HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-06-04, Page 677; \el Gen. Stephen D. Leet Whe'direeted the Aring ot the firet shot in, the MYR war, ie deed at' Whelan:Si giss. . A Suestic-thief Oeetal;- Orangeville, of $.100 and eaVeta4 tietes. Cornwall bee erriVed etrial." 'fax ttotri Bermuda Wit11,thtee hundred cadlete. The hie ieeholiee of the G 'I'. R. at Sarnia wee desttoyed - by: fire iNedlles.- day. Russell, the IV -year-old ion Of ex - Constable Gee:en of liamutoo. is Miss-, ing. • Twelve -year -Old Arthur Johnscel, of Stratford, reseued a comrade ,,iroas drowning. IN A4 BREATH THERE'S REST, ••••••* Breathe Hyomei and. be cured of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma. Nature has a remedy for mitarth epidemic colds and bronchitis that is far better than dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs. It is the healing oils and, balsams of Hyomei which medicate the air you breathe, reaching the most =note air cells in the nose, throat arid' lungs ing all catarrhal germs and restoring health to the mucous membrane: Hyomei acts like a, curative internal air bath, and has the same healing and antiseptic effect as the air where the Pine and Eucalyptic forents gitie °It their fragrant and healing balsams. Breathe healing Hyomei and see how quickly you will get relief . from cat- arrh and head colds, If it does not help you there will not be a penny's expense, as W. S. R. Holme S agrees to refund the money. The complete Hy- omei outfit costs only $1,00. Chas. Haslet, a 'rnieging Montreal boy, was found in an old quarry at Rosemount..... Dominion and provincial authorities aro probing the r 'went Ottawa street car disaster. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reaeh the seat el the disease. Catarrh •• stetutionar- ttiSea' cure it you must ta erded- ies. Hall's Catarrh Cure- fi taken in- ternally, and acts direetly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack me.licine. It was prescribed* by one of the best physicians in this country for • years and is a regular •prescription. It .1.5 composed of the best tonics Immix'', combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfac- es. The perfect combination od the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh, Send for teritimonials free. L. J. CHENEY Sr CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, price 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. •.....11.1m...•••••••••• •THE low Woman Continued from Page 7 3140% Then, .• noting the agnate skirt, "Oran'Pti, Who's Vier la* l'l: Hate fahett Mess the pariah% rage Hkefinked lightning on 4 derk eltY, "OW of Sitting Bull' Warr-loreant ewereit David Bond. "and geed. man." . "telcapapa, et?" Sald Matthews,' 17 eavvy their liege." He plucked at tiginew Cherleen dross. "(3.01k -warrior Welke :fine garnlenter he jeered,speak- ing in the Indian tongue. ,Tbent, with , AP:0er langb, be -fellowed 'hie brother 1140 the 'shanty and banged the door. Bend Wok bis horse's bridle. , "We toilet find heetiltality elseWhere. Shadrach," be paid reeigeedly. And :he headed the- pun; Op the river. As • he .got back into' the wagon box he looked MOO fOr SqUaef Charley. Theiperiati was Standing clese to the plianty, his bead held forward,' aa it be were watehing to wing, his bands • opening and ennoble; tingrile". • . ""Charles!" pleaded the old Man re- -Proachfully. "Remember -do 'good to. them that wisp you evil and love them that hate," • • • • • • The Indian *droppett Ws erre meekly and shuffled °ter to the pung. But 'When David Bond again drew him on to the seat his tips moved silently and until the, tut was reached and Shad-' nigh pulled them opt upon the Prairie. • onee more be continued to glower hack at the line Of saloons • "It will be a terrible eight." the oth- er said' as they came to e standstill be. side the Cottonwoods, "It is , getting. Jate L1 suppose 1 must try to.-croeis . the river."' • •• . • The pariah was eeealled trent. Ida backward glineei, Rising he eXtend..