HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-03-19, Page 4ra:s.ir.4,
has opened.
Our spring purchases
amounted to over 10.000
rolls Nought from the best
inanufa,cturers in Cana-
Whether it is the
cheap grades or the bee -
ter grades we can supply
your wants. .No fancy
prices for BORDER here
,as all our borders are now
sold by the roll and the
same price as the side
A11 paper trimmed
FREE which saves you
much time.
McKillop Township.
John McPherson had an auction sale
on Monday. He intends going to Man.
itoba in the near future.
Wm. Evans, our assessor, has- been on
his rounds, he is a capable official and.
well fitted in many ways to perform
the duties of his position as assessor.'
Miss Hattie . Mahoney who. has beep
visiting in this section since Christ-
mas has lett for her' home at, .'Court-
land. She will be much missed by her
many friends here.
Mr.' J. J. Irvine has been visiting
in Seaforth and taking a rest.. ,
'Munn Bros. of the sawmill are busy
manufacturing lumber and grinding.
grain between times. The little saw
mill is a great convenience to the
people of the community where it is
London Road.
Mr, and Mee Henry Livermore were
the guests of Blyth friends ov;•r Stue
Mr. George Hanley ettel'dod the
annual meeting C of the pr
anhc Grand
Lodge of Ontario Weet held
in ett.
Forest last week end also visited
friends in IZ'arrieton and Lucknow.
He was accompanied by Mrs. Hanley.
Mr. and Mrs. William Grant spent
the forepart
e pf this: week with Goiter -
tell d
'c friends,
r s,
ear. William Falconer had a auccess-
ful woe(' bee on Tuesday.
Mr- George Stanbury has bent la's
up with an attack of grip.
The many friends of Mrs, R. Jenni-
son are sorry to hear that she
tineC$ t0 suffer frOninflammatory
Miss M. F. Nett lett on Wednesday
of last week for Killarney, elan.She
spent a few days visiting in Toronto
and Berlin enroute.
Mr, Charles Kerr' of Clinton aiddres-
sod the League on Tuesday evening at
the home of Mr. George Watts,' Rev,
Mr. Sewers of Brucefield is expected
for next week et Mr. J, . re, Mc -
The death occurred last Saturday
afternoon ofMr, George Black, of th.
third cone. sine of Tuokersmith. Mr,
Black was about 40 years of age and
leaves a wife and one child. The cir-
cumstances. in connection with 1r:s
his death are very sad, For son t.
weeks lie had been helping to attend
•his aged mother, who is still quite
ill with pneumonia, . One week ago be
was in town in his 'usual good health,
but in some way contraet4d a cold
and an attack of pleurisy wile' the
result. .Soon more ,� .alarming sqm-
ptoies developed and 'pneumonic set
in, and. in' spite of most careful medi-
cal attendance,: he . succumbed to the
A meeting of the oiecu#ive of the
East Huron Teachers' Association
was held in the public school here
last Saturday, the following members
being , ' present, Miss. M. Mackay,
Messrs. D. Robb, T. ' Sitillinglaw, A.
Scott, John Hartley and W. tVloflat.
It was decided to hold the next an-
nual convention in Seaforth on May
21st and 22nd: •
' Mr. L. C.. Jackson; who has been in.
Ripley for the last two weeks, in
company with his brothel', O.'
Jackson,. of Minnedosa, Man., returned'
Mr. John Floyd, who.' has, been .i:,.
Karel:eazoo, Miele, fox some months,
is in town Mr. Floyd will move his
family to that city as soon as he can.
dispose' of his property in: town.
Prineipal McCrill of `Halifax; Dr:
Fraser 'of ;1Ion.trcal,' and 1)r♦: Davidson
of Toronto, willbe among the lecture
ers at the first :summer session IC thr
situated. - college:
e lei
Dry D
�a� ds Firm
1111111e Ittemenregagasmosignommi
Newest Af t6e Nei
Spring p g Suif><ngsC
SUITJNGS-Chevron .Suitings,. Panamus
Lustres and Venetians, in. ail latest' shades and
at all prices,
This is a new material, for dresses and
waiste for summer wear, and will wash and
wear well. Price 60c a yard,
. Gold Soutaltcbe Braids, Fancy Narrow
Gold Braids, Fancy Silk and Gold Combination •
Braids, also all the . newest colors in. Fancy
Draw Braids.
