HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-06-04, Page 2.40ounvay.... rspip4e....,••••••••• - Good Digestion Means Good Health • Oood Health -• .6".sverythilsg. ••••••••••••••••••suppo It Your digestion le not the beet IP the world, tern bottle of • 1 0 D. C. ; FOR. 39 cons •I We guarantee it for Stomach ' Traublea. i PURITY , Bulcing Powder is the : best nytde •t as ms. PER pomp I lolosnolonesePsoiseenose : Pk* t l'W 0 S. R. HOLIIIES I I Blanfg Cheniist, I t***41114411140•4040•••••••••••iet ',RELIABILITY ,.- EXPERIENCE - SEED 'CORN, WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY OF SEED CORN, IT IS A 1 IN QUALITY AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. WHEN YOU NEED FLOUR OU PEED PLACE 'YOUR, OMER WITH US.. IT WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT- TENTION. J. A. FOOD Order Yo-ur Coal Now Place your 'order for •your . supply of coal with the under- signed and thus secure the low- est ptice and prompt delivery. Office opposite Grand Trunk passenger ATeleiliene • - connection. 'Hamilton ORDER :YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE REST:IN' THE MARKET, $7 . PER, TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND. .PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, • k'DM-7 COU/4T OF 40 CENTS ATON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left it Davis & Rowiand's will be promptly attended to. ' J Stevenson s,- FARMS FOR SALE -ONE. AND A, quarter miles from church, post: • office, school and the ;Village of Auburn. Suitable for grain :;or grass. Lot 27 on the 2n4 con,' West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly all geese. A brick house, a• bank barn .52x60, a driving house 21x39 'with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanoshi 2nd con., directly opPos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres of band, 15 acres Of :Which. are bash, On this lot there iS a bank bare 40x6e. There are 4 acres ief e good hearing orchard on the two farina; Both beiA are well fenced and. ue- derdraited. A never failing spring ruts across both 'farina, Poiseesloa ean be given at or.ce. Terms easy,. The proprietor fe. now past the age • to farm. -Apply to Thai:tuts Nich- olson, Auburn, P. O. Prointt relay will be given to all communica- tions. Feb. 13 OP' DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCUL/ST, Specialist, will be at Holmes'Drug Store, Clinton, May 28, July 2 and 30. Glasset properly fitted, Diseas- es of the eye, ear, nose and threat treated. GRANO TRUNK'S YISTNE At% TOURIST Troxr.Ts To mvsnoEA TEIVLAGAlit • LAKE OF BAYS, ETC. ON SALE ON AND APTEn MAY 154, 1-101VIESEEKERS EXCURS/ONS AT VERY LOW RATES • TO THE. NORTIMEST Via, North Bay, May 12th and 20th 'Via Sarnia and N. ttiv, Company, Steamer !eaves Sarnia 8:30 p. May 13th atid 21th. Pull information front any Grand Trik Ticket Apia; P. R. Itedgent, ToWn Ageet, A. 0, Pattie" Depot Aged. Frank Merritt, it raiddl be New York, bas allowed doe to la- ooul*be him with tuberculosis germ in order to expceiment witverioue reue- MEETING- OP VIE HURON COVN-, t,y Cenneil.-4he council et the cox- Poration of the Ceenty of Huron will meet in the eminCil chamber, he UQ temp of Gederich, on June the 24d, at the hour of 8 e'Cloele p. m. Accounts against the cority, requir. Mg %settlement, mutt bii Placed with the Cleeit previous to the Above date. -W. Lane, °tette Dated aitittodetich May the datli, 11108, NEW MEAT MART.---0,AVING FUR - chased the batcheeing business car. • ried on • for some time by the Oolelougb. ter 0 S.;* w reaPeethillyi $011eit a olive ot the patronage of the public Which we hope to merit •by Iteepiug the best of meats and at reasonable pates. Give us a ' Our slant is fleet to The News- Reoord T. & Bort Merelly CEMENT FOB AM Agent for Clinton and distriot tor ' the 'National portland Cement Co., makerf the best cement in the market. This • is the only cement used by thecorporation of Milton in the Ponstruetion t sideWalk41 eteci -Mrs. T. IL Walker. 