HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-30, Page 98 amommimmiwommiim Clinton, Newoo4seord April 30th, An Unrivaled Millinery Display /0. 0 0 41110>-• P ...IN • . . 4. .k..? , • ir ; iv, 0 Quite the best show- ing of artistic Millin- ery that has ever been in our show room. Nothing to approach it anywhere near Clinton. Aiwaya something new to be seen for there is a constant stream of new goods passing through this big de, partment. This week new shapes, , new flowers, new ribbons, new novelty trimm- ings ready, are. for you. New hats, too, trimmed up by our experts and ready for Saturday shop- pers. The Great t ire'of Carpets and Curtains There is great selling in our Carpet and - Curtain room these days. Great big stocks of both are here ready for you. Almost endless variety. Choice new designs. Quality to be depended upon beyond a doubt. Retiting sale prices on every pair and every yard. Here is a hint of values. Just a few price items out of the many. Some Curtain Prices.. At 75c Nottingham Lace Curtains, full 3k yards long,.taped. edges, 7n. two new designs, strong net, special per parr.. .. . . . At $1 Three patterns in Nottingham Lace Curtains,full gym& long, buttonholed edges, very strong net, suitable foe any • room, splendid curtains at a popular price. Put theni 'against any you will get anywhere at $1.25, and we think I /IQ you will buy this special at per pair '• UV At $1.18 These curtaine are ,partieularlY .good value. regular $1.50 qualities. made from the bestIsIottinghain lace with button- 1I Q' holed edges, extra large, yery strong, price per I I At $1.38 These curtains at $1.38 are worth at least $1,75. We could • have marked them $2 and not be very far out of the way, I QQ new patterns, fall size, really a bargain at per pair., , . : .. I 'UV At $1.90 • This curtain is exceptionally good, $2.50 is earrily what it is worth,,the pattern is one of the best we ever had, and qual-_ ity. of net is extra strong. buttonholed edges, special at per 1. an pair At $4.25 and $4.50 • New Curtains made in Nottingham, plain net with in- seetion'eet in down one side and across the bottom, edges ,trianed the same way. Have the appearance of those costing twice the money, plain white or Arab shades, also A ' two tone effects. price per pair: .......,.. 4.25 and 'WU. • Some Carpet Prices At 30c - • • Good quality Union Carpet; full yard wide, in shades of red 30 and green, good patterns, fast colors, per yard .... • • At 50c Extra heavy quality heavy Union Carpet, a.splendid carpet ' for a room that gets lots of wear. nice new designs in green, ft wood shades, reds, etc., fast colors, per yard...........,.... @UV At 75c • . • Solid Wool Carpetsgood weight,2firmly woven, new pat 7 K, terns and colorim,srfull yard wide, per yard . . . . • I I/ • Tapestrg Carpetat 85e • *. Englisli-Tapeatcy_Carpets-ihick....close_pileoinide from quality wools, many new designs, floral or conventional, n.r special at per yard 1 At75c Brussels Carpet at $1..15 Our Brussels Carpet at $1 15 's exceptional value. We carry a very large stock at this price and eats show some splendid new design in ,all the popular colors. Cut, made and laid 1.15 per yard Union Rugs, all sizes in blues, reds, browns, greens. and 8 58. 1 English Tapestry Carpets, extra heavy, large assortments of new patterns; suitable for any room, greens. fawns and reds, floral and oriental patterns, close Jolty pile,. special 7K per yard • I V • • mixtures 5.00 to Popular Wool Rugs, guaranteed free •from all impurity, • fast colors, designs suitable for htd room, dining room, etc. in greens, reds, browns and blues. , 9.00 to 1 U.1.14.1 Tapestry Rugs. bought direct frail the makers in England, color combinations suitable for almost any room, sizes in 23 00 stock to from 21 and 8 yards to 4atncT yards:,... 6.60 • Brussels Rugs, many newdesigns in two tone effects and• fancy mixtures, sizes 3x3 yards to,32x.4 yards, 'extra good wearing qualities, and patterns that are suitable for any rig n room at • 16.00 to Li0.1.16 Dress Goods From Push. A few Novelty Summe?Dress Goods on our coun- ters this week right from. Paris to this store, • New weaves and new shades. You will not see them any- where else. Correct for summer wear. Stripe Voile 750 Pure Wool Monotone Stripe Voile, 96 inches vvide, very tine cloth, will make very effective costumes. One of the most fashionable fain les of the sciASon. Imported direct from Paris, where they are one of the late noveltiea, in navy, tan, caster and Copenhagen bine, special per yard Striped Wool 1'affeta.