HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-09, Page 6Warm weather is prevailing in •the
Western Provineee,•
Glaciney MoDoeellie store at Marin -
ora was destroyed by .,e1 -,o last night,
Loss, $11,000. •
The National Venire's • and Labor
Congress wetted on the enostniastee:
general yesterday and Weed; for a 60
per cent. inereese. the,poll ilex on
Chinese, making the entry fee $1,000.
Easily apPliod-costs but e quarter
-that's Putnam's: Corn •Extra.cter,
fifty years in use. Insist on Pittitam's
only. .•,
Clinton News-WeeOta
The' Oici-Fashioned.Notion of Fru
galitg Has [leen Departed From
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used by millions of mothers for
:their children while teething.. If
turbed by night and bioten yout
rest by a sidle died suffering an
crying with pain of cutting teeth sere!
at qnee and geb a bottle of "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syeup"efor
en teething. It will relleyt the poor
little sufferer immediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. et cures Diarrhoea, ;ague
lates the ,Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Colic, softens the'Gums, reduces
Inflammation and gives tone and en'
ergy to the whole 'system. • "Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for. child,
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and ie the prescription of one of the
oldest and best feinale physiciens and
nurses in the (hilted States. Price
25 cents a bottle. Sold by nil. drug-
gists throughout the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
ing Syrup. tie
In the suit of Moss vs. Moss, , an
action ,of father against eson, was. tried
by Justice Riddell in Toronto yester-,
day. The father • lost and must pay
the sem $1,298.78 in eatery due him.
Manchester Cereal Mill was •dee-tee -
ed by .fire at Ingeesoll last eiete
with a loss of $26,000:
Harry,- Lewie, went 'Of • Hainittoe
teller at Beainsville,,• is missing. Hie
accounts are :seraighe, it is stated:. •
The Name of
Black Watch
• On a Tag on a Plug of
Black Chewing Tobacco
• Stands for Quality.
Field peas brought 87
Mints a bushel last yen le
The -average pelt* *es
%cents. There's good
money in peas even
at 05e. And you nee*:
the vines Ieft fee fodder
or to plow under -het,
ter than stable manure
or commercial Weil -
Jeer.' It paid to grow
peas last year. This
year it •wlIl pay as Well,
dernand• keen, pea
hugs vanished..e-peent
peas for peofit. Get
them in EARL 'V
Otkin•WAY '
on tale daily until Axel 29th, 1908.
To the followhig points, t-
(VANCOVVElt, te.
PORTLAND, b4p.) •
$52,25 (MEI/00 0/TY.)
Tickets also told to Certain other
plates in proportion, 6
For tickets and further information
apply to.
P. R. Hodgens, Toven Ageet
A. 0. Patton, Depot Ticket Ag't
or write to J. D. IVIttionaid, Dirt -
Wet Passenger Agent, Toronto.
coffee mete, temetnese, end' attest ttifeet
hilmerita tire emote7 relieved be eresolene
tablete, ten eentu .aa detest/ate. .
• Ottawa, .A.pril 4th. the sane work ae in the lower grate.
I The new Colliers in the serViee are not
The .GOvernment has suffered. Nom in •general as . reliable as those of
many reverses, eriticisEllu.'zeeltposere9, preihios *cits.
and, disappointments Of late, and pare
ticularly during the VMS -Out Seeeion,
The laSt and hardeet blew hes aerie
froin a Royal ComMission; Of lee* ewn
compost*, ttit own ity and lilting within one's means has
party. friends, NO, GoVeelellient in to a°112° "tent o'bee° deParty4. trouti
Canada, federal "•trosteesee, hao, 1.10 arid inetinieee have been ound a
f- d.4)
TtInentS giving orders for dtaoris,
its ,administrattve raethorle and prac-
,relentiasely eocposea:,044, so and other .servIces to be deliveree
granted hero, Parliemente. Large
the Laurie Laurier Government hal/ahem by
the Royel cemenfsefoa. ,opoimet 4,, °tints been ' sPent lier supplies
es" botight at retell rates. (rein ',those, en
report eepon the eeniditieneand neede ;„I„, „tee, e Heavy expeeditures
ef the eivil service. Thie •Commission t""'`'"e
have been lacutted withOut .neeessary
was created in consequenee •of the
eonsideretton er siiPerVision," '
eemPlaint of civil servants that thetr
seleries, were inserlicieut in view, of• The following is the Match monthly
the inereased OA; of living. tt i..was report for' S. S. No. 14 Sta.nloy.
