HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-09, Page 1he. Farmers' Bank of Canada (Incorporated by special act of Parliament.) . Member of The Canadian Bankers' Association and thrkToronto Clearing House. Head °ma Toronto W. R. Travers General ilanager ' A branch of thee Bank. hes been opened in the Village of Brucefield and a general banking business Will be transacted at this branch. ' . Interest allowed In theigavings-Baulc_on_ _ ONE DOLLAR . and upward e at the higbestourrent rate of interest and paid four times a year Farmers' Sale Notes discounted. Special privileges extended to accounts of Townships, farmers aud others. . Office open Saturday Evening to 9. • R. . Local Manager Vireisteetilliteelf*****PIPIP 28131 Year CLINTON, ONTARIO* THURSDAy, APRIL 9th, 1908 Whole Nantber 1518 The News -Record to the end of 19013 and The Weekly Mail and Empire for one year for 1.5 Cents. 1ent Rings higd dignet gins If you colltcolniat,n a ring i purchase, ant.unusual assortment of good *lug value awaits your nspection here.. Genuine Solitaire Diamond Rings $7. 'tied upwards. Birthstone Rings pk2.5 upwards. Good satisfaction with rings purchased from • oweler and4uiiCian. W 11 i. w., IN W Cliartiot,11414.41.4 4444 sseiie ,INOieireeeereATED 186e 'The RoycdBank of Canada Paid•elp Capital $3,900,000. Resefve $4.890.000 Total Assets • - • - - - $46,500,000 HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL ° 87 Banches in Canada 10 In -Cuba, Porto Rico• and New York. ' Correspondents through- out the world. We invite the accounts of Corporations. Fraternal Societies, Merchants, Farmers and Householder -a. Every courtesy extended. E. R. DEWART, Manager CLINTON Branch. *********IP Shtsita4.44.444444.44•44444444491 READYMADE ORoERED CLOTHING ilorrish • Oivoks. I CLOTHING • ' BOYS' DAY AT THE BIG STORE Saturdag, Apel! lIth. , We are going to make a special display of Boys' LION BRAND CLOTHING, Saturday, April 11th. We invite every Boy to call and inspect our stock of Boys' Clothing. Bring your mother—get her ' opinion, We have the newest and most up-to-date Boys' Suits we have ever shown. They fit well, and ,re tailored and finished just like the men's Suits. They have the nice long lapels, shoulder pads, double elbows, and: the knickers are made with double seats, double knees, double -stitched seams, double -stitched pockets, and are lined with grey • )1,, Silesia. Come and see them. You don't have to buy because we extend this invitation, Our new • stock of Boys' Shirts, Ties; Caps; Sweaters Sm. is now complete. A. nice pencil box given with each suit. Clinton Boys should Wearthe Lion Brand Clothing, the befit made in Cenada. A "A S'quare Deal for Every Boy." MCI RISH & CROOKS successors to flodgens Bros. Clothing Store 1014,414.1.41110.44.4141444......... THANK'S. , On Saturday last mr. F. Quigley ot, Willett presented The News-Itecierd with a terse jar of newly -made maple syrup. It :was deliciotie and much en- 10Yed by, those who have, had' the pleasure of partaking of it. Ole Bea. I.iff• 8. 0, ItathWell bas In. the window of the Cob\ Hoare elliPorillni this week a pod egg -which intestate eleven inehee by eight and three -gear. ters. It is a Mester and the goose which laid it oe the S. flatbwell homestead GOderich township, did almost equally well as ewe. A PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL, The Easter Term a one of Canada's most modern ane progressive business colleges opens April 21st. As the Clinton Business College remains open• all year, now should be a good time to enter. • Those who cannot attend, may Study at home through mail eoueses. A LOCAL OPTION' RALLY. The News -Record has been informed that an .effort • will b1 made at the County Temperance convention to be held in the Ontario street church on Thursday or next week, commencing ati 10 o'clotk, to Organize every munieip- ality in the county where Local Op- tion is not in fotee with a view of having* the law borne into effect at the same elute in all the towns; villa- ges and tewnships. The G. T. R. is giving single fare for this date. WESLEY CHURCH. • The regular meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Wesley • church will be held at the home of Mes. W. S. Harland .on Friday evening it 8 o'clockinstead or Thursday evening as previously announced. A special