HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-30, Page 66 ournisiorpeowiumpOgr., ,„.„.......\\ _ -:-.- 1)0DPS '">\, [.%1(ICINEY=',; / (/// PILLS 10 \0b 11 QV (I' 's 4 '-*e"--e...._K I D N f-., ' -ei „fve elGie-re Di ese,14e '\.\ Co,"Heui•ialeet.c7e \ ZABETES - ' ot, A - n'" ctir so atisr se ;Clinton Newsolitecora April 000, 1908 Fred. C. Battier& of St. Thomas was awa.rded ;2,200. damages yester- day against the M. 0. R. on a brok- en arm sustained in the eMr1PatiY'S shops last November. William Mackenkie, a member of the press gallery, Ottawa, has been *ape pointed a secretary in the office of the Secretary of State at a ealare o.$2,' 800 a year. Children Enjoy It have tele& Coltsfoote Expectorant with the greatest eatisfaction with my. children. It is a wonderful curt for colds and sore throat, I believe it way. ed the life of my little on, who was very sick trom a protracted cold on Ids lungs." MRS. ANNIE BRAMBLER. Orangeville, March 15, 1907. am greatly pleaeed with the.good results wegot from Coltsfoote Expec- torant. I get great coMfort With it for my children." MRS. WALTER HAMMOND. 171 Argyle St., Toronto. Coltsfoote Expectorant is the great- est home preseription for all throat and chest troubles in the world. No home should be one hour without it. You can have free sample by aending name to Dr, T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. All good druggists keep it. Price 250. Send for Free Sample To -day. Cephoe Cedar of Chatham, was yes- terday sentenced to six months' im- prisonment for robbing the Joy Club at Chatham. The International Coal and Coke Company of Frank, Alta., has stud down on account of car shortage. Laurier Government is a ing a Bounty on Even Unde- sirable Immigrants. Ottawa, April .23rd. ment retUrns, that only from IQ to meet issue has hem joined between ' 20 Per Cent. of the immigrants. re.. ported go upon leemeetead lands in the Goeernment and. the Opposition on the westVarela comparison. of the the etlestion of paying bonuses tor itn- li' Western census, of 1906 with the im- migrants. Mr. Monk has moyed in I Inigra.tion returns of the previous. five. .aMelednient to supply a resolution 1 Years proiree that only 60 per oent. stating "that it es time to cease pay-- ! of the ntimber reported by the Itaral- jug a bounty. at So Muc1i per head gretion Department as having beed to agents for introigrantscoming to' located in tPrairie he provinces were Canada," This wetted he 'eupported actually found there when the enumere In a remarkably able and comprehen- eters made their count. A. return ' of sive speeth, •-• farm laborers suppoded to be located ,in West Kent sheves ,thet of •those on We Sta.od Alone, FOR OVER .iXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers fot their children while teething: It dis- turbed by night and broken of your rest by a sick hi1d suffering and crying with pain, of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs, Winslow's SoothingSyrup": for child- ren teething. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. at oures Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Creme, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child ren teething is pleaeant, to the taste . • Meeksays and is the prescription of one of the it. Mr. . that .the only Propozes that the : .Cena,dien armer% . f should be encoura'ged ,to seee dele: oldest and best female physicians and tercet demanding the peyinent, is. that. nurses in the United States. Price of the transportation companies an. d • 'gate (rem each I'dietrict to go abroad . _ whom the agent Was paid $2 per head Canada is now the only important, for placing on, the terrn. less than half country in the world whichebuys intever went to work on the land migrants, The United States, not only givee no bounty, but obliges The Orindeal Class. migrants to pay for the privilege of I Mr. Monk showed that 12,771 Ital- becoming settlers. The "bead tax" lens came to Canada last year. He began at $e, and has been increase& quoted a statetnent from' an Italian Authority that 69 per cent. of immi- year by year to $4, which gives the country more revenue than' 15 required grants from that country to Canada for all expenses connected with immi- I belong to the criminal