21 UFO Yea Ago From The'New84Reeor4 .01. Juoe 5th, 1889•4- ,01jaton, „lune 5th, 1889. Thos.. Jackson,. Sr. airateinees, in an, other eolitine that he has bought the tailoring .business and stook or 0. U. . Renee. The veteran .will -continue the,. business. Charles • liereipon „ eldeee son. of . William, Harrison•aucti . oneer, -Ray- Clist Now** for Ne field is t,ported to have b dered at Ashland, Wis., a few days ago. • He was 'minea year ago 'last winter. Supposed to have had $1400 On his person: Society Notee.-The members of the Doherty Co.' Mutual Assurance So- ciety held their annual meeting on the 27th of May and clotted for thethird term the 'following officers e' . President, 'Charles Blackstone _ I HAVE THE •SAMPSON BRAND, of °entente for sale, in large. and small quantities.. There is no .1mte Ur make of cement on The marlre(t Office oPeoatte G, T. R. passenget station. Telephone connection, or •orders may be left at Harland Broe, hardware store., if more convenient. JAMES HAMILTO' N' . CLINTON. • 500 ACRES, IN NURSERY STOCK. -Agents wanted at once to sell • for 'Fill 1908 and Spring 1909 de- . livery ; whole or part time ; liberal terms; outfit free, -The Thos. W. Bowman • & Son Co., Ltd, Ridge- ville, Ont. , PAPER RANGING AND DECORATe ingee.GOod work guaranteed Agent ler the bemire Wallpaper Co Samples' furnished, 10 cents a "roll for hanging. Your patronage re- spectfully soIleited..-J'. E. Cook. .......•••••••••••••••••••• PIANO AND OMAN TUNING AND) Repairing. -The undersigned is prepared to doall kinds .')f piano and organ tuuing and repairing, and being a man of practical experience , is able to guarantee eatisfacSon. Holmes'. drug store. --Ed. J. How7 SUMMER SCHOOL JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST LEADS INTO OUR. FALL TERM WITHOUT ANY BREAK. EN- TER ANY TIME. NEW CATA- • LOGUE FREE, WRITE FOR rr TO -DAY, . Central Busbless College THE LARGEST, MOST RELI- ABLE OF ITS KIND. YONGE & GERRARD STS.. TORONTO. • W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAle CENTRAL is tbe leading :business training sehool Western ontario. We give a thorough, practical training ort Comthercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Touch Type - 'writing, -and in Commercial and Railroad . Operating.. Each -departe Ment is in the hands of etpettene- • ed instructors. We assist studeht.s to positiens. Oue:geadnatee • al- ways. succeed, ',for our 'opurses are the best. 'Get Our free catalogue and learn more about -us. You may enter now. Elliott & McLachlan PRINCIPALS SUM1VIER SESSION FOR TEAC4- • ERS. • and others during July .and August ELLIOTT' TOI4ONTO. ONT. =yams OPEN THROUGH- OUT THE SUMMER AND MANY STUDENTS ENTER AT THIS TIME, WE HAVE A GREATER ATTENDANCE THIS YEAR THAN EVER • EPOR E. GRADUATES . REArsity SECURE EM - WRITE . TO- DAY FOR, HANDSOME CAT- ALOGUE., IT PAYS TO AT- TEND THE BEST. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Corner Yong. and Alaander streets. THE NEWS -RECORD WILL BE SENT TO ANY AD. DnESs CANADA. TO THE END OP 1908 AND TIM WEEKLY MAIL AND Ea- . PIRE Pon ONE ytAn POR 76 CENTS, BOTH POR 76 CENTS. Treasurer, D. 0, Carr • Secretary, W. H. Manning. • Hunt Him Down. --For some cten- inge an individual in town has frigh- tened and chased women and young girls on the back streets, prowled mum' the residences of private citi- zens; and indulged in. other unseemly actions. Mr. George McTaggart returned to Moeristurg last Friday after spending a eacatien in Clinton. . - Londeshoro, June .50; 1880. Mrs. Ashley of Kingston, recently bereft of her husband, is at ' the holee of her father, Mc S. Mittens. Me: John Lewson has been' laid up for some fleyS' wi,th re sprained leg, and Mr. Oliver with a lame hand. • Mr. Willis lost a colt, inflammatory theuinatism was the calise:. . • _ _ The wife of mr. John Lee,Jr., ere.