HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-23, Page 22 eimpoilmnipoppow ACCURACY -- Bay the. Bust 1 Star Brand t :FORM ALDEHYDE1 IKills Straq ; in grain, A Choice Line of I Sweet Peas and 1- Nasturtiaris, in Bulk. I t W. S. R. HOLMES MaErg Chemist. tio••••••••••••••••••••••••: -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE - DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST,. Specialist, will be at .Holmes" Drug Store, Clinton, on Avril 30, and May 28. Glasses properly 'fitted, Diseas- es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. • Slabs For Sale WE HAVE FOR SALE A QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK SLABS, CUT 16 INCHES LON4 SUITABLE FOR RANGES. J. Hamilton COAL ORDER :YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW.. THE BEST' IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, • BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OF ,, 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rowland's 'will be proteptly atteided to. W. J Stevenson Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND quarter miles from •church, poste office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under buSh rani the bala.nce I nearly all grass: A brick house, a bank barn 52x60., a driving house ene36 with a •cement pig house undernialie7iiii on --slid premises. Also lot 28, EaSt. Wawanogh, 2nd con. directly ,ontioa- ite said lot 57, cont:raning 100 acres of and, 15 acres of which are bush. On this lot there is a bask harn 40x60. There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be given at once. Termseasy, The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given •to all communica- tions. Feb, 13-08* EGGS FOR IIAT01UN'ae-FRO111 pen of Partridge Wyandottes headA by• coekerel, winning two lirst4 and three apecials, pullet winning Silver eitp, two firete and specials and hen winning first and special tor class. Also prize winning Colunt. Kans. Price.: $a per 13, $5 jeer 894,- H. E. Rorke, Clinton, Ont. PIANO AND °ROAN it ()NINA AND ,Repairing. -The undersigned is PrePared to do all kinds piano and organ tuning and repairing, and being a Matt Of peactieal merle.= le able to guarantee i.atista.etion, Orders max be lett at W. S. It Holinee' drug store. -Ed. .J. How" ard, Clinton. HORSE AND SEED GRAIN FOR salea-I still bait 1 four year old dliving mare for sale. • Well brae, ge double or single., Terms cash, on 3 to 6 menthe time as arranged. Also first-class 'odts, peas and bar- ley, also timothy Aced. Terms cash Or in some cases 3 to e months tirne if desired, -W, G. Perrin, Gain ,Merchant, Clinten. FOR SALE. -DE LAVAL CREAM • Separator, as good as new,: Atay be seen. at Seeley et West's ehop,-T, R. Wiggington. 17-3 500 ACRES IN NURSERY STOCK. Agents wanted at once to . sell for Fall 1908 and Spring 1909 de- liVery ; whole or part, ninae ; liberel 'terms ; outfit free, -The Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd, Ridge- ville, Ont. , • PAPER HANGING AND DECORAT- ingee.Good work guaranteed. Agent for the Empire Wallpaper Co. Samples furnished, 10 , cents a roll foe hanging. Your patronage re- • weetfully solicited. -J. E, Cook. CEMENT FOR SALE. I• have Portland cement for 'sale: From tbe best millsand in large or small quantities. • inflict opposite the Grand Trunk passenger station. Tel- ephone connection or orders may he left 'at -Harland Bros, store it more convenient. • • , JAMES HAMILTON. %Fie 0 t • giVe, a thorough, practical training , on Commercial Subjects, Isaac ' Pitman's Shorthand, -Touch _Type- writing, and in Coininercial: and Railread Operating.. Each depart- ment is in the hands 'of experienc- ed- instruetote. We a.ssiet students . to ' poeitions. Our graduates' al- ways succeed, for our 'courses are. tho best. Get our free 'catalogue and learn more, . about ue. You may enter now. Elliott & IoLaohlall . PRINCIPALS • • CENTRAL //./ STRATFQRIL oisrf. is the leading . business training spheol in Western Ontario. We SPRING 'TERM FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER - signed. offers for sale part of let 40 on the Ilayfield Road, 1 mile south of Clinton,, consisting of 20 acres. Good frame house with et - one cellar, barn 36x70 with cement basement. Easy terms. -- J. •A. Smith. • 40 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. 