HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-14, Page 3.t.
Ifty 1410. 1908
etepeeeeteeemetteWelletelteerese, ettieelleeteeelletteseteWeeteeeeNeeeettWo
Are guaranteed to cute Rheumatlem and Neuralgia.
The Electro -Chemical Ringa is not an ignorant charm
or faith cure, hut a [scientific medium for the elimin-
teen Of title acid teem the blocel. The aeuret, the
power, the Merit ineehie riteliee in the 'combination
of the veeiotts metale of wIttelt the ring is made. No
matter what the truithle le. if it is caused by exeeee
of uric. acid, The Electro-Chendcal Ring will effect
*cure. Looks pet like any other ring. Can he
worn de, and tegitt• We guarantee these leings to
do all we claim. •
Call and dining These Rings.
Jeweler end engraver. insuer ef Martine Licenses,
6•00104/41eeeepatega~Aeteereseeeketieveleeeteeleeet# eitieeewateseeeeeteeeeei
Solbuck, were destroyed bemuse thee • •
• Three herpes of Joseph Whitely, ' of THE CHOICELY BRED IMPORTED
', '
were infected with glandCLYDESDALESTALLION
A onference will be held between.
the provinces to preserve the pulp 0p.m PRIDe:
'wood 4of Canada.
Impossible to cure cateere in, the
.nose by dosing the stomach. Send the
healing vapor of Catarrhozone after
the germs and you at anoe accomplish
good. Any oase of catarrh is eatable
-all that's necessary is to inhale
• Catarrhozone.-You • stop haevking,
nostrils are cleared, , throat is healed
and freed of phlegm ; every vestige of
the trouble is forever driven ;rom the,
system. If you want permanent (ere
for catarrh, throat trouble or bronch-
itis, Oetarrhpzone is a stand-by. Two
sizes, :25c and $1.00 at all dealers..
We have received the' Qtiebee number
of "Onward," an illustrated weekly
published by William Briggs, Toron-
to, containing five arteeles oin ethe
Founding, Five Sieges and Conquest
, of Quebec, with twenty-four engrav-
ings. Gives popular accounts of a
subject of interest to all Canadians.
Send for free sample.
MIMI' 'THE eKtieleEYS .DO,
• -
What Booth's Kidney Pills are ,D9-
ing For Clinton, Ont. People. '
All the blood in the body passes
through the Kidneys' every three , min-
utes. • •
The kidneys filter the blood. ,
They work night and day .to
remove about 500 grains of lippete
matter. If they fall some part of
this impure matter is lefteie the
blood, bringing- on pain in the back,
headache, dizziness!, irregular heart,
hot, dry skin, rheinuatism, gravel,
dropsy, deposits In. the urine. Booth's./ t
Kidney Pills make the filtering tight
and overcome Kidney trouble. Hund-. 1
reds of Heron County :residentshave'
found this out. • • t
Mrs. J. Cook, of Joseph St:, Clie- 1
ton, Ont. says :
"After suffering with a severe ate s
eackeofeLe-Gripp.eeeny- Imeke-wesee ea. -
tender and weak that I could scaecely
•get around. A eont.inual dull, bearing 1
down pain had settled in the region of 1,1
the kidneys and exten_ded around •nay.
sides. My head would ache .constatntly
and there was often a dizzy feeling•
and spots appearing before* me eyes.
felt languid and poorly in my gener-
al health and although I knew my
sickness had weakened and disordered
•the kidneys, I could not fine anything.
to benefit me. I learned of • Booth's
Kidney Pills through an advertisement
• and procuring a box at Mr. Holmes'
Pharmacy 1 /commenced treaein en L.,
It was a comparatively short lime
when I had been relieved Of the
beadache and eizziness.
CELTeC PRIDE •(1 2 ,9 0.0 ),
'( 6,4 1 2 ) 1 a j: 3 6, light bay,
foaled :30th May, 1903, • Bred • by
J, & R. liewetson, Balterson, •New.;
ton • Stewart, Wigtownshire, Sire--
Stately • City (10,466), Gr. Sire -
Prince Romeo (8e44). ' g ;gr sire--
Prinee of Wales 1(673). Dem--Daise
of Tepper Barr (14500), Sire of dein-7
Orlando (8092), .by • Prince of Wales
(673), by- eieneral e322), by Sir Wal-
ter Scott (197). Gr. dam -Barr Dar-
ling. (Vol. XXVIII). Sire of .ge: dam
-Lord' Erskine • (1744), by Bcycleton
Bey (III), by Prince Marl' can
(62.0). G. gr. dane-Bar Dandy, Vol.
