HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-06-04, Page 4Pretty
1'e1, more to b ut
the home thug tku
fuenrture; nr , gin•
A moon nt ly papered to taarls`•
furnished. >e have the latest
productions ofthe leacbog mans)•
facturers enclave sellixtg.thepn'at
the price you wen. .f1 PAY ` for:
much* poorer stocle :if6yoai"Wece":
to buy elsewhere, ..
We buy what "you
'want. We kuQw how
to avoid the thin
• s $r
you don't want.
C '
CaQ�'E R.
Mr, and Mrs. James Sturgeon. and
Mrs. Albert Catlin and family attend-
ed the wedding of the former's niece,
Misa Lizzie McCozyanack of Qodericti
on Tuesday.
Dr. Smith left on 'Tuesday for De -
trait to bring his mother home who
.ryas been in Harper's hospital under-
gofzrg an operation.
Rev. Steadman attended the Meth.
odist conference' at Exeter this week.
George Greenslade attended the
nomitaation at Hensall on Monday.
• Miss Ida, Brownlee of London is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. 'Little, Ws*
Mr,. Chao. Dupeo of Saginaw, Mich.,
is hotneon a visit-
, 14,; John Bailey left on Tuesday for
CleVelatzd where he holes his boat.
:Mr. HR hm
nn moved this
week into theresidence he lately per,
ehased from Mr: James Thomson nn;'
Mainz street opposite tier'Albion hotel.
Mr. John Stanbury of the, London
Road is the guest of his brother, Dr.
Stanbur i.:
the meeting . of .the . Woman's Instil,.
:lite will. be held at the homy .of Nies.
tDr.), Smith on evening next
at a ,quarter to eight o'clock. Sevgal
Papers are being prepared and will he
read at the meeting and an interesting.
evening is 'expected. All metmers who
have not already paidtheir fees., will
kindly do so now at the beginning of
the In,titute year. -M. E.. Campbell,,
Miss Rose Lyon visited friends : in
Clinton over Sunday.
Miss Mabel Vodden is spending this
week in Clinton. ;
Miss Sadie McCool visited her sis-
ister Lily in Wingham ,oyer Sunday.
CLINTON Mr. William Gray, who has been. in
the London hospital; for the past few
days; is improving• nicety and will
soon be able to return 'some.. His
brother, : Dr, Gray from the •States, is
attending him, '
'Several frons'here attended, the lay-
ing .of the cornr`°stone Of St. Joseph's)
church in Clinton on Sunday.
According to the first draft of the • Mrs, Chas. Manning, we are glad to
London Conference the following say, is ,improving nicely.
changes will be made in Goderich bis- Mr. and Mrs, George, Thompson at-
tended the Wedding of his sister Viol-
etta at her home on Albert St.
Clinton on Wednesday.
Mr. George. Snell Jr has taken
chai'ge of the Blyth C, P R: station
for' a i}ionth:while .Mr, McTaggart : is
away on his wedding tour. .
Mr.••m'Crettingonhssold his
house Ito :Mr. Harvey . Longman and
is 'going to movedown the 10th•' to
Mr Jas, R;eidks. •
-•Mi Jas. Hill intends moving into
• thehouse formerly occupied by': Mr:
The First Draft
trict :
Walton, H. Tyler,
Nile, E. W. Conway.
Blyth, W. U. Cooper.
Bayfield, H. L. Hiles.
Benmiller; J. C. Freeman.
North Street, H. S. Dougall.
Rev. T. A. Steadman of .Bayfield is
down for G rand Benda
G. N. Hazen, Goderich, goes , to
London, Centennial ; S. • Anderson,
Blyth, to London, Kensington ; Reid,
Nile, to Atwood , Durrant, BenmilIer,' Harvey: Longman:' • y
to Melburne ; Curry, Walton, to Cedar.Moving seems. to be the order of the
Springs. �'day, he • . r.
' a Qat present.:
Fancy Linen Doylies, Tray ':Cloths, Side-
board Scarfs, Five o'clock Tea Cloths, in all the
newest, daintiest des: Our� prices
y g.'right.
See them before you buy.
Table Cloths and Napkins to Match
These are Something out of the ordinary, double
damask, beautiful patterns, and are all brand new
goods. Assorted prices. Ask to see them.
Fancy. Parasols
We have just opened up another new, assortment;
of Fancy Silk Parasols, just the thing for summer use,
in a pretty range of colorings and designs: No. two
alike. Prices from $1.75 to $6.00.