See our display Og' Silk Ung'
derrskirts Silk IVXoriettes,
White Waists and White tin*
derwear. Our Prides Dight.
The Member, for vilest Huron
Wants to Protect Casa.
dia►n Labor,
Ottawa,. March lith.—Mr. .Ie,, N.
Lewis, M. P. for West Iluron,. today
provoked 0, debate ou the pulp wood
question by moving "That itt. the
opinion of this house such duty should
he placed on the export .of pulp wood
as will be sufficient toinduce its
ufacture n-
nfaGture intopa cxtaCanada, and
thus save to the labor of
$0,000,000 now lost,
Lewis Mr. L vt began gen by quoting an e,'C-
pression.•by 'President Roosevelt that
"No. •other question ot equal gravity
is now before the nation," lebere was
n9 desire �nCarad
that at theFe p le
of the United States should be with-
out 'their daily paper, but the pro-
duct of our forests should baa manufete
tured in Canada..
Ile believed that no government in
Canada would permit our pulp foreste
to become a dreary waste. We were
bandicappcd by leek of concerted ac-
tion or lack of funds, For years we
had• grumbled because .Britain had
made bad business arraaigctnents for
us with the United States. Now we
had an opportunity to nae •pur own
bargain or laws in a vital. issue 'af-
fecting our netiontel prosperity, The
.nternational Paper Co,, controlling
over 30 miles, in a little over a year
acquired .1,255,000 acres of timber
limits, mostly in Canada, If the ex,-
x-port of pulp wood from Canada were
Mit •eft the paper manufacturing of the
United Stags would collapse. Mil-
Hoes: upon • millions of spruce lags,
hundreds of thousands of.cords of pulp'
wood• were exported yearly, front Que-
bee,. New Brunswick tend Nova Seotia
to feed pulp and papet mills of. the
Stetss, and •what did .Canada get for
this '' The government,_ not $1 a cord
the man who• handles the wood . net
much more ..;• the railways a low
rate: They did not even allow us tie
carry pulp wood' :.in Canadian vessels.
Mr.: Lewis' pointed out. that every cords
of wood ground to pulp hada value of
$20 made.. into 'fibre $3 to $20 ;
made into paper $4Q;to $45, •
He asked'the' government to take:
such:.•act•ioe as will save Jo labor men
of Canada 0,000,Q00 lost annually or
perhaps $20;000,000 .wouldbe neater
the mark. The .United States shut
out our finished product; paper, •lut
•took oar crude •product, pulp wood,
made into paper raid` undersold .us
le•Europe with their surplus dump
The farmer wouldbe helped by an.
export duty on• piilp wood.. In two.
years enough: mills would be rcmgved
to. or built in Canada to supply. - the
world. The pulp and paper 'industry
gavetncre','healthy utd steady .day gild
night employment to a' large number
.of men and warren at higier.wages. all.
the year round than 2ny otherindus-
try in Canaida '
'What happened When the Liberal
government 'of Ontario :restricted the
export of saw logs ?' Saw mi.ils strut-
ed 'humming in -all ,directions and fac-
tor:ies.folioWed, ' • •
Mr. Lewis asked. the ebternhent„ to
appoint a committee of investigation
which would report. 'at another ses-
A March Wedding
A happy event took place on the 4th
inst. at the home of Mr, and, Mrs.
JL In Tu
tip ethTurner of Steplttn, when
their daughter, Eva Lillian; was uni-
ted in the bonds' of matrimony with
Mr.. William :Herbert`, Sberri'tt of ,Cor-
bett. ,The ceremony Wis perfornied•by,
Rev, • 3, F Sutcliffe in 'the presence of
about seventy "guests, those .1rote- a
distance• tieingu Rev.' :James Turner of
Utica; ?Minh. ; I'dr.. and Miss Bothwell
of Varna ;'Mr..and. Mrs. .J. Tu'r'ner:
and Mr. and Mrs, Myers of Tlillsgreen,
Miss Lc Turner and Mr.' and eMas.
