HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-28, Page 22 p,roluTy,. U904 EtigeStiOn 2 ary, Z Moans Good Health .; Oood Health. Is Everytbillg, t; miimmemimminsimualimp If your digestion le not the beet its the world, try a bottle of O. D. Q. 1 FOR 50 casts ; We guarantee it for Stontech Trouttlea, . • • 2 Baking Powder is the t best made t es CTS. PER. POUND I millmommimesimm•••• 2 W. S. 'R. HOLMES t Ma nf'g Chepaist. ••••••••444/••••••••••••• -RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE - SEED CORN. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE, QUANTITY OF SED CORN. IT IS A 1 IN QUALITY AND THE PRICES ARE MGHT. WHEN YOU NEED FLOUR OR FEED PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US. IT WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT- TENTION. J. A. FORD Order Your Coal Now Place your order for your supply of coal with the under- signed and thus secure thc. low- est price and prompt delivery. Office opposite Grand Trunk passenger station. Telephone connection. J. Hamilton COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, B'UT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- - COUNT OF 40 CENTS A • TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rovvland's will be promptly attended to. W. .3; Stevenson Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from church, post. office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawaraosh consisting of 100 acres of laud, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 52x60, a driving house 2406 with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also lot • 28, East Wawanosh; 2nd eon., directly oppos- ite said lot 37, containing 100 acres of and, 15 acres of which are lamb. On this lot, there is a bank barn 40x60. Thal 'ale 4 acres ot good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be given at once. Terms e easy. The proprietor is 110'W past the age to fartn.-Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communica- tions. Feb. 13 08' DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will be at Holmes', Drug Store, Clinton, May 28, July 2 and 30. Glasses properly fitted. Diseas- es of the ey,e, ear, nose and throat treated. TOURIST TICKETS TO MUSKOKA TEMAG-AMr LAKE OF BAYS, ETC, ON SALE ON AND AFTER MAY 1st, HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS AT VERY LOW RATES TO THE NORTII-WEST • Via North Bay, May 12th and 20th Via Sarnia and N. Nay. ComPanY- Steamer leaves Sarnia 3:80 p. May 13th and 27th. Full information from any. Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, F. R. Hodgens, Town Agent. A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent. • The railway commission bas lemma an order by whieh there will be art interchange of tiekets on the , Wabitab and Grand TAU* railroads, This wili be of great iinportance to Western MEETING OF THE HURON COUX- ty Council. -The council of the cor. poration of the County of Huren will meet in the vouneil thember• the towe a Goderib, on June the 2A4, at the hour of 3 o'cleek p. Accounts against the county, requir- ing•eettlement, must be placed with tho Cleitt previeua to the above, date, 4e -W, Lam, °Jerk, Dated at Goderiele .May the 180, 1908, , NEW MEAT IVIART.-11A.VING ehased the bothering business car- ried on for some time by the Colclough Br oS.., we respeetfully solicit a share a the patronage of the peblic whit% we hope to n20.41 by keeping the best of meats and at reasonable prices. GiVe us a chll. Our Shop is next to The News - Reeved 011icee.-T, T. St Bert Murphy CEMENT FOA 'SALE. -I Agent for Clinton and distriet ter the National Portland Content Co., makers of the best cement in the • market. Title is the only cement used by the corporation of Clinton in the construction of sidewalks, etc) -Mrs. T. R. Walker, 21 I HAVE • •THE SAMPSON BRAND of Cement for sale, in large and small quantities,: There is no. het, ter make of eement on the market,. Office cippesite G. T. R. passenger station. Telephone connection, or orders may be left at Harland Bros, hardware store. if more convenient: JAMES HAMILTON, CLINTON. 