HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-21, Page 8oto News.Recortl tiny 215t,, 1908 .THE sillOINIING OF miner Millinery Our special showing of Summer Millinery on Thursday, Friday and. Saturday, May 21st, 22nd and 23rd, will be well worth seeing. Miss Reynolds and her staff have made extra"preparations for the event. They have.been particular to secure the very latest novelties both in shapes' and trimmings, and. you can depend on seeing Summer Millinery that is RIGHT " if you visit the show room Thursday, Friday or Saturday,, Come whether you wish to ,buy of not, we will be glad to have you. Do you want a new hat for the 24th.? if you do, see the special lot we will have trimmed up on Saturday. , You will be almost sure to find just the one you•want among them. These are Next , Saturday Specials Real good they are, everyone of them. The kind that spell "Money Saved" for every 'buyer. A. few that were left from last Saturnay selling. :Most of them on the bargain counters for the first time Saturday, . May 23, Matting Ends 25 short ends and remnants of Japanese and China batting. Length 8 to 6 yards, all colors. Qualities that sold at 15c to 50e per yard, Choice Saturday:, , : HALF PRICE The Carpet Ends Still a goodly onmber of Carpet Remnants to sell, .although we cleared a lot last Saturday. Remnants .of .Brussel. Wool. Tapestry and 'Union Carpets. ,Lengths from 4 t or I5 yard's. Clearing • Saturday sty ..:One-third less than regular Wool Carpets .50c A11 solid Wool Carpet. full yard wide, reversible patterns( in greens,, browns and reds, at 65c it is a bargain A Sat- urday special at per yard. . , , , • .EA Linoleum ,Ends • One end ohly,,4 yard wide Scotch Linoleum,,; nice floral pat='' tern, slightly imperfect. regular 60c, clearing Saturday at per square yard ............ ....... ......:..... ...,.. • 035 1 .. Choice Of the Skirts $2.90. Choice of ail our Ready-made Skirts in tweeds,; plain cloths, Sicilians and lustres. Good styles and qualities A Q A Regular price up to $6.00, any of them, Saturday at ,.... L. Raincoats $1.90 Six only Raincoats, nearly all small sizes, made from, guar- anteed showerproof cloth. Capital thing for girls going to school. Choice of the lot Saturday at each 1.90 50c-Bobinette Curtaining 27c Bobbinette Curtaining, frilltrimmed with laceand in- iertion, small spots. Regular 50c. This and is slightly '.. soiled from being displayed, Saturday we clear it at per yd 27 Vests 2 for 25c 100 only.. ladies new White Cotton Vests, half sleeves or sleeveless, very fine quality, extra special value at 2 for. .25 Wrappers 95c Fifteen or twenty Print or Wrapparette Wrappers, assorted sizes and colors to clear Saturday at each White Cotton Cows $i,13. Ladies White Cotton Gowns made froth erttea quality Eng- lish nglish cambric finished cotton, steels double sewn. cut very full, yoke of embroidery and insertion.: 'Regular $1.50, Sat- urday each. 1.13 Frilled Curtain Muslin 15c Frilled Curtain Muslin, blue patterns and white. ground. Regular 30c, very suitable for bed rooms, • clearing at per yard . .15 Ends of Toweli• ng 9c 1 to 1* yard ends heavy Linen Toweling, 18 inches wide, red border. The standard 124c quality at least, Saturday special per end ...... ...... .........•,.:r..........,,.• e0>i Lace Edging 2 Yards for lc 400 yards Cottotr Lace Edging, several different patterns. clearing Saturday at 2 yards for.., s ....