HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-21, Page 2• a IF vimploommuimommoromiiiimilowso ....rintrry— • 0,,,,ACOIMAOYes re.44.1414.140,41 0+1144141114.014 I GoodDigestion Meaus<lood Health' 1 Oood Health I • Is Everyttilhg,. ••••••••••■■::—•••••••••• u youedigestion le not the beet lu the sisirld, try a hatle Of O. C I We guarantee it for Stomach FOR 1)0 CENTS Troubles. PURITY AUCTION UNDER - Piped ie instructed by the estate of the late Robert Downs to offer for sale on the Market Square, Ciiittok ou SgtardaY, May 23rd .at o'elock the following property : the house on nigh street at preeent occupied by Mr. S. II. SMith ; • acre ot land on Townsend street ; the buildlee' known as the Evaporator 'with acre of land; the stere 011 • Albert street next to Hoover & Ball's. The . Evaporator is eubject to a lease and all the property to a reserVe bid. Terms of sale t• 10 pe• e. Cent on day of sale; balance in 8Q days, A quantity of furniture will alSo be offered for sale MAW Same time and Place.—Jas. A. Smith, am - Baking Powder is the best made 25 CTS. PER POUND i" W. ' R. HOLMES 1Vianfg Ohm:Mat. 1•••••••••••••••.•••••••4 —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE- SIEltD CORN• WE HAVE ON HAND'. A LARGE QUANTITY OF SEED CORN. IT IS A 1 IN QUALITY) AND THE PRICES ARE. RIGHT. WHEN YOU NEED FLOTJR OR FEED PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US. IT WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT- TENTION. J. A. FORD Order Your Coal Now Place your order for your supply of coal with the under- signed and tees Sectire the low- est price and prompt delivery. Office opposite Grand Trunk passenger station. Telephone connection. • J. Hamilton Y. NEW MEAT MART.e-HAVINO PUB-, chased the butchering business- cars • ried on for some tease by. the Colelaugh B r o e.., We respectfullyt solicit a sheenof the patronage of the public which • we hope to merit .be keeping the best et meats and at reasonable prices. Give us ' call. Our shop is next to The News- Receel Office.—T. T. & Bert Murphy COAL. CEMENT FOR SALE.—I AM Agent for clinton end district for the National Portland Cement 00., makers of the best cement In the market, This is the only ceinent used by. the corporation of Clinton in the constrection se sidewalks, des —Mrs. T. R. Walker, 21 I HAVE THE SAMPSON BRAND - .of Cement for sale, in large and small guantities. There' is no bet- ter make of cement* en The Market. Office opposite - G. T. R. passenger station. Telephone connection or • orders may he left at Harland Bros. hardware store. if more convenient, • JAMES HAMILTON, QLINTON. ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY . NOW. THE BEST IN.. THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, • BUT IF ORDERED AND . PAID FOR BEFORE MAY '31st, A DIS- - COUNT O.F 40 CENTS- A:TON' WILL . BE ALLOWED.' Orders left at Davis & Rowland's will be promptly attended to. • W. J Stevenson Real Estate for Sale Clinton Neweeiltecora News. Gathered.' • for .News -Record Readers' 500 ACRES IN NURSERY STOCK. —Agents Wanted at once, to sell for Fall 1908 and Spring 1909 .de- livery ; whole or part time.; liberal • terms; tfit free.—The Thos. Bowman 4 Son Co., Ltd, Ridge- ville, Ont. • • P.APER:HANGING AND DECORAT- ing.—Good week guaranteed. Agent for. the • Empire Wallpaper CO. . Samples furnished, 10 cents a roll for hanging.- Your patronage re- speetfully selieited,—J..E. Cook. „ FARMS FOR SALE—ONE AND A quarter miles from church, post - office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh tonsisting of . 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and ;the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn, 52x60, driving house 24t6 with a cement • pig house underneath, are QII said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., directly oppos- ite said lot 27, eontaining 100 acres of land, 15 acres of which are bush. On this lot there is a bank barn 40x60. There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- eerdrained. A never failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be given at once. Terms easy. The proprietor is now past the age to farm.—Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt- reply will be given to all commtmiea- tions. • Feb. 13 08* DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will be at Holmes'. Drug Store, 'Clinton, May 28,, July 2 and 30. Glasses properly fitted. Diseae- es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. GRANO TRUNK RSYISLITNEAMY TOURIST TICKETS TO MUSKOKA • TtiviAtiAmr LAKE OF 13AYS, ETC. ON SALE ON AND AFTER MAY 1st. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS AT VERY LOW RATES • TO THE • NORTH-WEST Via North Bay, May 12th and 20th Via Sarnia and N. Nate Company. • Steamer • leaves Sarnia 5:80 p. May 13th atul 27th. Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, P. R, Hodges, 'Pottle Agent. A. 0. Pettis" Depet Agefit. 11 Y Aiu From The News -Record of May 22nd, 1889, " earBeisrave : Herb. Wheeler has n•covered •ro an attaCk or ineanlea. Geo. David of Clinton was a. visitor at 1301grave last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robb of .Morris visit- ed at J. A. Brandon's last, week. Mt. and 1VIrs, Jas. Nichol of Blue-. vale visited in Belave on Monday. The farmers are quite behind with their seeding, owing to so much wet weather, Mr, Stonehouse is recovering from an affection of one big toe, which) had to he take • Rev. J, J. Risme et Belgtave • and Rev. D. Perrie of Wingham exchanged pulpits last Sunday. •Mr, and Mrs, Carlisle have returned m frotheir wedding tour and are nice- ly settled in Belgrave. • Wm. Hopper has had a very, bad attack of sciatiea in his arm, whicieis, not getting much heeler. Mk. Solar is recovering from his ill- ness; he has rented- his house end, lot of a/hetet 4 acres to Chas. McCraw and has gone to live with his son, John, of East Wawanosh, . John' Putland has purchased the Ethel hotel,- and he with his family will. meve there this week. Mr. Put - land and family just moved to Bele grave last fall from Ripley, where he was keeping hotel and we are sorry to lose them in so short a time, Weed has been received in Belgrave of the death of Henry .McVittle of Bart, Manitoba, in the 75th year of his age. Mr. 51eVittie was a former • resident of Morris, and was' well known by the older people of NUS sec- tion. He with .his family moved to Manitoba about .twenty years ago. His Wife,. who was a sisterof James Owens of Belgrave, still survives, to- gether with two sons ane five daugh- Clinton, May, 22nd, 1089. Cuseednese.—Mr:•Colwell of Varna, was iii town the hthe r day Woking. up some lads Who 'when driving be- tween Clinton and Bayfield •on Good Frilla,y stopped their • horse, got out of the buggy and wantonly destroyed the windows in an unoccupied house belonging to Mr. Colwell, It Was an ant Of downright ,cussedness, and Mr. Col- well declares that unless the youths satisfy .the damages they caused he will make it hot for them, Hey There Hay !—Mr. James El- liott of Porter's Hill had about twentyetetuns loaded with bailed hay n Clinton the other day which was Wended' for shipment,east by the G. T. R. • James is a pusher. Prospective Donaicile,—The • St. Mary's Journal: The Ontario betel property in thie town bee been Mews-. ed of to Mr, James Moore, recently o� the Conamerciel hotel, Clinton. Mr. • Moore, who formerly resided in the stone town, takes pos.session of the Ontario hollse •on • first of October „next. The improved sidewalk from Din- sley's corner along Rattenbury to Orange St. will be appreciated by the public. nt would have been better to have had it widee ' Mr. David Walker of 'Tuckersmith, ex -Warden , of the county and a • long time reeve of hit township, was ber- eft last Saturday. ' his eget part- ner who died on that day aged 72 years. Burial took Place at Egmond- ville on Monday 20th. Deceased was PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING At40 Repairing .—The undersigned s is • prepared to do all kinds plate and organ -tuning and repairing,- and being a min at practical experience is able to • gintraatee aatisfaction. •Orders may, be left at VC'S. R Holmes' drug stote.