- sentcd him with a son, John is the happy father of two boys. Mr. Thomas Fairservice raised his .barn and is going to put a stone foundation under it. , Mr. George Midden: lost a very. valita.ble mare and colt on :Wednesday afternoon, genuine tramp was in this, neigh- bortterodeante,,,called _eta farm house and demanded something le-iThee ltftsof the. house asked biin if be would have bread and milk. He said no, and wanted 'a cup of- warm tea and pie, etc. He get his choice/though the viands had been reserved for a special ooasion. • • e. • East -VViwanOth. John 21cDoivell lost a. fine Mere re- cently. . Me, IL Densmore of the 6th line has been indisposed. : . • Miss Vera McDowell spent the heti- days with friends in Goderich. • Miss l'Azzie Fleuty of Wingharn vis - died aee-Mr. R. Corley's over Sunday.. Mrs.. J: Noble Sr. of 'Clinton has Been visiting her sons in •East • Waw• - anosh. •• '• , Mes. M. Waugh of London visited her brother, kr. John Coultes, . last week. • Mrs. W. Scott and Miss Patience of Iyfh vlsitrd „Sunday. . On going to his stable one -morning recently Mr. James Tunny of the 411): line found one of his horses dead, Grey Township. Miss Mary McAllister of Toronto re- cently 'visited around this bocahity James Pearsoit •of trieteria, College was home for the vadation„, • • . ' Mrs- F, Miller: of the 4th Con. visit- ed with Mende in Clint* on the. 21th, The object lemon taught last; Sun- day by 'Rev. J. Henderson, pastor of the Ethel circiiit, was of inueh interest to all present. It• being childreri's day, the little folks did themselves credit in answering With proinptnesS tbe many .ritiestionS asked. are sorry to report that And- rew McLennan, who is telegraph oper- ator at Mosley., had the misfortune to have the small bone in his ankle broken during the game of foothell between Walkerton. and Chesley. ' ows a:ere.. s-ReOrd Readers Invitatione are out foe the Marriage of bibs Violetta Beatrice Thompson, daughter of Mrs. Thompson a ton to George E, McTaggart of tilts village. The brides a charming and popular Olinionien With a hot ef friends, while the groom Is the elite - lent Grand Trunk agent in Myth. The wedding will take place at high noon on Wednesday pt this week: After the Ono'. oon e happy couple will take eve their reeidence in the house ee- centlY occupied by tic MONallY. On .Wednesday morning of laet week a quiet wedding • tock place in the Methodist church when William Sims was mated in marriage to Mrs, Mary A. Tasker, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev, S. Anderson,. Only The immediate reln'tives were present. • Another happy wedding teolt place at the home of the bride on the bound- ary last week when Miss Rose Bow- es was united in the holy bonfis of matrimony to Thomas Colson of the 13th con. td liullett, the eeremony wee pereormed by Rey. S. And'ersm Aubuio The peopleof East -Wawanieeli' were • surprised to hear of the sucidepl death of Fanny Robinson,. wife of Mr. John H. Mills, who pureed 'away on Friday week after suffering from paralysis for thirty hours, during which time a child was horn and is still living, The deceased. was nuttried to ner bereft husband thirteen years ago and by the union one &wetter and three sons were bore, besides infant now Mrs. Mills Was a member of the Methodist Chuxeli at.Enenez,er appointment, . ane her paetoe Rev. Mr. Reid* conducted 'the Iuneraj services. The intern -tot took place in Ball's cemetery. SenfOrth • The remains of the late Mr. Harry Puncherd,, Who died in New York City on Monday of last week, were brought to Scalpel for interment, Mr. Punch- ard was for many years a 'resident' of this 'town •and was verY popularly keowteFrom here be ,went to Chat- ham and then to • Chicago, where he Was employed' as a banker for .sonic time. Leaving Chicago he Went to New York Where he lived tothe time of hia death. He was •1» his thirty- sentheyeareandtle&ves a 'wife and six children to mourn, theloss of an alf 'ett: tionate husband and father. _ GOderich.. 