bless. Italy is gration. There . is no free land' for . described. as a law-abiding elate, settlers in. the Vetted Stated,,_ AQ, where peen. arel not allowed to 'carry that without a bonus Canada, has m People who. get into trouble, Mech. greater inflwements to °ffer foj -firidsit convenient to -leave the couottY, the farming class. It is fot this class and are _added to the criminal class wthat we profess to pay bonuses., but elsewhere. Similar influence§ in Brit - Mr. Monk was able to prove that the , to 01h cities cause a large migration of bonus goes to all classee, even the seine classes to Canada thcv more those who ought not to be admitted so ' . at all, and to. many who -find, their asthe rigid inquiry 'and thehead way to the United States. What We Pay. The amount that in paid in bonuses is more than most people third:. 14 the nine; months from Meech, 1.007, to the end of the year no less ' than $1.23079 was '• paid, at the rate of $164,000 a year, The Government - 'wee not satisfied, with • that, and January of year doubled the rate Dr, Chisholmof luron,, in a 'brief Paid Lo agents for immigrants from speech the ineect day supported the the continent : :Wenow few V5- 1" -motion: He holds that Canada need adults and $2 5.0 on children from. Eu- not be anxiotis,aboet obtaining settlers ropean countries; :hough with half for the prairie land. :Farmers.- of the ;Wit bones imitegrants tithe; in 1907 Old World have' • everything to: egain Wont these countries tit the tette Cf by corning here, and it is for u$ ..to 9,000 a month. We ;de the sa-de, for immigrants •.froiee European, oaentries: as we de on those retell (*eat . Bri- tain. Altogether in tete years, the country has expended, *?)Lo,la uses. We 'have not received eny,num- ber worth mentioning of reall:' *v see able immigraets who would_ net Nee cell* Wiehont a boriee. ' • • . ' Why the lions Is paid, *tAx of the United States stand on theit way, vehile the Canadian bonus is an indecement for them to call themselves farm laborers and wine to Canada. On the *hole, Mr. .Monk gave sufficient reason to abandon the bounty system and adopt more siring- ent.'regulations for the restriction of immigrants to Canada - Dr. Chiehelm's Idea, ' see that...tee get the best; since we give them the land which is- the naie ural heritage Of ,onr • owe children. The • Goyeeereent ;, has been inviting and paying for Doukhobas, and giving therelaud on .easier conditions than ate, allowed toour.• own people. Land has been held seyen years for Deekhoe bees, while a Canadian bore . farmer who had taken •a homestea.d could not *Nye it 'held for him. during the A Liberal member' ertid 'teet 'f• mite time he -Was' abeent through %Sicenees. TheeteAnds of elleeged earm• laborees: on bers of Parliament %%ere jeft tree to vote on their convictions large ma- jority would strongly condemn the bones system. eeehet people) eenirally are opposed to it, Farmers deneenete The figures %are On estimated quantie ties of excavation% filling, et' c. which are sure to be exceeded. But we have on these estimates $1'4,305,596 as the cost of the roadbed for the 460 Miles of: distant* from Quebec. to Moncton, When the contra.dt was be - fere Parliament the Peophe were ess- ured that the length pf this section would be less than 380 ndles and' the cost of the cceopleted roa,d, $22,000 per mileeor $8,360;000, This' is 000,000 lees than the present estim- ates for construction contracts alone, leaving to be provided the cost of bridges, ties, rails, and fasteeinge, Sta- tion and freight buildings, engine house ses and 'mach* shops, plattorms and sidings,' fencing and telegraph plant; and ether numerous expenses required before operation can.commence. Evi- dently the cost will be more than double the amount stated. Moreover, the people were assured that the • construction of this line would shorten the distance from Que- bec to Moncton by at least 100 miles and probably by 125 miles. We now find the distance, 4591 miles, as come paved with' 489 miles by the Inteicol- onial, and even to get this gain a pusher grade is.10be Meowed. • 100• Per Cent. Added, whom bonteses were paid abroad,: etel anotheP bonus to the agent who !bend places for them in Ontarth, are esee • J-Css tor that