—Ed, • .J. How aril, Clinton. . • •• . • START IN MAY • OR,. :JUNE AND FINISH A .(4-00D,;:,, COURSE OF TRAINING FOR STENOGRAPHER OR BOOK-- KEEPER BY NOVEMBER, • WI -ION GOOD POSITIONS ARE BEST OBTMNED n. ENTER •ANY DAY. NO VACATT.ONS.• FREE .CATALOGIJE. • . • .Centra/ Business. College YONGE & GERRARD.. ,STS., ' TORONTO , • • ,. • W. SHAW, PRINCIPAL ' . . aunt to Mr. McMurray of town. . •Piscaterial.—The other day Couneils. ler...Johnston' of Clinton went out to East' Wawanosh and returned with 70' Speckled. trout the largest of which measuredeleven and one-half inchee in leeeth. ' • Surninerhill, May, 22nd 18S9 There, will he a picnic. et Mr. Robt. thompson's on the 15th con.. God- erich township, on the Queen's • birth- clay..—it • will. be held in the orchard on the Plummer farm. - The orchard itself will n afford:ebundane shade and ample room , for croquet ete, There, will. also be football and baiebali games in elm field' adjoining, and a swing in the barn. .Come one, conic. all, and bring your baskets. • CENTRAL _STRATFORD. ONT. . , is ,the, lea.ding husinese, 'training School in Western Ontario. We give a thorough, •practical training en, Commercial Subjects, ISaac pitrnants Sharthand, Toueh Type- writing, and in Commercial • and Railroad . Operating. Each deearts meet is in the hands of experienee ed inetructers. We assist students to peSitions. Our graduates al- WaYs succeed, for our eourses are • the best. Get. our free catalogue and learn more about us: Yon may -enter now.. • Elilolt 6, MiLaohlon PRINCIPA LS *PREPARE FOR POSITIONS' paying froze $35 to $100 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT * TORONTO, ONE THIS' SCHOOL IS NOTED PAR AND NEAR FOR THE SUPERIOR EDUCA T I O'N GIVEN' TO THE•STUDENTS • . AND FOR Tnn RtiVIARK- ABLE SUCCESS OF ITS GRADUATES, COLLEGE OPEN TIM ENTIRE YEAR. BEGIN NOW. OUR, TRAIN- ING WILL MAKE YOU IN- DEPENDENT. WRITE TO- ,. DAY FOR CATALOGUE. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Corner Yonge and AleXander streets. oderich township,, 1889, Messrs. Burton of Stapletoe an* Carroll of Bidthiljeewere 'last week the guests of Mr P. R. Jowett,Bay- fields . . to nest in Dungannon cemetery on Mr. James Beacom had a number of Sunday .ast. His death occurred in bearers Were Masters Ernest Porter sheep worried .by dogs 'one'night last Colorado. s * • . Johnnie Felker; Cockburn Stan:, week Old two or them baYe . The funeral of the late 49bt• F9w- Jay"' Strachatt,• Stanley Walker,.., .died; , • 'let took 01' on Monday of last Kenneth Hawkins. Little:. "Georgie" A Mr.' Pennington, formerly of the ' week. The: deceased. was ninety yeers loOked like • scuOttired ist. - his little'cisket altho' he had been an in- valid .all his life: He was 15. years• of age' on March 22nd last. . We are .sorry announce the death of Violet Alice the iietie infanit 410,:igh-• ter of Mr. and •Mrs. P. Walker; iate of Befleyille, .on Meieday llth May.. The babe gave . great promise to her parents but some attack like pneumon- ia carried ber away, They laid • her jill-a-11-tile-4n her 'hand aaindell:.a;o'*unkde-•fhtevir 'little head With hyacinths and .other flowers . on hes breast. Rev. Mr. Jonee, pastor of the Baptist phureh, officiaeed at house and Maitland cemetery. • . '••• Mr, and Mrs J. 'A. NivinS; now Oc- cupy the cottage formerly: owned, and occupied, by Mrs. Young, now of.Sa.utt Ste. Marie . s • . Mrs, William • Johnston Otte ..her winter's illness, is now, we are glad to say, able to be about again. Mr. Lew Dolierte,. Insurance Agent 'of Clinton, 'was most fortunate, in getting the house on West Sti.,. owned by Captain Parione which has been removed some dirtance from the sidewalk, and materially improved. The Worrian's .Foreign Mission of Victoria St. chnich elected: on 1VIondast it the msideeet of Mrs. Ben. Hogarth the :following officers for the -ensuing year: President, Miss Hayni .lst Vice, Mrs. D. Bechanan • 2nd Vice, Mrs. D. Ferguson ' CoreSecretarys Mrs. George 51, ' Elliott• ' Secretary, Mrs. Bernie