500 ACRES IN NURSERY STOCK. -Agents wnrited at oece to sell for Fill. 1008 and Sprit* 1969 de- livery ; whole or. part time; liberal terms ; outfit free -The Thos.W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd, Ridge- ville, Ont. ,Cliatott News*Record uron Count. News. Gathered Flay 28th, 1908 • 'for. News7Reeor(I .Readers Years Front The News -Record of May 29th, 1889. olinten, May 29th, 1889, Master Will Dinsley died on Monday,. the funeral will, take place at, 2 o'clock to -day. Mr. Win. Cantelon of Goderich was visiting in (ilinten the past week. \ Mr. Harry Cantelen, traveller for rieStrong .4. Co., Guelph, was home in Clinton •over Sunday, The „gentle- Maa 1o6ks remarkably well. M. James Fair ..of town attended WI Ontario Miller's Conventieneeat Listowel last week,. It does lOOkle though the milling industry Of Ontario was being injured by the tariff criminating in favor of it -epoxied flour as against imported wheat. Mr. Robt, Hanley of the ,7th con., Goderieh toivishin• has, a field of fall wheat which shows signs of early ma-, turity. A gentleman from Clinton was inspecting it on the 24th and he noticed several stalks in • full head. This iS exceptionallY early. 0, Y. B. Deleiate.--Bro. Wm, 'How- ard, of Rising Sun, 0.-Y. B., 31, Bey - field. was in attendance. at the Grand Lodge at st., Catharines last week, He returned via .Clinton on Friday, !and says the session wits unusually in- teresting. The eext meeting will be • held at Carleton Place the third Tees- • dee in May, 1890. • Miss Maggie and Mr. Earnest Ma- guire Of London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hanley. during the past :week. Sons of Englarid Benevolent Soelety. -Last Teeeday evening. Sheffield Lodge No. 83 "Sons of Erigland'B. S." met in the Orange hall. The • worthy 'President in the chair - when the following officers Were eleCtied for the balance. of the year :-Worthy Past, President' Bro. :Wm. Waesori ;:Worthy President' Bro. N. Robson: - Worthy PAPER HANGING AND DECORAT- ing.-Good work guaranteed„ Agent' for the Empire WalipaPer Co. Samples furnished, 10 cents a roll for hanging. Your • 'patronage re- Vice-Pee,eident, Bro. Thos. Jackson, spectfully solicited. -J. E. Cook. . 01...d......4•111•1111111.6••••••• PIANO AND .ORGAN TUNING AND; Repairing. -The undersigned . is prepared to do li ldndo .it piano • asd organ tuning. and -repairing, and being a man of practical experience is ,.able to guarantee satisfaction. Orders may, be leftr at.W. 8: R Holmes' drug store. -Ed. J. How ard, Clinton. START IN IVIAY OR JUNE AND FINISH A GOOD COURSE OF TRAINING FOR STENOGRAPHER OR BOOK- , KEEPER BY NOVEMBER, WHEN GOOD POSITIONS ARE BEST !OBTAINED. ENTER • ANY DAY. NO VACATIONS. FREE CATALOGUE. • Central Business College YONGE & GERRARD STS., TORONTO. W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. CENTRAL STElATFORO. ONT. is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. We give a thorough; practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitrnan.'s Shorthand, 'Fetich Type- writing, and ,in Copimercial and Railroad Operating. Each depart- ment iS in thdhands of experienc- ed instructors: We asist students to positions. Our graduates' al- ways succeed, for our wanes- are the best. Get our free catalogue and learn more , about us. You may enter now. ' Elliott did 111oLaohloll • pkiNCIPA LS PREPARE FOR POSITIONS paying from •$35 to $100 Per n.lonth by4attending the popular ELLIOTT e /Ye • MONT% ONT. THIS SCHOOL IS NOTED PAR AND NEAR FOR THE SUPERIOR EDUCA T 10 X GIVEN TO THE STUDENTS AND FOR, THE RE1VIARK- A131,E SUCCESS OF -ITS GRADUATES, COLLEGE OPEN` THE ENTrut YEAR. BEGIN NOW, Gun TRAIN- ING WILL MAKE YOU IN- DEPENDENT. witrrz TO- DAY FOR CATALOGUE. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Corner Yonge and Alexander streets. • THE NEWS -RECORD WILL • •IT SENT TO ANY AD- DRESS IN CANADA TO Prtin END OF I 90 8 AND THE • WEEKLY MAIL AND M. FOR ONE YEAA FOR /5 CENTS. 