HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-14, Page 5May -141111 1908
The Mateo. l'ilows.ltacord
Erteeedingly attreetiVe iS the • May :
number et -"Red and OtirA .444 -.X0to3.•
,SPerts ia Onnada„" „published by W.
Taylor at Weedatoek, Qnt. Storiles
•of hunting •
dot and dttetice Wray .effer VItotiO Va14
• iety to Rica hiieter, while to the fish-
erinau the papers on ealmon
tatio rivers by the Rev. Dr. Miit-
.(loch, and 1)140140;1ga fishing OT W.
Hicleson muet call tip Menioriesautt
.awaken thoughts such ae: only • tile
fisherman cau knew. "Early_ Postal
Difficulties in Eastern Vanade," IS .0.
VontribUtion to the history plea peat.
which is near menet to be full. elethe
deeeeet intereet b� the prnpont sewn!,
tioa. The visit of the President:of the'
Alpine Club of Canada is defierited
and a toucWng account given of the
accident whir% occurred be the leader
fof the party attempting a the:0r4
411k (cilia in the Swiss Alps. "The Blejese
• ety of 'the at story et theltereld
efforts made by the letter carrier's oi
the far north to deliver mails he told.
in graphic fashion and one melee -
stands as one reads this fine contribue
tion how it is that deepite enormous.
difficulties and dangers the .I.Inds•on
Bay Company have never loet a Mei',
What wonderful heroes these northern
mail. carriers are....,Amonget OP many
other interesting pieees. tb be lowed
within this needier is a ;lege of "Came
ce Dont's"-most appropriate as the
Canoeing eeason of the .year is just
beginning, and an account of a oue-
legged trapper who makes his own
wooden legs. These are but samples
of the many good things in this num-
ber which forms in itself a demonstra--
tion of the wide. field of inteieeting
experiences to be foundwithin the
13th, at •Ste Paul's rectory, by
the Bev. C. R. Geinne, Mtge Floe -
mice Rose Crown of °Buten to
Mr. James Herbert Jehuston of
ROAL-McKiNNON--At the R. 0.
•aurch, Winghara, on May Otli, by
Reit. Father Laurendeau,
Sproat to Maggie K., •(laughter of
Mrs. John McKinnon, both of
Man., Archibald B. Jamie -
seri to Cora Maud, daughter of
John. T. lila/Ming, formerly 01
ADAMS-MeCLUREe-At the Manse,
• McKillop, on April 28th, hY R• eY.
D. Carswell, 'Robert, T. •Adams to
Mabel J. daughter of Mr. J. Me-
Clure, both of McKillop.
BELL--SCOTT---At The Second Unite
aria4 elierch, San Francisco, on
May •aid, Stella, daughter of Mr.
S. C. Seett, to Russell Milton
Bell, scat of Mr. David Bell ot
CARTWRIGHT--In Hullett on 4th
May, Ulf Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Cart-
wright, 3, Soll. ' •
JONES -In Rullett on 8th May,. to
,.. Mr. and Mrs. • Feed; Jones, a
daughter, •
ROWDEN-In Goclericli township .an
May lath, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J,
Itowtion, aeon -still born.
NICHOL-In Morris, on May 3rd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Alert Nichol, Win
• daughters,
MeGREGORe-In Tuckentenith, on May•
. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, 4
SMITH -le Bluevale, May 5th, to • s<gl•
GILL -Ie Seafoeth, on. May 6th; to
Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Snaith,. a •
Mr.' and Mrs F. Gill, a daughter:
HAINEs—la East: Wawanosir, May 4,
Robe. George Haines, aged. 69.
NORTHCOTT-Died in'Hemilton, on
May 4th, lilorance M Northeatt,
• daughter et. John Northcott, Ex-
eter, aged 24 years and 9 months,
HUNT -In Exeter, on April 29th,
Sarah Huisli, relict of the tete
•-.Edward Hunt, in •ha 80th year. '
Godcrich,' on May 3rd,
, Sandford Stokeseaged 66 years and
10 months.
HARRISON-In Goderich, on • May
• 5th, Roy N. Harrison, ' aged 26
• years and 6 months. ' •
REID-In Goderiele on May 1st, Mary)
• MoCarthenaye • widow of the late
• James Reid. •... •
COLE -a -In Rapid River, Mich., on May.
