HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-21, Page 5YL*iy gist, 008 The Clinton News -Record GOalelida TOWItiSkip * Bethwell of the Beyilald Itne OhmVed the 74th Anniversery of Ide IltirtdaY au tiu �tb ef this Month. Ifit Wee bent i ederialt but when eittilee yeueg his father took up land On the Goshen Wee* Stanley, Atter cleaeleg this terra he moved to the Pa004 Lilie and the WM uPon Which: the family then eettlrat still emirates the Pesseedon or Mr. RathWell but the ilialaagelnent. Some table Mew de- ValVed uPon hie son, Mr, John Itath- Meneber of our township council. Rathwell, .has suffered much from beefily ills the past fouple of years 'With which he has borne With great Ilatience and pluele Here's wishiag him many happy returns of his birth- day. Varna vt George Coleman sold a valuable horse to Mr. Hanford of Exeter. Mr. Robert Stephenson, Parr Line, is having his house veneered. Mr, Cud - more of Homan has the contract, and 'when completed Robert will have an up-to-date dwelling. Miss Pearl Duncan spent Sunday un- der the parental root. Mr. George Anderson attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Cox of Clod- erich on Monday. A uumber around here attended the funeral of Mr. Thos. Brownlee ef Hayfield on Monday. 'ChestereP. Gamble, a reporter on The Ottawa Citizen, and Aubrey Monk were drowned by their canoe be- ing swept over the falls at Black Rapids. s Preston has signed the Hydro -elec- tric power conera,et for 600 liorsepow-, er at the rate of $23. Mr. James Gilmour, ex -111. P. . /or West Middlesex is dead. 641itESS swe "SETSTHE SHOE FASHIONS* 1 , il $ 4.00 This beautifully designed style is made of fine Patent, Colt with dull matt tops, and is one of the -up-to-the-minute Blucher styles. Although we offer this style to you for $4.00 it looks and fits better than most $5.00 shoes. ****4044.440,044•404........***44.0•••••••••.44.114.40...4 Miss Rowed,Formedur of Auburn", • The News From Goderich ELOISE A. SKII1MINGSt Ct;rrespondont • 14•10.1444 IMMO. it••••••••••• .11414.4NIP *INK HAN.... eseeper Additional Gederieb, News on pep M. and Mrs. Jamieson Reid, luxe t wagain reFrossed the Atlantic, and M°.r. aud Mrs. Henry Tichboturne have looked wonderfully well on their re - removed from the Welsh estate, to turn, Mrs. Reid was anxious to es” the leme on S. Natick $t. now the cape our winter, but at her home in property of Captain McIver of Ottawat Ireland, rain fell anatead of snow. ' Mr. Harry Donogh returned to Goderich, his old home, on Saturday after an absence of many years. Ile has made hie home in Nevada, but era be the guest of his sisters, the Missee Donogh, for a short time. Mr, Tont McKee was seriously ill last week, at his Angelsea residence and his life is diapaired of. Miss Mabel Saiderson is one of D. Hayden's assistants. Miss Echlin •has °re-engaged with, goEWan Bros, as an assistant. Mr. Craigie has been, presented 'with Ane.St. Bernard (tog weighing an pounds,, the donor being his brether- ie-law at Stayner. Mrs. Burkholder is 110 better. She is now confined to her bed. Miss Jeenie Bell will leave for a ttfp.to Europe tweet month. Mr. Lew Doherty's first honor from the S. S. workers is beim made sec- retary for North street S. S., sue- ••••• The steamer A. P. Thew arrived on Saturday 9th May from Alpena, with 10,000 sack e of cement. •far the break- water, • We truet that the schools of Goa- erieb, will be prepared with flag staffs so that ona"Empiees Day," the flags which are to be presented each school will be unfurled, We hope the trusties= are alive to the fact, The death took place in Gederich on Saturday afterneon of • Mrs. Jam- • ceedieg Monty Colbotne. • es Cox at • the age of • 63 On SuUdaT evening at VietCsria •St' Mary Logan, and she was born in Ab- erdeen, Scotland, coming to this court:, try when shewas •about. 