HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-03-26, Page 726th, 190. 0,, H. ItIeTage,erta X. P. 5luTaggarte 1 MeTa,ggart Bros. --13.1eNK GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS • TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED. BRA FTS IS S UF INTEREST LLOWED ON POSITgee SALE NOTES PUROH- 4SED. W. IlRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICIT(111 NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Woret-CI TNTON. RIDOUT & HALE Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. C. B. 11ALE - JOHN RIDoliT •••••••••• - DR. NINIAN 'W. WOODS --- (M. R. C. S., Ngland, L. R. C. P., Ireland, C. P. I., L. M., Rotunda, Dublin.) PHYSICIAN AND SU11.111.0N, - HAYFIELD. Main St. opposite Albion hotel Office hours 8 to 10 a. arol 7 te 9 p. m. Night calls /ice. DRS. GUNN & McRAE. Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night calla at front door of °Mee cs tesi- dance, Rattenbury street. Di. T. T. McRae, University of 'Torontu. Office hours at hosMt•al :- 1 to 3 p. rn. ; 7 to- 9 p. m. DR. J. W. SHAW- -OFFICE- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON.- DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to diseases of the Eye., Ear, Nose and Throat .-Office and Residence - HURON ST. SOUTH. CLINTON. 8 doors west of the Commercial hotel. -DR. F. A. AXON.-. (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) Specialist in Crown and Bridge work. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor graduate of University of Toronto Dental Department. Graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, Chicago. Will be at the Commercial hotel Hayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. J. LEWIS THOMAS. CMI Engineer, Architect. etc. (late Dominion Department Public Walks.) Consulting Engineer for Mun- icipal and County Work, El- ectric Railroads, Sewerage and Waterworks SystemS, Wharves, Bridges and Re-enterecd con- crete. Phone 2220 LON110 N. ONT. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE . TRADE MARKS - DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may may ascertain our opinion free whether an i irs )i elltcrttg Pritailltgintilifillro 0 PoraVtai sentfree. Most agency for securing patents. Patents Wien through Munn & co. mace maid notice, Without char o. mop $detitifie yIlleritall i . A handsOmely illustratod weekly, Largest cir- culation of any Wettish) joarnal. Terms for Canada, $3.15 a Vox. Postage mousid. Sold by sli nominators. MUNI fecsegaroadoial.NewY9ft Bran taco. ow 13' St..'WashingtOn, D. -----.----- - .77"-',-.4..nelnanfier 'CANADA IP YOU voienic OP MARINO A MU IN IVO WEST 11011 SHOULD HAVX THESE Freeoks one , "SETTLERS* "WESTERN CANADA" 40TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIPAP TABLES Just the practiad information you. need Apply ,to niterest O.P.R. agent, or to 0. 11), ROOTER District. P.M Agent, TORONTO 4.eweseansmtwowipwww LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best hi Current Literature 12 COMPLZTE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PEP YEAR; 25 OTO. A COPY IND CONTINUED STORIES*, Evtme whose.* GOStitilAteau ItSELP .0,0000:0, 1111:1 nig baye been appointed agent for the M.Sissey-Harris Com- pany in this district and will keep on hand a cemplete list of supplies in tny store oppos- ite the Molsons Bank. f am also continuing die . ftour, feed :Ind seed grain bus- iness and reseeethilly solicit a continuance of your patron-. age. JA. Ford. BEFORE AND AFTER ,TREATMENT, • Canadian T'etterin.e is an absolute, certain -cure for Rezema, Acne Rosea, Tetter, Pimples, Blackheads, Ringworm, Barbers' Itch, Scald Head, Itching Piles,-IIIcers, Sores. and an cutaneous and facial blemishes. Has been thoroughly and successfully tested in hundreds of so called incurable cases. It is entirely unlike any. other preparation, mixture or ointment that has been sold or pre- scribed. A few applications will convince ;that is has wonderful medical virtue and intrinsic merit. It is made in Canada. A good honest Cana- dian preparation. • Price one bok'Fifty Cents, or Ave boxes Two Dollars. . Mailed tb'any address on receipt of ;nice. Sold and recommended by all leading Drug- gists in