service. Dr. Chisholm 25tcents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout elle world. Be sure, and ask for "Mrs. Winslo*'s Sooth- ing Syrup. @ ' A report from Winnipeg &dye that the plant of the A ti k wean iron 'Coni-' Pany will resume .operations when neve igation opensinfltieriee in fayor. of the berms; 'since a few years ego, as aptivate member, The amount, $40,e00, for the erec- it , ets booking agents to 'Work .gath- denounced ..the whole system an a wkward pose Bofebottn- . .. tion of a menumeet to Prof. c ri nit; hi .pae.sengties, felted himself' ili ers, ' . There • eis alse the inventor of the telephone, has becelln, neeney• in it for transpoetation triteis etion. • He: lied :new little. 'to say • in . raised in Brentfordtette en this side, and fee' ail . who .defence of • bounties, hut argued at A fire broke out in the Protestant. t`'I'e. wain out ' of ' now ' con -Leis.. , But great length that ' the Getiin ernent in- . . Hospital at Ottawa yeeterday, but the elle coeetry ,at large' ,..stiffere. not ' orgy SPCC 1011 ' wee not . so careless at wa, 25 children in the wine were removed the Jelts.:. : .01. money. paid e bue the rePeesented.. two: Liberelse'ele: Lee, - in sa r y. te oss le tire was, • no. heavy. . South Norfolk Conservatives have ehoeen A, C, Pratt, M. P. P„ as their caneidete for the coming provincial elections.. those concerned, with there. 'I'w bole- and select the • help teetered for the us is paid to booking agents al..rOad, .farmers in. his .neighborhoode tire . ex - Thee., mete know little. about Canada; . eenees of the 'agent to be paid by the end have to interest in seleetial ein- Government' Wiwi part of the money migrantes :Wort -tikes, people . tire „dem. a ni rre fit.. to :them, is . good ones and they are eras:ter!. to get.. S eionslite comp -tine's make irtoney• oet 'et all eines of immigrants, and use their tiow syaeted in bonuses.. Mr. Olivet end ."0111.,r Liheralee.,, • , The Minister ot the 'Interior, Witte: Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Astbnunics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing Organs than to take the remedy into th t stomach ? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface With every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. ment. It is mvaluablegto mothers with swan children. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- .med conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. LEEMING, Mitts Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 CR AN n TRUNK MrYver% ONE WAY COLONIST ZXCUlt- SIGNS .TO THE 3NEST. Commencing Peb; ki,and continuing daily tifitil April '29tb 1908. , Tothe fonittps pointg :-- VANCOirt%t!,, C: SPOK ANE, WASH, SEATTLE', WASH. PORTLAND, ORE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGALES, CAL. MEXICO crrv. Tickets also sold to other certain points in propoition. Full 'information may be obtained from F. R. Hodgens, Town agent. A. 0. Pattitoll, Depot, agent, eade, beeoriailego, 414 ether Throat linemen! OM 0,1,1010y relieved lie 0i -esteem tablete, ton edits pot. b02. Andriigeltte. us 11.1t; crime anti kt..Vereillee joined., the Opposition ..in earl mem ig 10 onusi eyetens lir'. Lavergne iitieted, lceep on leaying kir hue Her pay- • w."' continued Sundays as well as week approval, :Mr: Oliver when, • as 'a prie I rate member he eteelesed that the bon- es s.yeetem produced the worst Instead •611 -the best .inimigeaeien, and.. .Mr. .Laeergne lifmeelf eleelared that ' the Governinent *as: coituniteing.politieal Mercier and suicide by bringing to 'Canada -.some' of loWest class . of pe'ople Mel Paying Onuses on. them. Mee Verville; who spoke as 'a *labor represent•ative .es well. ete a Liberal, asserted that the bonus syetein. had flooded • the •labor market, .brogght enemies and biggere . te_ „She _pet les, and ' is 111 ling' the country with undes- irable •people,. It is the rot of all immigration •evils .and nuts.,: be' stopp- ed ,before immigeetioit can he placed 011 a preper, easie. , Mr. Brodeur's Int estigetioitse • • Mr. Bit:deer .says that he is eareyingt on a private • investigation, of the Maxine Departeaerit for his Awn eetise friction. lie has now a report of his New Yeek accountants 0175 per day) each,. condemning tee