HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-06-04, Page 5tie 4th 1908
Clinton Neer's-Record
444 1**IWO 04,04444114104114**440.0.110t...414414444......
Mite SyMende reterlied from it
three Mentlie.Vielt at tho residence of
Nen nekee MrS. Weld, Ile*en (nee
MIAS rtio Briegel). Mts, klodgens
'Will Visit Goderich this month.,
Wo are very sortY 'to learn that'
Mrs. Leo Of Londesboro' again ser-
iously ill at 'the reeldenee t
atmit WS.WUUan LasIMM.,
The, MIMS Bloomer of Lon,
iden, necomPanled hY Nisa
bet. , 4vans, Of that eitYt sPetl the
140lidaYa with Mrs. Janice Mtinrot
another of the Ilhiree Bloomer.
The encetore 0 the estate of the
lake M. John Reid, are Puttihe
eitene feutidation *ender her leo resid.
*ace which will make a groat line
The following eete refets to fir 004./
In of Mr, Farmer, Banker, Frank,
Alta, who is a son-in-law °fa Mrs.
A. Mynas : !Wile comment IS
flounced of Mise Elizaheth Yates
Fernier ot "Brockton," Ancastee to
the Rev. Alexander Rich of 13403114:Wee
lleryland. The marriage ie arranged
to the first vireek in June,
James McLeod, son of the at Ca• pe
tain Dan McLeod, of Goderich, •haa
axeently been apPainted PhYeleal ding
tor at the Central Y. M. 0, A. ih
St. Andetew's Ward school, whicb is
under, the management •of the Mies
Viateon and Parsons, have some bight
ambitious boys in their elasses-who
have formed a baseball team. •The
memillers are -Caotain, Den McGuieee
lee base; Ernest Craigie, 2nd base ;
Bernard Heeney, 3rd base • Lloyd Me -
Donald, catcher; Malcolm McDonald,
pitcher; Roy Hunt, short Sep; Cecil
Givins, fielder; Frank Jardine, utile
pire ; Reggie Love, mascot.
Mr. William Chisholm has removed
from his farm in Colboene, and now,
occupies his new brick residence oe.
Victoria street.
This beautifully -
designed style is Imp of
fine Patent Colt with dull
matt tops, and is one of the
-up-to-the-mmute Blucher
styles. Although we offer
this style to you for $4.00
it looks and fits better than
most $5.00 shoes.
R. J. Cluff
The News From Goderich
I41.01$6 A. 51(1111UNOS# correspondent
Robert Rom. of Seaforth is now
on the staff iof the Bank of Commerce
hero. •
Mrs. Wilmer 'Smith was called: to
Toronto last week, by her sitater .Mrs.
Charles Covet; on aceduen of tile
serious illness of M. Cooper,
Miss Walker returned on Saturday
from a four weeks' visit to her
friends and relative% in Toront,o, •
It is with much regret we ire °ailed
•upon to note the death of a much ea -
teemed citizen in -the person of Jane
Rutledge; relict of the late Thomas
Welsh, Goderich toWnship who leas live
'ed in Godorich the past 9 or 10 years,
evli4 her dangliters, Mesdames N. Lied -
say and Alex. Weir. Among the many,
florel tributes of affection wee a love-
ly white wreath; formed of rose % and
lilies with "Mother" in gold letters,
„upon one end of the vielet wale
•Whici tt wee tied; and a easket bio-
quet of white roses, Mica of the val-
ley and carnations, tied with a breed
white satin ribbon, tribute from the
Wornens' Foreign Miesionery Sod*
of which Mrs. Welsh was a valued
member. Rev. George N. Hazen, of-
ficiated at house and Rev; M. Green
at the Clinton cemetery. M the ser-
vice at • the house all seing "(Nearer
ixty.God to, Thee,' and "We'll SODA be
going home." The pallbearers wore
• Miso Adeline 4flxk, yeungest dangle,
ter ot Mrs,. S. Clark, is improving
very fa,vorahly, her fever being very
• Master Ralph Herald is'now conVal-
'We are sorry to learn that Mr. mit,
ljee, one of the pioneer members ' of
• Victoria street Ohurele died• on Friday
a. At., at the nw resideOf his dallOeer.
Mrs. Dan. Buchanan. •
Mrs. William Charles apnea, of New-
ton Abbott, Devon, 'England* has cOMO
to reside in town.
