HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-02, Page 6ilillillIMPIMININ11011111,111111111.0111.1110.1111111111
// PI L S
ct, ALL
Mrs. Richard Nicholson, an yes-
ident of Hamilton, is dead, 6
r'"!‘ r
The C. N. R. will offer for sale
311 township& this summer.
A. H. Atkinson of Percy • township
was gored to death by a bull;
Frank 1VIassonville, foreman of
Hiram Walker & Sons' horse barns,
at Walkerville, died suddenly.
Mrs. Winslow's $oothing Syrup has
been used by millions of mothers foe
their children while teething. If dis-
turbed by night and broken ed 'your
rest by a sick child. suffering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth send
at once and get a. bottle of "Mrs,
Winslow's Soothing Syrup"rfor
ren teething. n will relieve the poor
little sufferer intraediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, •regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Colic, softens the'Gums, reduces
Indammation and gives thee and en
ergy to the whole system. "Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price
25 cents a., bottle. Sold by nil drug -1
gists throughout the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
ing Syrup.
Hon. Thos. Greenway was seventy
year of age On Thursday last. ..
With smoke pouring into thesohool
from a burning fan room in the Percy
street school, Ottawa, 450 thildrea
were marched. out in peileet ords.,e,in
one minute and a half. The fire was
put out without much damage.
Men should
look for this
Tag on
Tobacco. It
guarantees the high quality of
Black Watch
The Big. Black Plug.
Clinton News-14ecord .
1What a Coarse at the
IViacclonalcl Institute
What does it Cost to take a course
etthe; Macdonald Institute, Guelph,
where one hundred and thirty girla are,
Siudyiug domestic aciemei ? In the cure
wet,' issue of Enet Mid West there is
an intetesting and illustrated signed
artiele by Rev. R. DOUglas; Fraser, iu
svideli the queation is briefly aeswered
Writes : ."The Normal Course 4
yeers giveie a thorough prepare-
.tOti: ter teaching,•' and 1euis7 up to the
Teacher's Certifieate in Domestic
Apr11 2nd, 1908
"What does it cost '?'" was itsOcti" of
Bliss Watson, the Director ot r-lome
"About $1.80 a year will cover the
expense -fees, board., etc., and $00,
the 'Short 0ouree of three Monthe.
IMany girls earn the m:oney themselves;
for the Shert Course before they
conS; besides, • we have on ,arrauge-
ment by Which a girl may wort her
own way here. By acting 40 dining-
; room girl for four months'she be-
leomes entitled to the threje months"
I Short Course free. While acting as
' dining -room girl, she rooms with the
studente, and is permitted to wear
their working, dress."
' Pittsburg, Pa., March 27, -Catherine
Rooks, twenty-three year.:s was toe
day returned to her parents' home at
Net, 9 Bedford street by the authori-
ties of Lawrence county aftee a: most,
exciting expeeience last &teeing. Miss
Rookr while' in man's 'attire was chas-
ed by a Sheriff's posse in Lawrence
county which was in • search of a neg.
ro who had fatally stabbed his wife.
In the darkness the girl was mietaken
for the much -wanted negro and • she
narrowly e;:capecl lynching-. Her. voice
saved her as she was about to be
hoisted on a rope by the mOly:
The girl, Whose family is poor, has
a brother sick in Chice,g0, and a. few
days since she got the idea that she
might beat, her way on freight trains
to Chicago to help' Mtn, had she put
boy's attire. •• Being of large, frame,
she secretly tried on the clothing Of
•her ueele, and finding it fitW • well
she left a note in the hose and stare,.
ed for Chicago. By last evening . .shb
had gotten as • far as' NeWeestle. .111
the . dusk around the tailway station
she was noticed by one wild had been
out with the Sheriff MI day . looking
for Robert Washington, whon wife is
dying from -knife wounds-rinflicted by
him. The word soon passed that there'
was a ."Strange nigger man" about,
and the posse was apon in full ery
after Catherine, who unhampered by
skirts, fled like the whet. • At the end
of a . mile she was brought ..te earth,
exhaustml and. frightened 'almost to
death, but she Managed to scream a.
few titn;is so lustily that the posse
found it had : mall to .deal. With.
