HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-07, Page 4•
Wall Paper
Heins more to beauti-
. fy the home than the
furniture you puf
A room nicely papered is half
furnished. We have the latest'
productions of the leading manu-
facturers and are selling there at
the price you would pay for
much poorer stock. if. you were
to buy elsewhere.
We buy what you
want. We know how
to avoid the things
you don't want.
Mnny lispoy Returns
Mr. Joint McCartney of Iiolmesville
was born in County MeathIreland,
on May Oth, 1830, so on Tuesday "of
thisweek he celebrated the 78th an-
niversary o his birthday.
.1 -le was but four years of age when
the family came to this country and
Settled in the township ot
Haltha eounty,„ and there he remained
Unthe came to Goderich township
over forty y,ears ago. When irt
he helped to deer the, land on which
the: railway station of Euet Caledon•
Mr. McCartney doesn't look :his
years. Like George McCartney Sr,
f Goderich•thieeship, DaVid Cook Sr.
of Clinton, and many others who
mightbe Ineetioned, he has, so lo
speak, been able to set time at de-
The pase few months. he hag been
up in Ashfield looking after the in-
tercet's' of Mr. Beattt Welter who is,
unfortunately, in poor health, Last
week Mr. McCartney returned home
and in a few cla,ye he apaats to leave
on a visit to his son•Geergein Wood-
Mr.,,IVIcCartney is a staunch Xeibled-
ist, a etriie-hlue Tory and an upright
•and sterling maw much esteemed by
all the community in which he resid-
The Ontario License department, has'
been investigating complaint& from
Seaforth to the effect that the town,
seemed to be "wide open" as far as
illegal liquor sciling was concerned.
Provincial inspectoe Ayearst was put
on the job, and he was soon able. to
place in the hands of License Inspec-
tor Torrance, Clinton, two or more
cases against each of the five hotel
keepers. On Monday the cases were
given to Felice Magistrate Holmstead
and all the offenders pleaded guilty.
The following are the license holders
and the amount of -the fine : Comreer-
cial, McLellan ea .Broadfoet, $58
and costs; Queens, Thos. "Stephens;
$50 and costs; Royal, T. D. Pink-
ney, $50 and costs; Dick's, James
Dick, $50 and costs ; Grip House, H.
Carnoeha.n, $50 and costs.
Summerhill . . •
;\ Mr. David Bair spent Sunday with
tee breeher, Mr, S. Barr, Clinton.
The vestry meeting of St. Peter's
chinch will be held on Wednesday eve
ening of this week.
Rev. Mark . Turnbull of Crotleri6
preached in : St. Petr's church • oe
Sunday evening. '
Mr. and Mrs. David Gat -vie have
moved from: Clinton to their farm on
the leth
The 'following is the school report
of 11. S. S. Hullett and Goderich for
the month of .April. Names are ' in
order of merit• and based on the Eas-
ter examinations. •
Sr, IV.—Fern Beacom, Stanley.
Challenger e. Alberb McLaughlin,
Jr. IV.—Eddie Miller, Lynn Mair;
Lois Challenger, Gladys Draper, 'Etta
eleBrien; James Lovett.
Jr. Ili (a)—Harold Biggin, 'Edith
Harvey, Bert Beacom, Eldred • ,'M -
Jr 1111 4)—Jennie Miller, Second
MoBrien, Calvin Lovett'
Sr. IL—Florence Lawson; Fanny.
Lovett, Mabel Hervey.
Jr. XI.—May
Mair, Jim. Johnston,
Fred. Johnston..
Pt. i.—Mattie Biggin, Jein , Lied-
eiLy, Olive Wright, Cora Miller" Flora
The best spell:as ire
Sr. W.—Ferri Beacom.
Jr. IV. -Eddie Miller.
Jr II (a)—Bext Beacom:
Jr, In. (e)--Secord. McBrion.
Clinton News -Record
South. Huron, Conservative*
Nominate Mr. Eilber.
The South Huron Conservative con -
Yeah* held in II6eSall on Tuesday
afternoon was largely attended and
every municipality in the riding wee
The bair was, occupied by Mr, J.
A. Williams. ot Zurich, the president
a the riding association. He is a
model presiding officer being terseness
personified. His talks are crisp and
comprehensive and in few words
gives a gist of the subject in hand.
13u1. one name was' plaoed in noraina-•
tion, that of Mr. Harry Eilher, who
a,ccepted amid cheers this renewal of
the confidence of two Whose etandardi
bearer he has been for years past
Co tic
1 More New.
We have more new coats tilia week 'to show you,
in' short, semi -fitting, also three-quarter loose coats, in
-light tweeds. There are no two alike, and would be
extra value at $9.00, we sell them for $5.50.