Little Master MeGratian accompan4
led a piceie party to Tiger's mill and
;unknown to any one, got bola 0 an
box, and, getting into it, must
have faller' into the ,water, Wleick in
that Partieulae epot was, .very, deep,
.0.141 only, that Mrs. Charles Reid saw
• the accident, the little fellow would
have been drowned. tare, Walker Ker-
ney Called out for help. Mr, Merney
hasteeed to the water, divesting him-,
golf of het, coat and vese as he ran,
plueged into the river, upa lust saw
the long ends of the. little. boy's neck
tie on the water. Mr. Murney could
not hair° reachedthe shore without
the- aesistance of Messrs. Pellew and
Atigustiee who with their fun Men
were all of the eating party.
M. A. D. McLean spent the 411;444'
at his home here, •
We were glee to meet, Mrs. and
IVIiss Hutohisen at their residence
"Gleegewae" lase wee.
Mrs. (Dr.), Hingstee of tie meal,
who spent a few days ewe with
her -parent; Engineer end Mrs, it. A.
Peterson, has returnee to her leme.
The' Lewis -residence Ceosee for
the ' • `season. Mr e„ Lewis, left this
month for Toronto, accompanied. by
the 1VliseeaLewis arid son Norman, ,
, . •
Mr 0 B. GOulding, of the Bank
of Montreal staff here has leen pro-
moted to the staff at Kingstoe.
"Commodore" Williams second •s•on
of a S.. Williams of the Bank of
Commeree, sueceeds 'Mr, Gonlilieg in
the Bank of Montreal here,
The' rt -Mains of Kate Garrick Of
Detroit, relict Of. the late Mr: Whiting;
who died only one Month berme' her,
were aCconipanied from her residence
aft Detroit by her mother, ' Mrs. ' Val-
liant Garrick of Trout Lake, and het
son William andtwo daughters, 'acetic
end_Katie of Detroit, to the residence
Of Mit Jetties Gerrick, Rev.. • James
Andersen Officiated at house and
Maitland ceinetotte' The casket vas
covered with beautiful liciral tributes,
among ,thern a large •pillow of white
and pink esees, and lilies.: of the valley
with, "Maher" in 'lettere formed , of
bine forget.me-eote, :tribute of her
family.; 'a large cross ot ,white • and
Pink roses, and lilies Of -the iallerand
numbeeless: -bunches of flowers,. tributes
from'her Dettoit friends ane a casket
baguet of white andpink carnations,
teitte ot Mt. Fitzgerald of Hemilton,•
father of her .daeghter's husband. -The,
pallbearers' were her eon, William
Whiting, William Burleigh and, her
nephews, ()Set% and George Garreek.
The parte all ,referned to Detroit last
Married -At Brantford on Viotoria
Day, by the Rev. Me. Patterson, Mt
Harry H. Williams to Miss Lizzie.
Doherty, all of • Brantford, Aftee the
Wedding the. happy' bride and . groom
came tip. to Goderieli, end were • the
guests of Mrs.James StrOngh ' while
Miss Alice Garrick of theeC. P. R.
Sole Dealer -Clinton !office is, spending her vacation in
Buffalo. ' •
iviesars. iflraim Downlng, lidwaEd
Acheson, Charles Neveten, Jacob Stok-
es, George Green and Alex. Lindsay.
The Where! took place from the
house at about 2.15 p in forCline
ton cemetery, to lay the remains' at
met in the family burial plot. MO.
Welele was very gentle in her manner,
devoted to all the religious work of
the Methodist cher* and a loving
mother and faithful friend. %milli her
illness she was • very patient and xe-
signed to the will of .Gied. ;' and ' loved
to sing when ,a,ble oe have sung to her
"There is a land . of pure delight"
Her' four •daughters severe all with het
'during her last Metes, Mesdames Cur-
rie, N. 'Lindsey' and 'Alex. Weir, : and
youngest , daughter, Miss • Frances
Welsh, of the Sheeman *Hospital, Chi-
cago. One eon Thomas ale° ,suryives
his mother. His home is in Fargo,
N.:, Dakota: :
• On, Monday evening 25th May -we
had the great pleasure et hearing Done.