Wilson Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Milliae. . Tea was served Wont, 0 to 5 p. in. The •tables were beautifully set and there were lovely floweei upOn them. The first number on the program was an instrumental duo, by Miss Mitchell and De Lomat° Millyaxd, followed by the pretty satred hat "More at.tout Jesus would f' knoW," very sweetly rendered by the IVIieses Stella and Jennie Nicholson. "Over the, Line," a Gaderich - Goderich. Mr. Coats is the proud possessor et Mrs. Parkhill of Toronto arrived on 530 Tose trees growing in his gerdee. leth May, at the residence of Mr. Clintoners flourish in Goderich. ! John Kernighae J. P.., with who she towl°4,.. ojnin1SeastuSrrayil,11, poilsg.s/hClItyntlii cwont len- 1 wiCitaisstPeairind-bt'llerai:kuinJuleehrn'ston oi the S. tion with' Hotel Goderich. • ! N. Parent, has been rejoined this month a by, his . brother, wheelsmaa William We saw a traction engine with heavy Tow going through our town ' Johnston and watchman Murray. The one day last week. , The engineer not- 5, N• Parent Is a freighter a.nd carries icing that the horee belonging to the Vehoatt front Duluth to Kingston. C. P. R. Express Co. was statuking at i Mrs and NOS. A. H. Clement, 4014 their door, end he stoppod his engine the weels end With Rev. and Mrs, at Some distance from it, for fear of Clement, parents of the former,. re - an• y to :tha: nic ivirs. (Revo . min.. Mondayritb.thmeiaryh. ome. in • . Porto on yard for a beautiful bench of May 1 Mr., Daniel Ferguson is irnprovi g flowers, red and white lilies. l very, satisfactorily, after his very ser - This week, Mr. Reggie Ilarrieon re- bus illness. turned to 14s duty as Manager of ono 1VIrs, Horace' Newton of Toronto, of Allen & Co's Drug stores in Ot-. is beet called to the. bedside .of her ta,wa. We wish him a successful car- mother, Mrs James Cali; Victoria, eer, Mr. Reginald Van Valkenburg return - If uhrlitsiWs:Zedeinn:gka, again. on. v ey see e r sm.,. is • special 1Dinuagel4tiner on l‘tillocedEathy,Piarbereriabfgagiinn'agg committees, for. the holding. a geend miss cemeson eves suffering last BaZasai:leinofAauIl°sthet. furniture week in Alexandra' hospital, from to the late Mrs. James Reid, .took Mrs. A. D. Maven was visiting in plane on Saturday at the family res- 14041q.n. last week. • • ifdroMmimr7V:iniccitoriVilarstreoU ' ' ' Miss Hattie DOnogh is the guest of street, htshveehoret'intseovoene relatives in Detroit. , East street owned and lately °coup-Ie.:4 ed to his, home : at Norwich ori mon_ by Mr. Jame; Wallis of Bayfielde day afternoon,. leth May, having come Mr. William • Burrows, left on Sat- up to eetene tue foTherofof his /rime urday. for Winnipeg, whence he will the late Roy N. Harrison. • ' liter go on to Vancouver B. C. Mr", Mise 'Harrison returned 'on Thurs- Burrows is. Otte aetyriter. day 14th May to her duties at Sim - Mr. Fred. 1VIttrney -has purchasedthe old Kae driving house andstable. and• mr. esotnstehorLion'see.fH. GarHeadserirr fs. . afiss., is having it removed to hiS OWL pros, ihis m perty on Toronto street. Gardnee remains hoe and little, son Mrs. 'William Charles Jones of New- ton Abbot, Devon, Engia04, ,ho tam MAaetedra.ul-Ighatieelld.of mr. George , );iturow.s up 'her residence in Goderich, arriying ie, 'welearn, iii of fever, and we have in Canada in Match. 4" .e. ' been. told that She has never been mlt and mrs• A, 3:: Anstifi nl 'rnlies Well sine she was vaeeinatee Dungannon. , • Miss Mary Ryan spent Sunday 'last. at Nile. • 'Mrs. Roberts returned home on Fri- day last after spending 'a few days. in Goderich; • • Miss Frank •13rydges of Gederieh; spent a feir days . last week with friends here. .