HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-23, Page 1nton News- Record.
28th Year
Whole Number 1524
The News -Record to the end of 1908 and The Weekly Mail and Empire for one year for 75 Cents.
Sem Sings ignef Pings
If you contemplate a ring purchase. an' unusual assortment of
good riug value awaits your inspection here.
Genuine Solitaire Diamond Rings $7 and upwards.
Birthstone Rings $L25 upwards, Good satisfaction with rings .
purchased from
jeweler and Optician. t Canton
Paid -U Capital $8,900,000.• Reserve $4.890,000 •
Total Assets . - $46,500,000
89 Branches in Canada
>t r in Cuba, Porto Rico and New York. Correspondents through-
• outthe world, s1•
We invite the accounts of Corporations, ..Fraternal' Societies,
Merchants, Farmers and Householders. Every courtesy extended.
aiia er - CLINTON
E. R. DEWART, fl g
1 The Farmers' Bank of Canada
(Incorporated by special act of Parliament.)
Member of The Canadian Bankers Association and the Toronto Clearing House..
Head Office - . . . - Toronto
W. R. Travers - Generalflanager.
A branch of this Benkbas•been opened in the Village of Brucefield
and a general banking business will be transacted at this branch:
Interest allowed in the Savings Banlr on „� „,.
and upwards at the highest current rate of interest and paid four tunes a year
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted. Special privileges extended toaccounts of.
Tcwnships, farmers and others.
Office open Saturday Evening 7 to 9;
Local: ana er•
Morrish 86 Crooks
In choosing your Spring Hat, select
The King
Borsalino Hat
Which are dailygrowing in favor with our nti•
ous customers. The uniform quality and satisfying'
service peculiar to these two brands have made hun-
dreds of customers to us.
Hats to fit any Head.
The Borsalino Hat, made in Italy, soft and stiff'
black and colored, $3 and $3.50,
The King Hat, made by the best English
makers, soft and stiff' black and colored, - 2 an
2.50. e ' d
The Canadian Hat, made in Canada, . special
at $1.50.
We have several other brands
• including the Wakefield,
Fitvveii, Etc.
We Solicit Your In
"A Square deaf for Every Man,"
SucCessbrs to Hodgens Brost Clothing Store
Itov. W. J. Jollfffe will preach a • Our big hearted neighbor, Mr. Thos.
rpr.0ial sermon next Sunday morning Beacom, observed the 65th anniversary
r istwork
onth h iri -and ofW..r
- ethehisthda s ii cin
of b1 ter a born
Ye , being
Y Y Y g
M, S. A special Easter offering will in. Goderieh on April 22nd 1843. Most
be taken. up, His evening subject will heartily The News -Record wishes hint
be "Why men should not be ashamed ' many happy returns. t
Of the Gospel of Christ," Ali are ; W. C. T. IJ, MEETING,
Wheat OOc to 92c.
Oats 50e. to 53c,
Peas 80c. to - 85e.
Barley 650 to 70e.
Butter 23eto 24e.
Eggs 13c .to 1.4e,
Live Hogs $6.25, •
Rev:. Mr. Urquhar•t•of Kippen preach-
ed both morning and evening in Willis
church.1 s SundaY, Rcv, Dr,
taking his work at. Kippen. He, was
much appreciated by all. Besidesthe
anthems rendered;by the choir,a
quartette :composed of Mrs. Campbell,
Mrs. Downer, ;Douglas Goodwin and
Jas. McCrae; sang very aoteptably.
There,will be ,a children's service next
Sunday morning:•
Miss Lela Hoover, who came 'home
from attendance et the Toronto .Con-
servatory of Music to spend the Eas-
ter holidays at the parental home, re-
turned to the% city again on Tuesday.
Next Tuesday, .she enters upon 'her,
duties as teacher of piano at Haver-
gall Ladies College, one of the leading.
institutions of the kind in Toronto,
Miss Hoover is not yet ttvc+nty years
of age •and had been attending the
Conservatory 'but' a few menthe -so
.that her ability has been very evident
to secure this sought -for position,
The re -organization of the:. Doilet;ty
Organ & Piano Company was emu-
plctenInn Tuesday when the following
officers weed elected
:President, W. Doherty
Vice W. Jackson"' a son"
$ec,Treasur'er;: F. J. Hill
Director,. Q. E Dowdin
There are two other directors to lie
chosen who.will be selected "when' the
stocktaking further. progresses:.