Canada. Pamphlet free to any address. Manufactured and sold by the sole proprie- tors. The TetterIne Chemical CO. Windstir. Ontario. , For sale by W. S. R. Frames, J. el Hovey and W. A. McConnell, drug- gists, Clinton. GRANO TRUNK TV2-rEAJ • -CAMEO CI nion Newb.ltecom , 010m.v. fAVOCEMINORINCHIEMeintfaitteteM01111990/90904203VM 6he .ROgti 6 March. BY E.W. HORNUNG, a Author of 'llallea• the Amateur Cracks - :nm." "Stingeree," Etc, �i( opp.1 CfN4YriOi. IBS. by CHARLES SOWER% SONSJ,, dcgt4S4S0140450411.114114141HOCHOGOOMM0999999 caught an evil gleam between De the men. They'd side ,against roe out, Gruthy's fingers. There followed aJ Of Wire." noise, for the mellifluous gray man had 'taken off his epectacles and was breathing on the lenses with as tran., quit a deliberation as though he went atilt in the village scheolroom, rulleg Innocent children instead of grown "Well, we obeli all wear masks." Tom glanced down at his mullet* lacket, shoes and trousers, took 92 Ida regulation cap and shook his head. "It would never be enough. There are too many of them wearing the veryi men as infamous as himself, same as these," Tom watched him still. Indeed, his "Then you'll lust have to take yeur eyes had. scarcely left this venerable chance," said gookey sharply, "or yon villain from the• moment it appeared may. kneel down and,say your pray, he was one, and now his faseinatiOtt' ere was complete, Ile glanced at his ovrn "Stop!" said Slipper. legs, crossed an uneonsclous imitation "Well, wbat new?" of the little bushranger, and his trou- "9`ranc1seo's rIgP. sers were all stained and his boots - Hockey considered the suggestion still stiff from the blood that- had ran and OnbUy aecepted it though with an down and into them, drawn by the' evil grace. lash. Then he ,looked at Medley, so right; out With them," said be, wicked and strong and sly, and his "And you slip into thetn,,young fellow, heart leaped as he had never thought Irlthout more of your JAW. We Shan't to feel it leap again. Here .was the .wait for you. ,Saddle up there, paddle man for a whipped dog to. follow! He up, or we'll never get off tonight!" leaned eagerly forward and begged • The little grey man was altogether and eraved admission to the hand go changed. The long mellifluouo word another might have pleaded tor bin gave way to the monosyllable of short '7; PIDASONAPIPMAIKIAPRIPPOIROOPPOPIPINOilal.../..0101.0.4, .44":47"e::'4,•'3:?7;•'P l'Z'•:47;•17r5'-n2.43";44101/ et hie tarnished flight stilt magnified expected worse,' ' '''' '''"' ' cab, titongn notlf I kuoirft." .. both tbe time ana the (space wbieb it nrumnay gad Roberta were now die- By this time.Peggy O'Brien nail un, bad covered. Thloigiug of the miller, patched to the convicts' huts to tell the fastened the great 011tOr daOrS at which done before his eyes and looking on rest at the tient moment what was the store drays could unload without these villains whore he baa maw, Ile happening and how tbey would all be entering the yard. /n nether Moment C011itl, half believe be Was delirious free men within an hour if they 0- Tont bad both Women Out In the open, Still. The in -credible thing was that in stained from interference, but dead with the front West angle of house be - two more hours he would be back upou men if they .ffiii not Then the Meek tween them and tbe palisade. Even that hated spot whither be had sworn crept up close to the palisade, while •the burnipg but was thus hidden from never to return alive. .. Hookey rode to one side anti the othw their view. Yet the vino ef Illeoltey . his will, as It tieemed. to Tom during overseer's but was beginning to crackle; i "You shsitolulnitey414troenad:uolurlYseellvoessel" he two Ind berthed trees.. Meanwhile, the Simpeen But a nian's fete was stronger than that raidniglit ride when not care, but and all at once Tom saw the shadow was shouting out "Let the man 'wile a very Merciful sort of fatalism, sat of his tree leapout toward the .palisade had the lest fifty Come forward and behind the reckless horseman Fatalife upon a ground of glaring red. lay on the first" tic he bad felt before, but never with hie"Rhr ieuge. ieIlitigl" cried Hookey from I "That's me," said