20 years- of age., After her marriaee sheelivee in- Goderich towuship uetil e little over 20 years ago,' When they. moved) to towel, and Mrs. Cox and, her deighter,, Miss phernia, had lived together •since then, Mr. Horace Newton . of Toronto, is another • daughter of the deceased, end W. J. Cex of Gederich and Thomas Coe of Grated= township are sons. of the *Ceased. . The. :funeral • took place iVforiday afternoon. • Contractor „Birmingham ,star ted work to -day, putting a caging in posi- tion for the breakwiter and • intends starting the cement work right' away. Captain Shaw and Quartermaster McTaggart of Clinton were intown • recently locating over tins proposed site ' of thurnilitary camp at Goderioa. • • Owing to the resignation. of De, W. J. •R. Holmes as medical heelth offi- cer of th:e town of el-oderich, Dr. Hun- ter was appointed to the position at the meeting of the council Friday night. Master Reggie. Elliott, second son of Alderman George M. Elliott, Pass- ed his S. P 5 examination with •balers; at Toronto University, • • • ...The chestnuts in Harbor Parke ,are 'keeping up their repetition. • years. Mrs. Coe's maiden. name was church, Rev. Mr, 1V1illyar4l tgok for his text St. Matthew, 16-26, ."Fer what is a man profited,if he shall eive the whole world, and lose hie own soul a or what shall a man give in exchange tot las, soul ? The sex- mon"avas as powerfulas the subject warrants, yet he said the problem was easy to solve. 'Nothing' wail the answer to -both, but he enumerated a great many. • persons mentioned' in Scripture who were Oe the losing side Before the sermon the. choir sang a •pretty new hymn "More about Jesus would I know,".. At the offertory Mr. • Sydney Belcher sing very pleasingly "Joy and Light." On Sunday , next, Rev. J,' E. J. lefillyard of, Ilderton, Sea of the pastor, will preach ie. Vic- toria. St. church, either at morning or evening, service. „ The verandah that has dote • data' for years in freest of the King Edward hotel, came to grief • one day last week, •which necessitatedits a.mibila- • tion: However, • by the time •. The • "News -Record" again makes its ap- pearance, we trust that a fine stylish verandah will be noted in it. . The county. Convention of Teathers will hold an rattertainthent this even- .• Killed bu a Grand Trunk Train. The following from the London Ad- vertiser of last Saturday will to read with mournful interest by, the people in and about Clinton, Blyth and Au- burn. The family of which the unfor- tunate young lady was a nieMber for- merly lived in Auburn and him broth- er, George gclgar ("Ed.") was for a couple of years Grand Trunk freight agent in Clinton: Terrified by an approaelting train, Miss Sarah Bowed, of 35.6i Princess avenue,. a nurse at the Victoria Hos- pital, iumped, in front of the/can- at the Egerton street crossing and was •instantly killed. The accident ba- pvne4 shortly after 10 o'clock last evening. Coroner • Ferguson was notified and took charge ot the re- mains.. An inquest will probably be held. • • Last evening Miss Rowed and Miss S. S, Sutherland, nurses at the Vic- toria Hospital, secured Permissiotv to go to Dorchester in order to visit Mr. James Gilmour, Who was very ill and who died during the night. ' It seems that arrangements for the drive could not be completed as early ai diesired; and as a result a start was nera made Until nearly 10 o'clock; Mr, Charles Cowan, a • cousin of Miss' • Sutherland, accompanying the ladies. They reached the Egerton • street crossing of the Grand 'Peewit,.