Natty Summer Neckwear
Embroidery Linen Collars Fancy Stocks
Net and Silk Bows,oY Fancy
some of latest novelties we can,
pro3ure, and the prices will suit you.
New Belts
We have more of these goods in correct style and
beautiful designs, in. Dresden, Gilt, Leather and Wash
Belts, at all prices from. 20c tips
Every Courtesy and ' At-
tention Awaits You Here
Newest of the New
Hon. S. H. Make, brother of the.
Hon. Edward Blake, a; former leader
of the, Ubexxad party, says the Whitney
Q-a'nment should be eustained, 1n a
latter to Premier Whitney he says
"1 believer you have been bonest in
your dealings in the high office com-
t,o your trust. -
"It has -been essentially a clean.
Qovernmenb} It has beeat also pro-
gresatve and on the right Rees-,
"There: should be a substantial mal-
ority, and without this • a reasonalpie
opl rtunisty of working out, teinperaueq
legislation- will not be found,
"The Iands; the pulpwood regions,
the mines and minerals now go with-
out graft to the persons entitled, and
the province receives es large a share
as is compatible with regard t'o the
rightu of -the explorer, the purchaser
and the miner.
"If you had not done anything for
us but what you have accomplished in
.respect of Toronto University we;
should all We yon our deepest 0,40s.
The power
qa tionhas.
dilly dealt with by Hon. Mr..• Beek,'
assisted' by The other two members of
the Hydro -Electric • Power • Commis
1 cion.."
The Christian Guardian, the `ofiidial
organ of the Methodist Church in
Canada, in an article dealing with the,
ennipaign methods of the Toronto
Globe, had the following :
"There are times whoa • our secular
press can !be, and is, notoriously par-
tisan and unfair. All such a time is
now upon ,us in the fair. Province of
•Ontario. 'As an illustration -and re
member we take it onlyas an illus-
tration, for there. are :n airy others
that can quite match it -we might
mention the leading Liberal .organ in
this 'city and province. It has: long
been regarded •by many as the best
among our daily papers, decently fair
ate ,honorable in its. treatment even
of political issues,, and aiming; to maks#
i'ts leadership not only a party, but
a national. 'one. as well, And yet) its
campaign at the present time ire, prov -
t inial polities is narked by over stat'e-:
niettt; misrepresentation and unfair
ness that to us at .least, seems) to
have almost over -stepped the limit of
The following .have been appointed
deputy ,returning' officers in South
Huron :
Hensall - Robert. Bonthron.
'Bayfield -James Burns.'•
Township Of Goderich-No. 1, Chris.
Johnston. 2, John Sturdy. 3, Thos.
Harriston. 4, John Cluff.: 5, J:. H;
Lowery. 6, 'Hart Hicks. ••
Mr: and Mrs. AJ Courtioe left
Tuesday morning to visit their daugh-
ter, Mrs. F. C.. Elford and other
members'' of the family'.
Mrs. Holdswor'fith was at; . Point
Farm attending .'the funeral of: her
uncle., • on •.Monday.
Miss Edna Elcoat of Brucefield is
the guest this 'week; of her. cqus�fn, Mise
Miss Bettie Stanley.: •'
Mr, J. 'Potter' wears a very, broad
Township':.of . Hay? o, 1, James smile: these days, ins -wife havingre-
O'Brien. 2, John lel. Petty, 3, Chas.: 'rented ' him 'with a• little baby p
Grieb. 4, Edward Merner. • 5,. •. - pti boy
Henryy one day last va*aelt. -
phfle Jr .6',; William Snell: 7; Wil .. Rev: Mr. Snowden .is this week at -
limn ` Calwell. 8, George :Pollock.. . tending conference .. at :Exeter: On.
Township of Stanley No: 1, Fen- Sunday •.I1ev. G, ;W, Andrews, a 1or-
wick' Stewart 2; Robert Dinsdale . mer pastor will preach at both ser
3,p John.S' arrdw. 4, Wm,; Iiathwcll vices.