Mr. C. H. Ivey of .Ivey & Drumgole,
London, solicitors of . the Maisons
Bank, was present at there-organizd-
tion meeting...
A runaway acciiient which was at-
tended with serious 'results' took place
.on I+'riday. last. While a couple : of
young men : had stinted • to drive to
and when
opposite Leslie's'
rringenworks a-=drarw-bolt fell--out-
and one side of the shafts dropped. This
frightened the horse and it started 'oft
on the ren, The;: young men jumped
out end.....let it;, go and ..it continued.
down the Huron. Road at a furious
rate' until opposite Oppesite Mr. John
where it overtook 'and ` ran. into Mr.
John Burns' buggy. Mr. and . Mrs..
Burns were• thrown out and both bad=:
ly injured, Mr, Burns so seriously so
that 'as later as Tuesday' et ening he con-
tinued i -c
in a -sem onsefous; condition -
at his home. on the Maitland 'c amens
siert. The damage to the buggy was
slight and . twenty-five. cents repaired.
the buggy drawn by the runaway horse
Which Was ;pot much fnjiired .
.:Dr..Shaw had a narrow 'escapefor
but a few minutes before the accident
he overtook and. passed Mr, Burns.:
Had- he been a little later the . run-
away night have smashed into his
buggy.. andhe now have';been same -
body' ;else's
eine-body.;else's: patient instead r`, waiting
upon Mr. Burns. '
The W. C. T. U. meets Fridley after
noon of this week at 3 o'clock, at the
home if Mrs, Duncan Stevens)n, AU
ladies interested in the Temperance
question are invited to, attend these
meetings which are held monthly.
The meeting . of Centre' Huron Con-
servatives held in' the council chamber.
yesterday .afternoon was. attended by
representative men from various parts
of the new riding. Mr. D. Cantelon
residledandJ ' Mc e
r, ,H, I;w
PM n acted
as secretary..•It was decided that
a separate association be formed and,
that a convention to place a .candidata
in the field be .held in Clinton on
Thursday May 14th.
The Ontario street S. S. are 'look-
ing forward to a most successful aii
nivcrsasy .next Sunday, Mr. Geo. S.
Stanley of Lucan, an eloquent • and
enthusiastic ' Sunday school . worker,
will have charge of the services in the•
morning speaking on "The $. Ss. in
Citizenship," and in the evening on.
"The Triumphs of Faith." :During the
afternoon there will be an open ses-
sion of the Sunday school when, besides
an address, the children will give ' an
exercise entitled "The Gates Ajar:"
Rev: T. W. Charlesrworth preached
an appropriate Easter eermon last
Sunday morning from the 'title,
"Where' is'' Jesus 'now ?" and suitable
music was rendered; by the. choir under.
the leadership; of Iniss .Hoover,
Two newmembers were. baptized on
Sunday evening in 1lie presence of a
large congregation and :several veral
will no added shortly. • .
The subject for next Sunday morn-
ing will be, ::"Possessing our' pt scs-
sloes;'.' 'and •: the evening, -"The 'Three
Thorns." •
The •services on 'East&':- Sunday in.
$t. Paul's church were largely attend-
ed, the number of communicants being
thelargest in the pase ten years, ' The
music was well rendered, the •us'.ial
Easter Hymns- and suitable Anthe.ns
being sung by the choir. The rect,rr,
preachedmorning. anrd- evening. The
Morning Sermon e on was tic
bas 1` on � St
Matt. t. xx, 12 andthe evening on
Exodus xii,, 14, : The offertory for the
.day was in excess ;of ,$200,00.
The annual vestry meeting was held
on. Monday evening, the rector fn tho
chair, On motion Mr. A. A. Hill was
appointed vestry clerk instead of Mr.