also suggested that the classifleation Names arc in order a merit.
might be changed, and the Commie- Firths -M. M. Fisher, G. E. Stephen-
sion were inseructee to report on the son, Rena NfeBeath, •
condition of the departmental. nrganizs St, Foueth.-A. Petrie Oda Me-
ation. They did their worie bettel Beath, J, U. Jones.
than the ministers intended. Jr, Fourth-Flannali M. Dinsdale;
•Sarah E Rafhwell
A • Liberal Corniniseion. E. '
• Sr. Thirds -II. A. Fisher, 0
• •
Extravageece Prevails.
•"The old-fashioned notion. •a "frugal
erephatically condemned as these of a Yeer lelje,excees ef• the Vdte.
The Commissioners were : Mr. Kehl., A. H. Jones- -
J. M. Courtney, for inany years Dein Jr. Third-fda P. Rathwell, Anna
uty; Minister.. of Finance; Ur, Thontas M. Hood, W. O. McDeatbe
S. . . ,
Fyshe, former -Manager of the Mete rSecond--LEWasmann, A.
chants Bank of Canada, and Mr, j, se McMurtrie, J. N. Hood. •
Bazin, retired merchant, of Quebec. Jr, Second -Anna L. Fisher.
R Mr. Courtney has any politics. he The beet spellers M the Monthly
is a Liberal, and , in his last ten ePelling matches' were':
years of service be was IVir. Fielding's Fifth -Murray -Murray Fisher.
Sr. Fourth -Arnold Petrie.
sight hand men. Mr.' Fyshe is a life,
long Liberal, and hie statement that
the greatly increased cost of living. is,
"the obvious and logical: result' of our
wasting, impoverishing, and demoral-
shows , °Yet each year to merchants whose
izirig system of protectiOn".
!hat he bee not forgotten the Cart: names are on the patronage list.
weight formula.. Mr. Bazin is.a fervent; While the practice was always bad,
member of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's party. .Yele through the great development of
the country, the extent Was not • .so
These three would not, without •the
strongest reasoas, Condemn the pAlgreat as to become serious until of
ministration of public attire by . the recent Years!!
Leerier Government Yet what • do "The piddle expenditure has iecreas-
ed in the last twelee Years 100 per
they say ? Mere axe some of the:find-
cent Or more.- The time hair come
inga, largely . given in their oWs
weeds -: • when theepraetice of paying retail
pieces .eo a .tew favored reel:chants in
SOiTIO of the Findingseach localityshould be discontinued."
: "patronage - seems' .to run through Corruption Suggested.
every department of the . public see
vice. This Patronage eerie is the cuese The Auditor -General stated • that
of the civil service. ' • . . • "in one departntent, be did net bee
"Able and worthy young men have neve in the certificates reeeieedee :
left the setvice." The aticeitor inforiiied the 'Coulees-
e The postmaster at Kingston - Wa.. sion• that ehe really:audited and took
apPointed on ' the recommemlation '. Of stock .of • only two public • deeiatte
,e, patronage cOrnmittee. "The lase, ert- meets." ..
pointment to the postihastership . oi In many Cases; steres •were . ordered
Montreal was given'''. to an ;wed mein • eneeeessaeilyend there is &elk
ber of Parliament, 07 years old." whether O good eputlity eves el,Wats
Jr, Fourth -Hannah Dinsdnie.
•Sr. Fourth -Herbert Kehl.
Second -Lawrence Wasmenri.
"Large amounts of money are paid
' Promotions have been made n mat, delivered, '
• Stores have been receieed • which
were not wanteri, and *sheer ii rep
difficult to get rid of •
ter . of politics, people l)teret brought
in from ,flus• outside and appointed ov- .
et ' the headsof men Who have glee':
their lefelinee to tlie• departreent. • In, cennection' with the purchase il
The Service has fallen feek during; supPlies, . the ' Commissionersrecom-
i the last Meet!. year arid the politic- mend that •e"inquiry bo made ae tO
al eloneet• bas, tetealleyetended to lire- working oft -he --prevention of coie
deteriorate the. seevieee' • ruption act of the eenperial Parlia-
• Promotions aremade by politiesei ment passed:in • 1906 and the bribery
-:Influence, the • officees. prompted epine clause in connection therewith." • •
Magistrate Praise* Zam-Mult
Nagietrate Rasmussen a 202 Mar-
quette St., Montreal, writes.: "For
many years 1 was troubled with
• serious eruption otth:e stein. This Ivas)
not only unsightly, but it was at UM.