- ed4n .arm to direct David' Bond's at. tentibn. And the old than. 'rising elm :made out the !meat shack of. the Lan. *.easiere. almost- hidden from sight by drifts. Witha fervent Prayer or -thanksgiving .he touched up Shadrach and Steered bhn toward it, , entitling , only leng enough for 'the Indian :to. lead, the...chief sack and thehilled blan- ket on .top of the •wheels and hay, ' "If this' lonely house will gisw we shelter and welcome." 'vowed David Bottd, urging his horse on; 'It will 'find. Me. grateful, • . Squaw. Charley Medi no ,answering sign.. Buedled*again in theseft he sat in the .wagon box brooding-efor he . had diviped, With othel.ipetitiot of the sevagethat if the shack' on. :the rise. before:theta, would lind a:•faithfUl friend In hlm who- sat beneath 'the wavering'. cross... it was threatened by the presence 'Of a dangerousfoo,-tho. man judt-come; to the .•shanty saloon by the river: CHAPTER :VII. . • .; EN -4, 40,11,n,•,Allatinct'... raps - ;07,41.!,:4`4V4rtlar sig nal -sounded - 09U the outer battens of -the warned door Dallas drew back ee 'iron belt eager- IY, caught the lantern -that:lighted the •lita ,r6ein froth Its high,nall above the. heaet'll and., 'held' It over her: head. Then. standing in the opening, with' ithe. Icy Wind- fluttering thewide flame till it leaped and sinoked*ht its socket. she Met. net 'the faltering eyes Of the famine indlew but the piercing: gaze . or aged David .Bend. . She fell • back And let the hotter]] drop to. her Walk. There she held it. her lingers tremblingdespite her ef- fort to ,aPpear calm. Many clays and eights she had, Waited expectantly for the Mau who by .roiee and fist had-ilLs- pl aye(' eu enmity towatd them. She had pictured his ttrrival or that of his. miss:to. and.planued What she would say and do. Nov. certain that he' was conmot last -after she had lope :ceased o wa or.• m-ap • reeding ustice and fearlessneis- in the Stern 'Wage!. before her. she • was dumb • and • help- $2100 1-91uVR b 4 CODERI011 TO SATURDAY, JUNE 20th Returning Monday,Jtine 22nd STEAMER GREYHOUND E. H. Ayer, Excursion Agent Children • Ordinary Hail Fare Baggage Free For Goderich Leave Detroit for Ociderich 8 a.m. (Leaee Port Huron 12 tiodri.) Friday, June t9th Central time, arrive in Godeelch 0 p,m, GODERICH BAND MOONLICHT 8 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 Per Detroit Leave Goderieh' tor Detroit 8.80 a.m., Saturday, .:1000:20th. Cana4a. tittle, arei rive in Doti oit p. M. • • • , Return tolloderich* Leave Detroit 'fOr Goderich 1 p. m,, &tontine. Julie 22.1d, Central time. (2*p. m. Canada time ) • Return to Detroit T.,aave Gedarteh far Doti oit 8,80 a, co, Tuesday, Ione 23rd, Canada tittle. Vkiii1TEAR-1;tNe , rf f• • less. • Her father's veice; rising from the 'heartheide; brought her t6 action. "Waalward," he .was saylug.'''don't keep th" door Ord ail nightr • • • • • NVith a 'defiant Step forward and as if tO bar intrusiou alte tiptoed out her .• arms. "You'ee here." she said in, a low tone. • . • • •• ' • Dallas' words did not penetrate the• head covering . worn . by 'David • Bond, , and the fire having died down for lack •of. fuel Cite. Interior of the Shock was se dark that he could see only her, ges- tete,. Be thought het alone. and frightened, • , • •' "Have no fear, cletightee"! he begged. "1 will get soniewiaere eise., But the iee is se" • His gentle address surprised and dis- armed her. She advanced relentiogly as her father canie Op behind. Stranger?" cried the section hese. • She stopped him. • "Yes, but we Wouldn't turn a deg aWay tonight, dad.". She motioned' David Bald to enter. • As he crossed the sill Dallas for the first tiute •caught a glimpire of the white horse and the pung and eaW Sqdaw Charley lifting his load 0? chips. from the wagon bex. "Yeti came together?" she asked4 pbinted out your house to, me," was the answer. • A sadden' hope Carte to her. "MOP . be I Wade a mistake," She Bald. "Tell me, who are you?' "David Bond -an evangelist by the