eles- ter program will be given and the del- egates for the branch meeting will be elected. .A good 'attendance is'request- . • Sunday next will he Paint. Sunday. ReV. W. J. .Joliffe will take for his morning subject, "Palm Sunday In- cident' and for the evening, "A. say- ing worthy . of acceptance by all." There will be ' a short evangelistic meeting at the close of the evening • service., THE TOISIN :COUNCIL. • At Monday meeting of the town council, .Councillor Hearn •ad- Voekted the .placrne• of an electric light south ofthe railivey track in that portion of the town known as "Little England." "No," said he in reply to a- .joculee insinuation of a colleague, "this is not oarryieg out any campaign Pledge for L only can- vessed in one house down there. But they are justly entitled to 'a light -Mid:should have it" "Hear, hear i" said Councillor Taylor, who, seconded the motion and it went theough*with- out opposition.' , • . 1 A request from the Business Men's '‘Assoelation bitglit'uP the thatteirof streetewatering and the opinion was unanimous, that an imProvemeoL in the service was a necessity. "The cart should be target," said the councillors, "it should be a two -horse cart ane, the council should hey and own it WO also' remarked. One member ad, 'vocated the buying of a cart and team ,and the .hiring of a man. The. 'team - and: mae could be profitablr''erreiloyed the year round, he contended. The re - Suit of the distussion wee that tender's, are being asked for the entire service, applicants to furnish cart, and for sere vices per hour. ' • The street committee having decided not to Use the *alit log drag, the reeve expressed his regret, Such a drag, said he, would cost libtle. but do a great 'deal' of good on our back- sereets which would be in geed shape a lorehight sooner if tithe treated. • Conneillor Graham reported that th me ceetery was in good , condition bat some improCements. were necesaary. For inStande, he suggested •the pity- • phase of a kw•Seate to be placed about I tel now stands and Jun third on the se "God's Acre" for the domfort dE tho' , lot now occupied by O'Neil'e grocery. who frequently visit'it. I mr. McGarva for some time handled Councillor' Smith said thee the heresy= ..es web! as geoeerwe and • street committee has not yet Made up feem ego to 1870! he also bought • its program for the seasoe, We can- owe, In 1888 he retired from - the tot very well decide until the water- grocery bueiness. In 1841, he went works queition has been finally sag- intO the manufacture of salt, the well ed upon for we do not want to lay being located' just south of the, rail - permanent roadways only to. have war track near the station. He had to dig than up again. • two partners, the firm being known as & N. Fair put a, bill of $207.- Laycock, MeGerva and Combo. In 80 for deluges sustained in their mill 1894 operations ceased. at the during the late freshet A. committee Mr. McGarea, was a life-long Mem" consisting • of Messrs. Wiltse, F'ord, her of the Presbyterian church and Graham, Taylor and Gibbings was lip- since coining to Clinton was =Meted pointed to deal with Mr. Fair and with Willis church in which he was effect, a settlement. for ma,ny years . an officelrearer:119 rbo fire brigade need nine rubber has also been a member of the Public boots and three rubber' capS, said school and Libraty Board. For many Councillor Ford, and he was insttiret- years he ,was a Justice of the Peace, ed to make the purchase only lesigning. that .(position two years . An account Of $100 was received ago when he fennel thkt the state Dr his health would not permit ef him from, Dr. Shaw, the medical health Of- ficer, for seevices rendered during the rel'.