HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-05-07, Page 21 ournissoessoussews 3/44, !WHO 011 *teen...41411n; Good, Digestion Means good Health I VW," ••••'................•••••••••••••••••••••.{.. ---wr Mir Clinton News -Record t -rlay 71hy 1906 ecood Wealth ,IsE.verythilog. • . t 0111111111. iIf your digestion Inot the beet . in the worldtry e bottle pf 1 O. D. C. FOR 30 CENTS We guarantee it for Stomach Troubles, PURITY Baking Powder Is the best made . as CTS. PER PO.Ir I eee sissommansummemeess IWe S• R. HOLMES 1 Manfg Chemis'e ta•••••••••••••••••••••*04 -RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE - Welland has is total as ,essment ut $3,250,650. GUelenee aapeoeriations exceed last Year's he $25,0itt, and a rate of 23 Mills is pre,diceed. T. eliatverme, of the Banque Pee - 1 vincial, has le:a appointed liquidator ' of the Beek Si. Jean. Joeeph Fah) and Richard, MaNg- gert were each sentenes4 at Cayuga to flee years .for theft. Lemuel Royce, ae Winnipeg book- Iceop,er reteening from Georgie, clis- appeered in Chicago. DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will be at Holmes' Drug Store, Clinton, on Avril 30, and May 28. Glassee properly fitted. Diseas- es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. Slabs For Sale WE HAVE FOR SALE A QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK SLABS, CUT 16 INCHES LONG SUITABLE FOR RANGES. J. Hamilton NEW MEAT MARTe-HAVING PUR- , ehaeed the butchering business car- ried on for some time by the Colelough B r o s.., we • respeetfulla solicit a share of the patronage of the public white), we. hope to merit by keeping the best ot meats and at rosonable prices. Give us a efell. Our shop is fleet to The News- Reemel Office. -T. re, & Bert Murphy CEMENT FOR SALE. -I ADI Agent for Clinton and dietriet for the National Portland Cernent Co,. makers of the best cement in the market. This .is the only cement, used by the corporation of Clinton in the construction of sidewalks, etcA .-Mrs. T. R. Walker. • 21' COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAW. FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rowland's will be prompteeeattended to. W. J Stevenson 111.11.• Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from chinch, poste office, exiool and the village Of Auburn. Suitable •for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank bean 52x60, a driving house e4x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also . lot 28, East EGOS FOR HATCHING. -FROM . pee of Partridge Weandettes headed •by cockerel, winning two fleet; and three specials,pullet winning silver cup, two firsts and specials and hen winning first and special ler claps. Also prize winning Colum - Kens. :Prices $2 pee 13, $5 per 39.- H. E. Rorke, Clinton, Opt. .ro.n. County News Gathered for News -Record Reader PIANO AND ORGAN TUNINI1 AN • Repairing e -The undersigned is prepared to do aU4 kinds .4 piano / and organ tuning and repairing, and being a man of Practical experience . is able to guarantee eatisfaction. Orders may, be left at W. S. R • Holmes' drug e'tore.-Ed. .J. Howe • ard, Clinton.• ..• • 500' ACRES IN NURSERY STOCK. -Agents wanted at one to sell for Fall 1908 and Spring . 1909 •de- livery,; .whole or. Part time, liberal • terms ; outfit free. -The. Thee: • W. Bowman & Son CO.,. Ltd, Ridge- • ville, Ont. , . • Wawanosh, 2nd cone citreetly - lee said lot 27, containing 100acres of land, 15 acres of which are bush. On this lot there is a bank • barn 40x60. There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farms. Beth lots are well fenced and un- derdraired. A never failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be given at once. Terms easy. The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P, 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communica- tions. *Feb. 13-08* yeal 1- R. E. Me•Keezielgerift:celgrave rejoicee over the birth of a baby boy. Mrs. Moore of Guelph attended the From The News -Record of • • My 8th, 1889, Clinto, May 8th, 1889. Creamery Company. -A pUblic meet- ing