' 3rd, • Henry Cole, formerly Clinton and father of Mr. . -Ben
Cole, aged 93 years.
The News From Goderich
eLoise A. mammas, cOrrespondont
**44 II***40410 40104406 *440 .4011t••••••••••••IP NS* fe•see
Additional Cioderieh Pews en the Mrs, J. H. Edward has hem ser
page two. iouely indisposed for OM° days hut Is
Mrs. McKim has returned to her nOvi imProviag very tfaie14.
hope after a Pleasant visit with bee 'Mrs. Clifford returned to her lime
parents, 114n. and Mrs. Luseernbe of at Brantford on Tuesday, of last. week,
St. Thomes. ' Kr, Saunders, Mr., MeLeod, Mr.
Jacob Mester may neW be consider., Harry, Dixie Reid and '1V1r. Tom Bates
ed a real estate man, being Ovid in St. Patrick's ward, Seem to be
„to erect a. two storey briek residence Preparing for a medal contest ; their
on Nelson, Street, adjoining the mid- lawns are exhitistirce
enee el Dr. Hunter, The Menesetung Canoe Club are
Mrs. W. Cheer Rhynas- and little arranging for an excursion to. Guelph
Master Philip of Brantford were last in Junc,
week the guests al Mrs, W. A. Eby- The Central school Seniors and Ina*
nee.lore had at baseball matrh on. Thurs-
The Misses Fraser are liaeinfe their. day afternoon, the *More evinniag.
verandah, re -Modelled. Their brother is ler, paierieze is putting a %ere
doing the work. . 'fence in front of his Elgin Street
Ills of Babyhood• And of Childhood
The ills of babyhood and childhood
ny and any may prove -serious
no leromptly pared.. In homes
where Baby's OWit eTablets etee kept
there is a prowl:It cure at hand for
such troubles as- indigestion, ; seer
stomach, cello, • constipation, diart- •
hoea, worms, teething t•roublee and
other minor ailments and the -Tab-
lets can be administeree .as safely -to
a new born baby as to the full grown
child. Mre. Octave Paulin, Caeequet, Mr. J. Walker has quite recovered
N: B., Says -"1 have used Baby's from his attack ' oi indisposition here
Own Tablets for both .my %little. boy and *ill soOn begin'his carriage build -
and girl for the various ailments of ing buSiness again. . •
childh,bod and have found them always Mr. 0.nd Uri.' John Wyseng of Day-'
splendid medicine. No mother
should be Without the Tablets in the
home," Sold by .inediciee dealers or
by mail at 25 Cents e bee from the
Dr. Williams'. Medicine -Co., Beacieville
Ont. •
This beautifully
designed style is made of
fine Patent Colt with dull
matt tops, and is one of the
up-to-the-minute Blucher
styles. Although we offer
this style to you for $4.00
it looks and fits better than
most $5.00 shoes.
R. J. Cluff
Sole Dealer - • Clinton
Gone to Battleford..1
IVIiSs Minnie Wallace, who has been
attending the elinton'Businfess Col-
lege for the past six months' has re-
ceived her •diplome and lettMonday
morning for Nerth Battleford, Sask.,
where she has eceured a good post -
Grace Margaret Gould, the dress ex-
pertf, says in Womares, Home Com-
panion foe May :
"There are two •distinct typos •of
dress this summer, bath eniPhasizing
the straight, up-and-down effect. One
Is the tailored coat suit showing in
many installs:es a cutaway coat, which
gives the hiplees effect, and a Skirt
comparatively narrow at the bottom -
that IS, it is made without thesell-
den flare that the tailored skirt used
to have.
"The other type of dress is the
Out -in -one gown, and great will be its
favor througTout the summer. In the
Mr. George E. Elliott is having his residence, •
.form of the new princess jumper this
Eaet street residence painted a pea,r1 • Mr. Carl is putting a water serViee ebb -in -one dress is a most practical
color, With red trimnehtes, • ' into the residenee he .built and" which •gown, to own. It can fasten. in the
00mM-ender and Mrs. Sobel*? who Mr: Noble now occupies. '
spent several snn'imers the guests of ; We are soerY to heir that -Masker
their neice, Mrs. J, L. Aitken, ar'e "Ralph Herald is ill of typhoid fever at
spending ahe season in Vencouver, tele- hospital, 1
ing spent the past winter thero.• He ' Me. Arthur Roberts has come item
was under Admiral Peanut and was leingeton and now lives en Wilsonl St.