• and crossed the nprth group of etracke, the main tracths, but as they apProached the south block ea train shoeing was dimly seen. ' • Miss Sutherland, who . was driving, asked Mr. Cowan if .she would Melte •••••••• For Little Babies I Live Stock Market. • Coroner Ferguson was notified and Was on the scene shortly after the accident. Mise Sutherland was in a laglay nerteaus state this morning, end gave the following • story to The Attvere tie= "We Started shortly atter 9 o'clock, intending to go to see Rev. Mr. Gil- mour,' an old bleed of mine, who is, very ill at Dorchester," "Aliso Rowed was to have made ax- rangetnents, but her escort could not go, so 1" asked my cousin, Mr. Charles Cowan, to go with us. • We reached the track all right, and cresee4 over part of them. I saw the ear aliati Of me, moving slowly, and I asked Merles,- if I would xnake it. He seid yes. So I drove. up, and we got acreee safely, although the car wes quite close to us. I did not notice Miss Rowed jump, as. I was busy with the • horse. I heard' Charley say : "She's killed," I asked him who was killed, aud he told me Miss Rowed. I was sitting on his knee, and so did not miss her, Be looked after she had jumped, arid saw her faal on the track just ie front of the ear. She screw -eel and that was all. They wpula not let me see het at all." • Miss Sutherland is quite' .positive• that thesewas noligrt onthe rear of the box at, which passed overMiss Rowed. It was very dark also, she • said, as none a the lights is, tacit sec- • tion of the city were lit. • • The Grand Trunk officials state that the accident, =erred at ' the :.-And Big. Children T°r6at°, MaY 48-tIL-4 rnft -6f 89. loads, with nearly 1,800 head Of cattle' Baby's Own Tablete is good for en made (eke a heavy run at the Union children; from the feeblest baby whose Stock Yards to -day. This was.; in life seems to hang by a thread to the fact, .the heaviest run for some tame sturdy boy who occasionally get i his paet. In. .•conse.queried .of the . lager •digestive ornens 'oub of order. Baby"e offerings trade at the state elf was -a .Owe' Tabthts •proraptly cure all stone iittle slow, butchers taking .yriore thee aele and bowel' troiiblee and make Sick to look around,. and evidently expect - and ailing children' well and strong. ing.a, .drop in pricee, The deem came, And this medicine is absolutely safe..., but it was got so heavy that it could atbe mother has tile .guatantee of a be heard eery far away. Trade began te IlloVe, and very soon became quith brisk, and the 'weigh-aeales were kept; busk. Prices were found to be a little easier than at the close- of last .weelc's markets, the, decline on: an average. amounting to about 20 cents, some 'dealers claiming a little more, some e little less, while .several aela.; that • there was no •dropet all, particularly on good .cattle. . • • The, • quality ot the *cattleoffer#ig was 'a very fair 'average,.. some very 'georl , and mine very bada. government aealast - that this is true: Mrs. •Alfred -Sralklard, -lIalaimand, pee, , says.:: " I.have used Baby's Own Tablets for conetipatiOn, ' stomach trembles and • aeetlessnessand tea them e splendid medicine. They. have • made my little one:a healthy, fat \and .resy .child,. I always keep a box of • Tablets in tny home." . Sold by medicine dealers or by •mail •et 25 cente a box. from, The Di. Williams' IrMadicine Co., Brockville. Ont, coating the usual rough canners. • The manager .of the Taft Preside!? . There is a good export demand. 'rhc . R. J. cluff tial canvass has announce d that • the Did Country markett are strong .and . 1 Secretare for War is terlain ' to get supplies are reported to be short. . 1 ' •• , the. Republican nomination on the firet Sheep and lambs are st?ady, with Sole Dealer - - Clinton 'ballot. • - • light offering's. . I.• Geod veal calves are holding fairly r. steadY, with ligh er runs. • Cowan told her to go ahead, and urging the horses, she got across all right; when suddenly Cowart sbouted, "She is killed," Miss Sutherland eould not under- stand, and asked, "Who was:killed?' Then she thoked and missed Miss Rowed. 