Call and See Them.
Bobbinette and Madras
Curtain Muslin
A new assortment of these goodsto hand. They ,
are extra values and dainty designg.
From 20c a yak" Up.
Shirt Waist Special.
White Lawn Blouse, tucked back, three quarter
sleeves, front trimmed with embroidery and tucks, and
buttoned in front, These come in all 'sizes from 34 to
40, and in the regular way would retail for 60c, but
by clearmg out all they had, we can sell them for
30 Cents (Saturday only.)
Every Courtesy and: At-,
tention Awaits You Here
Newest of the New
• The firqt speeker waq Ir Tleee.
Carling of Exeter. This is the gentle-
man the globe and minor ergots have
been reporting as likely to take the
field in opposition to Mr. Either. "I
never thought of such a thing," •:iaid
M. Carling, "I :am a supporter of
the Whitney government and of r my
old Wend Harry, Ent= and will do
all in my Power to have him elected
hy a handsome majority on the 8th of
Mr, William Campbell of Goderich
was the next seeakete In addition to
dismissing present day topics he brief-
ly referred to past contests in South
Huron in which he . had participated.
Ile spoke well and was given a good
1V1e, Harry Horton took this oppor-
tunity ,ef thanking the. Consereatives
of Alio • riding lor the beady suppeet
they gave him in the late eontest
Again Nominated
Mr. R. Murdoeh has bought .a horse
and has rented the Plewes place of
live acres also Miss Wolfe's of ten ac-
res so be will not be going on tho
road this summer,
Miss IViartin is visiting at her
ters for a few days.
Mr. P. McKenzie lost a good work-
ing mare one day last week.
Mr. James Swan. is having a cement
walk laid from his house to the stable.
Thos. Carr is doing. the work.
Mr. Wm. Hart intends going reit
Went to visit his brother who is in
the liveiy business in Alberta.
Mr. George Hart has purchased
line delver lot the stun of $315.
Mhas bought the old Glascow house
bdroowtruh. 0. rl), , sMbutcheringunro eIi a. bbuesUi e tt
s out his
also i
front Wm, Scott and has tore it
111rs, (Rev.) Simpson has been on
the sick list for some time. She in-
tends going to her son, in •Wroseter
as soon as she is, able.
Mr. Wm. Simons has moved to Hen-
Mr Henry Eilber
'Harry -.Either. dealt with the.
old riambered ballot which tile lt hit-
.ney -Gevernnieet tad ahelished.
He referred tO the eedieteileitecei
.bill anshowed how faie it was. as
campared with Liberal gerryntandees
which included the splitting up of
The vLibeeeeetteeeleaftleepealeereereeeeee
icipalities. pay for pollinr boOths used
in provincial eleCtions. The Whitney
Government has • abolished :the; • injus-
steielse.csa.iid p.ayfer booths
The Whitney Governmentitas deubl-
Mr. H. Smith has moved into the
house next to the shoe shop. Ho is
leaking tor a job,
The Presbyterians are pulling doWie
their old church :in order to build A
greater one. Mr. S. S. Cooper ot
Clinton las thq, contract and is slime
mg on the wor . •
Manager Laird of the Farmers'
Bank was in Noxell on Sunday' at-
tending divine service wifit his brother
Oddfellews of that piece.
Mr.. Cecil Simpson has been home
for a few day e from Wroxeter where
he is engaged in the dry 'goods
esa, busin-
On his return there he will be
accompanied by his mother, -who, we
regret to say, has not been very well
lately Tile. Presbyterians will hoiet
aerveee. in the elethodist church next
Sunday both a. m. and. evening and
it is expected thereafter Until. their
new place of worship is ready ler
them. The 1Vfethodist sereice takes
place in the afternoon. . •
Our football team, widely known as
the "Brucefield Rovers," has re -organ-
ized for the season with the followitig
•officers .
Hon. President, Bruce Bossenbcrry
President, A. T.. Scott '
Vice, J T Reid
• •See-Treasurer,•}L, R. Laird . •
• Field. Captain, W. Layton
Managing Cominittee, D. etwae, D.
Poppet, J. Murdoch, Thompsein,
and W. McIntosh. •
Willlocal teams evishing a game
O please correspond with the secretary,
Mr, Laird. •-•
- • . •
ed the tux on theetailwayse and nerease
ed the grants te the municerelities.
