HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-14, Page 44
Clinton News -Record
flay 14th, *903
Protty •
Walt .Paper.
Helm more to beadti.
fy the home than the
furniture you put in.
A. MOM nicely papered le half
furnished. We have the latest
productions of the leading manu-
. tacturers and etre selling theta at ,
the peke you would pay for
much poorer stock if you were
to buy elsewhere,
• We. buy what you
want. We know how
to avoid the things
you don't want, • ,
West Tucheramith,
Miss Lilian Cantelon and Miss
'Leib. of Clinton spent Sunday with
friends here.
Jar. and Mrs. William Tiplady of
Clinton spent last week at the home
of Mr. Geo. Turmr.
Mrs. RObt. White still continues verr
Rev. A. E. Allen of spent
Monday last with friends here.
Mrs. W. H. Willis and two .• sons,
Gerry and Harvey, left on Saturday
for Wingham, where they join Mr.
Mr. J. E. Cady .has sold, out the
Star moving picture show to Messrs.
McKenzie and Sproat.
Mr. W. McCammond who tst been
very seriously ill with pneumonia, is
somewhat improved, but is not yet
out of danger.
At the final first year examinations
held at the Ontario Agricultairal Col-
lege in April H. A. Dorrance, Sea -
forth, was among the successfdl ones.
The United States customs 0160) at
Stratford will be elesed. •
There is reported to be a large. de-
ficit; in the St•. John's,: Quebec; Bank.
Mr. Harry Webenale had the mis-
fortune of crushing his foot by letteog
*heavy door fall on it.
Mr. end.Mrs. J. E. Bali and tatilly
spent Sunday with Base Line friends,
Mr. Gibson ot Seatorth spent Mon.
day in the neighborhood.
Stanley- Township
Miss Letitia Foster,ot London spent
a few days visiting her sister, Mrs.
William Dowson of the Babylon Line.
Miss Matilda Morrison left on• Moe -
day foe London.
Mrs. Rufus Keys and daughter
Wilenna spent a foe dayS in Louden
last:week, the latter undergoing treat-
ment for her eyes.
The Sunday evening service in the
Methodist church at Varna has been
changed from 6.30 to 7 o'CIOCIC.
Miss Zama Stepherisoti spent a
few days at the home of her uncle,
Mr, David Stephens* last week.
• Miss Pearl Dunkin was the guest of
Miss Lillie Johnstone on Sunday,
the entre Huron, Convene..
tion Rejected the Temper,.
411046 Advocate for a
The keenest light for a party .nom -
'nation that has been witnessed in
Oacounty took place at the Liberal
convention for •Centre Hurenheld in
Sentortli'on Tue3day. -There were 177
delegates present, each •p011ing tlivisiott
sending the fun umbel, Allowed in.
There were three nominees: W. R.' •
,Kerr, Brussels Thomas McMillan,
.1.1uliett, and: William • Proudieot„
The. vote on the OA haUot steed
Kerr 50, 'McMillan 62, Proudfoot. 65.
Kerr was then •dropped and on :the
second round there was a tie, each
receiving' fig votes. The decision „thus
'devolving' en the . ehairman, Me. Sin,
elate .of Brussels, he gave his casting
Vete for his larother lawyer, Williana
Prouilloot, •
The turndown of-Mr...•Kerr came. as
a surprise to that gentleman and his
following for they expected to win on
the second Whet.' Naturally they are
'oomentliat sore. over the result.-
1710 feature of the .coniention was
ilzte great fight put up by Mr, mow -
an and 'his five-minute .speech L9.• said.
to have beenmuch.. the: best,- of the
The Ladies' Guild met last .Wednes-
day at Mrs, H. McBrien'S.
Mr. Geo. Hill•sold a veluablo horse.
last week!' "•
*A•number of the 'farmers deliVered
•their fat cattle brit week:
Mr. •Chas. Lovett • lost a valuable
base last week, .
Misses Alva and Edna Beacom vis-
ited under th•e •parental roof on 'Sun-
Mr and • Miss. E. Lovett visited
their sister, 1VIrs. "G.' Johnson:
Mies Petrie spent 'Saturday and
Sunday at her home near 13ru0eileld.•
• Mr, L. Johnson spent Sunday • at
his home here. -
Mr. Chas. Tyner paid a -flying eisit
to friends in Leadbury.•
Most of • the farmers have finished
eeeding: • *: .