Maebeth's voice. this result. Hitherto the feeling bad . ' "Ore us the cat!" Almost with his words a terrific There was WV, 0131Y deePened his ,despair, 'wbereas ,- now it was his Single oolace, It con- clang' elan°' clang, "rat out from 1 "Then the aul eeve's cane" soled hiM for the horrorshe haid'eOun- amid the red gum's leaves, and almost Tom had seized Miss Sullivan by the ,tenanced that . night, it even nerved with the alarm a couple of white flg• Arun WM for what deeds he must hhnseif ures leaped out into the red glare be "I don't stir!" she declared,' "Not erre In the law's eyet he WAS a branded tomb* before the night Was out Tom'etood and watched like an tic* . step!" Worse will come of it." hind the palisade, . who has forgotten he Is on the stage 1 "But my rather!" murderer as it was He seemed des ' . ' u ,....,,,,,. bin:self. tined to deserve that bra ? ' "It's Idle threats-tney don't mean a • and so persistent. SO he decided all id. *-9 wvw"' He saw the . *white figures dash word of It" through the gate and a black one gliee "Ab, miss, come mar urged Peggy. In kick uo more agaiust a fate so plain he rode, too slowly for his spirit, to in front of it. next moment He saw an agony for Tom. deliberate crime, for despite philoso- . Nat Sullivan stop running, seize his "She , shall!" be muttered, with the, PhY his:one immediate longing.was for father's arm and POlut excitedly tonozzle of one .pistol *goblet the lady' a gallop to rekindle blood which the ward' the burning hut lie saw them neck. And so betWeen then). they got ' murder of De Gruchy had turned from , both about to turn when the son was . her to the back of the how and thence fire to ice, and a 'greater comfort than lifted off bis legs as though he had across the opeu apace tia the Stables. he would have owned to himself came been an infant,' and there were coal , A$ they ran Toni turned bls. head and. of his reseltie to save and protect Peg- black arms, entwined about his night- just saw one end of a chain of ruddy gY and Miss Sullivan from this ruth-• shirt and snow •white teeth grinning" convict faces, all horribly lutent upon. .was not yet the villain he had hoped. them and would play his part But he Objective details impressed llIM little' over his shoulder,. Ilookey Simpson some unseen spectacle before the pall - galloped urt ;Slipper and Wall-eye dart- . Slide, pistols intbeir hands and masks mien ed from behind their trees. All had The stable proper faced the „open • • _. hbeoftr: ne stood ,. . less crew. Otherwice he was lane of their faces, and the masks reminded * had e rittlildrean,Thrri'scabddthleed at the time, And yet he was left with one lantself and had no' business to be ' Tom that he was looking on through • two in a stall, nod Tom was backing out a ceuple when .be discovered Peggy. the very sharpest 'memories of floating gum trees and a drooping moon, of the looker . . meddlipg with a third.. 'He told her . • He had vagitely wontiereit Why' the. • • .. . • and sharp scommand, the horn speeta-:. masks they all put on and the batteredthree would not be Wanted. We. . . ..,1 • • • t t . . . or. hi les seemeditO kindle and flash to righ , , top ha that Hookey Wore above 'his, bell was still ringing. Now he let go ' "Are. whet about your Hookey I ' e i . h ea left and, center all at onee; and yet in . the pistols'. that they loaded. and the . : the rope and ran a step or two for leave "Well, well, sa d e, was 'thinking it would never "do to . • 0 • - thre or Peer minutes they were bent' brace of horse pistols handed to him - ward; but they were four. to two With - leave you here." "wily net?" . .. .was now, however, another mao:hira7 the startling of an old man' kangaroo as benignly as ever lIPOn Tom, who . self; therlittle conversation on the wan . out him, and the four were artried, and w tch he .m must * self. .. • ' . that shone an instant gray and glossy • .. .11 was his turn to hold up.a warning were probably heedieg.foe.the . • The Stillivaiis were being dragged or . Long spurs, longer boots and a bright in the moonlight, .then boomed and .. . sea." . . ' ' .. • • - • driven .backward upon the, Palisade. .1111XL • blue :jacket with