$1 Striped °Wool Taffeta, Monet one -greets, 40 inches wide. made from extra fine A(01,111140) yarns, A little heavier than voile, and St Pipe a trifle narrower, very styllth, special at per yard . . ... .15 1.00 • Decorate Your ILoom. ..1•••,••••••••••••••••••-•,,,•••• IN A MANNER, BECOAIRIG THE SEASON, THE STYLE, YOUR PURSE, AND ABOVE ALL YOUR INDIVIDUAL TASTE. WE CLAIM OUR AS- SORTMENT To BE EQTJAti TO TS. WE THINK WE HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY; WE KNOW WE HAVE THE POPUL- AR GOODS AND THAT OUR, PRICES ARE RIGHT, OUR STOOK HAS PLEASED MANY p4orLE AND IT PLEASES US TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE PLEASED. YOU WANT WALL PAPER IT .WILL COST YOU YOU' NOTHING TO SEE OURS. IT MAY COST YOU SOME- THING NOT TO. W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest—AlwayaBest Mrs, J. W. Newcombe is visiting Dc troit friends. . •• Miss Nettie Wasmann is visiting her. cousins in Mitchell. '• Mr. P, B. Senn pf Brantford was • in Clinton on Thursday last. -Misses ,Maggie.and May Davis. visited. 3their cousin, Mrs, Ed. Daley of Sea,. forth on Monday. Miss Rhynat' of Goderich Was the :guest of Mrs, W. Jackson for a few days of the past week. Mr, Jos. Leach of Bluevale .was • the • guest of Mr. J. F.' Wasmann on Tuesday While on his way tc De- troit. •• Miss Macdougall, who has been. the • guest of Miss Mary Stewart for, a week, returned to her home irk Tor- onto on Monday. Miss Allie Johnstone, who has _been the '.guest of Mrs. O. Johnson tor some time returned to her 'home in .-Zurieh on 'Monday. Mr.. James Mann, formerly foreman • at the Thresher Company's works, left yesterday . for Stratford ivhere he has Retired a sittiatiort. . Mr. George Trowhill, who has been' cutter at the .clothing factory of the Jackson Mfg. Co's factory, has gone to Thordai to attend a business •college. Mrs. R. C. Belcher left on Monday for a couple of weeks _visit in „ St.. Thomas . She wag, accomeanied by • her 'mother, Mrs. Davey who had ' made. her home with her .for some' Mt.. M. Elliott, who has beau 'engineer at the, organ ,factbry has accepted an engagement with the p. L Case .COMpany and the vaeancy fins ciaus-' • ed at tha.O. 1. has been well filled. by Mr. Jaines Misses Vera Glenn and Jennie Arm- strong, and IVIessrs. W. Elliott,' 'W. Morrow and W,..Breen 'Who attended Clinton Model school last fall, were - guests for a few days last week of Mi. and 1VIrs. Frank Herman. MiS. Will. Carter, Mrs: W. Cochrane, lyfessfs. Fred. Kutch and T. and It B. Carter Were in Goderich Tues.. day attendiag the funeral Of, their 'eouSin, Mrs .. -David ' Johnstone of the' -L=Canadian-Sooil-formarly--ot‘God Mr. 11.'. J. Draper, who was in: Strath • roy, in the :service of the •Goold, . Shapley & • Muir 'Co.,' Was called home on Monday by the serious ill- ness of his daughter Winnie, who is suffering from pneumonia but is now slightly improVed, . • ' Mrs, .A.' A., Alexander, . who has been • ' visiting her son, Mr. Alex. Alexan- • det,' foy the past fortnight, gave a luncheon to a rminber of ladies at the Hotel 'Normandie on Monday. • Mrs. Alexander returned to ha home in Toronto yesterday. • Mii. George Hanley was seized With a. fainting spell the other day and in her chair was somewhat injured, The doctor had to' be called in .but the .many friends. of 'the es-. teemed lady will be pleased to hear • that She has considerably iMproved. Rev. Dr. Medd of Forest, Who, had' been visiting • among old friends aboneLondiesboro, was in town over • Sunday as the guest of his: brether, • Mr. J. G. . Medd and took part in the S. S. services in the Ont. St. theta. The Dr. gets younger lookr, • ing as he adVanc,es iu years. .; Mr. Joshua Cole, who came over from Flint, Mich„ to attend the funeral of his mother; Mrs.. William Cole 01 Goderich called up - en a number of his old friends in Clinton on Tuesday. Years ago Mr. ,Cole was cutter. for the