Miss Rooks was taiten to. Youngs -
torn, Ohio, for the night mut brolfght
back to Pittsburg :t)o-day. •
Woodstock, March 27. -John. Pa-tter-
Three hundred and 1 wenty Barnardo son, found frozen to death in Alaska,
boys arrived in Montreal on Tuesday. :1:46" Al . 40. The Globe : of March
• .t
was a brother of Rev. Gilbert . Neter-
Bel le.ville has appointed James Gel soh of Einbro. He..hod also a brother'
Lindsay a; city engin.:cr. • J•a-t'i si.ter at Or 'near .Colline,Vbed
A Black Sun
, " Black ' Knight," Stove
----- Polish is better than the t‘
..,.......,.- sun, because it makes stoves
shine by night as well as
k day.
// i _ - - -;-out-all the dirty work:- - ---
‘ \‘' It saves time - does away
with hard rubbing -- cuts
"Black Knight" means a quick, lasting polish,
that is a revelation to housekeepers. '
"Black Knight" stove .POlish
Best Polish Biggest Bee; At doaler.' 2•
Seedbed:his New Swede
Turnip Free
To introdute our New Swede Turnip, the Canadian
Gem," we will give to every inquirer for our New 1908
Catalogue a package of these seeds absolutely free. The
great turnip growing district near Guelph sliipped 40o cars
of these turnips to the Veiled States last season. " Lana-
dian Gent" never grows long or narrow, is free from side
shoots, and is of unsurpassed quality: .
If you prefer, we will send a package of (Air "Smite
Rosa" poppy or "Canada's Pride" toututo instead of the
turnip seed. Write to -day and name :eottr choice.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.,1-andon, Ont.
on sale daily until Apeil 29th, 1908,
To the following points :-
$52.25 MEXICO CITY.)
Tickets also sold to 'certain the
places in proportioe. 6
For tickets and further information,
apply to.
F. R. Hodgens, Town Agent •• •
\. 0. Pattison, DePot Ticket Ag't
er write In .1. D. McDonald,' Die-'
!rift Pa'ssenger Agent, Toronto.
C.01.1141E, cords, invt-tarwae, ame enter Arent
nienen fi too ••••b-1-.7 OVPI;OIELII
1. I t . .t ./ •
C. C. Hahn is president of the Twitt
City Trades and Labor Council of
Berlin and Waterleb.
1 • Joe Cheouchoux, an Indian, was
instantly killed by 'nit explosien, in. the
Nipissing, inine.at Cobalt.
Crossley and Hunter's receipts at
Port trope for four weeks were$520.-
92, it is said. ,
A Rhodes scholarship has been award-
ed Frank:Ernest Hawkins., arts '013.
of McGill. •
The .trial Of Percy I3owin, the young
Canadiae (hated With triUrder;
/noticed at Detroit on 'rhursday last.
, The Prince Edward Island Lee.,iela-
tors has prohibited the running of .atit-
ornobiles in that Province.. '
.11: is rumored that the prabable.dtate
of the Ontario Provincial- elections will
be ilte leth of June,
Arthur 13. Merrill, aged IS years,
of Toronto was itrrestedon.Theredey
last for forgery.
Mr. 1,tiriniant Lang of Pet rri r%thiL
may rose lite sight of Irk .eyts t,ivotg,
1r iiiiiii ho 1eco1.v.11 irorn 11f„11 A
Morris Township.
Last Sunday hmes Shaw, formerly
of the 2n4 line, paid nature's debt at
his comfortable home at Listowel. He
was born in Ireland and t'anie to Can-
ada 50 years ago. Di January 180 he
was united in marriage to Miss Isabel-
la Whaley of Weedstock. After resid-
ing for a good many years in this
township Mr. and Mrs. Shew moved
to Listowel where they have resided
for the past thirty, years. They cele-
brated their golden wedding three
yearsago. The subject of this notice
had not been in good health for the
past three years but was only confined
to7 bed three or four days. Pneumonia
was the immediate cause of death.
Deceased Was an uncle to Arthur,
son and Robert Shaw, well known in
IVIorris, be being a brother to their
father, The late Semite .Shaw, who
paseed to Ms reward .many years ago.