44 -4 -4 -1 -+/++44+++++++++++ -t++.4, -t+±.4 -+.7+.47++-V-++++++; . The .hog market-. is weekot bat Un- 1•21, The MOLSONS-BANli ' .. =anged from last decline " Th • erun was 89 loads, • 1,781 . head Of eaAtle, 19 sheep, and 95 boo, INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1855. land 174 calve. • Capital paid up 63,337,500 00 Reserve Fund 0 I ,337,500.00' Export-Wierket steady at r$5.50 to HEAD OFFCg, MONTREAL • 4. ; medium, $5 to $5.25; bulls, • $1 Butcher --Market easier; choicest Egerton street croSsing. The 4reve wero shunting care on the south, sec- ti�i they do every night. Switch- man Eli Heatherlie was in charge, and when. the party drove up' to the track, he called a warning to them. No attention was paid to this, and •the Party. drove on. When directly 15 • front of the train, the young lady Cowan hastily jumped from the 3umpe4 out, and the car passed oyer rig, but it was too late, as the tfain her, death resulting instantly.- The car had ' passed - over Miss Rowed, and was not going fast, the men .stated, she was horribly mangled. • ' and was istopped within a cay length It seems that Mise Rowed, who waN Or so: sitting ..on tbe left side of the bitggy The late Miss . Rowed Wan the became frightened as she reached the 'daughter of Mie. Margate t Rowed track, and jumped., alighting an •the 350e. Princess avenue . She • was 22 tails almost directly in front of . the ;years of age, had - been a ntirse in train. e . • • • training three months at Victoria The jump caused her to all, and Hospital, and was a very bright and before she could regale her feet, One popular young laxly. She is 'survived car had 'fused ovet her. Switehmaii by her mother, three arothere, Frank Eli Heatherby saW the accident and W. and George •Edgar, with the Na - called to the engineer to stop, and the trona' Drug Corneae= ; Samuel Hs, a iiefetteniete-iiti was taken out travelereand three sisters, Mrs. J. E. :Life was extinct, and the body was Fawkes,. E.64 Queen' a aVatie ; Mis .1 rethoved to Harrison's 'undertaking, C. COok,St. Thomas, and Mrs. Rev. Parlors. „ K. McGowan, Dutton. • DIRECTORS: mr M. MOLSON MACPHERSON' . .. President S. H. EWING .. . . Vice.Preeident W. M. Ramsay, J. P. ClOghorn, 11. Markland Molson, Lt . -Col. F. C. Renshaw, Wm. O. McIntyre. James Elliot, General Manager, A. D. Durnford, • Chief Inspector and .Superin. dent of Branches. W. H, Draper, Inspector. W. W. L. Chipman, Campbell, AsSistant Inspectors. SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received and interest allowed at 3 per eent.from date of deposit, compounded 4 times a year SPECIAL. ATTENTION given to all branches of Farmers' businebs. Sale notes cashed or collected on favorable terms. • ' C. E. DOWDING,. Manager .CLINTON *44++++++:+++++++++++++++++4+4-'+++++44++++4 aumf' • • `mormirrone WeisseliiiiWIANWNNWINWWWIMAIWNWIWAWNW.WateWietiWrit 3, B. HOOVER. NELSON BAL L / • PUTTING evergthing to- gether just right has a lot to do, with the appearance cot' a picture. " • ql‘1644 Picture Frames. Add to or detract front the effectiveness of pictures consi d erably, tt is a speebiefaity of ours t� make the f ratite suit trio picture. We like permit) to soy how beautifully our frames and their picturea agree. You will say it too if you will let us do sotte•franoing for you, We invite you to inspect nut stnek or Vomit ere which is corn. !sloth In every line and our pukes are as low as the loWest, We ere the sole agents far the fatnotsq ilearcules springs and Ostotoornia Wessell; • • • ./ HOOVER & BALL ;Furniture and Funeral Directors. MAYMOMMUNWAYNYMYMAYMPAWANWOMMMYMNINMWOMCWOM MAW M • picked butcber, $5.35' to $5.75 ; good; .