Pinner who has removed to 'Poroi to.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. The rector and
the treasurer's reports were then
read' and both were most. satisfac-
tory. The statement of the treasurer
was received and it was ordered to be
printed for consideration at ' an
adjourned meeting to be held • on the
4th of May. In the meantime the audit-
ors will go over the accounts. The
offiecrs for the ensuing year were ap-
pointed as follows
Rector's. Warden, 11. T. Rance
People's Warden,T. D. ' Johnson ky
Sidemen, A. A. Hill, Ron Ball,
Corinne, Hawkins, q•raelis, W.
Johnson, F. Merman, T. Evans, C,1•
Johnson, .L Hartley, T. Herman.
Auditors, E. M. McLean and A. A.
Votes of thanks were passed to the
choir, the 8, 8, n;eachers and ot!iocrs,
the Ladies Guild, the A. Y. 1'. A. and
to Mrs. dill ler her interest hi gett-
ing up the S. S. concert.
A vote of sympathy with Mr. W.
W. rattan in his. illness was carded
and a copy of the resolution ordered
be s;nt to him.
The meeting then adjourned after.
which a congregational meeting was
held at which Messrs. John Rtansford
and (!larente Johnston were appoint-
ed. lays delegates" to the Synod.
Rev, Mr° Dunbar, the newly ap-
+ Y P
pointed incumbent of• t e Holmesvflle
parish, hasrented. the Coats' cottage
on the Bayfield Road, south of town
and has taken up his residence there
with his parents and his brother. 'Ile
family came from 'Belfast,` tr,la'nd,
sixteen months ago..
Rev. Mr. Dunbar: receivhis h
cd tt .eo-
logical traiaifne n the Divinity
at Belfast but was ordained. by Bishop.
Carmichael.. of • Montreal • front whose
diocese he was`: transferred uron.
He is said to•be a fluent speaker:
will no doubt' (Co. good work in his:
new parish. Which includes:the church-
es of Middleton, •leolmesville • "and'
Summerhill. '
The license board.al West Huron met
in Auburn yesterday afternoon. .and
dealt t wi
th all the applicants except
those front Winghani and Ashfield
which are • :being taken up at the
former place today. The number of
licenses stands the same as last year,
The Ra.ttcnbury „louse is again on
the lisitn '�-"
Persons 1s
Mr, T. R. Jowett, . B'ayfield, was ie
Clinton Monday.
Mr, S. Wilson visited his son, Mr.
Frank Wilson of Hamilton , Friday
and Saturday last,
Mrs, A. W. Sloan' of Blyth 'tti;,• the
guest on Good Friday of nr'r daugh-
ter, Mrs. Wesley Walker,,
Mr. u
D. C, Cl r .res' elle 1 r-
ff, a the Mor-
ris:. Piano Co., Listowel, was the
guest of his sister` Mrs, T. Beacom,
yesterday'. • .
Caryl Draper has ens to • Stratford
where he has been engaged by. his
aunt, Mrs. Jos.' Draper, for the
summer months. .
Mrs. John Scarlett of Leadbury was in
town yesterday, This genial :gentle-
man has'' litany friends in Clinton.
wito arc always pleased to grasp
his hand in cordial greeting. •
Mr. Hugh Archer of Hullett and Mr.
Fred.. Hill, son of Mr. H, Hill,
left.on Saturday for Griswold, Man.
They were ticketed through by Mr.
W. Jackson representing the C. P.
Mr, -and Airs. W, Walker were in
�Vtiig}na yesterday . attending the
Wedel of their nice, Miss Edith
Walker. . The groom . was Mr. Percy
Carlisle, : Greed . Trunk agent. • at
Mr. W. H. I-Iellyar and .his. daughter,
• •little Miss Fanny, returned Monday
night from. a five days visit wPth the,
former's' parents, Mr.: and Mrs, .john;
Hellyar,. two much esteemed resids.
ents of Cobourg, who on the. 22nd
of this month celebrated the 56th.
anniversary of -their. wedding dry.
Mr. D. 13: Kennedy this week visited
. . an old. friend in the person.of Mr.
George Pierce of • Morris. .Their.
friendship dates back to 1862 when
. they 'sailed from New York on the
• same boat : for Victoria i . C. and
they spent several nionthe'. together
:in the then famous geld fields of
Mr. William Campbell of Goderich
Was in town yesterday attending a
meeting of Centre: Huron Conserve -
time. No one is more welcome to.
these'"• gatherings than Mr. -Cain
bell for his energy .arid :;zeal. in
advoeiting • the. principles far
which Conservatism ,' stands is
Scher 1 well Bowe•, and appreciated..
