lee bound Missouri; to the
east in •the wide gap between the die,
fent ranger; of hills. he saw no crea-
ture moving, But teeing southward,
his hands shading his eyes carefully
-from •the glare, he spied on. the eastern
1. hank. and at not a great -distarten; the
approach of • a farailiar inhik white.
barge drawing a heavy Puna. •
The -stooping Pariah wen„.ttanenr.n).,
vox bY the sight He threw up his ariii4
d With .au inarticulate cry and spiliag
r *way newt the elope M. his sackmil
blanket.. Seizing them he Moide for
the level ground north of the barrielcs
,descended to the. Iceswiftly crtvoced
and ,dragged the fuel up tb,the coaolt.
Ivoodf4 •Then, he started, down riv.•
Or, taking long leaps, . ••'
The :upper part of the improvised
-.sleigh that was tilting ite *Ay across
the drifts like a skiff op angry Water
was the green box of . ordintiry
reran wagon .setTanners, ' Tbe
.wheels of the Velliele lay on some hay
t. In the roar of the box. Cin the broad
e wooden 'cleat was ..e, Man, tech* 'rear,
Ward to -get the Wind at his back. He
was almost. concealed by quilts,- his
arias 'being *nipped close to hie body• ..
and the milk white horse was. taking
t bit eieurelY • way Unguided. Above.
the manand nailed so loosely to the.
.wagoin Seat that It Wavered fro:1_131de
to aide 'end.kept up a sqaeaking, Was
t a tali board cross, .rude and untmlated.
t ,When he ettuae.L-close-ta
t ISquaW Charley caught the soundof
. singing and stopped. •Thn travelerwan.
comforting his .lonely. way with a sa-..
ired .hyinn, the wOrds of . Which, seat.
o tered by the wink reached the Indial.
• in hroken bet Martial phrases:
1 • • the 'cross Of Jesus
• Again Squaw Charley spurred
,selt into long leaps.. And behind Shan-
ty .Town; on the open prairiehe
broughtthe horse te a halt. .
Once more he golve his wordless cry •
-a cry like the shrill hail' of a mute.
if -brought 'the map face about An
Other second, answering, he stood up,
.111100,kcoff the quilts to free his arms,
reached down and caught the pariab.
in his breast
Tall and spare , he was and aged.'
Over his shoulders. flowed 'king white..
hair. A beard as white fell to his
Waist. His sharp eyes were shaded
by .heavy• brows. Be.wore .a. coat a
cosine cloththat touched hIS feet, and
shout his head was worind a nubia.
As • With face upraised he embraced •
:the `radian be was a shitely; verteralt14
"God be • praised!" he said over ane•
over. Then be held Squaw Charley
away from 'him for a moment to Joel;
him up and down. "I feared some
harm had come' to yOu-that your peo.
pie had behaved socruelly to you that
you had died. But you are well. Yet
how thin! Ah. I am so glad to see you .
once morel"
He held him dose again, inurniur.
ng a lea -i -g". --When `be fel-ebbed hint
It :ins tO make room fee-. him on .tbe
eeat earn -rap him up in a thick, soft
.quilt Mb. the while the benevolent
old face was shining. with happiness
and tears were • streaming down. the.
-wrinkled Cheeks. • , -
Squaw Charley. tOo, Was overcome.
Bid black eyes were no longer sad endd,
lowered. They glowesoftly, almost
aderingly. as be watched his -friend. `
"David Deed had not forgotten. you,
Charles," the old man saki as he, cluck.
ed to the white hcirtle.' "I was at
Dodge City -that wieltedetat town Ot
the plains -when news 'came, Of the
capture of 'your village. . At once 1
• started, for I knew that my:' duty lay
here -here with your poor people, vvho
,will not realize how` fOolitih and )mmy
;is their warfare. I did not crane alone."
be.: added, casting' a look. behind;
• "A. white 'Man accoMpanied me -a man
tro full of evil.and blasphemy that I
mit Impa4.- .4(4,/ivi;›
.110e4 Is prateed19 he raid ask;
quake for the safety of hi* misereble
oseul. Be has wanted meet a the We.
*nae, for be is warmer walking, and
there are •seem. enough quilts Mt
• 'iuey Welted back. A mita to tbs
rear trailed a solitary man.
•.141114OW Charley made a quiet.: mu*• ,
tiOnilig Sigl4
"Iiia POMO 14 Matthew'," said DP
• vid 0013(1. "and his ;Wooden, 1 leer, hi
• it tad oue. All the way he lum urged
peer dbadrach 00 aidon.se that
we bove hardly had thrie .3o reit end
•eat And all the day',. rie he rldea Or
• • ItrosisariaimbeseibasotttkeentistessiAMs7realf reA1,23teetic
'You'll tied out quick enough!' and
Mere Vilely thew biter's." •
1'h0Punt won; nowppm** the
•••'..e.,toejtade. Looking neroko the rivet
7 .- '
Won Bond got his first view of the .
