HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-16, Page 88 i 1 i Rash Orders for Easter M lilinery E are ready to take care of rush olden for Easter Millinery that .will°be sure to. come in on. Saturday, Special preparations have been made to handle them, so if you have put off your .Easter Millinery buying you. can surely have your - Hat for Sunday if you come here. Never was, the Millinery in our show room quite so good a"s that here to -day. We are,Read. y for Easter, are you?. We are id splendid shape to help_ you in your Easter buying. Stocks all over the store are ready for you. Every department is showin g bright, new things for spring wearing. Come here to do your Saturday shopping this week, We will be ready to serve you quickly and well, view Belt8 are Here. • • This ie a Belt season. Moredifferent styles and kinds shown than for many and many IL day.. '. Lots of new ones here just opened up the past few days. New and nobby styles in leather. silk, etc. 25c to $2.50. Choose Your Easter Belt Here. Easter Gloves. Mang Shades and Kinds. , The best stocks of Easter Gloves are: here, kid, silk or lisle thread, long or short, all sizes,many qualities. None that are,not; good, for all are backed by our un- qualified guarantee Do your Easter. Glove buying here: You are safe if you do and it will pay you . • Kid Gloves 88c Kid Gloves made from fine quality of skinsreoft and pliable, two dome fasteners, blacks, whites and colors; all sizes. one of the most popular Imes, special at per pair.-- ....... . • Kid:Gloves $1.19 Kid Gloves made from real French kid' skins, one of the best. . wearing gloves we ever handled; blacks and all the leading shades. every'pair guaranteed. all" sizes, special' at per pair. -1. 19. Kid Gloves $1.30. One of the most popular lines we handle pique sewn, glace finish, made from selected skins. blacks and colors: '.per -.1 .30 pair Long. Silk. Gloves $1.0' Extra good quality Long Silk Gloves, . full elbow length, *T' good weight, will wear well. black, white or colors, special ; at per pair .': .. ' : . Long Kid Cloves- $2.35 Good assortment of. Long Kid Gloves, ih blacks, tan and white, made .fromgood quality skins,• elbow length, real A ;9 5 good value at per pair .. ......................... New Fillet Nets, Laces and Insertions. Fillet Nets andInsertions are having a big run this spring: `'Tiley are the new thing..in lace trimmings. It is almost impossible to satisfy the demand. This week we. opened up some very .handsome Nets, Laces and Insertions, which were bought direct from the man who made them in Plauen, Saxony, while the best laces of this kind are made. They come in various widths, white, black, ecru and Paris shades, •Very handsome, very stylish, very.effeetive trimmings. Priced at 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Nobby Coats.. for Easter' Nobby Easter Jackets ; .are now on - our tracks. Jaunty styles in black brdadcloth, fawn brtadcloth, plain and fancy coverts, Just a little different from those you will see in most places. $5 to' $12.50 each. Handsome Lace and Silk Coats for Ladies --$15 to. $33. Natty Short Coats for Small Girls; Bed or Nave Serges and Broadcloths $3.50 to $10.00. 1 Clinton New Decorate Your t.00r. Record April loth, 1905 IN A, MANNER I3ECOMYYNG TNI SEASQN, THE STYLE, YOUR PURSE, AND ABOVE ALL YOUR INDIV/DUAL TASTE. WE CLAIM pull; AS, „PRET/KENT TO BE' EgUA. TO THIS.. WE TI.1.INK WE HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY ; WE ,KNOW WE HAVE THE POPUL- AR • GOODS AND THAT QUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. OUR STOCK HAS PLEASED- MANY PEOPLE AND IT PLEASES US TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE PLEASED. IF YOtT WANT ' WALL PAPER IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO SEE . OURS. IT MAY COST YQU'i SOME , THING NOT TO. VII. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest —Always Best 1 or.• 1 munUMIHI IIIIIII n. - 'reta't- .Mies Mabel Harland is visiong Ives in Fingal.. Registrar Coats, Goderich, was in town yesterday. Mr.