Should or should , not the. Ontario
street church shed .he assessed ?'
Assessor Cottle : says yes and quotes
"only: places of worship -and land used.
in connection' therewith,.tineluding
churchyard or burying ground) small g
be exempt:" The Municipal World
of the same''opinion as Mr. • Cottle. '
But the church oITioials` are emphatic
in opposition to the assessment and
are backed up by a•legal, advice re-
eeivefl,' through ;the . Christian Guar-
The question will in all probability
have to bye settled by. the court erre-
vision. `
Mr, Cottle places- the assessment at
$1,000. , •
Mrs. Porterfield• and da.08
h`ee Mrs.
Geddes of, Belgrave were :the guests df
Mrs.' Janus Ferguson a few days'' the
past week.
Mr. Riehari McBool lost a valuable
horse. this week. • ,
Miss Ruby Whiddon : : spent : Easter
week with friends at Goderich. •
- Messrs. Haines Cameron, of Clinton
Collegiate and . Grant . McNeal. and
.Reggie Marks and Miss Manic Ale-
Doti all of• Sea:Meth' .Collegiate `spent
is their Easter holidays a their respect-
tivo hoiries iii the village:
Mr. Thomas -Cameron was in Lon-
don on 'M_onday, On, 'pushing.
niliss Nellie Biggart" spent . Easter
week at. Toronto.
• • Mr. Carl Worsen and. Miss May Cor-
nell of ' Godcrieh spent Good 'rid•ay
in• the village.
Mr. Alex. McLeod,' principal' of Zur-
• .ioh -Public , school spent .his ..I ester -
holidays tinder, the parental roof...
• Mr. Harry Armstrong of Clinton
spent Good Friday in Bayfield.
Mr. Elwin 1tluneo left .for Brandon,
Man., , on Monday to engage' in the
plembing business. •
Mr. James Reithby is engagedpt
ting up a barn on his nett/ lot at the
east of the village,.
• Mi. T, Adams has engaged with Mr.
J. Taman' to drive' his team.
We are pleased to learn that Mr.'S.
Marshall is improving.
Mr. 0. Schultz removed the large
poplar tree at the corner of Mr. G.
Densteadt's house last week.., .
Tiro following spent ' Easter in Au-
burn Charlie: Robertson of . the Cen-
tral business College, 'Poronto; .John
E. Jackson of the Goderich 0. • 1.,
Miss Eva McDougall of Bolton; wltli
Zell♦ Macdonald, Ernest Robertson of
llenmiller, Miss Kennedy of Blyth with.
her sister, Mrs. II. Magee, Miss
Maude Ferguson ° of Clinton, Miss
Johnston and Miss Begley of Blyth
with, Mist Mary Robinson, ;A. 'Fergu-
Fergtt-son of Winghann.
Miss C. Sclater isspending the
school vacation at her home in Sea -
forth and Mr. Johns at his home in
Mr, . A. Sutherland spent Easter ' in
the Queen city. • '
Nevin Ad+vertisemenls
Carpets, etc.-Tozer"sem- 8
Supplement—Hodgens Bros-.
Enter Any Day—C. B. 0.-5•
Auction Sale --J. A'. Smith -5
� i tt,°•-J
Auction Sale --David 1110
Now the Time—Couch & Co. -4
Walk Over Shoe J. 'Twitchc11 8
Por Everybody—lilted, Jackson -1
Lace Curtain Time-Newconlbe's• s•
Spring flats—Morrish & Crooks, --1
• Mrs. (Or.) Woods .and daughters,
Misses Lucy and Jean, spent. Easter
Week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Buchan of Durham.: •
Mr. fl. •Drehnianti was . In London
the past
Ilol r d felt/ dayse
and as a
week, • '
miss Edith Spackman of •London
spent her Easter holidays under the
parental reef,
Messrs, Robert. Bailey and George
Sanderson": of Goderich spent Sunday
at their homes in the. village. ' •
Dr. Smith and son Master,
spent Good Friday at Berlin and Galt.,
Dr. Metcalf and 'wife and Mrs. Mc-
Dougall of Detroit spent a few days
the past week in Bayfield.