Sunday school commenced last Sun-
day with a fair attendance.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas,' Jaime* of the
10th visited the 'former's parents here
on Sunday. ••
HulIett Township
Tliro of the veteran pioneers ot this
township in 'the persons of M. Fran-
cis Little who is LH and eighty-ilve
years of age, and Mr. George Redden,
have not yet decided whether they
will rswdae,y.lkor ride to Clinton on
Miss. Nellie MeIetosh went to Buf-
falo this week where sne will grail*,
ate from 'one ot the leading hospitals.
Messrs, Patrick Quigley and Andrew
Flynn attended the convention
Seaforth ou Tgesclay.
Mr, Russel Sundercock has engaged
ler a month with Mr. J. Allen.
Mrs, James, Cartwright is slowly
ssGrasby is • also improving
• Mr. T. Sundercock and Wain at-
tended the wedding of his mice, Miss
E. Sundercock of neap Ilaelock to. Mr.'
0, Hooper on Thursday last.
Mrs, B. Gibson is visiting friends in
this vicinity.
Mr, C. Stewart attended a meeting
of the Orangemen held in L. 0. L.
No, 963, Blyth, on Monday last,
pretty wedding took place at high
noon oh Thursday, last at the , home
of Mr. N. Sa.undereock of the 13th
con;, when his only daughter, Emme-
• line, was married to Olin Hooper of
elieton. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. hT. M. Leckie under a beauti-
ful arch of everireens. The bride look-
ed charming, dressed in cream as she
came forward on the arm of her fathee1
•carrying a large baguet of white car-
nations, The wedding March was play-
ed by Miss Isabel Elliott, while the
daiuty little flower girl Was Miss
Katie Weymouth. After the wedding
ceremony a sumptuous dinner was
then partaken of after which a couple
of cab loads aecomPanied the young
couple to the station where they lest
for their future home in Ilensall. The
groom will engage in life insurance in
connection with his father. The young
couple were lecipiente •of many
useful and valuable pres'ents among
them • being a clear deed of a very
pretty home (costing $1800) in • the
, thriving village of Hensall. • The bride
Election. Notes ,
O O The nominations for Centre Huron
will be held in Clinton, fot the South
at Exeter and for the North in Wing -
ham. • All three towns are centrally
• located in their respeetive ridings.
•There are forty tpolling sub -divisions
in Centre Huron,
'That Ham Eilber will win in the
SOuth is regarded 'as a foregone con-
clusion, but for all that his supporters
must not become over confident • and
take things easy for heir el poeents •
are working hard. • ••
• M. Y. McLean is expected hoine from
Ottawa to take part in the fIght.
If he conies it is to be hoped a meet-• who is•a very popular young lady.
Either and McLean • will speak. Mr, choir.
Eilber is exceedingly' anxious to meet
his one time opponent upon a public
petite, slept well at night, and is
Londesboro now as healthy a girl as you . will
Mr . alusgroe is making ite *tine
• see. 1 nelieve • that Dr. . Williams'
campaign. in the North riding and Miss;Mary A. Weymouth of Bel- Pink Pine saved her life, and 'as , a
meeting with such a cordial reeeption grave was home over Siiday. • mother I would recommtntne these
wherever he goes that his .eleeTion not Miss -E. Kaiser of Clinton was visit•
pills to every family in which . there
substantial majority. In Mr. nem- •Miss Mabel \redden was visiting are young•girls.•
A Cure for Anaemia That is SliOWe
•ing Remarkable Proofs of Cures
• in Stubborn Cases.
When the body becomes"weals and
run down, either from •overwork,
worry or severe illness, an examina-
tion of the blood would show Ili
be weak and watery. This condition
is 'called anaemia, which is the medi.
cal term for "bloodlessness." The
common symptoms aro paleness: et
the lips, gums and cheeks, shortness
of breath and palpitation of the heart
after the slightest exertion, dull eyes
and loss of eappetite. Anaemia itself
is a dangerous disease and may
gradually pass intn,consumption, it
• can cnly mired by treating its
cause—which is the poor condition of
the blood. The blood must be made,
rich, and red;thereby enabling it to
carry the necessary nourishment to,
every part of the body,
D. Williams' Pink Pills are • the
greatest medicine ' in the world for
making new, rich blocid end they
bave been euritig anaemia, alei other
blood diseases :for nearly a genera-
tion, and are now recognie0 the
world over as envaluable. house,
hold remedy.
Mrs. D. Esta.brook, Brooklyn. Road,
N. B., says :--"My daughter Gert-
rude, who is, • now ite her sixteenth
year, was sickly from. early child-
• lioetd, we were constantly doctoring
for her, but it did not seem to help
her in the least. In fact as she grew
• older she seemed to grow weaker.