grate of God." • • She: lifted the istribti* eto Ohne bo Didn't Agree with Me Aitlio Tentilecel, 88 Letitia* Street, Toronto, writes eetheslaeticeily of the malt* of Pirichtne lor all . stomach troubles. “For seven year. X have hid indigetk tion and dyspepsia. I tried scores of remedies. My room resembled a drug store with nostrums which X had bought. Eventually X used Psydrine, and every dose brought permanent relief."' All throat, lung and stomach troubles quickly cured by Psychine. It is the prescription of a great specialist. At all drnggists,500 and $1.00, or Dt, A, Sloctint$ Limited, Toronto. Clbaoi 'N*waRtcord Juno '4th. 1908 could Ate the otlieti: ,"Uy tnthei find Key itister," she said,. Then she put the light on the table, retired to it coy. Der and suddenly sank down. Squaw Charley, havlog brought to and emptied the sack and blanket, fed the blaze and crouched at one side,ot the fireplace. Evan and Marylyn Were agrees from him,. Intently examining the features and dregs or the traveler. It was Dallas who, eaeed yet 'shaken, remembered to be hortpitable, ' "Colne, Charley," elm said, rising, "we'll put the horse up. No, no," as their poet would have accompenied her, "we Wou't need help, The Mtliell are used to Charley now and SimOn'a pretty ugly to atraitgere." She started din. "Marylyn," she said from the door, "you take Ur. TiOnd'a Then, to the evangelist ""rre, glad les you and not-sometiodye-else," • A. rare smile creased her face. The aged man, divested of his leag ulster, advanced unit with fatherly tenderness lightly touched her braid*. "1 Wag 4 stranger and !ye toiSeque be quoted solemnly, Dallas lingered a moment arrested hy• the picture. Lancaster was lean. ing forward from his ,seat In unmt* towed: silence. Marylyn sat . beside him, the nub% thrown across her arm. Nearer was.the Indian, his copper coi- Cored face marvelously softened, and, before them ail stood the evangelist. priestly, patriarchal, • , . When Dallas and Squaw Charley. were gene the section boss and hie younger daughter were for a, space 'tortgue tied through. a .1aok of .sotw thing to say. Soon, however, Da•vid, Bend broke the quiet to asstire. Lan: caster of his gratitude: And there- after the two men talked' freely. "You need not fear any trouble with my horse," the evangelist said as Dal las was .heard .bidding Simon keep to his side of the stall. "Shadrach is a gentle beast." •. . r•At tbe. name. the .section boss cocked' his head like an inquiring bird, "M in, Shadrach." be began in iinportant re:. flection call y' boss Shadrach , . . . • Ah seem hey' bardthpt name *bee,. fore." - • „ . Marylyn: raked to her tether a quigke . . ivarning:. finger. "It's in -the Bible, pie" the 'whispered. . "Hell?"" . , . . '"It's in the 'Bible." "Don'. y". think Air know?" Evan poked the .fire cheerfully., tie . was .fairly started hi a conversation. "Thet Shadrach Was a proPhet, ef Altrecall It it jes', right," hesaid tentatively. • . The. evangelist shot him .a sorrowful glance.' • • No. pa. . • whispered • Marylyn again, , "He was put :in A furnace. Remember the Menace, ear . .• • • .• • "With Ale' Hoge!" cried the section bees. ., "certainly:Ali-de."' • . • "Ohe'pe. that islet the • - ,Etratt stroked his mitataehe.%-"Alfm -khiclet 'often tb . trall,. honey,. ain't Ah?" he•isaid neine. Then, to toyer' big mis- take; *and.. forestall. any -„einbaeraising eiplanatiom., he poked: the fire again •: and ...resolutely began,. "Pabst*, , how eoine: r. non* you! boss :Shed - rack?' , • ' ,q3ehad been Christened Speaks." hope the. evangelist. as If repeating, an oft told tale. "because his last own: er mleitook hint onenigiit for a gime et:Mid , not , beet, .te 'milt the faithful anhnal by that. mune Mid, day after day thonglit oveS alt the, names 1 had, ever beard : Striving to .find one suita. ble., that sumtrier something • happen- ed that decided foe me. Spooks- and awoke to find-ourselyers surrounded by a Prairie lire. .And 1. having bitchy 'ed:ep and thee got down into the bob tont_ of the wagon', My good parse was forced to tilt the wall of -aathe alone. Ile.'eame Out .unecorchid.