department. He has the report of the. Royal Commis- sion saying that the department lees. ne principle but that of spending as Inlet money as possible, and is trou- bled with 'lack of -conscience, He has' another Royal Conunission appointed to investigate charges of fraud. His ,eriVate inquiry ,.is, perhaps, explained by Mr. Aylesworthtwho promisee the ternoVal of the "Tory Goats", from the Liberal situp of the' Marine fold. The Minister of Jeetiee need not ex- pect eeople to believe that 'tory °ill - cies are respoheible for patronage to Grit middlemen and grafters terougie nit th country. Perhape ho Will say From Quebee to Winnipeg is "noW re- ported to he 1,334 miles. Of this 768 milie is let for $30,02.3,698, or almost exactly $39,000 per mile. The minister's estimate for the eompleted road was $28,000 per mile. We. are paying $11,000. a mile more on:pree- ent estimates for the roadbed alone. There are many heavy bridles on this line, and when quantities are correct- ed it eemns likely that the estimate for the Quebec and Winnipeg section will. be ,exceeded by ateleast 100 per 'cent. .• The Mounertin sectien,.. en which the Governitieet guarantee e bonds; for three-quarters: of the cost, paying .the interest for seven years, is now ee- tithated to cost about double the orie •gieal Amount given by ministers. New' Dealings With eletwin.• - Me: Merwin, 'who has received -about $1,000,000 or public money 'for, light house. supplies 'without *tender, layering profits' up le 'neerly .200 per emit.' Ote some cif them,' new appears in e new role. In ,1905 bought, no old, the for the purpose. of hiringit 'to ' the, Marine .Department. • Straightway' the department 'engaged. •thie venereble craft et $25 per day,. the Government . eqtripping and m-ainieining her.. Te give this- tug a centre -the' Govern- ment had. to discharge. another _which the 1060.1 Superintendenet swore... eves larger and' newer and .in eeery wee* better, and eves 'coseing $30. per day, the .owner pieieg her running. and mairetenance, expenies. The boat, els charged Wee. not only.better, but about one-third chea.Per Mer - win pud e$3,700 for the .eeg and .be- ... tween June and the. 'close of eavige- teen :he 'get' ill his 'money •but one .two lutedred and, lace Jus tug : repaired:. He . was -paid $Z5 per. Clay for some ten days 'the. .the tug was 'tinder repair 'before she was fit to go to week, and again for a fortnight after: her men were 'eie- charged and. • her ems put out. 'The local .officer .had. Idiseharge& the'. teg when .ee was done with her, but in- structions from the; depertment'''Oblige seletien .to ittee ' herejaaseeeor, ratime, Fresh Water from the Ocean There are many places to claim. the rather ilpubtful honor of being the hottest on earth. Among others is liahrien` Island, in the Persian Gulf and its claim seems well justified. 11 is usual there to find the thermonierfef standing at one hundred apd forty de- grees Fahrenheit. Oe particular occa- sions it rises higher.. In most torrid spots, on earth, nightfall brings coin- parative comfort ; in 13ahrien the cal -- ode continues through the hours of darkness. There the tortured Visitor may examine the mercury at midnight and find it still up to a hundred and ten. When suffering frbm such heat one requires unlimited drinking water above all things. And just here Bahrien proves itself the meet miser. - able place on earth, for the island has no drinking water.' There is Kane Water to be had in the interior', but practically all of the populatioe 'live on the coast, and the journey into the inner region le so difficult and of persons whe'eare, unable.• to main,* tale .themselees„. Who are. crtiwding the labor merket in the cities, .