110TII VOA 75 CENTS. • Sr. , Worthy Chaplain, Bro,. Henry Joyner, Worthy Fite:Secretary and recording secretary, •Bro. W. H. aeori er; ; Worthy. Treasurer and Sur- geon, Bro: John Reeve, 1st- Guide, Bee. John Sertiton ; 2nd. Geide, 'Bro. Carelake .;...3rd Guide Bro. Samuel Aindersou ; 4th. Guide, Bete Samuel: Pike ; Sth Guide, Bro. Thom- as Glee/ ; 6th. Guide, Bro. James Howson. • Inside Guard, Bro. Benj. Webb: Outside Guard, lero. Thos. Tipling. This ledge is: fast gaining groued and ere long will reek vinongsti the largest lodges .irt towe. District Deputy -Bro. Sa,nders. of Exeter WU present and installed the above- named officers. The lodge decided to -join with .the Sons of England of : Exeter on the 24th of IVIay "for :the purpose of .celebrattrig in,e loyal manner • the .birthday of . our beloved 'sovereign; Queen Victoria. We expeet to hear erend results from this lodge in the near future. • . . . At the annual meeting Of the East Huron. Teachers Institute, Mr. Robb, Mathem'atical Master..of •Olin Lori 001- legiate. Institute,•,. gave an. interesting address :on Botany'. 's an oM Public school teacherhe counselled teachers to take bp some subject is geolegy dr botanywhich wae ,not 'taught in-th Public *school. The teacher' who ehos the latter 'would find hiinself amply re, paid when 'he comesto illuttra,te ta lessons. in the. readers, Besides there areetimes when the class t becomes list - les, often gyving to the Condition of aid a short talk on tem 'topic in; 'Oat - 'any will prove both inteiestingand instructiVe. The teacher who by means of pocket lens, neddles; "knife and a suitable text book uses, his spare inoinents in 4he prosecution Of the study of botany will train his ob- serving farulties, will gale a :great amount ot useful, information mid thus he inea, position to admire the beau- ties - of nature and 'add .more enjoy- ment to the School life of the ehildr ran,' Mr. Robb's address Was charac- teristic of hun, Mr, Lough, principal of the. Clinton: elodel school, math a; paper on history. He discussed the subject generally, HS value as an edticative- force, • and gave- valuable suggestions On the use: of text books, In the evening a public • meeting Was held in the .town hall at which. Mr. Manning, chairrnan of the Clinton Col-, leglite board, proidette in accord- ance with the biles of the •AisociatiOn the teachers.. had prePared a suitable program for the evening- entertain- ment On this occasion their labors were crowned with abundant success, The program waa of an enlivening character and the universal testimony was that the evening was spent pleas- antly by the large audience that filled the town hall. The order was excell- ent and the children behaved remark- ably well. A elass of boys and girls under Miss Struthers' direction sang sweetly and pathetically "The Old kentuelty Home." Miss class. of girls dressed ,in white, tlecora- teal with garlands of flowers and care- fully graded as to height, gave the kindergarten song "Away Among the Blossoms". • with good effect. Missea Maggie McMurray and Linele Irwin rendered, "Silver Bells ot Memory," sweetly. Mr. fleetness gave an intercsting address. The tableau of the May Queens 'in which Miss McMurray' was the regal figere, displayed much taste in arraegernent on the part of IVIiss O'Neil arid was 1.vell executed by the class. The solos by Mr: T.. Jeekson and the duettS by Mise grieg end Mr. B. P, Sibley, respeetively, were retidered in the 'Way In whleh those voettlials, are noted, and .were heartily applauded. The Clinton 0 IBfaeri Quartette played "Tho Ohimes" In perfect harmony, The Fan Drill by the Mines M. Paisley, Dottie Fair, E. Chidley, Millie Fair, 1Ve, Biggart, L Kerr, A. /Lowson, N. Comte, H. Irwin, M, Couch, A. Can- telon and W. Sheppard under the man; agement of Miss lielyar, was one of the best features of the evening, and to many was a novelty. The, nemeede at 10e, admission was S30. '."