5, Robcrt-Dewa-r.-- -
`• c"
._.:��plaen-_Na:. 1, Harry �.
i s: 2, W. H. Dearing. 3, F. ' W. Stanley To ship` ' ,
Baker: 4,• Alonzo--Hod�gens..'5, David • : '
Mawhinney,. 6, E. ' M ` Brokcnshire, : The 'annual re -union of 'thb Kays
7, Thomas Keys. 8, John Brown.', 9,'Redmchad and Walker" families. will
Thomas M'ollard sake place next Wednesday at the
Village of Exeter -No. 1, Pied. Hec- home of Mr. W. L..Keys. .A number
tor: 2, W. D. Weeks. • 3, Willis are coming over from Michigan. On'
Powell.:4,.Nelson Taylor. the same day the Stephenson families
.Township of Usborne=-No. 1,
Raul ' will have `their gathering in Michigan.
Coates, .2,• John Hornery. 3, John
Delbridge, 4, 'Thomas Hunkins.
Township of Tuckersulith-No. 1, (•
George E: Jackson: 2, John Wise: 3, Last Wednesday morning a few of
John •.Moffat,. 5, Mai .Clark 6,..J.os" the villagers were iseen. proceeding to
Canning. the Methodist' church
to witness .the
:,- marriage of Mr. William: Sims to
Hullett Township
Mr, William Sheppard of near 'Har -
lock lost his up-to-date barn oeeently:,
It' was struck by lightning and burn-.
e--ground-en '
33500: Mr. • Sheppard has already
given. Mr. Matt. Mains the•• contract
of building a now barn.
A' meeting in the interests of Mr:.
Porter will be held .in. the Harlock.
school ` house .. en* Saturday evening
when addresses will be .delivered' . » by
the candidate Rev. J. - 'Elliott and
Tasker which was performed. uy
Rev. S. Anderson. After. the serem-
ony the happy: couple went by the
P. R.• to Milton, Holten county and no
doubt' other .planes: Mr.. Sims has.
been a cesident of Blyth for years and
her" ur'vitlage coun-
ell:also serving as reeve,
.The council of the village held theist
court for , the revision of the voters'
lists and' otherbusiness in connection•
'with the 'assessment of . the village on.
Monday night. .
A meeting was held .on Tuesday es»
ening .by Mr, A. H. Mus r
others. g ove, Conser-
vative candidate, in: Industry' hall.
• There Was agood attendance and eV:
• A political meeting was held here on
Saturday, night •in the interests . of
Mr. Andrew Porter: Speeches were
delivered by, Rev. Joseph Elliott and,
Mr. Andrew Porter of Goderich:
Mr. J. H. Scott delivered in Sea
forth 83 head of cattle at de per ib to
one of the buyers..
Mrs. Matilda GrieVe and. Mrs. John,
Seott and daughter of Ayr, N. Dako-
ta, are at . present visiting at the
former's another here and other friends,: ,h
Miss Etta Proctor of Idaho is at
present the guest of her mother, IVirs, sp
James Proctor.
cellent speeches were made' by Mr
Musgrove and others, Mr; Mussgi'ove is
confident of being elected by•a hand-
some maiar;ty." The political pot i5
not throwing •up . mud' froth as yet.
Only a few. Conservatives from here at-
tended the nomination and none of the
Liberals of tile village were .to be
seen in Winghani on Monday. -
Dr. Milne is at 'Cloderich this week
attending the county, council.
On Tuesday an excursion from God-
erich to Guelph 1VIodel Farm was the
order of the. day, but as the weather,
as been so wet and backward for
farmers few of that Glass, liked to
arc the fine day, away from home.
A number of houses in town • are
putting on a fresh appearance but
every man wanting painting done has
to do it himself.
Rev. S. Anderson, who 'was, aproint4
on the e stattanlng committee at
Goderich bistriot meeting of the
Methodist church, sent to Kirkton on
Saturday preaching there on Sunday
and is how attending Conference ab
Exeter, Messrs', McElroy, W. Jack-
son, and D. Crittenden'. are expected to
go as lay delegates to the Conference.
Mr. E. 0, Wilford is ;home for a
few days before goin•,g to the .Royal
Alexandra Hospital at Fergus for, a
term in the holidays.
Mr, Alex. Elder • is deputy return-
ing officer With Mr. T. C. 11"icl troy as
clerk in No. 1 polling division while
Mr. F. Metealt with. Mr. John Moore
AS hiS clerk is in No. 2 for the( vill'aeo
next Monday.
The store foinerly owned by Mr.
Hamilton and used'as a hardware storj
was offered for sale on Saturday last
nit as the bidding was not as high as
he indebtness on the building the
ale was withdrawn in favor of the
snorttgegeo, 'Mr, Joseph Combes, who
a now the owner.