05 very Painful, 1 fleet tried various
household remedies, but these Proved.
Altogether useless. I then. took Medi-
cal advioe, eto one, but seveeal doe -
tors were in turn cqnsulted, but
• wee -mottle to get any .permanent re-
lief. • Some time back I noticed ,a
110Xt• re-
om a tleatiee • ief elie,Peaee
ilklag(ateete Eery,;: ie P. for B. C.)
.who hadebeen.eueed of a chronic skin
!The Ontario Governititent Makes
an Appropriation for the Carrg
on of a Competition
tanding Field Crops.
T(n) •141(14or of The News -Record: obtained last year in aiintilatinae a
Sir - greater interest in .the produceion of
-In 1907 . thellonerable Nelsoebetter e grain, Agricultural Soeie-
Meirtei I le. Minister of Agriculture -se
,twa will again be assisted in the hold -
be a -s: eclat aptropeiatione•made pro - . ing of coemetetions standing field
ision for the carryilig 011 Of a Come
1 i ton in standing fieldcrops, for crops during 1908, under the follewitig
'' regulations : •
ten societies. These competitions votive , of gprivglition,
were so sriecessful • that an increesee
appropriation for, this year has b
tee., titions, shall be •limited to eri& Cron;
ee" to be selected. by the society, which
provided. The prize winner& in last should be one of theemes.t importan.ee
year's ' competition received an ad- to the faeinere Of the district. •En-
vanee of 'from 25 per cent. to 50 Per : tries' for conipetition must consiet of,
cent over market price for their• Si?;2d: a nem 01 not feet than foe acres, and
grein. When the fact is considered. where e0ane atd, potelecs are entered
that the annual velue of the fleet' .the minimum plot not less than one
croPs' in Ontario IP one hundred erid aeis -- •
forty millions of dollars pee. begins • •
Seleetions meet be Made from the
.to realize the vtilue of this new e de-
follpWing crops, Spring, Fail
pertuee. The ecompetitions . will be
or Goose wheat, oats,; haeley, corn,
theited to one 'hundred societies, and
peas, aleite clover, red" Clover. Kite -
should. more thee this Member apply ,
toee, beans or any other staple crop
for the grant, the. two societies first
applying in any County will be sele.e-
peoduced for seed in Ontario
, , •
te1. e. -Competitors. e'empetitore shall
The Main Obleete. ; be Waited le Members of Agricultural
stimulate a . greaterenterest Societies, and the..fields entered must
in ite , growing • of first.cios seed twt *more than fifteen. miles from
grain, . ' • • its headquarters, Competitors shall
*of he allowed to 'nutke entry in only
To ericourage the: practice-
gruwing seed for need year's eroe. -one Societe' and but one eetry can ee
in a field by itself, ,using only • the made by' each. competitote•e •
best' obtainable seed, sewing it on • -Society's Societies dee
the eleeneet and beet. 'prepared land; siriog- to enter this competitien must
alloseieg it to ripen,' and threehing notify 1.110 Superintendent tot later
and storing it s p1 ately tli tii "ehe First Bay of. May, and must
• .3, -To Obtain :lure Feed, 1, e., free make nof. lusi than. Ln entries her
Num other 'varieties, the • presence of more than twenty-five, •
which canbest be detected when the fentrits. All individ-
eropis growing. ual entriee must be forwarded by the
4. -To eneourate the use of seed secretary et •sociefees to J. Lokie
from beavy yielding etraine.
5.-Topromote the growing of seed
from clean, vigorous. crops. of uniform
tend, With bright still trave.
6. -To eneourage eareful and intelli-
gent farming and the production or
'seed free froin weeds, •
Wilson, Superintendent of, Agricultur-
al Societies, • parliament Buildings,
Toronto, before the First of June,
5,-So0ietice may, if thought' advis-
able, etiargo competitors an entry fee
of hot more than °lie dollar.