enormous buttons; bounded. into silence and the shades; • . • Tom corid make little of the swaying, • • "I woe." '"Well, the -ensign and his 'men Are,. though •some size's. too large, became . otali such things in. fact, to the final ' him wonderfully, upon the whole, and plan • of attack and division • of vil- . ' • . . - . . struggling group, 'fOr Hookey Simpson ' without doubt, between the flea and brouwat up the rear on his horse, but - a straw hat such as Dr. Sullivan, wore • lathy, made almost within sight of the . ourselves, You might have fallen in ' through the unimal's legs e had - and the convicts' plaitee; but wreathed .. deveted homestead. : . .- .. . - i faebion, crowned a disguise vvhich only • listened as he the:tight) attentively and.. klin spurs at:. the tare ew more ' .. . and more Intense. it as now as IlgOt renniied the mask te.temier it d011l- TrnS 11111Ch consulted tile- strength of .. as day. my piete. • • . . . ,, ' his present knowledge of the place, he. ' building stood out In -abnormal detail. Every board of the main • "I stay with my mates." "Witt tbim murtherin* vilrns?' "l'in one myself." -Already'r she cried. "Torn, Tom" - FLORIDA are the favente WINTER RESORTS. Round trio tickets • are .. by the •Grand Trunk Railway 'System giving choice of all the test routes, going one way •and returning • an- other, - • .. • . Full. information may be obtained from Tfie..1110K111911.1110.tuat Ore. .InsuranneGo.tuanii.,2,1.1 -Farm and Iselated Town Property- -Only -OFFICERS- J. II. McLean, President, .Seaforth P 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice-Presidelit. Brocefleld P. 0. ; 'T. E, flays, Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0. • -Di rectors -William Shesney, • Seatorth J oh Grieve, -Winthrop ; George Dale, Se. forth ; John Watt, 'Matlock'', Jobe Bennewies, Brodhagan ; 'Janice Evan Beech wood : James ,C Le it ell Y. ohnes vi lle Robert Smith Haloes ;. L: Hitt- ehley, Seaforth; lames Ciunmings Egmondville J. W. Yeo., Relines - vine. Parties desirous to eileet I:let:ranee or tiansact other business will be promptly attended to. On applieatio to any of the above °Meets. addresse.1 to their respective pestonices. Lozsc inspected by the aireetor who live' nearest the scene. GR ANO RUNK Rse'-',5L= with them." • . • glimpses of fluttet ng calico an spar - "That would have been my lOokont" with leaves and berries in ,a foreign A At the time, however, though TOM • < "Mine, too, perhaps," "What do you mean?" - "You niigbt have put them on scent." . "Be good enough to tun). rounO, . grasped very little beyond his Own in- . a;;inst tlieblackctied sItywhiIethe said Hookey f.s.luipson,. with his former • striations. He was to: she* them the •.. - Tom had seen • it eoming yet .he lost . shadows of the palisade made a glow- ' • ' . 'urbanity and. some perceptible amuse overseer's hut (the snight watchman , . tug gridiron of the. yard within. his' temper when it came. .. ni . . . .. - • . woualready be on., their side or . The.scintie was over. Something was •"So you think that of me?" be criedTenetld• t did so, and there. was De Gra- 'dead); then :he was to station himself - "You . see, how I've been treeted, and - ' , • - . eby still sitting in the moonlight, with beneath the great bell and to ring it happening. that . Toni could not see yet you think that! .. .. , furiously so soon As Ginger was haul-. . h• when -a: fiiittke of face batrici* lit upon "I did -think IV was the reply.: 141: ' his head between bis hands,. and the . . is ettr. . e was ace,a,ou p ime o them as bus as bees.. ,.. ed oot and his hut set men On. fire. see the roof of the burning hut tumble • c„urred to me to trust you san the grounds you suggest." . . - • •• . . "Then . what did :.it occur to yen e "Now, turn .again -and many thanks! 'That Wits an admirable idea . Francisco himself, and,, on the whole, repotetion_.had_ been the best part of •,' of Slipper's. They'll tike ' yon ' for accent, -because the Italian'S terrible '.. Tom Was also7to answer Mahe name of Francisco ; and to affect a foreign . high into the night, ' And. there was in and a column of clean flame 'spout. the endws tecrithl7idn . ernillniga - don't say. I do now No; it never oc- to do?" .:- - .. - :-. -----7-.