in the Bettie of Hampton Roads. The funeral of the late Roy Nay,
The following intorestiog announce- smith Harrison, eldest son of Mrand
meat I give the readers of The New e- , Mrs. J. C.- Harrison, took place un -
Record, who many of them, are inter- der, the auspices of the Oddfellows on
eeted in...the welfare or ouryoung nate Thurs•day afternoon la,et, Rev, James
al citizearMr Russel Milton Bell, A„ Anderson officia.ting. The casket
son ef D. Bell, Britannia Road was completely covered With floral
and Mrs. S. 0,e Scott, announce the ; tributes among which Were a pillow
rnarriaieof their daughter, stela, to of white roses and, lilies el .the
Mr. Russell Milton Boll, on Sunday, tribute from the family, sprays of
May $rd at noon, nineteen hundred I white •rose and carnations .tributes'o(
and eight. •
•!Mesdames Crabb and ; three
Mrs. 4: H. Edwards has been ser- Oinks of white roses, tribute •of - the
ioesly indisposed for some.daye but i Odclfellows ; a lovely floral flag .of
is notif improving quicklyred roses, with M, CI C. in red, on .a
Mrs. Clifford returned to bar home ground of 'white roses, with polo of
at Brantford on Tuesday of last red .and white carnations tribute of
week. • . . the "Menesetung Canoe Club" ; casket
On Friday ,evening • ,.last an "M baguet of pink and white roses tribute
Herne". was held by the Y M c. A, I from Miss Myrtle Cousins; cresoent of
in the, assembly; more of the G. 0: 1. t•white roses, lilies and ferns from the
There were 80 invited :.guests in. at...1 Ladies' Aid of Knox church; wreath
tendance, including several members of of roses and lilies of the' valley from
the Menesetung Canoe club, ancl.Eur-Nt ,Falls of Simcoe ; wreath of foll-
eke Bilrle ,elass, Dr. Hayden acted.' age with pink and white roses, • Mr.
most efficiently as President Affilrease Hamer Irwin, Buffalo, casket 'baguet
es of the most congratulatory kind of red roses, 'Mr. and Mrs. George
were given the Y. M. d. A. for . the Bain, Woodstock, casketbaguet of
good work they had undertaken, and white' emanations, Mr.. and Miss Van
to the assembled githets, Who honcietel Valkeriburg, Norwich ; bunches of
the, Y. M. C. A, by their attendance. Pink and white roses, Mesdames Nott
Thespeakers were Dr. Mabee, Bar- and Morrow, Stratford and spray of
front quite as easily as the back, and
it is a model equally good for silk or
linen, ••
• "This sty\
dress is always cut out
• at the neek, and is generally sleeve-
less, to show the guimpe, or trimmed
lust sufficiently, ever the shouldero to
give a modified large ar "hole effect,
Or it may be made, as a number of
the imported .rnodels- aro, •so that it
has much the effect of a polonaise cut,
out it the neck, but having a sleeve
which is cut in one with the bodice.
• "Now, of course, there are , ManY
variations of these two basic ideas in
dress, but whatever the fashionable
model this summer, it is sure to lie„
simple in design, lacking entirely any
exaggeration in form, •
"Perhaps this idea iS better slioWn
in. the sleeve • than • anywhere else,
which has' diminished in a pronownced
way in size within ` the past six
months, and now in -most cases fol-
lows Very, closely the • outline ,of the
. •
Mrs. Blank, wife of a promieent
minister near Boston, had infher em-
ploy a recently engaged colored cook
as Week as the proverbial ace of spad-
es,. ' One day Mrs': Blank said to her :
"Matilda', 61 wish, that you. would
have oatmeal quite often tor beeake
fast. My husband is very fond cf it `
ester BI 'r wh is resident of the white roses and fern from Miss Nettie. He is Scottie and you know that thei
Scotch eat a great deal of oatmeal."
..f0heehe s Scotch; is lte? , said Mar!
tilde. !Veil, now, do you "know, .I
was thinkhe all along' dat he wasn't
des like us.---Veoman't Home CamPen-.
ion for May.' .