* - • s J. A.. Girvin left ler Winnipeg •last week 'afterevisitingefriendiebereefore Couple of :weeks. • • • Jas. MeMath tti Clinton, and Mrs. .Manners .of Wingham, visited their Mother'here last week, • Miss • Daisy • Ryan 'returned to the. Gs C. L 'on Monday last, :having . re- eovered_from her recent illness • Miss Verna McNally, who has • been for a. feu le,,ef weeks, is progress. - big. rapidly e -1/1eQuoid, of. Ashfield, also is reported to be inie The remains of Walter Sturdy, grandson of Robe. Sturdy, were laid . e, e , • -ka, Kansas, and family, are dontioneu Nrs. ,Ostrein no* occupies. the house in the frame house, fronting on . the 0.4 Victeria St owned by Miss Rey - extreme end of South street, • nett, who has bad the inner part., paint - Mr . Jordan who Visited Goderich in ed, ceiling walls and all., . , • • 1904; at the °peeing of the hospital, Mrs. James • Cox passed away on hae now come to.. stay. Ilis first public appearanee this month, Was at Saturday morning: Mr. Bert Hale made' hie debut . , in the deuncil ineetin•g, 'asking :Hits. the Gs C. I. A.stembly room, as a Worship the : Mayor, and Aldermen, what they were going to do with the . speaker, being the President of the Eureka Bible class... Nothing like lake he found on, his South street Scripture, 'Bert, to inspire calm He property; .formeiSy the Naftel lots, ma* a. very nice addresst on the .elas•• that Mr. Naftel expected would. be the big oyeeme of ism y. S„M. A., who Site for the. liospita,L. •• . gaye_iii, entertainment ••• fel httor of Thk: funeral of the tete iedWardsMisw-se the eveete on Friday. . . - . • land George, 'ion of Mr. and Mrs.. Ed- . - ward Wetted took place from the lam- . , , • - --,- riay alst, 1903 How Tour Blood ? It you leek stemstb, are meson*, bee. no appetite, don't :deep well. get tired easily* your blood 11 in had condition, no, cannot be strong without pare, richt blood. 'bode: fiersaparille makes good, etch blood and keeps it good. I tin purr, 111000 -"My little boy hod a eon- WoUltbrigitir.riv.! ialmeffe•flt:- I.46trx,e attly cured.' Idne. Lyrae. nem. Had No Appetite wee tenni:led riandfRATir ind had no iti_gmksgi""" iittiboo s4 cnn but klood'. rrT1/44 41.04,70.7=4*, ni erville.Wiscoasin. VVeakimoss-"I bless the day beard or Hood's Mwssasrill et. as it =trod roe of extreme weakness ofter‘grly. built ray husband 'for priournomr. end cored teeeple and blood -poisoning in our children.", .Sine. 11. A. Ossweirret. Box S, Embreeeino, Hood's Seminal -111a is sold everywhere.. 100 Does One Dollar. Prepared only by CP L Hood CO., Lowell. Melte4, 11.8. A. ily rceidence on Monday 11th May at . -- BAYFIELD. COURT ,OF ,REVISION. -3 ce:m.,Rev.. Mark Turnbull .officiatine e ' —Notice is , hereby given that the. at house and Maitland ceieetery. • On Courts of Revision of the Aesessinelet the pretty white casket were laid mane . Roll of the Velle.geeef' Bayfield will iloral_titbtites, amdag them a lovely telirs#,.. eses,; weessesse-e.Bayeeee wreath of pink, roses, and lilies.. tied - •A''''4K:A` , o• i , en-Tlies ay the 26th stay of May, with a broad White ribbon, with one f at 10.30 o'clk a. m., for the pur-. .dIttitirrOss • .the wreath on pose of. hearing . aud settling coin! were ' : plaints. against the said Assessment which the latters "Georgie" in gold." A lovely casket. bickfuet, the Roll. Perseus having business . at tribute of Mr. end .Mrs. George Per - the court' Will please attend at the ter, and a bench of white carnations said bine and *place without further from• Mrs. George Black. The • pall- • notice. --H. W. ' '• Erwin, , Clerk, Ray- . .fitid.:.• May leth; 1908. ... " . litirozi Road, near ' Goderich, has rented Mr,. Jowett's farm for a term of five yearg. , Londesboro; May 22nd, 1889. Where are you going on the 24th •? . Mrs. Robert Cole is impeoving. Joni' Braithwaite is on the war th with his book a lc • •• Mr. Wm. 1VIcSool is enlarging his outbuildings, W. Riley, contractor; Church Jingles—Rev. D.' Ramsay preached an able, scathing sermon in of -age and was one ef the oldest- reeT idents of West Wawanosh; • There passed away recently 'Mise Laura 'Disler, eldest daughter Of A, Disher, in her eighteenth: year. The eleeeased was a general favorite with all who knew her and her early death has cast a gloom over thel whele eont- munity,. The funeral took Place on .Saturday afternoon to DungOlion cenie eter and was largely attended. The services, at the house and the grave Were . Conducted by •Rev, W. A. Smith and