----:-:. it's •.: jest as well . they • - shotilir.- Yet, him. • - ' • ' ' ' • ' . 1 ' ' ' :. • Walls .G.rtgeehr .i. ewfri tthhiengbui Hookey Simpson shrugged his shoal- • and with the flame of .e fallen mind you, he Was, a pretty' hard nut. The bell and the fire werecalculated brand licking the very -.comp heti . on 'dere as one, w,ho would rather not pay.. Yen ' mustn't disgrace. his _cloth." ' , ..1. to tempt both Sullivans forth imarnied; ' -Which he. 1a7. • .• - . * ' . ': . , • "To tie Me te.a. tree perhaps and . , Tom'. was shaking - his head when.. ,. i At all cost�. those two were to betaken: . .. This :time Toni did not forget his ' leave me thereto starve." . . ,-• ' there . --Was. O. loud cry of •"FranCiscol. ante: "'And. then!" -said tbe little man, part. , He ignored d it and hathe. over. ,..• . HOOkey Simpson,bit hip thin. )I$ i� Francisco" behind him, and he turned . poking Wall-eye' in the ribs with -his. . seer out of harm's .way in .i few see- . avoid smiling, but hent hie gray 'head .• ; ; - , : in time to catch. De .Gruchy on his . book.' . . ... . ' .., . .: , '. • - I .onds, • In two more his •mk; aswas vrhen thatwas impossible, and Tom . knees, with his clasped hands' raised -----• ' "Whit then?" inquired TOM.' ' • • . amen tbe rest' and his pistol pointed • bending .his, saw that the cork • was off the nelishedeteel hook and .its point as .. and a face of ' ashes that . broke into - . t!We sbaltdo Unto them as we've all •tvelth the others at the two white fig - Mimed as .the apparition of ..the . dead; been done by•." . . 1 •• . • . . -, WI tires. that now 'skied , side' by side. sharp•as a needle'. The little gray man • man resolved itself into, the newcomer.; 1 -But you were never here. yourself?" -: agabist the palisade, with 'tort night- ' was feeling it with his thumb as he in the dead man's clothes . With a sin- I:. "Next dootto it," returned Hooker shirtsend clinched fists, defenselese still tried to :syrallo,w, his smiles.. ., 'g le Wild the•FrenchMan Was . upon . • Simpson. "I' was at • Strachao's,...and • . •'. but Still defiant "I seer 'said Tore. In a low voice. ra "Yes, new. I seer . . . „ , • I him, The bat was .to....off, and s: ..-_. Luis old -tyrant ordered me My ilitiee. 1 - • - .. . , "Now, look you here, my fine gentle- - .: gasping' , glaring figure crotiched with ' We'll see how be likes them himself- f ' men"exclaimed Hookey from his Sad- 'Wellever do things by halves,'" eii,.. served'.. ' ke , sucking bead of 1 • . It in 'both bends as. the others rushed : just for a start" • . ! die "If you've got any sense hetween. upand closed .about him. , , .., • ''' ' "I wish it was. Strachao's we were ,: you, let's , see , you she* It Youll the end of his thumb. "We do them ' . - • -r°131• • "Calm If Cal ' If " ld-'' • .gookey Simpson, stepping forward. • f ' his f ' a I youree . pi yourse ,. sa ,, • coming to, muttered Tom, with a flash only cut 'things shorter if you don't. ' . bleed,' not without ostentation, f with all our Might."' • • ' "So I . see," repeated Totn. "WeIL .,:m.7;:g::-. ' I "It'll be his turn nest" , .1 o s ormer.p ss on. . • • What chance do you think you've got? eih, it s. too late' to look that way • . . d. oor,rebtibttehontetotte. Pi.. - • •• For some instants all Was still.' "But. when?" , . .• . . you old foolr. . • .. - - Then a thweck, thwack, thwack, was .. . and so do I. you stick at nothing. "Tomorrow -if all goes Well." T , ' • '. ' • ' . ' I'll stick •at, lege.. Pit be with yeti in he doctor s. eyes were on his convict greeted with, ayell. Of. sayage.joy, and . . • • • -T I Ivi E TAnix- Trains will arrive at and at.plft from Clinton stat.on a., follows . . • 1311FFALO AND GOlglitICII DIV. :Doing Easi, -"''' *t1,1,.12 1. In. I t II 7,35 ,t. 