HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-03-19, Page 8March 19011, 190 Millinery. .Openings: Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 20th„ 27th and 2Bth. cifORNAL opening display of Milliner' for spring on the above days in our spacious shOw roonas, Ever since the returning from the wholesale openings, Miss Reynolds and her staff have, been busy preparing for this spring opening display. What is newot and most fash- ionable in Millinery for the spring of 1908 will be here ready for your inspection. We cordially in" vite you to visit the show room any or all of the opening days. Come whenever and as often as you like. You will be interested in the new Millinery and we want you to feel free to examine it at your leisure. We are well within the mark when we say that never have we had a showing of season— able Millinery the equal of that .we will have ready for you next week. Ready Thupday aftei noon, March 26th, at two o'clock. tome any tirna after that. Dress -Making Department, Reopens Monday, March 23rd ° Miss Smith will be back from her holidays the end of this week, and our Dress making Department will be open for business the 'morning of March 23rd. Ladies'Horne Journal Patterns, the best in ,the world, can now be had here. - Monthly style books free for the asking. • Marcl. books now on our counters. Come and. get one. , • indigo Prints at 10c •• Yon never bought better prints foel2ic than t his special line • of genuine Indigo Blue Prints we are selling sit lee. We bought them direct irom the makers in England or they • would have to sell•at 14c or 15c in the regular way. Soft spots and rib ipes, all one price per yard.... ....... ....... I U quality or neat designs. good weight, neat little figures, .1 n 12%c Ginghams • Genuine imported ,Gingharns at 121e; dark and light blues, blacks, reds, etc. Past colors. fine weave. strong- cloth, checks and mixtures. A good 45e cloth anywl3ere, clearing I 2L• at per yard .... . . .. .New Novelty Dress Goods Handsome Spring Dress Goods opened up this week. Novelties in stripes and fancy weaves with the new shades in all the fashionthle plain cloths. An assortment worth seeing, and every yard of it sfling at Retiring Sale prices. We have sent from our Goderich store a collection of the seoson's novel- ties, and you can save money on every piece if you take adva,itage of this retiring sale. • keiring Sale Bargains all Along The Line. No deed to pay full price for anything in Dress Goods this spring Everything in this big store clear- ing at pricesthat spell "Savings" in capital lettPrs fpr those who buy.You will find saving prices on Dress Goods; . 'Linens, . Cottons, ' Wash GOods, Flosiei•g, • •. .Gloves, and the hundred and one things jou are needing everg dag now, Decorate Your Loom, IN MANNER BECOMING THE SEASON, THE STYLE., YOUR PURSE, AND ABOVE ALL YOUR 'XI) I V IOU AL TASTE, WE CLAIM OUR AS-. SORTMENT TO BE EQUAL TO THIS. WE THINK WE HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY; WE KNOW WE HAVE THE POPVL- AR GOODS AND THAT OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT, OUR STOCK HAS PLEASED MANY PEOPLE AND IT PLEASES US TO KNOW ,THAT THEY ARE PLEASED, W YOU .WANT, WALL PAPER IT 'WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO SEE OURS. IT MAY COST YOU SOME- THING NOT TO. • • W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest—Always Best zwescr impolarees drekriViKbli; •,* .• • Mr.W. J. Paisley, Was in Goderich on 'Tuesday. • - Mrs. Will Rossis laid efi at present with the grip. Air: 'Fred. Toll of East Wawanosh wasi .in Clinton. yesterday. ' Miss Agnew of Wingham is the guest of her brother, Dr.• Agnew. ' Mr. 011ie MoIlvthe oen of th. Royal Bank, Windsor, is visiting at his home in. town. ' .• Mes..A. Hoppa is visiting her mother Mrs. Atkiaxon of 'Exeter, who is Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevenson, • are giving a tea to a. few friends _thip evening. - Miss Hattie Pickett went to : London on Saturday where She has secured a position Mr.; Jas. Fair visited his sister, Mrs.. (Dr) Campbell, •Detroit, the fore- . part of 'the week.. Mrs. N. Faitand her son Douglas have returned from their visit to friends down -east. • . Mrs. Diehl and children of Paisley are visiting at the home of her parents, • Mr. and Mrs..John McGarva. Mr. David'Tait; wife and son of St. Paul, Minn., were guests on Mon- day of his sister-in-law, Mrs: Carl- ing Mr.'Frank Fowler Went .to Toronto on Tuesday to attend- The annual: meeting of the A. 0. U. W; 'Grand Mrs. F. L. Willis of Seaforth and '.:1Vii4s::tailor of PortEnron were 