Mrs..W.,Rohb and Mrs. D. McCutch-
eon spent Sunday on the 2nd line.
We are sorry to hear that Mr, Jas.
Speer, while pruning trees in hiS or-
chard, fell from a tree and received a
severe shaking,
Grey Township.
Miss Laura Cardiff, daughter of
Mr. James Cardiff, has arrived home
from an eejoyable visit of five months
to the',!est, the greater portion of
which was spent in Winnipeg and Cy-
press River,
Mrs. James McKnight died recently
at the advanced age of 89 years.
She had been in 'ailing health for sonic
time but was only confined to bed few
a couple of days before her death. .
WhiteChtliSCh ,
Mr. Inc Wellwood and Miss • Ise
Craig were married on Wednesday of
last week. ..
• A number of farrnees are making
maple syrup this. spring. Sap has The following estimate of .prernier
been •running good. / Whitney and of the work of the Gov -
Mumps are still will us, • ' ernment so far is from the independent;
Now is a good time to test seed Toronto News o "Mr. Whitney has
t,orn. Corn has not been a good:crop faults as a party chief and a leader of
of late On accouptof poor seed, Parliament, He is. often impulsive
While helping Mr. Crowe load his and sometimes .• thoroughly arrogant.
implements on the ear for the West, Bat the Feat Man is sincere to . the,.
at •Whitechurch station on ' Monday, core, and is oseentiany generous • and
Mr. Hector McKay met with what fair-minded. He has none of the arts
,meght have • been a fatal . accidentof advertising, makes. no parade • of
When putting on a seed drill the car hisvirtues, and iR absolutely Candid
was shunted suddenly, and Mr. McKay and Straightforward. Thus far his
was knocked down and the spectators reputation for courage and honesty
thought he was killed. The drill was has not been impaired. Whet would be
smashed' to *COS.. : • his genius for 1 leadership under more
difrAnilt 'circumstances lias to be
eleteemins(1. , The general opinion will
se that the. GoVennment has done bet -
tet than was expected, and that its
geed works far out weigh, its blunders
and eryors. •
Remember when deliserin," the goods,
There's lots of bases in, the deep,
dark Woods
What had it in them. though, they're
up the spout -
Vet there down easy ter they had the
Though there is !eta of pikers in the
Tein't only phoney's that is clown, tin'
Suppose you'd drew a lemon at, the
, start
It Might have knocked yer nerve or
broke yer heart.
If von had missed a boost, an' .
arovn a roast,
I..31ck had blew you up, er turn you
down, „e
Instead of owning half this one.eyed
' You mightbe lingerie' about the
poet. •
$o When you pipe a' feller to the bad,
Until you've doped the kind of deal
he had,
Withold the hammer an' forbear to
knock- •
I. yhoett dr wstacked up against the deal
An' if he''d held the cards they dealt
14e might• have had you. beat about
a block.
t• • •
St. Catharines, Ont., March " 27:-
Post-offIce •Inspectors Roes; and Dur-
ston have arrived in the city to com-
plete arrangements for free mail des
livery here. They have selected eight
young erten, and it is expected . the
delivery will commence early next
Kingston, Ont.; 'March 27. --Several
prisoners in the penitentiary• have *had.
fie ileys added to their, keritenceS for
making • side pockets in the troUsere of
'three penitentiery officers A recent
. .
• • • •
tVilAt1011 allows officers to have only A GOOD
hip pockets:: Some pi the Prisoner's in Baby . Florence was much annoyed
the tailor- department' thought • that When her requests to go to see , her
this was-, a shame; arid Without Ms little coiesin,• . who . was ill, were re-
'structions. Ainiehed certain trousers fused. On demanding' the .reason, ' the
with full sets, of pockets .' Now they "Catching' qualities , of her cousins
must pay the penaltYmalady were explained at length', but
to no svaii • for sheedreW herself to
her intinitesimM height, and slowly
and scornfully Iispeil, " I theldom take
the meathles.''
piOtsburg 'girl Masqueradingin
man's clothes Was mistaken by- a Mob
for a itegro Wife-murderer..and nearly
wife was in the hospital. 'FIm isoely iynchecl, .