will be held in the Clinton Coun- eil Chamber, on Monday, 13th May al 2 p. m. sharp, for the Purpose organizing e creamery company. AU shareholders and ethers interested. are requested to attend, Officers Will be aPpointed- and arran•gemente complet- ed, Mee. H. Stevens is seriously ill. Mr. D. B, Kennedy, we regret • to learn, is seriously ill, . Mr. Robert Walker, we regret to learn, is seriously ill with inflamma- tion of the lungs. Mr. Spooner, formerly of the Cen- tral', hes now 'become domiciled in the Royal which •he will 'Oviduct as • a hoarding house. •• Elm Timber. -Mr. D. McCuaig of this town the other day completed w. shipment of seventy carloads, of elm timber secured in this section during the pest winter. The timber was ship Ped to Point Levis. C, 0, F. Installation -The officere of Maple Leaf No, 16, e.O.P„ :install- ed at the last •meeting, by Bro. Oliv- er Johnston, P. C. R„ assisted by Bro. 'John Smith, P. C. Re end H. M. were: C. R. Stevens; V. 0: R., •S: Wilson;F. S., W. Jones; R. S., J. C. • Cele ,• Treas., D. Dickin- son, S. V., Geo.: Troweill ; J. W., H. Sta.nhury ; S. B., A. Twitchell .; Chap I. Dodds. john Smith and H. Stev- ens were elected delegates to the High CoUrt, which meets at Loriden . the ,sedond week in June. .This is, the fourth timeeBro. Smith has been elec- ted to; the High Core. • The wife of TreasurereCantelon, of Goderich township; by mestake took a solution 'of saltpetee and was brought to town for medical treat- PAPER 'HANGING AND DECORAT- • ing.-Gopd work guaranteed. Agent for the . Empire • Wallpaper :Co. Samples furnished, .19: cents . a rail for ,hanging. Your patronage re- • epectfully • solicit Medea E. e, funeral of her uncle Wm, McCrae, on Teesday, • Miss Susie Johnston is quite indis- poSed. Miss Wiley of Wingham spent a feW days with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Wiley of this village. Fred. Scandrett of Toronto() is: spen- ding his holidea,s at the borne of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Scandrette Mr. Richard Stonehouse is suffering from an effection of one big toe, which willsaleogether likely have to be tak- elf. •. lVfiss, Munro of Bay City, Mich., has returned to her home, alter spending; a few days with her cousin, Wm. Geddes. The beeeeall team of Beigra,ve have rented the old park or race course, from 'John Fells, to •use for games hnd sports for the summer season. The Methedist Qieeeterly meeting and Sacramental services were held at Brick church last Sunday at 10.30 a, m, Teustee Board • will meet in Belgrave "church on ,Monday at. 2.30 P. What 'might have been a serioue accident happened on Mondey • even- ing. Mr.' and Mrs. Wile Proetor, when coming from Winghain • drove up to 1VIcKenzie's flour and feed store, where Mr. Proctor tied the horse; 'coring Mrs. Proctor sitting in the buggy. • For some roesen the horse made e dash, broke. the briele' and started for home at full speed: While. turning at McClelland's Corner Mrs. Proctor was thrown. :out with great force on, the cement 'sidewalk, Though no hoees were 'broken, ' Mrs. Proctor is, badly bnaised and shaken up, and the buggy meshed. • I HAVE: THE SAMPSON BRAND of Cement, for sale, fn, large. andi small quantities,. • There is no bet, ter make of cement on the market. Office opposite G. T. R. passenger stetion. Terephonereereareeer orders may. be left at Therandleros; • hardware store. if Mere convenient. JAMESHAMILTON. Clefeh ()Ye , • FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER- signth offers for sale part of let 40 on the Bayfield Road, 1 mile south of Clinton,, consisting of 20 acres. Good frame house with st- one cellar, barn 36x70 with cement basement. Easy terms. - J. A. Smith. 