'guests of Mrs: J. Torrance for a couple of .days this week. Mrs. Sydney JackSon left fot her -home in Lethbridge, Alberta„ last Saturday. She will' spend some. tune in Toronto and Barrie.. , • Detective Phelan of Goderich was •in Clinton' on Tuesday.. The genial Dick has many friends down. ,heL whoin he occasionally comes to see. Miss Luella Walkinshaw has secured a good Position in the head' office ' 'of the RoyalBank . at Montreal . :and leaves for that 'place in a. month or Mr. Albert Tf Wallace left on Mon- day to return to the Battlefoxd district; Sask.,' .after a tbree-months visit with friends' in toWn and dis- trict. • • . • Mrs. Macdonald, after a visit ofsev- eral weekswith her sister,. ,Mrs; George Cook, Victoria street, left • On Monday, to return to her home at Hanley, . Messrs. J. B. Hoover and R.B.K are in . Lendon attending the moot- ing of the Head Camp • of the. Wood- men of the World: Mr. Hoover took pert in the opening exercises. Mr.. Eph. Runstadtler spent a couple of -days in Baden this week and on his return yesterday was aceOmpan- ied by his wife who had been visit- ingnight the parental borne: for a fort- . Dr. Shaw and Mr. Jas. Fair canvass- ed the business portion of the town this week in the interests of the County Stock Show to be held on the :2nd of April. They mei, with a liberal response. .Mr. Toward Jackson, who for the past two yearn has been otimloyod • :as money cleric in the Canadian Ex- • press Co., Toronto, has resigned and left on Thursday to take a • position 'with the Wells—Vargo Jt - press, Chicago, Ill. Mr. Thds. II. Cook returned on Fri- day last . from St.. John, N. -B., where he was engaged for neatly sit months repacking apples. It was while Tom was fn N. B. that, the province became repentant and ovee- ' threwthe Liberal Government that had been in power for aihout twenty- five years. Fifty years ago on Tuesday Councillor, Jas. L..Hearn was sworn in as a special constable and remained ett duty for three consecutive days. That was a stirring period tor the L.,iT, & IL was then under con- struction and on pay days titer 'nav- vies were in the nnlit at painting the town a very bright red. morkria.r.lordelsoo .C4enerat Smirnoil was. probably fat- ally wounded W his enemy, General Peek, In a 4001 at St. Pekrs,Targ. JRivizARI2 45r III rand Nhihnery Opening Thursday Afternoon and Evening, March 20th and Following Days. 1 Miss Cantelon & Co. beg to annouuce to theladies of Clinton and ourrounding COUOtry that we have opened new Millinery Parlors over Messrs. Tozer « Brown's store and we are having a, Grand Millinery Opening On the above date. We extend to you and your friends a hearty invitation to this opening. Come and enjoy yourselves and see the many dainty novelties for spring wear, We have engaged Miss Leigh of St. Catharines for the season as our.head trimmer, Miss Leigh has had several years experience in high-class Millinery in cities, and comes well recommended. Our Prices are .Moderate. Our StylesExclusive NEW SPRING COATS • \ ' k\\\Illi• Vs's '• • 1 • The new Spring Coats are here in all their glory in black and light and dark fawns, light tweeds, etc. This season Dame Fashion predicts short' coats, hip length, semi -fitting back to be the vogue. We have them -in all the popular colorings, and iii. vite you to itiSpect themas often as you please. Prices run from $5 to $12. Ladies Rea,dy.to-Wear Gar GPXTivroiv. •. CLINTON Dry Goods and Millinery rin GRAND • )penmg THURSDAY AFTER4OON AND EVENING March 26 and Following Days • Thursday afternoon, March 26th. we make our first display of the NEW SPRING MIL- LINERY,DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SPRING COATS, ETC. and cordially invite you to be present to see the fittest showing of new and fashionable mer- chandise • ever exhibited by this store, r. On Thurgday evening our store will be open from 8 o'clock until 9.30 in order to give all who cannot come during the day a, chance to see the display at its best Everybody welcome. - • Girls' Millinery Department. Here's something new—A IVIILLINERY DEPARTMENT FOR T1113 GIRLS. It Will' be. entirely separate from the general, Millinery Department, and we Invite all the girls in Clinton and vicinity to come to our stoie on • Pridau Afternoon, March 27th, Prom 4 to 6 o'clock To see the finest display of Girls' Spring Kitts ever shown in Clinton. Don't 'forget:the day - and lion'tforget every girl in Clinton and surrounding country is invited, v. hether you get one of the announcements or not. AdV40410011000"10110MANdilWaltAMIINANOMIlliANAMINANIVIAWASVONVIOAVIAMONOMI