'ie. "Stop till you heett•what that meane," here is going to • trove himself worth 15 p. ee, said Hookey. "It means that we sad- tbe two of them put together."' die up straight away land Stick Up .4.nd Totn got a playful 'prod with the .. .1 I t 0i p. to, Castle ullivan before morning, It round part of that MUrderotis he& 0 oi fig Wes t Let p. Ift. moans at you've got to make yOnr, and yet. stood bis ground, though De 6,46I p, ill • Self extra useful there, since you know' Gruchy lay net on his face, With the .. e. • ma p,. in., nth:101111am, So *bat do yet) say tri It moon beating down on his neck and on a dark bleb there In MUch the sortie LONDON, IttIRON & DAME I)IV I For the molnent Toth could say place as that other mertal wound, Going South 7,50 1,„ m, nothing at all, He was too eurpriaed, whieh now putzled Toll) 110 more. 4 t i l 4.23 p. m I and in his surprise he was thinking of "Don't von interfere. You're dead ?lien , if von do." • , , • mis§ munivan' stood listening at the Man alive, can't yeti see for 'yourself I You 11 see, rejoined Hookey, and yr • .„ edemslirtskee a•nd crodeeYuisttnoP,sg:Iireteth. gy",eLewt brieeri.go; cdried EnToymiesefizafnegr Pheegr. huts; the men were pouring t f Miss Sullivan was gone fro m the door. • th II 11 H k SI • h I 'Then you don't mean to stop at 'what yen please, from whist to. whole- Castle Sullivan?" cried Torn, amaze . sale' niurder, only give me the ichitocel • so Shall I. There'S no Saylpg where I • le • • hi You. at. all evenM shrill be saved" ' ' .May stop with seventy convicts. at my - Pm as desperate as any a .youl. a .magn cent air,. ropp ng a re e- . • Haveol you told me the mounted po- "Not without you, Tom,?!':, • to waVe his :battered .chlinney pot as it 11 tvere.6 general's coated het. 41Y. lads," cried he, "yeur kind master vvotild call _.upon yen to stand by him bi his bour of need. Now's the time show him ourgratitude Stop! Stop' '.Not all of you et :ander .And with his horse be steinined a rush Of zealous spirit who explained them in clabrus as they unwillingly fell back, : • '" "Stand by him?" cried One: "Get at mean1,-Only•giveaStheword- and weal take him off your hands" -- "And cutkliis throat"-; "An' slit ,his juggler" - "And Islet's after"- "The ,biuldy tyrants!" Hookey ed them beak. . "Is there a single man, who'll take the coies' side in the time or • need? Let him speak now Or foreVer • after hold his mouth'' • • • 7" Not a gonvict..stirred. '• • • . "Then," said Hookey, "you the. test to Us,. and dont you hiterfere.' You're dead met if yeti do, -but free men if you Stop where you •are. Your ' blood be on your own heads!'" • , And he cantered back to the palisatie with his chimney pot hat on the side of his head and ti* hook stuck rakish- ly ,against his ribs; Tom ran un him gild caught his rein; • • ,• • "The women have got into the store saw the light -fele Where.they keep the guns -4111 you leave them to me?" "NO bioodehed, then; they're scarcer "ril make theni prisoners." • "Arid none of yourlarks Just -yet!" Tem. -wee gone. With a horse pistol itt eaen band; he dashed into the 'store and cueght Pedgy and kiss SuIlleari in the aet of lifting down the: fowling pieee“, "Surrender!" be roared, Him Sullivan ahrieked and hid her face. Peggy advanced. "Shoot a woman if you dare;" said she. 'Tie me that dares ye!" • "Peggyr he whIspeted, "Point" "I am here to save you both. De as I tell you, and make ber do the same. I'm here to ,Saye you both 1" be repeat- ed alond. "There are horsee In the sta- ble. Come with Me; and put you dn them. Undo these outer doors, Peggy." Ile had said her name by rtecident She gave him a warning glance. And now Mee Sullivan steed her ground. 'liteildfastly and, having recovered tbat tnettle whieh4aii 'he Wed; 'refused to ITIOYO 1.111S1 she knew what they wore going to do' with her father atel brother. "Nothing at all." said Tom.. "It's you they're allot." .' "ale, !tweed!" "'The two Of you." said Tom. "The men atee all right, they've given In; but they'll Nitre oft' tile WAWA ir fbov Then What do you sum:wise I went with : thqun511;0" ins' t "Nonsense, Peggy! 