2, Stanley, containing 1430 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is :well fenced, underdrained and in a good atate of cultivation. 1 acre of or- chard and small fruit. On the pre, mins Is a two story brick lioUse with Ante roof, a first-class tarn) • house, a barn, aize, 44 . x 80 with Mono stabling, a Lenaent Olio 14*30., good driying house, pig Pen and hen house. Two never -fail- ing wells. This farm is situated wiles from Brecefield, 5 from Cline ton and on a..441 gravel road, Ap.. ply on thr premises Or addresS A.sibert Nott. Clinton P. I 02 United States Subsetibets will please note that eve have to pay one cent postage On nach pap - or going to the UMW Stake. This Timone that yOtir sobeerip- • tient must be paid ih dVane*, When y,oll See your subseriptiOn expiring Please reedit $1.50 for an; otheryear so that you will not MISS EMI -copies of The Newa-Itee- orti. . LEJST • INTO : OUR -SUMMER TERM- . FROM • JULY 6TH: ENTER:, NOW AND BE.READY Fort A GOOD SITUATION IN THE . EARLY AUTUMN. NEW CAT- ALOGTJE • FREE., n/RITE FOR -IT • W, H. SHAW, PRINCIP Ale Central 811814eall CI)liege TORONTO. YONGE & GERRARD STS., PREPARE FOR POSITIONS payieg from $35 to $100 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT 1 TORONTO, ONT. THIS SCHOOL IS NOTED FAR AND. NEAR- F'OR THE SUPERIOR' EDUCA TION GIVEN' TO Tim wainEmTs AND, FOR THE B,EIVIARK- ABLE SUCCESS ''OP ITS • GRADUATES. COLLEGE OPEN THE ENTIRE YEAR. - BEGIN NOW. OUR TRA.IN- 'NG WILL MAKE YOU IN- • DEPENDENT. WRITE TO- DA.Y FOR CATALOGUE. • • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Corner Yonge and Alexander streets, NEW.: MEAT MARKET. We have moved into the Wee next to The News -Record ofilee OM we will keep Constantly oti hand a full stock of Fresh and • Cured Meatil. Our prices are in keeping 'With the tints and each order will receive prompt atten- tion. Your patronage or at least a shareof it is respectfully solieited, COLCLOIJOH 'BROS. I Clinton News -Record April 234, 190$ uron County News News. _Gathered . for .News.40.e.o.rd.. Reader. 10 Year Ago Front The News -Record of April ,24th, 1889. Clinton, April 24th, 18,89, Mr. and Mrs. D. i. Calbick of Wing- bani spent Easter with thelady's pane ents Goderich township. Sale Cancelled. -.The sale of Mr. C. Spooner% furniture advertised for Sate urday 27th, has been cancelled, Mr. Spooner having leased the Royal hotel property on Ontario street, where lie will lceep a first-class boarding hoeSe. He will also have stabling in con- nection, so • that farmers and the public generallY •can be accornodated. He will Move into the Royal on the first of May, and all his old Wends and others ere iovited to call upon him. ' • • ' • Mr, Plumsteel is raising' his resid- ence on Onterie street a couple of feet higher and has the brielt on the ground with which to veneer the whole struc- ture. 'The Ceming Great Meeting. -The county L. O. L. to the R. W. Grand Orange Lodge, (which meets in God - erten the 28th of May and follOwieg days) met in Clinton on- Frirlay after- noon, Among those present we -notic- ed Bros. H. Eilber, D. Cantelon, john Torrance, R, Tichborne, F. W, John- ston, josepn Beck, Geo. .Hanley, sr., James Wells, W, Miners (D.. C. M), as. Tweedy,. Win, Ford, Geo. M. Ki , John Beacom, Jarnei Craigle; Jo Reid, P. Crandon, W.. Crooks, . .G. Smyth, ;John Ford, David Cook,' Joseph enester, M. Wells, A. M, Todd, W. C.. M Floody, Comity Seceetany Saunders, and 'otbers. The rePort of the committee; was received favorably and,a laege amount of business tran- sactd, • • • .., • • Industrial Progiesin-At the last, meeting of the Gederich town council it was decided' to sienna' a bonus by- law foe $560e, in favor of a :Stock Organ Company in • •which Mesnis. 