-high waned prison with WO ever ono*
• Ing and Wary geoids,
Ile pulled Up his hem, "Moo he
• exclaimed monrufully. "bow adage* '
ed they are -white and: red men aliker
vhe num eon on unfit the not in the
!_rtver banii Was reaelled. Afield •the
- o14 Men reined. "I cattriOt cross the
• river while the icels so omooth. Shu4:4
;oh could not keep: bia feet, And
• will not leave him behind. But 'wher4
ran 1 atop eu ibis alder •
-• Glancing to tire left he saw the usa
Of saloons.: "There, CharielW he said
, "1 shalldrive, there and ask for *Mel-
' • •
He tiarned the White horse:Into the
• cut As they appronebed the .ehantleat
a woanin's voice was heard, raised 10
ribald song,
• "ood Bends David 13054• wbither he
is most the Old Mee ,mo urraut.1
A ,sblugle ono, wee Wiled over the
door of the prat' Wilding. On it. ,15
bold, Uneven ietters. Were the worde• ,
"The Trooper's Delight." David Bond
climbed down and -kuocked..,
There was' ti. monient of dead .'silenee
thee aomide Molt seireral per.
tonswere trioirleg �bout 011 tiptee.
• Agate. silence, •The old man ••knocked
• louder.' • After lc short wait the door
was thrown. wide. A thickset pap; .
u hose. eyes sqiiinted at. erebe orposoto
over his flat, turned up ,noise. tilled tile
ehttanee. .. • - • '
• "NVhat in the devildo you want?"
be demanded roughly, when be saw
"David 13end. But tils 'seeining.-angee
• My concealed his relief that it was net,
0 orDni inf t.°Pn. es. !P. t7.111. r:gt 7070 de. 4..1.17e kr for r
"1 wish. for nothieg the netne .0t
• the devil," was the: ititnPle . answer.
-- "That.buckwith your The squint:
eyed Wan shut the deer 'behind him .
, asbe pointed at Squaw Charley
- "No. He iiver.hr-tirn stockade you-.
..."Oh! • He's the one :that goes prewt-,'
• in' round here day an' night, sneakiii**
•.• .e
• s, "He may prowl" •'Bond
etoutly, "but be -do-s not Steal .% Be 'is
a vOod; honest. Indian." • ' .
The- keener --of •ilie-tidinet'e
laughed lmmoderatelY. 'Vet outl. Who'.
ever 'heerd ..tell Of • ie hOnest .Injuul
Bar --tauntlitgly-d.wheied ane....
your-hroomtail eortie :Trete 'anyhow?"
"Frold Dodge City." •
"Dodge City:" the Malltried. "Then
mAybe you seen My ;prompt there ee.
beerd ir be's eomin". Nick Matthewi.
Is eis name"--
David Bond liftee one , hand and!
opened his. mouthto *newer. But the
*ode stOppect:at his lips. _For freni •
the top Of the; high bank behind the 7
line of ihanties there came a eliciut
Looking up. the squint .eyed Man, Da-
vid Bond and .• Squaw Charley saw,. .,:•••, •
face peering down Upon them.,
. "Heller came • ;the voice again.,:. •
"Hello:, Rebel • Hello • grati'par .You:
beet me here, didn't, Y''.? Lookout.
Fre cotairel"
And amid ari: avelariebe of 'Snow, •.
icicles, dirt, and stones that frightened
the . milk'. white horse tio that he alL
but overturned overturned the. pung Nick Mat.: •
thews tobogganed down the bank on
his overcoat and landed beside. them •
on the shelf.; , •' •
. "Short cat", he said air he got PP
and :shook out. the coat. • "Well; Rahe,
old seeks, how's things goin'?
:he threvr his them)) back over bit •
•shOulder '
,oter there? What news got.?"
• Sqrtaw Charley followed the direed
tion of the pointing.. • • •
"You Ain'tcome a .minalt too soon,"
declared Babe., "Only just a day or •
two ;eft • of year .six• menthe, an'
they'-. The two nAined tovilirdl. the
shanty; whispering together. •
David Bond called to the brothers
appealingly. "may 1.•put Up here?" he
asked.' "Have you a Vacant building
that ;I Mai share With Shadrach? I .
have hay anneal of my own.".
Nick Matthews came bait. • He had
putty colored- face Om which bit
.blond eyebrows felled to show, but he
snentioned a look that was as near to.
a scowl itt pOesible; "Look 4 -here,
gratepif," he. said, "d* you think
golte tP let you sponge often my frien'si•
Not by a long shot! •Hain't 1 tame all
the .waY..fern Dodge City P 'keep th':
redskins Win takiii!. Year Rain? ',What
more' d' Want?". He gave a laugh
In which there was no humor; diodes
leg mall teeth, ranged C1000 and Oka
the first set of a child's. •
David Bond did not quail. , "Yoe
have neeepted my hospitality for
month," he gild. ask nothing that
is not Justly 132ine." .
Matthews, Snapped his timers de-
risively, "We .can't hitee you here t'
moon an' spy," he declared. "aftri
As he turned to enter the shanty he
cameface to ,f ar-ot . with tho Indian, •
Coatjaued on • Page 6
Salvation Army Praise
"X feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit X have received froin the use of
• Psychine. Willie travelling in New
tatio conducting ovoid meetings I con-
tracted a very bad sold, which gradual-
ly developed into Bronchitis of the
worat &tot X was advieed to try
Payable, which, X did, and after 'agog
but 4 few bottles X was cempletely roe
stored to health. X recommend this
wonderful remedy to sufferers trona
Bronchitis and other troubleol."
Later: "I wish to &la that my voilee,
since using Payehifte, is stronger rid
has nmeh mote dirtying potter than -it.
had befbr,e I had brovehitis, and the
yodel thords do not tire with oipeaking.,'
P. TILTAR, Capt. Artily,
Ann St., Toronto, Aug. 13, 100f.
Throat, lung and stootaeh trouble*
mired by Tosychine; also ineipient don*
gumption. All druggieta, son and 11,00,
or Dr T. 4. Slocum, Limited, Termite.