,ald MacGregor 414. at Victoria opera
house. ,He bids fair to rival .Harold
Jervis. His songs were eery' Aesthetic
breathing of, flowersand love. The
"Fergetene-not sang was lovely. Mrse
Buggins Made hee :first appearance: in
the opera house, and .sang a, couple of
pleasing *selettions. Mr. Sydney, Bel-
cher aleo kindly 'gave a couple of Vote
'al 'selections inchitting. a "Drinking
Song," Roy Adams Was the accom-
panist during the evening. The -con-
eert was given under' the auspices ot
the base -ball olub.
.The funeral of the late Thomas Mo.
Kee took place from his residence on
25th May, under the auspices Of the
Starlet Degree,' L. 0. L, "Reversdale"
No. 145'. Reeds: ;tartlet A.ndursen and
James Hamilten officiated at home
and at Maitland cemetery, Upon tlie•
caskee was laid the eash of the Scar-
let. Degree, worn by the deceased, and
among the fieral. tributes . Was "The
Rock Of A(ges," over Whielt was Planed
a 'wreath of pink. and white roses;
ferns, and 'carnation's: and white .gere'
aidumre tied With a broad violet stik
ribbon, with "Itiversclale Lodge' No
145 epee it in gold letters,: tribute of
his Lodge. There were many bunches
of June flowers also. The -pallbearers
who were all chosen by the . depeased
gentleman eel= time ago were
Messes., Willis and Tom Bell, John and
James CoX„' and Cheistophee and Rob-
ert Johnston, all of Goderich townshine
Th4 funeral cortege was • very 'latge..
The late Mr. McKee joined Riveredale
Lodge .145, at the early age of 18
years, and at his death had belonged
to it for over a half century -5,7 years
-and was made etn honorary mem,ber
some time before 'hie death. He had
been . Mestere and Chaplain, be-
sides • holding oeher • offices in
ilie 'lodge. Ile married Miss Alice
Hamilton, Goderieh townshlp in 186e.
He was a professed Presbyterian in
religion,a loyal: Conservative; and; . a
Most .prosperous fernier, but retired
from active life. Those who came to
the funeral from a, dietetic° were Mn
Alex. Porter and two dalightere, the
Mises Helen and Ellen May of Wing -
hem. Besides his ;estimable widow the
late Mr, McKee is survived by four.
daughters, Mrs. clerk 'Johnstone Sas
loatcheyien, who spent the months. of
January and February of this year,
with her parents. here e Mrs. Thomas
J. Johnston, Mrs. George Palooner.
and Mrs. James 1100, all of Goderich
township. One daughter died some
years ago. Ile is also survived by
three brotherand four sisters Geor-
ge at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ;
John, in Nevada, William in Knesae ;
Mrs. Alex CO*, and tire. 'Sam Johne,
Ston, GoderiCh townshio ; Mrs. Alex.
Porter and Mrs,. Richard Potter,
Died in Goderich on Friday May
29th, 1908at his lets residence, at
the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Dan,
ittiohanan, Eldon street, James Mil -
Ilan, aged ,70 years. .
Mrs. Charles I/eery"Armstrong (nee
*lee Etichanan)) held her first reeepe
ton on May' 19th, and doth,
at the residence of her sister,- Mr,
F,H Sharpe. Mrs. Arnieteerig wore
her, Pretty wedding dress, of ivory
crepe do chalet with garniture of role
Paint old pearl °elements,. Mrs..
ShatPo received with her sister,
assisted by Was Buchanan of Goder,,
ich, Mrs, N.J. Elliott andi Mrs.
Jack Davy, The tea table was love.
ly with XilIarney roses, and Mice of
the valley. Antis McKinnon, Mise
Arens, Miss McRoberts, tutd "Miso
White were most attAttive assistants
Ili the tea room.Globe 28rd May.
Mr, and Mrs, ape Porter and little
daughter of Spokane were the guests
of the fortner's mother and sister, MN
Jetties, arid Miss Pelle Porta, last
Capital paid up $3,337,500.00, Reserve ,Fund $3,337,500.00
S. LI. EWING . . . Vice -President
W. M. Rammer, ,T.P% Cleghorn, EL Markland Moisee, •
Lt.-Uoll', C. Renshaw, Wm. 0: McIntyre.