VI page 33. Sire, of g. grdam-
Good elope (1679);by Darnley (222),
G. g. gr. dam -eller Jess , Sire of g.
g. gr! dam -Warrior• (902.), by Baro
(27), by 13yren (101). Celtic Pride i
e horse of great scale and commaredin
appearance ; big, fat, • clean 'bone
abundantly furnished with fine • eilk
hair, beteg eheracteristic of his high
heeding, He -weighs .1e00 -pounds
Hie action, like all* the Darnley. dee.
The Clinton llews.Record
Where Cattle and Sheep Men
The chorus to a song heard often. in
the sheep eamps of the Western Statee
efeaVered Mit on the ctisp winter air
of the.4tociriee. It was sung by • A,
camp r oeolte-a matt whoSe humorous
cash of 'Ytil and, naouth was at veri;
ance with the belt of cartridees about
his weist and the Winehester propped
against a tree near at bend. There
were other tem moving reetlesetY
about, mostly Mexican herders, and
U nt them heel full cartridge belts
and guns. On the surrounding hills
. were men standing sentinellike, They
, elsce had cartridge belts and . guns.
Mid all about we sheep and more
sheep, and 'the tinkle of sheep bells,
• and the, "baa" of Jambe filled the Or,
It was the great sheep army Moving
from. the summer range in the Rocky
mounteies in Western Colorado to the
winter range on the high plateau of
eastern .utati. And the cartridge belts
and the guns and the guards' on the
eurrouneing hills' were all evidence of
the fact that this great mese of 21,-
00 sheep was being trailed through
a hostile cattle. coentry, wheee' the
cow men had sworn to exact-me-
geance from any sheemean who cross-
ed the "dead line," .
' No such daring move has ever been
made in the 'history of the West. Foe
y,eans the unarga.nized sbeepmen Mee
suffered depredations at the heeler .of
the well organized cattlemen.' The
country divided by the Colorado -Utah
line has been one of the. battlegro:unds.
between these conflicting intereste of,
the open range. Time aftee time when
herders. have .cressed "dead lineee
drawn be the cattlemen cewboys, have
visited the camps :of the offending
herders and ' have killed; the, sheep,
burned the wagon,. and, delven,the men
hack- With stern orders . never to re-
turn. • .
The climax Was 'reached in April Of
last year, when one night on Inelan.
Creek, iii' western Colorado, ' Peter
Seraesen, a young sheep herder, e was
reentered by cattlemen. Swansen was."
aecompanied by. his erofber and a
man eanied Gourley. These two men
were. in camp ith SWanson v bee. e
b • •f arme cettlenien rode tip -Mid
celled 6' em to • surrender, Gourley
and • 1.etet Suiaeson's brother weee
hound hand and r feet without reseste •
nee, but Peter hesitated. But beicire
11. the herder had a chaeCe to dreete St
3 •Weapon he was shot, Ono of the 'horse
ge men getting dawn gee' of his . saddle
In order: to get a better Shot at the
Y herder. . After shooting the man , the
'hersemen. rode aeray in elle darkneee;
laving twoentelite-herdere•lieund bland
enefoot ane the other °fatally wouod-
ed. Filially the men who ' Were levee
managed to -get themselves free and
(aided • Sweeson. to the titare,et ranch
s• ruk - but Tthe young herder died in ,
few. bora.
• SWinsen's. killing aroused the sheep -
men df Colorado to frenzy. The Weetel
eineelFool,Geowers': Association offered
, 0 reward for the apprehension of '
the. slayers Of. the 'leader. A strong
organizaeion was ..effected among 'thc!
sheepmeie and he January of this. year e
when it was determinee to move . the 1
sheep from th , .eernmer . range • to • ,the I
plains' *here, they feed in ...winter, the
Methods for: mutual protectlon. . • e •
sheepmeit deeiclthi to., adopt. steentieus
. . .