Volk of Parkhill ; Mr. and Mrs:` 'L .
Antos', of Brinsley : and Miss Marie
\Vood of Mississippi. When the sou
was beaming ,hrightly upon the scene
and the wedding ,march was being:
played by Mrs. J. Gill..the beautiftu
bride *as presented , by her father .to
the groom : ' who :4tood wanting bee
neath anarch of evergreens and
ing t-
itg from. the centre of Whitile• WaS S ,
pendeda white wedding bell, T'Itc.
bride wee arrayed in a gown of white
t t cel
to wi.tli
e. Si•
la e She ware •
veil t
ofembroidered net,„ draMpcd from
a wreath of .natural: flowers and car-
ried a boquct of white carnations ..and
hdacintlts.. Her sister, • Miss Theresa
'Tuner .acted as bridesmaid and was
dressed in dot muslin aver an under -
dress of blue, The groom Was ' sup-
ported by his brother, J. W. Sherritt
of Walpole', Sash., while little Marion
Sherritt ih a dress of blue silk trim-
med. with •white lace and .Herold Ture
ner acted as flower girl and page and'
carried • between .' them e, blue and
white cushion on which rested the
ring. The, attendeart,e wore beautiful
gifts from .the groom. After a sump-
tuous and well -served wedding .feast
toasts were briefly proposed and ad-
dresses delivered, which .showed the
high •esteem in which. the young coup -
1e are held in the community asdid
also the Malty costly presents, which
included an extefision table, a side-
board, iron bedstead, half-dozen chairs,.
racker, pidtures framed, paper rack,
beautiful . mantle clock, water sets,
table linen, bed -spreads, Willow shams,
blankets; bank notes and numerous
pieces of siiverwate atid china. Th,
young couple lett in the evening for a
trip northward, where they will spend
a few days among friends and rela-
tives. •
An orderly named Marston at Gov
ernment • I'Iloue, . Ottawa, twice rite
tempted sulci le by taking. rat poison
hut. was lotted up bS''the polieo in.
his own home
Geo', Durnion comfit ttee ,rt't ride nt
Kenneth Falconer, book-leepper, wee
examined by Mr. Fester in the .
teary into Marine Dreartment el; ri•tt•,
i at Ottawa.
The Budget brought, down by eee
Ir icldt'ng in the House indieatea •,a ,f •
licl,t of $12,f100,000 for the fl e.tl veer,
Caton Ptewf . a Ortl
The following is a report, of the pup-
upits of f le, �: N p,3 for the
month of
February based on regularity,good
deportment and general proficiency :—
V. --Emmeline Holland.
Sr. JV,—Beazer Vantelon, Percy
Munuings, Lizzie Bedard, Feenk Wil -
lams,' Lorne Jervis, Charlie Levis,
Willie Carter,
Jr. IV.—Albert Proctor.
Sr., • in . -Lorne 1•orrte McCartney, Percival
n, Norrat Holland, '
Ella, Co
Jr. III, -••-Ernest McCartney, Delbert
Huller, Lottie :Lavin, Joseph Palmer.
Sr. IF. --Carl Nair, Frank Jenkins,
Armand Alcock, Clifford Holland,
Clarence visC, onnell, Tommy Carter, Her-
Jr, IL --Elva :Proctor, Verna Jer-
vis, Stewart . Mair, • Roy Monologs,
Proctor Palnrer, •
Pt. XL—Leslie Huller, Milton Hoe,
land, Leslie Jervis, Clifton Proctor,
Daniel Gliddon.
Pt. I. --Fred. Lavis, Alvin Leonard,
William Alcock.
Number on roll 67, average ' 20,—
N. W, Trewartha, Teacher.
Rev. C. 0. J, Mass of the Luther-
anh u t c
c t fi h conducted his first Eng-
lish service on Sunday evening last.
The ' church was filled . to the doors,
although the roads• i#t the country
were next to impassable; Mr. Maass
preached a very able sermon, his re-
melts beinglistened to very closely.
Mr, J. J. Merner;,madc several
shipntents of apple 'butter last week,
some going to Toronto sand some to
the Cobalt District.