James Elliot, General Biantige_r A. D. Dtirnford, Wet Inspector and superiti•
dent of Branches. W. I, Draper, Inspector. W W, It, Chipman. •
J. H. Caatpbell, Assistant Inspectors. .
SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits OVA and Upwards received
and interest allowed at 3 per nent.from date of deposit, compounded 4 times a year •
SPECIAL ATTENTION given to all branches of Farmers' bushiebs. Sale
notes coshed or collected on favorable terms.
gether j u s.t
right has a lot
to do with the
appearance or
a picture.
Add to or dotted from thoeffectivenetta of pictures toneid-
erably. It le a epeeleeittitY of note to make the bathe suit true
picture. %Ve like people to say how beautifully our frames and
their pictures agree. • You will east it -too if you will let us do
borne framing for you. .
We invite you to inspece our stock of Furniture which is com-
plete in every line and our prices ttroas low as the lowest.
We are the tole agouti, for the famous lierculee Whigs and
OstineorrititittreaSea. • • , •
itoovER.. si7isALL
Furniture . and runerai Directors.
iwomiwommosostwomwmomattimystwrimwsvmvotmommymt mot
Geutlemene-eThree and a, hall years
ago, you honored me With the repres.
intation of tido Riding; After four
oeseione in office, the Government is
asking the electors of the Province for
a renewal of confirleMe. The people
have a, rileLt to ask us for an acceunt
of our etewerdehip. I. am devoting as
meet Of my, time as can tie meeting
the eleetors: ot the Riding„ but .as time
will not permit of My Visiting ovary,
seOtion,,,T, Ulm WS means of directins
your attention to some points in on
record which I think mate clear that
we are carrying out in power our
Pledges' ninfle.in opposition.
I. -We promised to abolish then=
bered We have done so.
,IL -We promised to enforce the law
agailiSt ballet Switching, ballot taw
sniffing, bribery and perjury in dee-
tion matters that to •the minds o
Liberals and Conservatives, alike vitt
a blot on ithie Province during th
years, prior to January 1906. We ham
done so with the , result that eigh
town Schools. TiliS beilig done as
quielely as tinie will permit without
additional cost to the sections, the
inereaSed cost Of the Public schools
being paideut of the inereased reveteue,
of the Province,
XIII. -We promLiised you a fair en-
forcement ot the Liquor cense Act
of the ProVince, All the elections, re.
gardless of their TiOWS on the tem-
perance question, agree that we are
giving an heneet and lair enforcement.
XIV. --"We have so amended the law
governing the running of automobiles
that We have now on our Statute
books a law that has !been referred -to
.. in the legislatures of nearly every
Stete in the ,Union and Provinces of
the DOminicei as the moat advanced
and practical Oil the subject of auto-
mobiles in any statute book.
XV. -To this Connty alone, the fol-
lowing: sums were paid in 1907, ; --
Public and Separate Schools
e $17' 316.38
Froiti Railway Taxation... 4,945.00
bye -eke -Wats and "over three years
ot Government haveconie and gone
without it single corrupt act being
clierged by either , political patty
a,gainet 'the other, a thing for which
Liberals and CenServatiVes alike are
grateful to the Government.
III. --We promised to put an end to
the bucket shops that for years had
been running openly at' West TOTOntO
Junction • and. - Fort Erie. We hitve
done so.
IV. -We promised -to re -organize the
County' Councils .Art so time each
Municipality wietildhave direct re-
presentation through its ReestO We
have dent so. . ,
V. -We promised to strengthen the
election law, We have heavily penalize
ed not only ths. man who bribes' but
the man who accepte tile ,neeneY.
V1. --le promised :that we would
secure the water powers: of the Prole;
ince for the peopic. We have clorie ste
VII. -Wo promised that. there, Weida
be no more -grants of land or Meet'
by aiinj, of bones to railways unlesseie
'VOW oreeptional cases, . We have net
given en acre of land or a dollar eo
'ahnayveriavielwoveayr.ed. Nfol ibonelepcsoep, , Whaif ae
inilison aeres 'of the land grant which
Our predecessors gave the Grand
Trunk Pacific: for its Fort \lantern ex-.