$5 to $5,25; common mixed ,cattle, sterala at $3 to $4.25, , Stoelfers-500 to 700 pounds, steady at $8 to $3.75. • • Feeders -Good heavyat $4:25 to , . $4.50. Sheep -Market steady ; ewes, to $5.25 ; yearling 1 anabS, grain -fed, firmer, at $6,50 to $7 ; common, $5 td $6. •' Hogs -Market weak ; selects at $5,..7 .75 to $.5.80, f.o.b., at gotintay pointe. - . Marriages CHOWEI41--DOVVZER=-In Clinton on • May e1st, by . Rev, Dr, Stewart, Mrs: M, DOvvzer to James G. • Chown, both' of Clinton. • HAILIE-sCARDIFF-At - the . resid- ence of ;the bride's mother; on May • . 6th; by Rev. II: M.. Lang -Ford, of Brussels, James Bailie of Elmo., to • Mabel Victoria., youngest daughter of Mks. Thos„ Cardiff of • Gray • township. •PASSMORE-4100PER-In Winnipeg, on May .0t11,• Arthur J. Passmore, '• son' of Henry', Passmore; Themes Road, to Oliva •Hooper, daughtet or the • lett Nelson. Hoc)* Of Ex- . • Leadhury Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Toronto are the guests of the latter's parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fulton, Sr. Mr, aid Mrs. Nesbitt were visitors at the batter's mothers, Mrs, J. Kin- itey lait week. " A Union Sunday sohool was organ- ized at Leadatiry last. Sunday. .A fait attendatice is recorded, . •`Mr. 'rhos. Kinney eaid a. dying vieit to Listowel last week. A LETTER OF SYMPATHY. Brucefield The football team played 1 Howell on Tuesday evening, Drucelleict playing with eleven men while Howell had twelve. There were no goals scored on. either side. The return match will be played in Brueefield next Wednesday evening. . Mrs. A. Johnson, who has Iseen-Yia- Meg her daughter at St. Helen's, Wee taken quite sick and is still very low. .ele jams Macdonald is on sick Mr. '$. Cooper has been having some very successful gravel bees, The Misses Gray en;tertained iheir friends to a dance on Friday evening. A most enjoyable time is reported. Me. James McGee of the Mill Road left Friday evening on a two mentlist trip to Ireland. He • will be accent- wlea by his • brother Harry from Toronto. James regaled very muck being absent during the citation cam- Patgu• Mr.. Geo. Swan has, completed his • delivery of trees., etc, tor the Iona. nursery. They report a very successful, season. • • Miss Lottie Prime, who has, been traaellittgfor a London hpuse, spent • a few days with het' father. Miss Marion Malts intends re -roof- ing her store house. •' Mr, Geo. Hart has an egg waggon on the road, he inthads keeping it on for the summer, • „ • Mr. Jas. Jamieson foreman, for he Levras-Jefferies evaporating Co,, Thel, ord spent a few days with Drupe Bos- senberry. • He may start an evaperetor here in the fall. It's' just what we need. Messrs. O'Neil, Brown and Clark visited in Kippen on Sunday. eMesses. Wm. Swan and L. Ban,ner made a btisineas trip:to Clinton Sat- urday. M. and Mrs. J. T. Reid attended the funeral of Mrs. Reid'e cousin, the late John T. Elliott of Porter's Hill on Sund.ay. • ' Mr. II. R. Laird and lady Mend visited Hayfield oh Sunday. •, Miss Ashes Whittingham, Clinton Made' a ehorl, cell in town 'Wednesday. • The Temperance Lodge here' visited the Lodge at 13raimiller on Tuesday of this- week. There was a good turn out and Brucefield was Well represeet- the 'FLYING THEE. FLAG Every now and then somebody in Canada gets • up •and wornies audibly • because the people orauthorities in the Britieh Islands ere not sefficient- ly "British." •Lately it was ,.Sen- • ator Detaviile Who was shocked be- cause tibe Beitish PriineulVfinkter did not think it •necessary to ordee the British flag to be hoisted over • pub- lic buildings on Einpirc Day. If the Senator be blessed with a ,memory, he will recall that neich the pane) atti- tude w.as taken ter tae late,. British ralevernment in the .matter ef • flying the • flag evee the school houses .of the United Kingdom 'after the Manitoba, precedent. • Thus it is not- an Asquith idea that •• such clemensteations. ' of loyalty are not needed in