+, 0:. , , . •, .01' Silk Gloves 25c Ladies pure Silk Gloves, black or white, mostly ,snail sizes. Regular 40c to 60e, Saturday per pair . . . ......... . .14 , , ... .nd Trimming Laces 0c 200 yards fancy cotton Trimming Laces, $ to 5 inches wide. Regular 12hc to 15e, clearing at pee yard ' 4 1,. • .. • .. • .00 $1.00 Corset Cover Embroidery 60c Fifteen or twenty yards fine Corset Cover Embroidery, ex- egu-ltra fine quality clloth,;finished with beading edges. Regu- lar $1, Saturdat ar$1,Saturday per yard.., 1040'0614x1114,.,4?•.r, .1..•.4.•,., .lii0 60c Corsetleover Embroidery 390', Fifteen yards Swiss Corset Cover Embroidery, good pat - ns' and strobg cipth. • Regular 60C, Saturday special per �1�• yard" 41.'44.1•••4414.. . 441.1, 44*•4W11414,• Y.1.9 DIRECT ntiPolarries : "'` /.nveonr, t; Nr • } Dec orate Your ,.own. IN MANNER"BECOM*.NG THE SEASON, THE STYLE, YOUR PURSE, AND ABOVE ALL YOUR INDIVIDUAL. TASTE WE CLAIM OUR'AS4 SORTMENT TO BE EQUAL TO •THIS. WE THINI. WE HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY ; WE KNOW WE HAVE THE POPUL- AR. GOODS AWD THAT OUR PRICES ARE • RIOI-IT.. OUR STOCK HAS PLEASEEDr MANX. PEOPLE AND IT PLEASES US TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE PLEASED. IF •YOU WANT' WALL PAPER LT SWILL COST YOU NOTHING TO SEE OURS. IT MAY COST YOU SOME- THING .NOT. TO, W. D. FAIR. CO. Often Cheapest :-Always Best Captain and ' Mrs. McTaggart are in. • Tor nto. Miss Mabel Lanxton • spent Sunday in Goderich. • Mr: James ' Stevens was • in Goderich .. over Sunday. ' Mr., Johh'. Moffat of Dundas was home Over . Sunday. • Miss Jessie Caldwell ' has returned home in Toronto: Mr. Frank, O'Neil returned last Saturn hay' from ;Moosejaw, Sask. Mrs. A. J. Holloway ' spent a; scouplp Of .days.• in_BIyth,last..weelr. •. Mr. Walter. Saults and .daughter, God- , erich, were in Clinton on Sunday. • I Mr; F. J. Stroud of lie Molsons Bank; has 'been transferred to. Alvinstone. Mrs. (Dr.) Smith and Master Kenneth. of Bayfield :w'ere in town yesterday Miss.. 0. Crawford of. Dungannon is at present the guest of 'Mrs E. Cantlel- . _•; on, Miss Norma Sperling will spend ' the. 44th with Mr. and Mrs. S..0. Rath -i we11, -Miss -Lizzie, Tiawhill of 'Dundas is spending : a . 'week ab;her .homy in town' Mr, • Walter . Jackson returned from Hamilton last night His'brother IS very ill. Mrs. McCallum and -child ` of Seaforth'. were t guests lasFriday of Mrs. W. -, T. O'Neil. • Mrs. R.. C. Belcher returned home on Thursday from a visit. to friends in St, Thomas., Inspector Weatherall, Toronto, visit ed the Collegiate on Thursday and Friday last: Mr,. McTaggart of Blyth spent Sun- day at the home of Mrs: Thompson,: Albert street. • Revs.:Tolliffe, Greene and Kerr • .at traded the District meeting in God each this week. Mr J. W. Elliott is in- the southern part of the county this week buying horses for his livery, Miss Cowan, C. P. .telegraph oiler- ator,vrill spend'' the • 24th at. home in Mount ,Forest. Mr.: and Mrs.: C. N.• Reuther and fam- ily of • Berlin were gueS:ts of • , Mrs. Stroame over Stwiday.. ' Miss Nellie 'Robinson returned on Tuesday after spending a few days with friends near Varna. Mr. Harry Stevens: has retuined from. St ,Mary's where- he- was engaged as baker for several months. • Mrs. J C. .Barber and daughter. • • Gladys, Willie, are guests .of, . her • sister, .Mrs.. S. 0: Rathwell. Miss Jessie Barton, ' clerk' at New- . combe's,is spending a •couple of weeks' holidays at Wroxeter: Mr. W. SimpSon drove a load of. Brucefield Templets `to Eeniniller and back on Tuesday evening. Messrs. 