40 START IN IVIAY OR JUNE AND FINISH A GOOD COURSE OF TRAINING FOR STENOGRAPHER OR BOOK- KEEPER BY NOVEMBER', WHEN GOOD POSITIONS ARE BES T OBTAINED. ENTER ANY DAY. NO VACATT.ONS. FREE CATALOGUE. • • • Central Business College YONGE Ei GERRARD STS,.. TORONTO4 W a. SHAWePRINCIPAL. CENTRAL Mr. Ephiaitir Brat, while driving in a buggy with his father Was • taken suddenly ill and the result shows the ailment to be of a paealytie Imam. • Deputy Reeve Manning :of Clintea, ip spoken of as a poseible.candiea,te lit the interest of the reform par ty :in West Huron, when Hon, A 5f Ross steps down and out. (food. enough,: • fqdel School. -The meeting of „the Literary •Societe. _Room No: met on Thursday May .2nd vath lec-Pree. Mary Paisley in the chair: Thefol- lowing eerogram Was rendered : -Song by school See. report -Amy Cantel- ozi ; reading, Emmie Tipling ; reading, Jennie Hamner; song by choir; read- ing, Lucy Sheppard; retitation, Win- , nie- ereadieg, Me. Lough ; duct, Hattie and • Lennie Irwin ;:reading, Birdie Heywood ; song by Quartette Clue ; reading, Geo. Hodges ; read- ing, Russel Hine duet, Minnie Conch and Hattie Irwin, reading, Eddie Can- telon Song by choir,,reading, May Biggaet King by. Russel Hill and Ed- die cantelona Geo: eIodgeni, Earliest Cooper. Committee, Dottie Fair, :Hat- tie' herbs and Robert Menzies, song "God Save Our Queen." The tneeting adjourned to meet again." next Friday, May , y 10th at the usualhour. • Monday was the .hottest • day this season.; •, • • Mayor Whitehead nee beterell recent- ly, •though not dangerously so. Ex -Mayor Forrester will have under cultivation this year about 400 :acres of flax. This is either .above his avers' age acreage. STRATFDRD. ONT, is • the leading business •training school in Western Ontario. We. *give a thorough, practical trebling • on • Commercial • 'Subjcets, Isee,c • Pitman's Shorthand, Touch Type - Writing, and in Commercial and ' Railroad Operatieg. • Each depart- • ment- is inthe hands or experienc- • ed instructors. We aSsist studehts to ' positiene. Our graduates • al- ways succeed, for our courses are • the best. • Get, our free catalogue ' and learn. mare • about tie. You • may enter now. •. Elliott & McLachlan PRINCIPALS FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. 2, Stanley, containing 1.60 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is well fenced, underdrained and in a good state of cultivation. 1 acre of or- chard and small fruit. On the pre- mises is a two story brick houfse with slate roof, ,a first-class farm house. _a. ham,- size, -44- r 80 with stone stabling, a tempt silo 14130. good driving house, pig pen and hen bouse. Twei never -fele lug wells. This farm is sittiated. 3 miles from Brucefield, 6 from • Clin- ton and on od gravel road. Ap- ply os tie premises or address klhert Nett. Clinton 13. 0, 02 United States Subscribers will please note that we have to pay one cent postage on each pap- er going to the 'Milted Stetce, This means that your Ragan:a tion must be paid in adVatioe. When you see your ' Sitbacrietion expiring please remit $1.50 for an- other year 80 that you will not miss any copies of 'The News-Ate- ord. PREPARE FOR POSITIONS - paying from. $35 to $100 per month by -attending the popeule • Sumnierhill; May 8th, 1889. Messrs. William Wallace and John McLaughlin have taken to the road. We wish them suceesee The Literary Society will have • a .slreeling match this (Wednesday) even- ' • Mr: Geo, Hill's little daughter has been very ill with scarlet fever • but is now . on the fair way to recovery. Mr. Ephraim Butt is•on the sick Rat, but it is to be hoped he will soon be around again. Whileriding along in a buggy with his lather ' on Thursday the 2nd instbe recen•cd a Paralytic stroke but is now much im- proved. • Mt. Geo. Tyner, has. gone to the Toronto hospital tor medical treat- ment, • He was accompanied by his brother-in-law, 1Via Chas, Lovett, Jr: The gentleman has tried all the loeil medical skill without receiving any, benefit and we sincerely hope his eresent trip may not be in vain. He has since returned and we are sorry to' learn that the physictans there could not relieve his ailment -S. The standing of poetic school for the month of April is as follows, based on diligence, punctuality and eonduct :- • Sr. 4th.