the • -Crated Kingdom, but a univereal idea. at Westminster. • , . . Now this does not apply for t mo- ment to Canada.. We should rethem- berlba,t donditione are quite diffetent inthis country. There is not - the. • Births.. TOWNSEND-1n TiMicenniith on May • 18th, • to Mr. and Mit. • Amos • • Townsend, .a eon. • 000K -In Constance -on May 16ta, to . Mr. and -Mrs. Jag.:Cook of o, aon a-Lees•tilleberne. , • JACOHI--In Eeetet, on. May 106, to remotest notion m anybody s mtiid Mr. and MrsWin. Jacobi, • a that a generation may grow Up itrthe ' ' , daughter. • British Isles 'which will not be "Bri= -fish." There is no great flood of, foreign immigratione. spreading out Civet the British ceunery •and creating a well -scattered population Which, hag notgrown up under • Britieh inetitie tions and which may easily forget whet the flag looks like tinder which it is now living, Britain's .foreign imMigration is Pretty well doneentrat,- ed in the cities, and is not it all,like- HUllett Township : Mr. and MrS. Dominic Flynn visitedCLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ' friends in Staforth on -,Sunday.. , 040111.1.0.00011101PIPPPORMINIMOROPROMMIlt Fretty all. -Pa...per-' Helps more to beauti. fey the home than the fgrniture you put in, A roofurnished, We have the latest I m nicely papered Is half productions of the leading facturers and are selling tben2 at the price you would pay for much poorer stock if you were to buy elsewhere, . . We buy what you want. We know how to avoid the things you dont want.. COOPER'S 'BOOK STORE CLINTON ) , ENTER ..ANY: DAY SUPERIORITY • thoroughness, progressiveness', ut- ility, enthusiasna, expertness are Our watchwords'. .0ommereial, Stenography, Telegraphy. Mail Courses in any subject No . . . . . .• West Tuckerimith. Albe&-Turner' of. Clintpn....yisitett relatives here on Suaday. • Mrs. Robe tames rethrned home from the Soo cm. Wednesday last after spending the. welter.. With relatives there. She was accompanied as fox as Sarnia with Mr, and Mrs. Levi Song Who have again taken pp their reSid- grace there. Mr . Ernie and Miss Cora "Row - satire Visited Winehelsea friends ' last „ • The following letter explaies itself : Dear Drother Helyar-We your breth- ern of Court Clinton Noe 470 Z.0.. desire to express out sincere syin- Daft with ypu ill the irreparable ber- eavement which has been yours, In the f loss of Your beloved wile. While we Delete that no words of ours can in any way mitigate yetr grief it will he at least a little comfort to know. that .. ' We Share melt other's woes, 1• Our mutual burden's bear And often for each other flows ITit". ernPathizing tear. That a kind and 'loving providence who is "too wise to err, and too good to k 6 unaied" ratty be your comfort JIM mainstay, Pi the wish awl pray0 . of yea- brethern...-la. Drown, C, It., H. Penn: V-ct. it. 5. , '44 RECNOLDS-In Hullett, en May 8th, • • to Mr. and Mrs,. John Reyn,olds; GOVENL.00K.-In McKillo.p, on 'alo,y. • lath, to Mr.. and Mrs.. Robt. GOV- enlock, jr., a, daeghter. ' , Xi/Lathe , BARGE -an Clinton on May tetli, James Alfred (Alt.) Heege, .aged ly• to affect her political development. 38 years and -8 monthsWe here, on the olher band, have , WHEATLEY-In Tilsonburg 011 May children ,Coming up all around us who . 