• •The hearty co.opeettiebil af all COW. Prize's. The, Ontario Department of
corned is urged to further this Me
Agrieulltire will esontribute $30.00 to
portant Agrieultural work `semen le each seciety on condition that prker
destined to Ada Materially to • . the to the amount of 00.06 be otterei,
wealth and productiveness of ti
farms of Ontario• . .
Faithfully yours,
J. Lockle
Superintendenit of Astrietdtfurat
• Societies-.
AGITISULTURAL: 'SOCI14.1TIES 194fl "e'eseee-'--..e-e-eeeeehe
To he carried bY the Cci-Operation Mr. W. P. Carroll, K.C., has been
of the Alrielittlltat SOOfttieli Braila appointed Pollee MagIstrat at Ganan-
'of the Ontario DeParement of Agt , 0'100. •
rieulturts and the 'Seed Branch of the A 'general fight toolt tac at a
Dominion Department: of 4tgrleut! thxne at Vnion, Alberta, and a
hoy nam :(t Stevenson shot Otto Tay -
Having in view the exe;lient results ler 61.6110 the leg.
these prfos to be not les; th in $15,
$12, $10, $8, and $5.
The Seed Benoit of tint Donnion
Department of Agriculturewill pel-
vide expert judges for these Pewee:i-
dols free of cost to the societiel.
disease by ZatettRiitr, and I deterMieed
to give tliteeleiDne. a trial. After a
thoroughly•Jair test,r Can Say I am
delighted with it.: I have the best et.
reasong for this conejusiOn ; because
while evevthing elixI tried -salves,
embrocations, washes,: soaps and doc-
tors' preparations, failed absolutely
.to relievemy pain incirrid me of my
trouble, three boxes of Zara-Buic
worked a complete cure. In my opin-
ion this balm should be even miere
known than it is abet I hope that
ray experience will lead other sufferere
who are in despair to try this herbal
healer, Zam-Buk.'' •
For healieg-eczema'running sores,
cute, .bruises, burns, boils, eruptions,
%alp soles, pimples, spring •tea ;twee,
chapped hands, and diseases of
the skin Earn -Bilk is without equal.
All druggists and stores sell it, 50e,
boe or prepaid, from Zara -leek Co.,
• Take Your Choice,
Have you ever almost .ruri into
some one on the street, and then dod-
ged from side to side Mt half a min-
ute, vainly endeavoring to. pass, while
the ether person by some strangefat-
ality blocked your every move by tey.
ieg to pass you in the same way
Such .was the, recent experience oi
a young man in POrtlend, Maine, He
and a strange young woman had been
going through this performance . for
several seconds, when his unwilling
eisea-vis staggered, hien by saying :
"Well,, hurry up ! Which is it to be
-a waltz or a two-step."-Wernen's
Heine Companion - for April..
Mn and women alike have to work
incessantly with band and brain, to
hold their own nowadays. Never
• were the demands or business, the
wants of the family, the, requirements
of society, more numerous. The first
effeet or the praiseworthy effort to
keep up With all these things is com-
monly seen in a weekendzor debilitat-
ed condition of ithe nervous System,
In extreme case S in complete nervous
nutrition of beth body ancUbrain, ,and
which results in dyspepsia, defective
prostration. It is clearly SeeR that
What is needed la what will' Sustain
the ystem, give vigor mid, tone to.
the nerves; and' heothe digestive and
sessirelletite filnetiene healthand 0.0 -
live. From personal knowledge we
avommend Hood's Sarsaparilla; for
this, pupae. It acts on all the vital
organs, builds ui the whole system,
and fits men and Women for these
bigh pressure days..
Thorold, March 21, -The friends oi
municipal ownership will receive dee
°idea encouragemeet from what . the
town of Thorold ha$ aecomplished in
that respect with its electric light
Plant. Some years ago thie * town
bought up the electric light plant, then
owned by a privets corporation,great,
ly improved it and lowerer.the price
of its service finally to four cents a
week per sixteen -candle power light,
peeltaps tho cheapest lighting in the
country. There's hardly a house in thq
Own which is not equeelled with eleee
The auditors' statement for last year
shows thatafter paying all expenses,
'which were necessarily very heavy, tho
department has a surplus of $795.95.
This is clear cash and does not take
into consideration- the cost of lighting
the streets. There wee twenty-five
incandescent street lights and Searing
these at a cost of 39.5Q each, the loWe
est price etreet lighting has been of-
fered to any place in Canada, $1,08/.50
should be added to the $795.05, leaving
the actual eet revenue teem the light-
ing department $1e382.e5.