Mr, and 11Irs, IsaacHudson left testi
Monday for their new home at Ed=
Mr. William Foe, left fast week for
°Wen Sound, for a oar or two of
cedar fence posts. •
Mr. Godfrey Nicholson of.•Godericlt,
has sold his farm at the Bronson
Line, Mr. John G. Erb, gets the 101)
acres for $4200 and Mr, Daniel . Ging
erich the 25 acres for $1400.. The for-
mer has now 200 acres and the latter
the whol ; of lot 25 . or 100 acres
all:.. ;
Mr. C. L. Moser has disputed . of
his farm, to Mr. Henry Eckstein, and
Mr, Eckstein has sold to lus• neighbor
Mr. Casper L. • Walper. Possession
.'will be given iiiboth cases on the. 1st
of April. Mr. Moser will 'likely move
to Zurich.,•
a14r F: C I{albfleiscli has a big
stock: of logs`in las. mill yard. He ex'
pests shortly to erect itie saw mill,
Leadbury •
Some of the 'f irmers are busy utak-
fiig maple syrup.
. Miss Ida. Driscoll.. entertained ' a few
of her friends on' Friday evening. last,
A number .fi ern around here attended
'?he'sale: of .horses* et \valtoal one Sat
urda last:
• Seyeral from here attended • We tells
Phone meeting at Winthrop last'week.
Miss Jessie' Scott, who has been.
visiting in the West for the past few
monies, has returned to her home.
Miss Margaret • •McCullough>.visited
friends e ds .in Seaforth last '
:Miss Cora White entertained a few'
of her friends last Monday evening.
Jas. Bailie ,of the Mid concession of
Wes 'v
e t \ awlnpsh has, - traded his fifty,-
acre farm for the bakery business. of
Geo. :Stothers •' • 'Of Walkerton. The
transfer Will be made shortly. ',Mr:
Steelier§ was fortnerlya resident of
this place end bis many friends here
.Twill: wLelcomeT hiniv!! ase,kto our midst.
, paid hi semi-'
anneal visit to our school um Wednes-
day. • . •;
Me • Sellers and wife of Torontoare
at present on a Visit' to the Iitter's
former home here.
:Mrs. R. E. Manningleft last week
for London, wlleref she has• gone on ae
count of her health. We hope- the
change will benefither:, p.
T. ' G. Allen left last Monday.. for
where he has a large
timber limit. He will be absent about
a week,' During .his absence: Nat
Whyard I
ya d wi 1 have charge' of tlte.• gas.
works,. •
Miss Ella Ryan has taken, a.,position';
as clerk with J. 13, Walkout. '
,Miss Rhela Treleaven of. Ripley vis
ited friends' here teeently.
Colborne township council .ntet • oh
March 3rd. Moved by. Mr. Dustow,
seconded by Mr. Young,. that.' the
auditors' 'report be received, and
eneh auditor receive $6 for his servic-
es. Carried: A letter froth L. E.
Daneey was read, claiming; damages
for the loss: of a horse, On the L. S.
R., owned by Mrs: Carney. The mat-
ter Was left itt the bands ofe Cowin -
Or Young to investigate, and repot
at next meeting. Applieations for
the position of treasurer were reedy -
ed front R. M. Young and T. S. Ham -
Moil, . Moved by Mr, Kernighati, ' see-
onded by Mr, Young, that R. M.
Young be appointed. Carried. Moved
by Mr.• ICernighan, seconded by Mr.,
'young, that the present treasurer,
Mr. Goldthorpe, produce all books,
statements and papers, cash, etc., at
this Meeting. The motion, was deelar-
ed lost, Moved by Ur, iustow, see-
ended by Mr. S traughan, that . the
tuceting stated adjourned Until Thurs-
day at 10 oS,1ock a. m,for the
purpose of receiving the above-named
papers, etc. Carried. Moved by Mr.
ICernigban, seconded by Mt. 17ustow,
that Herbed Morris be permitted to
lock the gate at the gravel pit pur-
ehaetd from Jelin Sands. Catlett.
The council will meet again April
21st at 2 o'clock p. in. ' F, 411. Me-
Uonagh, Clerk.