131acksiene. and Carr of •Clienon are interested ; alma to submit a byelaw geanting a loan of $4000. to the. Oakes Organ CoMpany-.for a term of • ten years, • ,. • Miss Emma Aeheion doderich was visiting friends in Clinton •last Porcine Prolificeese,-e-Mr. Weir, the dairyman, kis' a' sow that dropped . litter .of *seyenteen 'pigs One day ast week, all alive at birth, but, only fburteen were living at last accounts. Spring Stock • Shows. -The one at Beucefield last Wednesday was well filled with exhibits. Among the prize- winners in heavy horses we notice C.- Mason of Tuckersinitit and Jas, McFarlane of' ' -Stanley. In carriage horses. Lack Kennedy. of Clinton. In polled 'Angus hulls Jas. McFarlane of Stanley-, F McDonegh tqf Smith's ,Hilt was one of the Judges of horses and Jas. Heat .and W. J. Biggins of bung'. At BeIgiave the exhibit ' Was fairly good. Da,v. • Eriten's Borniand .Chief and Shane's .Royal' Ileveng.e priie winners. • Mrs. UpShall of the, Itan'tenbure House incidentally' fell down the cellar steirs last Wedeeedee. She did. tnot feel the effectsat the tiine, but has since been laid up, although now able to be around. . •• • : • • Goderieh TovinshiP, April 24th, 1889 Mr.' :and' • Mrs; Calbitk of Wingham -werreeneteithig a . Mreelle-Achesolfee uruig JaSter. ... Mr. T. • Re Jewett, Who is now lie - big 'on the Middleton „farm at Bayfield, has rented the, one recently ocenpied. by him' to Me. Pennington for a• termi here last. 'week. " „ ' .• of five years. ' • • ' Ur SellerS moved last week iv; Blueyale wfierc he has rented' a farm. BelgrAVO Mrs. Henry Brnfetion visited ber sister, Mrs. Brandon of 134fielti, re- cently., MThos. Proctor visited her bro- ther, Rev. W. J. Brandon of Port Colborne, a few days ago. William Geddes, has hie stocic fai loge into timber and his mill yard nicely cleaned up, Mrs. Brandon, who spent a. coigne of months wine her mother, Mre, Owens, left last week for her home in the province of Saskatchrwart. David Owens returned to his home at Thessalon last week after spending a couple of months with bis father, Assessor 1/ohn Watson of Morris I Mr. James Owen of this village. ought to Wivr that toWnship off by heart for ne ha& aseessed it for 31 years.• Mr. John Hopper of the 3r4 line of Morris has! bought Mr, George Han- na's 'farm on the Same con: for the neat sunt of $4,700, Mr, Hopper will now have a 200 -acre = farm divided by the sieeroad. The fall wheat has stobd the Winter fairly well, though the plant is, deli- cate, If the spring • proves favorable there May be a hill crop. Clover, ap- pears also to •haVe stood the winWe very well, 1, J. -Clegg has sold ,his 75 acres just west 'of Belgrave to his adjoining neighbor,' Mr." john Cole. We have not heard where Mr. and Mrs. Clegg will ipeate. Another old Morris pioneer is dead. Miles Millr of the 3rd line passed away on Monday of last week at the age of 86 years. ' IVIr. Miller located in Morrie half a century ago. He issue, vived by nis• wife, two sone and three daughters. , Mrs. Gorge Sowler �f Belgravo has crossed to that bourne "from whence no traveller haS reteened.'.' Her ill- ness of four months, was borne . With patience and Christian fortitude, She was .born in Halton county in, the Year 184:1 and settled in Jast Wawanosh 47 years ago. • •• . • • Zuriek " • ' ' 'Mrs. I.aaet • Miller, whose death oc- curred at ,Dashwocid . last week was the eldest daughter of Mrs. Harteing of Zurich,. The funeral took place at Dashwood. Our little sister Villageof Blake will shortly be connected by telephone. It is quite probable' than Drysdale will also sc;on be • on the line. These con- neetiona should prove of great benefit •to the business men and the fanners of 'those sections. • Mrs. Diehl of Brucefield visited friendsanti relative's here last week. i Mr. 'George .Innes has moved into the •houee 7acated-by IvIr-71.117-.. Hmssd- 'Mrs. :Churth of Stanley had the inisi fortune to dislocate her knee on, Wed- nesday of lest week at ithe farm lof Mr James Stephenson weile engaged in itilecing a fallen apple tree into stove weed. The ;doetor, was called in I to set 'the:limn and owing .to the pale- fui nature : Of the 'iniure,chloroform had toehe .administered while, the bon- es were being put in.