:Childhood Dangers
No symptent that indicates any of
the ailments of ehildhood ; should, be
allowed to pass wiltheut )prompt. at-
tention. The Iittle ailmenmay
soon become a serious one, and per- '
haps a little life ,. passes ou.t. If
Baby's Own Tablets are kepti,in the
house minor troubles can be prompt- e
ly cured and serious ailments thus
averted. And the Tablets can be
given with equal safety to the new 1
born babe or the well grown child,
Mrs. B. Gendron, Martinville, Que., i
Says "1 have used Baby's Own
Tablets and have foutid them in
every way satisfactory. 1 ,always
feel. safe when I have theist at hand." •
Sold by medicine dealers . or by mail
at 25°
a box from The .
Ile» Williams
11Mediolne Co., Brockville, Ont.
¶he first of the morning sessions of r Ir
the )louse of Commons was taken up t
by nix. Poster in discussing the lots s
ters of Rev. John 'Pringle regarding
the 'Yukon. i
Can Be Cured
Dx. Willie nxs Pink Pills Succeed Al-
ter Other Remedies Fail.
There aro twenty druge to 'help
your digestion for a time, but there
is only one medicine that cart` pori-
tivGiy cure your indigestion for- go d
To any one with indigestion a half
dozen: boxes of P. William*' Pink
ands are orth all the purgatives.
,i. the country. After
alt theca things have failed Dr. Wil -1
hams' Pink Pills have cured the
worst cases of indigestion by going,'
straight.. to the root of the trouble
in the blood.
You can take a purgative to. tear
through. h
bowels •
Bend make a
Cheri* sweep of your food, whether
it is digested or not. You can take
stomach bitters to create a, false ap-
petite -4f ye don't care what hap -
peas after you swallow your meal.
You can drug your stomach with
tabletsand u
syrups to digest your
or you -if .
f u. ud �•c
oNd o on a
y y t cam how
Soon yon ruin your system altogeth
er.. 'You can. do all. these things --
but don't call it "curing your indi-
gestion," There is only one way to'
cure indigestion, and that is to; give
your system so much. good,' pure,
red blood. that your stomach 'and
liver will have strength .enough to dd:
`their natural work in a healthy. 'and
vigorous way. That is why Dr.
Williams'. Pink Pills. •cure indigestion
-they actually make new blood..
Here is the proof. Mr,"R. Me0orkell,
St. Thomas, Ont,, says "About .:a
year ago my system became gener-
ally wrecked. My stomacl'i was • *al-
ways in .a; state of. nausea. The *sight
of any kind of food often turned . my
stomach and I .Would arise from the•
table without eating. Doctors ad-
vised different . medicines which I
took without benefit. Finally I be -
Came so run down that 1 hand to
quit • work. For two months l tried
to : build myself up with the aid of
doctors, • but as time went; on and,
my condition did not -improve I be -
Caine much . discouraged. Then a
friend 'told me he' thought Dr. Wil-
liams Pink Pills: would help, me,'and
T :began their use." In . three weeks.
time I was so iniprov�ed that I went
back . to my ' work, 'but 1 continued
using the pills . until I had taken
twelve boxes, and now my stomach
is . strong, and I am ready'for a good
meal three times 'a day, and life , now'
really; seems worth living."
Ib is because Dr: Williams' Pink
Pills make . new, red blood that they
Cure suck common ailments; as an-
acoria, with .all its "hcadachcs'.. and
backaches, rheumatism; neuralgia,'.
St, Vitus dance, , partial paralysis
and the secret ailments from which.
women 'and, young girls sutler so
much. You can get the pills from
,any medicine ' cicala! or by. mail at
50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50..
from the Dr. Williams Medicine* Co.,
Brookville, Ont.
Port' Albert.
•Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hawkins visited)
friends at'Kineaidine on .Saturday
Snu d
a .'
• Mrs, N. Pearson is -again able to.
leave her room.
Jas: Bowman, ' who is working ,for
Nels,, Pearson, was badly hurt by the
team he was 'driving; While unhitch-
ing they• started with the : barrows
which:: caught :his clothes• and jammed
hint against:a tree. The'teazn, being
colts, made a wild run, one getting
badly cut.
About eight of the neighbors of ' W. -
B. Hawkins turned in on Friday and
hauled him *jut 90 loads of gravel
tram the lake for his barn .wall. Their
help was much appreciated.