Rev. b. M. Rutherford. The pall- bearers were Harvey .Treleaven, Gar - the Presbyterian church last Sunday don Stothiere, Harold Swann, Ross • afternoon; Rev. Mr. Rogers peeeched I Rutherford, Percy H'orri and John educational sermons it Belgreve, and Roberts. . Rev. Mr, Godfrey preached, hero Rev.1 ke; Smith; who preached acceptably • in the hall during thel winter, op Sue- Hullett Township day afternoons, has resumed the ser- • • viees again on the Rage Line. On .Sunday week the spirit a John Plaetzer took its, flight from this world at the age of.e3 years and. 13 Whitechurch . . days. The deceased bad been a. heal • - thy man all his life ,and Was only ill . Langsidc . is going to have a daily 24 hours,, the tame Of his death being mail service after June 1sta, isaralytic stroke. I•Ic was bore in , Thos., Mirehouse is preparing to put Genitally and came to Canada at the a cement wall under his. barn.' • age of 6 years, and at the age of 27 Robt. MeClenaghan purposes, build-' came to Hullett township and •settled Mg a neer.house this summer. , on lot 34, con. 14, where he has lived Mr. Wm. Taylor of the 4th con m eentinuously. Mr. Meese* was mar - going to build •a new. house this sum- tied' twice, his molt& Wife whom he mee, . ' , 'married 37 years ago, survives, with On Thursday lasts joy ca,me th the a family; of 5 Ohildren George home df Robt, Henderson by the ar- Youngblut, Hullett ; Mrs. • Goman, riVal at a little baby :girl. . _Brantford, George, AUburn, , and. John The frawrS are itt work on Harry and Henry in Xtiskekti. He was a Moab.' ' r hi h h is oin t inembee of the Evangelieal church; and esan,wo e g go imp add a straw shed to it, a Conservative in politics, The sym- , Miss Ida Everritt has been very ill" pathy of the • community is exlendect with la grippe, but we are glad to re- to the members of the family. port she is able to be arotinfl again. . THE4 NEWS-RECOUD 'WILL .• SENT TO ANY •An. DRESS /14 CANADA TO THE END OP 1 9 0 8 AND THE • wiimittY MAIL. AND • ?IRE 1011 ONE YEAR. POR 75 CENTS. BOTH FOR, 75 CENTS. • Mrs. -(Rev) DunCan attended the annual Convention of the W. F, 1St. S. at Toronto, returning, lime last Mon- day. Mr, E. Gaunt ispreparing to do some extensive draining on his farm this Sunimer, which will greatly add to the value of his already Valuable font. • Wm.:11e1Viiehael, Who is hired with Thos. Mirehouse, received word of the Serious Meese mother,,who !West in Morris, on Saturday last, and he at once went, home to gee her. Mrs, IVIclVliehael is well known molted Whitechurch, as the family lived here for Settle time. I.,ast week Mr. Ira Wellwood met With a Serious loss, which midtt`hAve been mote serious. Ile was burning some rubbish in the yaed, when it pile of wood, containing about 40 cords caught ilre and was burned. 11 it had not been fOr a. f Oar:LIAO wind, nothing could have saved the house. ' Hensall B. G. Sherrie ofs Hamilton has been transferred to the local bransii of the Maisons Bank. It. Higgins has rieturned from voeal solo, beautifully rendered hy Lha West and reports business at a Mrs. Buggins,. received much applauee, standstill and lots of idle men. Mies Ada Moore, gave a very humor - J, Steaey who had a contact at Otis reading entitled "Counting eggs," London: is home' again, having corn- whleh deligh•ted alL The vocal ducit pleted the work. by Messrs. Wells and Powrie showed Dr. Sellerand Station eget „King their vocal powers, to good Dela/ant- visited relatives in Kineardins over age. Our. MUSIC toeing young friend, lValter Marchant, wort much applause for his rendition of "The song that reached 'my heart." Miss Myra Mor- row delighted all with her recitation, "Bill lVfason's Wide" which showed that the juvenile "lVlyea Morrow" who Won so much applaus•.