*"••••• • LontieSnoiro, May 29th, 1889. Mr. W. Scales he's 'put up a large barn with, stone foundation. Mr.' Beery Adams has just ere,eted new frame 'barn and will bave stone foundation. Mr. W. Weymouth ie preparing to remove his barn and put a stone foun- dation with Stable underneath, James Colwell its building a large brick residence. When complieted James will be in •humor to sing the "red, white and :filue;" Mr, George Ruddell Was in the "Hub" on Thursday attending the feaclicre institute meeting and enter,- tainment. Though not an antive mein - her of the profession now, George, as he gazed at the grand army of biech- wielders doubtless had vivi4 recellece thins of when he used the. ”tawse" end maybe') his mind may have re. vetted still farther back to when that -corrective instrument waS :used upon hint/self. • : •- • • Bayfield, May 29th 1889 • Mr. John 'Whiddon and family have gone to Nova Scotia where they in- tend sending the sinnmer. We wish them a sale jderney. • Mr. _Charles Parker lost a valuable horse this *reek by it yolling into a creek and being drowned. • - • One of the female members of a household in this village was surprised On opening the door •the other morn- • ing to find •a basket with an apparent- ly live baby .comfortahly stowed away in it She called a reale friend to, un- ravel :the mystery but he would have nothing todo with it or the basket, The neighbors Were called in and an inquest soto speak was held. •The wraps were taken .off the baby when itWas found to be a, very good eer- ved wooden imitation of the real thing.. Artd mlovy the aforesaid member of the housztold„ is Wroth and declareshe will get even With the •liung lady whom he supposes played lhieteick upon him, or know the reason' miry. I.J.KE A NEW DISEASE. New to the man who never had sores is 'the pain relieved by Puthatu'e Corn Extractor. Old corns and new ones . cured quickly by "Putnam's." Sold everywhere. • ••Beigrave • 1120. 'Rivers of. Brigden. visited he Dan, ReffG W Rivers recently. Mr. and Mrs, • q. ,c. ,Hewer of Brig - 1 den '.vietted at the parsonage .• last East Huron Teaches's' Con- vention, • Seaforth, May 21. -The annual con vention of. the East Huron, teachers . began in the Collegiate Illetitute le - day. •This morning's =Sims opened all 10 o'clock with an tutusualle large raimber, of teachers in attendance , After President Hartley had eonducte ed the opening exercises, Mayer T. E. 1-1a,ys, in a neat, but brief address, • welcomed the teaehers to 'the town and expressed the -Wishes of the citiz- ens and council that their visit to the town might be a,very 'pieasant ono. The following committees were then appointed : • . . Piogramme committee --Messrs. Scott, Shillingten and Batmen. Resolution committee -Messrs. Stal- ker Cameron and Fowler. • Reporters -Messrs. Aneley and Moff- at. • The minutes: of lad yea's cornien. bon in Guelph were thenread by Secretary W. J. Moffat, and on, mo- tion �f Mesas, Holland and Langdon 'were adopted. ••• A.•• eery interesting paper wee- then read by Miss Weida J. Stevens, her. subject being "Bow to Interest Pupils and. Parents."- Miss Stevens ga.ye many veluable hints as to methods bY which" parents,' could be interested, and suggested having parents visit the school, and alsg that -teachers keep in touch with parents.. Several of the delegates. present congratulated Miss Stevens on her paper. • Mr. Beaton then gave a very elabor- ate ever on "patriotism in ,.the School., The speaker coast:tired '0- at patriots were divided into two die.: tinct classes: (1) Those whOse pat- riotism vents iteelf in cheers, etc., (2) and those whose patriotism is well founded in e, ;knowledge:of our heritage e& citizens of the. Ileitish empire aid as heirs to the great pom- inion of Canada; • whose reserves are almost unlimited. He also outlined how it might' be taught incidentally in connection with geogra,phy and • his- tory, Mee Clara. Huston then gave a most excellent Paper on "Firet Dais • at School." The excellence of the paper 'consisted .in the feet that it Was Pre- cisely' what Miss Huston pute into