`?ining it' : t the mr. MeGarVa wak a, Man o e late smallpox epidernie. There Was tto varianoe of opinion as to the stauttehest integritt, tlis mere, Word valve of the Dr's fierVieeS. on that oe- aP°11 i g ag °":degcrv . " ed oeettpied exalted po.Atton n easion and the $100 was unanimously granted, the esteem and eonfidenet of all who knew him. COMMilIOr ,Jackson, chairman of the He is survived 'by his wife and their property, committed, suggested certain two children; MEL (ReV.;) Diehl of improvements in the stock yards. and Paisley, and Andrew at home to band stand and as he will be absent whom the sympathy of the eommunity) for some time he moved that the work is extmded., be under .the direction of .Coutteillor The funeral took plop TuesAay af- Hearn who will accordingly boss the Union, the terVideS being conducted by Rev. Do Dr. Stewart assisted by n, Couneillor Jackson also brought up 0, rior Gime, The pallbearers were t. the -matter of connection and urged the necessity of the utmost vig- ils ilariee in the matter. BOT A MUSE. Mr. W. Walker hoe boOght, the Adam Foster eroperte on High street of whieh he gets possession at olkee. It is a even located Place and when the improVements he has ender contemplee tion are completed he will have a handsome and snug borne, THE LOCAL MARKET. . Wheat 90e to 900. " Oats 25e to M. Peas 80c to 85e. Barley 65e to 70e. Butter 25e to 26c. Eggs 13o to 14e. Live 1ogs-6,10. A DRAFTSMAN. • Mr, • S. Kemp has completed his court:* in the Screaten School and has received his diploma as Architeeteral Draftsman. The course was a stiff one and covered flee years study, bgt, Mr. Kemp not only passed the exam. inations' in °deli department but with such a . high percentage as to. win warm praise from the School. He is noiv prepared" to furnish piens and specifications for poet* who contem- plate building. TfIE WHITE DYKES. • The new band, the "White Dykes" they call themselves, played out of doors her the first, time on Saturday evening last and promise °Pen -air -con - cats .at regular -intervals during the summer oceison. The Officers are as follows:: • President; Fred. Liveemore. Secretary, Thos. Watts. Treasurer, John Cooper. Leader, Herbert Cook, • The memberShie is growing and at present numbers thirteen, the follow- ing twelve in additioa,tothose above mentioned) Murray MeEwan, Fred. Cowie' John Watts, - . Menne-Hart- ley Watts, Walter. Cook, :Frenic And- eews, George, •CooPer, E. E.Ball, - Montgomery, Hawke ,and Earl Livermore.' A TASTY.LUNCHEON. On Friday evening last about two score members of the. Basieess Men's Association sat down to a tasty lun- cheon in Bartliff's restaurant, After the geed things served had been dis- posed. of Mr. • .'Fred. Jacksen. opened the ,euetomary, diseiession.'' He spokeof the credit system, saying among other things, that a long account was a pos- itive loss to a retail merchant. The matter will_he fur that _Coneidered-hY a committee. Mr. lc,' Baer of Colborne township AN ACCIDENT. , THE STOCK SHOW A SUCCESS, While assisting in the gettingrready The weather on Thursday last was forsbuilding operations at $t. Jose bad for oot of door functions, but, obis Church. yesterday, Mr. Walter nevertheless, the Spriug Stock Show Swinbank had the MisfOrtune to get held in Clinton on that day was a h4. right wrist badly spraine,d. pronounced ramose Had it been a spring-like day the attendance would LITTLE LOCALS, • have been more then doubled, but. the ' Mr. Larry Manning is critically quality of the live :et and grain. Three trampe were lodged in tile News -limed Mikes this statement on could not haee en , better. The lookup ern Tuesday night. Mrs. S. Agnew's house was brOken tmheen,WwitigraitcYtedolastlIn*dlgt>eslichneag vgeynhteler-- into yesterday afternoon and clothes.. ses, Alex: McTavish, Saa.tford ; light belonging to her ion Morgan taken, horses, Dr, Reed, Georgetown; cattle, the "Writing Express" 13014061, °Wain Tore Robson, Ilderton ; James Rennie, Toronto, Mrs. Walter King has a copy N. Y., of the issue of Thursday, Jew That the Shove was sea a succese uary 150, 1846, 62 years ago. notwithatanding the drawbao,s was Mr. George Doherty was paid $'35 due in pert to the splendid reputation for damages doee to his house during it estairlished in formee years and also the big thunder storm lately. Mr. to the energy of the promoters, parte eularly Janles Fair and J. W. Shaw, Jacob ,Taylor was the agent. • . M. D., who' are certainly entitled t ) Mrs. McGarva and family desire The thanks of all concerned. -Without through The News -Record to thank such public spirited del:icier it is int - the friends for their sympathy and possible to make such institutions a kindness during their bereavement sumee. PASSES AWAY. . : • I A SAD ACCIDENT, Eugene Solltheonthe passed away Mrs, Charlie Middleton Of Goderich last Saturday at the age of eight township met With a Very serious ac- eears. She. had been ill only for a eident