201,11, Phomas Wheatley, son of llart need to be familiarized with all the Joseph Wheatley of Clinton, aged. Ayinbois of the British Empire ; and 29 Years' '• who cannot, too often see the inspir 7 STEVENS-:In Clinton on May 20th, Henry Stevens, aged 74 years. BROWNLEE-In Mayfield on May 16, Thomas H. Brownlee, aged 34 • years. STI.IRDY-In Deliver, Col:, on • May 5th, James Sturdy, eldest son, of Walt= Sturdy, of Lucknow, aged like Sir Mackenzie Howell, . so the 20 yenee Wiadote, of. this, and are ever 'ready to insist that we proclaim our political ANDERSON: --.At Peterboroa on May, ailegiahee on ettery possible occasion. and, Thos. Anderson, formerly of A nation in the • making is in a, far Brussels is his 52nd year. SNELL-In Exeter, on May Oth, Jos- eph Snell, in his 54th year. RANSOM -In Exeter, on May Oth, ing red of the flag floating against the vivid blue of our Canadian sky. We have a new Population to ale - cath here ; and we cannot afford to lose any opportunity' to do eo. Staub= old .13ritisbers aftngiit us, different position than a, nation al- ready made; and a colony, about whose future people occasionally talk Sarah Hagshaw, relict of the late such ineffable nonsense as Justice Daniel Ransom, aged 62 years. •Logien did in New York the other HALLANTYNE-In Useorne, on May night, is not to be judged in such Mat - 8th, James Ballantyne, aged 62 tars by the sa,me standards as the Mo - years. • , ther Country itself. We had better fly PLACVER-Tri. Mullett Oil May loth our flags " Men a9 We decently eau' John Plaetter$ 83 years.and get our people to love he sight iviaccAivimox_:in staforth, on May ' fff them as the Americans love their '12th, Hugh Jahneton lefecCarninon# 'stars mut stripee ; and then No caw aged 18 years and 16 days. ,leave the queetioe of What is brat for T-ln darsouttine., Michigan, on Britain to the riders of the ?ritish • Tuckersmith, aged 68 /carp. -S. May Ith, John Thorp, forrooly of nation.-Montreel tar 1 John Harold, the only son of Mr. and Mts.-Thomas F. Edwards, of $t. Thomas, died ourldenly yesterday. !: Durt's feed barn at Strome was de- stroyed by fire on. Saturday night. Two horses were burned to death. , ' Mr. Otwo D. Ellis, one of tho best known fruit growers in the teaming - tory district, is dead. Tile preAptets for 1 great fruit crop in the Niagara district are repotted exeredisgly good. • • . z . wANtrzo vote GENERA.L hottsework,-Mrs. C. Dowding. 1•••••••••asimma West Northumberland Liberals 1111Tnir hated Mr. J. 11. afeColl for the COW 1110118 and Pilt, gatrill61 Clarke for tlat Legislature. Three alleged burglars were caught Ait Coteau Junction, They are suspec- ted of a scheme to rob the ProVietelel 13an't. ' .Mr. John Ashton of Bluevale called on Ws sister, Mrs. 'Rohe. White,: who is v.errlow. • Mr. Fred. .Pepper Purchased a very fine &tying colt from •Mr, Geo. Levis of Clinton. ' GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIP.AL. , • • MEETING OF THE HTJRON COuN4' . . ty Council. -The council of the cor-• • poration of the County of HUr011 --win-rrieet:in' the: '06-11 the town of Goderich, on Jtine the • 2nd, at the hour of 3 o'clock•p:m. Accounts against the county, requie. ing.settlement, meat be :placed with the Cle& previdaS to the above' date. • -W. Lane, Clerk, Dated at Godericly May the 18th, 1908: . • Learn Dress -making at Clinton We teach • everything front plainest shirt waist to :most elaborate' toil- ettepetters of Mornington is visit- Ole ; nett any liningbut alt „ter ing het daughter, Mrs. Amos 'Town- goods in 'C'Pate, Skirts, Waists, Wrap-- send. . Sleeves, 0 ildreu s Dresses, Col- laea, etc,- Why spend mantis at eehop :where, you • will do nothing but hem, overcast, baste, •sew On hooks and eyes and all. the little things you al- ready knew. before . you , went there, ,and after having served months thete; eeliat de you knew about•cuttitig ? Ab- solutely nothing t For. you will know no more .abOut cutting' at the .end 'Of a. year than you did the first day you Went there, ee why spend your time , there When we pena,eteeeLi : • . TO Mr. and,..arra. Amos. •Townsend; -1Ntay 18t1e Wei:Idea babyabee. Auburn Mr. Ches. Asquith left for Toronto last week. ' Mr. H. Heavens is drillieg a well for Mrs. Macdonald.. ' e The newroad to the statin is be- c•eou ' • Miss C. Sclater and Mr. A. 1,'. .Johnsl alttended the meeting of the East Hurl on Teachers' Association in Seaforth this.Week, the latter giving a parer )on "Simplified 'Spelling. . • Electors of South Huron • Has ...it Paid you to vote for I-Iarry Eilber to represetit you in the Legis- lature of the Province., of ontario ? • • days? The cost is smell, you. can • all afford fo try. • 'Charge for fullcouest is only .