Mr. John Tippet and niece, Miss
Myrtle 'Tippet spent Easter holidays
at Berlin.
Mrs. Brandon and sons, Masters
Tommy, Willie and Harold, spent
Easter holidays with frieads at Bel -
gram .
Mrs. George Erwin spent the past
week •at London.
lliis. Daniel. Macdonald 'is visiting
her mother at Berlin this week.
Mrs. Sturgeon ; of Berlin was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. P. A. Ed-
wards, ' the
d-wards,'tlto: Past week,
Mr. Harry Darrow met with a ser-
ious accident on. Monday while assist-
ing Cnptein Ferguson to move~Itis fur•
niture to the res' co he recently put -
chased. front. W. Jowett. While
t - d
tirivl]ng a X 'the foo hoar on which
r. Detre*, ,: lot resold gave away
And struck 'the horse on the . heels
causing the animal to start oil sud-
denly. Mr. Darrow jumped to the
gr tt1 in doingwhich he broke a
small. bone itt his leg and sprained his
ankle badly. The injured limb is now
in splints and at the best the genual
Harry will be laid up for a number
of weeks,
About People We Know.
Mr. V, D.Fair 's Torontothis
� D in this
Mr, Will. Wiseman of Alvinstone spent
Easter athis home here.
Mr. Clarence Johnson was in Toron-
to Saturday and Sunday. •
Miss Shirley, Bawdeni is, at present
visitipg relatives in London,
Mrs< Garbett of Detroit was the guest
over raster of Mrs, Shannon,
Mrs, George Shipley is visiting rela-
tives in Coliingwood this week.
Mr, Bulley of the Royal Bank spent
Easter at his home in Toronto. -
Mr. Stewart .and Miss Lily Je.ekspn
are home from Toronto for the holi-
Mr. Sydney Smith, of 'Detroit is vtsi.-
ing. his aunt in town,. Miss. L.
Miss Turnbull ofHamilton is the
guest at present of the Misses Walk-
inshaw. f
Miss Jennie Shannon returned hone
from La+6ies' College' a.t St,' 'Thomas
last week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Mustard are
spending their .- holidays . at their
home here.
Mr. H. W. Cook has returned , from
Toronto where he . peat the past.
three months.
Miss Pearl Shannon accompanied Miss
Reynolds to lter home at ; Wtnghatnl
last : Thursday. , . .
Miss Gladys Leof ,London visited
Miss Marjory Lapping for a few
days last week. -
Miss Ainy Hanishere, Niagara Falls,
visited . her sister, Mrs. W. H. I1ell-
yar, •this week:..
Col, and Mrs. Hegier'of Ingersoll are
at present 'visiting • their: daughter,
Mrs, A. P. Gundry,.
Mr. • John Houston and Miss 'Manic'
Houston are spending the ;holidays
at their home in town., •
Mr. and. ;Mils. Alex. Cooper, Goderich,
were the guests on Sunday of Mr.
'' and Mrs. S: S. Cooper:. •
Mr.' -Charles Taylor; of Bolton was the
guest during the past• week of • his
niece, Mts. J. W. Elliott, .
Mrs. •E: Hollinger- of • 'the Wolper
House Betlin,.:•. was ':'the guest of
Mrs: A. L. Strome 'this week,. •
Mrs: Fife.. Summerville of Acton .wae.
the guest "during the Easter holidays
of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Cook;
Mrs. Ken. .Chowen : aecairlpanied by
Miss Gladys Chowen is visiting. at
the former's .home .at Ingersoll:,: •
MessrenNeilheTaylor- and" -Join
ball of Toronto University spent
Easter at their homes in town. •
-Mr•,-:and.-1VIrs tV;.••Pinner returned. _ to'
their home in Toronto •after.•apending
Wm Lime with relatives in 'Clinton.
run pri ci the
M. A.P. C di inn ai of h
Y, P
Collegiate is in Toronto attending
tlie• annual meeting of the 0 •-E- A•
Mrs. Allan Lamont and Mrs. Mitchell
Of Brussels were guests of Mr. Jani
cs Diu -nerd' 'Tliutsday and Friday
D.L.n r'Arthur,'w s
Mr,Oranston, Piot a
in town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Seafer%
were in, town this week,
Miss Lieeie Trowhill is home from.'