'On the 23rd ot May twenty year ago'. Rev. James A. Andereop was in ducted into the pastorate of ' Knox church: He hes held' the position o Pa,stoe continuously ever Since, and the anniversary wis. fittingly observed, list Week. On Sunday morning th Pastor gave summary of the work of the church during. the past twenty years, and at. the meeting Of the Ep- worth •League. on Tuesday evening, he and Mrs. Anderson were macte the re. Oriente of. beautiful .peetent of Lim - ogee china and silverwere by the Lad - fee' Aid on, behalf f theg ga, During the twenty years '1,184 persons have been admitted into metabership In Menton; of -John Elliott °film TOwno 011113 COderloh, On the, morning of May 16th, John I. Elliott. passed from this life at his home on lot 20, con. 4, Goderieh efolenship. While the deceased Was a Yeling man of only 38 years and 10 months, , he was eery widely known : and mueli esteemed as was evident by I'the heautiful ((oral tributes and the 'large funeral cortege, there being one 'hundred and fifty carriages and folly ! Ove hundred people in attendanee to l'eay their last tribute of respect to one se popular While le We, • His magnent physique attracted attention everyWhete and his genial, ready wit made him 0. pleasant com- panion, vvhile his sterling integrity, his conetancy .and unwa,verinietoyalty cemented chance acquaintances WO life-long friends. Of him it fileY be said, "To know hins was to lovehlie • and "He liveth beet who loveth best al! ;things lietti 'great and small, The grandeur of his nature was never better exhibited than in his Weed - ship and love for ehildren. • . • 'His uhfailinge cheerfulness and his ready helpfulness are all the more worthy of notice when it is, remem- bered that his illness extended over years, how many bel.•ng largely a matter of conjecture among his most intimate friceds as he hid his suffer- ings as long as he could that he mi.glit spare Ids friends anxiety and worry. During his long illness he vieited his brothet, W, A. and S. B. in Spoltene, Washington, and improved a great deal during his stay at . the Hot Springs, Hot Lake, Oregon, and later during his treatment by Dr. Gritman, an eminent physician of Moscow, Ida- ho. But - the dread disease had gairied sueh headway that any improvement could lee but temporary and he gradually sank to rest -a few months atter his e return from the West. While out West he Made Many. warm friends who heve written :fre- quently since his return. .'. „ , His life of quiet helpfulness and love must surely stimulate all who knew him to lives of greeter kindness and usefulness, incite to greater deeiretto serve the present, age, to .fulfill their several callings beferethey go to meet the God Who will rowed, our tieend Tack foe the deeds done ie. the Wit. '7 --Com. - • • Dungannon. Miss Isa Nevins of Goderieh visited friends in Dungannon last week.'.e • Mr. and Mrs, • R. Meekenzixt aed, S fa Rev . -T. E. Hicks attqnded the meet, ing of the ' Sygod in London . last week. ' • Mr, and Mrs. George liradford and • Bishop McEvoy Ms Been1p pointed Archbishop of Toronto. night Reverend Fergus Patrick lie- Eve•y, bishop .of London, has been ap- pointed to the arebiepiseopate ace at Toronto, to sill:Peed His Grace Arch, bishop O'Connor, Whe rehires. • The official appointment WAS re - petered by the apostolic delegate in Canada, who resides in Ottawa, last week. No announcement is made as to who will succeed Bishop McEvay at London. There have been, several nam- es mentioned, but there is nothing