• 'laS P.seseel naafi ess 'tL JU1, 111.1, en the Bowin tclal at Detroit, the
1:003Iaml -ewe '11111110 Pim esisei Ina defence sought to throw .the • blame for
ta.i°A1 ,s173.11()P X4•1°J the murdei!, of Mre: Welch on Daniel
lnocin peanoas pun ;,‘Fecyr,, •se tinioue an tii,presman,
Italy iS.Anxious to prevent the em-
, igratipn of ' criminele :to America, • .-as.
•The Ling has presented his auto- . the pro, of these M the new world is
graphed pOrtralt .to the ()eerie jock- usually honest Italian emigrents.
ey Club. Roy Fetterly of • Brockville: was ac-
'eidently 'shot. Ufa back by a neigh-:
bor who was showing hint a ,rifle. •
Dig Mow, the leader of a Chinese
Tong in New York,' was shot and
package killed in the Steeet by three fellow..
country -men. • •
• A thousami-dollar moiler
was stolen from the Canadian .
'press truck --The eesses se lives -1/r Pawn gaellr0 t=7
t a wit diecusss'el the extensiOn of the'
, The new. city of Montreel loan' of a powers of the railway. i‘otryn. ssioa (Iv
million pounds was taken by the Batik er telegraphaed, telephone lines
of Montreal at 97.25,
St. Catharines, Ont, -March .
The residence of elichaeleNunschite
%% 15 raiieaciZed to -day . by n, young°
man whom' Nunschitz had laketi: in
to stop with him while ' NunschiteS
North tIastings Conservatives noms
Mated Mr, J, W. Pearce; M.P.P,, ter
the Legislature.
• .
Hon, L. P. Brodeur denies. the re-
port thatehe will, resign.; and is now
'engaged on plans toe the ideorganizas
t ton of hie. department. : • .
Mr. s. Rene Dimwit,' • Governnient
agent, reports 'that French-Canadians
are coining beck to Quebec ' in large
numbers Iron' New England owing "to
the scarcity' of work there. ,
The Aldrich: currency bill passed the
'United States Senate yesterday.
The town of Chilopa, Mexico; has
been destroyed by a fire, .which follow-
ed Thursday's earthquake.
A contract for live years for pewee'
for the Beach pumps With Inc e:atai-
ect power Company is lecumniended
by Alderrhan Peregrine of 1\1ai'.1an„1, .
Guelph, retail . merchaats say 'tite,
rates for electric light ehare;ee by rio
city are the highest in 1L. proyinee
with ,onc; exception, .
Viola Fletcher, the 5-Year-o1d daugh.!
ter of W. J. Fletther, FIuntsviilci, Was,
burned to death yesterdey .whhe
ing. with . nuitele •' •
Supt. Cunningham ,of the,Wabash
reports -that only •three. or fot engin-
eers will be rernoved. front Windsor to
St. Thomas.- • •
Premier. Hazen of New Brunswick
Congressman Heflin of Alabama elle) will Weft the Ontario . Government in
negro find a white man in a fight the near future to discus school book '
a street ear in, Washington, , legielation.
losurciwtiost..7 t 7• `0.!IIIMPr ..111441%%1~111
Douglas Findlay, arrested ih Toron-
to, charged. with embezzling 14%000
from Macdenaid & IVIaYbee, denies
tbe charge. emphatically.
Rev. Atherton, formerly of Saint
Thomas, Was freed by a Saint Louis
judge on a serious charge, the judge
holding that a kiss is but a, salute.
Two new banks, the Beek of Van-
couver and the Anglo -Canadian Bank,
were incorporated last Weeig at Ote
The body of Edward Beaman of Pet-
erboro, a C. P. R. employe, who fell
ote a bridge Dee, lath, has been found
floating on the Otanabee River.
Mr.' W. Wallace of Toronto has been
chosen chairman of toile committee ap-
pointed by Sovereign Bank shareholde
ere to look after their interests,
Indians along the American border
in New Ontario are victims of whisker
and tubcoculosis, says Mr. A. 5, Be -
and, a Toronto man, who is now tra-
velling ie that district.
The Ingersoll council refused to
grant a license fora theaterium on
the ground that it would increase the
rates of insurance on the adjacent
Hon. Frank Oliver introduced in
amendment to the immigration act,
Providing that all immigrants.. must
come into Canada froni-the country of
origin and citizenship.