‘ in her eaely Sunday. • Mr. fl. Arnold has moved lido the residence on King St. Meetly vacated by Miss Jennie Murray, A number of Masonic brethern 'drove to Seaforth on Monday last and spent the evening with the Sltforth Lodge.yearg is on the way new to iittne. The brass band in again organized Mrs. Hogarth gave the W, P. 51'. S. and much enthusiasm has been nous- a lovely reception, -*dell they fully , ed Ittrioeg the boys. • • , CLINTON COURT, OF REVISION...7- Notice is heyeby, given .:that :the Court for the Revision; ef the Assessment Roll el the municipality of Clinton will.be:Iteld. m the coml.; • cil, ehamber on 'Wednesday the 27th ' of May at 10 a. rnfor the purpose, •' of hearing afie settling complaints ' against ,the said Assessment Roll. Persons having business at the court will please attend at the said time • and place without, further notie t L. 1 eel:thereon, Clerk, .Clinton May 811i 1908, . • 28•••3 'yew STANLEY COURT OF REVISIO0• 1 -- Notice is hereby given that the inCoeUnrttnotoltlheeRet thViesiotitQwnsOfuitpherSsteLs: ley..., will be held in the township hall. Varna, on IVIonday,,,t • 25th a May at 10 a. ra. ror.talei pUrPo I- or hearing and. settling compl ts against ' the • said Assessment Roll. • Persokis having business at the court Will please attend at the said tune aonthd, pi:19aoce8. Without further notice.— J. E. Harnwell, Clerk, 'N; arna, May HULLETT COURT OF'REVISION— Notice is • hereby given that the • Court for the • Revision of the ASsessnient Roll of the township ef • Hullett will be held in the township hall on Friday the 29th of May at 10 a. m. for the purpose of liming and settling complaints against. the said 'Assessment Roll. PersOnS hate ing business at the court will please . attend at, the said time and ' place • without further notice.—James Campbell, Clerk, Londesboro, may • 60. 1908. • 22-3 • t The Ne,ws-Record to any address in Canada uhtil end of 1908 for 50 pents. Preacher's (kinks.: Rev. P. K. McRae, Pork s Baddeek, C. B.: "/ always count it a pleasure to reeontmend the Dr. Slootim Remediels to my parishioners. .1 believe there . is nothing better for . throat and lung troubles or Weakness or rundown Rya, tem. For speaker eissore throat I have' found Ptsyrchine very beneficial." Rev. W. H. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: "Psychine seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity." Rev. R. M. Browne, Amherst Head, N.S., "I have often reeonnriended Pasychine since taking it myself, for it is a cure for the troubles you specify." Eina. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I have used Psychine my family; the reselts maivelous, have visited people who state that they never used its equal. I strongly recommend it. Rev. J., S. r. Wilson, Marl:dale, Ont.: "If have taken two battles of ?whine and am pleased to say that I am greatly improved in health. I wee troabled with my throat, but now I find it about restored to its normal eondition. I ilna my work very melt iese taxing. [believe /*chine is all claimed for it." These are earnest preaehera of the gospel of Payable. They know where, of Ahoy speak. Psychine cures all throat, lung ana, stomach troubles. It is a great voice strengthener, luting awe,. on the vocal', respfratory and digestive organs, finis speeially adapted fo publie seeakers. • At all ,druggiste, 50e and $1,00, or Dr. T. A. Sloeuin, appreciated. ". Toronto. 1........aeletieheesAmeeem.iees—emeeemeteresomine• STA—ZO.AI EYEGLASS S TAYS ON Combiner" e I et- gancb and com- fort. and is decid- edly the most de. .sirable style of eyeglass ever de- vised, •1 We know they • will gi ve sat isfac- tion . We can . adapt, them to almost any shap- ed nose, • .• • • 4 A. J. GFIIIGG JEWELER.. AND • OPTICIAN ISSUER p.F.MAIRRIACE LICENSES JUST ARRIVED re—offerin-g--thes pants at pries that con - not be beaten. They come. , in tweeds and worsteds, and extra wearing quali- ties. Have a look at thosp WE. are offering at.: these prices. " I . flen's Spring Suits We are running $10 specials in greys and browns. Best value • ever shown in Clinton. Other lines front $5 tit 115. , Boys' Suits.. Our Boys' Suit trade fiar; been very large thisspring. which we attriblite to • the exeeptional - values we have been:giving. Our Furnishing Stock is complete. New411. floods in Every. Line, E W Jacobs .Tailoring, t • Clothing, ' Furnishings. • Co'