1 must see this I, then." my life except to sell it as dear as pee- . With these words; she set, her back . sible and be done with it as quick? I tell yeti,'" cried Tom, 1'I'm the very to the open door. But there stood Tom,. looking past and .beyond her, as , -man for you' • See here. You're ono thane] he had not heard one of them. short Take me in his place and serve . Presently a soft laugh came from his ' me the same if I turn out worse than toy wind!". - ' ' lips. . . . "All right, .Peggy! ' You are safer. His sudden, vehemence; his impas- . than I thought. Look behind you." stonedmatiner,' his fevered and infuri- . • The girl obeyed,' end there, (rotting • ated eyes all 'bid 'their" effect upolithia' two abreast through the, open eate, . Jitislirangers, who now, with the ex; Wets a score -of troopers, with the • ception of Peter Pinder. and De Gru- • glare from the still blazieg hut red- chy,, got up and held. a whispered eon- dening their whiekered faces, jeweling sultatlon some few paces from the fire. their spurs and gilding from hilt to Tom watched them eagerly', and each point the waving sword of the lad who time the wall eyes or the fire lit spec- ,rode at their head. • . '•. • tacies .Were turned' upon . him he, made .. Peggy stood aghast, with.an. amaze - ready to.rise. But now and then they . , ment that left no room for thought It glanced at De Gruchs' instead, who was Only ' when. the .cavaleade had • •va,S still Musing a sullen face, and, swept dose by 811(1 so out of sight at a at Midi times their whispers fell lower gallop that she heard Toni speaking to . still, SO that •Toni was at once startled . . i • (TO BE CONTINUED.) ' and interested When a new voice gob- bled in his eerr . . "Yabberyabber 'lenge bini-him beet laudgerie-him no Use!" • ' • 23e turned in time to catch De Gruehy The C.P.R. will plaoe fit ty- 'n,?. 'WEStn • It was Peter Pinder, whose oily on his knees. ern town sites' on the mar' et during leeks and 'curling beard nodddd die- • , gintedly in De Gruchy's direction. the coming season. • "Why not?" „gild 110111. °What has , .........,....----..., . ,....-........ he done?"' . . . • . -- "Him good fellow belonging [friend en Francisco." replied the black. "Me. leave"ni-alonga Francisco, me Hiaokey - Sirap'ou. Bael budgerie;• me le.are..'m alonga geed fellow, ray word!" • ? . 1 . And .the simian face grinned from ear to ear,. in each. Of which Tom now beheld a gold earring smeared With blood. Bet he was determined to be horrified no more, and, the trio beckon- ing him, he joined them with What alacrity he could in tbe straight waist- coat of stiff wounds which now im- prisoned.him. ' "Well,l, began the little gray Man, "we're going to give you a trial!" Tom broke out with. imptous thatike which the other instantly cut short. lice are between me and the sea? Seventyeopiietsl. That was the oIgh number at, Castle Sullivan.. I 'Then what Was this to vebich the little 1 man was leading them/ NO petty rob- bery, after ell! A grand rebellion in- stead! Tom's heart lightened at the • ' thought. He gazed at. the confident little.man, looking more like a Monkey • • dressed up 'as a highwayman and ' perched upon a horse, and he felt that •. he,....cordd nave fellowed_so ,spirited • leader with all -the spirit % he hiniself, had left but for the thing that had . been done hofore his eyes that night: There was -no more, .however, to be said.: They were at the farM.• •At the :gate (mit the gate of former ' scenes; this. one. ley ,east beyond the stables) all disinounted but the 'little general, Who was to keen his saddle is generals 'do. The others ,l'ed. their liorset to the stables,„and, 'while Woll-, eye Stalled them, Tom showed- Slipper 'and, the black his :old lair. Another convict had succeeded him as groom, .and in a few moments Young Brummy was dragged forth by Peter Pinder. SO far from offering any reeistance, howetrer, the obliging youth ,at onee put himeelf at the bushrangers' dis- posal. His zeal and enthusiasm An- gered well for the Other seventy in the huts. Under his eager guidanee the watchman, Roherts, was imatiede, ately captured in his sleep beneath the bell,.vvhereupon that official jrdned the enemy with no more demur than Brunmy. Indeed, he went the length of' shaking hands with the stipposed Italian and persOnally thanking hint for having Come at last. lioettee? on his horse mit this Prates - Bien Short end drove both prisoners be- fore him toward the overseer's hut/ which Tom bad alresidy, pointed out. The letter was now left in charge of 'the bell rope, with a last order tiot to rimg Wail