Practice in her own school, and in primary work Mise Huston has indeed' fa* equala. The -paper advised . teachers to - en- deavor to Place thertteelves.ie • most sympathetic eplatirin with fathers and mo hers, especially When their "little man" started into the Pew world of, experience. The paper received the convention. Wissgham Mr. John Jet., president of The North Huron Conservative Motu - tion, gave aneXcellent Address before the Borden Club en Wednesday even. ing. • Stock is being taken AV J. Bugg 4 • Sone' stove arid tinsmithing business, and the new proprietor, M. W. J. Boyce of London, will soon he in° charge. Mr. Thos. Abraham g4 Sen, of Moe, ris'sold and delivered to, Jno. Lontit, of Wingham, one day recently, nearly nine hundred dollars worth of cattle, " Wiaghani Citizens' Iland beld its !annual meeting and elected the 10110w - I ing olliCers President, A. Kingston Vice -Pres., E. Forler Secreta, N. Fry' • Treasurer,:H, Hinseliffe Property Conimittee, C. Baer, A, - Green, R. Mundy. • Jas. Duncan is the leader, and the band is in Al shape. . • • over five months and is not expected ed over $900 for missions during the last cohferenee year. Mr, Walter Coults was taken from the hospital to hie home in East Wawaniesh on Wednesday. He had been ht the tWiagham lunette]. ' for over five Maths abd is net expected to .recover. •. • • 1 • Sheppardfon;.• - Infant sons arrived recently at the homes :homes. of John •Foster and Michael Carney.- • :• • ' . • *A couple' of weeks ago James 'Young r returned home from' Meekoka, 'where • he Spent the past year and e ball. • -Mks.' Johnson has/ returned .to her home ' at SeSkatoeee.Sask.; • after: spending- the winter , With relatives herd. • : • • Mrs, McLean of Luelinew, called, son friends in this vieinity- prier to her ' leaving for -13attleford Seek •where, accompanied by her daughter Miss Miss giraliden of Morris Suedayed • with ellre. Wm. -Geddes of this VeIlagee Rev. and Mrs.. T., E. Sawyer of Ash- field were guestS at the parsonage on Monday last; • • • Mrs. McIver and son of Winnipeg visited at J. A. Brandon's and Wm. Wray's-last *cek. • • 'Mre. Clark of Guelph le at the bcd- Side of her mother,. Mrs. Dalgarno who is serious] ill. '•• Me. and Mrs.' Geo.. David:of Clinton visited sorne.of their many •friends in Belginve last wee-. : Mrs. C. L. Pritchard • of Wyoming, who has been :visiting her •niece, Mrs. Rivers, has relented -home.' . Fred. &Andrea and John tsbister both passed :their exams., in Toronto, very creditably at the School of Pro-. tical Science. • Rev.. G. W. Rivers attended the dis- trict meeting .a,t Brussels on Tuesday and 'Wednesday last and Rev. J. J. Hastie the 'Presbytery at TeesWater on the same day. • Mr. L. Williams, harnware : mei- chant, is. having a storage house and a stable erected on his property, which will be a great improvement, Mr. Watsen has the contract. Mr. Putland and family hav•e mored to Ethel. -Mr. andMrs. Tisdale will moveinto the house vacated by Mr, putlarid, and . it is said Mr. • Arin- strong will inove on to his farrn ad- joining the village: Mr. MusgroVe's meeting in the hall here list Friday evening was well at- tended. The addresses of Mt. Mus- grove and Mr. Spotton were both good. The';questions of the day were fairly and clearly, dealt with, arid the audielme, which consisted of Conser- ratives and Liberals; -listened atten- tively to the speakers*. Belgra.ve audi- eflccs are good listeners, especially when they have good speaker's. Mr, Musgrove reports good success as • he, gods through the I • /T RINGS IN' YOUR EAAS • That sante cough everywhere you go,, deep and hollow beeause consumptive.' Pirst it was catarrh which; could, have been cured by Catarrhozone.Mor. r, never neglect a cold, rioter trifle with catarrh, go to your druggiet and! et Catarrhozone. It's instant death! colds'Otitis them in a few minutes,. I Throat trouble and catarrh disappear s by magic. Catarrhozone is „ the teat throat, nose and bronchial rem- i dy to -day. ThonSands use