de- finite. No appointment to the bishopric Will be made until such times as the bishops meet to nanie a euecessor. Until a bishop is 'appointed, an 'a4-, ministrator will be named toadmin- ister the affairs of the diocom, The New Archbishop. • Bishop MeEvay is a native of Ont. Ile was born at Lindsay In. 1854,and •received his classical education in St. Michael's College, Toronto, and gred- uated with honors in the University 01 Toronto. He afterwards studied the* ogy n the Grand Seminary ab Mon- treal, and in 1882 was ordained a Priest by -the we Arkhbishop Cleary In Trenton. In additionto his thor- ough classical and theological training Mgr. McEvoy bad in early manhood received a Most thorough and practic- al business education. •• His first duties as priest were per- • formed rn, ICingston. When the dio- cese, of Peterhoro was established be was transferred there end placed in d\b, of themissienga Robea.ygpon, Galway •and Fenelon Falls. When Me- llor, Dowling succeededthe late Bishop Jamot rn Peterboro in 1887, Father ticEvay was transferred to Peterbore and appointed rector* 'of St Peter's Cathedral„ An Active Worker. It was mainly through his zeal and enetgY• Mid& Bishop Dowling that the prop,erty tor St. .4rseph's Hospital at Peterboro was acquired, and parochial and episcopal, houses purchased. Then he undertook the renovation of the- . cathedral, Ind saw the Contracts lit for the, erection. of • . the new hospital on the ground that hadbeen procured. One story, of the buildirig, was Com- pleted when he Was transferred. . to Hamilton. 'Per a short time after he .Wes ESseopet pecretary, and atter- wa.rds, reetbi of TEF011ffaral,'and successively was promoted to the, rank of Private • Chamberlain to his Holiness Pope Leo XIII; then dom- estic prelate aed Vicar -General of the iocese • mily visited Wingbam friends last) • C family Visited Loodesborn. and Myth friends last week, • Mr. W. McCollough ef the Sterling flank Visited his home in Grand Val- ley last week. , Mr, W., M. Fgekett of Montreal Was here last, week on business in con- nectioa. with the treentery, .Mrs. Manners has .returned to her. home in Wingliarn after visi tine hee with the church, 655 on profeselcm, of faith and.5419 by certificate irom other churehes. The removals front thoroll have been 768, of whieh 188 were' by d c =woe' • h rail a.tefteenii shows a membership of 720, a net in- treao during the twenty.. 'years. of 325: Baptisms. (Habig the twenty years were 486; bueials, 509. The total coetributions Of the congregatioii for the: same period amount to the large eum of $122,835, Of the vession et eight elders of 'twenty yearsl ago, only three survive; •Jame a Buchatian, Alexander Strre ten oni .James Mitch- ell, and of , the beard Of managers of 1808 there are four survivors, pr. Strang, C. A. Nairn; If, R..Sallows and Alex. Sauriders. • The presentation on Tuesday evening was made the measion of a tei.bute to the worth of the pastor of the Church, wh,ose ininietretions lave been attend- ed by so large 'a measure 'ef Success, Speeches 'were given by Revs,. Hazen, Millyarti,, Jones, and Hamilton We that Harry W. Knigit forin-tt erly of Godertet le President. and Gen- eral Manager of the Rice -Knight Mfg,. Co. LK of Torontoe which .will manufacture gasoline lighting systemi, Died -On May 3rd, Marjorie, infant laughter of Mr. and Mts., McCabe. Mrs. Crabb left on Saturday to pond Sunday and Monday with tier re... atives, Mr. and Mrs. Mote "%twee - tack. We had the pleasure of meeting Mrs, John. Emmerton Of Clinton In one.