on Tuesday afternoon. She had couple of weeks, spinal meningitis, be- driven in to visit her mother, Mrs, Ing the cause of her death, Her fath- • Coates Sr. and on leaving the latter' er is Mr. . Thos. Southcombe who in •home, Albert street, thehorse became now living in London. Her mother unmanageable and started down the died when she was quite young and bill at a rapid rate. When opposite ever since she has Heed with her Dr. Bail's it left the road and at Mr. grandmother, Mrs. Southcombe, Sr. Walter Kin's . it :ran between .a post She was a bright, lovable child and her early death' is • deeply ,regretted by and a tree. The Collision sinashed•th.i every one. The funerel took llace on limiuoetey.h, ethf7aelwongMtrsh.e eclemiddeinettenwalukt and Monday from their. residence loft Rate) Mr Arthur Cook's lawn. The violent tenburr' street, Rev. Mr. &eerie of- , fall, upon the hard walk Made a deep HolloVray, Freddie Rtenball, fieMting. The pallbearers werefedde gash in Mrs. Middleton's forehead aed East, ,John Cantelon, Edgar Pattison 'Thompson, Shaw . and. McRae soon Oat' "inflicted other injUrten As well. Drs. and Clifford Andrews. Among those appeered upon the .seene and in, lured lady was 'removed to the hospi- ealtal where she has since remained -in .ah unconscious condition, except at rare Intervals. . • • La.ter.-As The Newselleeord goes boquet, the 'Primary class of :Wesley to' press . this morning the hospital church, carnations and a spray from 4ingeons say that Mrs. .1Vfiddleton is Misses May • 'and. Kathleen East end now improving and their exprcse a :Miss Edha. ',reason. ;.There ' were strong hope of her ultimate. complete recovery. who gave flowers were Mrs. Watt, car•- natio* Mrs.' Hoover, narcissus, Miss' Helen • Roberton, hand 'bequet ; Miss McCrae and Mrs. Roberton, e. boquet Mies Marjory .Lappine, a many .other flowers laid' peon the cas- ket ONT: ST. CHURCH. On Sunday e morning last Rev. W. The New Pastor. E. -Kerr presented the "Wilderness • . • Terriptetione" m the study of the' Sunday last was a.geod day for the mei life of Christ Next Sunday morning Baptists of Clinton when thor he will speak from "Christ's:..Agone. paStory-Ree. T.-W.-Charlesworthicom- menced his labours amongst them. He in 6.6thsemane*" The ninsie* rendeted- by the splendid choir of this -church; comes with strong recommendations spoke of the Maitland bridge. upon .from leaders in the denomination who under the able leadership of Mr. B. J. which he is so well informed, He ob- have known him .and the Work he Gibbings, • was Oarliculary effective on jeete to the changing of the position has done for many years., tee • ;hes this oetesion, The morning anthem, of the bridge from the standpoint of filled important pastorates in London, "Let God Arise" was well rendered.. The offertery, with :the solo by Mrs.. Arkona, Wellaceburg and °trier places : . . in Ontario, • in all Of which he has WJRoss, war strikingly appropri- ' ini:7 ate and beautiful. ?.!1 the evening 'ger- don° successful work and. left the He vice Shellee's line anthem; "Hark, pwraesssiroe,fetlearis.;yigomruoctihs lpacirgaeoin at hl i tany Hark, My Sean !" Was very 'Well giv- dinary .'cOngregationsat his initial en. "Close, Close to Thee!' was givee service, and ,preached two setons - . at the offertory by MrS. B. *.J.,Gtbb MO', Miss. Lib* Cribbings, and •Mes- that were both helpful and cotiVincing. srs: R. A. Downs and Len 'Weir: in the' morning he toOlelee his :text Matt 17 -viii, emphasising the :Wadi,' There were Several additions •to "Jesus Only" and using, them as a the membership of the: church at mete) and motive in all Christian life. Sunday morning's service one of the letters presented Being from the 'Meth - and service: Jesus' Christ ilia his sae- Odistoily, South Africa - church in Kimberley„ Cape Col - aro the greatest expression and ••meas- ' The Epwerth League . service Was urn of Ged-'s love to sinners, the centre end essence 'of • all scripture taken on Monday °Veiling by MiSs Mae 'Hollpriti and Miss E. B. COureice. Wiltse pleasing atiett. and. readings were. given ' by Misses Lticy Stevens and Alice Flunking and. Mrs. R. B. Carter. CHURCH. The :pulpit of Willie church was oe- eupfed last Sunday evening by „Rev ilir. Gauld, Presbyterian missionarYro , North Ferreose. In spite of the in- . cleinent