The town of Thorold is just complete
ing a new waterworks system to cost
$80,000 or 190,000, and this plant will
;be run by the town in conitiection with
the electric light, ••
• If you are constantly keyed up, ner-
eous, perhaps depressed, look M• your
over-worked nerves for the cause.
They are starving for the ,neueish-
nient that Ferrozone •so qiiiekly coni -
plies. Besides its tette action on the
nervus system, Ferrozone bac; that.
vellous• blood forming propertieee it
thus supplies strengthening meterials
toevery noek and 'career of the hotly'
and brinks the eysteie to a conditeon.
of peefeet health. To be Serene:t�
it well,. and Wort long without • fat-
igee, use; Ferrozotie ; ;it is the beet
neeve sotein _tonic known. At air
dealers in 50 cent boxes. .
An Au*graph ; cook ',Sok.
A gift suitable to any .time of tne
year, original, homp-made, one thee
• will 'bring joy • to any housewife's
:heart,- is described in, the April Woin-..
en'S Home Companion. • Haye eau, ev-
er tbotight of making nit autograph
• cook book ' eeeteree a little,
patience and 'care, to have a •cook Wok
filledfell of originalrecipes of 'dist es
fit for -eeking. . •
• Fleet, 'Make a liet of youe iutineate
friends e Those noted for their . good
'cooking and leousewifely virtues of.
course should head the ltst. Write to
each' of 'them a personal note, asking
'nein to.. \Ville out and send to 'you
'their favorite iecipe. 'In each note
enclose'. a ' Stamped. envelope with
a sheet of paper .of uniforee Size for
the written melee, Then wait • •
Presently in will come whole flodcS
Of white, envelopes, eachenclosing Ute
recipe which is the particular Pride of
theepartedulaeehousewife. who doeetes
it. And before 'Meg, what a collecLion
you' Will have 1 'When all the names
.have been aceomited fore -you museget
to work and bied the sheetsinto a
book, Velluni makes a good toyer,
and if a mope sereleeable one is desire
ed. ooze leather, puichased at a Math-
er shop, may be , used, lied leather,
lettered in gold oe black, looks well,
and 'the initials of the lucky recipient
should be. added • in 'one. coiner : Jest
see whet delight thts gift will bring,
and you will, I am sure, feel envie
repaid. •
Whitechuieh :
• Mrs. J. T. Holnies is AI mitt le
grippe •
. Mr. Cottle is .Intsy sawing bee':stock
of logs. • .- •
Mre. Penel, who ie imesekeeping* for
Mr, Pettypicee, is down with wee-
monia, hut is recoverine. '
Mr. 'II. McGee is going to do some
extensive impeovemen's. t his barn,
widening It and Whig a•• straw shed.
Peter Leaver is przpariee to cm-.
tinue his new house, -'which when thy
ished will be second tonne in this
neighborhood, . .
On Monday' morning last; Mr. Mire-.
house's horse- ran away from the stas
tem, hue was stopped on the road; tie
harm was done,
A. Clow tocik home a fine 2 -furrow.
plow last 'Tuesday. "-Me. S Thompson
of Donnybrook also took:W=0 a wag-
gon a few days ego. • .,6466.
The cerise or catarrh is a gerin.fl
multiplies. in the tieing of the nose
and throat, spreads to the bronchial
tuben and finally reaches the Wags.
Cough syrup can't follow to the lungs
--Caterrhomite: is ' inhaled. 1t .goes
eveywhere---gets right alter the praise
thetri-heale the soreness--staPs
xlisebarge, and backing -cures every
trace of Catarrh: You're absolutely
certain of cure for (atarrh, throat
irritation,' colds or broeohitis, it you
use Catarthozone. up and $1.00
e, sold everywhere.