The sheen feed in„ siiMmer on the
slopes. of the Rocky Mountains, but in
winter they are moved back to the
plains, where they find sUbsistence
• til the spring suns melt the• deep
shows. from the mountain ranges. It
necessary to trail the sheep Many
miles across a country where the cat-
tlemen are strong and Where many
sheep killings have occurred. S�. the
sheepmen hired one hundred, of the
hest gun fighters that could he secured
in all the Western country to act as
guards .while the heeds were being
moved. Tie sheeP were olivided into
three divisions of 7,000 enoh. Geueeauy
sheep travel le bands of not more
• than 2,500. The massing ol more
20,000 was a sight not soon to be for-.
gotten. The 'divisions moved slowly;
down the mountaie road from 1VIont-
rose toward Grand Junction. Every-
thing was done with the utmost pre
Melon and vigilance was not relaxed
art instant. Guard mounts. were chan-
ged with military regularity, Scouts
were sent. ahead, and at night there
were armed watchees surrounding ev-
ery division to guard against surprise,
• The camping outfit for the "army"
was of loge proportions. Scores. of
burros Carried the provisions, tentee
etc, The packers, herders, and 'guarde
swelled the totel. nurn•her of Men to
more than two huodred-and every
man was aemed to the teeth and ready
to do battle to the death.,
..When . the eheepmen rea.ched the
scene of Swanson's shooting an im-
• preseive sight was enacted. The young
herder . is beried where he fell, in a
wild and lonely spot,•in the Wien-
• table The sheepmen erected a great
monument of stones over :the heeder's
grave. On this monument' they postedi
e notice, pitering an increased reyirat'd•
of $10,000 for the aperehensiori Of the
men responsible for Swanson's. death:
Leaving this notice on the monumenti
the cavalcade , epassed on. Swaneoli's
brother :was 'one who assisted. input-
ting, up the monement over the grave
of 'the young sheep beeder.
• On Monday, January le, the, sbeep
army encaniped across the heel:. from
the, thriving town of Grand .Junotion
Col. Next day it movee, emose the
Grand River bridge and through the
town' and Out toward the rangee 'of
Utah. After leaving(and J t*
it was frankly in hostile territory; es
dee Fart af the range -is ail given oval
cattle business, Slicer' move slowly
under the beetsof circumstances, and it
was posseede forthe cavalcade to make
only teeeeVe Miles a 'day, It took eve
hours foe the procession .tef eheep to
pass a given point. .
'No demonstration wa.s emote by any
hostile interests, a.nd the "• eheepinen
reached their etuitmer 'range without
incident: • Indeed itevetild have taken It.
smele*anny of eat tlemen,e9 ,defeaeStich
aft .organization of weir aimed and de-
termined men. •
' Cattlemen contend that ethe sheep
"feed out" the •eattee range end that
they are belpleese, •against,‘ wandeeing
sheopreen who .do not pee local takes!,
but who runtheir flockswhere they
will, and Who have ruined many
cattleman by their aetione. ',pa
have been .drawn, and sheep
have been slaughteredby thousands,
and in eornehietences hexilers, killed
fen theireenterite in dieobeying the
mandate of the eattleMen ' •
cent, is .perfeetion. His beautiful hea
and neck, deep, well laid shoulders
well sprung' ribs, together with • fee
pa,steties, bone and feature 9f.faultles
quality, combine. to make him. a hreed
ing horse of •. high, degree, being '
speeded through 1)11i sire and dam
feete tee .1fteeetele Prince . Wales
Sire -Hie eke' Stately 'City, was int -
Ported by us. in 1002, a son of Prince
Romeo, out. of Nancy e12710); :by?
Roving Boy, by Sir Miehael (1530), a
Darnley horse.. As te yearling Steep -
ley City. woe seeene at Hamilton:. and
Lanark. As a two-yeae Old, ha • we':
third at Glaecoye and first at Handl,.
ton, and as -a theee-year-old he was
foueth.at''GrlaScrfw in a very strong
elasi,. and had: the Islay premium
beth Matt year and the following one.
Dam -His dam, Daisy of Upper. Barr
was got by Orlando, considered one of
he. beef theee-year-old :stallions thee
was 'ever, shown ' at the Glaseoer Stal-
e* Seowin 1e89 he was flest at
Ayr,,third at Glaseow, and fir it St
he:fl.. AS. show at Melrose. In
890 he was fleet at Ayr and. East
, second at Maryhill and
ePond t the H. & A. S. show at
Dun4eee--4ne-1-8el4o-weee-fiestent LthL
Glasetiw Stallion Show aed : had th:1
ower distejct ••Wigtownshirepreinie
me Hie stetec have also taken .a for-
ward place at all theprincipal shows.