•. A. J. Gri$g,will spend Good Fri- day in London. Mr: Albert. Seeley was in Winghain Tuesday andyesterday on ,business. Cliff Lobb, son of Councillor. Lobb• •9f Goderich township, is very f ii. i Miss Edna Pennebal er leases ,on 'Phurs- d ay to. spend the Easter—holidays in Goderich.: , . Mr. Leslie Miller, Harriston, :visited. his aunt, Mrs; T R. Walker; the Past week. . .• Mr. C. A.'Izzard: of Mitohell has.,tak-: ' on a position with Mr, J. Roberts, photographer. " • Mrs. W. R. Counter and Master .Nor- man •visited. Seaforth friends t• .the past week. Mrs. Mr.) Agnew was, very 'ill on, Saturday and Sunday but has Sitioe much improved. ' Mr. Alexander i and ; Miss 'Enid , Alexan- der go to Toronto -4.o-day to re- main until Monday Mrs. E. Watson of Blyth was " the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. B. Ken-: nedy, on Monday. Mrs. • Shannon left this morning for Aylmer to spend Easter with her: • daughter, • Mrs. Joy,.. Miss T, Hagen. of Hilisgreen .was the • guest of her,, sister,- Miss D. Hagen, nurse, for 'a few: days last week, Mrs. Larry Manning left yesterday for. .• Saliford where she will make ..her home With ono of her.. daughters. Mrs.: Arthur Stephenson,, of London :::will: spend Easter - as" the guest of her' brother, Mr. S. O. .It.athwell. Mrs, Will Iarland left •this morning . for London : to' visit her mother, Mrs.° R. 'H. Read, and other re atiy- es, Messrs.• T. Johnstone and. F. Hess, . Sr. of Zurich were 'guests of Mr. O. Johnstone of., town fora couple of. • days this week. • ' Mrs.. Riohard Parker of New Lislgcard was the guest of her cousin, Mr. J. W. Elliott, the forepart of the week ' Mrs:: Eckinier and • her zliece, , Miss Haddock, went to . Toronto this morning for a couple of, days .stay' in .that city. Mr. John Ransford was the guest Saturday and Sunday of his old and esteemed . friend, Mr.- Charles J enkins` of Petrolia. His lordship the Bishop of Huron was a guest 4 :St. Paul'srectory ori Tuesday while on his way from Bel: grave to Goderich, ...• Mr. " John Brownlee of London, . who: nineteen yearsago• leftLyth .to .ac- cept, employment With • Harland Bros., was in town last week. M. ''i'om . Wheatley: was,. home from Tillsonburg Sunday and 'Monday. Ile .has now taken the Management of the Queen's hotel h that. town.. Mr. T. Stinson, .Jr. moved over, from, Bayfield on Tuesday and has. taken tiphis abode in one of Mr.. W. Wheatley's houses on Htlron street. The 'cards are mit for the marriage of Mr. John Sharp. of Watford. Hie aaidl his bride will spend Easter with his aunt, Mrs, Arthur Cantelon ' of town. • Messrs. A. E. Beaton of $eetland and) Grant Beaton, Londesboro, . are spending' their Easter holidays as guests of their, father, 1yir, A, . D. Beaton. Miss Mabel E. Cantelon •Who runs a millinery establishment •',over Tozer & 'Brown's store, was Confined to her room for a couple 'df days this week with grip. Mr. Tom. Sharp was in Watford at- tending the weddingof his brother, Mr. John Sharp. Dame 1 Rumor has it that Tota purposes ;doing likewise in. the not distant future' Mrs. C. G. Middleton, who was so seriously injured last week in a runaway accident, continues to make satisfactory, •progress towards recovai',f. She is still at the hos pital. Mrs. Dr. Rutnatn gave an address on Missions lit Xincar'dine this,week. On Tuesday sho went to Toroto to tend it few days with Nliss 1 .eb roy, who carne from Ceylon with her and is now undergoing: indieal treatment) in the city. Store for Your ster Novelties The new 'faste Novelties 'l Ladies' Silk Collars, Leather Belts, Wash Belts, Kid Gloves, Veilings,. Ribbons, Hosiery, Etc,, are now in stock, We carry nothing but the best, .and itwill be worth your while, to'come in and see the many new and pretty accessaries for Easter. Come in as often as you like, whether you buy or not. Baster Leather Belts..., :;, Easter Leather Belts'are here in great array, in tans., browns, greens, blacks and blues, with fancy gilt, steel and 1 SQ, leather buckles, from ....,,.... 