Weather there was a large -2.61) gregation to hear Me. Gauld 'whoSe '1 subject was ."Fereien Mission Work in North Formosa." The speakei outlin- ed' the work from its beginning in 1872 under the late Rev. G. MacKay tile to the present. The first period. in the those history of Missions extended from 1872 until the French Ineasiori in 1864, it being the period of persecu- tion. The second period 'extioded from 1885 to 1895, when the. Wand pissed under Japanese influence. This was a period in which the! natives. began to show svmeathy with the work, but was still fraught with thrilling exs perienees for the missionaries, 'The third period, from 1895 't6 the pres- ent, has been one of great progress- in the week, but the Japanese, whb have come to the island, look down upon the native Chinese, and despise' them for theie4 lack of education. Mr. Gauld remarked that Mr. MacKay had "ad- Vised" before his death that in future More attention must' be given the er,l• !region in connection. With mission work in. Formova. Edticatioe sh�uld reteive more attention in the future Wan the 'advice,' .not 'instruction' of the late missionary. Besides the an- them) given by the elfoir seleCidoe Was also tendered by a_quartette con- sisting' of Mesdames Dona and Campbell and Messrs. Goodwin mut Pearson, Mrs, (Dr.) Stewart to6k the fordo Monday evening at the Young People's End'eavor which Van "The 'rw0 Ger- dots, IViissionaries of the New Heb- rides." convenience and expense. By means of a..ehart Mt. Baer showed thet the proposed new route Woad lengthen , the distance to Clinton by 8,885 feet and Make '1,350 feet more hill. , Mr. David Cantelon agreed with Mr. • . Baer and urged that every effort be Made to retain She bridge at the preseht location. • cominittee consisting of John ftatisford, A. T. 'Copper and ' David tantelon was appointed to confer with the County council committee which has elle matter in hand... On Saturday evening last there ptiss- -eel .into eternal rest, one df -.the best- known and most highlerespected cit.; izene of Clinton in, the person Of Mr. .John IVIeGarea. • • He wasa native of Girvan, Ayrshire, Scotland, where he first saw the light of day in 1831, In 1854 he left the Old Land for the New and for ' one year. lived 1n Lawrence, Mess, He then •moved to Hamilton, this provin- ce, ,but..left there in a shor t•while for' Dundee.' In. 1859 MreVieGarve be- came a resident of Clinton, firs't''. em- barking ih the grocery. business, Ms first store being upon the present site of Elliott'S livery barn: He was three times burned out, his first stere, his second One where the Commercial ho - Rev. T. W. Charlesworth. beaching, for feom the promise to the seed of the woman in Genesis, to the Lamb upon the throne in Revelation, the bible is full of thie theme. This is also the only hope for sinful human -4 ity ahd the believers joy and hope, his power for service Ord comfort and, solace in sorrow.. and the hoot of death. In the evening, his, subjeet was "Four great sights," based upon the following passages a sight for, God, the world's wickedness Gee. Second, a sight for sinners ; Jesus at the cross, Luke.28-05. Third, a. sight for- saints; the glorified Sav- iour, / Jno. 8-11. Fourth, a sight for eveyone ; the Saviour at Judge, Thee 1-7. 'Phi services were bright and hearty throughout and very earn- est attention was paid to the nieSSag- es. The Church which has been so long pastorless, is greatly rejoiced at the corning of such it Van as niielsitt to them and ate most hopeful cc:in- denting the future. Mr. Charlesworth is a mati of large sympathy and in his former pastorat- es has thrown himself heartily into all thristian and benevolent work in Thos. Beacom Jas. Scott, John which all bodies cant unite and we feel Cunftinghame, d. W. Irwin, Alex. Mao sure the town generally will pe helped kenzie and Jas. Smith, by his preset:tee in our midetk: New Advertisements Eggs -II. E. Rorke -2 Wall Peper-- p. Homeseekers-e. P. ,R.-6 Easter Rates -G. T. R.-5 A Heat to Hit -C. fleare-4 Pewter Novelties-Tozer's-8 Auction Sale -J. As Slnithes5 A 3 --Day Eetibit-Hodgens'-8 Easter Specials--Nesvcombe's--8 • Easter Gowns-Ceuch & Cement, for 'Sale -J. Hamilton -5 Clothing Sale-Plurneteel BrOs.e.