HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-09, Page 88. • sumneienismomosmosio 1 I Clinton, Nnwa.Raoord A ThrecAidDavExhib0,' • of Ladies' -• SILK 'COAT.. 4 • •• ' • • HIS season we imported .some very handsome Silk Coats for our Goderich store, Not ex. pecting to be in business in Clin- ton, we did not order enough to • show stock in both, places. They just came a few days ago, and we have arranged to make a special 1 exhibit of them in our show room for the first three days of next week, Monday, Tuesday and Wed- • nesday, April 13th, 14th and 15th. They are exceptionally handsome garments, exclusive styles, and very fashionable this season. The prices areieasonabls, and we feel sure you will be interested. Come and see them Monday, Tuesdiy, or Wednesday of next week. Easter illinery • New and Exclusive The Millinery in our show roona to- day has an individuality and exclusive- ness to it that appeals to critical ,buyers. Never did we make a-displaythat won so many unsolicited words of, • approval. Special efforts were made to -have the "Right" •Millinery this season, and we know that it is in our show room to -day. •, It is easier doing, Millinery buying in the morn- ing. We can give you wore time and better attention than when the afternoon rush is on. If you can do it, it is the hest time to select Millinery. Try it and see. Get order for Easter in. this week if you. can. Wewill have all we •can do next week, no doubt of that. . We can guarantee no disappointment. if you get your order in next week. This Store for Ester doves. This is the store for Easter Gloves. The store that sells guaranceed-Inalities only, and sells them at popular prices. Big, generous assortments now on our counters that are a surety of plenty of choice in making selections. Silk, Lisle Thiead, Kid, long or short. EYery•size, Kid Gloves 88c Kid Gloves made frontline quality of skins, soft and pliable, two dome fasteners, blaeli; • white and colors. all sizes, one of the most • populap.lines, epecial at per pair ..... . . .88 - Kid Cloves $1.19 •• • • _ Kid Gloves made fro:al.:real French:kid skins, . one a the best wearing glover we ever handled. blacks and all the leading shades, every pair guaranteed, all sizes, special at pet pair 1.19 • Children's. Natty Jackets , With the ladies Silk Coats we will show some natty Jackets for small girls, • They come ' in navy and red serges and broadcloths and are neat. stylish and in -expensive, - See them next • week with the Ladies Silk Coats. • Beautiful New Suitmgs For a solution of what is most suit- able for your Spring Costume, visit our Dress Goods counter. Many new mater- ials on it this•week. Novelty stripes and new shades in the popular plain weaves. Quite the best collection and best values • anywhere hereabouts. • . • • . Broadcloths and Venetians42c, 6)c • 82c, 98c and $1.23. Plain Panamas 42c, 63c and 73c *Faddy Stripe Suitings $1 and $1.10 . . • A special line of . eitra fine quality • Black Broadcloth, very highly finished, , made from • choice 'selected wools, extra values at per yard $2.00. • Scarlet Broadcloths for Girls' Coats • " two qualities, $2 and $2.50 You Save on These Ribbons A straight •SaviAg_plk...a._yard on these new Taffeta Silk Ribbons. Heavy weight add good quality, every yard of them. - • • • Kid Cloves $1.30 • • One of the most popular lines we handle, • pique sewn. glace finish, made frorn select- ed skins. blacks and colors, per pair...... 1.30 Long Kid Gloves $2.35 • Good assortment of Long Kid Glloves, in . blacks, tan and white, made from good • : quality skins, elbow length, real good value • at per pair 2.35 . Long Silk Gloves $1.15 Extra quality Long Silk Gloves, full elbow length, good weight', will wear well.,black,, white or colors. special at per pair.,...... 