the hut was well ablaze. "I thought be wits gov'nor7" Toni heard Roberts remark. "The lees you think the better," 're- torted Ilookey. • .9:tut about this over- seer of youra:-et ticket of leave, 'ilerstancl. True man, ehr by 'Which terni Etookey meant its Oppesite. "I doubt it," Said Belied& "Then all the worse for hint!" Ginger's but was but a few yards from the bell, Tom beard them miter and held his breath. The door was shut, and then he heard no more. In the main building all -was dark and stilt Ile watched it keenly, with his ears, as it were, upon the hut be. hind, At last the door reels -cited, end be heard the striking of luelfers, ac- companied by another sound, as of something being dragged from the hut, Ile looked rotted. arid it Wan Ginger's bed, The overSeer lay upon it bound end gagged. TOM. drew' a deep breath, Be had 0.0.000 • He laid an arm nhon the Frenchman's sboulder. It was the arni that ended in a hook, but the cork still guarded Its terrible point. Nevertheless the man's fate went white again.. He started forWard, btit ilookey Shnpson pushed him brick, a moment they ,were on the ground together. This was all Tom had seem All he now saw was Hookey Simpson getting .to his feet, with the burst cork forced high up the. hook, which gleamed In the moonlight as bright end cleanly as before. • l'Se that's all right!" said the little grey men, adjusting his spectacles, Which had. beconie crooked in the fray. "Half a heart is worse than no 132811, and as he cenldn't get on without the other heathen, why, it Was the itincleet thing to do. 'What's more, gentlemen,. I rather think that our yoUng recruit Going North it.e0 a. in the Sullivans and ' CHAPTER XI. ' sweet revenge of si.........**11 . , , 1 i % t .0,35 p„ in. the detested spot he meant never to r presently appeered that Tom bed . 0 pro e"e e , a a' onee, see again and of Peggy who must be not ttetveled above ti dozen milea toward the ties he fended he had *ovary, dibilioak, 4)4 . ..ii/i4,I . ; k UCTIONEE11-..1 AMES smitti ta. "wfitr, said ' lipokey. itsyltn.ii , knOW deartrebe s:itiedtierteemlgthtetleittibbereugtthytutishhe cetised Auetioneer for., the OYW mint the pieee. hat do you s ?" of Huron. All orders entreeted ts 1 "I'm known there too!" . - produced a tattered mop end pricked e wilt teceive prpmpt •atientiott. "They'd make a mar 0 e, ' "What of that" out the positiene With lila bagt- 14" te WM 0,011 either by pertutage et It f In T The ' 'then gave ire but climbed itito De ,I,, iltilliwine would' haste me back alive or andel; ettddie With incomplete tem- tfet'IrlatErtgn.tilit'ililledt,:eZthntlot iiirlinn;0171,4. '''' deal.. .T.teiLl ,have, enemies ..aitiotttr vietions linen 'the noint. The delititiai Preacher's Opinions ' Rev. P. X. McRae, Forks Badaeek, C. B.: "I always count it a. pleasure to recommend the Dr. Slocum Itemediss to my parishioners. I believe thero. is nothing better. for throat and lung troubles or weakness or. run-down By& toni. For apeaker's Sore throat I have f9und Psychine very beneficial." Rev. W IX. Stevens, Paisley, Psychine seemed just the stimulant my system needed4 shall.add my testitnony ao to its efficacy at every opportunity. Bev. B. M. Browne, Amherst Hood, MS., "X have often recommended Psychine since taking it myself, for it is a cure for the troubles you specify," Bev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "'I have used Psychine in my family; the results were marvelous. I have visited people who stet° that they never used, its equal. I Strongly reeommend it. Bev. T. S. Markdale, Ont,e '1 htiVe token two bottles of rsyciline, and am pleased to say that I am greatly. improved in health, 1 %vivo ttimbisd, with my throat, but now T Mid it about restored to its normal condition. I find my work very much less taxing: believe Psychine is all claimed for it'P These are earneet preachers of the gospel of PSYCIIII10. They know where- of they. speak. Boy:chino. 6111114 all throat, lung and stomach troeblea. Is a great 'YMCA strengthener. at Hog direetly on the vocal-, reaelvato-v rota aigeative °rearm, 11l118 .ilmoted fo ealitie gmealreq. A f ll drimedsil, nry and $1,00, or Br. T, A. hilemint, Ltd., Toronto,