% place. t • .. :' ..' Dungannoin. • • Mr. James MaMeth Of Clinton visite t ea his mother here last week. J. De O'Connor shipped a eallOad. ,of cattle to Tenonto ee Saturdae, _ . Mrs. T. E. Dornin waseealled' . to Londoir last week by thedeith of her Goderich ELOISE A. S K I At NI I N # C orr cop oodent. aesenneereneesieneweaneeneeeseesesans Miss Ruffles of Seaforth spent ber vacation here the guesc of her friend, Mrs. •Goebel, Captain Donnelly is busy preparing a new launch for the summer season. Mr. 13rydges is busy painting. 1de two mew hboses on East street, Miss May Elliott arrived at her home last week to spend the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs, Lewis Elliott who will soon be able to be around again, after an illness of six WeMeictss: Malneiln lVfacKay takes tbe palm for a begonia, which is about fourteen feet or over in height with leaves about 11 of a yard in length,. from stem to point, and wider across; It is• brancbiog out like a tree" ancn-is now covered, with Itlossems. Mr, James Dielcson spent Ins holiday last week -pufting up a new fence ,at the .1)4:Atom of his garden. East Wftwanosh The township Counell met in Bel - grave, April 7th, pursuant to ad- journment ; members All present ; minutes of last meeting road, and adopted, "7" The engineer's report on the pro - Posed Grasby drain was read by the Clerk to tee several parties interest- • ed. There being no objections•to the report, the Clerk was instructed to prepere the necessary By-law in ton- nection with the same, The engin- eer's. report on the proposed Hallaban, drain (.the estimated cost being $2,- 581) was also read and an opportun- ity, given the several partiee to add or, with draw from „the eetitione The council, however, on the advice of their solicitor refueed to Adopt the eeport, it being contended that the petitioner bad failed tq secure a majority oi the owners M tb,c a,ree described as presrent:d in the petition. A debenture for 75c in laver of J. T. Holmes, Whitechurch, for repairs to road. gradee In 1901, 'ordered to be • There being no further business the council then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday,May 26th, at 10 a'. me as an-Odurt, of. Revision and appeal, 'and for the transaction of 'other township •besiness. Mrs. Charles Blake spent 'me day last week in Clinton. • • The organ was closed at St. Geor- ge's Morning service on Good' Friday. The choir sang well, Wane :he fom: Parte with as much eese as if they had the ,organ accompanist. 1. he bymns were : "When 1 survey the Wondrous Cross; "• and "See the Des- tiped Day Arise The en, Hi and. 51 psalms were read alternately .by the rector and Jens:reset ti.tra, •as well ae the "To. Daum Laudamus." The rector read the Passion of Christ from St. John linh (heeler. Rev, Mr. •Turnbull eave a kery trier but conclusive sermon from $t. Paul's epistle to 'the Romans 5-8, The offer- tory .etas :for the fund for converting. the Jews to Christianity.. ; Mr. George Porter is now in Ham- ilton, the military depot of Bermuda. . Mr. :George Williams is to he con- gratulated upon purchasing Mr. Weathe erald's iesidence on .Picton street. Mrs. John Yule is re -modelling part Min. C. Beck spent' Eastertide . in Toeon•te. the guest of hex brotbee-in- daw, Major. Beck. ' • „ . . 'Rev. •Mr. Haien suffered 'tail-, week Irani a bad attack'of grip which un- fitted nineefor officiating at. the .ser- rvices in North etreet churen oii Sup:. day last. Rev, MtkClC1Theflt ' filled the pulpit •inost acCti)tibly. Mr. and Mrs:. John Porter .sinent Good Friday with.: their daughter, Mrs. Youill' of Godtrich'townshzp Wis Mdialii-of 'Toronto epent : the Eaetertide the guest of MrsW. A. Rhyme ' • Mr. B. Graham has sortie fine • red bride eeady to Veneer .his pew Minding. on Elgin Avenue. We congratulate Captain pa.6.Mi,c,-, Kay On being atmointeeharboe master at this' port; • will undoubtedly keep it in ship shape. , • A tug from Port Huron, "The City of Moinit Clemens"' was out at • the muelntalked of lireelowtatetto try' inn •Cleasc the engine -Of • the Government ug from its elevated,. seal upon it: .