Gr.' Dam. -His greed dam, Baer. Dar-
ling; was got by Loed Erskine (1714),
one of the, beet breeding horses in
Scotland, and sire' of ; mow: dis-
tinguished anifeals including . the mare
Loyalty, for which tee :Thee of
Scotland paid R.400 wheen tivo-year-
old. Route for Season 1908. MonthlY
-Will leave his own stable in flayfiel,1
ge South to Snowden Bros. for
Con, thento John Horner's; 'for
night. Tuesdae-Will erase to Brown.-
son Line by way of town line and
proceed north' to Henry . Talbot's • for
noon, then to R. Peithele's foe eight.
Wedneedity-Will mos to •Go4len LW.
to D; J. Steph-nson's for , noon;
thence by Parr line to .C. Ward's for
eight Thursday-VVill --proceed to hie
elven stable where he will remain
til tbe e next • mottling.. Fredee-Will
proceed to J. Hudie's, 7th eon, God -
meet Pp., for Wm, thene to James
Wallis', let con., for night:. Saturday
-Will return to his own stable in
Bayeield to remain tintil the folloWing
Monday morning. Terms of Service -
To .inettre a foal, $15,, two •mares
from the same ()Weer, $28, payeblo
Jatteary 1st, 1909. 1Viares must be
returned regularly to horse or they
Will be charged felt insurance 'whether
In foal or not. Parties disposing of
their mares before foaling time wili
be cheesed full insurance, whether in
foal or not. All accidents to mare&
at tisk of owners. -Win. Elliott, man-
ager, R. Petthale, Owner. •
My eyes began to :clear and v'eere
soon strong and well. The pain grad-,
yen}, left my hack and sids and I.
3trengthened. I an" very grateful to•
Booth's Kidney Pills • for the &needy'
relief given me and will gladly re-
commend them." Sold by dealees.
Price 50 cent. The R. T. Booth Co.,
Ltd, Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian •
Clinton News -Record
Terms of subseriptione-41 per year in
advance $1.50 may be charged if
not so paid. No paper diecontineed
until all enters are paid, unless .at
the opinion of the publisher, The
date ,to which every sobsetiptien is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates-Trandent adVer.
tisements, 10 cents per' nonpariel
line for first insertion and 8 mite
per line for each subsequent 'Insert-
ion. Small advertisements met to
exceed one Inch, such as "Lost,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," de., in-
serted once for 85 cents and each
subsequent insertion 10 cent%
Communieatiofts intended fot publiCa-
tion must, as e guarantee Of pea
feith, be acCompenied by the name
of the writer.
W. J. ivirronEiLL,
zdttor and prop titor
• Chronic Coughs Cured,
Me, eotseph Becleeo bromote, sage:
"X took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychine,
and a cough 1 had continually for nine
months disappeared. It Is the beet
eemeey or ehronie eoughs that I ever
Tbotiotitide of living witnetees etc:-
nounee reyehine the greetest medicine
in the world. 11 18 tot a patent node
anis) but it presetiption of a great phy.
hieNtri. Put it to tho teat in any
Nita of throat, lung oe /dot:melt trouble
or any rue (loath or weak eendition. At
all deuggitte,. 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T.
Sloeum, Limited, Toronto. .
Itlhase be fruthfull d t Blvth.
dieturbance of • the even • . belareeeof
health causeS. serious teeeble. *NO -
body` (fan he too careful to keep this
• balance up. Ween people begin to lose
aepetitelor to eet lieed casilyt the
least imPrUdence. brings 'on stances,
weakeeee, • se •debility. : • Theesyetefee
needs aetbnie, -eraVes it, and should
note he denied it ; and tbe laes,t tonic
of which we have any knowledge ie
Hooces Sarsaparilla. What this Med-
icine e has • demo in keeping healthy;
people healthy,in keeping up the even
balenee of • health; givethe same
distinctien. a.s a prevefitive tbat ie en-
joys as a cure, Its early usehas ' il-
hiStrated the wisdom of the, oldesay-
ing that a. stitch'. ep time save§ nine.
Tete: Hood's tor eppetite, .ettengtl,.
and endurance. •'
It's Weil Wort:h Trying
Cyrus Townsene theauthor
and elergeman, told at a dinner in
Toledo a story about'eherity.