-. I •Itnew‘' at Once -whet his narneshonict be. .Hence- ,•fOrth I gulled him Shadrach" • .' • The lightof returning knowledge -of bleated total rectiliL-Illumined the. fai.e Of the !keening section hose., Be geve the fire a glad poke that sent the burn- ing chipsto every side, threat out his. hest proulITTisi-ffilined the °thee. with . a triumphant eye, "wnef, how 'bout Mehaeh and Abednego.?" be. de - Mended. • • : • • David Bond •ettidied itio en ni ting, .broweltintil their hetery arch.' ings met in .a single hoary line. .1, taketifelepleee." he Said at lest, with , •• ,•: • • • Following supper. which • Dallae pre.: Payed an-gathe-twd :before the cheery blaze. • There, the' evangelist; • anxious Over the -welfare of the.,peopletimone • whom he Mid preached and .taught, promptly ' began , to queetten .Squew CetieleY.; -Yon huve not told' me of your cite - tem!' he said. "oe .61 the fight . that, eente before it, Were yoo taken 'in the north -in the t•opntry,oe the White Mother -or In Dakota?". • the !Mime ,-nodde'fii• "Dakota?" • . • • Swiftly the parittles'Whole aspeet al- tered. A• moment' before. satisfied ttfi to food. happy 'rind „comfortable, to had squatted, dawn In his .• blanket. But now. his shoulders beet,his..chiai peak to his Meese MA' eyes grew dull and seinen. " • • . • "Were yoo in the M a a vaises terres?" queried the eVangellst. • Squaw Charley shook his head. "pri :the Powder?" There was a •sl tent. assent • "The soldiers pursued.. Maybe they. surprised you -which?" • . To answer the indian• rose: siciVely. With one ot Pine:aster's ectitcheiti he raked oet.senie ashes and leVeled them upon the. hearthstones. Next, across them, steeping and using, a finger, be drew .a retying line that showed the trend of a stream. Par up toward ita source,in a bend, be placed bib) Of bread from the table to indieri thei • lodges of his tribesmen. Slivers frOtti a stick -shoived that the tepees had been Set thickly itt a grove of tall ea- tonwootis. White heans,lrom a filled pan On the tloor near by hint, steed for the warriors thitt had •fought. Hitt fingers moved more' quickbi as bi Meant) Of a handful of tern that 100 las bad put lti his leather peUeh he planted the United States troops on three Sides Of the Indian campground and moved them forward tO the Si- te*. ,Adteitly he niatieuvered the opp ing tercet With advaneing here and retreating there, greens when the white Men felt the fight too keenlY, low whoope to picture an Indiag gain, little Miffs Of the breath to betoken 'flying bullets. The onlookers MAW` the battle as it raged ohout the tepees. od tbe ittekering. lantern .6 MAO tiO rley moved them that the tiring . began at OP break and continued until dark. All at once he changed tile picture. Twelve bean* were rapidly counted Out and laid, in rows, And be mourned tieft. ly ever these tO libel' that they were slain warriors. Five keruele of gem - •a linnet pate raced dead -Were, Placed •:beside the beau rows ThiS done, bit ; Covered the itu*rn with the groin , Neck and leaned hack against the logs. ;• "Aye, aye," cried David Bend 'twelve bravee and five troopers per. lobed: Seventeen sOnla went to their •Maker to,mark the greed of the, white ,•man and the yearning to harry off the • redi Why do the Indiane not etay he WACO and quiet upon the land* set : apart for them and not go: abroad • stealing and alatighteringt Why do'MY own people not give . hack to their brothers the country,,,that la rightly • theirs?" • • Once more squaw Charley stooped • forward and, resting -his weight on WM hand, traeed the return`mareli: of -tint troopers to a croltsing or the Utast:Mr. where the command had hurled'114 dead; from..there be drew •the- route , sofithWard to the ,ferryand Pert Bran.; nim. Here he stuCk the nplinterririn a circle to picture the ateckade helovethe • barracks. At test,- r1Ig, he drew, his