• • Mis's daegliter of ., captain Dan. McIvor of the •Geivernment tug at, Ottawa, ;has purchased. Mrs. Goc. bel's residence oil St. Patriek's street. Mr, ,Ernest kneeshatir has so .far re- covered that he ca go out for a Walk • Mrs. Fisher of Benmiller -Visited her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Long, last Week.' Me, Richard Blake, formerly of this place but noW. of Bernie visited friend:. SurnnlcLhllI,,April 24th, 1889, , • • ; The fall wheat in this vicinity taken as a whole, is looking -well, that sown on low ground has to take: a back seat compared to the rest. • Several parties from here went to the Maitland Falls sucker 'fishing dur- ing the past week, only the last party succeeded in bringing home • a haul. M., Jas. Miller is now nicely settled in his residence on Goderich township side of BaS4 Line. A' house Warming would now be in order, The Literare Society is now in full blast again. Tliere will be a • debate •next Friday evening on "Resolved thee the pee is mightier than the sword." Mr. Joshua Hill has again commie ced the' inanufaeture- of cheese. • Mr. games. Haniiltere ,a prominent 'business man of Lindsay, ie. dead. L Permanent ttesulta "I had boon suffering for over tyre months with an obstinate cough, as had also my little girl. We tried several remedies common to any drug store without obtaining any apparent relief, in fact we were growhig worse. I got a bottle of Ooltetoote Expectorant from my druggist and inside of two days the • tough was stopped, and the results so permanent and rapid that 'we deeided. to keep it In Our home continually. ROBERT PALEN% C. A. R. Station, Ottawa. coltsfooto Expectorant is reeognized the world over as the best prescription twee used. by the medieal `profession for • Coughs, ColdS,Croup, Bronchitis and 'Tightness of the Chest. • Children like it. To bitronnee it into every home we Will send a free sample to every person sending their mime aitt bedroom to Ds, T. A. Sloeuni Limited,Toronto. Sold by all up.to.dsate druggists at Me. Send for %free Sample ToglaY. Mr. William Smith of West Wawan- osh has bought the stable in the vill- age ..belonging to ,J, O'Connor and is tearing it down atid moving it out to ins faxen . • Mr. Williani Andersen ie Moring to Goderich Whad he has nought a house. He lived in Dungannon for a number 01 r • • • • • • . . • 8,1.01.1..•;•••==.1••••••••1. Agonizing Piles. . • J , Cured by am-Bttle. . Mr... P. Asteidge, of 3 Paul-Oa:ea, St. Catharines, Ont. says: "Fen fiVe years • 1 suffered untold agony with protruding piles. No one knows the stiffering one has to. endure; :only , these who are se uefortunate as , to have them. The pain was eo great at times I would almost stream, I Went 'down in weight and had no appetite. I tried/ evefything I lie`aril of for piles, but got no relief. 1 went to several doctors,. but they would' give Inc little hope of ever, getting rid of them and I dnally ga,Ve up in despair. One day a friend gave me a sample of Zran- Ittlk salve Mid told me. of some one: Who had been eured.• I decided to to i it, and the relief I got was 'encourag- ing. I. nought a box an,d the piles , kept on diniinishing and the pain was ; getting less.' I used three bokes and I ' am now completely, tured. , I wish I i . could have got Zam-Duk years ago,' , it would have saved me a great deal I ' Of Misery. ,Onn• thousanddollars' would ble none too small an amount f for such a cure as mine. IC wish I I could convince every sufferer of the \ value. of Zant-Iltik." ' Zatn-Etik cures cuts, chapped hands, cold sores, itch, niters, eczema, rune - Mg sores, catarrh, piles', bad :legs,' ab- Scesseg,, face sores, spring eruptions, and all skin diseases. It k good also for rheumatism, sciatica, 1 etc.'when vvell 'rubbed in. Of all druggists stores. 