Cieu•nty Asseciation and W. il; nob- Benest, Tavistock. Thbeaddfellewe and
-ertson.. Readings were. given by Miss Menesetung Canoe Club Walked in a
Edna Straiton, ("Baltnies cuddle, doon body and many carrliges were in the
and "Sequel' for applause) and Miss cortege. Miss Hattie Harrieen'of Bee-,
Eleanor Walker. The vocal soloists j lin,: was celled to the riedsidOor her
Man ;, Messrs. ,De Lemme Millyard and of Ottawa attended the funeral. The
wore Messrs. Cook, Belcher' anffeWight;f brother end With their brother Regie
tusethe Sugars, delighted all with -.guests from, a distance were Mrs.!'
their delightful plane solos.. Ai the I Wilson Of Wyoming, aunt of ihe deceas-
-coneitisiOn_ 61_the,program all ,tepaired ed, and Mr. Van V,alkenbeig of Nor-
te; the gymnasium Which had , been Wick a friend of the fatiiily. The late
beautifully decorated with -flags, hunt- Roy, N. Harrison was a very quiet
ing and evergteens, and found number- and unassuming young business„ mate
lees Iittle tables awaiting, them with ibeloved by hie. employees, ••aed.
dainty covers, .and Vases .of flowers, berg Of .the (Seldfellows' Ledge, and
and refreshments served, lei skillet Y. M. 0, C. . had ,heen iri delicate
M. C. A. hands. This entertainment health for some months, andby the
'closes the season. e advice of the family physician, he re -
Mr. 'William Trembly, wife and:fam- tired from. business. The sympathy of
ily now occupy the residence of Mrall is given them by our eitizens. Be -
Jack -Wa11e sides his, mother, he leaves his two
aisterS, Harriet and Beatrice *- and
beother Reggie to mourn his . eaeiy.
death. '.'• -
The mil -Mine of the lateSerah
Elizabeth lLillie) Parsoee, .beloved
ton, Ohio, were the guests the week wife of John Mostly of Toronto, were
end of Mesdames Alex Kirkbride and accompanied on Saturday, last to the
Fredi‘Iurney, mether aed daughter of G. T. R. station, Goderich, from that
MrS. Wysong. Mr. Wysong is a pros- city by the Misses. Perions of God -
perms builder and contractor 'of. Day- erieh and May Mosel* of Toronto
at -
ton, the cash register manufacturing riving by : the 7.30 p. m. train. The ,
cityhearseand carriages Were at the sta-
. .
miss ,ivIepherson is itt again we are tan and the remains taken to the Union Stock Yards to -day was gooa
sorry to learn, .' . • , borne of • Captain James •Peteonse and ;eriees ,steady .to firm at about
• Miss Welker, Nelson -street, is visit- brother ;of the debeas•el Jidy The the same quotations as last Thursday,
ing her •sisthr, Mrs. Hell of TOrol,nto: funeral took place at three p. on and therefore better than a week ago
Mrs; and' Miss Duff are at the rased.: Sunday from S. George's' church oi today. There vat a rnodetabely good
Capital paid up $3,337,500.00 Reserve Fund 53,337,500.00
W M. M OLSON MACPHERSON . . . . President
S. II. EWING ..•. .• ... • Vice -President
W. AL Ramsay, J. P. Oleghorn, Markland Molson,
Lt.-Uol F. C. Renshaw, Wra. 0. McIntyre. •
James Elliot, General Manager. A. D. Durnford, Chief Inspector and Superin:
dent &Branches. W. H, Draper, Inspector. W. W. IA. Chipnian,
J. H. Campbell, Assistant Inspectors.•
SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposit's of pee and upwards reeeived
and interest allowed at 3 per cent.from date of deposit, coMpounded 4 times a year
SPECIAL, ATTENTION elven teen branches of Farmers! businebs. Sale
notes canned or collected on favorable terms.
3, B. HOOV ER.
• everything too.
gether just
• right has a lot
to do with the
appearance of
a picture.
Add to or detract from the effeetivenese of pictures cortsid
erably. It la a spechicialty Of Mire to make the frame suit tne
picture. We like people ro 'say hoW beautifully eur frames and
their pictures agree. Yoe will say it too if you wilt let tie do
some framing for you. .
• We Invite rid to inspect our stock of Vorniture *hide le cow -
plate in every line and out prided are as 10W AS the loWest.