• or tranipirig the country pads, or ocett- eying hespitalsi almshouses tine prise ons. • What We Pay leer. The Unitee States immigration, re- turns ceetw • large„numeere •of :Euro, Peen itneeigrants .arrivhig by way of Canada. In 1905 the. number included t2,663 who,-earne into Canada' intend- ing to g� to tee Stetee, 81,590 who, were. deetined to, Canada,, but 'event to the Statue 'within a year,. ande-19-,000 Who remained in Canada a little over a year and then crossed tho border, The emetic:1. increased' ,1906 and 1907. On many of • these Canada. pole a bonus. But the Worse feature ot the case is that.' thousamie, who entered Caeada and sought to pass to: the States, heve Imen turned back .al the border beeettee they are dis- easeds tneetally eneound . or. morally unseitable. These remain. in 'Canada and form a 'age arid.constantly incree asing population of defective and de- pende,nt People. , • ' The Padded Lists. Me, Monk • shows-, by the Govern- . . .1 CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the at of the diseaSe; Catarrh ht a blOod " or . Con- stitut'Onal disease, end in order 1 'e / cure'1t yeti Must take internal remed- ies,' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, and nett direetly on the bloOd atut raucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure not a quack trip Vieille. It Was PrOSCIfbad by one of the best physicians in thi$ Mari for Sari and is a tegulat preeeriptiete It 18 toMpOsed of the hest tonics known, Combined with the best blood mirifiers aching directly on. the mucous surfac. es. The perfect tombiliation od the The Unhappy Estimates. inVo ingredients is what produces such • . wonderful results in curing Catarrh We are Mlle now to partly judge ' the value of Government estimates', Of Send for testimonials free. L, CHENEY & CO., Props. the cost of the Transcontinental. Tofedo, O. 'Contracts, for the roadbst heve been Sold by- ntuggiats, pried /50. made for eectiod betweett Moncton Take Van Pamily Pills for con- and Quern, mei the larger part of the dietance front Quehee te. WineiPeg. .4311iftelen. y. that' they are responsible for Otit obstoletion in the Pteele Accounts Committee, for' the report evhiteWash- ing the Midis seandal, for the Merwin deal, for Mr. eleodeur's European ex- traVagence. days, 'though .there was. no Suede); work. After the Get/cement ...bad eaid about !tlw lull- value of the tug' as rent 'elerwin sold her and pocketed.. his profit or 90 e10o100 per cent. Such jobs 'as thie account •for the . Roeal Commission. statement 'that the Mar- ine Department is suffering • '. from %lcli. of conscience," e • • The -Political Dredgers.. Mr.. • Ptigsley, Minister of Public Works, falp- naturally •enies, the Welt .01 his predecessors. The political oontractere, . who divide tiomeg them- eeives the' dredging werk on the .greet, lakes, at ptiees adjusted to theireown convenience, are this, year, in some eases, spared • 'the "forteality. 'et puteing in -tenders. New contracts havebeen made with them for dredging at Mid- land and iitherehathottrs. at the same old 'prices- Mr. Bennett, brought up this Matter On Tuesday •and Mr. Pugs- ley- explained that • the department really had not time to errange new' contracts, • and so* extended the old ones. On this principle there seems to be no reason why all .the eontraet- ors Should not go on to the end et time at 'their Kumla figures unless they 'find them unprofitable. Tillie in- dependent intruders are- fenced out and the existing monopoly is inade eeeete and permanent. 1 ••••••10....11* W. IT. Rogers, of Watford, bought the Taylor House at Watford yretele °day for $4,800. A WONDERFUL COLD CURE. Just think of it, a cold cured in tee minutes -that's what happens when you . use "Catarthozone." You inhale its soothing balsams .and out goes the eold-sniffles are cured-headaehe is cured -symptoms of catarrh and grippe diSappear at once. It's the healing pine essences and powerful an- tiseptics In Catarritozone that enable it to act so quickly. In dieeasie I of the nose, for irritable throal, bronchitis, coughs and catarrh it's a marvel. i Safe eVen for children. 25e. auti $1,00 , stets at all dealers. Get acquainted with Black Watch the big black Plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everyWhere, because of its richness and -pleasing flavor. - 2200 tedibus that this water ,supply un- touched, Thus the coast is absolute ely without fresh water from veells or springs, Naettrally, •thei dwellers there must have water or they would die. How do they get it '? A FOR .