--Waldon Laithwaite, • Bert Murphy, Emma 'Murphy. r. 4t las. . JohnaWn o. W. Hill; ROA, Watkins. Sr. '3ede4Sara Neelbitt, Lionel Leith- waite, Atia61ia Mason. Jr. 3rd, -John Wright, William Mils ler, .Etuily Jordan. Sr, 2nd. -Winnie Thompson, Seam, Watkins, Lizzie Lowery,. Jr. 2nd. -Rosa Wright, Annie Tyner, Ethelbert Mellveen. • 11 Part -Arthur Huck, Mabel Shen - pard, Ethel Jordan. Part -Mabel Huck, lem. Butt, Eva Johnston. Average attendance SO, No. on roll • 50. . • • ma.....m• • • . • 0. G od,erich eLeise ICIM#1411N435 $ corresp!inCent. The fire alarni was rung the other afternoon calling out the firemen • to extinguish a, fire in the yard of •one, of our large 'blocks on, the "square, which Was being Weaned up, These is a law against setting fire to rubbish near any wooden structure, but one year ago,,, the fiomen were called to the same yard for the rubbish had beep piled up near an ice house.. Mr. George porter has returned from Bermuda much improved by hie visit to those ishuide. Mrs', Thurlow has bought the house Keays:' street formerly occupied by • Mrs. Guest. ' Mr. 'Thomas Heeney has accepted a situation on the C. P. R. at Calgary 1 and his mother and sister, togeteer with his two little sons, will raccom- pony him to that place,.• On April 21st our citizens were treated to one of the most delightful entertainments e:Ver held of the kine, in any of eure churches', the 'readings by, Miss 'Alice • Ceeprnan, of Leland Powers Sebool, Boston, under the auspices of the united Epwoeth Lea- gues, of North and Victoria: street churches. • Mise Chapinan's memorizing • power, is remarkable, her accent pure, and her pose .statuesque. In addition to Nine Chapman the following aSeaste eel in the program : M. Roy Adams-, Mr. C. Pennington, Mr, Scott • Hays and the Mendelseohe seuartette, Those who heard Miss Chapman will he glad to listen to her again &Quid she again visit Our tewn. While' in Goderich she was the guest of • Mrs. Halsey ,Park, . The funceal of the late 'Eliza Bright, relict of thelate Joeeeh: Spreedbury, formerly of Winchester, England, took place from "Stancombe Piece," resid- ence of her •son-in-law, Mr. , Cr eorge Stancombee On the casket was laid a: large sheaf, with a, wreath of love - • TORONTO, ONT., THIS SCHOOL IS NOTED • PAR AND NEAR, VOA THE atiptitton EDUCA T 10 N • GIVEN TO THE' STUDENTS ' AND POR THE ntiVARK- .A,BLE SUCCESS OP ITS • GRADUATES. COLLEGE OPEN Tiin ENTillE YEAR. • BEGIN NOW. OUR TRAIN- ING WILL 1‘1A.X:', YOU IN- DEPENDENT. 'WRITE TO- DAY POtt 0ATAL0GI1E. W. .1, ELLIOTT, • Prineipal, OortiereYonge and Alexander streets. •.i . GrOr Township. . .. Townshfp council will meet next efond'ay at Ethel; ' : • ' ' ' William Carnochan of Linwood, eg11- ed on old friends liSt week. • : John Duttrey; •who • has been laid up ,e ly large pink and white roses.; tribute with blood poisoning in his foot, - frorn her faMily. She looked • so love•-• aele to be Out Again. •• : ly with her 'enemy wreath of hair, 84) new "'del deskshave //eer4 Place(/' whese beeety time and Sexes had not in the. school house in S: S. No 3. • marred, ,' The pallbearers : were. her Miss Ida, Drinkall of Detroit and six grandsons : Messrs. Fred. Percy Miss Rachel . McCurdy of Delgrave, an& Eddie Cook, •Emerson Evans., ewr!re visitors. at Ls FeeM's tes.'Easts Cleveland Richards and Oliver Oreig. Eater vacation, returned to her Nv6har% residenee in ikon . her school et Monkton for - Mies Ella McKinnettewho _ was hoinee" • rMierd.; ainn51. het% Canada for scam& time, took tip their nglanid and atter being 'in Goderich, about eight a . Mes.• *Spreaebury were mere' Charles 00,1(10, Of Linwood, years ego. Five daughters were the been waged as 'assistant cheesniaker issue of . their union; fOur, of *hem at Silver Corners. He comes 14* survive, Mesdames Evans, Cook, ,Pi - recommended. ':1 cot, alai Staneombe. Mr.' :Spreadbere '. Hugh Richmond has . rented has (Hee five years ago. The late • Mrs. farm, known as the .pickrell.; farm, •to .