We are the sole *gents foe the honour; lieteulos springs and
Furniture. and Funeral Directors. °
James Kennedy, a'ciiiored citizen .cri
Montgomery,. Ala., burned -five of his
children to death. ••
Dunnville eleetors carried the
law to. purchase $30,000' wottili of D'.
W. &B. Railway bonds. .
A fire at ',Merlin destroyed. the block
ocoupied partly by The Mirror and
.seaetal other bteldings. LOSS $50,100.,
• Mr, Arther L. Botley nominate
'ed for the Legislature -for Temiskam-
log at a meeting' of Seeialists and
miners at Cobalt., • .
' Three thousand Chipese rebelS'in
two columns, are marefiing on the
treaty poet of Mengtaze. •
., Seven thwets Oklahoma ' Were
swept by a eerier of torriadoee, ene
four of them badly wrecved. '
•• Live 'Sleek Market.
Toronto May llth.-Trade at the
"I Ant
•Glad To
Write My
Of The
• Dv.So
yolia Marlowe.
remedy that benefits digestion
• strengthens the nerves.
• The nerve centers require nutrition.
• If the digestion is impaired, the nerve
• centers become anemic, andindigestien
hi the result. ,•- • •
• 1 i
Peruna is not a nervine nor a
stimulant. It benefits the nerves by
benefiting digestion. i'
• ID.4.41,...41.0.4,-,......'.1.....P.44.411.1.41.,.,4-•.4
•reruns. frees the stomach of catarrhal
congestions and rtormal digestion is the
result. '- , .•'
• In (Aber words, Peruna gots' to the
bottom of the whole difficulty, wIlen
the disagreeable symptoms disappear.
• Mrs. Z. 0. JariUson, 61 biarchant street,
ivatsonville, Cal., writes i
• eI was troubled with my stomach for
, six years. I tried many kinds of medi-
• cine also was treated, by three doctors.
"They said that I had nervous dys-
pepsia. 'tyres pat on a liquid diet for
three mOntha. .
' 0I improved under the treatmen,t,but
as soon us I stopped taking the medi-
cine, I got bad again. '• '
"I took the medicine for two years,
then I got sick again an•d gave up at • '
hopes. of getting cured. '
'1 saw a testimonial of a matt WhesO
case was similar to mine being cured by
Peruna, so I thought I would give it a.
trial. ' • .
• "I Procured a bottle at onceand .com-
menced taking it. 'have taken several .
bottles and am entirely cured.
i"1 have gained in strength and
feel like a different person. I be -
Heys Peron: is all that Is claimed
,for it." ••
Nervines, such as coal tar' prepense. • •
tions, are doing a great deal of harm.
Sleep 'Medicines and headache powders
are alt. alike, --heart, depressants, and ,
should not be nsed. The nerves would
• be all right, if the digestion wore good.
Peron; e.orreehrthe digestion.. - .
dames Kennedy., an Riehman, was
found. starving in a barn near Rock-
wood, both hia. feet decaying from
gangrene. : •
Wm. Watt, Woodside, was killed by
a falling plank bear Elfride.
Knights of ,Columbus Met at. derae
wall. • .
A tidal bore on the Yang Tse Kiang
River in China caused the loss of 10,-
1:100 lefts.
Tornadoes in Nebraska and • Texas
eave, ceased et reast half "a deem fa-
talities and immense property -loss: .
' eigned is instructed by the estate of
. the late Robert Downs' •to offer for
the ,_following •liroPertor the house
on High street.' at, present ecoujiied
by Mr. S. IL Smith, acre' • of
land on • Townsend street,: the
:building ; kneern. as ,the Evaporator'
with + aete Of land ; the stripe, on
Albert street next to Hoover &
'Ball's. . The • Evaporator is subject
to A lease and all the property a.
reserve bid, Terms of sale : Per
cent. on day of sate; balano,e 30
*days.... A quaittity ef furniture ' will
also be offered. for sale at the same
thug and placeeeelas. 'A. Smith, au,e-
a •
• sale on the Market Square, Clinton,
ence of kiss-Valkerl during -her— ab- eun O cattle liHiglitr-mr-fAieeP-alla-
sence. . . •
Mt. Ramsay iS very ill again, she
is confined to her roam. '
Mr. Bryson, whO came here with
the C. P. R: Staff is now employed at
Glen Miller, Ont,, where a neer . rail-
road is being constructed. . . the rector giee out the hymn "Rock
The •first wheel turned out by •tho 0! Ages While the casket was being
Wheel Rigs CO.,: will', be kept as a borne (Aft; the. choir sani."Nend Dim-
eouvenir of . the latest. boreised Faye iittus."' The*casket was covered With
tory by 13. -J: &wits Of the Saults beautiful floral wreaths. , and ern-
Hoese. • , _ • . bleinS, tributes of. the families ol
*hut Miss ,Alite-Chapinati waS lea.V- 1 Captaiti James Pareene and Lieut..