1.15 4.C3.11111 "ItT.W., riulwrzAs April 9th, 1903 Easter Novelties •-.- • • • COmfng 10: • The new Easter Novelties in Ladies' Silk Collars, Leather Belts, Wash Belts, KidGloves, Veilings, Ribbons,Hosiery, Etc., are coming in daily. We carry nothing but the best, and it will be worth your while to come in and see the many new and pretty accessaries for Easter. • Come in as often as you 'like, whether you buy or not. Easter Leather Belts • Easter Leather Hefts are here in great array, in tans. browns, greens, blacks and blues, with fancy gilt, steel and 160 . leather buckles, from 25c to 1. Easter Wash Belts Wash Belts will' be, a strong feature this season. We have many novelties in embroidered linen with pearl buckles from . ,......: . .. 25c to. • . • Easter Millinery • • wow is the time to bus1 Easter Millinery before the rush of the last week. • Our stock snow complete in all the very newest crea- tionsin Millinery, and prices to suit, all purses. . •MISS CANT,ELON et CO, Easter Gloves. • We are sole agents for Perrin Gloves. • • ' every pair guaranteed. Our stock is • 00 'complete in long,and short Gloves, in gn .uu all shades and sizes, price .. ,f31:00 to 1. W Easter Collars We are showing s hugest range of • Logiee Fancy Silk Collars for Easter than ever before, All the very latest I E novelties that can be had, from 25c to 1 1J Fancy Hosiery • The new stiles in Ladies Fancy Hosiery are many this season. in fancy • open-work stitch. They come in black, • ' paleblue, pink, lavender, etc.,,ill sizes, price., .6... ,„... ... . .. arid 1 Spring Jackets .•Just arrived, several new designs in Ladies Spring Jackets in fawn covert cloth, in .plain and stripes, self strapp. 1 0 fl 00 ing, new style sleeves, ... . Black and Colored Voiles Voiles, in tine mesh, with ribbon • stripes and plainpromise well for spring., • We have thens in black, blue, brown. 0 7 tan and the new blue, from., 150e to 4.1 1.1 Tweed DressGoods •.We are showing a large range of light grey Tweed Dress Goods in plain checks, stripes and mixtures. These make a very pretty showing' and will • • give sp... . .... 110e tolendid wear. Ask to see these. from 76 For the •House-cleaning Season. Tapestry Rugs • •• This season we are carrying a larger range of Tap- estry Rugs than ever before.. Every Rug new this sea. son, and the very latest designs and colorings. They come in 3x3/, 3x4 and 31x4. Prices run frpm $10 up. It will pay you to see this, range if you are antici- pating a rug purchase. • . Lace Curtains: It will soon be time for hoUse-cleaning, How about your Lace Curtains ? We can save y ou rnooey on every pair of Curtains you buy here. Our ranges are complete, and prices from 25c to $o oo. • :Our special Si yards long in several dainty designs cat 't be• beaten at $1.00. • • .-: • . , • • • . - • • Ladies' RcadY.40VVear:,, Oarmen'ts: . . . .• , . . ry Goc•dg and Millinery • 300 yards Taffeta Silk Ribbons, good weight and qualities, white, crea.in; black. sky, pink, cardinal and navy. . Just about 4 inches wide, put it against any ribbon you can get anywhere at 20c and see if it is not every hit • as. good. Special these three hundred yards • at per yard ...... . . .15 •Stimething.SaVed on Towel- • '." ipg, TOO.. • Extra, heavy quality pure linen OraSh • Toweling. just the thing for rollers or hand towels. 