• Spre Mr. Graham, of Trowb,ridge. r They get George's chinch, and duringeher ille Pesesssion at (ince. . . • . ' • mess of ten sang • the :pretty Enelish -:Several Grey. tooweship fennels have ilynua, elle. .'sang at her old Enalish entered for .the Oat crop .tompetition home under the direction of Eest, , • eleir,oe • e There's a home for little' children Agricultural §opiety. : . 1 Beneath the 'bright blue sky" . - • leichaed Rolbinson, is .holnO. froin.-d- • :(atel with ,her latest breath settee 'past "Hark, I hear the Angels sing ' "-. her h has spent the smeovueir mn °wall: e . .., .. . Gloey to oue new been King" • • - • - ' - ' '. ,Mrs ,i - . . . , Spi...adbury had reached , her : The Sabbath School held in the 79th -year. Hee life was full et t'iate 'school house in S. S. led. 8 Was re- •. , . . •. , dairghterse end their families and • al- . Sabbathat.. o og . .... . . I ways resigned. to God's will.. Hee end ur is the ‘SulPeriiitendent.' . • ' I was Peace. Quite' a number of or- ' A number of greYites 4ttelided the riag'es attended ' the funeral to Malt - M bi last • Dungannon. R. E, geneeing spent Sunday lest with Mende in Clinton. • Miss 13elle MeWhinnee spent a few slays islet week reeewing acquaintances in ohr 11. Fowler of West Wawaneeb, moved. last Week into the hease owned by Miss 13elle McWhinney. , Mrs. Albert Quaid, of the lith con- cession of Asefield, is, we are sorry tti state, at, present seriously ill. W. H. McClure has built an addition to his livery barn, which will • give. him greater accommodation. Mr. Melvin, sr., returned last week from Goderich, wheee he had been visiting his son, Angus, who is at present on the sick list, •• Quarterly services were conducted in the 1VIethodiet church on Sunday laet at 10.30 a, in. The quarterly official bard met the followinglevening. • Morris Township.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shari* of Goderieh recently, visited -with Mrs. Shaelie's mother, Mrs. Shurne, 4th line. • • Miss Minnie L. Ker of Fordwich, fermer teacher of S. 5. No. 3, Morris,' visited friends around Sunshine re- cently, • •• . A new drainage by-law is being dealt with by the township eouncil khown as the Mason drain. The court of re- vision will. be held on it at the next meeting; May 29th. •• • Last week James Sherrie, disposed of a span of heavy draft colts rising a. •Y•Par old, Sired by "Scotland's Hope," at a figure approaching $200, The buyer Was Eli Smith, Grey township. Morris was fully 'Opreeented at the Conservative convention last week. Some of course were disappointed and otherS pleased, •but all loyal- Conserva- tives will support the choice of the convention. While . some favored Mr. Bowman, none • can deny that Mr. Muegrove will Ina,ke an exeellent can- didate. • , • f° I've Heti ,Experlence" Itomem earitaparille, arid an con- vinced it Is a great mealeine."-tble is time salute= of 40,366 letters by aetual count, received, In two years. They tell or cure* of allblooddiseaueelossotappetite,rbetuna- tient, afteatever weakness, that tired feeling, nervoue weakness, dycipepola, e,atarrb. Rheumatism -1 believe Heosiee Blase- p,arlua the nest medicine for rheumatism, twat my husband and myaelf have tested its, value, and we are both perfectly free from •nelunow.” Hits. 0. W. Cobourg* • oat. gOXotirils--"I had eczema and tried even,- thing of heard but nothing helped me until too g Hood'sbareaparilla. Thal** to this. medicine. I an now well," Girona* Vanat.-- *Trig, South Bethleheni, H. IMV011 Strorigth-'W0 have used BoodSarsaparilla for three Tears and have alwaxt le. found It alatrengt,h-giving medicine. 0onnos SAUL 0 Duke ete Brantford. Ont. • , Rood'a thireaparilla le sed everywhere,• . 