blanket close about him, put the grata sak over his tabgled hair and, with's• ' parting look toward Dallasand the, evalWellst, went slowly out. ' Perfect quiet followed the pariah's. going,•• His recital Of the conflict, dumb though it was, bad powerfully stirred -.the little audience, for as he had pro- ceeded with his 'crude inimiety the agination. of ,the others had filled- in the Scenes he could net 1$4eteb; • The.seetioa boas spoke. first.. Not. in- capable of, feeling, yet disliking: to show etnotioe because it Might. be coented a weakness, he batitened to clear the air. "Say, Dallas," be -drawl- ed, With a sitri'„g of the battlefield; "he ought V had same red Mexicanbeans fer his 'Dijuns.0 But the remark failed to appeal. • " • • David. Bend nuide a ShakedOwn for himself beside Lancaster's bunk, using :an armful 'of hayand the robes .and • quilts from his However, the feet that. he, needed- rest or that hitt ("Awl]: Was.. ready did not tempt Mm, • from the fire. .,Long -after his host die: appeared behind the swinging Nevelt): blankets he sat by 'tile hearth.. And, Dallas stayed with hlin;!, Marylyn's sleepy head- pilloweil itt herlip., • • The elder telt -sixtingely.:draWu to- him,- He retutned the interest he in-. spired. Like; Lounslnity, he marked. the ufiiishat character -of thia wetness 'or the far. troatier.: But.he-saW further • thiuk had the younger man: Withbert father and -sister • she . was :all filminess, •:and strength; ars•ifi she held herself to be: the mainstay of :•the family yet • now .aad-then unwittingly: ehe betray.: ed,qualities that Were distinctly oppo- site.- Like i;outisburytoo, ' whet) he tonebeci' tipon the, subject ef :her life It.•Was to inquire if she had .spent any of its years in a -town. . He felt certain that she had ; at the same time ies. • Pelle! Was•MirionslY coatindicted . by , . . „ :her bearing. • • - always five on Itte. plains," • she said, having 1011 him of the Mesa and • -their' migration • north. "If • 1 left -em• - fore ti while •• re learn --things' don't know. noiv., 'and' when .1. Came, beck' maybe.1 wouldn't be Ostia, ed.:with the 'shtick or with dad and Marylyn" . • "Child; , where dld you,. ger that thought?" he. asked; :astonished; °1 don't know -only 'my mother. would !a' been happy in Texas If she'd been born there. But she wasn't, and she wanted her old hOme. till she Med.". . She wanted bee • Md: home till she died -It Was 'only a sentence yet the . quiet pathos of It bared to him the (TO BE CONTINUED.) young men "had Veen' geared off, -*bet with Richard Rend theft tactles were unavailing. He loved Rhoda, and he We* as determined to wilt her RS was her father that ale should not be won. Mr. Harteell had exhausted all or his customary expedients long since, and for the Ord time a young Man had been able to gain Ithoda's love and her consent to marriage. TULIP -ell had taken it grim eatlefae-- .000, in refusing his sanction. He knew ei•irtie • "IT'S NOTHING SHORT Or ariaortuut." that. Rhoda would never marry with: • out his permissieu, and Dick had just • come from the library, still •smarting under the injustice of his dismirisal, Rend did not linger leng With Rhoda, He wee afraid that hemightbe led into sortie injudicious speeeh, and peas- ently he left the •house and. Miele . his way downtown. •Be dropped into the .Frivolity, the vaudeville theater.. Ben Graham, the ' Manager. was . an Old chum,. and . Dick frequently dtopped in to party -him:off to sapper after the performance. " • • • ,• . • Tonight be. found Graham burl at a typewriter.; "Just .4 minute;' 'called the ' manager . as .he looked up: from • his work. "I'm wrjtlng the omeel% flee., • GOlesiee and look at the 'plc . - "I'm of pietures." 