15c is what it is worth and what it• . sells for eVerYwhere. Our special price per yard . • ' .11 The Famous Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Best in the World. Now on Sale Here.. YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST HERE Big stocks ti) choose from. Qualities beyond question. Generous assort- ments of the season's newest and best merchandise, and most for your money in each and evcry case, is this store's bid -for your business this spring. • We have the goods and they are selling for right prices. Come and put us to the test, • astei* eek, Specia.ls. We are going to start the Spring season with some rousing Bargain, and it will be to your advantage to be on hand and secure your share, as everything advertised here is worthy of your special attention. Commencing Saturday, April 1.1.th, and ending Saturday Even- ing, April 181h. •25c Ta.ffetta Ribbon for 15c 200 yards, wide Taffeta Ribbon in almost all the leading colors, Best 25c • - qualiey fOr. . •.15 50c Belts for 25c 8 doz leather Belts,_. in Tan, 'Brovvni Navy, White, Blackand Green. Hest -50e •• • quality for . • Ruching 5C: • • 85 yards of Best 10c Ruching fOr per frill •. ' .... . ... . . .. .5 25c Fancy Hatpins 2-25c. 5doi Fancy Hatpins:in a number of black and white, Best '75c quality for.... .56 Valepciennes Lace 01/2c White Lawn Waists 29c 2f30 yards fine Valenciennes Laces and•• Just a dozen °a tivo plain White Lawn .Insertion, a dozen patterns, worth up to ' Waists at f 41 I .. • •29 • See Use finer ones we are showing at 10c yard. • Easter sale ...,........... . 35c Cashmere Hose 250 90 pairs fine English Cashmere Hose, rib or plain, best 35o quality at per pair. .25 c) . $1 to 3.915 $i.25 Long Silk Gloves $1 28 pair Lon Silk Gloves heavy quid- . •"c 10 per Cent. off Embroldw ity, Mack. attire, navyi tan. Frown and thanipagne, Regular price $1.25, Easter • eries DUring Sale •sale • • r 1.00 Long Lisle Gloves in Week, Dozens and dotene of beautiful Inse tions • 3° Pairs ' white tan and brown Regular $1. dart Edgings, Allovers, Flouncinge Corset Cover ' for . g q y Embroideries, all selling at Viper cent. less ' ""'' ..... • • ' ...... "' " ' ' '79 than usual. . 35 pair Long Lae Gloves, tan brown, new designs -all color combinations, Regular 25c • quality. Easter sale 2 for.. • . .25 '25c Embroidered Hand% kerchiefs, -2 for 25c. •8 doienihroidered 1landkerciefs in a lot of pretty designs. Best 25c quality at • 2 .. . .,............ . .. .25 • $1.00".11mbrellas and Para-. Special Dress Goods offer Newcombe's $10 Coats are. Famous We are glad to announce that we have at Imasatkeeercilinreehtphepeerearovnicoets of isaiflmwrst-wclahsieticiDornesost. Best Coat made git $10. Between Da, Goderieh. who will take charge of our Dress- and 100 to choose frotn, length, grey and making°Department in a week or two. Miss fawn, plaid back. English Cravenette Whiddon is well and favorably known to a good Coats, 8 or 10 different styles to choose many Clinton ladies, whom she hat) had as from, all sizes 32 to 41., special-. 110•00 eustomerefor some time.. We want to start Spring Dress Goods buyinkin earnestlind otter Shirt Waists Ends 44c. the following Sring Dress tfloods surprise tor this Easter wee : 10 shi• rt vv • aist en • ds 0 tto D i Ivluslins, Oatubrics etc. 3 yards in eaeht • • 8018,50c. , o n ea nes, Best $1 Dress Goods 70e Recolar "P t" 50c,'Easter Sale .44 12 onlv Umbrellas and Parable. Best Millinery First $1.00 quality, Easter sale.......... . .. .50 ' 250 yards in Wthe Int, 50.irieh ell wool •ash Dress COOds-$1.25 venetimi cloth far suits and skirts, a Dress value at $1 per yet,d. Colors of black, heeutifnlly finished cloth that is splendid Our Millinery department. is now at its hest, with the largest display we have ever LI. tan, myrtle 11AVy, cardinal, bur. shown. All the latest creations for Easter, are , 75 WashIlress goods ends. (10 'yds) gayly and fa vvii 'The best. Dress Goods now ready and it will be welt worth your Gthgbanis, Ohatrihrtirs, Musline, de. Re- "1"1;tain we haVe ever offered,Easter week while to come and see Newcombe's MttlinCry gular up to 04.01 Easter sale per dress, 1.28. per yam.. ...... ..... „ ...... .7co before you buy your Spring Hat. "WAOPMNOWOMMONAMOOVANANWIMPAOMAMOMINAA*WOMOVOIAMMOMAt