50e., or front Zatii-llult Co. Toronto. every day, • • . • Mr. Cop* is busy shipping wheat to Weedstock; . Reggie Smith Spent the Beater week at hispa!tents' residence, "The Art Store." ••• .Atr. Albert Kneeshaw has coneeived the idea of moving 'his residence • oh Areher street to his property:fronting on Waterloostreet. from'whieh he hall rerriovee the old brick hoineetead. • , M. A, Pigott, & Co.. have a bill ,agAinst the 'Guelph & Goderich wgk.. of e523, 574.75 an interest. We hope he will„not have to seize the Railway. ' . •• • . The. "Two Mac" hauled , 500 pounds of nen 'last Week, being the first catch of the season., ' Miss Helen Attrill while on a, visit, here was., the guest of Miss Helen Horton. .She epett Friday the ,guest of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 'Turnbull. On Saturday she left to visither aunt, Mrs. Heaton at Toronto.. 1, • Master Norman Lewis is progressing rapidly now. to ultimate reeovery, Profesior.Geoffrey . Holt of Trinity College, Toronto, bad, sufficiently covered from his late serious illness to spend Eastertide at his home here the guest of ' hie honoe Judge Holt and 'Mrs. Holt. It is likely that Judge and Mrs. Holt will take a trip with lent to Atlantic City or some other ocean resort that he may the quicker regain bie health. At St, Peter's on Goo q Friday morning the service was held, without organ music. In the evening the "Ad- oration of the Cross" was participat- ed in by a large eongregation; On Saturday a. m. the' blessing of the hely water took place during the mass. Mies Tramiel' is the guest at De- troit of her sister, MM. Hogan, She willheMuch miesed by St. Peter's °Mirth dole. The services at the Ilaptist church both morning and elktlifig were for Easter. Master Millyard presided at the orvin, Mr. Cook being railed away, to assist iEvangeliseMeCombein some of hia revivals. ...At North street church on Sunday evening Rev. I.Igertort Armstrong of Charing Cross filled the pulpit. His sermon wag based on the "Itesurrec- tion of Christ. oe, t •••• • THE PERFECTION gp WOMAN- - • HOOD. Who does not ' envy and admire, a lovely woman ? The secret of her• loe veliness, her perfection, is health. Sim sleep* well, eats well, 'digests well-, intricate functions are vigorous • and regular. Of all woman's remedies', Ferrozone is the best ; it vitalizes the function& upon ,which health de- . pende-emakes the purest, = richest. bloen, gives perfect complexion and lots" of vigor. Eeri'f giri and woman who seeks health, vitality, looks -let her get Ferroziete today. Fifty cent boxes at all, dealers.. • • • . Moicis Township, . • A s.tra,iv sbed 40 .x .60 feet will. bo built on the farm of Mr. Charles For- rest this seesche . Mr. and Mrs, John 'Motehee,': were in Winghern, last, week ' attending the fun- eral of the late Mes. Ilenry Ball: Miss 'Mary' Fear • has been appointed to the, staffel the Milverton .public ,sebool, • • • While .enga,ged pruning 'appleitrees, in his orchard recently Mr. James. Spelt' had the misfortune to fall froni a. tree and evaS considerably s.haken, lip. At the recent meeting of the Morris tewnshin council the building of two new steel bridges on the 54h linewas disctiain •and IT was -decided to.elete•up a two span bridge of 65 feee each with Cement ahutments. The next meeting of the council will be held on the 201h. Of May. • Miss' Kate Grasbe Was the guest .of.- 'Mine Linda Clegg for a 104/' days re- centjy. • . , . Miss. Annie .• Heneerson of, ,Blueyale has been :visiting friends ,on the '4th. Mr. George :Keys he,e' retuned from the Wept; haviee gold his carload of 'horses: : • We nit. sorry' to hear that Mr. A; Bnideha,we an old and esteemed resi- dent ef the 4th line, has been ,quite poorly clueing the past week, but . we hope he willsoon take a change ler the better. . ' • • .7-A-Inir Cot. • . . • Miss Advertisement Ot 11004's Sarsaparilla is to remind you of its great merit As a blood purifier, appetite - giver, and as a nerve, otornaeli and elt" votive tonic. Nothing else like It, ne other Iia s SOgood a record, no other will do you so much good. It cures. moDnYthelaewiPithilld-isp*e'pisiaw"arid troubled for anythinnwithout distress. 