tenelore We ,have extended the tinie
limit for two land grants enade by
the preceding Gov:emu-lent to railways
On which con.sidbrable work. 1184 al-
ready hem Clone ;• andinthe case of
the Jfirnes. Bay Railway we have, in
Order to .better the .sectirity held by
the Province, given an 'additional
gueratitee: of two and e hell IntIlions
of- dollars to enatde us to obtain a
mortgage Oat will give' absolutely
sale securityto the Provinceenot only
for , the guarantee of 'flee And -a half
millions. given bythe oldeGovernment
but also for the additional guarantee
given by us to obtaie this security:
VIII. -We prornised that sales of
Limber •should be by tender • and • by
the thousand feet ieelead of without
eteripetition and by the tOwnehip, thus
securing better prices and making it
possible, for the small dealer to buy
We have done. so, :with !he result.that
the *flier , sold by tis ha a realieed
deuble the'price ever ,realized by the
old Government• We ' have,providee
that it shall be paid for tibia year
to year as cet and upon the.,aetital.
cut, and that the lease shalt 'eermin.
ate in. Mecca years .from its. date and
that nothing shellbe e'ut - under
twelve inches, thus securing. to • the
Provinae • the return ot the land .at the
end. of .fitteen. years with a suflicient
stand of timber to reforest it so that
it may eget!): be available at an early.
day for the upe of thig Province, The,
leases of the former 'Government were
practically 'perpetual and 'permitted
the_licensee to cut everything • on the
land covered by his lease, , •
IX. -We promised that theagricul-
tural land le New 'thitarie with • the
Limber and mineral on it, .would .bo
for the settler .instead lof reserving the
timber rights for lumbermen and. , the
reining rights for' the ininer We..ltave'
done so. . •
X. -We promised to '.adopt better
businees.. methods .ine securing for • .• the
people: full returns for the timbeeand
lands and minenaes of New Ontario
and in collecting theereventie- of the
Provinee We have done so, with the
result eltat the normal revenue of the
Province has increased upwards of
tvvo millions of .delliire per yeat with-
out one centot this increase • having
been drawit "from the pockete of the
electors. This increased revenue is be-
ing s.pene annually as folios :-
For Piddle Schools Education, inerenS0
vett from ehe Univeesity Aid
' • $650,000.00,
For Agrieuttere and Roade, an in-
erease of , . , ,,, . $400)00:00
For the Aid of Howitals, and Charit-
ies; thus relieving the -Sick and the
Pooreinerease el '$110,000.00,
To the MuniciPelitiee, their Share of
the railway taxation- $180,000,00.
Annual Surplus in Oaalnii to the Treas-
ury. average $580,000,00.
Besides this, we have reduced the
debt ot the Province $22$)700.00 per
annum or $671t0)0.0.00 -in all. Islot one
cent of this intreesed expenditures
was ohjected to in the house. This, I
'think you must agree, is an excellent
showing. It should be ternembeta, al-
so; that we teok power at a time
when, atterding to Mr. G. W. Ross,
the •ordinaty. income �f the PrOVince
averaged a Million dollars lees ' per
an»inti Oita the ordinary torpenditure.
promised school books at a
rcaSollable etat. We have rodueed the
price of theSe books to fees thin one-
half of their former toot as the eon-,
traets made by the old goVerttreetit
have fallen in, With the,tesultat to
eeduttion prices; fully Set forth le
letter addressed to you by. Me some
clays ago,
'promised that the Public
schools of the Province, partiettlarly
the rural schools, would be, a1d;11 and
encouraged, so that the boys and gltle,
in the country schools Would have as
good an opportunity as is given in the
XVI. -The asylums, of th:2p2eco6i9
are being improved so as to give the
patients tliereirt emery help; • that
modern :skill can give them, a thing
that was entirely neglected before.
XVII. -The Metter Reformatory for
eirls,,,that formerly cost the Province
$400 per year per girl, has been gone
away with, and the girls, fo the num-
ber of 130 placed in good homee in
ilea Province, .„.
XVIII. -The question of 'Prison has
been solved to that when the present
plan for which the money has been
in part voted is Carried out, prison
labor will ne longer be in coMpetition
with free labor. in Ibis Province.
This competition has been "going on
for upwards of twenty -live years', but
we have solved the question to the
complete eatisfactioe of the labor or-
ganizations •in the Provence, and in e
manner which will result .a great
saving of expense to the Treasury.
XIX. -We 'promised a mbasure of
law reform that would reduce the
cost of litigation to the suitor and
would mince the number of appeals.
This 'is being done.