Iin-s. Weaver, ot Dresden, .its t„-
iously injured in alighting fe,) : a
ftwnGlfag tr,ainat: Windsor..
Lase Their Many it tiraltlt tee-
ing Purgatives in Spring.
A meting medicine in an actual no-
cesslty, Nature demands it as an aid
to carrying off the impurities that.
have accumulated in the blood during
the winter months. Thousands ot
people recognizingg th eG i
p e necessity of a
spring medicine dose themselves with
to r
1 h i r
, g P ,g purgatives. This is a
serious mistake. Ask any doctor and
he will tell you that the use of purga-
tive medicine weakens the system,
but does not cure,di-Rose.. Ia the
spring the system needs toning 'up—
purgatives weaken. The. blood should
be made rich, red and pure—purgativ-
es cannot do this. What is needed
in the spring is a tonic, and the best
tonic medical science has yet devised
is . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every
dose of this medicine actually maker
new, rich, red blood. This new blood
strengthens every organ, every nerve,
every part of the body. That is wiry
Dr. Williams Pink Pills banish Pim-
pies and unsightly skin eruptions,
That is why they cure headaches,,
backaches, rheumatism, ' neuralgia,
general weakness and a host of other
troubles tit en mefro
mpoor, watery
blood., That is why men and women
who use Dr, Williams' Pink Pills eat
well,sleep well, and feel bright, ac-
tive and strong. Mrs. Joseph Lepage
St. Jerome, Que., says : "My daughY
ter suffered from headaches and dizzi-
ness, Iicr appetite was• poor. She
had no strength and could not .study
or do any work. She was titin and
pale as' a sheet. 'A neighbor advised
the use of Dr. Williams .Pink Pills,
and after taking a couple of boxes we
could' see ari improvement in her con-•.
dation, She peed the pills for some
weeks tenger when they fully restored
her health; end she is now enjoying
the best health she ever did.” Try
Dr. Williams' Pink- Pills this spring if
you want to be healthy and strong.
Sold by all medicine dealers orby
mail at 50 cents• a box or •sig. boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Mad
icine Co., Brockville, Ont. .
He Understood.
During a recent financial flurry , a
ClerMen 'farmerwent to the bank for:
some money. He • was :told, that the
bank was not paying out. money,. but
cashier's., cheques. lie could 'net• un-
derstand :this and insisted on nl:on-
ey. •
The aifieers took him 'in hand, • . one
it a time, with little effect, Finally.
the ,president tared his hand, 'and
after it long and .minute explanation.
some intelligence 'of the situation
seemed to lye dawning on the farmer:
Finally the president saki,: • "You;
understand. fully' now how. it iso. Hans
don't. you ?"
"Yes," said liens, "1 dink' I: do..
-lts: like this aindt; itr? :Vete' by '-•ebaby -
vakes up at night and vents milk, z'
gif.'hirn. a. Milk ticket."
ASecond Warning.
4.n upheaval Surpassingthat which.
occurred` in Ontario four vear> age
took place in New Brunswick lest
',heck. A Liberal. Government that
had been in power for
years, and which in the last : 'House
counted over tbree-`foartbs-•-=cf ulna
members as supporters, went down to
utter.' de1 ,,at, .._ its opponents winning
thirty out of forty=sin seats.
Witon Sir• #%find Laurier ciente into
power' .at. Ottawa the Provi.ictil Gov-
ernments of Manitoba, Ontario, and
New 'Brunswick were .all in Ltl,etal
hands. In .these Provinces ''', eerea-
t ca are - now in cant ol. In the .two
neve Provinces created .by the present
Dominion Government Liberal Ad
tninistrations-:'• arca ; in office, but in
three of the older ..Provinces Sir Nil
frtd s lieeteneents h•ve met with
r h
img. defeats.. '
Two . at least of the disasters
tained Were due tothe belief that
corruption and a • system 'ot electoral
crookedness had.g1'adually developed
during a long lease ,.of power: and that
it was time for a change, ,'he Oppo-
sition' at Ottawa as unusually busy
in theeffortto discredit the party in
power hoping no doubt that the :mom-
ent has come' when the public Inay be
turning .in ".mast to new leaders and
new idols in Federal adairs:-Weekly
Sun. .