- of ur stnollS on Satutiday„ Airs. Ent- nierten is the guest of Mr. and 11Irs. Om. IlaWkins, Bayfield Road, Mrs.' Jelin Yule has had onto large Verandah built before her re...signet en Carbide Road, The • Simday echoole on the Ethel ( circuit held their cenvention on the afith. Both sessions were very attended and the. discussion of the. topics were well taken part in, the Homo department and the adult Bible class being the topics- of inter- est, as both are newly organized Nee- letieS con•nection with the Sunday o school. , ,evening session opened 1 with a song service led by the uhited T choir of : over thirty yokes-, and was thereughly enjoyed by all, Rev Nts Baker of Bluevale gave e Mirth% and praetleal address, much to the aliPtet elation of the large gatherieg. These conventions are growing, and as deeper interest is being taken in thein every year. The singing heartily of the heitiottel abthein brought to a close a very enjoyable and well -spent day. Colborne Township The following will act as deputy re-.• tenting officers in the ProVincial elece ti011; on June 8th No, 1, 0, A. Vanetone No, 2,1'. J. MeEweti No, 3, P. W. MeDonagh No. 4, John M. Williams. , , Officers ofthe East Huron Teachers' Assdiciation. At tho mutual meeting of the East uron 'readers' •Aseociation held in eaforth last week the following were leeted officers President, 1Vliss Id.MacKay lst Viet, Jetta Stalker 2nd Vie& Miss Ritchie SeeeTreasurer, W. J. Moffat Committee, Misses Huston and Cour- tiec and Messrs, Cameron, Scott aitti Holland P. S. L. Examiner, J. 14. Oameron, mother, Mrs. MeMath. • •• Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Walkem spent a; week with bleeds in. Mitchell. 6 A match was held :on the eew Tide range recently with J. M6Gee and - . tea -as -captains hit- was-interesid_- -r--E School Grants. The grants toi Public Scheele in °the County of Hunk, .1006; and payn'itle iri August,. are according to the follotv- ing seneine I. GRANTS, `ON. SALARIES., Each school shall reoeive 40 'per cent. of the amounts Paid in teachers' salaries each year' 'tbeginnhig in, Aug- ust and ending in June) over $3(it for a princiPel, and at $20.0 for each as- sistant. • GRANTS ION THE TEA:ogOts, • • QUALIFMATIOtTS. • The following grants shall be paid on the basis of the grade of the teacher& professional certificate and fag. oind. was wen by Mr. McGee's, side. Cecil Treleaven has been transferred to Watford. • Belgrave Mrs. William Clegg, who has been ill, is slowly recovering. Miss Weymouth of Belgrave visaed friends M Hallett last week. ' MT. B. Wilkinson and son ef Itspley Suridayed, a,t Air. W. K. 'Whaley's. . Miss Rare of Myth was the pest of Miss Teesie.11allidav eacently. Master Carrot and Cilytett Prnetor were holidaying at Palmerston. Mr. and 1VIre. Davis of A 'tete!, New York, are guests at Mr. William Wray's, •• •' • Mrs. Stewart of Goderich township was visiting .at the home of het pee - en*, Mr: end Mrs, .Halliday. Mrs. Will. Praetor spent a few days with het sister, Mrs. Butcher of Wingham. • Mrs, Brownbridge of Brampton was a visitor at Mrs, Proctor's,, sr., and • other friends. Mrs; Bell and her mother, Mrs. Mil- ler, visited the latter's son In London.. Mr, end...Mrs. Tisdale attended the funeral of the batter's sister in West Wawanosh.' Mrs. Basil- Coultes -and daughter of, • Buffalo are visiting Mes. M. Proctor and Mrs. R. et. Clegg. Mrs, Waugh of London sPerit the holidays with her brother, Mr. Couites • and other friends. 1VIr. R. Corley attended) tbe Synod of Huron. in, London lot :week. Mies Agnes Walker has returned to ber hotn itt Wingham after visiting Mrs. Carlisle of flelgrave, • THEY ALL PAILED. Mahy have tried to deVise a corn eure equal to Putnam's, but after 01 t' Years nothing lute come upon the tiler - Ica that So painlessly cures corns and *arts. Don't experiment, use the best and that's 'Putnam'." • Provincial. Secretary Hanna spokc at llownianville, length of his • succeSsful experienee (I) If • the teacher's total experience shall have been at least five years la July the iirst next :- tee For a first-class eertificate. ... ..-.$10 (b) 'For Second -clans certificatte.