The, present Government has increase'
•ed the r..etrictions on ,autornobilee and
if the :Present law not found suf-
ficient' a still more etringent One
will be pased. . •
The Whitney • -Government- smashed
the School Book Ring which has • for
years been robbing the people.
And it 'has increased the' granti to:
the people's : echoole. South Huron', •
for instance, last year received '$4;095.
85 • viten r
In concluding Mr. Eilber referred .te
statements made by M. Y. McLean, of
Seaforth cementing the speaker and
expensed. a strong deeire to meet 'the
Seaforth scribe: on. some public plat-
form. •
The eencludine speaker was Col,
'Clarke of Keicardine, who in the coiirs,e.
of his 'rema.eks said ; "1 know of , no
eone 111 lite House. who is quite so
herd -working in hie 'politieal studies ast
Mr: Eilber. "He has method almost
down to a sclence."
• The meeting concluded with a vote
of thinks Ca, Clarke sad e the
singing of the national anthem.
• .
There can be health and vigor only
when the blood is rich and red.
There are thousands ot young men
jut approaching manhood who need
the riche red blood that only Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills Can make. They
have no energy; the out at the least
exertion, and who feel by the time
'they Wee done their day's work, as
though the day was a week long. In
some cases there is a further sign of
danger in the pimples and disfiguring
eruptions which break out on the
face, These are certain signs that
blood is out of ceder and that a
complete breakdown may result, In
.this emergency. Dr. Williams' •Piak
Pills is 'the medicine these young
men should take. These pills equal-,
ly make rich, red blood. Thdy vicar
the skin of pimples and eruptions end
bring, health, strength and eleergy,
Here is the experience of Adolphe
Rolland, of • St, Jerome, Que., a
yoking man 19 years of ege, who
says "For more than a year I suf-
feted from general weakness, anti 1
O gradually grew so; ,weak that 1 was
forced to abandon iny Work as a
clerk. My appetite failed me, T had
occasional violent headaches and .1 be-
gan to :stiffer from indigestien, 1v as
failing .eo rapidly that I began, to
fear that consumption was eee.tereng
itsPif upon me. Our family loceor
treated me but I did pot gain ender
his CareT was in- it Vpri,7 dist,curt.g-
ed state when a . friend from iVont-
reel came to see •ine. t'a gi'y
advised me to try Dr, %%Meanie' l'enk
Pills. 1 did seand 1uside of three
.weeks 1 began to feel better ; op -
petite began to impiove tne 1 eern-
ed 'to have a feeling. ta new courage.
I continued the pills fill 1 had -taken
ten ',boxes. and I am now enjoying the
:best health 1 ever had: ely ',etre sur-
prised many of my friends whi began
to eegard -"me as incurable End I
steenglv advise other yoking men who
. •
are weak to follow my exempla . end
give Dr..Williates' Pink Pills a • fair
trial." Bad blood is the tauee, of all
comnion ;diseases: like anaemia- head -
:aches, neuralgia,' rheumatism, eeiaeica,
indigestion, allnervous' troubles, gear
eeal weakness and the special elle
meats that only woman loll( ',know.'
•Dr. iWiltiams' Pink pills are the one
cure, because they go right to the
root of ;the . trouble in the blood.
They •change the bad blood into good,
blood, and thus bringheaith, .estrene
gbh and energy.. You can get these
pills from any medicine dealer, or by.
'hail ram Dr. Williamsat. 50c
:Wa box; or eix boxes for:
Mr. Andrew Duncan last Sunday. • oat ' co Brockville.? 'Ont. .
Mre. M. S. Church. is imprevinge ae„ • . • .
well as can L* expected
Mr. and Mrs. WeWellington Ehliott vis-
ited at. Mr.. Morton Elliott's on Sun.
day last. • •
Sucker fishing , ie' the order bf. the
Atty. Sem of. tile boye-seern to make
O. success of it.
Quite a number it tended 'Quart:Ely
Meeting at: Varnie on Sunday. '
Mr: William R. Hart purchased a
ththree-year-old colt from Mr, Atcheeon
of Goderich township one day last
• ••
Miss Edilh Rathwell • of eleshea
Line as a visitor . at the home of fie f
Fay 7th, 1908
46'4' 110164'111P4110 41104116,440,116.1b. 404,410. 410,16.4 0~6 elb 1410frib 4410a 11b* A
We Want lour Eggs
Stanley Township_
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman. spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.., James
Reid, ..
Mrs. Eddikofforof Dashweed spent a
feW days with her sisteMrs. J. C.