ing the platform oa Monday evening., Colonel- Varcoe, and their relatives
2741i April, we presented her with a and friends. The ••pallbeerets were
golden daffodil; saying "1 hope this L,ieut. Colonel Varoad, E.' N. Lewis
:daffodil will :bringyou a golden fu- ; D. Naftel,- Seager, T. Metal,
ture" and slime then we learn . from and R. O. Hoye. The late Mre. John
a speeial telegram to the press that Mosely was a daughter of Otir pioneer
Miss dbapmaii Was pm 1104 on Mon- citizens,' Mr. and Mrs, Henry Patsons
day With $10,06.0 worth of stock by , and spent all her youthful days in
a Detroit admirer, who crossed to Goderith,' later taking up' her residence
Windsor to hear her recitals. We also in Detroit, until her Marriage W1*.
wrote her a tribute in poesy, Which John Mosely ef Toronto, formerly of
Miss Chapman, appreciate' so.,IiighlY, Goderich, who sueeives her.
that she said to us "It is be•aritifel. captain JameS Perseus of town is
• I will heap it all my life." • . the only surVivor, her brother; George
Arohiteet Fowler is putting a fiend- Parsons, dying in Detroit some years
some hew frontin his house and has ago, Miss Parsons Was called• to.
had a stone foundatiou put under, it. Torento, by the illness of her aunt.
° Mr, Charles Reid, maeouncillor,is Mrs. John Monte died, Friday at
making prepaeations for building three Toronto,: as the result Of a' Stroke of,
new houses of brick with cement blocks paralysis on Sattirday last. Mrs:
but foundations of Stone. . , Mosely was out shoeing at the time
• The old foundry is looking toN,v as it the stroke Came. She Wite ta.kett hotne
it Wt;re 'quite a preeeerous maindietor- in the ambulance, • and never regained
• ing concern, although the Wheels have consciousness. She 'was formerly Mise
hot yet thened.round, but itt a. verY Sara E. Parsons; sister sof, Captein,
s• inhgo,notoiror ereatall:tivweisll at.
tbaunstgledeini Nowt J.aTmweos bPallgrisononwe coh103Gigodeseriinch,wwann•d Waarse.
:9,rae:errolctit‘ h.,711s1;'):., and1at,"1, , I tt). ti al :1 8S 0t1 na: a Vr °1e'Vt"4:ji stiit't Mrn• t:aerserfilcleYrd'inbafi:11:11V1180 i8leeleat:tialWnearrge's:ipt•
4 11111:
: WIVIe:Melnkfttliat:°4 tni • dital tfil tikMen tri;i'OBS'ettai•ii°:fpthrin%%/iVI 9iYungi fl : taarlibv; 1, ni Negi et :1 1 etrl I:Et:110'1; IC • ; n. I% : :3:8: fli el intiotof WI; it iiipnea.gar:Init'bItur'Jciiru.11;nhedIliSibtil.sitn:K.'gbacintlelhWoerEeatiateht.:6:41;Md*b713;ttruGitt
they Will spend a. short time before tera and eoliettore. .
returning to their home • at Daytoe., Dr. lloiniee has resigned his, 'post
Ohio. tis Health Officer. .
Mrs. J. J. Thompson, wife of
Mairiager Thompeoe of Woluittlar.ii, bed • . 4
it. tinned from a visit to het relatives. ' Major I -lodging gave evidende in szving lames at se,e0, .
We eengretulate Maeter Bert Murplip ednneclion with hieteharges tegardijig Jambe Corbett told thr0 lee& ot
en Ids SUCCeSS ae a photographer of Tranecontinebtal Ilailway conott e- cattle, $r 0
900 to 1.670 its t i $
., 4
keenery, Hon. . . 30.
a 5 -
rs,--Mos el r-waS-a-dev ou t,mern
ber . while resideing here, :
Ret Mark hogs. Buying was activo. all round,
Turnbull officiatingThe choir WOO
and everything was sold out .sharp andf
in attendance "and chan•ted the- • 90th mew, , • .
vice from St Peel's 1st Jetta* to the day's eables give The eXport trade is good and firm.