„..$30 (2) • It said experience shill have been less, than five years on the same date-, • - (a) Per a first-class "certificate $30 ,A) Por a second-class certificate 20 Where- the teacher performs all the duties Of caretaker the Inspector shall deduct • from the amount paid him for his .services, as teacher air! eaxeta,ker 4 sum not exceeding $25 in any one case and where he performs pant of the ditties a proportionate amount 01*25. A survey party is being sent oub to lay down the town Site of Fort Chur- chill, the terminus of the proposed Hudson' s Bay Railway, .The Railway Storelteepers'eAssocia.- tion yesterday elected afters atthe clone of the annual convention at Chi- cago. J, P. Cellairehroi of Sotto.' was chosen tiresident. A Prized Cough Cure "I have not been without a bottle of 'Ooltsfoote Expectorant is the bailee for over nine Years. At that title I proem.• ecl it for a bad cold 1 hea, xt worked nueh weeders then that it hat been a household remedy ever sinee, and •-ive will have no other for coughs and colde -eit is so pleasant to take, and all of my ehildren look for it as soon as they get a cold at all. Nearly all of them have been subject to croup, and. that' when 1 mid Coltsfoate Expectorazit use- ful. You are weleonie to WC this testi. !denial as you MRS. LEWIS mon. Free Semple of Cok400te Expeciorsit will be tent to any poemn sending their name and addrossi and needier thii paper. It bas established a Wonderful record as a suceeseful care for coughs, colder, more throat, troup, whooping cough, bronehitis and all irritated eon- ditione of the throat .and theist. It le • the prescription of a great specialist in medieine. At all good druggists, 25c. Dr, T. A. Sleetini*, Limited, Taronto, eons for. rtliC Siang* Tasday.• J&nie 4th, 1908 rhile AftVertiltititieffe Of Hood's reeseeparitie te to remind you ef Re emelt merit as blood miner, Peenetfiet elver, and es a 00:riref stomach end di- , mg,. Stole. Nothing ON like it, no other tete ea good a record, no other will de you so ranch good. It sures. eel! -- wee troubled for teadi 401 .te Igioreeiterilm earl mad it set IrVIA aloWEIVCrolUg, .8.1491, tairth-Mity mother Iniffered teem 4000ensumption. /nee' took Erfeitesnnot—sielitION4"niuo4w-Inforenthetti4toretw". r, and aeaffalorivor::: aver be- fore. rarg*24.133•14. irlitifilt"jraerral41"1"7:4 InGrlivresory.ralua swohIen Akedl Itt.and it es hot:denied vo Hoods ears& Ile her me r other nee" Jenne Jemmies, . ow, Rood's deireaperffnele eeld ev here* 1Q1) P°O."14, ligq7c115°Callar.; L;WerurePoila v°41. 07, b4.7, STA -ZION EYEGLASS STAYS Ohl Cembines ele-. gance and com- fort. and le decide ;illy the most de. eirable style of eyeglass ever de- vised; ' We, know they • will give sat isfac- time Wean adapt t e re t o almost any .shap. ed nose. 414 A. J JEWELER AND OPTICIAM ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 1.25 1.5011.75,86 • JUST. .AiRgivEn. We are 'offering, these pants at prices that 'eon!. not be beaten. 'They come in tweeds and worsteds, and extra wearing quali. .ties. Have a look at those W6 are offering at: these' prices. rten's Spring Suits We are running $10 specials in greys and- browns. Best value * ever shown in Clinton.. Other lines from $5 to $15, Boys' Suits.. • Our Boys' Suit trade has been ' very large thissprinn, which we attribute to the exceptional values we hav� been giving. 'Our Furnishing Stock is complete, New • • Goods in Every Line. • Jacobs Tailoring,. isPiC Clothing, Furnishings." GRA OTRUNKVy'sTA- • Touris,t Tickets to • 1VIUSKOKA LAKE OP BAYS • TEMAIGAIVII MAGANETAWA.N RIVER' GEORGIAN 13Acir, ETC., • Now oft sale: Tickets to KAWA.RTHA LANES •'sale June 1s4. GOOD ALL sEAsoist. Full information • front Any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent It. it. HODGENS, Town Agent.,. A. 0. Patt1so4 Depot Agent.