(LONDoN) Indio Pale Ale etesta roomers only about half as nIttich 115 Brewed from se- ve lected hops, choice barley. malt and pure apring water, with the utmost care. Beetled at the brewerv depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Lebatt's Ale equal to the fin- est, surpassed by Done, though ° it mportecegoeds. Nugget*. During ten months pest the temper- ance movement carried on under the direction of Archbishop Bruchesi of Montreal, has secured 60,000 signatur- es to the total abstinence pledge. A:11 a special meeting of the Central. Council of the church Temperance So- ciety in London, the Archbishop of Canterbury presiding, 19 Bishops vote 'Id in favor of Mr, Asquith's Licensing Bill. The town couneil of Longuence, Quebec, last week passed a motion to cut off all the 7 licenses -in the town, On the 'Ale of this month of the 'Northern States, they carried Local Option in 1,500 municipalities. On the seine date there were 10,- 000 votes east' in •Chicago for Prohibi- tion, Alderman caedidatee. Mr. John, R. Bootle of Ottawa, who has thousands Of men employed • has asked the Ottawa city council to have the licensee with -held front hotels ad- . . jacentr to his nolls-, and hes. offered to hate ,over to: the council 12;000 - :to recoup the city for any enaricial loss It may, etiffer .by the loss of license fees- • The churche.s. of the United States contributed during last year $500,000 toward the Afiti-Saloon League Fund. -J, GREENE. Fkom tem batten 'ef the sea. Hee end there, scattered over the 'floor of the whether of Bahrein, are eprings of pure fresh water. These watere well up. through the sand th mingle • with the salt water of *the sea. It would seem a difficult task to find these threads of fresh water amie the ocean' volume ; but ages ago the thiesty ielanders discovered the pre- cious streams, and exact knowledge.01 their location has been kept through - generation after generation. It would seem difficult:, as well, to secure the water of the springs un- spoiled by the salt wafter' Mtn which it gushes. But long ago the natives erh- ployed 'a method as .simple as it is. wadequate, and the business is careied on in the same meaner. teslay. A div- er equips himself -with a" water, hag Shiloh's USe Si -0011'$ etilte • - for the worst cold. the sharpest cough -try it on a guar- antee of y.our money back if it doesn't actually CURB 'quicker than anything y OU ever trieci_Safe to Cure Cures Coughs. .... - - take. --,nothing is and (.110Ids it to hurt even a. baby. 34 years of QUICKLY. success commend Shiloh's Cure- ' 25e„ 50c., $1: ' lilts enatte of skins, the mouth of • which is closed and dcscendS to the bottom af teeeearbor to a point where, one of the eerings issues. The hag is catc- fully : :inverted. over . the current of fresh water as it flows.up • froni 'the :sand ; . the mouth ie Opened ; the skin is. ; thert the mouth is . again shut fast e''and. the diver re- turns to the boat "waiting fer• ben' on the' • Surface. teem drefts ihue plucked from. the ocean are retailed on shore ,for a trifling price, and constitutei tee eoleeevater_supply • . There is uncertainte 'as to how, aiij:. thing" concerning the existence 'of these hidden :springs was first learned. One scientist came to the Conchisioe that at some period in the shadowy past that wheelie:1e is now the herber's bobtene was riot touched by the sea. The springs Were 'then on the shore, and ready for thc:. islanders'• needs. Liltle by little:the see encreeehed. on the heed ; • bet 'the natives peeeetved their knowledge of daele serlegee, lace - teen, and that knoWidge seeves theee still. A simpler explanation is that 4iie springa..weredis.00VOEredtiyLpcar- divers. Pearling. is, and hes been fbr centuriee,, the one euletetry, .of. Bah- rein. It is probable that the divers first detected the salt water jets by accident 'while on their quest • ter shells. Eight million feel,. of lumber wes' cat in Poplar Creek camp, 'constituting the Alberta recoed. • ' Shoe Polish A wise dealer will always show his honest desire't� serve you by giving what you asiclor. Insole sli 031a, dealers, We, rod zie tins. .44 18r -wees Grey Township. Cheater Arenetrong was holieleyieelb wale fela,tives and friends in Clinton and other points, Stanley Wheeler has- gone to Chas, Forreet's, and line Morrie where he will be employed for the summer. Last week Russell Wheeler, who had been here on an extended hol, fe41,Y, returned to Ids Position ie. Tore onto. William Wileon, of