The body of W. Elgin Weaver of
Peterboro has been exunaed. and will
he examined for traeee of poison. Mrs,
Weaver has disappeared, and with her
a man with* whom she was intimate.
William Fraser of the Belmont
House, Brantford, was fined $50 •and
costs for selling • liquor after bouts',
Proprietors Sallee & Campbell of the
Commercial hotel were fined $20 and
costs. '
Montreal Socialists are preparing fop
a big 'demonstration on May day.
Senator Claran has introduced a bill
to prevent the marriaee of divorced.
' Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does lt not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of' the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach ?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface watt
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
ment. It ls invaluable to motherg. with small
children. .
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
throat. 7.
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet.
, Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada 307
11 you want: to keep him in shaPe,
never let him: suffer pain. Rub on
"Neryilinc?'-it,. is no tad for cueing
strains, swellings and ,stiffriess and
sore muscles. For internal use iti
curing cramps and colic, Nerviline is a
perfect marvel. In every good training:etable hed Nerviline because
it keeps 'horses. in trim and ereduces.
the veterinary bill. Farmers, stock.
men and all horse owner's should buy
Nerviline and prove how invaluable. it
is. Good for man or beast. 25c. per
bottle at all dealers, .
William 13uckingharn of Hamilton is
deed; egeil 74 years.
The Hudson Bay line has been built
to -1e Passe. • •
Om), cannot reach the seat ot . the
disease. Catarrh is a blood or con-
stitutional disease, e,nd in order So
oure iteyou. must take internal reined-
, •
ies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken: in-
tereally, and acts directly. On the
blood and mucous serfaces. Hall's
Catarrh' Cure is not a quaok medicine.
It was prescribed by onet of the best
physicians ,iii.this ceuntry. .for yeart
and is ne regular pre.scription. It. is
composed of the' best tonics known,
combined With the best blood purifiers
.acting directly on the mucous suifac-
es. The perfect combination od the
two. ingredients' is what larciduces such
'wonderful results in curing. Catarrh,.
Send for testimonies free.
L, .1. CHENEY & CO. Props.,
Toledo 0.
Sold' by Druggists, price 75C. .
Take Hall's Family Pills for coe-
stipation. .
Josiah Gilbert, a life prisoner at
Edmonton penitentiary, is dying.
‘Joeas Tarbush, one of the pioneers
of Simcoe, is dead at Angus, aged 93,
DoctorWithdrew his Remedies
in favor of Za.m-Buk:
Mr. Ab. Wheeler, Marine and Stationary Engineer, Of LIS Front St., Belle.
villA, Ont., says: "Two months ago, while employed in.. steam laundry in this
6ty, my left hand became caught and was accidently drawn into a riot mangle.
As shoe as possiole„rhe machinery wits stopped and my band was extricated, butnot before
the flesh on the palm of the hind was literally cooked to the bone and the lingers tTere
elbow and the hand presented a shoCking sight. No one can imagine what I now s d '
out of shapb. However, quite soon after the accident my hand and arm became frightfully 3wollen
to the
and endured. Not only was it hard to bear on account of the cruel pains, but it was a great shock
to my nervous system. It was some time after the injury before the cooked flesh could be removed
from the pedal and then only a verylittle at a time. M soon as all this had been well removed,
healing baltuswere applied, but as the impreventeht was so slow t obtnineck permission front
the Doctor tor Zam.13uk to be used exclusively, as several of my men friends (having previously used
it for Seiteke injuries) spoke in the highest terms of its unusual healing qualities and urged Mkt() give
it it trial. Prom the commencement ZineBuk soothed and relieved the pains and drew out the R. AO. WHEELER, IIELLEVILLYS
sore- ess„ I now began to enjoytt good nights restand s idep. In about three weeks t i Me the ealln of any hand was nicely healed over thro' daily.
application of this svcsalerful retriedYZatn.iluk, and all Inflammation and swelling was thoroughly banished from both hand and arm.
Why not %tit: :::;:n skin treat,
•Mtl =1.• 11 3111 1
went n As? Ail von bus e u. (to is tomost
. this, upon u it It 3,., st atop tolf1C ZIIIII.