10110 Doses One Donar. Frepared only by• • O. 1..Hood Co., loswell, Mum, 11. e. A.: St. Georges Anglican Church itt Grafton alti4 the Minot Catholic) &lira of St. Joseph at Vt/iniiirk wer0 destroyed by fire. adbury was vary devoted to St. opened after the *niter holidays,: lase Ione° and resignation, 'beloved by her 6000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA • ,R, A. Norman, town elerk of Piotioii is the Conservativoa canclida,te 111. Priebe Edward for .the Legislature', „ Peter Cline, of Hamilton, may lose the eight of an eye from a stream cif lime water striking him in the* tape. • • Fire burned Thomas Bickell's house at Canton on the farm, he had jest bought after being ten years a tenane. The Ontario GOvernment will estab- lish a bureau of industey at leerlink Ald. Hahn is secretary. • • ' 'The 'technical Educatien committee ():1 Hareilton recommenes that a tech- nical eehool costeng $40,000 be met- ed.' Thb19O8Edition Out of 'that most Useful and • valuable booklet,' "5009 Facts about Canada," compil- ed • by Freak Yeigh of • Toronto; who is widely known throughout the: Dom - Mien as an authority on things:Cana- dian, Nearly 25;000 cootie were sold' of the 1901 edition, .the demand com- ing from every part of the Contieent and the • British Empire. -The idea worked °id, thee of a concrete fact in a sentence, is execillent one, the data being arranged under setae self -in- dexing titles . as area, agriculture, banking, commerce, :finarices, railways, wheat 'fields, eta The wealth of materiel contained in smell .space is a revelation to even a' well-in- formed Cariadian of the stateling and resources of the country. The book is Published at .26 cents a copy by The 'Canadian Facts . Publishing Co., 667 Soden, Avenuedeproeto, Cankei,. om rnay Ie had from Newsdealers...• ' . • • . • .FEW WILL ESCAPE. • The torturing aches of corns: 13e prepared, -the. only painless cure , is lElutnam'S Corn Eieteactoe. Fifty years hi uee, and• absolittele guarante- funeral of ,the late Ea Robinson eernetery and her remains were ed. • . . • • -• • Monday.. She was a sister to Arthur laid beside these- of her husband, Rev. and OliPliallt Smith of this township. mare Turnbull' officiating at the Alter a sojourn of three months at grave. Vinnipea, Estevan• and .other point:el •Birth. -At Goderich on 2 Ith Miss Dello a,rri . 0 •r..• an, rs..walker, West itreet; on Thursday evening of last week. lSlith had a fine time andit evidentey reed with her. ' , Serviee was withdrawn' in Roe's church last Sabbath morning owing to the Quaeterle meeting at ,Ethel, On the next Sabbath morning, • Sunday school will be re -opened for. tho •, com- ing season.. . • • , . • • . • a diarutgn h-teIr. 1 B Goderieh on April 19111 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pringle, sa son. 1 The steamer Turret, Chiefleft • on Saturday for Fort William, incom- pany with "The' Turret Cape."' • Captain Robert McKay hes received orders to leek after the buoys efe this. port,, during the season. • . t Mrs. Elizabeth Salkeld has removed front hex Keays St. residence, and will spend the seison. With, her son and daughter, Mr. john, end' Miss Salkeld, Bayfield Road,• M. Ferran and family Of St, Hel- en's have remove(' to Goderich and • haive rented the house owned • and formerly occupied by Mr. 'Jerfaieson I Reid: • ' .s. George er. Co* has :returned to "Hill OreSt," Britannia Road, after a four months' visit to her sons in Chicago, and Leamington, Ont. She looks, very much • improved after her • wintee's rest: Hee (leughter, • Mre. • 'Catarrh is not a blood disease and Guest', also resides in the Windy • that is why it cannot be cured by any 0". medicine taken into the stomach. ."/ One 01 the most flourishing cacti, we Catarrh is a germ' trouble contracted have seen for a long time, is in bloom from the germ -laden air you breathe in the win? IOW of Jeamston's Fume t tura store Square, 66 blosaoms have inward. These game fasten h selves in the tisstm and air cells of the appeared upon it, and they are very breathing organs, multiply by millions large, and, richly colored. It was ea,u•Se shoeing, coughing, raising inuc- wn by Mr, George H. leowlereelaye oes, cue, arge rom time nose, diffienttr-g° Licenses in,St., John are to• bee re- duced from 75 to 61. Napanee's assessment is .$1,256,664, an increase of $134,883. • Tho Karch .foutelry, a landmark of • Hespeler, is to be: torn demi. CATARRH NOW CURABLE, • —•-a• But Never iby Medioine Swallowed, • Snuffs, Sprays Or ,I)oughes. • • Id Road,' fie Mrs. Ramsay has had atioNer • very serious attack of her old lung trouble but is progressing very favorably • at present, She has been under medical care tot some' years. .