"A millionaire," said Dr, Brady,
"lay dying." e He had lived e.life of
Rhielt as be I I
, noW 04) (ed. back on it,
be felt none too proud. ,r0 the .min-
leter at his bedside he Muttered Weak-
ly : • • . Operation Prevented.
'If I leave a hundred thotteerel •
• Last week four well-known • geetle-
men happened to meet at. McMillan &
Co.'s produee store,and incidentally
got weighed. Their aggregate 'weight
• was. 987 pounds. They were ,W.
Pyle of the Wilson-Fyle-Medielife Co:,
C. A.' Howe, Ohiet_Weetlakeeen
MORoeere, insurande agente London,
tT:tteet.our vvere ,del.inate looking .quax-
The officers and teachers of • Blyth
Methodist Sunday school presented • a,
photo of themselves to N. B. ' Gerry,
who has been superintendentefor e num-
ber of years, and who nioves to Fort
William shortly; and also one. to
Robt. Slater of town, who has been
the setritary for 34 peers, the time
the school started.
Word Was. received :here of the! death
at Fergus lase week of Gee. Dawson,
who formerly ran a. knitting Inieihess
here. Ilea.kt, tellete was the cause of
his Oath.• '•
.The people of this town are some,-
to hear of the illness of Donald Mc-
Lean, son of Rev. Dr. 1VIcLean, of
Goderith, formerly pastor for 40 years!
in St. Aedreev's church here, with
typhoid fever."
dollars or so to 'the church will 'nor
solvation be assured?' • '
"The, minister an meted- eautionsly :
'/ wouldn't like to be positive, but
it's well -worth trying.' " •
Meltilop Township
The McKillep. Rural Telephone line
is now au nesured fact. Their couteil
have passed a by-law to iseue deben-
eures for the payment of the line in
accordance with an act recently pass-
ed by the Legislature.
Th :3 paymetts, whieh extend over a
petted of ten years, will be met by a
special lax on the subscribers. A
00mteittee lias been appointed to sup-
erintend the building of the lin e and
work will be started at one. • It • is
expected the line ivill he in operation
early. in July. The tot',0' number of
sOhSet'llyers Will reach about thirty.
These mond reading of a bill to • to;
teal the Irish coercion act et 1887
-paseed the British Housu of Cetrations
A New York boy eight years oie has -
cenfeeeed that he murdered MR -ChM
ehewing him into the river.'
• , .
Bad CaSo of Piles Cured by Zatn-Buk.
Sufferers from PileS will be interest-
ed ill the following testimony of Mr.
Garfield Logan, 149 Welland Avenue,
St. Catharines, Ont. He says : "For
years I was a great sufferer from
protruding bleeding piles. They got
,so 'bad that it was impossible for inc
to *elk or sit down without a greati
deal of suffering. The pain I. endured
was dreadful. I tried evexything and
the doctor.; told Teel would have to
be operated upon before 1 ould he
cured. do hot think that there was
one retnedy that I did uot tey, hut
they failed to cure me. Otte day
reecived 1 sample of Zam-riult and
tried that. I got some relief and (W-
elded to give it a good trial. I bought
three boete and before I had finished
the third hot 1. was compktely toted.
etive-Bulc Naive has saved me hundreds
• of dollars because I had deeided to
have the operation if Zani-lInk did not
eeure Inc. r have reeommended
Bilk to n number of my friends, and
am always praising Zatri-llult."
Um -auk succeeds beeause it goes
right to the root of the trouMe. Heal-
ing, soothing and atitieepties it in
Natnree remedy for all .skin diseases.
All stores and druggists .teell at, 50c.,
ii- from the Co.e Toronto
A. H. Musgrove of Wingleam, the
Conservative candidate for North Hur-
on, was in our village last week.
• J. A. Girvin of Winnipeg, is •• et
present visiting at the home. of Jas.
Whyard. He is 011 hie way, home
froin Cube, where he spent the win-
• The Dungannon Rifle Club has 0,..cur.,
ed a new range a little north of the
• present one. There have been several
bees getting it in shape and it is ex-
peeted the weekly shoot will soon be
• restened. A number of new rifles alid.
a quantity of ameaugition have arriv-
• The annual meeting of the W. M. S.
was held oft Monday evening et die
parsonage. The following officers, were
eleCted for the ensuing year ".