1.1. B. Chant and R J. Cluff attended a.mget,ing of Mallock Chap- ter,.: Seaforth, an 1114onday' evening;. Mt William Barge Came home , last funeral •of has 'brother, the late Alf. night from Chicago to attend the I Marge.. Mr. Robert Dunbar, brother of Rev. W. it Dunbar • of the Bo1n esvilla- parish, has joined the Maisons, Dank staff as junicfr. • Messrs. W, Jackson and: J. iliseman xeproaented the lawn bowling • club ata meeting held in ' Stratford on Wednesday. • Mr. 0, H. Pugh via joined, last week by his wife and family. They have taken. up their abode on Rattenbury street next Dr. Gunn's, M. T.. T. Murphy and his mother, Mrs. H., ]Viui'phy, left yesterday for Aylmer 'to attend the funeral of Miss Annie Gibson, niece of Mrt. Murphy, Mr, R. ;i. Howard, who formerly clerked. with Marland 53 rot., left yes- terday for La Pere, Mich,, where he has secured a :position in a hard ware store. Mr. .fames Old of, Caledonia is this week visiting Mr. D. B. . 'Kennedy and other friends in Clinton. Pifty-' five years ago they attended the sanity Sunday school. Mr, E. Mole, manager of the eltetrie. light works, Seafarth; and Mr. It Stalker, head sawer at Anaent's mill in the same town,+were in Clinton ori Saturday on thntr way .to visit .Auburn friends over Sunday. f:),Paz, Just Six Weeks -More For Voting. • nd .life two.Iuc,ky .iailies•"will be on our free trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. Get in Boar votes. EverU vote Counts... All.coupous transferable. Get your friends to collect coupons for you. Be one of the Lucky ones.. You Can.. Miss Fanny Iiibha... ,,, 1405 Miss MabeiLannon.., ,:.. 1405 Miss Rena Pickett..., • „, . ,.., 139'.1 Mrs. U. U. Rance,.,, ...,... 1265 Miss May_" Rance.... ..... • • Miss M: Lappine.. .; '1085 ,Miss Lou Little. , , • , 1010 Mrs. A. Beacom....., • •,,..,, 530' Miss N, Beacom, ., ':. , 815 Standing of the Contest. Mies ,(da. Lindsay , , , . Miss Hattie Holloway Mfrs.. John Me0iacherty • Mrs. R. Carrick,. . ...., . Mrs. S. Switzer . • ,. ,,.., • ,; 4 Miss Gladys Switzer ..,,,, , ...... Miss May Holland Miss G. Sage Miss J. Rutlede.........' ,.,. 605 800. : 520. • 250 45 245 245 230 Miss D. Walker Miss N. Steep Miss 0, Shipley Miss "C.Steep: ,,... .. ..,, Mrs. J. C. ()rich Miss S. Nott..... .. Mise S. Haddock . Mise L. Potts Miss C. Ford. 2 210 210 210 '205 . 205 205 Big Bargains on . White . Lawn Waists for Satur. dag Only. A clearing line of f usl,In Waists from one of manufacturers prices, and we are passing them on to $2 Waists for $1.48 New fine White 11`luii Waists, silk em- broidery fronts. several new styles, dainti- • ,. ly trimmed with laces, two new designs. all sizes . regular $$2 00 for .g 1..48 .. Children's: Straw Mats Just received a new shipment of Chil- dren's Straw .Hats, several new styles inI.ori the lot, fancy bands, etc., from 28c up. to • rIOU • Summer Milliner The very newest in Nair Summer Millinery is here in great'variety. Call, and site the. new Merry widow Straw Hat. Coupons for the trip to Toronto contest given With cash sales. bliss Cantelon.4 Co. the largest manufacturers, at less'than yau, $1.25 'Lawn Waists 98c New Lawn Waists. insertion .:fronts, three-quarter sleeves, . two very , dainty ' styles; sizes 34, 36.38 and 40 only, regularp $1;25, Saturday and Monday,,,,,,,,,,,, , ■9D.. $1.5o :White• .Muti Waists $1.10 