Dundasfor the holidays, •
Mr. Nixon Welsh is home from Wash- •
• ingt:,gi for the Easter holidays.
Mr. W. II. Hector and Miss Myrtle
Sperling were in . Cranbtool on Sun-
Mrs. Amer Snaith, Tdronito, visited
at her fatncr-in-law's }n Clinton this
Mitis McGrattan of Goderich was
the guest this week of Mrs< R, Mill-
Miss Stella Swann returned Tuesday.
after several days visit in Strat-
Mr, Albert •Sge1eY was called to o Wing -
ham on Tuesday to d otos a gaso-
line engine,
Mr, ' Walter Jackson returnecl„from
Brantford on..Thursday and remained;
until Monday:
Miss Carrie Steep spent feaster with
Mrs. Thomas McCartney of the 16th
Mr, and Mrs. George Doherty expect
to move to Goderich during the
coining summer. •
Misses Margaret and Susie Clark,
God'orioh, were guess, of Mrs, Robt.
Welsh on Monday..
Mrs. John Ireland and family return
ed home Monday night from a visit
to Berlin friends.
Master William Spindler,. : London,
was the guest over Easter - of ' his
uncle, Mr. E. Finch: •
Miss Mary Lanxton, London, has been
spending ' her.. holidays with her
parents ,at Cedar Valley. .. .
"Billy" Oantelon has returned • froni-
Toronto where he , Was repeating
apples in cold storage all. winter.
A load of young people from Clinton
drove to • Mitehell Monday evening to
attend `an entertainment given there.
Mrs'.. Charlie Copp and Master Willie
•• of. Goderich spent Eastertide, with
herother, •:` Mr.David
br , Steep of.
Mr. 'F: R.Hodg errs While at Goderich
the .forepart of the week had the leis-
fortune to somewhat: severely sprain
his ankle. '
Mrs, • Dowart, • Toronto,, was -the
guest. over Easter of -her son, Mr:
E. R. Dewart, local manager of the
'Royal. Bann, •
Miss: Marjoryee pphie'"'entertained-' a
• number of her friends Monday even-
ing in honor of her friend, • Miss
Gladys Legg.,.•
Mrs. John Hodgens, accompanied • by
Miss . Edith. Hodgens, . visited her
son Ir H E. Hartselle,. Goderich,
the past week. ,
Miss :Mabel- Doliertiesef tlie Collegiate
I. teaching staff;, Goderich•" iS - •wending
• the Easter holidays at .the parental'
home in town, n.
Mrs:. T. Meliveen.. and family have;
Mr. and Mrs, In. E. Johns of Guelph returned from Ailsa Craig antl•again .
and Mrs: ,Id.` Cook. : of. Hensel' --were
the guessts, of Mrs, J. Torrance }est
Dr. Marrs, Aline.'M trrs and their son,
of Port h1 gin 'were the guests this
Week of the lady's s br
, Dr.
14Irs. H. Smith, 'Grand Bend, and Mrs,
D. Wilson, St° Joseph; were guests
of Mr.. and :Mrs, :T: Roberts over
isles e y c a • owe o . xe er
aro spending their''holidays with th'eir
.grandmother, Mr's. 'tiles. FIollotvpy
of town.
Mr. Robt:.:McIlveen of Watford was
the guest of relatives and friends in
and; around. Clinton :for a. couple of
days last, week.
Miss .Bell O'Neil a,econ panied by Miss,
Helen McKinnon of Milverton are;
' spending the Holidays at the home of
the fornier's•:pareiits. .
ltlien'Minnie':Kilty, teacher 'et ilver-
ton, and Mr. Ed. I(ilty of;'.Aelsa:
Craig are at present visiting their
Mother, ,Mrs. Kitty, of town.