She was• always • pale and listless,
suffered from headaches, dizziness and
• Palpitation of the heart. She did
not rest at night, and would often
toss and moan the whole night. Fie -
ally she had to discontinue going to
wheel, and a,s she was continually
taking ••doetors' • medicine without
benent I grew .diecoura , and fear-
ed we would lose lien Friends urged
us'to. give her De. 'Williams' Pink
Pills, and I finally decided to. do so..
By the tittle she had taken three
and a little later she was. able to re-
turn to school. From that ozi she
ing can be ar"bged at which both was a member of 'the Presnyterian
• boxes there was • an improvement,
• grew stronger, had. an excellent ap-
pi•altform. • •
only seems a certainty but by a very Mg friends here.
All menicine dealers, sell these, pills
grove North Huron will hive a repre- friends in Clinton the past week. '
sentative who will be a eredit toit Mr. and• Mrs. S. McCool visite cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
. and .look after its interests well. friends in Goderich on Sunday.
Ab Huntsville Nelsen Smith of Al-
lendale shot his wife dead and then
committed suicide. •• •
The proposal to had a convention:
looking to the nnifieation of the South
.. •
African colonies is meeting. with a
mixed. reception. • •
Chippewa electors passed a;beeltew
to pterchase a site for the.newemelter.
• front' The Dr. Williains' Medicine; Co
M L ir s got a car oaf
e a
Though Centre Huron is regarded as•• r• •
not a p t I en do The saw mill is running again..Mr. • •
• Brockville, Oa. •' •
a Liberia Hive the Conservatives `do Manitoba wheat for feed.
p ear o e exper en g any - ed to Will the Laurier Government
• Charles ra ford has bee on ag
do the sawnige - Treat the Rural -Regiments
The returning officer in 'north Huron Miss Edith ampsonhar.•1)een re- •
is W. McQuillan of Wiest Waw.areesh. engaged at Mr. Elias' Eta P
e for the . • Unjust ly ust y •
• With the candidates. now all in 'the summer months.
field the campaign is now in. .full 'Aecording to a report from Ottawa
swing. ' • Mre. • Johne„; Manning visited with
.• her payents .this week. .•
tim? city .refOluent's have. parried their
t d willattend th Quebec e 1
is bration at an.expense which means the
'would be able to attend al couple of at Auburn for-someetizne 'pa,st.,
. , deprivation of that privelege from the
meetings in the Pompey during tee home again. .:.
rural corps. The known. cherrketer, of.
=lenge but that how seems scarce- e Mr.eA.IFe•Johns of Auburn ' gave
ly possible fei hie services being so an intereitin- addrelliS fo the League theenrs and men who form the
bulk of the rural corps) •unless . they
much in request his, time is already sO one evenini-lait Week. ' •
are 'greatly Ns:judged, renders it abr..
taken up as •to leave him bet a very SIi.. and Miss Fiance' visited at fdr.
tain that the proposal now made will
few -days for his own Constituency. .. Frank Woods on Sueday. ' . .
miss .A. Hunking a eenton vap be:strongly resented. ' •., •
that th city corps are entitled to
. Miss Edith Jen ins was home. °vet
ReadThese Rules and Beware . - - more liberal treatmetit than in accord-
[ -• . • . • . ed eine rural corps, a consideration of
The writs ordering the election of e : ' that kind pan, never wareant-0, dis-
a member of ' the Legislatute in • ' . , . • '• .. .• ' . .criminatiOn •iuriounting to gross injus-
out to the' , . returning emcees • . Auburn.. - .
. _. . rank since officers commaeding • rural'
each 'constituency have been Sent tice. The 'injustice is ill the more
throughout the province; and . eases At the annual meeting of the EP- 'corps. have already expended much
containing lea.11ot-bexes, papers ' and worth League. the following officers time and labor and money in ..arrang-
neecssiiry . parapbernalia rte ,now were elected for the next half 'year : ing for the .Quebee trip. Many, of
being--.-finipped to them for use - on .Hon. Preisident, Rev.' A. Ee Jones' them, too, have anpealed—not in vain
June tl• The writs were ill forco President, A. P. Johns —to ',the' local municipalities for fined-
from '11 o'clock Monday.. This means lst Vice, Mrs. Jones •
that all those, who have been notniaat,
ed by party conventiong to contest
ridings,. or have announced their- . ine
• pole an a n
rit was hoped Unit 'R. 011, Gamey Miss Bertha. •Manning,. who ha.s been •
•- •
• ' • sr.
i New Net aists.