1 begin,. tatting: Hood's man:amine and was /OW huprov: inc. I took it steadily until I was cured.' nem InoWnemani, Athol, Mass. Catarrh -My mother eufferee from ca- tarrh and feared consumption. She took Hood's Sassupariva and in a few month* was - better. stronger and healthier, than ever be- Efooroed. ,siegeodeanzfieobt :ray* tozopigieshoforror ,t2411e4z0e0Quicta Ste-lianaiton. Ont. witeRhrhtturnortLersill, "'*507 kwnaeae :714 r el ).17 smitIvroillteenit. Hood's Sarsaparilla helped me after other medicines tailed and it !IBS lengthened lay life." Jassia Kua,mmt, Middle (trove, N. e. rieod's Sarsaparilla Is sold everywhere. 100 Doses One Dollar, Prepared only by O. L Uwe. Co., Lowell, Mesa., U. O. A. Edward Nolan, a nine-year-old color,. ed hoe of Chatham is. dead, HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS, The Grand Trunk Railway will is- sue anond-elass return tiekets at re- duced rates to priecipal ,points, in. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Good going April 14th and '28th, may lath and 26th, June 9th and Ord, July 7th and elst, Aug. 4th and 18th, Sept. lit, 15th and 29th, Tickets, good returning within sixty days. A. tourist pleeper will be attached to each ?rain. 'Por rfull information, rates, etc., apply to any. agent of the Greed. Trunk Railway System. • 'Combines. el e• gance raid., com- fort,' and is decid- edly the most de. sirable style of eyeglass eve4- de- • vised. • We know they will give eat ides, tion. .We can adapt them to almoet any shap- ed nose. • . A. 4...GFIIGG JEWELER AND ., OPTICIAN' ISSUER OF MARRIAGE. 1.ICENSES . . . orne Stia For Bo, In Norfolk Suits and 3 -piece Suits 1 Termite. S,atiieday Night, an inde- pendent journal edited by a Liberal, bas a cartoon showing Preniier Whit- ney cutting an apple labelled "Redis- tribution.". Old Man Ontario , is quot- ed as saying to Hon. A. G.:Maeleae: "Ole come now, Aleck, quit • your serappint.Maybe the knife slipped : a little, but that. 'pears • to Me to be about as fair a elit'e 11:' ever 'see." Editorially, the paper' say. • . • "The redistribution 11lI is now be7 fere elle, public, and notwithstanding the coniplaints made by the Liberals, the general view will be that the redistribution was conceivedin a *Orli of unusual faienees, No doubt ge, the bill fails to equalize eonditione in sornt dietriets Where they stand . in need of. , adjustnient, but sueh changes as have been made are Made with some reseeet foe the principles ' of fair play. Those who criticise the • hill mu,et look far and wide for any- thing better in the same line LOOK AHEAD FOR ILLNESS. Sudden illness and pains Comet every family -to parents and children alike. I3ut if you haVe looked Awl, and .'have right in your borne, ready for immediate use a bottle of Poison's Nerviliee-Abere isn't much t worry over. it's a sore throat or con- tracted chest, apply NerViline mid put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. If it's colic, cramps, or any stomach die - order, just adMinister ten drops of Nerviline in hot water: No family fnediChleS are More USeEUI or more des pended upon in emergencies than. Ner- viline and Nerviliite Porous Plasters. They, keep the doetor bill small. 25c. lel' at all dealers. Refuse substitut- *AO Nine' men were killed in a dynbnitte enPlosion at Armagh in Bellechasse went*, Quebec. Mt. 0. IL Watsou;', K. C., and Ur. J. L. Perron., IC C., have been ap- pointed eounsei in the iVfarine Depart- ( merit inquiry. • The Russians have bombarded .sever - 1 al Iturdish villages in Peale • Bought from the cele, brated C. N. R. clothing manufacturers at a great- ly reduced price, by clear- ing out the lines. I will . ,give the patrons of this store the benefit , of the reduction while...the snits. last. All the newest styles just put in stock. Ma- terials that cannot be beaten for wearing quali- ties. Ranging in sizes from 22 to 34. Do Not Iliss This Chance. • A Base Ball ei 1-LIt Given with each Boy's Suit, manima E. W. Jacobs Furnishings, Hats.