--1 Girl Wanted -Hotel Normandie-5 Shoe Knowledge -Fred. Jackson -i Buy the Beat -W. S. R. Hohnes-2 • Personals Miss May Smith is suffering from an attack of tonsilitis. ' Mr. Poore of London was a seest.. at Mr, A. Cantelonie yesterday. " Miss Edna Manning returned frorn a visit with Ooderieh friends this Mrs. Murray Sr,, Goderiele was the guest of Mrs, 1Vlureay of town on Tuesday. Miss Allie Johnston of Zurich ie at present visiting her uncle, M. O. Johnston. Mr. Lou Robipson of .Bayfield was the gueet for a few days last week of Clintoe friends. . Miss Sutherland from the state ol Ne- braska was the guest of Mrs, Jas. Fair on Tuesday. Dr and Mrs. Fowler ,have returned 'from ToiOnto' and will again take tip theie-residence on Ontario street. 1Vriss Muriel Holieee, London, ,and Miss • Bulmer, 'Brantrord are the 'guests of Mrs., John Holmes., Huron Road. • Mr, Thos. Sharp reterned on. Monday ' from Cobalt where he spent the whe ter and expects to. reinain in Clin- . ton ..for some' time. . Miss A.. Blackwell, who had been the guest of her stater, Mrs. , E. H. Dewart, returned to her home at DennVille on Monday. , Miss J. Je. Sutherland, publisher. of-- - the •Burt County Herald of Teleam.- . ah, Nebraska, was the .guest of Mee. Jas. Fair on Tueed.a,y. Among those from sereounding etoiwIls ' who attended the Steele Show On Thursday last were. Editor Kerr of .the 'BruSsels Post and Mr. James Leithwaite of Gederiche . Miss, Lillie Cantelon has token a posi- tion as book -keener the offiee. of . Mr.. Jae. Hamilton; coal merchant. Miss Cantelon .is a. graduate of- • the- Clintori Business College. • Mrs. A. A. Alexander, Toronto, who is accompanied hy her daughter, Anse Enid Ale/ander, is visiting her son, Mr Mr. A. Alexander of tho Jackson Mfg. Co. They intend. to remain Until Easter. Miss Nellie Brown formerly of town but lately of Hoimeseillee bat -open- ed up a dressenakine .establishment over Mr: W. R... Counter's s jevvelry store. ,• Mr.. Albert Andersen of •Goderieh. township leaveS to -morrow • for the ' .Weet: lio Will. visit.. his 'broiler; Detective Anderson, Toronto, on . , TOULC• Miss rnez Miller returned home Wont Chicago last Week and left again on - Monday for Seattle, Wash., • whore she intends remaining for some tini6 with her sister, Mrs. Currie. Mr, W. Jackson, local C. P. R. agent, ticketed the •following to .Weetern Thrbints -.this week and - Lillian Miller to 'Seattle, Waite and ' Rev: Mt. • Davidson of 'Varna to ' - Shoal Lake, Mae. Mr. F. R. Hod - gens town agent G. T. R., booked 'Mr. 'Harold W41t3e to Winnipeg on Tuesday, • Mr, and Mrs. John Fraser were the 'guests of Councillor and Mrs. Gra- ham Sunday and Monday while on .their way 'from StJoseph's Island, where they ‘spent thee winter, to their -eld ' honk at Bayeeld. Mr., '- Fraser is engaged in Ilome Missions work in connection with the Pres- . byterian church and .dering the win- ter months he labored on St. , Joseph's And in the Soo district, very succe,ssfully, The News -Record has been indirectly neon-ppd. Personals Mr. Albert Seeley was. in 'Kincardine last week at business. Mr. John Stevenson, Stratford, Was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevenson IW week, Bayfield Additional Ilayfield newson page 4. MiSs A. Sturgeon came home from Clinton for Sunday. ' A social under the auspices of the . Ladies, Guild of Trinity eiturch will be held in Othe toWn ball on the °even- ing of Thursday, the 23rd inst., • St. George's Day. Mr. Robert Pothole, while at'.1 mer last week purchased a thorobred roadster etallion and will use him in this neighborhood thio conning season. An At Home under the auspitee of the Ladies' Aid et St. Aridrewee church will be held in the haeserrient of the church on Tuesday evening next. The admission will be 16 eentS, Mr. George Stewart., who sp'eut the winter hae, left for 'Detroit last: week. His wife will join him lit a short time. Mr. Harry Fitzsimmons of Clinton was in Payileld 'the forepart of the week. Mr, George Staling, wife and fam- ily of Elva, Man., _arrived 'in tlei Vill. age on Saturday list, Mr, attd Mrs.. Sterling were former' 'residents t.f, Dayfield and left here twenty-nne years ago for the West. Mrs. Staling is a, sister Of Mr. john Pollock. fly perseverance and good inanagement they have accumulated a tompetence so that they may now Otite and take the future easier. Tho mod to take up their abode in Baylleld.