These waists are of white net, tucked front and
back, lace trimmed, silk lined, reg. $5.00. Our price
. While it may be' reasooably urged
heme on Sunday.
. 4'
1 •
White lawn blouses, fronts trimmed with 3 rows
of fine embroidery, insertion and 4 rows lace insertion •
••• back_tu9ked„ sleeves. Our price $2.00.
White Cotton Undeiwear.
New Marguerite gowns, good cotton, embroidery
trimmed, also lace and *tucks. These are extremely,
popular ,just now and -are just the thing for warm,.
• weather as they have low • necks and short sleeves.
Ask to see them. • • •
New LaceCurtains.
. - We have more new lace curtains to hand and we
feel sus° you wont buy curtains for less money,
ity considered. Call and see them before buying.
Compare our prices.
Ladies' Parasols.
This is a particularly good parasol; strong frame,. ,
good cloth and a good assortment of fancy handles to
• chodsp, from. Our price $1.25. ,
Eveley puytesy and At-
tention Awaits You Here
*rf "
a .
r • r . „ „
Newest of the New.
10111.011101101101.1114."0"..... "11.1"11/111 Yel illil"...11.1.11°
tentimi to seek election; become, a.mene,
able to be •provisions of the. law
-.governing' the conduct of Candidates.
T e aw as it nowstandSaySthat
any person is guilty 0! bribery and
liable to P. fine of $100, and impris-
onment for six Months, who gives or
promises money, employment, e gift
or -loan to any voter for voting, •ox
• refaining from voting. • The saine
penalties attach for the offence . of
accepting or applying, tither before
or after the electioti, for considera,
tion for voting or refraining front
voting; Candidates ' may not erovide
refreslunents ' at .any public eeeting,
on pain of a fine of $100. The sante
• applies to other persons, • although
refreshments may be provided by the
host at a meeting held ,in a private;
house: Treating makes a candidate
or bis agent liable to a fine of $200.
It is not a sufficient defence • that
a person charged with .the corrupt
practice has been • in the habit, of
treating, Betting, in order to idle-
enee an election, is an offence, as is
also the hiring of conveyances by the
candidate or his 'agents, and the sup-
elying' of tranepprtatinn to the vot-
ers the polls. Persons • piuviding
conteyaneee for consideration .are 0!-
q0 guilty of te Corrupt, act.
• Port Albert. • •
. miss Lottle Bennett left, last week
Tor Chicage. Will she no' home hack)
Alain, Billy ?
O Mrs, Parson ig improving again.
'W.Brnieti and his sang of men are
lAist at the mined of which ehey' bait(
considerable to do this SeaSee.
Mr. Jets Quaid is nreparirtg, to
erect .his now houee. Then wipe,
Jock ? ' ••
Messrs. eaeob an1 Jolni. MeGo0 of
Parkhillvisited their relatites here
last week,
• Bl*th
The farmers have been delayed in
their seeding .by the frequent showers,
but tho grass is growing nicely. There
will be lois of pasturz ,shortly,
cialassistanee,in their patriotic en-
2nd Vice, Miss M Erratt ' deavor to present their corps before
3rd Vie, 'Miss Pearl Densteadt our future king to the ;best possible
eth Vice, Miss A. Ladd
TrurerJN Jit.k.oil
Secretary, -Roy Munroe • •
' Organist, Miss Loltie•Jackson -•
'An -invitation to -spend --a son •e
ening with the members of the West-
field League was accepted. The date
is the 15th inst:
Mrs. G. Stalker of 13eigrave visited
relatives in this vicinity, last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Blyth paid
a flying visit to Atiburn friends in
Mr.' C. E :Asquith: was in Toronto
over Sunday',
Miss Maud Vergueon of Clinton swan
Sunday at home.