it, doctors' rescribe, hecauSe it does 're - lett quickly and me- thoroughly. ' wo sizes, atie and $1.00 at all deal- rs. Ethel, she intends spending the • Sum- mer with her sons. • , On Wednesday; afternoon lent • the Church of England Ladies' Aid Soc- iety met at Mrs. Joseph Tigercs, Whea Mese Annie-Tigert, was presented Wi a . gt m 10 congrega ofl in appreciation of he efficient sereices, ee church °reenlist. Mrs.: Win. Johnston was elected president and Miss liarrooi Hayden. was . re-elected secretary of, the Society for the ensuing year Nile • •• •Charlie °engrain is engaged with Janes Elliott for the summer, as. Mr. Elliott is fixing his barn. :: • Vilest Jackman has secured a pesi- tion with Ernest Segue the black- smith, as wider and book-keeper.' • M. and Mrs,. Aloe. Shepherd have been visiting friends in Gerrie and otherpoints during the past week. •Chas. (Ervin -delivered a fine four-. teen -el -teethe -Old oelf to Richard Reid Monday morning. Mr. &Irvin always bas the right thing at the prop& time. A grand festival and sacred concert was held at Nile Methodist church on. Monday evening. The mecca was given by the following excellent array of talent Harry Booth, renowned • baritone of Detroit ; Mrs, Booth, con - trait° of Detroit; Angus Wigic, noted expert on the violin. Kingsville, Ont.; Miss Mabel Allin, soprano of Lucknow, Miss Belcher., read& of Goderich t brief • addresses were given by Bev. .4, An- derson of tlyth, Rev. Thos, E. Saw- yer and llov, James E. Ford. of Luelt- nove. • The, .Cunard steamer Luslkinia . is doing the westward voyage acrose .tbe. Atlantic at n. speed of 25.02 miles an hour. Mr, and Mrs, john McLean, an aged couple from Bruce county, were found Wandering about the streets in De- troit. Matiriee11111, a young tnglishman, committed suleide neat Indian Head, Sask., by shooting. Bine, a young.machinist of trat fork was sentenced to four menthe in the Coital for sending grossly indecent matter through the mails. He sent the artiele to a young lady in a factory, arid it was opened ht the presence of several of her girt friends Has There Been a Failure of Duty? ' . iii: 1902 railways in, Ontario were taxed only $5 a mile. To -day they ar0 etaviexield. additional onmaill e. traancdk$3$273a063n.:de. 6Ox24at..r88a: l a rf ogre first time. in Onterioe, history, to the absy,fthollioswpsro:vincial tax ,en railways are • 1907„ ........ .....,.. 390,587.80 inneicipa•litiee. . The ... amoents raised share of the increase now goes, for the , 1902 •.11411:90345 191,990:16 7,9018814752 . KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. , Health Saving Explained .by a; Clinton Citizen Who Know§ From _ . Experience. • - Many, Clinton People take their lives in their hands 'by negleeting the kid- neys valor' they know these organs need help." .• , • • Sick kidneys ate responsible for a great amount of suffering and ill health. . The reason so many use :Booth's' kidnoy Pills is their quick relief for all Kidney wea,keess. Here'is• what • Clinton citizen says . john; West, of Maey Street, Clinton, °tit says : •• "Eech little cold I would cerittact .freen -being oyer heated or exposure to cold weather' weeld settle across thei small part •my pack and kidneys. •The urinewould beeoree highly colored and filled with particles of a .Sand like sediment.' There Was elso a scalding in 'passing that waiLyery annoying.: My: back would be so .tender that when would stoop for any, length of tint Could scarcely straighten Myself up again. . There was aleo • :a weakness there. that -.: was .eery noticable 'when lifting anything of consequence. Baths Kidney. Pil1s. were eecominended Mr. Holmes,' the Druggist and they. quickly, cured nee of every, sign of kid- ney-trouble-wheireall-else 1--lred • ti failed, and 1 am stronger end .better in every wee." •- , Sold by Dealers, Price '50 cents. The R. T. Booth:Col., Ltd., Fort Erie„ •Ont., Sole Canadian Agent. • Benmiller H. Maedel, of Detroit, Mich., was. home for it few days' venation. Rev. C. R Durrant attended trict meeting at Goderielt last weelt, • Bentniller Epworth' League has elec- ted ,officers for the ensuing year as follows: •• Hon. President, Rev. C. R. Durrant • President, 1VIrs, Durria lst Vice, John 19ong • 2n4 Vice, Mabel- lVfohring 8rd Vice, Ed. 