Pealm. After reading the 'funeral set-
Cotinthians, and. heard a voice,"
To a, firm market
the Old Country, and shippers' appeal
tothave plenty of space with the open-,
Dig of na,vigatien. 'Very 'choice export
cattle sold to -day ar...t $6, and.in: One
or two Cases extra well finished Cattl11.
sold a shilling et So higher. '
The demand for good butcher cattle'
is DUB very active, and extra choice
are selling as high as the best expOrt-
ers. •
• Thera IS a gOOd ;demand for stockeee
arid feeders of good qualitY,_end offer-
ingsin this class are stilllight.
• Sheep and faithe ate • steady . with
light offeringS. .
• GOOd veal Calves are steady; at the
resent decline, and it is not likely that
prices will go lower.
• The hog market is weaker and about
15e lower than last week. •
' The run was 60 loads, with 1,118
head of cattle,• 28 sheep, and 6 hogs,
and 95. Calves; :
Export --Market firnier at 0.50 to
$6 ; Medium, $5 to $5.25 ; bulls,. $4
t°B$45te'here-Market Very firm, ehoicest
'picked butPhar, $5.50 to $6 e geed, $5
stotrtottl'$Y5k.ite26irs'4-$156r7nt$0;r100 ;I:et:steady at
$3 to $8.75.
Peeders-Good heavy, • at $4.25 to
Slitep--Merket easier; ewes, $4.15
to 0.25 ; yearling lops, gtain-fed,
Wrier, at $4.50 to $7 ; coinfnon, $5
to $5.
• tlogs;-Market weak; seletts at $5,-
75 *5 rittS8,trtanid..o.Lbe, 6vaeks0,5111tidttaYixpOlitIllatt
of cattle, exporters at. $5.76 to $63.2k
butchers' choice at $5.25 to $5:80 ;
Medium irtixee and good cows at $4
to 4.75.
Divan bought 75 calve*, aver-
aging $5.75; toe Atop at $5;'fifteen
yearling lambs, $7.25 ; and three
, -Notice' ia •hereby griten Cat the
'Court of Revision of thp AssesSuiftit
• Roll of the Village of' Bayfield will
lie' held in the town hall, Bayfield,
ob. Tuesday, • the 2tith day of May,
at 10.30 o'clock e. m., for the put;
liese of hearing and settling com-
plaints against the said Aieesement
Roll. Persons having business •
the coat Will please attend at the
•said time and Placewithout further
notice. --H. W. Erwin, Clerk, BAY -
After a $evere fight between • police:
and strikers at Owen Sound, in Whieh
a number of tet6te were WoUnded, the
C. P. It. • and the •• freightehandlers
patched up an agreement. • •
The Duchess of Blanchester win
stump: the English District of Ohio
hi behalf of •a: Socialist candidate.
thoroughness, peogreselveilesi,
enthusiesne • exp,ertness • are• •
our ' watchwords. Commercial,. •."
• Stehography, • Telegraphy, Mail
Courses le any su•bjeCt. No veear
BRIDGE, N.Y. • '
oopo 401rao
• May 23rd., 24th and 25th.
May 26tii.
Via North Bay -MAY 26th:
Via Sarnia and Northern. Navigation
Company, steamer leaves Sarnia at '
3.30 p. itt. MAY 27th. .
Full information front any • Grind
Trunk • Agent. ...
F. R. HODGENS, Town aao.
field. May 111th, 1908. A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agt
alk -Over Shioe
We bave secured the exclusive
# agency for the famous American
0• Walk -Over Shoe or Clinton,
iand invite our 'friends to call and
See a full and complete line in
• the ' vatious shapes, sizes and
$• ,widths.
The Walk•Over'Shoe, because
$ of its general excellence, is sold
$in 44 countries. and le cnneetied
• to be the height of shoe pollee;
$tion by the • woAd's Vilsefit'
• dreSeers,
$ ,• We cordially invite you to visit Us and
inspect these goods for yourself.
Por a neatlob in repairing give us a owl.
$ *
.I. Twitchell & Sons
A Victoria Block
• Clinton