'declared Dick. •Iint he stepped through the deer leading to the auditorium and :leaned' against the'rall••aithe rear of the .seats watching the Motion -pictures. - 00 betabse so. enigroaged: that he did 'not realize' Graham's 'approach until the lights' went' un and the audience. began to stream up the aisles.; Gra- hain..Waited,for the house tobe closed ' and then led the way across the street to their favorite benne • - ,•• • Diele.e eoinninestf had diSappeered.. and roe 'an -lionr or more he sat at the", table laughing and joking:1n' a Manner far. from 'suggestiveof a lover. Who has 'Atilt. been told that. he -must. not wed the girl of his heart,. Herat* Hartsell, :was far. more Vv.or- tied than, was Rand. When 'business took 'him to New. York he sent Rhode to 'visit relatives Until hie return- and. '.then :hurried borne because -a ;friend.. : Wrote him that pick end left toWn. ' But Rhode was safe it her aunt's. and Dick (lid not . return for ten. diya.'' When he did come . -he Was noorejauntY', than ever. :and there. Was something• positively gleeful in his manner hen he .dropped into •tiorace. iaxir office the day fallowing h1 nrrlval He 'fond. ithe lawyer. just About ' to Leave ,for .horae, and together they de- scended to the street in the link ele, Tator "Come over to the Frivolity' plead ed: Dick as they reached the 'sidewalk, By Colin .S. Copyrighted. 1908; by *Romer Sprague. • "1 don't see why your father objects ni'e "-Cried tick Rand. "I'm sure he 1, cannot object to nay.. character. my b;tsiness positiou et• my 'social stand- ing, and : he admits that he liked we ene. til I asked his permission to Marry you."' "He still likes you " .explained Rho da .earnestly. • "It's • simply that he _toes not wantane to get Married, Dick, You see, ha wants me hen* with hint:'' • "That's just what I want," sad Dice viciously. "i've some • rights • in thio matter. Of, course 1 don't blame him for wanting you, too, but you can't be expected to become 'an ,old maid jtial `because your father wants ybu to re- main .single." •••• • "I should not marry without. his can - sent," she said softly, • "You'll marry and With his full caw sent if 1 have to waylay him with b gun some dark night and. cry 'Your daughter or your life' at MM." de- clared Dick, with a chuckle. • • Rhoda did not share his mirth. Hor- ace Hartsell, her father, was a stub, born man, not easily moved from a de- claim]. When she was seventeen, he had declared that Rhoda was Inc too young, to marry, and to that declare - tion • be had clung, though ithOda was now twenty-two. • • More than one rieterbig Atiltet had been warned off by the goat old matk, whose tenderness exhibited itself only in an engrossing 'needle:1' • for his • daughter. Long before an. interest had really developed . into lovP other ellaibla Y GOVERN - ENT AS BON YMPROVED THE HIGH, PUBLIC AND SEPARATE. SCHOOLS AND "tmwERsitiEs. . PRA CTICAL LI' ES TA B SI I ED •S I X N -E W 'AGRICULTURAL •S CHOOL$. .LOWERED THE • PRICE • OF SCHOOL 130OKS; IN ONE CASE FROM $1,30 TO 49' CENTS. - •THOROUGHLY AND PROPERLY ENFORCED THE LICENSE LAW. REDEEMED PROMISES WITII REFERENCE TO NEW MINING LAWS AND THOUGHT /NV) THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS PROV- INCE THEREBY LARGE.SUMS OP. MONEY. CREATED THE NicisliOTRAL AND RAILWAY' BOARD. • • BROUGHT INTO TFIE MtJN/CIP- ALITIES A sHARE op REVENUE PROM RAILWAY TAXATION: CHANGED THE MUNY.CIPAL EL- ECTION LAWS, • INCREASED THE REVENUE TO OM EIGHT miLLrON DOLLAIRS4 DOUBLED RAILWAY 'TAXATT014. GOTTEN UNDER WAY REVISION OP THE STATUTES, VVIIICH, wEinil COMPLETED, WILL BE THE GREATEsp WORX OF ITS RIND EVER DONE IN CANADA. IN'AUGUR,ATED A POLICY• OP REPORESTRATION. INAUGURATED A POLICY 9t, REPORAI, THESE ARE BUT, SOME OP THE THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN AC- CoMPLISIIER, OR ARE IN PRO- CESS OP ACCOMPLISHMENT, UN. DER AN 'ADMINISTRATION, THAT' r/AS DONE • li1011d41 PRACTICAL GOOD FOR THE PROVINCE THAN wAs nynn ATTEMPTED /N rrIIM THREE DECADES OP A LIBERAL ADMINIsiaRATIoN AT 'TORONTO. °there Is Something I want Ion to See." "No, thanks." was the brusque reply. "I don't like those epecialty shows, We a waste of time." • "This iv momethiug very Pimple's" in - pasted Dick.