$10, includes The Ideal Tailor • Systexn which we give free, and evaich can readily be understood tti an hour. • We will teach at Clinton from May • ' 25th to June 5th. Hours from:T-8.20 to 5. All wishing to learn.'or • for full' particulars be sure to see -us • at the ; Normandie • Hotel on Saturday May 23rd. between 11 and 5 o'clock. - Examine the .folIowing receipts of your Miss Stewart, Instructress in Dress respective municipalities and •see wirat Cutting. • , • has been done to assist you in re- ducing your Municipal taxes by the Whitney AdMinis'trationle the mat- ter of receipts derived from railways, 10 cente per day is deducted for every insane, destitute Person confined in any provincial asylum, 'who has been vent from the differed muriicipelitiee -Or about 06 per year. This- meth has been found to. be a Ch0cl 011 an unfortunate • and, inikkesirable class of people who may be dumped, into this province froth other count -ties 'Marne Kr enCeavnia eeterll rnJRof •• RailWays Scho'Ola 1907 1004 1907 Senforth - - -- $170 60 $ Barfield, .... . 44.64 EXIAOr „ 143.36 Hensall . 65.60 Goderich Towns... 202.24 299,52 056.60 Hay . ........ 2110 16 364,611 1136,18 Stanley.... ..„ 172,16 313.06 1277,32 Stephen 333;76 461 1574.73 Tuckers mit h 1417 01 336,60 955418 Usborne 18036 282.74 • 1030,36 31817,92 02058.31 06930.87 Hotel Licenses • • 1044 100541 Seaforth $ 677.23 $1076.24 Hayfield .. 5567 273.44 Exeter . 423 48 555.82 Hensel! ..... ..... 13/.78 218.75 00d erleh TOWnship.. . 110,56 157'50 Stanley ........ ....... 62 22 105.00 Stephen 472.50 tiolcersmith105.00 u Sherrie ••••• ••••• 3112 ' 52,50 • .•••--- --• $181262 $30106.65 IIMIMM•1•11•11. • • Brussels. • One day' recehtiy a difference of op- inion' as to the loss suffered by . J. Grainger, farmer adjoining Brussels„ -om btine from the Brussels salt tvo s, owned by John Raniford of Clinten, flowing over a field. The mat- ter was laid before J. 1101cie of town, who was chosen to arbitrate on • the dispute. He will give his decision ha 4 week, the result to be accepted by both parties' as • final. Mr. Grainger says the salt is rendering the field re - 'failed• to valueless for pasture or any- thing else. There has been a system.. •of drainage, but at the present it seems to be ont of repair or insuffi- cient to remove the difficulty, The youngest daughter of Merchant 1V1oLltien had one of her hands badly damaged by • it being caught, by a. door at her father's residence, slamm- ing shut, Amputa,tion was thought to . be necessary at onetime, leit the hand may be saved.• , Mrs. James Sharpe' has been danger- ously ill during tho past. week, suffer- • other ailment. SeVerid of her faintly from London, St. Thome and Inger- :cgs:rem enlargement et the heart and soli were called home owing to her ill» •Conservatives etid In Mee *Wee in. Iteternore pate In the I. ..... • 3,030.0 1ncr61140 ..........••••*••••••••••••••••*“... 0 7.83.3 The equivalent to the Logi/dative avant for equipment and accommodation whieh is fur- nished by the county. viz., ii,508,67. Is included in the above rigures. ••••••16.4.A.A.1••••••.1.4.**Amie•Vaiimaiki Robrt McPhail of Guelph died at • Smith's Palls front iniurles reeeived•ihi a Partway molded. Capt. Charles E. gingsmill has.heed made a Rear -Admiral. • . William D. Shepherd, his wife and servant were murdered at Matawan, N. J.. • A claim. Wail made .at the Paper Mat investigation at Washington that Can- adian paper mills wereselling their Oiltallt at a loss. • •