• Mr. J. Grant McGregor ha e drafted , the plans for the sediment basin. . Miss Del hine N irn has returned from 'a, visit tohoe aunt, Miss Aggie Nairn, Detroit. • The elatiper • Whieh fell from the bell in St, George'schurch the other day *weighed front (liken to , twenty yowl( s, • • * breathing, hoatsenees, dryness and stoppage of the nose, tickling in the throat and other symptomserhat can only be reached hy, the dry air printi- pal of Hyomei. • It medicates the air you bootee with the ditratiVe propeitios of the Austral- ian Eucalyptus Forests wkirc catarrh is unknown. The reason you get relief in a minute; �r two from Hyomei is because it de- stroys e try cat.arrlmal gern. air you breathe, and its dry penetrat- ing aroma, will reach The innerplat recesses of the air passageS, killing millions of germs a minute. Their destruction means freedom for oppres-, sed respleatory. orgins. W. 8. It. 'Holmes sells Hyothei under e:•guarantec of eatiSfaetion or money back; Price 11 population • et Welland totals. an iierease of 886. Heavy windi., have driven the ice back into Thunder Day. • Whitechurch , • Our Methodist friencle held --7their. • Querterly ,service last Sunday at which the Sacrament of •the Lord's Supper was administered, at Bethel appointment. - .• • • Lase, Wednesday evening, Rev: •ele. McMillan pf Toronto, addressee r„ a. large audience in the Presbyterian Church. His subjeet was "The Scot- tish Convenanters." The subject was well, handled, and highly apprecietee by an attentive.audience. Mr. A. D. Beton.of Clinton, form- erly of Whitechurele spent a few days last week • visiting friends in and around Whitechurch, .Mr. -Beaten is looking as well as Who he lett here, and his Many friends were pleaeed to. meet him and see him. looking so well,• The butter faetory, started Monday lett with Mr. J. Sperlieg at the helme We feel that Mr. Sperling will do his -utmost this year to make it e settees/ ful one. " A Prized Cough Cure STA-ZON EYEGLASS TANS' ON C+, • Oornbinee e - gance and coin - fort. and is decid- edly the most de. • sirable st y le of eyeglass ever de- • " vieed. We know they will give satisfac- ' tion. We can adapt th e m to •.almost any shap- ed nose. . • • 4 A.J.GRIGG JEWELER AND OPTICIAN IRONER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES • - . . "I have not been without a bottle of Ooltsfoote Expectorant in the house for over nine years. At that time I procur- ed it for a bad cold I had. It worked etch wonders -then teat it has-been a household remedy ever since, and we Will have no other for coughs and colds -it is cm pleasant to take, and all of mny ehildreh look for it as soon as they get a eold et all, Nearly all of them have been sebjeet to croup, and that's when I find Coltsfoote Expectorant use- • ful. You are welcome to use this testi - menial as you wish. • MRS. LEWIS NIGH. Free Sample of Cohafoote Expectorant Will be sent to any person sending their name and aaaross and naming thii • paper. It sluts established a wonderful record as iv auteessful cure for coughs olds, sore throat, croup, whooping dough, bronchitis and all irritated. tore Wiens of the throat and obese 11 10 the preseriptiion of a great spetialiet in medicine, At all good druggists, 25e. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Liinited, Toronto. • Send for Vet Sateen) Tredity. , . -JUST :ARRIVED We are offering ' these pants at prices that con- - n othe-bentem-They- come in tweeds and worsteds, and era wearing quali- ties. , Have 'a look at those W6 are offering at these prices. rien's Spring'Sults We are running $10 specials in • greys and browns. Best value ever shown in Clinton. • Other lines from SO to $15. • 0 . • • Boys' Salta., • Our Boyce Suit trade has been Very large this spring, Whichwe attribute to the exceptional values we have been giving. ' • Our Furnishing Stock is complete. New Goods in Every Line, E. W. Jacobs Tailoring, ° • Clothing, • Furni,shings.