• "Nothing to Interest me," declared • Mr. Elarteell. "I have some papers to read over for Bletchford. I promiaed to give him an opinion in the morning." "You won't come?" demanded Dick. • VertaintY' aotl" was the irritated re- •sponse. • "On your own head be it," saki Dick soleinnlY as .-he eirned away. Some- thing la the tone elarnied the elder Mane He turned his steps tot follow Dicke and ,presently they entered the deeerted lobby together, , °reheat was apparently waiting for them, for at their approach be led the .way into the empty auditoritun. iz re. sponse to hie shoilte it white yodel') was dropped on the stage, and front the balcony above came the whirring poise- of the projeeting =chine. 04 the screee. in fikkering _letters or' appeared it legend announcing that the dives of New York* would be shce,vn. In a moment this gave way• to an interior that fairly represented one of the drinking resorts known all over the country by name and reputation, or lack of it • • . Seated at the-tablewere gay parties, aad .the lawyer .gesped as at the near- est table he perceived a figure so like his own that it might have been his twin: .• "Beep having a inighty geed time In New -york," chuckled Dick as he turn- ed to Mr: Hartsell., "I thought you'd like.* to see this film before Grainy* puts it on ;text week, • Wait for the rest." • *• ' • • • "Is there more?". was the reply, ac- cotnpepled by a gasp of 'horror. • "Lots," bald .Dick tersely. "You must have -been making a night of it." suecessien half it dozen other pic- tures were shown,' in ,most of which Ur. Hartsell's double appeared. As the last picture Illekered. and vanished from the screen the- ItiwYer turned to the manager. •• : • "If you run ibose -pictures I'll have yeu prosecuted!". --he cried. 'Graham' smiled, but it was Dick who. spoke. ' "That would be a splendid' adver- tisement". he 'reminded. "just the way to Mylte atteetion, to year good time." '"It was ncit -my good time.". protest; • ed gartsell...with:emphasis. - • "How many people 'de you suppose Would believe 'that statement?" said Dick as •hls smile broadened. • "tette-- very emphasis .would lend color to tie - belief ;that it was You."• • • '"Whitt can'. 1 do?" atiked Hartsell I hopelessly as the truth of ,the•rensark• impressed:itself upon him. :. • • • • • "yeti might , fitly them," suggested • Diclt. • "I on the only negatiVe and the only poiltite'.mede." ' ' • • -Name your pilee,". spluttered the 'lawyer. "It's*.tiothilig -sheet :of biaek: male but Vstippoae it is better to sub- mit.' • ."Pni glad to see that you' take -a sea, sihie view, of Niel' Matter," said' Dick. "I -don't aniul ..admitting that 1.• posed tor, the:: Oct -urea' myself, rm rather goed'at 'attutteur acting,' and •,.1 studied you for a week. • They Will cost your consent to Rhodes marrlage."- ' "1 shall use that .explanation."when • you 'show the pictures." Said' Mr.F.Hart- sell .as be turned away.. '"kott. have .overreached . yourself and have pro- vided me with- a -defense.": • • • "If you do, 1 shell bay that i ani merely doing it to shield my father -in: law •to be," said..Dick. "'rhea. every:. one will believe:that I ton ;trebly taking the blame feti'.ydur ,IndlieretIons; You . • knotethey. . • • . • • •• Unfortiinately"'for -.hie peaceof niied, Me. Hartsell did know that Dick's ex- planation 'would tied credenee, but: he .was not • yet Willing to give in *Di it' GOLD MEDAL — — .Ale and Porter oorakabk,r) :JOHN LABATT • AT ST, LOUIS ExilmilTION" 1904.• Only medal for Al. In Canada. "1. •••••1•••• forme air niece. "Take another look at ,thein." he urged "They °They. might help convince you ' that, even .at the price,, -they are cheap -that one ,in the. opittni den, for in. stance, where you choke -over the• antoke from yocir pipe." • Howard Hartsell raised his hand. . "Ceme tome to'dinner and fix it no • "with .RhOda-," he said weakly. -"Ire compounding a . felony, • Mit"- Dkk• smiled as' he took' from the op.' orator the two .tin cases Containing the fihns. . I • . . "It beats the gun method," • he. whim., 'pined to himself, • - . . The death sentence. of John Pearse has been commuted. to life, imprison- m e n it M:s. Ein, wife of a Glace Bay' confectioner, was killed by the bursting of a soda water cyliudet. ' • The Grand -Orange Lodge finished its meeting at Midland, and selected Pet- erbare' es the net meeting place. ' Floods. in the Current River burst a. dam, and the water pourei1 down, sweeping away a 0.