2 8c to . - v i 1 Easter WashBelts Wash Belts will be a strong feature , this,season We have many novelties In embroidered linen with pearl huskies from ....................:. ..sato I.�� Exclusive Milliner}l Qui stock of Exclusive Millinery is at its height, and we invite you to call and see the last minute styles. You want and we have them. . the latest MISS CANTELON Qc CO. Easter Gloves We are sole agents. for' Perrin Gloves, everypair guaranteed. Our stock is complete in long and short Gloves, in all shades and sizes, price ...$100 to 1.50 Easter Collars We are showing a larger range of Ladies Fanny Silk. Collars for Easter than ever before. All the very latest 1 5o novelties that can be had, from 25c to . • Fancy_ Hosiery The new styles in Ladies Fancy . Hosiery are many this season.. in fancy open-work stitch. They come in black,• pale blue, pink., lavander, etc„ all sizes, price 80c and .1 U Spring Jackets Black and Colored Voiles . Just arrived, `several new designs in Voiles. in fine' mesh, with ribbon Ladies Spring Jackets in fawn covert . stripes add splain promise well for spring. • cloth, in plain .end stripes; self strapp. 1 U 00 ,We have them in black,. blue, !grown, ing, new style sleeves,. all: sizes . tan and the, new blue, from,... 50e to A..1 5 • Tweed Dregs Goods • We are showing .a large range of light grey Tweed Dress Goods in plain checks, stripes and mixtures. These make a very pretty showing and will . give splendid wear Ask to see these. from .............. ...... , .50e to .75 en's Furnihin AT THE ANNEX. Hew Easter.. Ties. Men's Silk Easter Ties in great variety, the very ' latest coloringsand shapes. A call .will. convince . you of their value. • From 25c up to. 75c. New Easter Hats.; Men's New Easter Hats,ilk soft and . stiff, black, brown, tar, dark green and slate, in Sitwell, Borsalino, Wakefield, and other popular makes, in the very latest• shapes, From $1.50 up to $3.50. a CLAYTON Ladies'' Readymto-Wear Garments Dry Goods: and... Mi11inery t01.1.th'.E4tter.:...N11111ner If you have left off buying your Easter Hat .until thelast minute, you • can `:come to this store with the.'.assurande of seeing the biggest collection of stylish Hats in town. Our milliners have ' prepared an- other lot of. New Hats . for Saturday and it will be well vk orth your while to see them, -all at popular prices; Week End Specials From $3.50 up. Best $1.25'Long Silk Gloves, . tans, browns, white, navy, • black and. mode, special.., • •o 0 Best $1,0OLong • Silk Lirle'Gloves, tan, brown, mode, white 70 black, special.,...°Or; ..r....."e., ..rr,.........r}.ur.+..r;. . • i Best 76e Long Lisle. Gloves, in tan. brown, black and white, special at. . r . 0,,011... t :.. .. ....... .. ........v.. ..0 V Kid Clove Special 811,;paii Genuine French Kid Gloves, in black, brown, grey, fawn, tan, green atici navy. The famous Alexandria Gloves I 1 e in almost every size, special this week + - Long Tan Kid Gloves -Special $2.35 26 pair Long Tan Rid Gloves, guaranteed genuine kid. th.. newest shade—just out. Soldeverywhere at $215 and $3 Wil. n.0 c this week ail sizes 6 to 7..,,,.,..'."`".+... LIMO Short Lisle Moues 25e Ladies Short Lisle Gloves, in black nm'iv, ,nl I.izt'r O' to 8h, epiendld,Vaineattier pair..,..,...' . �2 5 .The New Belts are Here Just opened another lot of new Belts including the 'Merry Widow.' All the iiew shades and buckles AT 25 • 50' 70 65 and -1..00 New Madras Curtain Goods Some beautiful designs in'new Madras Curtain Goods now on sale. The prettiest color combinations ever shown by this store. They aro suitable for dining rooms, bed rooms, etc., and are the very latest ideas in curtain goods, price per .yard......:.,.....,1.....4* .YvxY..',.,,,,,➢11.L3d and .65 Coed Steles in Easter Coats We have two dozen or more different styles in Spring Coats and the best values you can get anywhere. 'We are making n splendid display this week which will pay you well to see. 7.150 0.110 and 10.00 rowoviomovommiwitoomwmktowtoavommswiAmswowiloftwomprowwwwwwwihmo