• !larch 19th
nettetioet It Oltelteeelledr'e,eltetr.m^ 4 etlitefe fClothin at Costi
• t
114 ANY have taken ad.ventatge of Mir greatOlothir.,g Sale to lay
in a supply .of Men's and Soya: oth.iin while the stock is
large and the aeenrttnent complete, and although the incle-
mency of the weather has been a great drawback to all tradeduring
the last few weeks, hundreds of more than pleased customers have
found their way to this department and have gotne away* with their
their h r ni' tnds fully convinced
thee w@ are doing
advertised -=•clearing out one of the largest, newest and beat .stocks
of clothing ever offered to the people of Clinton: and at ouch ridicule
ous ;
about haw rd mea that people forget to talk of the laQt few arrinblta
Dome with the crowd and .get, a new suit or overcoat while.
Your dollar la
y' r .11 oa
w s far s outrRei hb r t .0 0 bu s
g a x who o elsewhere
B b.
y y r
E>!trl Special..
About20 Men's Qvpreoate in black and tweeds, Regular $0
and $10 Coate to clear at $5. .
REMEMBER—We carry a.full line of Boots and Shoes and
there must be a reason why this department is going ahead by leaps
and bounds. Reason; Quality and Price.
We •Stand. Batik:
o� Our Shoes:
11 an unworthy pairfinds 'place in ourstock, its not vour
fault•and notyour loss.,
Our sltrots are made in such a .way. frons such stock
that there's no excuse for anything hut entire satisfaction.
We seldom have a complaint and never a dissatisfaction
we don't do business that way. Our shoes are fashionable
durable and comfortable, and you pay only for the shoes
nothing for the name;
A tateereieome. than yoti usually see, rind leeVer Q..
for the same quality than you. ever run across.
" Always. Reliable "
s, t.h'id .. ,
Friday. and Saturday, March
y 27 and 28 �.
Foley Tiros. 'and Stewart ate report-,
ea to have been given the contract
for constrax,tdng the G. T. P. section
east of French river.
card of Education. in coitueeti8a
The. St. Thotnat B
is considering the advisability of in-
stituting a kindergarten
with the Publie Schools.
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not A drop of alcohol
in it. It is anon -alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
W. ppbttah Aur,Arialnti,a
WA. baxt.h a1Aohoi
!tont r mMioin o
1Mo urrA An to
• oot,.niU sour
., QAoto!
Ask your doctor, "Wheels the fitat great
rule of healthp" Nine doctere out of
ten will euickiyrepl , "Keep the bowels
reguba,," Then ask him another ques-
tion, "'Ohm do you think of Ayer's
Pill* for eonstlpritforie."
0.0.044ado by th,i ii 0. £yir- Oo., Ziow in,. Milia/.a+ .
LADIES -- cordially We cordial
invite•vyou to visit our
show rooms o sFriday
m on: •
and Saturday; March 27th
and 2Sth, 1908, when we will be pleased to showyou
New Millinery
for spring: We ,have a numbe
# of French, :English and American styles thatare dis-
tinctly new and stylish. •
s ,
EDN:. PORTER, Hillier •
Dress •a
s G'r ods for - Spring
p g
We have
this s
n the
heist and db;
biggest stock of Dress Goods
yet shown by us. Our Black Dress Goods made by Carr & Co, of
Btadford, England,.are in the largest variety of makes we have yet
had, the prices and dv
a values tie are as good as ever. •
Cash for Butter and Eggs,,
Successor to Mckinnon & Co., BLVT.H
'41161 44 II
Advance and take Thy
Prize the Di�niorid
We have secured the AGENCY here for the Diamond shoe
manufactured by the Weston Shoe Company, Campbell..
ford, Ont. We would like you to see these goods as they
speak for themselves, we have theta in childrelte, edissee ,
• and Ladies sizes.
• #Tall in and get a catalogue.
Oureipringstock is coatis/ a in all lines. Conte in and
examine our stock before parctasing for spring:
No trouble to shosvour goods.
V400"44ltli'1 w'o kAAdvwwwrah W'.