• ., TURES PLAN. ••
No physician was more successful in
treating stomach and liver troubles)
than Dr. Hamilton.' He avoided harsh!
medicines and produced a wonderful
pill of vegetable composition that al-
ways cures. Dr. Hamilton's, Pets are
noted foe promptly curing biliousness.,
sick headache'coiletipatioe and stern,'
acli trouble. They work like a charm
--very .mild -yet searching and health:
giving. No where can • a better tonic
laxative be found • than Dr: Hamilton's
Pills.- Try them- andbe co/enticed, 25
cents et all:dealers. ,. •
A big merger di Jahororganizaleone
is to be .considered at Chicago on
Monday. •
•The Provincial Board of health may
peoceed against the Ridgctown dieted
of heelth for laxity in the Matter of
smallpox; poscau tierie.' •
Amy cannot reach the seat of the
disease. Catarrh ie. a blood or • eon-
seitutional • disease, 'end in •oidee 'o
cure it you must, take internal remed-
ies. Catarrh .Cure is taken in-
ternally, and acts 'directly on the
blood. and . nitmous: surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure M not &quack melieirie.
It was preteribed by tele of the beet:
physicians In this country for years
and is a regular preseriptien. It is
somposed of the best teaks knoleen;
combined with the beat blood purifiers
acting directly on the mucous serfael-
• me, The perfect- combination od the
twe ingredients is wliat Produces such
wonderful results in curies Catarrh.
Send for testimonials free. ••
L. J. CHENEY- ct go., Props.,
Toledo, 0:
Sold by. Druggints, price 75e•.
,Takil Harm Family .Pills for con-
Dyer; a Brantford negro.
is held on a charge of assaeltirig his
neice, n ten -year-old Colored girl. He
•denied the charge.
• Fite hi the Dominion ;Coal Com-
paty's• plant on Kink street, Toronto,
last night :did $10,000 damaee, Cotes
tale Babeyau were heavy losers
by water.
The Oversees Limited Express on
the C. P. R. may .be withdrawn; The
contract with the Imperial Govern -
meet ckpires this month and, as a
result the train may be cut off,
of the citizens were teerified.
tloriAli• I
Shoe Polish
Don't be deceived by Unita.
flops. It means long lite
to your shoes to be sure
ot 2 in I
Black aid all mime
at all &a1do.
itk. awl 254
April 9th, MOS
• Undoubtedly the keit brewed on
the continent. Proved to be so by
analysis of foqr chemists, and by
awards,ef ehe w, erld's great Fete-
bitions, especially Cniceoce qe3,
where it received ninety-six .points
•out of a 'possible hundred, much
higher than any other Porter in the
• United Stales or '0 *nada,
Ontario Elections on June
• Oth
Toronto, Meech 28e -The 'Telegram
to -night says.
Guesses at the date of the provin-
cial ,elections are now the ehief amuse-
ment of politicians. around the Pallier
meat buildinge.
At present the me:St popular guess
is Tuesday, June 9,
In fact, it is said that, although
nothing definite hasbeen decided -upon,
this isthe date the Government has
in mind. It is in tavor,witli the Con-
servative members.
Dissolution- 'wilt 'follow. 1 couple a
Weeks after • the prorogation of 'the
House, which is not expected to take
place is day or two before Good Fri-
day. This will give time for a live or '
vie weeks' campaign in the finest cam-
paigning wee:tiler of the vale Now
that the redistribution details • are
known, the lase obstacle in the way
of nominating 'candidates is removed
and candidates are being nominated all
over the province. It is said that the
Government intends to make the. pow-
er question one of the big issues of the
campaign, and an important announce-
ment is. expected soon.
Next Wedriesdayeeigte Premier' Whit,
ney will be entertained at a little din-
ner, given by hi follower's in the
House. It will be a private • effete,
intended only lo emphasize the pleas,
ant ieletioeebertuwsesents.hopremier' and
his followers.
There were four interments in Brus-
sels cemetery during last week. On
Thursday afternoon James Fergusson,
who Was 77 year of 'age and a resid-
ent "cif this locality for over tiny years„
died from a. stroke of paralysis, leav-
ing • a widow and grown-up fetnily.
For firteeeyears he was president of
the East Huron Agricultural Society..
. Mrs. Peter 'McIntosh ot Grey town-
ship passed ,ftway .on Tuesday and was•
buried on :Thureday. Shewa.s ease 70
yearsof age. .
' Mist Duncan McLaughlin, wbose bus -
tend predecea,seil her a 'few. yeees'ago,
was called away from tiine Tittles:day
Tomei& She had outlived the three
score and tee., :The McLaughlin fame
iivwere among the early setters of
this district.
Frank Hamnaill or $t. Thomas wen -
tett in connection with. the Till$Or."14.4
burg hold-up, has made his escape.