Of 'my ewe personal record I shall
not here speak, except to say that
one feature of it gives me pleasure
both • on my own 'account and on n.e:
coUnt. of the conetiMency which I
'have had the honor -to represent. 1
have !ION 'been belowthe electors of
South.•Hueon since 1897., I have been
a member of the Legislature -e .since
1898. ' In all that titne, by the, :Ws-
timony,. of hoph. Wends and opponents,
my record has been without stain. ,
Upon this shoWing,and upkiit the
general record of the, Government, I
ask fot a renewal of your support for
the remainder of the campaign, and'
for your vote on Monday, 8t1'4 of June,
lit'IN'thave.' the honor to be,' °
, Very truly yours, •
Henrg Either.
Crediton; June 2nd 1908..
„lvloTAGGAR'1,-TE0MPSON4tt the
'TeAtdatice of the bride's, neither, on
3rd Jtiee, by the • Rev,' C, R.
' Miss Violetta l3eatrice
Thompson of Clinton to George
. Ernest. MeTaggert of :Blyth. , •
SIMS-TASKER-In the Methettiet
church, Blyth, on May 27th, -by
Rave Anderson, William ims
to Mis: Mary A Tager, both of
COLSON-BOWES-In ' flullett (r:
* May 27th; at. the home of
bride's parents,. by Rev. S. Ander-
son, Thomas, Cobson to, Rose,
. dmighterofelefr:e-and-Mis. GeorgeBowes, both of Hullett.
DEWART-In Clinton on Jima let, to
Mr. aed Mrs. Edward R. DeWart,
• Son. •
Bruceficed on May 28 -til
, . to Mr. and Mrs, B. R. Higgins, A
o .,
• rioyms-Th: :cifuton on --une 2nd, .to
Mr, andMrs. It, A. Downs, a,
Son; •
BROWN -In Hullett 20th .1Vlay,
to Mr. aed Mks. Meet% Brown, a
son, .
ALR' -In .Tuekeremith on May
24th, to Mr. and Mes: George 13.
A.berhart, a daughter, •
IIAIST--In -Brass* on May 20th,
le Mr. and Mrs,...W. E. Hatst,er
McDOWELL-In Brussels on May e84h,.
to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon"McDowell
a daughter. .„
WEBSTER,--In Ashileld on May 30th,
Beatty Webster, aged 45 years,
MILLS -In West ViraWanosh on May
22nd, Fannie Robinson, wife of
Jobe Mills, aged 83 years add 8
3,10cEn-Lic Gciderieh on May 2thid,
...ThomassMeKee„ 'age.d .84 years.
11OSKINS-4n Exeter on May 21st,
William Hoskins, aged 80 years,
1.0 months.
Ill0/1t-in Henson on Mo 21st, Peter
Mod, aged 7,6 years and 11 rnoethts.
HORTON-In Colborne township' on
May 27th, Elizabeth. Ann Glidden.,
wite Of ,Archibald Horton, aged 25
years and 6 months.
Btussels on Vey 24th,
Janet Lauthlend, rend of the
late Gilbert Spelt, in het 88th
IVELS1I-In Goderich en May . 27th,
Mra. Jane Itntledge; eelict of the
late Thomas Welsh, aged 82 yearn.
..1014148014. -At Griswold, Matt., on
May 29th, Mrs. George Johnson,
formerly of Clinton, aged about
, 60 yoarti.
Gen. Sir Itedvers Buller is, dead.
The Ruesian Minister of Finance
rroPose(l the issue of a $100,000,000
internal loan.
rnt WEAUESS, 17111file711:E.IF
"1 .Sizfferal With for Yeao-,..-Pe-ru-na. Cured
Me Entirely.".
• 0,
7410* Albino ClheuvlihNe, 59 Run Aocce,st. zrenrit Montreal, Can., writeet
consider Perna* better then anyother remedy, as it mired me when
nothing else coned, 1 sufted Iqr yOsa and ism with OW ts'0104110.
headache ASIIVIalgien. 1neer expected to find anything lover. me, I
Isyr callo day, In i‘Le, Preesayt Shit remise was excellent and X tried it. Cris
bottle produced ra cheap in me epd it the price hid teen $100 it. bottle X
woul4 have paid it gladly, X here titken six bettlee an4 guneogrigy quid,
Please accept my thanks and best withes for yowt rernna."