Wnat• the gaiiison .Parade s to' e
inclwellerS of • Toroeto, the muster •of
the company on the village a.quare
oetheerural population; Citizens
and villagers are alike prnud of their
own corps, and should be ocitially. re-
presented at a great national and .hiS-
toPic commemoration. On such an
occasion the federal authdri ties ought
noel to hesitate 'in dealing fairly with
all our citizen soldiers.• • •
their auto' the other evening. . However anxious its political op-'
pottents may be to see the Dominion
Government sign and seal its ,own
death warrant they do not wish the
Quebec celebratioa to bo marred by
• • the exclusion from it et .. the rural
Corps. Sir Wilfrid Laurier te not
given to Medi.nnolkoosition, advice, but
be would db his party a. good service
by thinking once before permit-
ting the proposed order •to be issued
by the militia' depaXiment, •-If it 18
really In. contemplation anti is car-
ried into, &toot •the; responsibility 1 will
certainly be placed where it rightfully
belongs.—Toroxito World, •
• On Thursday last Mr. James Dodds
of the city of , Toronto • was called
home on account of the illness of his
Sister. Janet, but we aro pleased to
hear of her improvement. • '
On SatUrday last Mr. 'Albert Jace
Os returned home after being absent
for the whiter months in sunny Cali
fornia attedding to' his fruit planta-
tion. He brought home specimens of
the fruit he grows down there.
'Blyth and the surrounding country
is reeeiving the attention of the legis-
lative aspirants, • Messrs, Musgrove
and Currie, They' must ;think that
Blyth needs to be Well looked fitter.
The nth of June will tell the, tale as
far as our village is toneernene The
Candidates *pear to be on very good
terms and are carrying on a frienttlY
sort 'of ettmpaign,
At a In eting of the directors of
the -Illy Ageicultural Society Mr.
Frank etcalf tendered his resigna-
tion as ,secretatyltreasurer on account
of it being "E's intention to give up
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. MOKelizie
and young son Of Clinton Sundayed at
the parental home here of Mrs. Mo.
Kenzie,• Mrs. Moitenzie is remaining;
here for a few days visiting other
friends. . .
The C. P. R. is Making good) use
of their new Erie from Guelph to
Goderioli to convey all kinds of grain.
They are employing double headers
to move the loads,
Where is
Your Hair?
In Our comb? Why so? Is
not the head arnuchbetter place
for it ? Better keep whet is left
where it belongs! Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula,
quickly stops falling hair.
There is not a particle of doubt
about it. We speak very post.
tively about this, for*e know.
Dees net *Imo 14 color of thil Arit, ,
Notaatiki with 'Mk itottla
• it like* it t• lour
gerS Aak k41:4:1,4malk it,
than Ati al he Jaya
Indeed, the one great leading feature of
our new Hair Vigor may well be Said to
be this—if stops failing heir, Then it
goes one step further— it *ids nature In
restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy
Condition, Ask for " the new kind."
...trade br ts. J. O. lirior 00.6 11101i.11mCais
in/vo, liwve. "olio eneneeleeeneeeeneeeteetneelelitelb*leenteeneeone 411011*
Men's Suits
at $7,00, $8.09, $9 00, $10.00 and $12,00.
Every garment well made, sewn with linen and
silk thread and every piece thoroughly shrunken. Y
at $1,00, $1.60, $2,00 and $2.25, in shades of
silver grey, brown and black,• •
Califs for Butter and Eggs,
Successors to McKinnon & Co., BLYTH
We have just opened an advanced shipment
of a new shoe, to be known as the Itelindo, exclusive-
ly for women.
This is without a doubt the most beautiful
shoe in the Canadian market to -day.
Come and see them. •
. ,
"Always Reliable CLINTON,
•0 . • '9 , f '
; '$10 00 Stock -
; . .
of Dry. Goods, Clothing and 7
00 ' -Boots & Shoes 0
o to be :cleared.at cost: .i
. i
. . .
0 Having decided to return to the west we wish A
8 to dispose. of our entire stock as quickly as possible. 4
tow prices will do the business. The stock • is all . •
• el new and up-to-date and at the present time is well
; assorted. The early buyer will assuredly have the
▪ best assortment to bliWerowFttilli—nr:11l—undutibte
ly secure the best ba,rgaLis. • • .
1 Sale begins Saturday, May 16th.
(a Terms of sale, strictly cash.
o •All accounts must be paid at'once.
• • •
a QUICK RifjugNs
1 • I.,
Ea:1641P av 3t4C1313I0 103K1=2011X-01SLE.,
Men generally are becoming as pernickety about style in
their shoes to in hate or neckwear., It is tight that they should no
Matter how stylish a person's other clothes may be if they have
shabby and ill fitting shoes, It spoils the effect.
Wo.h4ve an"soisortinerit" of stylish talt and patent oxford and
high bluchers at 410.50, $4.00. $4.50 and 0,00. Ladies and children*
chocolate oxfords and. toe slippers, prices from 00c up to' $2.50.
We do "141W" shoe repairing,
wowdoovuoAkAmeovinnovvvVONVVV1MAN WV/00~M 4