PrIesident, Miss 1VIallough
ist vice-president, Mrs. H. Finnigan
2nd vice-president, Mrs. Smith
Secretary, Mrs, Treleaven
Treasurer, likes. 'Long.
At the League meeting On Wednes-
day eveaing ei last week the folloev-
ing officers were eleeted to the en-
suing year :•
• Honary president, Rev, W, A; Smith'
President, H. R. Long
1st vice, efliss C. Whyard
2nd vice, 1Viiss C. Pentland
Std Vice, Miss L. HcLean
• Secretary, Gordon Stothers
Treeeurer, Cecil Treleaven
• Otganist, Miss Roaeh.
They are simply dried bile, made
un of crystalline Constituents of that
fluid. Very common in this, disease
among merchants, clergymen, etrop
girls and those of sedentary • habits.
Prevention consists . in maintaining
correct action of the liver and bowels,
which is best accomplished by Dr.
lia,milton's Pills. No person using
• this medicine need fear gall -stones, nor
will they ever be bilious. Sound dig-
estion, good appetite; a clear color
will evidence the health giving pro-
perties of .Dr. Hatnilton'e Pills, which
are the safest and, beet for general
family use. Insist on having only
Dr. Harnilton'e Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut, 25c per box at all dealees.
• •
Licking Both in Sincerity and
. Judgment
• The News says' that when the pro-
posal to guarantee the bonds of •the
Canadian • Northern was before the
Legieleture, Mr. Pense.ef Kingston
.coefeered with the Liberal leader; and
the latter advised against opposition
to the meastire beeettee the Liberals.
were committed to. it by their .aetion
in previously guaranteeing !weds .of
the same convent.
'Mr; Mackay-, speaking at the
Sault nomination, gave. a soet of quite -
teed deniel of. this sta.lemene, : The
failure of a single speaker on ethe
postion side to say a word in the
House against the proposition Would
seein, ,however, to have been the re-
sult of ate agreement, arrived at in
some way,- by the parey of which Mr.
MacKay is leader. If this is elle
case it goes to ,show how unfit • the
Liberal leader is for the position, ite
occupies, while his action in condemn-
ing in the cotintey that . which he
neglected to. oppose in the House in-
dicates a lack of sincerity Which is
more' to be deplored even than failure.
of •judgenient.-Weeely Sue.
We Want Them bad. ,
• . .
•• A •produee eommiseion house,' which
'prides iteelf 011 ftlhng all ordees. Oee:
eeceived a letter !rein .ee cus-
tomer recently. saying : ••
"Gentlemen, this is. the first time'
we ever knew you to, Make a mistake
in oue •ordete: You are well aware that
ve-litryTthe 'yery--lictiTepwar-eggS.
.T114 last you 'sent ate too poor for bur'
,erade. What Shall we do , with • them?".
The fair ante' of • the house • for
never making an erroe seemed to he
at stake, but the bright mind of the
Junior partner found a Way auto! it.
eveote ; •
"Gentlemen : We are eerry. to hear
that our last , shipment 'did not suit
.you. , There was, however, no mistake
on put 'part. We have looked up your
'original order and find that it reads
as fellows : 'Rush fifty' entice eggs:
• We want them bad,'". ••
Perhaps it is in the neck or should-
ers. leireeething is a, good rub with
Nervilittee No , more speedy remedy
cen he adopted. When applied to the
muselea Nerviline gives them flexibil-
ity and vigorinflammatioe, sorenees
and stiff:nets disappear: "Whether in
the cheet or throat nothing can sur-
pam Neeeiline." eWritee O. B. Denton(
Lumber 1VIerohtent at Oak Bay, N. 13.
"Rubbed on at night, trouble is gone
by morning.. I have proved Nerviline
a great meditine." Everyone stele' t'lle
same, and Nerviline always makes
good 25e, bottles sold everywhere....
Mrs. E. J. Siiiith of Stratford,
Wiseman paper mattufacturers are
propesing that newspapers ehduld use
blaelr paper and white ink.
.Frotet the experloce of Mrs. Jno.