W. Brown and his gang' of men'have
commenced their work at .Quaid's 'res-
idence but..owing to `'the : wet weather
they cannot' make much headway ° as
'ti eft-very-quiekl
• The fishermen:made their first haul
the past week and had a 'good catch.'
They have'only two nets working out
of seven which they e'cpect to .get . is
before long, One.sturgeon :dressed
weighed 95 pounds and it was the first
one they caught.
The parties who removed the coin
of wire belonging to' Thos Wilson, Jr.:
would be doing' a more: generous 'act
by bringing. it back Nothing cute in
that kind of a tuck, : '
We believe Will. i.. l3. Hawkins is to
be returning officer for this polling
sub. of Ashfield at the coming election,
J. A. Hawkins left for Duluth last
week and reports business 'very dull
up there.
Dr. FIayden, Goderich, Sundayed at
;Aeiother skull has ;been • found at the
Guinness farm, in Laporte,' Ind. A
was concealed in the 'skullery.
A Hair
If you wish a hlgh.clas3 hair
essing, We are sure Ayer's
Hair Vigor, new°improved for.
mula, will greatly please you.
It keeps the hair soft' and
smooth, makes it look rich And
luxuriant, prevents splitting at
the ends. And ft keepe the
scalp free from dandruff.
boonot chane the color of Me Wt.
Sonatas wall •reb.beteltie
HOW tt ie year
.Ark )Tins e;re is.
sun do*,
At the same time the new Ayeet Heist'
Vigor is a strong heir tonic, promoting
the growth ohne-Mart keeping *11 the
tietuee of the heir and scalp itt a healthy
condition. The hair stop* baiting, •dan-
druft disappear*. A splendid dresslrig.
so.manolebx * s,1.0. Aro ooa tsw.ii.
40,111*iwahmesellitelariseliselal~00,1100011010silwaSelrlifrila ISO*
50e 7eeci Dress Goods 35c
sidA �fok yvaluewehaeees ve light
50to a pe .rd. tbest
goodie are placed down in price for Only eyrie week,
36 inch Art .Muslin at 10e
5 pieces English Art Moline, 30 Inchet, wide, in Particularly
good patterns, at lOe.
30 iiich Art Scrim at $
S pleces ,American Art Scrim and Muslin. In beautiful flora.
patterns and etripee ikt 8e,
Pink and Blue- Hosiery
Ohlldren's and ladles pink ,and blue floslery from et to inch,
Werr'auted faetcolore.
$8.50 flen's Raincoats for'$?'
A special value in Mena Raincoats, lined throughout , made
of dark gray cravenette, eat $7, R '
Dress Mullins
12 pieces of Fancy Brew, Mueline i4 stripes and floral designs,
at 1Qc, 12tc,150 and 1$o.
CCask fpr Butter. end Eggs.
$3 Successors to McKinnon & Co,,
• 1UN
. R A1I,ISgS.
_ R111G.
of Dry Goods,: Clothing Y and
Boots & Shoes
to be cleared..
• at cost.
a' lav ng decided to return to the weste
w wish
to dispose of ourr entire stock as quickly as pcssible.
Low prices will do the business,, The stock is • all 0
new and u-to-date•and atpresent
p . the. time is . well
d • 'assorted: The early buyer assuredly have • the .: ; •
best assortment to'choose-from' and will ' u' dou
y secure the • est bargams..
, . Shop early
Sale begins Saturday, May 16th.
Terms of sale, strictly : cash..
A11 accounts must be' paid at once.
44:e411Crel»eAlve41bm ed
'�+e'�A '�•le"�'�il•ii'0.�'�1► 41'da.�'� al'4r�'��
Emo & wx'uts o InM 'o E I13 3 .
Oar stock of Summer •Footwear forahot
weather is complete:
. Ladies White °*lavas !Monts, prlees 0)45, LW anti 1.60.
Tan and. Chocolate Oxfords,'neat and very stylish)"
prices 21.75,1.90,2,00 and 2:25.
Our Patent Oxford Tie is very neat and etyliih, price $2,25.
Outing ohms for boys and gide at 35e, Me and 75e.
Children's fsarefoot Sandals at $100, 1,10 and L25.
Up-td'd:tte Repairing Done Qutcktyy.
Are you tthinksn
f buying n aP
o+ Organ
P We
are sole agents for Neebxbe and Doherty Pianos. Doherty' and Sherlock•
Manning Organs.
Everything in Musical Supplies in. stook.
THE ME 11.1.1 x.,.. ..... .... ..�..,_........ N
1 AA ....... , . , .