Reid. '
Mt. Richard Peck Jr. placed a
handsome Bell Piano in: the home of
Mr. James Boyce last week,
Mr. William Taylor shipped a ear
load of cattle to Tdronto, on Tues-
Mr. L. Clarke delivered some cattle
to Mr. Charles Reid on Saturday
Miss Minnie Penhalc and her sister
of St. Thomas came to the home of
their father Mr, Richard Penhale on
Monday last to speed aefeVe weeks.
Mr.. Wellington. Elliott is preparing
to put a cement founda,tien under his
'barn this spring,
Mies Maggie Wilds had a hiee ridging
her barn on Monday, Mr. William Herd
has the contract.
Miss Laura Itiehardson and Miss
Martha ,Richardson speht Sunday at
the home of Mr. Henry Peck.
The Provincial election IS now on
and interest Is. itKrzasing from : day
to 'day. Party leaders are touring the
Province and issues affecting Ontario
electors are being discussed on all sid-
es, Tile. News (Toronto'', is repotthig
very fully the events and secedes 'of
the cem)aign. Fer ewenty-five cents
The News will be eta to you daily
to June 13th.
Varna Methodist S. S. held their
annual meeting on Wednesday nigh
of last Week. Most of the' officers and
teaehers were re-elected. •
Messrs, John McNaughton and Joint
Sparrowwere among those from this
township who attended the ConServa-
tiee convention in Hensel' on Tues.:.
day. "
The. township. Couneil met on Mon-
day and entered into conteact with A..
1E11.'4 to furnish flee
steel thin for 2 bridges a"t, DicePse- 1
enteRoatc.—.L. .on.. Pari-Jelite en:
the 5th at the reev.e's.
Quarterly seeviees were held, in the
Methodist church on Sunday and' oti
Monday theofficial board met. The
year has been a prosperous one.
The following, which aPpeareti in
the Langdon • (North, •Dakole) Demo-
crat of April 28ed, 'will be read with
interest by the peeple of this distriet,
the groom being well and favorably
known Ron and, a son of oar esteemed
residents, Mr. and Mrs: James Johns:
"On* Tnesdayevening a quiet wedd-
ing, occurred' at tee honie of We., , J.
D. Salter in this city 'When her :only
daughter, Miss Evelyn Bertha, wee une
ited in marriage' to Arthur Melvin
Johns., the . ceremony- uniting the
young couple being' performed: in the
presence of a -few invited friends .ny
Rev, C'. A. Bates, pastor of the M..
E. church. Following the wedding a
light luncheon was served and the
remainder of the evening enjoyably
spent by music, beth instrumental and
vocal, The bride is one of the . girls
who have grown up in our town and
is well known among the young
people. Mr. Johns has also for
some tinie past been well apd favor-
ably known here and ne doubt both
will be greatly missed, it being their
intention to make the Canadian .Nor-
thwest their home"
. Kippen
Messrs. Jas, and Hugh MeDairmid
went to Sheppardton last Friday to
attend the funeral of the late •Joseph
Dunbar,' who at one time iti the sev-
enties with hie parther, Mr. Cupp, was'
a Splendid nrickiayer and stonemason
in eh& part of the Connie-, they heVing
built nearly all of the brick and
stone hoeses of that period in the
front of Stanley and Tuekeretnith.
Mr, Isaac. Jarrott lost one of his
drivers last Friday night from acute
The same evehing Mr, Henry Ivison
while unhitching his team seas Welted
by ote of them itt the face. rout
teeth were loosened, and hie face and
no ,e badly Out. 110 lost a large
Mount of bleed and was unctelecious
for a time. He Is noW getting' along
Constance . '
Me. Charley Riley spent- Thureday
with friends at Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs,. Adam Nicholson spent
last week with friends at...Ethel.
-Me. Jos. Nicholson .' of McKillop
spent Sunda.Y. . the guest of.: his
•brotper, Mr. A. Nicholson.
Miss Kate.Mcgann of Brussels spent
Sunday trho.guest of Mrs, T.,'Pollard.
The. C O. F. had two new members
Join the lodge en 'L'hursday 'evening
last.' , • . '
The Forresters new hall is • being
hustled to a finisih by the contractor,
Mr. S. S. Cooper of Clinteee •
Quito a 'lumber from beep atteetled
thequarterly meeting held at •Lorales-
boeo on. Sunday. ' • . • . •
• •
For which we are prepared to give
you the price.
New Leather and Silk Belts,
The very latest in black, white and colored at 20e, 25c. 85e, ,40e.
O 50c and 75e. ,0
Latest Ladies' Collars
In Bilk, linen and cotton. at 15e, Sc, 10e, 124c, 15e. 20e. 250. 35e,
40c, 50e and 75c.