New' White Mull Waists, tucked ' and insertion fronts, two very 'dainty designs, nn all sizes, regular price 31.50 for U $1.75 White Mull Waists $1.25 'New Mull Waists, in:silk embroidered fronts,. pleated, two styles, in all sizes, re• pular $1.75 for . , f r2 ENTERTAINED ON BIRTHDAY. Master Murray 'McNeil entertained a, i' Mr. nunnber of bis • friends on Friday last oldest r s Seventh. in.honar of. hi eve birthday. , � I ':�Raber NEXT MONDAY'S PROGRAM. •l dent of case. The ,program for next 1VIonday Will Rev, • he as, follows : • ` • ' the, De. Toronto, Football match: at 10 80, Bayfield vs.Toronto Clinton. At'2 o'clock.•la'erosse match • Capb:. • to be fellow.ed by athletic events and to conclude :with the.first lacrosse adcharge match, Clinton vs..Goderich C. l' s for to the trophy. The Citizens' .band will $elf up. 10,0 0. furnish .music through the day, and give a coneert.in .the evening. ' - Donald of Grey . Sao 'while Toronto. Michael' GENERAL' NEWS. George 1'•'T.. Percival, one of the residents of Watford, is dead: t Stoddart, a well-known rest- ._ is dead kern heart lis-. Donald• C; Hossack, pastor of Diet Park Presbyterian` church, has resigned' to contest Nos thi: as an Independent 'L beraL Neville Harbottle, wanted on of embezzlement, has return- Edmonton, and has given him- 'He was batted in the sum 'of: McLaughlin, 28 years :of age,. County,. went. violently in- ile:attending a convention .int lie is under restraint at St. Michael's C.PiTNTOAr GENERAL' NEWS. '. The C. P; R. storehouse at North Bay Was ,destroyed by fire. North Waterloo Conservatives nom- inated Dr, Lackner for the Legisla- ture;. Hospil.al, .Toronto. The first oars • from ' the Preston Car and Coach Company: have been turned out. They will be ,run 'on the South- .western outh.western Traction Company's line out of St. Thomas. hOirolltilefer Shoe. ' We have secured the exclusive agency for the famous'Ainericatt Walk -over. Shoe for . Clinton, and invite our friends to call and see a full and complete line in the various shapes, sizes and widths..: ' The Walk•Over Shoe, because of its' general excellence, is sold in 44 countries. and is ennceded to be the height of s hoe p . erfec• \l_ tionby the world's wisest. dresser S. ¢ii�o't�t]tx',y We cordially Invite you to visit ut end inspect these goods ,_ ,;ter►� for yOuraelf. , iRRDENARNRE6.USPl�1C4E C. UMW roti a treat .job in repairing give us a call. ' e ''Victoria Block4.41104401.0,060111011041160414.16,1111.04,4114 Clintttlix J. TwitcFe' 11 .Sons s s t ity'iiShMilhiiieI For • : ictoria Day J • Our milliners have prepared another lot of the newest creations in Hats, for Saturday, and if you want something decidedly different for Victoria Day, visit our millinery show room on Saturday. Some entirely new styles will be shown for the first time, and you will be surprised at the moder- ate prices we are asking. A dozen or more pretty new Hats for girls will also be on sale Saturday,:' • all moderately priced. Children's, Millinery Special Fifteen only, Children's Flops, trimmed with flowers and taffeta silk^ribbon, pink, pale blue, white, etc, Special Saturday •. . , ,,, i.a.5 - We Can Suit in Holiday Needs Splendid Assortment in the Follow* ing Holidan Wearable$ r. Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Belts, White Underm usli ns, Short Coats. Parasols, Wash Suits Neckwear, Underwear, Waists Ribbons, Skirts, • . `Veiling, Etc., . Etc.,. Etc.` *•I