Iterrow, Essex County was renewing old friendships in Grey and Morris townshipe. He was a former resident of the latter,. Miss ,Jennie Armstrong, whO has been teaching at Walsh, Woe home for Easter vacation. She will take a school in 'the Niagara Peninsula, where she will get an increased sal- ary. • • 'Wm. and Mrs. Armstrong, 9th con., were at Hullett on Monday ettending • the -lei-meal Of their nephew, Cecil, youngest son of 1VIattheer Armstrong. He had a bad attack of mpaeles and PIteumonia, ensuedecaueing hisedeath on Saturday morning. • Sheriff Hope says be will Make a stateneent concerning •the gerievalty of Hastings County. "Dragged Always tired-' 'nerves jumpine -can't sleep -have no appente --atm headaches -biting pain in the back -beating down pains - puffiness under the eyes7--srvollen ' hands and feet? Or Perhaps your, sick kidneys slaow in another forin and you are suffering. with Rheumatism, Sciatic-4,44=bn° or Neuralgia? the warkidney trouble you feel --and that's why should take GINPILLS; They' make sick kidneys well. They do it every time. That is why we give such a guarantee with, every box. If, after taking Gin Pills, you catt't .say that you are any • better, return the box and your dealer will refund the money. Try thens on this guarantee of a cure or money back. 59e. a boX , for $z50. At dealers or from ' • 103 DOLE DRUG CO., WirourCO, The late Richard •Gpegoiy, of Wind- sor, left $5,e00 to. ;the ,Hospital for Sick Children, Totonto; ' • ' The 16einonthseold daughter of , J. Tillinger, :Indian Head, was' burned to death in a prairie fire. • • Mr, David ,Milne, of Sarnia, • has withdrawn from. the fight as Liberal candidate for West Lambeon. John Ferguson pleaded guilty at Fort William •to being a party to stealing $100 and a eiereenti ring: • A .new ice -ridge ' ha,s formed at Niagara falls„ this being •the latest date .in mew years. . Wm. Locke, a Yarmouth township farmer, is 'charged with. selling, diseas- ed meat in .S,L. Thomas. H. Jones, a young, lienglesh " hotnc- steader n2ar Red,•beer'e shot hinieelf ,theough the heart. • ' „ . - • -- --- John Mission, ,ate Italian, was killed • by falling, logs at the Summit Liine Works, near' the Crow' Nest: THE GIRL THAT eS PALE. She is in datigere her eystem i$ ran down, Week -She needs nouriehment, mule richer blood.. More than Sel else she needs Ferrozone, needs- it because . it brings back the nerve cheery which rapid growth and study have exhaust- ed. The old-time viger, happy spirit,. :and neW strength return with Ferroze one. The delicate niaid is energized, strengtheeed and rebuilt. Isn't it wierth while 'using Fetrozone when it surely does so nuieb. At all dealers in 50c. eexee. Fire.at MOVebray,.. 'Man., destroyed - :the C. Pe R. station, the Imperial cte vator and e,000 Wheet. NOther'S 17117es:t "Tllack Knight" Stove Polish iS entirely new. Nothing: like itr-iipthiflo• 8o meee --has evez been offered .housekeepers before: • , 011111111111116. .Sto*e Polish •, 'makes. a quick; lasting shine that stands the hottest fire you can build in the stove. • 'Eoseally good foe Grates; Stove-; pipes,, or. other .Ironwork yott want to keep polished.. 3 Insist on, having 'Bleck Knight' Amineallagasallak A he NewsoliecOrd Clotho bing'List for 1908. 1Vluoh good reading for little money. The News -Record and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year.. ..... $1.25 SS SS CS IS 41 si it 44 tt ee y o e...,......... .... *** ii.......41.6•61• Patnily Herald and Weekly Star 1.05 Weekly Witness 1.08 " Sun*.18.0 " Pree Press ' 1.75 wilk 66 . Advertiser. . A., I'. * .. L75 Panning World , ... 1,80.. # Partner's Advocate and • ., Home Magazine 215 ' Dailyflews, Toronto"... • , 2.30 Star . ' " ...... ". ** .. ..... " ... , 2.30 ' Globe 44 .i......•••••.••••••1,1. 4.25 Mall " , . 4.25 World " Ot....111...664.6466.16.. .. •6“..• l50 Saturday Night .6 ......;$1.1.44......“,.. 1.6'41.1.4. gas Free Press, London."... .." ... ." . • 4 4 4 w4 ,325 nem Press, Evening Edit'ion ........ ... 2.75 If what you want is not in this list, we can supply it at less than it would cost you by sending direct, In rernittitg, ple,ase, do so by Express Order, Postal Note or registered letter and address. Vkl.*J. flITCIiiLL, . THE NEWS.RECO.kilt Clititon