Spring Jackets
Our newest and latest in fawn, brown and black, long and short
lengths, $5. $6.60, 87.50, 83.09and $10,
Lang Silk (iloves
Black, white, cream; navy, pastel, special value $1.11,
Ladies' Vests ••
White and cream, short, 'long or no sleeves, at 8c, 10c. 12ec, 14e,
15e, 18c, 20c, 25e, 35c and 50e.
Cash for Butter and Eggs, •
$ Successors to McKinnon & Co., B LYTH
McKillop Township
'Alex. Munn is :suffeeieg from a sev-
ere diteck of quinsy. ,
-Lee 'eemeigasei s en a ed With
James Simpson for the eaeon.
Quarterly meeting services 'wale hale
at Walton Methodiat church last
Sunday. Rev. R. S. Currie B.•A..,
coriducted the sereicest
Michael Wall his sold. his . little
place out near the eepa,rate school. to
P. Maloney
R. Mium bee moved into one of John
Crozier's houses.
Mrs. I-lecke/vie • Who was in a
critical condition, is imProving nice-
Mes. John D:undas is getting poor
health at present. We hope for her
speedy recovery.
Mr. Pereuson of Walton Was out
in IMelCillop •buying fat cattle and
hogs. last week, •
The windmill on the barn of John
Crozier completely eellepeededuring. a
windstorm one day recently,
Hugh McIntosh, who sold his
farm here a short time ago and who
Went out to investigate in Western
Canada, Lias returned.
N. on -alcoholic
If you think you need a tonic,
ask your doctor. If you think
you need something for your
blood, ask your doctor. If you
think you would like to try
Ayer's non-alcoholic Sirup*.
ask your doctor. Con-
sult him often. Keep In close
touch with him.
WI Isttbliali 461+ toesittaiii
.1 W. bud& ii.loolatit
• ••, • &OA .011r
ers Wittt You
Arlt your doctor to Mune some of the
resuits of constipation. His long list will
begin with sick.beediche* billotteetes,
dyspepsia* thin bleed,* bad din. Then
ask him if he would recommend your
using Ayer's
—Mdb7 th. 3.0, AO* 00,* 1.0*,01,1•140.
Shoeing the Boys.
To sell shoes that look well and wear well has been our aim.
• The results justify the care we have giVen. If there are youngters
to bashed to day think this matter over. Alt ot our shoes are good-
looking, they're good wearing too and what is equally certain, • we
can and do give unusual shoe values.
• .
Here are a few specials for this week : •
Boys Grain leather, lace. 1 to 5; reg. value $1.60 for $1.10.
Boys strong farm shees, 1 to 5, reg. value $1.50 for $1 00.
Boys Grain leather, lace, .11 to 13, reg. value $1.50 for $1.00.
.Repairs while you wait, • . .
"Always Reliable" CLINTON
si=tom az ivxusics
en's Stiong Shoes
for Everyday Wear.
' • .
• Our Stock of •breniebeavy shoes are t e est we could 'procure
• „
• from the leading manufacturers at prices ranging from $1.25 up to
-4350. ' r .
This shoe was• manafactured expressly for us and is acknow-
1 ledgcl by expert shoe men what we claim it to be, the hest working
mane." shoe on the maiket. The uppers are of the best French kip,
whole foxed with crumped Betas tongue running up to the top. The
sole is double right through to the heel, making a, strong water -
a proof shoe that is always soft and fits the foot People who wear
) this shoe do het suffer with sore feet • PRICE 153.50
, . • • . •
Reparing. done promptly and , neatly%
. . . .
. • .
wo Snaps'
Ladies Whitewear.
These are the sample goods of one of the largest Wholesale
• houses in Canada and are therefore the pith of their stock.
t These goods are all perfect in fit, style and worktnansbip, but
f In some cases slightly soiled.
tThe lot on sale Saturday at tnnnufacturere prices.
Caps Caps.
Our second great snap is of interest to men, women an child-
ren alike.
tIt consists of hundreds of brand new Up-to-date caps in all the
• latest makes and is the over production of one of Ontario's largest
• faettiries Cleared out to us at such a remarkable low price that we
itow Ors thhem on to you at In many cases one.half pit what it cost
ma e
See taps in window .••.--50, 60 and 75c at 30 onn-rs.
Our great clothing sale still continues.
Save money by buying your footwear here.
Vtrateh for next week's ad.
leoltess-Alte446.1eiteeeeteie itekeekee it -S006-0,64. ohliragio 41)^4040•<S- 011-40.4•