then firm of Robert •Coats & Son in whose dry goods department his cousin, • Mr. Peter Cole,' was clerking. They pulled up stakes here and went oVer to Flint where they embarked in • the gents' • furnishing and clothing business in Which they are still as- • soeiated. • • JAPazAlm • TRIP• TO . -TORONTO CONTEST AIL • ALki. EXPENSES PAID . , To the two ladies getting the largest number of votes during this contest we will give a • free trip to Toronto and pay all expenses, stopping at the Queen's Hotel from Monday until Sat- urday,gorgesainvdinfgreteheticlukcektys tpoaNdiaegsaarna oFpapiolsrtaunndityroeftuvrinevkl7ngbotahte,s,fandmroeulsectric railway through the Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls, Cave of the Winds, and the Mang interesting Views of the Niagara nivel'. Contest closes July 6th. Trip starts July 20th, giving ample time to prepare trip, Result of the contest will be announced each week in the, papers. • . • Mr. C. E. Dowding, manager of,the flolsons Bank, has kindly consented to receive coupons and count votes. Kindly enclose all coupons in sealed envelopes addressed "Tozer & Brown's Contest," and mail or deliver same tto Dowding. • , ' Rules of-tht contest are"sitnPle. For each Purchase you will receive a coupon bearing num- ber of votes to the value of purchase as follows,' Everyone Is eligible except our own clerks. Two ladies to be sent. Coupons given only for cash purchases. Coupons given with ordered clothing and men's furnishings. To Biterg Puchaser tot . , 25 to 49c Coupon for 5 Votes .. 50 to .990 " 10 " $1 00 to $1 99 :. " • . 20 2 op ta 2 99 : '. 35.. 3 00, to .3 99 , ,. - 50 • " . . - . • 4 00 to 499 100' . " , .,,. . • . 5 00 to. .5 99 150 . " • . 6 .00'to . 699 ., 200 " 7 00 to 7 99 .i,.. . 250 ' " , . . 8 00 to 8 99 300 . " • ' . 9-.00 to .9 99 . . 14 , . 350'. 4.4 .. 10 00 to 15 00: .,, 500 20 00 and over, ... .. 1000 ,4 ,.... • ' • . • Enter Into the Contest and get your Friends to WOrlt for You aiNtilio#1,41~10110090101000A~VilatifAvvoilt 0 g ens POS. r •DIRECT • 4.1 • THE CHECKER CHAMPION• , Mr. W, T. Walton of &dor% play- ed against eight of our loeal • checker players last Friday evening and de- feated seven of them, one game being a draw. He also blindfoldedplayed against the combined tight and won that gime also, Mr. Walton is the chatroion at heekers, .• • n .•••••eMler Ladies' • Ready -to -Wear Garments • CUNT= omen's Blac ailor- a • Dry •OoOds. • and Niplinery • Special For Saturcialf. Here is a good chance for anyone requiting a Tailor.made. .Suit, .which will save the, . . trouble of picking your 'cloths and having them made to measure. For Saturday We offer the following special, anci.you will save considerable by buying on that day. • • • Coats run in sizes 32, 34, 360 38,.40 and 42. Waist bands of the skirts measure 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27. Length of Skirts 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42, ' • . Suit, Offer No.1 Black.eloth goat. tight fittingstyle, lined with twillsmarml,nug, smarm lintvg, fly front, plain eoat sleeve, a errat selling in lots of stores at $1O. • ' • • • Skirt made from black )1,11 wool Venetian in two pretty • styles, goitranteed perfect fitting, selling every day at each $5.50 The Coat and Skirt complete Saturday in any of the above sizes i4146 .44644 4064 6664'14064 44 46 Raincoats for Everybody • This. is the store for Raincoats, more to choose from here than in halt a dozen ordinary stores. We have made this Raincoat business what It is by show- \ ing the best possible values and lots of designa-.to q fin choose from. Here is a bargain surprise for twenty- ''• - three people for Saturday, •• Suit Offer No. 2 The above Coat and a Vicuna. Cloth Skirt made in three styles, in any of the different sizes, Coat and Skirt 1100 complete Saturday •for . •..: ... 4644444444 .. .. 6 4 444 444.• . 4. Twertty-t hi re only,ladies long light tweed arras, include 'fig el ate p fnatints, black and white checks, grey cheeks, iie 32, 84, 80 and :'18 only, Our regular selling priee I.. 1 bt NW was $7.50 eech; krtd worth every cent of it. •0 0t..I,* S4U urrirry 1110Ining, and tor the day only.......... VaUli $00101100140iiikOMANOMAMOWMAA11,W41.000104