-P. R. bridge •,at Port Arthur and engulfing 'a freighb. engine and several cars. Three mem. hers' of the train crow and possibly some tramps were drowned. The 'Resslan warship Peter • the IGIrnegaitanid. sfast aground in the. Gulf of , Charles Lempke was struck by ' a baseball at F'oughlicepsie, N.Y., and, almost instantly killed: The British Socialists are Opposing the proposed visit of King Edward to the Czar of Russia. • Two Swedish prospectors were drowned in Bey Lake by their canoe. upsetting. , • An 'Ohio newspaper intimates that the finegt way to trim a Merry, WitioNO hat is with the grass clippers. Just as well to give the children a little' preliminary training on Decor- ation Day, since on the night oj June. 8 the - field of battle will be strewn with the slain who will havie to be siMilarty attended' to. ••!; 1SS MABEL KNAPP •••? • • •••• ''''' ••••• ........ •••• ••• •• ... BURRING ITCHING ECZEMA cAuto MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. ' miss Mabel Knapp, of 24*7 Wolfe Street., Peternorse Ont. SS 5: " gi ht months a o sma w ite otais an pimples ro e* out on my hands. TO keep from Aubbing and . scratching was impossible as the the itching was intense. This caused the pimples to break form- ing Mattered sores between tny fingers and spread. , ing to the•joints of my fingers. My hands were actUally in a raw State. I suffered cruelly lying awake night after night with the burning, itching sensation and pains which followed. For months I could not berr my hands in water and.rlid very very little work about the house. Various remedies were • tried still the disease was not checked and I was now almost discouraged when a statement inthe newspaper made by some person who,had been cured of a similar disease by using Zarn•Buk caught my attention. I obtained a box of Zarnaluk, • and began using ft. Eacb,application brought great fend. It checked almost instantly the and itching and HEALING. SOOTHING AND soothed the painburnings,' and soon banished all . ANTISEPTIC • inflammation ancl swelling and in about ocrutnre.sictucbts., bbaurrnbese, sscraasldhs: lithuricee, Iww"al;scufrr°edm oefinihilsnednrcerildwiiseathsZe.a"n" puilnictZpra5lem'srlaBnidwk eruptions, hIpod poison, bad leg, salt rheum, abrasions, slices. ses and all skin diseases. As an em- brocation it is good for rheumatism rot sciatica and all nerve pains when wall rubbed in. Of all stores and drUggime, , • so cents box or from Zama,* Co, Toronto, postpaid for price. •••• ••••••• *a •• •• • •• •:• :••••• • ... •• • FREE! Send te 514 Zam•BukCo. Torontofora free sample. Cut out this coupon and mail with rc. stamp for postage. 6sts •••.. • ...... • •• • •• •••••• ••••• •41; .ROcket.fot if you require any Furniture it will pay you to purchase from us: We will save yoU mousy. Here is a proof - and our store is crammed with hun. dreds of other immense furniture val- ues. This Recker We are advertliting to -day is Made of heaVy. selected. Ger- man reed. The "Old Pavot•ite"-the style is known to you all. The height ot theist* and the tilt of the toekers Make it slitlply unbeatable for restful Comfort, It is sold regularly hy furniture dealers for $0. But by buying in huge quantities we are Able to offer it to you st $2.95. This extraordi- nary low price is bound to cause a great (demand, if you %Viet one or several you should send Us your order at mice. Any further particu- lars debited will he turniehecl en request' • The ONTARIO PURNITURE CO. wHoLusAe. AND RETAIL, Western Ontario's Largest Purniture House. 228-280 Dundas Street LONDON