Miss May Rance of the School of
Expression and Mr. Tone .- Rance
of the. Pell "Telephone Co. ars spend-
ing the holidays under the parental
Mr. I. •Prout, Woodstock., wan' in town
Saturday and Sunday.. He coil -uncle
• tell on the big improvement' in: Clin-
ton .since .he left. here ..a few years
ago • ,
Mr. Melvin J. Torrance of '
the Doth -
inion Bank at Mount Albert, spent
a few days last week as the guest
of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, ' J.
Among the visitors at the meeting of
the Masonic Lodge on Friday even-
ing last' Were Col. White, Postmast-
er of St. Marys, the D. D. G. M.
of South Huron; Mr. H. Fred, Sharp
of St. Marys, Registrar of South
Perth, and Col. Hegler of Ingersoll.
In the early bays of Clinton Mr.
Sharpe carried on littsiness here as
photographer and in 1866, `67 and.
'68 he was Master of the Masonic
Lodge. Of the other members dur-
ing his term of office not one noW
remains, the late Mr, Doan being
the last survivor.
Mr, Jackson Walker, a native of Clin-
ton, but who has been in the West
for twenty-six years, is now, tie-
companled by his wife, the guest of
his sister, Mrs. J. W. Elliott. Mr.
Walker is a citizen of the riph and
thriving city of . Portland, Oregon,
where he is himself in business. Ile
notes very matty.ehanges for the bet-
ter in the old town since he left it
and eotnparatively few of his as-
sociates of the long ago are now
here. Ile eacpects to leave this
week and on his way back to Ore-
Igon will visit relatives in Toronto,
Sault-Sta. Maria std Manitoba.
taken up. their abode in their house
• on Huron .street.
Mrs, S.. II. Smith,. who was accom
panted by her little son, returned
' home Monday -evening it'oni 'a visit
to Totento friends. s
Mrs L.• Paisley and her• little daugh-
ter have been thee •guests during the
past week ,of . Mr. :and Mrs. Duns -
more' of ..St, Thomas, '•
Mrs.: C., G. Middleton was. -able to
rennoved to her home tiff ' Goderich
township on Sitnilay. • en fm
provement continues..
Mr. J. 13. Kennedy came over .' from
• Detroit Saturday to spend '. a felt/"
days as, the guest: of his parents,
. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kennedy.
Misses . Lila and.' Muriel 'Sperling ' :of
Cranbi'ook have returned home after
visiting their uncle' and aunt, Mr.
C: S. R tthereil and Mrs, ; Annie
Mr,.. Arthur .Ccjald : attended Wesley.
Sunday school' on Sunday afternoon,
the first time in tbirt.y-five , years
that he• has been at such a '. • means
Prof. 1Vooiis, Bayfield, was in town on
Thursday seeing off his wife and
d u l
mers --who werc ci•thei
to spend the holidays with 11Trs.
Woods' •parents: in Durham.
Mrs. C. E. Dowding returned Monday
froth a visitof several : weeks at
her ` old home in .Owen Sound. Mr:
' Dowding' returned with her, having
gone tip on Good Friday..
Mrs. J.E. Booth of Orangeville was
the guest of her parents, Mr. and
M1'a, S. H. Plummer, over Easter
while onher way home rom•.visit
ing her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Davie of
St. Patin Minn,'
Mr. and Mrs. 1-I. Joyner returned
Monday night from a fortnight's
visit with their son, Mr. 'Feed. Joy-
ner, Smithville, near Hamilton.
Their' slaughter, Mrs. R. 13. Carter,
spent a feiwi 'days with her brother,
rettirhing'•by the. Sarno :train.
Mr. Charlie. Asquith of Auburn was
in town yesterday aftetneen and it's;
'dollars dto doughnuts he attended.
the Conservative meeting for there
is not a stauncher exponent of Con-
servative principles than that same
clever and energetic young gentle-
Mr, ]t. .7. Draper Was iii Brantford
on Monday. He has accepted an ;en-
gagement with Gould, Shapley &
Muir of that city to creat 'wind
mills for them wherever his services
may be required. The Company was
fortunate in securing him. He went
to .Stratliroy, this, morning to enter
upon his ltt+w duties • and, for few
days will be engaged' with Mr. Char-
lie Stewart, formerly of Goderich
township, wh,i has leen in the onto
ploy of the Company for some