'Stewart • 4th Vice, Jessie Oke• • - ,ReceSecretary, Elsa, Oke Cor. -Secretary, Nettie Fisher Treasurer, Pearl Fisher Organist, Mrs. John Long. • Six militant surfragis,ts who were demonstrating in front of Mr. As- nuith's residence in London were ar- rested ,and sent to prison, • Spent Eighteen Dollars ,,Govtlemen,—t have pleasure in stating that X have used $18.00 worth of PO/thine/ and as a 'result was /lured Of very serious throat and lung trouble. lt,,fy ease was a moat diffiCillt one, and the doctors had praetically said that X could not get well. I tried Issychille, and it aid me so much good that X con- tinued its use until I had taken $18.00 worth, with the result that I am now a new man physically. 1 levegained thirty-five pounds. • 'It it with the greatest tonlidenee that 1 recommend Payehins to all who are afilieted with threat or lung trouble. Yours truly, C. A. PINKHAM, Seetstewn, Que., Sept., '07, This Man tweaks from experiente. Ps/chine tures all throat, ehest; lueg and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to runqlewn peo. ple. At all druggists, 80e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Sleetan, Limited, Toronto. Tour Doty to be Welt. But you oinuot be well If ion neglect teking fiareeparilla when ion know you ibettl4 take it. Impale Wood, poor appetite, headache, nervoueneee, that tired feeling -be these and other trienit your VI - tem dementia Reed% Get a bottle today,. *Mt raelltOrlraaritn-dowtkapdi IeaIedAligarh', but after taking. a row bottles of cod's thwosoorf14* idaw walk soon _as aror.fP Desna Snow, tet Queens Amu* xondon,010„, Clidarrh--"Por rear* 1 have boon troubled with catarrh and indigestion sad have trieel igx„btirAcci.grtrur rEdeLit,Wirtliseard dear' feQ44 Will not wit.,bout Novia Krzar•PIPII.Laft filt• XillaYaUts• Ost poor. 'Oulu) to,sina Rooa baroaparilla Olow Plakitti--"Nr, bloe4-1,00 terve more color in air foie* glen sod well, and work ia a plasmas*" saris. .11.W•t*P. Tanato4i• Masa. 11004.11 r310:041tarala is sold everywhere, - 100 Dow One Detlar• 7:10Pared only or C. X. lioo* cog fl,MUL, U. 0, L. !•!••••••••,••••••,7,,,..••••••••••••••#••••••110 0 • Ur. William Anderson, ex-M.13,P. foiJ East Peterboro' is dead. • STEEL KNIFE IN TI -M PLUM That's the sensation experienced by Robert Price ot Hectoon, Out Ile knew it was sciatien skid .of course us- ed "Nerviline." As usua1. it cured andl ' he says: "No liniment can expel Bol- soa's Nerviline, Severe • Pains made my side! lame, It was like. it ,steel knife running through the flesh. I tub, bed in lots of Nerviiine and was coin-, • pletely cured," -A regular snap for •NerViline to ease Sciatica and rheurnei tine. It sinits into the core of the pain, cures it in short order, Large 25e bottles at all dealers, /-" S TA-2PON EYEGLASS S TAYS ON Combines el e • game and -com- fort. and is decid- edly the most styde- airMiie le of • eyeglass ever de- • vised. • •• • We know they will, give sat isfa,e-• • tion. We can • adapt t b ent o • almost any shap- • ed nose. • II 1 JEWELER 'AND. • OPTICIAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES - • 14251 1.50, 1.75 az $2 . mommen JUST ARRIVED We are' offering these • pants at prizes that con-• • riot be beaten. They come' in tweeds and. worsteds, - and extra wearing quali- ties. • ' Have .a look at those W6 are offering at: these prices. , lien's 'Spring Suits I We are rUntling $10 Specials in greys and browns. Best value etter shOton in' Clinton: Other lines from $5 to $15, Boys' Suits. • Our Boys'Snit trade has been. very large thisspring, which we attribute • to the exceptional values we have been giving, • •I Our Furnishing Stock • is complete. New Goods in Every Line. 1111111110•011.11 • • E. W. Jacobs Tailoring, 111104:.4.4, Clothing, Furnishings.