"Pleaie Aciefit My
Thanks -and Besi
W likes For Your -
• many c.ises or heart -trouble are caused
by reflex disturbances, ,
Deranp,otnetits of the stomach and
liver prodaice symptoms of heart tronhlo.
Catarrh of the stoniasaie is a yery fre-
quent asinse of 'sympathetic. heart tile
ease. ' . •
Palpitation, shortnessof: breath and
bloating after Meals are the most.
Such a ecinditien of bb stomach fat
also liable to produce headaches of the
worstsort. •
•Medicinee that palliate the syiniatems
will never lead tO a cure. ' ' , '
• .It is the -effect lisahiela Peron* bialupen
tlate Stomach; healing the mudoras mem..
branes and restoring the natin'al tune -
tion Of the 'stomach, that eauses.Periana•
to bring such prompt relief. • " '
• Clinton are open for 'engagement for
Garden patties, Lawn SOciale, Fese '
tiVale, Concerts or anything where
a band adds to 'the interet,ror
-particulars call ab Watts" shoe store
be wtite T Watts, Box .2.2e Clinton
P. O.
The 'charming -monthot June is
again with us and after the beatttiful
May weather everything eooke fineMr ,
, .
Wm, Smith inten,ds• going on the
excursion to Western Canada e ...next
week. Two daughters who live there
will be Pleased to meet hire: •
The' Ladies' Aid' of • Bethel .will 'hold
their monthly: meeting at ,the houie
of Mrs. John Doherty on Thursday'
A garden party- in connection With
Bethel Methodist Church will be 'held
at the •home of Mr. John Dundas on
the evening Of June 1e51e The man -
''gement committee will put forth their
best efforts towards making it pleas-
ant, and intereeting.
Miss. Mabel Barrow g bas got a new
piano. It is a fine sounding instru-
Ment. • . __, •
A political 'meeting in' theinterests
ot Mr. Porter, the Conservative can-
didate, was held at Maetey's school
house on Friday evening last. Good
addresses were given by Mr; Broder-
ick .of Seaforth and De. McInnes of
the seine town. The • speakers :Made
manifest, the good work done by the
Whitney Government and explained
tee croeked and corrupt manner le
which Leader MacKay got into Pare
heuseivork,-Mr. C. 'E. Dowding.
the Sdeth , Huron County Omega_
Lodge will • be held in, the grange,
Hall, Clinton, On Saturday, Juno Ef,.
at 2 cs'etock p. re. -Peter Cantelon,
Secretary, .Flank Davis,: Master.
7 ,*-
S. S. NO. 12, Goderich, and Hu -nett;
seeond-olass preferred. Appilleationst
received up to June 16th.. Duties to,
'commence 'Aug. 17th. Apply efia,ting
experience, quaneeations and eatery
wanted to T. Hardy,, Sed.eTreas-
urer, Clinton, P. 0; 26-3
'please call on or w.rite Col. Sinith,
Eighty-nine lives were lest by the
capsizing of a boat, on the Amur
River, Chins,:
forty acres of pasture land on the
Bayfield concession. .. in ''Ooderiele
towrisbiP, Good grass, and good
Water, -Apply to 'Arthur Elliott;
tayfiel4 P. 0. .. 21-2
TWO milicti • COWS FOR SALE. -
John Holmes, Huron Road, Clinton
don Block. ,Small wages for first
y -ear. •
thoroughness, progressiveilose, ute .
elite • enthusiasm, expertness aro,
our watcheroeds.. Commercial,
Stenography, Telegraphy.. Mail .
Comets in any subjeet. No va,ca-
i:wWe have secured the eirclusive
ane), foe the famous Ameriean
: Walk.Over Shoe. for Clinton,
# and invite our, friends to call and,
0 see it full and eouiplete line in..
$- the various shapessizes and
$ The Walk.Over SW*, because
$of its general excellence,' is Sold
, in 44 countries. And is conCeded
to be the heigheof shoe perfec-
tion by the world's wisest
$ dresser e,
, hoonuoior,
W� cordially Invite yeti to
visit us and Inspect tes
he goods
,, fOr yOutielt
For a neat Ion In repairing aAnitntitISPAIM
:give ua a call.
! 'Victoria ilock
TheWalknOver Shoe I
Twitchell & Sons