,.. Thtk Co., Toronto, Nk II., Will promptly
send you It II.tittly vomplt, boX. .1144
t , mu* dok../”..1,41mw.b.sosbmattra...wrAtletesoter
mt.....zrzzu.,4,2•AraGam, =cam
Mr. Gamey will address the Con..
servatives at Thorndale o,n Friday of
this week.
Knox church, Fingal, has extended a
call to Rev. A. L. Burch, Orangeville.
The Strowger automatic telephone
system will be introduced by the cit-
ies of Edmonton and Strathcona.
First of all you need plenty of iblood
-the red kind. Have lb pure, or oth-
erwise blotches and pirnplee will ren-
der your natural eltarmS unevailing.
Nothing can equal• Ferrozone, either as
a former of rich blood or as a skin
pi -trifler. By driving out humors, Fere
rozone cleanses inside just as water
does outhide. Because of the nourish-
ment , and building properties it con-
tains, Ferrozone, brings the system,
to a high Point of vigor, frora which
shires vim, ambition, goad spirits.
For good looks, good healdf, • bake
Ferrozone, all dealers in 50e. boxes.
Francis 1VIalsonville .of 'Settekich
East, a well-known citizen of 'that
place, dropped dead while chatting
with friends on Wednesday, •
Cure them with Putnam's Painless
Corn ana Wart Extractor. Fifty
years success is a guarantee of its
merit. Beware of substitutes.
A bill providing for old age anci
disability pensions to colliery workers,
has been introduced in the Nova Sco-
tia Legislature, 7 7
.(Teisert) Among regulations all priz-
es are for collections except whore
otherwise stated.
, The Edmonton packet, which lert,
lildlnolitOn, Nov, 2,9th, delivered the
mail at Fort Meeplierson: on Feb. 17.
At the funeral of the late Aid, John
Gaskin in Kingston, the caSket was
borne by the city policemen and fire-
Formerly doctors prescribed stom-
ach treatment for Catarrh and Bron-
chitis. They seldom cured' and Cat,
arrh hasbecome a national diseaSe.
To -day the advkbiced physician fights
Catarrh by Medicated air. He fills
the lungs, nose • and throat with. the
antiseptic. vapor . of Catarlitizone.
Cure• then is certain. Easy for: Cats
arrhozone • to cure. It contains the
essences of, 1.)ItEe pine balsams, reaches
all the 'germs and destroys the diseaSe
Every case of Catarrh, Brone.thitis and1
Sore Throat Can lie cured. by Catarrh -
°Zone. 95c, and $1.00 sties. Sold
everywhere. Get it trklay.,. .
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There s nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
puzity and merit of which
has 'heed attested by
chemists, physicians and
experts' at the great exhib.
If You could. find al simple• vegetable
remedy for keeping. ell ciegans healthy'
and strong -wouldn't you use it ?
Most, pills, are harsh, cause pain, and
sick stomach, Dr. Hamilton's Pills
aro different -they regulate and cleanse
the system so gently, act so silently
you scarcely realize you've taken med-
icine. You are cleansed-sappetit im-
proves -color clears -sleep is restored.
Every nign, woman and •child is help-
ed by Dr, Hamilton's Pills, Try a
e5c. box.
.Children EnjOy It:
"I have used Coltstoote Expectorant
with the greatest satisfaction. ',nth my
children: It is a wonderful cute for
colds and sore throat. I believe it !ay.
ed 'the life of my little on, who was
very sick front a protracted cold on his
. Orangeville, March 15, 1907.
'I am greatly pleased with the good
mishits we got from Coltsfoote Expec-
torant.I get great comfort with it for
my childreni"., ' •
171 Argyle St., Toronto:
Cloltsfocte Expectorant is the great- .
est home prescription for all throat and
chest troubles in the world. No home
should . be one hour without it You.
can have free sample by sending name
to ,Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd, Toronto. All
good druggists keep it. Price, 25e.
Send for Free Sample To -day.
iieN00.g4100.61.4 .Cittb;'
bipt.-.:1.1J4 100.-1-9086
Much good reading for htcle rp.oney.. ,
The News -Record and Weekly 1VIail and Empire, one year.. $1.25
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