The telegram to „Chief Armstrong to
arrest Hawing) was not properly ad-,
dressed and went astray. •
Piaui Agree with tite,
Mr. Arthur Tennison, 88 Ientdon
Street, Toronto, writee enthusiestieally
of the merits of Payable for all
etornaeli .trouble.
"For seven years I have had Indigos -
tion and dyspepsia. I tried mores of
remedies. My room resembled a drug
store with nostrum* which I bad bought -
Eventually I used Psychine, and every
dose brought permanent relief."
All throat, lung and stomach troubles
quiekler cured by radians. It la • the
prescription of a greet special**. At
all druggists,. elee and $1,00, or Dr. T.
A. feloeum, Lsmitee, Tovonto. •
Mrs. M. M. Walker of St. Thomas
is suing the Wabash Railway for $20,-
000 damages for the death of her
husband, who was killed in Delhi in
January las•t . @
.c111150ME i!!!!!!!!!JPTIC 'TABLETS .
sou-. ligkairs' eAtIZE;47
Zof uati -
They combine the 'geeishidal Valhi of arisOlens
with the soothing properties of sliPPer7 *land lico-
rice. Your druggist sr from III 100. in stalk*
Allstitto,Mtialt Oa, malted. eice;Meeleletlese '4cur
ommeneing Feb, 29 and continuing
daily tuttil April 29th 1908.
To the following pointe :-
Tickets also sold to other certain
points in proportion. •
Pull information may be obtained
hone • • ' '
1.R. Hodgens, Town agent. •
A.. 0. Pattison, -Depot agenti
1440* -91.
••111114111 lit•
Mother's Helper
f"Black Knight" Stove Polish
is entirely new. Nothing like.
it -nothing so good -,has eijer
been offered housekeepers
"Black linighr
Stove' Polish
makes a quick, lasting
shine that stands the
hottest .fire you can build
in utahiestove.
lyg.dfor Grates,
pipes, or other Ironwork yott
want to keep polished. 3 .
Issiston having
Seeds of this beautiful " Santa Rost" Poppy
•are given absolutely free
Seeds Free
IL large grOiver' of thippleasAYel "Vont
'Santo Rom! is afl. excetitieuallit ghe *nlz-
tueof Shirley Poppies, .by .far the best ine
lihve iseen." Wewihl 'give absolutely (reek
Package of these seeds to every person Vato
vein send for our Sew handsomely ghat:mei]
1908. CstSlogue. : if ihors' 'p,refer, you: 'mai
biOte ei.pocktide.orbnr Canadian 10engvuroili.
or Canada's Pride .TOttioto Seed in 14ece44
the poppies, • s•
*rite to -day and name yourchoiee:
Derek &Hunter SondCO.,Ltd.
London, Ont.
.• •
bing List for 1908.;
"Much good reading for little 21191telpf.
The News Record and Weekly Mall "and Empire, one year.. . . , . $1.26
111 *t weekly Globes I 466E66 6•16•66616•66
16 44
4$ 44
Family Herald and Weekly Star. 1,65
WeeklY Wittie819•64.4 6 i 4.6 4 / *••• 41 , I ... • .... 1.00
" Slab •;.!..466•• .. ... •61.414 *6 4 * • * • .. •16•646 ed.0
rree rre$814664•116666,6441•6116.46•6666 1/15,
" Advertiser 41,dr_ 41,do 0000 W•d414t6666 1675
- Parinipg World......, , Er..., , ...... 1.60
Parmet'a Advocate and
Home Magazine 2,25
• 1)41313r New itii Toronto .** 4 4 o 611 000 ifi,"66006.6.tif 230
44 Star • "' ..................;...... 2.30
4 Globe , " ... t . 1661,6116,66166 teta 4,25
t. Mail ,,. " . . 64•6 . ttilkil ft*" .4."'“ 4,25
44 World ,• 44 ...°,;. ..0..• 2.50
ii• • Satutdity Night, " rod *tit" !ass
Pree Press, London .= t: ... *odd.* 6•104.6061t 6 325
Free P'reas, Evening multion.........ttlYtt a # . 1 I 2;75
• If what you want is not it this lists we can supply
it at less than it would cost you by s.ending direct.
" In remitting, please do so by Express Order, Postal
INI`ote or registered letter and address,
THE NEWS.RECOkao Clinton.