Poke, Saskatooft, ntlothing cuniPares
with Perrozone. ‘!.At, times I was
cohfined to my bed and coUldett do any
work: I was rue down in flesh, lost
strength, my appetite failed, tnydeolor
wits palild. Weary and castdown, it
seemed I couldn't catch up,
e'er roeone started a new
kind of life in my blood, built me
ep, vitalized and strengthened my
nerves, and finally cured my heart and
etoineeli Nees." ePerrozoise is a re -
builder that has special virtue in fe-
male Ailments. SoId . everywhere in
fine boxes ; try Perrmorte,
eooee'ee.eeee. . .. eeSseeeteeeeee:
clktYt helvt-brfaking lob,
a Claire reeerelebeeftlebeg job.
Situated singly over feed door
• --on some furnaces.
Situated "doubly," same distance from
each other, same distarce from feed
door ---on "Sunshine ' Furnace,
wwwwwww..0.ftevwwwwin %wore."
Operator can easily clean every
bit of soot out of radiator.
• •
Fire put out, smolce,pipe pulled
down—on some furnaces.
• Fire stays in, smoke,pipe stays up ---on
"Sunshine " Furnace. ••
be cleaned out any tirne in season without trouble,
dirt, or "fear of chilling the house." •
Harland Iirek
8Te domtair4os..
-Clinton. Ont.
. •
AmeriCan capitalists Will probable I
take over the Dunnville, • 13eameville
end ,Wellandpore Railway, •1
Mrs. Humphrey Weed, the noeeelist, I
is in Menbreal, the guest or Sir Wil-
liam and Lady Van Helene. .
Benjamin J, Moringetar's suit et e
Buffalo againet the lelinnehaha. reining
Company, has been settled. • • '
Owing to the liee,Vo winds prevaelel
ieg this spring very few pound •nets
have been placed in. Lake Erie.
Rev. W. M.. Kennawin of Woodvilee,
has ac'cepted a call to St. Andrew's
church:, Stratliroy. •
The body of W.. G. Kennedy, a com-
mercial traveler, was found in the
harbor at 'Vancouver.,
Mrs. Pardridge of Chicago, eister of
Julia Arthur, is dead at the home of
her parents at, Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. David Purvis yester-
day eelehraIed ehe -, fiftieth anniver-
sary of their wedding. •
Scott's Ematrion strengthens enfeebled
nursing mothers by increasing their flesh an
nerve force.
• It provides baby with the necessary Ja
and mineral food for healthy growth.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00.1
•o eeteeefeireeete the street light-
';-teteeeeelusive of poles'
bot $50,00
citl3,ri.0.16.fies0.: of rfoiSon :tvsente found
the body ,of Mee. St, Pierre, exhumed
at Ottawa, . •:
.Property 'worth p15,914,313 was ex-:
empt from taxation in Montreal le
100'7., an Increase of, $2,209,51$ over
'Harold :A.. May. was sentenced at
St. Catharines to .three years for
Whileeigrs. :Dee• Foreet 'Benkee of
Totorttekeitaieenteetainine yest2rda3t
afternoon a dating thief: entered the
house and stole $40 in eash; besides
, some jewelry; He made his escape.
• Seeding is very • late at Milverton,
and conditions are sald to be serious.
‘‘Kid" Mcetanue, Who is' oented •ey
the lereeeh ;Government ..n a charge
01 thef, t, Wee: released y -s tee, LI V at •
Montreal, as the judge :sled that not
enough .'evidence was neoeueed • to
warrant extradition, , ,
'Leap Yea.r—
A sure winner.
Bound to catch on,
—64 to the pour). .
Your dealer will supply.
you. If not, write
direct to •
D. S, Perrin 6, Co.,
e .e e
Ex cutor
Whetis there anindividinti
who is as capable to act as the
• executot of your will sathie Come
piny, which was orgazilzed and
developed especially for this per -
pose? •
•lids Company will catry"Oltto
the lid letter the tertne of youter
WI11. It Will Mader: ..the, estate
etta.econonticettly, and
..avold legal entengfeMents.
., It will' not be tempted* as an
individual might, to speculitte
Withthe funds held' in trust. It
hi debarred by law from aPtetta
k' I
• This Company. cannot die, get
sick or hike a. *day—always
ready to faithfully perforin its
trust. •
' Charges are never greater, but
usually less than ibe eeniuneratiett
Setidsea of Veruily Solicitor
sawayi rCtabied. •
Correspondence receives prompt
ankestrettst consideration.
Itittaged in eatiteittiOa ivith the
Huron & Erie Loan and Savings